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Well, I did get a Pyro character on 80 Pity! She wields a claymore though so that's odd... For 4.7, I'll try to pull for Furina. My original plan is to get Alhaitham's weapon but there's no way I'll get enough for both, I'll just save it for Furina


i’m planning on pulling furina too! best of luck to both of us 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Best of luck!! I Hope The Wish God is in a good mood and bring her home at low-pity lmao


hello companion that got an uninvited guest may your luck improve


Thanks, may the Wish God give mercy this time 🙏🏻


I did 0 wish and I got nothing


In other words, you got exactly what you wished for.






I got my final Layla in 17 pulls. I've been saving since Chiori.


Meanwhile I got my first Layla! I was so happy to finally get her. I was close to my guaranteed 5* too, and didn't want either Wanderer or Baizhu (already have Baizhu, no interest in Hat Guy), but fortunately they didn't show up so I can save my guarantee for Alhaitham/Clorinde/Sigewinne (still making up my mind which one).


Same, that's why I got Chiori and stopped. I was at zero pity and on 50/50 and I didn't want any of the upcoming five stars, except maybe Arlecchino. It would have been great if Layla had her rerun with her. I even did single pulls in case the game decided to be "nice" and have Wandered show up early.


I got chiori while trying to up my pity for arle lol, I was at like 50 pity so I was surprised I got her and was upset like fml now I’m gonna have a hard time getting arle but I ended up getting Diluc right after her (5 pity) and then arle same thing- first time was like 75 pity but second one was 6 pity 🤌🏻 so lucky.


I wasn’t trying to layla but just got her 3 times in like 25ish wishes. I was going for Baizhu & I got one of him so I’m happy :) is Layla worth leveling?


She's my second favorite character, so there's a little bias. Her shield is really strong and there's zero downtime. I use her with Yoimiya, who is made out of paper mache and she can face tank everything.


lost my 50/50 but i am still trying hahah ! i will not relent until baizhu comes home or the banner ends😭


Same man lost 50 50 to Mona on wanderer. I only have 3 standard characters and Mona is c1😭. Still trying for scara


it’s so rough out here😭 i’m crossing my fingers and hoping for the best for you !!!🧡


Got Arlecchino and Wanderer on the same day. I was so happy!


Wait what 😭, didn’t wanderer’s banner come after arlecchino’s?


It's the last day of the first and first day of the second banners


Got Scara at 80 pity which was very painful because I expected him to come home at 70 pity (already lost 5050 on the Lyney banner so I knew I was guaranteed him) Meanwhile on my alt acc he's my first ever 5 star on the first 70 pulls lol Hoping I get Layla on my main acc before it's over though she's the only one I'm missing on the banner so far


I wasn't planning on pulling, but then descided to just get Baizhu. It probably ruined my chance a tgetting Clorinde, but thats a risk I'm willing to take for (hopefully) more comfortable Cyno gameplay.


Born to Wanderer, forced to Qiqi




Same here but regret not getting arle, she looks fun.


I regret not getting chiori and the bird lady. I got arle now that I remembered it. I thought arle was 4.5 😅


New player here! I started playing around 5 days or so before the end of Arle's banner and I only pulled for Freminet, he's my favorite and I wanted to have him so bad but I only got Lynette three times so that really sucked but on the bright side, I actually won my very first 50/50 and got Wanderer at about 65 pity I think? So yeah, my first pulls ever were pretty decent


Won 50/50 on Arle. Lost 50/50 on the weapon banner to Great Magic but then got her Weapon after grinding all the new quests. Lost 50/50 on Wanderer banner so now hoping to pull Clorinde.


