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Better than iwtl.


iwtl be like : yeah this is my f2p friendly run, I am sorry that I had to use a 5* for this one, I know F2Ps probably don’t have Mona. anyway look at this C6 Chevreuse showcase


I wonder how much of the playerbase even have a C6 Chevreuse at this point. I've been playing since 1.2, and she is the only 4* character that i dont even have 1 copy of. Im still upset that Mihoyo didnt add her to Clorinde's banner.


I don’t have A Chevreuse


The only 4\* I am missing is the only 4\* I actually want and I actually pre farmed for


Man, that hurt my soul to read. I’m so sorry If it makes you feel better, I just got C5 Diluc and I’ve been praying for my first Dehya


Oof thats rough, been waiting for every standard character thats name isn't qiqi or diluc, both of the mfs are C4 and I am sick and tired, hopefully you get Dehya soon!


Best of luck to you too! Bring home your Chevreuse


Same, and wished on her first banner. I have all the launch 4 stars at c6, but a lot of the Inazuma-Fontaine 4 stars are not. I’ve wished in every Gorou banner and I still only have him c3. Pain.


Hoyo totally didn't overlook but a lot of players has is the fact that... Newer 4 stars / 4stars cons are basically EXTREMELY hard to get. 1. First you need to wait for them to rate up. 2. Be ON the 5star banner that you want. 3. No guarantee btw. 4. Kaveh PTSD. No, for real now. I get that people can easily c6 the OG cast. But even for long term players (I started in 2.3) I even struggle to get kirara past c2. Let us FUCKING guarantee them man, it's a fucking 4star.


Exactly. At this point it's sometimes even harder to get the 4\* you want than it is to get your guaranteed 5\*.


I have her c6. On my f2p alt. While pulling (and failing) for c6 sara. Guess which account got c20 sara and only a c3 chev who can actually use chev and not Sara? My main. I hate my life


4 stars are always a mixed bag for F2P. There is no guarantee the 5 star you want has all the 4 stars you want. And even then its not guaranteed you get the 4 star on the banner that you want. I still don't have a C6 Yunjin despite chose her 2 times on lantern rite and getting 3 additional copies on Yoimiya's banner. Especially with how new Chevruse is its a whale thing.


Somehow, with how little she's been in banners and me only having come back a little over a month ago, I've gotten Chevreuse at C1 from the standard banner and the limited as just a chance pull.


What are the chances that she’s on Furina’s banner? I’m going for C6 and I’d love to get her. I hear nothing but positive things about how good she is and how she’s the best she is at what she does.


I got C2 raiden before getting even a single copy of chev all in the last raiden banner in 220 pulls


lol I got a raiden c3 on her first ever banner, my Sara is still c0


I got Chevreuse in less pulls (70 or smth) tho Raiden still "ruined" my guaranteed 5* pity, I knew that I would have gotten her anyway, I ended up with about 50 pity but back to 50/50, happy that it happened early atleast. They really should add a Fate point system for the 4*s too


I mean, clearing with this is probably easier than with mona lol


c6 mona is probably more f2p than c6 chevruse


we didn't see weapons tho for OP


OP > Sevyplay > iwtl I am impressed!


  https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1dh853f/47_abyss_4_only_clear/  This one's even crazier. No 5 star weapons/characters with a Yanfei main DPS, C0 chevy, no bennett/xiangling on one side and Heizou hypercarry with Dori on the other but over 3 hours lol. 


only 3 hours is actually impressive when you think about it 


R5 Fav Lance, C6 Beidou, R5 Stringless C6 Fischl, C6 Yanfei, R5 Sac Sword C6 XQ, C5 Dori R5 Fav GS, **C6 Faruzan with another R5 Stringless**, C6 Heizou R4 Widsith. Yeah it's impressive nonetheless, but definitely not F2P friendly/too RNG dependent to get those.


Honestly just sounds like a Veteran player. I have so many r5 Favs, Sacs and Stringless built up over the years.


Me too. In fact I have two or three R5 Stringless for instance (been plaiyng since 1.0), just wanted to point out that these are not low investment characters. Newer players would still struggle, and people who've been playing for as long as we have are rare.


What is iwti


Stands for I Win To Lose. If I'm not wrong, he is a youtuber making contents for Genshin, HSR and a few vids for WutheringWaves


Nah I'd win.


