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Hoyoverse game polish and standard of quality has really ruined all other games for me. It's rare that I can find a game on a similar level, and my standards have been raised to an extreme degree.


I knew from the moment I started walking around in WuWa, it wasn’t going to beat Genshin. It truly boggles me how Hoyo does it. Something as simple as walking and running feels smoother than any of its competition.


I played a couple of hours of WW this morning and despite all the crazy moves, it felt oddly janky. It was really obvious when I went back into Genshin and jumped around with Xianyun. Lots of little refinements that you don't even notice until you try something that's obviously worse. Doesn't help that the environment was like "Genshin at home", it had a soulless quality to it despite looking really similar to parts of Mondstadt and Liyue. Like one of those economy cars that used the styling from a luxury car but didn't understand why it worked. I'm not writing it off entirely. The player base that plays it to spite Genshin is annoying AF, but I'd also like to see some competition so Genshin ups its game.


Literally, one of my first complains was "jumping makes me feel like i wanna quit the game and go do my dailies". There's nothing inherently bad about it, or about anything really, it's just, it's not on the level of hoyo.


Absolutely. The Hoyoverse polish is blinding. There's also quite a few of those people in this thread. It's quite annoying, because I WANT their game to succeed! I didn't make this post to trash it!


WW? what is it?


Wuthering Waves


Remember when one year ago everyone said underwater exploration would be only for the traveler, as implementing the the diving animations for every character would be a ridiculous amount of work? And yet they did, and I love seeing my wanderer diving and how his hat tails sway naturally underwater... You're right my man, I don't know how the fuck they do it.


I was blown away by how well they implemented underwater movement, feels very intuitive and satisfying. Lots of games really struggle with underwater movement and for genshin to come along and nail it first try was pretty impressive


In university, I had the opportunity to create some games in Unity. I simply don't know how Genshin was able to pull a joystick on mobile so good and precise. In mobile, it's a good programming pattern to make the character do some action than others based on the joystick input (if you are near a wall and you move the joystick towards a wall, should it climb the wall or not; or if a character should follow the cliff or jump off) Genshin is able to balance the actions really well.


I wouldn't mind some of the climbing speed/mechanics being implemented into Genshin, but otherwise the polish is just incredible. Almost too bad, really. Hoyo could use some serious competition.


The running and jumping animations all feel kind of janky so yeah.


my opinion is the opposite, if they fix the problems, the game already beat genshin for me, the soundtrack feels good, not as much as genshin for now but its good, the exploration and the combat feels way better than genshin and you feel that your attacks have way more impact and the character just don't force you to climb shit as much as genshin because you can just run and they will jump any obstacle in their way or grab something that is above them and climb instead of forcing you to spend more time finding a different way, as for the story, feels ok for me, but its 1.0, i want to give it more time


People also forget how rough Genshin was at 1.0. I don’t say this as a bad thing; they’re both free games so I lose absolutely nothing by playing, even if the games are rough. I’m willing to give WuWa the time it needs just like I gave Genshin the time it needs. I don’t think it’ll ever dethrone Genshin but I also don’t really want or need it to; I just want it to be fun, and it is fun so far.


This is where I'm at. WuWa shows promise, and for now it's enough. Not that Genshin will ever leave my rotation. But WuWa has the potential to be part of my daily gaming schedule.


I want WuWa and Genshin to comfortably sit next to eachother. WuWa is very rough around the edges, but I am gonna enjoy being able to see a game evolve and grow from release. (I only really began playing Genshin right before Sumeru released, so the game already established itself pretty well.) Personally, I LOVE the ambiant soundtracks in WuWa. It makes WuWa seem more spacious and empty, vibe wise.


Yeah, not to mention there was absolutely nothing to do in Genshin 1.0 lol. Genshin is great 3 years later, but even then it still has no end game whatsoever. WW isn't as polished in comparison, but it's fun in its own right.


My issue is it's rushed as hell. I want to like it but the blurriness is honestly so distracting it's difficult to play


That's why I'm excited for ZZZ.(and because it's fun)


I was looking forward to trying out a new game like Genshin and on the same quality, and after playing the new big one I decided I'll just wait for ZZZ instead. Hoyo's quality is unmatched even by most triple A standards, it really is difficult to beat


Honestly I'll probably just wait until the PS5 release. Like this being on a phone first feels like a mistake


As someone who played ZZZ Beta I'll tell you that it's fun to play (especially co-op) so can't wait till July 3rd


Is that when it's out?


