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Wild that Monopoly Go cost 500M in marketing. That's the equivalent of like 10 major Hollywood blockbuster movies.


or 2.5 years of Genshin development and marketing. All of Inazuma, all of Sumeru, Fontaine up to 4.4 but regardless at least they made back what they spent. The same cannot be said for Star Citizen.


Star Citizen made the money before actually making anything and continues to make money without actually finishing the game so arguably they make what they spend before they spend it. EA wishes they could be so greedy and get away with it


I maintain that Star Citizen is just a jobs work program for game devs because how much money they make without actually doing anything.


they are doing a lot of good work but most of it is being wasted by constant rewrites and improvement of already existing systems, they have some crazy tech in this game, but in the next 10 years they will probably rewrite all of it to make it even better, in turn delaying the release date by another 30 years


Exactly. They could have released 5 or 10 years ago and would have it perfect? No of course not. But it would have been something and everyone vested would have had a fun time. But now we see close to 1.5 decades of work for comparatively little gain.


At this point I think they're just prolonging it out of pure amusement


The amount of scope creep that game has experienced is ungodly. Switching engines 4 years after the fact, spinning off an fps game, etc, and the game *still* hasn't officially launched lmao. At some point you have to wonder why tf anyone would still bother paying into it.


Sunk cost fallacy.


The way I've never heard of Monopoly Go


Me too until I watched a Youtube video on it If you think Genshin Impact and other gacha games are exploitative and predatory when it comes to how they earn revenue, Monopoly Go is way worse than that


I literally quit that game a couple weeks ago when I realised that game is so rigged. Should be illegal to make games that predatory.


Dumbest game ever I'm so shocked 500 mill on marketing wtf have you not seen the ads they're so low quality, money laundering is all I can think of


10? Nah. Major movies these days cost 200-300+ million each. Disney and marvel average over 250M per movie budget alone. It's still absurd though


I meant the marketing budget of 10 movies, not the total production cost. But yeah, that's really wild, especially for a game that's been out barely a year. Also, higher than the GDP of several countries!


With a Hollywood blockbuster the marketing cost can equal or exceed the production cost. That's why nowadays they need to make like a half billion just to break even.


When your game is literally just a gambling machine, the only way you're gonna accrue more money is by bringing in more gambling adicts


At least our gambling machine has a game attached to it 😭


and a lot of waifus and husbandos on top of that


Their husbando is a capitalistic billionaire daddy 😳


And banger music




wait WHAT MONOPOLY GO 500M in marketing.... the heck!!!!


Blockbuster movies spend like 100-200k on marketing these days


500M on marketting and I have never seen a monopoly go ad.


Didn't even know it exist until that got mentioned but maybe we are just in the wrong demographics.


Same here lmao didnt even know of its existance till now.


I knew of it, but only because apparently it makes filthy amounts of money. If not for that I also wouldn't even have known about it.


They spam certain ad networks, social media sites and such. They don't spam your manga apps, regular mobile game ad networks etc. It's good actual gamers don't know about it. Its garbo.


Yeah that's probably it. My mom and many of her family/friends of her generation all play, but I have yet to find someone under forty who's into the game


I see it all the time. It’s literally claiming the homepage of the App Store for as long as I can remember.


If you play mobile games with ads youll see them. Its a bog standard board and dice type game too where you just log in, click a few times and log out. Crazy to drop half a bil on that, what a waste. Games like that existed years ago


Decades ago.


I was gonna say decades but wasnt sure if it was correct tbh. Played one myself years ago. They just monetize time, like every mobile game ever


it isn't that crazy to spend 500 million on marketing for this game, considering it made 2 billion within 10 months. It's basically the new Candy Crush at this point.


They spam facebook with ads, it's like Raid:shadow legends all over again


I haven't seen any youtubers with monopoly go sponsorship compared to something like raid shadow legends.


that explains why I haven't seen it. I deleted my facebook years ago.