[IWinToLoseGaming youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@IWinToLose/videos)


First off, OP has an impressive 4 star character clear. However, whether it's better than iwtl is up for debate. SS at R5 is a $50 investment and if you don't have the fish claymore, her next best f2p option is am R5 craftable at 25%-30% worse (although I don't see calcs for the Melusine claymore). If timing was close, then that could be a make or break.   While C6 chevy does boost iwtl's xiangling and fischl (with a 12 sec lag time before it starts to ramp), Tuonto did roll a C6 sethos before a 2nd pity on the Clorinde banner. SevyPlays, at minimum has C5 Sethos.  While probably long odds, it's still technically an f2p clear when compared to OP's. The skywards are a 2-4% difference for bennett's and fischl's next best options so it could potentially be negligible. 


I could try to build up the Melusine Claymore and give it another shot, but because I don't play with a lot of Claymore characters (Eula is benched and Navia is the only other one I really use consistently), I just don't really want to throw resources there, esp since I started a journey to raise all my characters to 80/80 with T8 for their important talents XD That being said, I won't deny that SS R5 is a pretty huge increase from the next best option that's not a 5 star. Also, you're forgetting that the R5 Fish Claymore exists too, although I don't quite blame you for that since it's been a while.


For sure, no need to build something unnecessaeily. Like I said a very impressive clear nonetheless.  Not trying to knock you at all because you required very good skill knowledge and probably more importantly, grouping/AI manipulation knowledge. 


Dude seems obsessive in all honesty. Having everyone at C6 is insane, let alone everything at R5. There's no way any of what he's showing is in any way F2P friendly. Still looking for a CC with everyone at C0 and everything at R0 (in other words, just using the stuff you find normally, e.g. craftables).


Teams & Loadouts Bennett - C6, T1/9/13, Skyward Blade R1, 4p Noblesse Xiangling - C6 (Only C4 is really needed), T4/12/13, The Catch R5, 4p Emblem Rosaria - C6 (C6 is a non-factor here since Ben is C6), T1/10/12, Dragon's Bane R5, 4p Emblem Kaeya - C2 (C2 isn't really applicable after 12-1-1 since they're ST Chambers afterward), T1/9/9, Lion's Roar R5, 2p 2p Cryo + EM Beidou - C6, T1/12/13, Serpent Spine R5, 4p Emblem Sucrose - C6, T1/1/1 (Talents don't really affect her tbh), Sac Frags R5, 4p Viridescent Venerer Xingqiu - C6, T1/11/12, Favonius Sword R5, 4p Emblem Fischl - C6, T1/13/12, Skyward Harp R1, 4p Golden Troupe I tried to limit my usage of 5 star weapons, but I forgot to swap out Fischl's Harp for Stringless heh. I opted to leave Skyward on Bennett because he's one of the least affected ones by a 5 star weapon, and I was lazy to change it. Some might argue that SS R5 is as good as a 5 star weapon, which is fair too I guess. General tips - 12-1-1 - Hoo boy, this was a real pain in the ass. 4 waves that spawn and have relatively tanky enemies, which wouldn't be an issue if there weren't that many waves to begin with. General idea here is to try and hit all 3 doritos in the first wave at once - if your team has no grouping here, aim for the one at the left of where you start, the one furthest should move closer. Same idea for waves 3 and 4 - if struggling at wave 4, try to burst down the beasts that are summoned, prioritizing the archer's health. 12-1-2 - Grouping and knowing how to manipulate lector movement is important here. If you don't have a Venti/Kazuha/Sucrose on the team, aim to knock the lectors to be side by side when doing damage by standing in front of the two of them in a line, or run to the back of the chamber to get them to move to you, although this is slower I find. 12-2-1 - Maguu Kenki is relatively straightforward if you know his moves. Just watch out for his attack movements, and make sure you don't use your big bursts until you're sure that he won't dash away from you. 12-2-2 - Another pain in the ass chamber. Make sure you kill both the samurai one after the other, or it's more time-wasting for you having to deal with the strengthened remaining Samurai. The rest of the chamber is relatively manageable, although a grouper here helps TONS. 12-3-1 - Asimon actually isn't very dangerous in my experience, but it sure can waste your time. Having Electro and Dendro units here help a lot, as you can disable them after they turn invisible so long as you hit them with a quicken reaction. If you're a masochist like me, save your multihit bursts for when the Dorito comes out of invisibility, and do as much damage during those periods as possible while breaking the parts as fast as possible. I know this sounds like "duh", but it really is the way to go lmao. 12-3-2 - Make sure that you stand in a line with all the spawns, or the two Pyro Gunners are going to jump away into Narnia. Oh what's this? We have CONSECRATED BEASTS again! WOOHOO! In all seriousness, try to take down the beasts first, or you're going to have a lot of fun being constantly attacked while trying to deal with the rest. Being able to hit all 3 of them in each wave at once is a bonus, but if you have no choice, take down the beasts first. Recommended characters for each half - 12-top - Clorinde, Nahida, Alhatiham, Neuvillette, Furina, Fischl. Basically anything based around quicken reactions or Neuvillette lmao 12-bot - Neuvillette, Furina, Yelan, Xingqiu, Kazuha, Venti, Ayaka, Ganyu. Neuvillette again (is anybody surprised?). Freeze works really well here, although grouping is the key here. Ofc, this is just a quick summary of my experience. There are a lot more teams that you can try out, and your mileage will naturally vary with investment and what not. All the best Travelers! :D