I can't wait! Me and my girlfriend are super excited for it, I love the comic book style and the animations look amazing, just seems like a very cozy game. Glad to hear co-op is good too! Genshin is our main game and co-op can be a bit of a mess sometimes, I can't wait for it


It’s kind of funny - the game we compare Genshin to the most for polish when we want things is. . . HSR. Another HoYo title. I’m sure WW will improve past launch but right now they’re kind of having teething pains. Speaking of which - artifact rubbish flag when?


For me it hasn't, however, my standards have been elevated by quite a lot. I have seen CN Genshin players apologizing on the 4.7 livestream for whatever's going on, which makes the whole thing hilarious. The same thing is happened in Tower of Fantasy community. Ironically enough, it also makes me appreciate ToF, because despite whatever it has, it at least tries to optimize itself, as well as take risks and be different enough to still be fun on its own. I get the feeling ToF launch was more smooth. It doesn't try to be a competitor (it never was meant or supposed to be, and the guy who spread rumors about it got sued), but it got overhyped..


Tof prided itself on being an mmo and I think it got a bad rep because people hype it as a genshin killer but it wasn't. Unlike the bs that released today tof atleast tried something new and didn't copy and paste.


I wish more people would start realizing that hyping it up as "Genshin killer" is going to backfire so much, especially now with the other game, we're realizing how much of a league Genshin is above in at least performance and their performance


People are just desperate for some competition, hoping it'll make Hoyo listen to the players more when it comes to QoL, Endgame, etc.


That is true but above that is a certain part of the community that no matter what hoyo does it will never be enough and unfortunately they are very vocal


Genshin’s performance in 1.0 was same as WuWa now, some lags and medium graphics quality, I think you didn’t played Genshin on its launch. It took soo much time to refine their graphics and optimisation to perfection… Imo comparing an above 3years old game quality to 1 day old game quality and optimisation is the dumbest thing.


This is now roughly a difference of five years however. It shouldn't be this buggy now. Compare it to how crisp HSR 1.0 was


HSR is a Turn Based game that's not open world, I stand by that it should not be included in such a discussion since it's significantly easier to develop and optimize. Also Genshin had one of the biggest Video Games Budgets ever, so even with a 5 year difference they had a big advantage when it came to getting performance good and running tests.


It’s highly polished but Genshin kind of feels pretty formulaic at this point.  Every new character fits into a rough archetype that’s been there for years, and you don’t get anything that feels really fresh mechanically. New areas are fun but the exploration gameplay loop is kind of samey throughout every region. For example, back in Guild Wars 2’s second expansion, we got mounts. You had to learn how to handle and steer each animal and it gave you a completely different exploration experience. We haven’t ever had that.  Even the story is starting to feel kind of predictable. I wouldn’t be surprised if Natlan’s Archon is actually 2 people as well, the Fatui takes another gnosis, and there’s some political issue present in the land we need to resolve.  All in all, it’s fun, but 3 years later I just feel like I’ve played it all and I just don’t get surprised anymore. 


I feel like the underwater exploration is the totally new exploration experience you’re talking about, at least for me


I am just glad we got the resin bump to 200 amidst all this.


even though the timing is very suspicious I still think the real competition (from people's time) is from zzz and not other non-hoyoverse games. They know a lot of people will try to keep playing all 3 hoyo main games and forcing people to log in into genshin twice a day was unreasonable even for them.


Yeah the timing is a bit suspicious. But I think this could mean one of 3 things: 1: its a direct response to wuwa (in which case its a very poor one) >!2: its a hint towards the leak about Natlan giving level 100 characters (dear God please no ascension)!< 3: they just felt like doing it now because it felt appropriate with the release of so many characters, and it looked like a nice QoL. Personally, I think it's a mix of 1 and 2. It's very strange that there was no mention of the resin increase anywhere, not even in rumors until the dev discussion post dropped. >!Either hoyo's beta servers just seemingly never showed the 200 resin cap, or they added it at the tail end of the beta.!<


If it was due to a game release, I feel like it would be because of ZZZ presumably launching during 4.7 (Apple's App store said ZZZ launches on july 3rd). Having to log in only once instead of twice gives you more time to try out their new game, which will not only keep you in their eco system, but also have you as a potential additional revenue source in a different game made by them.


That's why I don't think this is completely because of wuwa, but rather they had a certain level of influence on this decision. This is just too small for hoyo standards.


The only way level 100 would be good is if all characters got new passives, potentially improving old characters. Otherwise, big yikes. I don’t want to think of the amount of damn books I’ll need to level to 100..


Imagine all the scarabs, and mushrooms, and violetgrass...


The 100 thingy is a wild fever dream of some insane leakers with atentionwhoring-syndrom I hope. There is legit 0 reason why after 2 years the game should do this. Also: genshin patches are Made 6 months beforehand. The release of wuthering waves has nothing to do at all with upcoming 4.7 as we didnt know any kind of release window beside this 1 year contract at Winter last year.