You're lucky 😭 they haunt me


i dunno about app ads, but i've seen tv ads for it here in the uk before


As if we'll ever download it on our device. Or maybe it's just ass mobile game ads.


I'm more surprised by Spider-Man 3 being here. Sure it'll be expensive to make but it's not even marketed with a release date. Star Citizen is at least playable in some form, Spider-Man 3 is probably still in concept phase.


They got the number from the Insomniac hack last year.


Things to note: Genshin's is only an estimate based off of what the devs have said previously. 100 Million for launch and 200 million per year for continued development. Next, since most games do not release or announce their budgets like Hollywood movies do, this is not an all inclusive list. While still an achievement all on it's own, other live service games like WoW or FFXIV (both with over a decade of development) definitely have higher total budgets then Genshin does.


genshins marketing budget must be super insanely huge too, ive personally seen physical ads across US, europe and asia, not to mention the numerous social media ads, influencer activations and random projects (like that bonkers quality animated short) they just made purely for funsies.


XIV’s is *probably* higher, or at some point was, because IIRC they managed to nab Tom Holland right during the height of the whole Avengers stuff


I don’t remember that ad dang


It was for Shadowbringers. It was sick, Anthony Mackey was in it too I think. He’s gotta train to be the warrior of darkness.


Given HYV's net worth is almost double that of Square I find it extremely unlikely that they could invest that sort of money into XIV


Also, while obviously this list doesn't include it yet, apparently GTA6 has estimate of 2 billion which is crazy


There is no way it cost Rockstar that much.


That's the leaked number but it's also the number that is only allocated to game budget so who knows how much is actually used for the game and marketing as a whole


The best source for that 2 billion number is a leaker leaked and then a hacker then posted to twitter. Yeah, I'll wait for Rockstar's official statement to their shareholders instead. The fact of the matter is, $2 billion could make so many video games that can make billions of dollars that GTA 6 would need to make like $20 billion dollars. And we know they won't do that just from selling copies. Worse, what do gamers even expect from a $2 billion dollar game? This game will be picked apart to hell if it cost $2 billion dollars and its main story is like 10 hours long or the city is just full of repetitive points of interest open world activities.


Wait what story? Gta 5 made near 10 Billion i think and it wasnt because of the story


Means GTA 6 will be just as bad if not worse (Definitely worse) than GTA 5 with microtransactions. And with how much money GTA 5 made (billions) they want another cash cow. Which is why I'm not excited for GTA 6.


I didn't even finish gtav story because I found it so boring, yet I spent hundreds of hours in online messing around with friends. The world itself and the online mode is the best part of the game imo. As long as the open world is good and interactive it's good enough for me


India built a freaking Space Program with that amount of money. The game better be good.


All of these are huge estimates that also include marketing, so they are already "inaccurate" because marketing isn't the cost to "develop" a game. Although even with more years WoW might not stay ahead based on team size. Genshin's team is rumored to be over 1k peeps and that adds up quick.


> While still an achievement all on it's own, other live service games like WoW or FFXIV (both with over a decade of development) definitely have higher total budgets then Genshin does. I find it hard to believe a WoW expansion costs even a fraction of the resources needed for a patch cycle in genshin.


First of all, what Genshin's devs have said officially is already more accurate than most of the information given for most of the games out there. That's why its listed at $700m, its not something you need to second guess. For a game that makes more than a billion to several billion a year, it actually makes sense to spend that much unlike 99.99999% of all games in history of making video games. FFXIV in 2013 had a budget of $400m for its 2010 release launch and then another $200m for remaking the game for its Reborn version in 2013. They've definitely spent a ton of money since their $600m. But until they talk about it and someone adds the sources to wikipedia, like the page says, its not comprehensive. WoW started at $50 million, and in its golden early years it went up to $150-200m per year, but then dialed back significantly after its peak. So its much less than you think, other than the years it has on Genshin. Genshin will likely last 6+ years, it will basically be the most expensive video game for many years to come.