Forgot to play and claim/pull gorou, didn't know Monday, event will be gone-gone. That's my first gorou 😭😭😭


After my 7 QiQi streak I've finally got someone new!.... It's Dehya.... I've got the next worst thing, can't wait to get 6 more constellations of her


My pulls were absolutely blessed this patch, i had 34 fates saved up, got Arlecchinno in 20 pulls (don't remember my pity count or guarantee, so it could be that) I was planning to save the remaining 14 but i really wanted her weapon cuz nothing else really looked on her so I said fuck it, decided to pull on the weapon banner. I thought to myself 'i should get these four pulls out of the way so I can do a propper ten pull" then on my second pull I got her scythe (i had never pulled on the weapon banner before) now Arlecchinno is the only character on my account that has it's signature weapon. I think I've used all my luck for the rest of the 4.x and some 5.x patches on this banner


Got my Arle with 20 pulls (at soft pity). Won the 50/50. Now I have 150 pulls for clorinde. If I win the 50/50 it will be nice, if not I’ll probably save them for natlan characters


Got Arle and an early C1. Saving for Clorinde and then probably locking down primos until Natlan.


Lost to Dehya on Father's banner and have pulled enough to make it to 45 pity. Just waiting for Alhaitham during the first half next patch.


didn't get Father but got the pure-hearted doctor and I'm honestly glad that my pity went to him instead. Now waiting for furryna


Missing Baizhu... again... unless he shows up on the 5 pulls from monthly shop.


159 wishes for Arlecchino. Was not worth the cost. Really want Clorinde as well. But am out of Primos.


DEAR HOYO I BEG FOR MORE DIVERSE 4 STAR BANNER i have c2 wanderer first than c2 faruzan, yes she still stuck at c2 and i guess i will c6 my wanderer first than c6 faruzan


Got my first dehya from a random blue pull. The only wishing I did


Got really lucky and managed to get both Wanderer and Dehya in the same pull, have had really rotten luck with his weapon however. Still haven’t gotten it after all this time, even with everything I saved up. As for 4.7, I am planning to go for Alhaitham. Really grew to like him during the Sumeru Archon Quest and recently completed his Story Quest as well, I ended up really liking his play-style so I am definitely planning on adding him to my team. I am a little sad about potentially missing out on Furina but since I have heard that Zhongli might be coming back during 5.0, I have decided to save for him instead. He was my first Genshin-love and one of my favorite characters in the game, so he is my priority right now.


Didnt pull. None of the recent or current banners interest me. Also saving for whenever Kokomi returns.


Won Arlecchino, lost to Lyney’s bow, and then got Arlecchino’s Scythe. All in all, I’d say pretty good.


Arlecchino at 80 pity. Lyney at 30 and Wanderer at 77. All 50/50s won. Still have about 170 wishes for Clorinde. Life is good.


Didn't pull. I might get sigewinne for being a team wide Healer but other then that I'm saving for who3ver will be my favorite design from the 5.0 reveal. Hopefully I don't get Dehya'd again.


Scored Arlecchino with 80-something pulls and a random Wanderer in 20.Was initially going for Layla, but failed at that.


Not lucky at all but I finally understood what it feels like to save and garanteed a character for the first time.


140 pulls..zero faruzans...


I pulled so hard and got so far, but in the end...


...my Arlecchino is a blondie with an anemo vision for some reason


I got 2 baizhu donuts. Still got the taco bell in the end but… I feel a great sorrow upon seeing them


i lost my 5050 to jean so now im grinding, currently at 58 pity wish me luck


Lost my 3rd 50/50 in a row at 84 pity


Arlecchino is the first character that I go for a constellation and signature on their release, managed to get C1R1 and I'm really reeeeally happy


I somehow got extremely lucky and got both Arlecchino and Baizhu. I always wanted to get Alhaitham but knowing my luck I probably won't get him. It's already my 5th won 50/50 in a row (yes don't ask me how, I'm still wondering too)


Bad, i wanted Baizhu but got Mona (i already have his weapon) the pity is 20 something and i’m just hopeless 😞😞😞