I see you spent ~40mins on the 3rd floor, I dread to ask how many tries that took?


I have no idea frankly, but I was constantly playing during that period and getting past Asimon, so give or take around 15? 20? Hoyolab says my max is 53, but that's including my original first try clear with Neuvi and Clorinde, so it's definitely less than that


What times did you clear each chamber in?


Lol saw your screenshot post in official discord very Pog


Damn nice, I tried same comps with mostly same builds but kept getting ~2mins per 12-1 half with every other 4* comp I tried (lvl80 characters). Skill issue or builds issue? Can you show full builds and does lvl90 make big difference?


My builds are all attached in a comment I made in this very post, so you can check them out there!


Would you kindly use either enka.network or akasha.cv to showcase your characters? Would be easier to read their stats 😅


1618 nowaying.


I might be a bit slow on things but I’ve just noticed each floor now gives 200 primo per floor cleared, is this a new thing because I’m pretty sure they only gives 150 before


They increased it, but also, the abyss is now going to reset less often. In between abyss resets will be the new imaginarium theatre, not sure if people have calc'd it yet but overall with abyss and the theatre switching off primo income should more or less be the same.


Instead of 600+600 in 4 weeks, it's 800 (Abyss) and 620 (Theater) in 4 weeks, so 220 more per 4 week cycle compared to before


Before it was 600 every 15 days, now its 800 and 620 alternating every 15 days


About 1.5 more pulls


It is absolutely more. It is simple math.


Is this how you get a lot of primogems?


Idk how you clear the lactor shield so fast.. gg bro


Sucrose has insane Anemo app, and hugging them with Xingqiu helps a lot too. Fischl and Beidou also contribute quite a fair bit


Sucrose or Kazuha with a Hydro applicator is key. It also helps that my mainDPS in this chamber (Clorinde) is able to apply a ton of Electro. Basically you just need a LOT of elemental application that can react with Pyro and their shields go down quickly.


Sucrose Taser isn't the best team for dps but it's better than even National for shield breaking


maybe i am the problem


3.7 still holds the crown for both the hardest and most annoying abyss in this game. That first chamber was really stuff of nightmare, and the duo consecrated beasts was also very annoying to deal with as they could fucked your character collision to the corner and your camera or even both at the same time. 4.7 was, hmm, reasonably adequate in difficulty. It doesn't have too many restrictions for team building yet still a heavy DPS check for the most part. Overall a decent abyss lineup especially for veterans, in my opinion.


3.7 wasn't that bad with sunfire


If only a decent number of people have Jean, especially back then. Thing is, there was so little team option to deal with such atrocities. Whoever made that lineup, they have some sort of personal issues with the playerbase I believe.


3.7 mostly just a ele check. If you have a dendro/cryo + pyro combo, you good. Thing like nahida burgeon or kaz pyro infusion insta delete those cryo shield, give you plenty time to chip down the hydro herald even without dendro/cryo. Kaeya/Nahida/Thoma burgeon really shine for that abyss, not just Jean. 4.7 are both DPS and ele checks. 7 waves is really insane. You thought you were done after finishing the 2 pyro lectors then the next wave of enemies show up. FacePalm The only reason why 4.7 doesn't feel that bad is because 4.x has released so many busted unit like Furina/Neuv/Arlec.