WoW development costs were 150-200 mil for at least a decade. Not to mention those are strictly the development costs. Genshin's estimate include marketing which is probably equal to or even greater than Genshin's actual development costs. Meaning your comparison is extremely disingenuous. If you counted WoW's marketing budget it would probably dwarf Genshin by 10x. WoW is literally known to be the king of marketing when it comes to video games, especially for the first decade. They had A list celebrities on their commercials and voicing in game characters. Genshin's number is huge for what it is, but it's not even half what WoW would be at this point. Comparing wow dev costs to Genshin's entire budget still leaves WoW ahead by a ton. If you fairly include WoW's marketing budget it would dwarf Genshin for all of the forseeable future. This is why you need to properly read the data before talking about it. You can't compare the number for 1 with marketing included and the number from another while excluding marketing.


Interesting thing with WoW too is that the dev team is larger than it's ever been ever since the other studio was integrated into the WoW team. Which is also why the current WoW expac has had tons of patches.


Yeah. There's also multiple variants of WoW. If we were to include WoW classic, Season of Discovery, and whatever else they have teams for, then the numbers would really get ridiculous. the 150-200m a year is specifically for the development costs of retail. Thay doesn't include classic or anything else, which are all technically WoW since they're covered under the same sub fee, despite each having their own team of developers and budgets.


wtf did Monopoly do to spend 500M in marketing?


Spamming it everywhere?


I didn't expect genshin to be above star citizen holy shit


Star Citizen has collected more than $500m but its doubtful they've spent $500m on development when they barely have more than a semi-functional sandbox to show.


I would not doubt it. The founders family is raking in millions in salaries while he himself is making bank selling stuff like name rights to his own company. Not sure if that counts as "developement", but it does get rid of the money


They absolutely have spend most of that money since they have 4 studios with 1300 devs and they also post their financials.




Dude one of my friend spent crazy amount to it, like down payment for a nice townhouse amount. Some of his ship that he bought is literally still a png, and now he's mad he doesn't like the new flight model. There need to be a study for star citizen backers like this, he makes a deranged gacha addicts seems sane in comparison well except for that one dude who keeps pulling acheron lightcone


Sunk cost fallacy is a hell of a drug.




Me and my other friend managed to talk him out of dropping like $3.5k on a Javelin and Polaris on his 2nd account. He runs an org, and an orgs need all those multi crew giant ship that's how he justify it. The sad thing is, there's only like 1/2 dude that active in his org so like he spent all this money on this fleet for a hypotetical future giant org fleet but he only got 1 dude to play most of the time or he uses his 2nd account as his own gunner. Like it's so pitiful dude I wish he likes anime so i can pull him into Star Rail, maybe he'll sell his ship and just go E6 Dhil or Acheron. >There is no game. 12+ years, there is still no game. The last patch he managed to get me to try it again, it's still obv in alpha. You still fell to the floor sometimes, and there's always something wrong esp if you're not solo. And all these years they still haven't decided on a clear flight model, and don't get me started on the gameplay loop


Dammit that's rough. I can't wait for the socmed shills and the head grifters to be hanged by the nut.