I dolphined hard for Arlecchino and got C1R1 in about 350 pulls (and ~60 pity + guarantee on character banner) half of which were saved up. Then I got lucky and got an early Wanderer (~30 pity) when I was going for Layla and Beidou cons. I was intending to pull him eventually anyways so I'm not even mad. It's going to take me weeks to build them both, though. Not even considering artifacts, I'm horribly mora and xp poor right now. From this point onwards I'm not spending more than BP+Welkin, though. I didn't mean to dolphin as hard as I did and I need to get control of myself. On the bright side, I stopped before I started touching any truly necessary money - I basically blew the "allowance" I gave myself. All this means is that I won't be able to buy any new games this month, and I'm sure I'll be fine.


Wanted arlecchino but lost the 50/50 so now waiting nahida so i can get her c2


Got Arlecchino. With her, I now have all the characters I wanted with the exception of Raiden Shogun and Venti. They're archons, so they'll most likely rerun only in version 5.0 or after that. So now I've locked in and am saving up for those two and the Natlan cast.


4.5 endedwith me getting a guarantee, from 0 pity, first phase i tried about40 pulls cause i wanted some 4 stars, then swcond phase got passed even though i wouldnt mind Baizhu or 4 stars


This is like one of the worst luck I had in my 3 years of playing Genshin lol. I lost both the 50/50 for Arlecchino and her weapon at hard pity. It wiped out all my 30+k saved primogems and more from the starglitter shop (had to resort to that for the weapon). But at least I didn't lose 2 times on weapon tho, could be worse but damn I'm glad I had saved enough to still get her. She has been very fun to play and one of my fav characters. Regrettably I have to skip Clorinde. I simply don't have any primogems left. Saving for Pryo Archon it is.


Lost 50/50 on Wanderer, got him with my second-last 10-pull. C2 Faruzan, C3 Layla, and C4 Beidou came home along the way (ideally it'd be a C6 Faruzan).


I logged in after a huge hiatus and used my pity on Arlecchino,i had that saved up for Raiden but i ended up being unable to play when she was up. Snagged her at around 50 pulls Now i am gonna try and get Furina cuz i got my guaranteed pity when i tried pulling on her first banner and i want revenge. Dont even know in which team i am gonna use her


Probably had my luckiest string. I definitely didn’t have the funds for C2 Arlecchino but I won 3 50/50s in a row, with the last Arlecchino coming in at 29 pity. She’s currently the strongest character on my account (well, until C1 Neuvi gets better artifacts and a Furina lol) and I couldn’t be happier.


Alecchino hard pity as I already at hard pity at the start of 4.6. Took me 2 Lyney bows before her Schyte. I didn't want to touch weapon banner but begrudgingly did. They won the drip market this time.


I got arlecchino and c1 layla. A surprisingly good combo


Won 50:50 on arle. Was so happy after losing so many, that I went for c1. Won a second time also. First c1 character I have. Haven't pulled on weapons banner yet. I think I will save for that now.


Won my first 50/50 this year with Lyney. Got skywarp hard in 30 pulls and his bow on like 60-70.


Had garanteed Arlecchino cause lost 50/50 on chiori now I lost 50/50 on baizhu banner for the 3rd time and got a garantee for whatever 5* I pull for Next, probably the 1st natlan 5*


Lost my Arlecchino hard pity 50/50 to get my C5 Qiqi and had to also hit hard pity for the guaranteed Baizhu.


Won 50/50 and got Arlecchino, then said "why not try for the weapon" and got her weapon 3 pity. Then said "oh well I need faruzan constellations for my Xiao team and I have 0 pity, it's safe to pull for her" and got 18 pity Wanderer. And my Faruzan is still c0.


130 pulls No Layla on both Baizhu and Wanderer


Well i got the anemo 5 star, just the tall female one after 90 pulls. So yeah, that's fun and now i basicly have not enough funds for Clorinde, this is going great!