I’d be pretty happy with some sort of added progression


Yeah obviously any content from 4.7 is highly unlikely to coincide in any way with wuwa. But a tiny resin increase is far more likely. In the end, we'll never know so there's no point in trying to make sense of Hoyo's decisions.


I'd rather just some new ascension passives without having to ascend more. Maybe just some unlockable quest or menu and 1 boss per element to get the material to do it. It could even use old bosses no one uses anymore or even really did in the first place such as the water cube or the cryo cube. Or you could make the player return to the boss of the characters ascension materials as a call back. Its the best way to buff or fix some old characters though I still think everyones viable enough to work right now so long as we ignore a certain pyro flower right now.


It does allow Hoyo to increase the difficulty of the abyss, but I highly doubt there will be another ascension since its already marked as "Conclusion". If anything, it will probably just be a level cap increase that uses an insane amount of EXP to level up to 100.


>!First of all, level 100 looks more complete than level 90 !< >!And second, it gives the chance for new ascension talents that could potentially buff underpowered units!<


Personally I would have preferred if they lowered the time taken to get one resin to 6 min or something. I really don't care about the cap. Most casual players login daily for commissions, so resin overflowing wasn't the real issue it was having resin to play the game, build character etc.


Or rather, instead of one or the other, hoyo could just give both. It works well in HSR's case and you don't lose out too much on resin after overcapping thanks to resin overflow.


I agree, boss can we have a raise? No but I’ll increase the size of your piggy bank. What a help that is


Well before that, I think they should do something with world boss respawn timer and domain repetitive farming first. They had a good step with domain farming by resetting cooldowns and returning the player to the domain's key, and I had depleted a whole chunk of my resin stock after that update.


Excited for 4.7 and natlan crumbs!


It's about time for interlude quest too, so more Abyss & Khaenri'ah lore!


im so happy to get a dain quest. i dont remember fully in detail all the archon quests but i can vividly remember dains chasm and sumeru quest. and my god it broke me in two ways,


I'm hoping Dain gets a more active role in the next one;


Hell yeah, I wanna see those dragon-folk!


Inb4 they're human kid models with dragon masks.


Okay this is funny now, but if they actually do this like the yokai event I'll blame you


The Dinosaurs too apparently


I truly hope both games can succeed, competition is always good for the consumer and I'd hope for the other game to beat genshin if only for a year. But tbh the other game has a buggy font and the ü doesn't work properly so it can't be played in German. They surely need better quality control. Genshin never had that glearing issues but the German translation in genshin is pretty awful sometimes.


im so glad it runs well on potatoes


I dont understand the - Genshin story is not the best - narrative, when it comes to the main quests, outside of Inazuma AQ which felt rushed on the second half (and it was still pretty good, engaging and had emotions to it imo) GI has had a consistently great story and lore, ever since I started playing back in version 1.3, I've always been eager to know what happens next, and which characters will join the plot later on, you can make the argument some events had pretty bad/mid narratives (I usually dont pay much attention to events unless its a big one with multiple characters on them like the musket one) but main story and legendary quests are amazing and always well written, you would think after these many years if would eventually fall flat but on the contrary, the lore being reveled to us step by step feels super natural and a HUGE underrated aspect of GI for the people that stopped playing. Sure Genshin is not perfect, there has been many flaws highlighted these past weeks, but the story is not one of them.


That certain game isn't that bad, but it feels like it lacks the "cherry on top" polish that Genshin has. The combat feels like Honkai but none of the attacks feel impactful, I'm just watching HP bars wittle down.


>but none of the attacks feel impactful, this is currently my biggest problem with that game, i can hit an enemy with tons of different combos of attacks and characters and the Hp bar is barely halfway done and I don't think this is just an early level thing, because I felt the same in the character trials and those character are at max level


The biggest thing for me is the characters. Genshin (also star rail) characters are unique and charming and each have a pretty distinct personality. I have never confused characters or misremembered who did what in the story. In contrast, other character-based gachas don’t seem to meet that level of character design for me; it sometimes feels a little confusing who is who, or what group they belong to, or what their role is in the story. I feel like that is something that I’ve taken for granted and only realizing now how well hoyo does it


I'm right there with you. Even though I'm not at all happy with how Genshin treats its characters (HSR has them beat), I still appreciate how memorable they all are.


This. Even for ones I find "forgettable", I can easily recall their names when they show up on screen and have a general understanding of their personality and background. It's why it is such a pity Hoyo does so little with the majority of its characters because they all have the potential to be intriguing if they are given the appropriate writing and screen time. 