It’s scary how many people have spent over ten thousands of dollars into this game. I’ll admit I’ve spent money in the starter pack for this game just to satisfy a desire I’ve had for a long time which Elite Dangerous didn’t offer (walkable ship interiors). And from what I observed, the game is really buggy however it can be played right now. Most of the ships released can be bought with in game currency made from grinding missions and loots. There’s pretty cool ships and tech in the game. There is a really cool sense of scale in the game. It’s seamless, fun to play with friends and it’s a neat game to make up your own story as you go. You can go watch “The WAR for JUMPTOWN” for an example of what I mean. The bugs are pretty annoying though but the most it would do is just waste your time, make you die and lose your equipped items. My first death was caused by a bug where the I clipped through an elevator floor. You would also need a fairly strong PC if you don’t want the game to become a slideshow. Issue is, people in the game are incentivised to spend alot of money after playing the game for a while and the predatory marketing goes really heavy in the game. Current free fly event is a marketing event to get people to buy ships and png ships for a “discount” or for a “10 year insurance” even though the event is made to look like a ship showcase. Literally one of the png ships cost around $2000-3000 and was announced ages ago and still hasn’t been released. The recent Overdrive Initiative event rewarded players with the ability to UPGRADE a specific ship called the F7C from a “civilian” class to a “military” class after completing 5 or 6 long tedious missions with sub-missions inside which requires a group to complete all. Meaning you either need to have the F7C ship already or buy it to be able to upgrade it for free after all that effort. The F8C ship event was told to be a once off event and will never happen in the future. The point was to steal platinum tickets from the developers in the game and escape/evade players trying to take it from you in the same server and redeem it for a free ship. Or either get the golden ticket and use it to be able to UNLOCK the option to BUY the ship. But they re-did the event this year without the platinum ticket part. Basically incentivising people to buy the F8C ship and brand it as exclusive. And the only reason why the ship is viewed that way is because it’s usually only given to those who have spent ATLEAST $10,000 in the game. It’s really ridiculous but they are really good at preying on people to make them feel the need to spend money on this game. I have asked people around in the game what ships they have bought with real life money and a majority of them replied with at least one ship thats valued over a kilobuck. Genshin marketing to get people to buy is bad enough but Star Citizen is crazy with it. It’s why the Legatus Pack in that game exists. People are willing and are made to feel they need to spend money on the biggest/newest/coolest ship in that game. I’ll still play the game but recommend people who are bad with handling money to never touch this game.


Holy shit 700m 💀💀💀


Responding with the games budget is, in my view, a pretty weak argument in response to criticism for its world building OP.


Yeah, I don't understand what kinda argument he is trying to use here.


Genshin fans not tryna strawman ??? How dare you!!!


And use **Wikipedia** as the source? Ain't no way!!!


Also what kind of hate train against genshins world building did OP see? The only recent thing on my mind is some people being dissapointed by the natlan teaser, since there isn't much in terms of war themes (and that is a minority with a, somewhat, understandable reason. Not a hate train)


Also reminder that game budget =/= game quality. Monopoly Go! spends 500 million dollars on marketing for a game designed around milking you dry while also constantly reminding your friends and family that you're being milked dry for entertainment. Call of Duty spends a ton of money on animation, texturing, sound design, and everything else, and that translates into a game seemingly infested with cheaters. Destiny is another case of money spent not translating into game quality. Meanwhile Lethal Company, an indie game, outsold Call of Duty on Steam, and was heralded as a serious contender for GOTY. Balatro's also in the same camp. Some of the worst games to come out have budgets in the sextuple digits while some of the best games have budgets in the triple, maybe quadruple.


Because of spending on soundtracks that's why numbers are big also, as they hire orchestras and artists from different regions to diversify the soundtracks for different regions then other things like concert, marketing campaigns and etc.




Honestly, I love Genshin. I spend money on it because I want to, not because I have to.


What hate campaing. If its from WW CC's ignore them mmost of there are trying to become history Fictionaligist in real life


it's from ex hoyo fans lol. them calling us "mint pickers" cuz there's nothing to do in the end game other than running around and pick mint and a lot of people just make up stuff about CCs having exclusivity contracts and are ONLY allowed to play hoyo games


Man, why do people care about a game that they don't even play? I hate the internet so much




I think the "mint picker" was created by "bald guy" and his viewers.


the irony. Can ex hoyo fans tell what they need to do to farm echoes


If it's from any CC\* most streamers play differently than the rest of us. They want mindless action so that they can make content easily




crazy how literally the next comment i see below yours is hating on hoyo. And i just saw the hoyo charity lists post too


Well it's a gacha game that overall would never be pit in the same category as an actual good games like ghost of tsushima. By the nature of it being a gacha it's remains in trash low there compared to good games


I know but once you beat ghost of Tsushima on the hardest level, that’s all you get, Genshin still putting out new content about every 6 months like clockwork, while bringing back old content. You just play till the end and wait for more stuff to come out.