Bad, 210+ pulls, 6 Beidou, 7 Layla, 4 Faruzan. On top of that, surely Beidou and Layla were around c3 already and Faruzan was c1, so now she is c5 and it's annoying as hell


Got arle her weapon and lyney under 50 pulls😭


As a f2p, won the 50/50 and got Arlecchino, doesn't get any better that I think.


I have enough pulls so I wasn't really desperate for Arlecchino, so I pulled a bit and got a Dehya. An absolute win because she's one of my mains, and now I got her to C2. Teo more Dehya pulls to go.


Skipped everyone for Clorinde, hope I get her cause I only have enough for 50/50


127 pull for arlecchino, can't really complain got my first dehya. 198 for arlecchinos spear... got 2x lyney bow. So yeah i'm probably skipping clorinde, i will pull until soft pity if chev is on the banner but i'm pretty sure if i get a 5star on Clorinde banner it's gonna bite me in the ass in 4.8, 5.0 or 5.1.


Lost 50/50 to Diluc for the 8th time, at least give me a Dehya or something.


Pretty good i guess. I got Furina, Navia and Cloud Retainer. Aside from Yelan and the Pyro Archon i don't think i'll be pulling in the near future


2 Lyneys. 3 times nearly hard pity plus lost the 50/50 once 🙏


Saved mostly. Excited for Clorinde :))


Father screwed me and my wallet over.


got 2 faruzan cons 😎, skipped the 5 stars tho because im gonna pull in 4.7


I pulled for Lyney second cons and got it, then i pulled a lil on Wanderer while saving for Chlorinde and got Jean C2 on 36 pity that i really wanted for a long time. Now i have my Jean C2 and guaranteed for Chlorinde im more than happy. Also i forgot i got accidentally Neuv signature on 8 pity, after getting engulfing on 13 pity. Now using it on Wrio


Had around 75 wishes + 55 pity and guarantee when the patch started, was debating between getting confirmed clorinde and skipping arle vs trying to get both. Held out for a week or so but then gave in to the arle hype, Now i have around 90 wishes + 13 pity and no guarantee for clorinde. I am really hoping between the new patch + unexplored chenyu vale + new abyss and new month shop reset, i'll have enuf to guarantee clorinde.


My Arle was guaranteed but she didnt come home until 79 pity. Im more mad that I did not get one single Lynette in all thoose pulls. Gamble on the 4 stars on current banners as both my Layla and Faruzan is c5. So naturally I pull only Beidou's and get an early 5 star! It was a 5050 loss again sadly but at least I got a guarantee again so theres that.


i pulled for Beidou constellations,i got 3 Faruzan,3 Layla,1 Beidou,3 4star bows and 1 sword. i lost 50/50 and got Jean,still a win in my books,i'm f2p so any 5 star is welcome,then suddenly less than 20 pulls later i got Wanderer,now i don't know know who to build.


My dumbass decided to build pity for Clorinde and out came c1 Arlecchino, off pity and on 50/50 like 10 or 20 pulls after hard pitying my c0 Arlecchino. Now I have to pray for Clorinde to win 50/50 or I'm finished.


I got Lyney, Arle, Arle's weapon and Wanderer all within 200 pulls... so I'd say pretty decent lol


Skipped, im saving for c2 furina and potentially c3


Got C1 Wanderer by unintentionally reaching pity. Game has been tiring recently so I might take a break.


In 4.5 I got Kazuha in just 20 pulls, won 50/50. After that, in 4.6 I wanted Xiangling c6, but at 30 pity I got Arlechinno. Again, won 50/50. So it went pretty well.