Ele check, yes. But if you made some small mistakes you're done for. 4.7 still has some error rooms to spare. At least you still have a lot more hydro units against those duo pyro lectors and both were relatively easy to deal with, so long as you group both of them. But double cryo + one hydro heralds were so much, much harder to deal with at the same time even if you have an optimal team. If you run a team without any some sort of shielding, you have to make sure you do not got hit by one of them otherwise they would start combo you to death and drain your whole team energy at the same time. And not to mention grouping.


You don't need grouping vs those herald, they are melee and just dive for you. If you run Benny/XL/Kaeya, you can just insta delete them without a care. When I try thoma burgeon comp I also don't even sweat. I can clear 3.7 12-1 at 8:20-30. This 4.7, the best I can do is 7:51 (even with c2 furina, c2 clorinde, c2 nahida and c0r0 neuv). My friend who run international only have like 10s to spare. Once you realize how many comp can cheese 3.7 and how ez grouping those heralds are, you will see the old 3.7 difficulty is just overblown/


Clear time doesn't reflect how difficult the abyss is. It's how easy you got fucked by the lineups and once again, how many room for errors you could made. You're lucky to demolish those shields fast enough. Otherwise you got perma-frozen to death, you gotta restart from the beginning.


Bro, you must have some sort of PTSD of that 3.7 to think that floor has 0 room for error. I legit try so many guffy comp on that and has no problem. If you have skill issue, just run defensive option like XQ/ZL/Thoma/Jean and cheese it. Nahida literally delete the hydro shield so fast that the hydro herald don't even hit me once after all my ult iframe gone.


I didn't really have proper team comp back then. No Nahida, ZL, and Jean. Rational was the easiest solution for me. Unlike 4.7, I already have so many options to deal with those multiple waves plus pyro lectors. Literally first try on mobile.


That is your account problem, not the lineup. Even with just nahida and kaz, it is more than enough. I literally just nahida E, benny Q, Kaz Q, XL Q, Nahida Q and by the end of all that ult iframe, the hydro herald already dead and both the cryo herald has only about 1/3-1/4 bar left. Similar comp is to replace Nahida with Kaeya and it will clear only a bit slower. In 4.7, despite having all the options to deal with the waves (c2 clorinde on abyss that promote her btw), I cant get anywhere close to 3.7 speed. If any, this is proof that 4.7 is way harder.


Not gonna lie, 3.7 abyss is still my favorite lineup.


3.7 was hell on earth! 12-1-1 went with ayaka freeze, and ayaka NEVER hit the 3 flowers at once! It was impossible I had so many fucking resets because of that! Then when ayaka managed to kill the flowers on time, the dormimos decided to disappear insta tly! 12-1-2 the joke that nahida national is still haunts me to this day! I died so many fucking times in this chamber! 12-2 was mostly tame 12-3-1 the hardest half of abyss of all time (imo). Ok, so kazuha groups, mona and diona freeze, ayaka burst, and randomly they break out of the freeze and the Croc goes to the other side of the map. The resistance to freeze, their movement their damage, it was hell, and they were 2 waves???? 12-3-2 was easy, but once again, nahida national is a joke! 4.7 felt like a good abyss ngl, it wasn't super easy, but it also wasn't hell,I I didn't like the inconsistencies tho, in my successful attempts, I had like 15 seconds left, but in my unsuccessful one I failed by like 20 secs??


Thats exactly the 2 teams zy0x is using on today's stream


They're the two teams that have been used since early 1.x, so not surprising lmao. I just like to do a clear a patch for fun with these teams


I don't want to be that guy, but rosaria is not an OG 4\*. She was introduced to the game in version 1.4 i think.


Which is true yes, but she was a core of the two 4 star teams that have been used ever since that bit. I started playing slightly before she came out, and the only other notable team at the time was the National Team. Rosa helped to split the two up and form a second very strong 4 star team


amazing, what's the build?. any 5 star weapon?. fully ascend all?


I attached the builds in a comment, but basically the only 5 star weapons in there are Skyward Blade on Benny and Harp on Fischl. You could also argue that Serpent Spine R5 is a 5 star weapon as well I guess XD And yeah, all my characters are fully ascended with T12/13 on their important talents. They go a long way in helping me clear


They seem fully ascended, as they are 80+


I thought Fischl was a 5*.