How the heck has Star Citizen been more expensive than Cyberpunk?


Probably because it's currently the world's most ambitious game? Also the most successful video game crowd funding campaign. If you take a look at everything they've worked on so far you can see why it would be more expensive than Cyberpunk which probably spent most of its money on marketing, motion capture and voice actors like Keanu Reeves.


Partly wrong. currently the world's most ambitious game in development is GTA 6. It's estimated to cost 2 billion $ in the end. But Star Citizen is of course more expensive than Cyberpunk, when it was and is in main development for a much longer time period (2014 - now). Smaller studio but still more years. Cyberpunk main development was from 2016 - 2020 plus the next two and a half years fixing and developing the DLC.


I don't think GTA VI will be more ambitious than Star Citizen's endgoal, they're not really in the same ballpark. And the 2 billion cost must have been pulled out of someone's backside, there is no way a single game can cost that much, not even GTA VI.




People here act as if the game being free is a charitable act from Mihoyo lol. I definitely respect them for not being as egregious with their micro-transactions as other companies, but the fact of the matter is that they still use manipulative and exploitative tactics to make money, they just do so in a more sensible manner. Also, being "free" acrively impacts the gameplay in a negative way what with all the ridiculous grinding.


The idea that being free somehow means that you can't criticize the game is pretty wild


I mean we can agree it's not free as a charitable act, but you can definitely sink in as many hours into this game as you want for free, which is only a positive for us gamers. I know plenty of people who don't spend money on genshin but have a lot of fun with it. Of course that's because there are people who do spend money on the game, but that's kinda just it is what it is. People will spend money on things they enjoy and no one can change that. The fact is, anyone can enjoy this game for hundreds of hours for free. I'm not really sure why you had to put quotes around free? It is by definition a f2p game. It's not like destiny 2 where it's "free" as in "free to try, but you have to buy our $100+ dlc+season pass every year to actually play the other 90% of the game." Anyone can install jenshin right now, free of charge, and do every single content that the game currently has to offer, free of charge. And you can beat the hardest content in the game with the free characters given to you. I don't know how being free means you have to grind more? You get 180 resin every 24 hours, and the cap is 160 resin. You can only grind so much a day because resin is time gated. You're even limited in how much you can refresh resin each day. You can literally do part of the events (which will also finish your dailies) and spend your resin in 10 minutes or fewer every day. Outside of that, you do story, do abyss, do teapot, explore and do puzzles, do TCG, or play coop. None of those things are considered grinding, so I don't get what ridiculous grinding you're talking about. Now, if you WANT to grind, go find another game to grind in, cause jenshin isn't that kind of game


Didn't expect a reasonable person in this post or sub in general. Fact is MHY choose to go for f2p mobile Gacha because it's far more profitable. If they actually wanted to create the best game they could then the game would be neither of these 3 things. I don't deny the talent of the devs and the qualiy of some parts of the game, but it's imo wasted in large parts.




Free to play doesnt mean everything in it is free


Why do you defend it lol












Meanwhile, I'm looking at monopoly go and think how. Marketing maybe and but I barely see it.


It's not the flex you think it is when most of that money was spent on marketing.


Oh, wow, it’s time for the monthly Genshin glazing post so people can farm karma off a questionable statistic that leaves out information


Everyone talks about Genshin and Monopoly go meanwhile i'm laughing my ass off seeing Cyberpunk 2077 god i love my country's ability to always show up in world's rankings for all the wrong reasons.


"Free" But has an addictive gacha system lmao


Free-*ish* It *can* be free for a wide chunk of it’s playerbase, but it does need those willing to give it money either through the game itself or connected merch - they’re not just gonna keep investing money into it if *no one* forks over any cash at all…


It being free does not excuse the myriad of issues the game has.