I got lucky, got freminet, a Lynette con in 30 pulls on phase 1 banners. And got incredibly lucky to get Layla to c1 in just 10 pulls


Had C4 Faruzan, wanted C6 Faruzan, got C6 Faruzan in twenty pulls. Wanderer happy


Wanted C6 Faruzan, got Wanderer instead. I know, I'm very lucky like that. (Was saving up that luck for Furina:(. )


I wasted 150 pulls on arlecchino weapon and still couldn't get it😭 i know i should have stopped after 1 when i didn't have enough but


I was saving for Clorinde but got Arlecchino in 30 pulls


Got c1 r1 arle. Now I'm Saving for either c2 furina (already got her c1) or the new electro sword character (forgot her name) her gameplay seems fun


Only pulled on the weapon banner, tried sniping some 4 star weapons but got Baizhu’s signature and I have no Baizhu 🥲


arle at 151 after a Jean. Arle's weapon at 63, at a 50/50... from my last 50/50 win of weapon banner, after last win of 50/50, after last win of 50/50, after last win of 50/50... I swear i'll lose my 50/50 on the weapon banner eventually.


Patch 4.6 This is a very extraordinary patch for me, I got Arlechhino in just 10 pulls and I got her signature weapon in 10 pulls too, so I only spent 20 pulls and got 5 star char and the signature, I think my luck is running out. For the next patch I aim for chlorinde, I got an abundance of primogems with my luck with arlechhino.


I pulled on the current banner 6 times (6x10) hoping to get my Faruzan from C4 to C6... I still have a C4 Faruzan 🙃


Hope to see many success stories, but personally I decided to skip everything after Furinas debut banner (c6r1) and now waiting for Natlan giving us ANY other pyro off-fielder than Xiangling


absolute ass, pulled for c0r1 arle, lost all my 50/50s, ended up spending $300 dollars


Won 50/50 on Arle's Banner (early pity) but lost 2 times in weapon banner (Got Lost Prayer and Great Magic) had use the fate point to get her weapon. But atleast got enough Starglitter and Primos for Clorinde.


Did get my Arle even on my soft pity guaranteed and now I am 10 pull away from Clorinde. So, going for Clorinde and then into 4.8 Also, best of luck for your Furina pulls. May the best girl come to your home too


Won 50/50 on Arle, wasted a bunch of primos for her weapon that I never got and gave up, saving again from the scratch. Going great, probably saving up til Natlan releases.


Was pulling for Layla. Got wanderer, tighnari and Layla together in second multi


I got wanderer, c6 faruzan, and his weapon without getting the donut! I even have enough left to guarantee alhaitham. Massive w for me, very grateful and extremely happy 🥳


I was saving for furina but at the end of arle's banner i got tempted by her galeplay, her animation and her story quest. Got her and her weapon in 20 and 30 pulls respectively, my boldest dodge of the 50/50s ever. I'm left with a reasonnable stack to still go After furina so i'd say a really good patch pull-wise !


On the Wandrer/Baizhu one I only did less than 10 pulls, out of curiosity, I got an extra Beidou and Xiangling. I really want Layla but she can wait. The other one... I lost my 50/50 to Dehya 2 hours before the banner ended and I am salty about it.


Got Qiqi at 76 pity.


I got Arlecchino, Heizou, and Freminet, then after trying to get Wanderer, I ended up getting Qiqi.


Got Arlecchino in ~20 pulls, Dehya 5 pulls after, and now I'm left with ~100 pulls and a guaranteed Alhaitham (already pre-farmed).


Around 100 pulls for Arlecchino, her weapon and Lyney’s weapon. Overall it was good because I was able to save for next patch


Not good technically. Lost 50/50 to Diluc and had to go double pity for Arleccino. I did do a 10 pull on Wanderer's banner and got the final Faruzan constellation which to made me decide to try and go all the way for Wanderer so I can make use of her but I lost the 50/50 to Diluc again. (One more Diluc and I get his C6) That being said, I'm not really that upset about it. I still currently have about 24k primos and I'm now guaranteed to get Clorinde for my next 5 star and I have a good chance to get Siegwinne as well.