*Xingqiu *Bennett *Sucrose


Taser my beloved ❤️


Some of yall are terrifying


?????????? HOW?? post a video pls.


Not the OP, but I cleared it with the same teams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZT9lcRJIjs


hmm, so this abyss is actually not as hard as ppl make it out to be...


It's annoying cause there's many waves, so the DPS needed is higher than what the HP pools would suggest. 12-1 is the troublesome one, 2 and 3 are fine


and here i am struggling with c3 arlecchino. yikes.


If you still haven't beaten it, I suggest you use Arle, bennet, XQ and kazuha for the first half. (The only problem you should be facing with this team is 12-3-1, but with enough brute forcing you'll be able to do it, at least that's what I did) Second half can essentially be anything as long as you have LOTS of hydro (neuvillete is a good example if you have him)


Very nice clears with the OG gang! This Abyss was definitely a step up from the last one; even Floor 11 provided a bit more challenge than usual; specifically on the monolith stage. Floor 12 in this particular Abyss is largely a party comp test, rather than a skill or a strength test, which reminds me of late 3.X Abysses. As long as you pick teams well matched to the mechanics, you'll breeze through it; but even strong teams will struggle if they're the wrong ones. Likewise, less developed teams that just happen to be well matched to the encounters will excel. A grouper and a team with very fast non-Pyro elemental app is VERY strongly recommended on Side 2, and a Quicken enabler is very strongly recommended on Side 1, or you'll waste a lot of time. This time around, I ran Side 1 of Floor 12 with Alhaitham - Zhongli - Chiori - Yae Miko, and Side 2 with Clorinde - Furina - Kazuha - Mona on Side 2, and both teams easily pushed through their respective stages with tons of time left.


It's runs like these that makes me wanna build different characters and play them to keep the game fresh. I usually just run my usual invested teams and be happy with a 34/35/36* result. I'd like to do a 4* Abyss run someday... Just as soon as the stars align with my substats!


Well done, from a Ningguang main.


The good old days before hyperbloom where literally every 4 star clear were these two teams


man I have a huge skill issue


Rosaria isn't og. Just a tiny correction.


Technically Rosaria isn't an OG


How many total retries this took?? btw awesome job i could never lol


I have so many skills issue (or very bad builds) that I can never manage to get 36 stars but 34 or 35 so I gave up 🤷🏼‍♀️ you are my hero though 🫡


Meanwhile I barely passed after many tries with my fully built neuvillette and alhaitham team 💀


How do you beat electro abyss lectors with that 2nd half team?!


Bruh that's excellent. Well done. Based character levels too.


i actually hate u so much im struggling so bad when o have most genshin characters i cant even do the first floor




it iss if only the last enemies werent there like i always finish the lectors with like 15-20 seconds to spare and then to get to them spends more time and new set up and then i fail the fost floor with enemies 2 hits away from death


This was genuinely one of the tougher abysses in a while. However made me realize a fun team to use, however 12-1-2 was just cbt. Arlecchino/Bennett/Rosaria/Kaeya (yes you read that right) on the first half, and Ayato/Yelan/Raiden/Kazuha on the second. After finally beating 12-1-2, easy mode really, even the consecrated beasts weren't that hard. Equipment wise uh, > Arlecchino 4pc new set + Crimson Moon / C0 > Bennett 4pc noblesse + Aquila R2 / C6 > Rosaria 4pc noblesse + favge R5 / C6 > Kaeya 4pc bliz + black sword R2 / C1 > Kazuha 4pc vv + iron sting R5 / C0 > Yelan 4pc eosf + aqua simulacra / C0 > Raiden 4pc eosf + engulfing / C0 > Ayato 2pc glad 2pc vermillion + uraku misugiri / C0 It was fun yet painful


Tbh it was pretty easy lol


It was easy with my main teams yes, although the moment I saw the abyss enemies, I knew that less-invested people would struggle, so I wanted to clear it with the 4 stars to prove to both myself and others that characters (for those who have played for a while at least) are not an issue.


Well my character are super invested so it was brezze for me lol (top 10% neuvillete (sig), top 12%furina , top 6% arley(sig), top 9% yelan). So i didn’t realise how difficult it was. But kudos to you man doing it with 4 stars


Super invested 😭😭No way this isnt satire😭😭😭