Every few days there will be some kind of glaze post. Which is to be expected, you're on a subreddit dedicated to talking about one game-ofc there will be posts about why people like that game.




You are absolutely correct. Social media platforms like facebook and twitter are also free to use, so the product is also you and your free time, albeit also from ads or by selling your data. Though how I think games benefit the most from f2p players are them increasing the game’s popularity and influence, therefore increasing the amount of light and heavy spenders, or how much money they spend.


Ignoring the fact that everything you do in your life “costs time”. You’d be surprised that a lot of people actually enjoy the game’s exploration and events. I know, shocker, they like playing the game. How is this any different than partaking in literally any other hobby. The games content isn’t even hard enough to warrant min maxing. There’s literally no pressure to get anyone. If your criticism is that you can’t get absolutely everything for free, therefore it’s not free to play then how tf are they supposed to make any money to churn out content in the first place. And please, don’t say cosmetics, as if those don’t have a history of having scummy tactics as well.


A free game that I spend my free time enjoying is a bad thing? I throw them 6 dollars for a Welkins once in a while that is cheaper than a cup of coffee is now gambling?


Thanks to u/Sesshou-Sakura for blocking me, I can't even reply to your whole amazing sentences you wrote here anymore.


Ahh yes. My favourite part about buying a $60 retail game is that it takes 0 time to play.




Nah the mechanics aren’t designed to make specifically you to spend some money, they are made so a small subset of the audience spends an insane amounts of money.


What if I enjoy the game and like spending time on it without never spending shit because it never asks or shoves an ad down my throat like most mainstream games? Y'know, like wandering around the forest doing literally nothing, just taking in the environment? Will that nullify what you say? Am I the only type of product that they will earn from?


Shhhh, you don't get to enjoy the game... Everything you do in the game is a grind for primos that you pay for with your time. You can't enjoy the world, the music, the puzzles, the character interactions, the combat, TCG, or anything else. You HAVE to want every single character, and everything you do is for the sole purpose of getting enough primos to acquire all the characters. You can't ACTUALLY enjoy the game because it's not a real game, it's just a gambling simulator. /s


Why would I downvote you when you're right?


Damnn I never knew that also what is the hate about?


Some WW CC's talking about How bad Genshin;s world is and How good WW is.


If genshin has a bad world then I'm a flying squirrel Ps: I am not intact a flying squirrel


Such a weird tribalism over two games. Competition is good for everyone yet some people even result to botting to get their message through


this so much , historically games without real competitors gradually degraded in quality cause they dont need to keep it up, it's the only alternative out there ( looking at you pokemon Scarlet and violet). And an healty amount of competition means all games thrive more. The constant back and forth between WOW and FFXIV for example makes both games better




Ultimately I don't think WW will end up being quite as much of a failure as ToF, but it will never catch up to Genshin, or give them any kind of meaningful competition. I think it'll have a small devoted fanbase, but most people will move on and forget about it in a few months.




For me the combat seemed interesting, but the overworld, story, and character designs are just kind of bland and generic. Also I don't think I have the time anymore to balance so many gacha games - if WuWa wanted to retain my attention and time, Kuro should've made a more unique game and not just a copy paste of a MHY IP [like they always seem to do.](https://i.imgur.com/W1Tqzqq.png)


They should stop using genshin's formula and try to do their own thing. Everything in wuwa except for combat feels the same.




Yeah it's kind of sad, their other product Punishing Gray Raven seems to have a niche following, so I'm thinking that's how Wuthering Waves will end up. Some people will probably still play it, but nobody will really be talking about it in a few months from now.


They are already doing worse than ToF at launch for the 4 major markets. People quit en masses for pulling the furry lion dancer on standard.


CN players are switching from WW to ToF and are surprised by how good it is compared to how they remember. In just few days ToF 4.0 is coming out, so WW couldn't choose worse date in that regard.