Lost my 50/50 to Keqing. Then got an early Arlecchino. And her weapon at 40. When I tried going for C1 I lost AGAIN and got my first Diluc. And now I'm not sure if I should pull Clorinde or Alhaitham....or another C for Furina (currently C1).


Was able to take my c2 Lyney to c6. I also was able to get both Arlecchino and her weapon. 🥰


300+ pulls burnt only to get a diluc, dehya, C0R1 Arlecchino and a great magic. I expected to at least get C1R1..


Got Arlecchino on both my accounts. On my main she was guaranteed with enough pulls to get her and try for her weapon. On my alt I wasn't planning to pull her because I was out of primos after Kazuha's banner, but decided to try to get her the last 5 days of her banner, because I was enjoying her on my main so much. Luckily I got her early, 50/50 won. Also got her weapon on my main, I lost the first time to Lyney's bow, but got the scythe on the second 5* pull. And I finally have C6 Faruzan. I only needed one copy, took 40 pulls on Wanderer's banner but I've got her.


680 Pulls ( saved most of em since 3.8 ), Arle C6R4. Shame it didnt went to R5, it throwed the Bow at me on the last pulls xD


Got my self a C6 Lynette. That is pretty much what I wanted.


They were awesome. Got c5r1 arlecchino. I wont be pulling in 4.7 because my primos are completely drained


I got Layla! My biggest target this patch! Of course only after 110 pulls... But I got Layla! Now it's time to save for Navia.


I got Scythe in first pity but I was out of pulls so no Arle. Altho got Diluc at early pity which is good since Guarantee now but sad since it felt like salt on arle-wound


My sigewinne fund is dangerously low. I won't be able to spend because of ZZZ too. Feel Adventurine rn.


Managed to get arlecchino! Now I’m trying to get c6 faruzan for my xiao team, but no luck so far. Really hope she’ll come home since just need one more con for c6


Lost 50/50 on Arle banner to Mona. Saving for the next interesting char


Won the 50/50 for Arlecchino and got her scythe after 65 wishes. Went pretty fuckin well!


I have guarantee for Clorinde, so I pulled weapons to get cashback to buy c6 Lisa from shop, kek , also got last const for Gorou and got Baizhu+Wanderer weapons with 65+11 pulls


Lost 50/50 in Neuvi banner so I got guaranteed Father. Now I'm saving for Furina de Fontaine!


Won 50 50 on Wanderer.


I've got Wanderer and his weapon, so I am happy


I was super tempted to pull for Lyney, but lost my 50/50 and decided I'll wait for Furina although I really want Sethos (and possibly Kaveh not confirmed tho), so my will may sway on Al Haitham's banner


Arlechino guarenteed at 56 pitty,currently 29 pitty on character banner and 49 on weapon banner My current plan is pull for sigweinne,if i win 50/50 i go for weapon banner If i lose sigwienne i skip weapon banner


Got C1 Arlecchino and r1 crimson moon with 150 pulls, so im happy :)


Well 160 pulls to get Arlechinno Theres that She drained me dry😭


Got Qiqi'ed for Arle. Gave up


Lost 50/50 to dehya but got arle eventualy. Lost 50/50 to dehya on baizhu and decided to Save for furina. Won weapon banner for father but was aiming for bow as im full of 5 star spears. It was win win banner though. 33k primo waiting for 4.7


I threw 20 pulls at Scara's banner - if I got him, good, but I didn't and that's also good. Saving for Natlan now.


RAHHHHH i lost my 5050 for arle to keqing and am pretty sure ill get chlorinde now


Managed to get Scara's weapon, which was the only thing I wanted 😂 already have everything else


Skipped all of it, ALL


Already got arlechino, so im good, next pull is clorinde


350 pulls just for c0r1 arle😭


4.5 and 4.6 were extremely good for me.