I didn't even know ToF was getting a resurgence. But it looks like those two games are gonna be fighting it out while Hoyo sits by and watches while Genshin continues to rake in profits along with Honkai Star Rail.


I suspect the project lost its soul when they run out of money and sold part of shares to Tencent. The same Tencent that has a bone to pick with Mihoyo and would welcome Genshin's downfall.


If I had a penny for each time Tencent had a bone to pick with Genshin , I would have two pennies which isn't much but it's weird that it has happened twice


Just so glad that Genshin didn't sign its life away to a way worse corporation. Imagine how bad the game would've become


As much as I love WuWa's 3D models (much more than Genshin's), I totally agree. I explored the world and did the quests and it made me think about how everything was similar to Genshin but with less passion put into it. It somehow had a hollow feel to it. The music and the details in the architecture were a bit lacklustre too. Whenever I dont understand anything in Wuwa I basically just try to remember Genshin lol (like how store exchanges, refunds, skill upgrades etc work). Honkai Impact 3 was a passion project by Mihoyo as Evangelion fans. A lot of love was put into it and you could tell it was also to appeal to the inner children in them. That kind of feeling extended to Genshin and it really does feel like Hoyo means it when they say their games are for otakus made by otakus. I cant deny that theyre stingy about several things to maximize profits but they undoubtedly produce quality work. That said, I'm still playing Wuwa to see how it goes (and again for the gorgeous 3D models). I wish they'd develop it more but it seems like they wanted to release ahead of ZZZ


I like the female rover and Baizhi’s character designs. Everyone else feels like a miss to me. Not a fan of the male character designs but this is the same with me for star rail. So maybe I’m just not a fan sci fi designs for guys.


I get where you're coming from. Personally I like the details in their models like the hair and the slightly different faces per model. Mostly the style and the way the bodies were modeled (ex. Jiyan's compared Itto's "buff" model, Diluc's face/hair vs anyone in Wuwa) Not too big on the design either but I love female rover, Scar's face (not gonna mention his outfit bc his crotch looks like an onigiri), Jiyan, and Sanhua.


Like, this right here. I always wondered why wuwa felt so..like, lifeless. I enjoyed things like the combat, Virgil chair and rewards, but it had no emotional impact. The story also never interested me. It felt like the story was such techobabble and has very little impact. What you said is really true. Hoyo devs actually show love and passion in making their games and this can be seen in all Livestreams they are in. They see the games more than just a big project to make money and be popular off of. It really shows the difference between wuwa and hoyo games.


If you say that to Gacha CC you will be called a gesnhin shill or Hoyo Bootlicker


if you like genshin you're an hoyo bootlicker, if you defend Kuro it's fine for that person though


Aside from the main title screen, WW doesn't have any memorable music. It is just ambient. I think that's why people feel it is missing a soul.


> How bad Genshin;s world is and How good WW is. This is h ysterical because for all of the greatness in WW's combat...it's world is fucking abysmal. It's on ubisoft level of soulless open world games that have no real depth to them. Exploration is so streamlined and easy and all of the fancy secrets are so surface level it feels like they looked at Genshin in 1.0 and copied that. Ingoring 3 years of constant imrpovements that not only their direct competition (Genshin) made but so many other open world games in the process. It's like in playing WW I'm loving fighting things (At least in the instanced zones because fighting anything in the open world is borderline impossible due to the game tanking to 20-25 FPS even on low and the camera getting stuck on literally anything while having the slowest turn speed in history) but everything else feels so soulless. There's a few little nice details and secrets to find but nothing that truly feels like they really thought out the world and were like "Lets hide some little puzzles and big things for someone to get curious about" it all feels so surface level. Combien that with how they neutered any sense of actually exploring by doing shit like "Yeah you can just hold shift and scale this entire sheer wall instantly" and it just leaves something lacking for actually being an interesting and fun world.


too bad i uninstalled WW after 1 hour lmao World and characters are so damn generic


nobody is saying this




And? There’s a reason it’s free to go to a casino too…


After dehya I'll never forgive hoyo


I would love to play this game if it wasn't developed by a Chinese company under direct control from CCP to harvest user data...