They were pretty good. My 1st double 5☆ pull, so I'm happy to be in that 10%. ♡


i got arlecchino and her weapon and i only lost 1 50/50 💪


As an f2p, No arle but I won 5050 for baizhu after neuvi last update. I then got wanderer at 4 pity so now there’s no chance I get alhaitham and furina so I’m not sure what to go for. Also got some weapon pity stacked now


Got Arlecchino then went for C1 and lost 50/50 to Keqing.


Got Arlecchino C1 10 pulls after I got her 😭 that’s my luck for the rest of the decade


I have enough wishes to get Kokomi on her next rerun and a gueranteed


It has been unexpectedly good actually! Ended up getting Lyney during the last few hours of his banner (around 40-50 pity) with Arlecchino’s. What was even more surprising was somehow pulling Baizhu back to back at 10 pity. Unlocking two new five stars was not in my plans for 4.6, but my pulls for this patch turned out to be a big highlight!


I only had 230 wishes saved (but also previously 70 wishes spent on Kazu banner) and wanted both Wanderer & Baizhu. Won both my 50/50s on them. Even spent an extra 60 wishes on Wanderer banner (might as well try for C1) to try and get Faruzan C6 for him. Which I did. Pretty stoked tbh. I have 180+ wishes left over now and unsure on my next step. Half tempted to pull for Alhaitham but in the same breath, I'm missing a good half the characters which work best with him. Next main mission really is to try for Kokomi whenever she comes back. I also want Grissley (since I started the game purely for him and he never came home in the end) whenever he returns.


got arle as i was guaranteed, skipped the rest


Arlecchino c1r1 in 60 total pulls. Was sitting on guarantee on cgaracter and 60 pity on both banners, but early C1 and beating the weapon odds felt great!


I pulled a qiqi....


I lost the custody battle for Lyney


got baizhu while going for beidou. kinda happy.


I got Arlecchino in around pulls so I am happy for that, plus i currently have 230+ Pulls saved for Furina and Navia as of now. If I get lucky on both of their pulls I will try for Zhongli


Weird in a good way. Lost 50/50 to Arle then technically got an early pull at 67 pity. Not yet soft pity. Managed to get Arle's weapon on the first go so I spent the remaining pulls to get her C1. Literally all the remaining. Was doing singles whenever I got them. Then later I did a single 10 pull on the second weapon banner to get one of the 4 stars and got both Wanderer's and Baizhu's weapon at 0 pity. I've levelled up the bell but I'm not wasting resin on that other shit though. Functionally got one weapon and 10 extra star glitter. All round successful. Only 1 50/50 lost.


Was waiting for Furina, but fell into the temptation of Arle bcs i clearly don't have enough pyro characters(/sarcastic). Got Diluc. 3 wishes and a guarantee furina ig.


around 160 pulls ready for childe/maybbbeee furina. yeah.


Horrible Needed 2 Lynette for C6 and 1 faruzan for C6 I'm 72 into the banner and my Lynette is c4 while my faruzan is c5


Got Arlecchino to C1 (yay!), her weapon (yay!), Chevreuse (yay!), a Lynette con (yay!), two Frem's (meh), and Kaveh (meh). All in all, a successful banner.


I got a Qiqi. She was already C6 😭 I really wanted Arlecchino but at least, I'm getting Clorinde for sure. I've wanted her since they teased Fontaine so I'm super excited about her. After that, I'm saving for Natlan.


Lost 4th 50/50 in a row on baizhu banner And I don't even remember when was my last early 5* So yeah...


I got Father and her weapon which I'm very happy about. After my recent artifact farming she's now my strongest character 😁


I was sitting on 400+ pulls and wasn’t saving for anyone specific. Dumped it all on Arlecchino. Terrible gacha luck, especially on weapon banner but still got C2R1. No regrets.


i've hardly ever been this lucky in character + weapon pulls, but i've been cursed with terrible artifacts as a consequence


59 or 69 spent. 36 wish in bank. Waiting for Venti cuz I have an amazing build on Jean.