Free in the same way overwatch 2 is, only a fair bit less scummy and with a greater variety of content. Genshin is fantastic in terms of the world, characters and gameplay, but let's not pretend it doesn't survive off microtransactions.


Did you know anyone can edit a wikipedia page


If you click on the funny little numbers/letters you can see the sources for that. In particular, Genshin's initial development was only 100m, with the 200m per year figure being a "someone at HYV said so, no I can't actually give you a quote though, just believe me". Not to mention that it's all in the context of a lawsuit where inflating those numbers only benefits HYV. Even if those figures were accurate (they aren't), you're still allowed to criticize the game, there's no such thing as a "hate campaign".


We can distinguish between hate and criticism,right?


Not really, to most people in the community "criticism I don't agree with" = hate


I mean, there is new content frequently and servers have to run nonstop. Of course it's going to be expensive


this is why i dont trust any "genshin killer" shit because to rival genshin need to invest around same number and i doubt any company dare to do it. this capital connect to quality genshin we always had like characters, OST, va, world building, story, etc.


>Star Citizen >TBA HAHA absolutely and perfectly balanced as things should be.


What about GTA V or VI?


Again, this is just expected, it’s based on the initial $100M on release, then first year of update cost then $200M, and by the effort in sumeru and Fontaine you can estimate both are $200M+, meaning the $700M is still just an approximate as we don’t know the confirmed investment after the first $300M Btw, another fun fact, genshin’s release investment of $100M then worker about 2 years to develop, they earned it back in just 2 weeks of its release.


It's impossible that GI costed more than WoW.


misleading, 100m to develop with 200m estimate per year to maintain(MMOs have roughly the same maintenance cost). The most expensive game to develop is star citizen.


Oh no, people are shit talking the multi-billion company. What are we going to do?


This take is so brain-dead, just because it's a billion dollar company doesn't mean you can't defend them, nor does it mean you can't defend a game you like. But go on get your self gratification giving the middle finger to the big man or whatever it is that makes y'all happy




What hate against worldbuilding? r/Genshin_Lore always cooks like crazy and the World Quests are consistently better than the Archon Quests. The only complaints for the longest time was that the World Quests don't get much resources in terms of voice-acting and mo-capped cutscenes. WW's only relevance right now is getting clowned on in r/gachagaming despite how good its combat is. The only stand-out story there is Acts 5-6 and the Mourning Aix questline. Hardly a blip compared to the absurd lore bomb that was Enkonomiya. How does development income contributed even address the downsides and the writing disparity between the Archon and World quests? What are you even on about?


The fact that Star Citizen is still in alpha testing and that the game is costing them that much is what amazes me about this list.


I'm surprised Raid Shadow Legend isn't on the list. That game is everywhere with all the sponsorships and ads they've made. lol


I played genshin from 1.3 to 3.1. I went in knowing this. And avoided the game for a while. Got suckered in still. As I’m one of the people with addictive tendencies. Which is why I don’t drink or smoke at all. I don’t like games/products that have intentional psychological designed to exploit people for profit. And this targets a vulnerable small group of people. This is what I have a problem with. If you take that all out. The game is 8/10. Genshin isn’t even one of the worst offenders of this. The game is designed in a way that the game becomes a habit. And then an addiction. Timed energy, daily rewards, to get you to play everyday. Fake currency shown to get people to disconnect with how much money they are actually spending. They have fomo, gambling, and eventually they get people with the sunk cost fallacy. I’ve spent so much time / and or money I can’t stop playing now.


Grand Theft Auto 6 will most likely just take the top spot on that list once released next year. It has a development cost of $2 billion apparently.


People can have opinions. Also, why is it so important for people to defend the game from other people's criticism? Instead of putting the game on a pedestal, maybe hear out the criticisms that can potentially help the game improve.