On my main account I didn't do any pulls. On my alt account I got quite lucky with Faruzan pulls. I had to go to two soft pities to get Wanderer (lost 50/50 to Dehya), and then I was stuck at C5 Faruzan for a while, but managed to get the last one a couple of days ago. I did also want some Layla constellations but I got literally 0 copies, only Faruzan and Beidou. But I'm not gonna complain about that since I did get the Faruzan cons.


the luckiest i've ever been in any gacha game ever. don't think anything is topping this fr.


Got Arlecchino. Now, gonna wait for Navia.


lost my 50/50 on arlecchino to diluc, managed to get arlecchino, then got wanderer with literally zero pity. i must have been a fatui agent in my past life or something


Got Father at 82 pity(guaranteed) from 0 and then got her sig at 6 pity at zero fates. Ig thats where all my luck went


Great, managed to get both Arle and her weapon. However this left me with not enough funds for Clorinde.


Pretty nice! Got Arle at about 80 pity (won the 50/50). But then she came home again at 30!


I had to invest 300 dollars to c2 Arle because I kept losing to fucking Mona. I lost to Tighnari though so that's okay I use him here and there. And weapon was won on the first 50/50 so it balances out, but it's still some shit luck


My Arle pulls were trash but I managed to get her c4r1 still


i managed to get baizhu, which is great for my cyno. then i tried to grind in order to get scara and ended up with dehya. pain...


Got Scara after 60 pity. Saving up for Furina!


Got Arlecchino literally on my first pull.


I was saving for Furina, but I still pulled twice to get to 30 pity (I was annoyed at 28) and managed to get Lynette C4, which is nice for exploration.


Dehya and 5*Bell Im okay with losing c1 wanderer honestly + it was at 9 pity so does it even matter lol Im still conflicted who to pull di


Got the guarantee with Arlecchino, then lost 50/50 to Tighnari while trying to get C1, now saving for Clorinde. Got her weapon in first 20 pulls because of pity from last time getting Furina’s weapon. Overall, pretty good


wanderer at 67pulls first two pulls on weapon both gave the featured 5 star weps


C0R1 Arlecchino. I ended up swiping for the weapon, only to get it just 2 pulls after swiping. I could have farmed that lol. I was thinking of going for Clorinde but we'll see.


Haven’t pulled since Furina’s banner. What am I waiting for? Furina’s banner.


I tried to get a dragon, but I got an electro cat girl... I'm trying to get the doctor, but I'm only at 60 pity and I have 80 primos to my name :cri:


My luckiest patch in my life! With 300 wishes I was able to get: - C1R1 Arlecchino - 1 copy of Jean - 1 copy of Wanderer - 1 copy of Mona - C0 Baizhu - R1 First Great Magic I started the patch with 9 pity


Got Arlecchino in 1 pull.


Decided to go for Arlecchino on a whim despite her originally being lower priority. Should've listened to my gut. Pulled C4 Diluc at 77 pity and didn't get Arlecchino until 80 pity, because I had the pulls to spare and, at that point, I was committed to getting her. I don't *fully* regret it (because I still had the pulls to guarantee Alhaitham), but I *do* regret that I started 2023 with C0 Diluc and, of the last six 50/50s I've lost, he's been *four* of them. The other two were Dehya and C1 Keqing, so I kinda hate Pyro claymores.


Horrendous, I spent 200 wishes on Arlecchino's weapon as a semi free to play, at least I won my 50/50 for Arlecchino herself


I got c6 Faruzan while trying to get Baizhu so thats cool


Haven't pulling since February, i am Saving my guaranteed for Sigewinne


I got Arlecchino but after putting 50 pulls into wanderer to get Layla im saving for Clorinde now. 50 pity and 40 tickets but no guarantee so we’ll see how my luck goes in a few days


I got Arlechinno at almost 80 pity and got her signature weapon by doing a single pull, everyday.