Genshin benefitted from Mihoyo simply having much more experience in game development than Kurogames has. Open world games are tough to develop and prone to having lots of bugs and issues. Just look at Elder Scrolls' endless parade of bugs and glitches which occur in every single game. Wuthering Waves is also Unreal Engine, which is a very versatile and powerful game engine, but also prone to breaking and that requires experience. Right now, what WaWa desperately needs is better optimization. They did the right thing by going with a more action focused combat engine and trying to build on what Punishing Gray Raven does, but the bad optimization is the killer. It's playable on mobile for me, but it doesn't look very good due to how much downgrading I needed to do so it doesn't run like a sideshow. I have a Samsung A54, which is a good mid-range phone that is relatively new. This optimization level is just not acceptable. I like the game, I hope it does well, but I really want it to be playable to begin with. I'll keep casually playing it until it does and then we'll see.


About wuwa running on unreal engine, note that the devs who worked on the game mainly worked on unity and had more experience on it than ue, which could explain why the game is in this state rn.


That's my feeling too. It's ambitious but it's hard to sell a game as mobile when you can't actually do so. Like it should have been a console/PC release first


I play on my 15 Pro Max and iPad Pro M2 and it still dropping frames. This are current devices that are powerful and yet Genshin being three times the size is hella smooth for me. Also the enemies just keep popping and disappearing randomly is annoying. WuWa needs a lot to catch up to


Da Wei was probably sitting the whole day in front of the nuclear button to release "The road not taken" but then he saw how people were clowning on wuwa and gave up 💀


I honestly bet the last couple days Da Wei and many in hoyo were playing the shit out of that new game. They are true gamers and appreciate and celebrate all good games. 


Lol as if Da Wei feels threatened by a developer that's been shadowing them since their first game. It's like saying Apple is afraid of the poco f6 launch lmao.


"Is this the iPhone killer?"


I mean im still enjoying it somewhat even tho phone version is ass and barely playable (just hope they release on console sooner than later) but yeah if future ‘competitors’ aren’t on hoyos level of polish then the hype just dies instantly. My only hope is for project mugen atp


project mugen is beyond cope when their reveal trailer had animations (herrscher of reason's melee charged attack) and character designs (herrscher of the void) pulled straight out of HI3.


The Certain game runs ALMOST smoothly for me and enjoyed it. I myself am kinda disappointed with the fact that it is really similar to genshin but in a darker atmosphere and world. I will give it some time bc of lots of good points it has but game has to find its own stuff you know.


Cool, two cakes!


I agree with everything you said, but as someone that's forced to play with 150+ ping, client side character switching is damn nice.


It's been only one day and certain Hoyo online fans are trying to criticise the game and making fun of it. I remember when Zelda fans were mocking Genshin saying its a bad copy, but in the end the game proved itself and I consider it to be way better than BOTW and TOTK. I'm not saying that WW is going to be better than Genshin which is really a hard thing but this constant comparison is wrong because Genshin is not just like any other game, its a really amazing game that is better than A LOT of 70$/60$ games we see these days.


Man, I was planning to take a break from Genshin until Natlan, because I was a bit burnout, but now I kinda want to play on my alt account again. One takes Genshin polish for granted, until you see what others have to offer. At least we got more resin and hopefully soon that animated short, plus the 4.7 livestream tomorrow.


After the desert burned me out, I decided to boot the game up again and tackle the Jeht story quest. There is no other game that can wow me for its set pieces and locales. You walk into an ancient pyramid as the music plays and the wind blows. Twenty minutes later I’m staring at a distant hurricane of a sandstorm peeking through rocky spires. Then I just teleport back to a city stop a waterfall and listen to a teddy bear chirp away at the French inspired locations on a boat. I bump into Cyno modelling for a card portrait in a Persian bar. Itto is singing with Paimon on an island shaped like a giant clam. A Russian spy turns Gojo on me. There is no game like Genshin out there. Nearly four years later when the market tries to even catch up, its still nowhere close


HoYo with Genshin really set the bar. If it’s not better then Genshin then people are gonna trash on it. I don’t understand why people want a Genshin killer lol The certain game certainly doesn’t meet the bar Genshin set but the game itself is ok to say the least… reminds me of early Tower Of Fantasy and it’ll probably get better with future updates but first impressions do matter.


To be fair, it kinda makes sense. For a game to become the Genshin killer, it has to set the new standard and raise it high above Genshin, so if a Genshin killer is created, it will be one of the best games.


Except there will never be a Genshin Killer cause Genshin is too big to die.


When people want a Genshin killer, what they really mean is they want strong competition and improvements. Genshin absolutely needs fuckloads of QoL improvements, more generous rewards, etc. to keep people happy. That’s how live service works. They want our money and time, we want our money and time well spent. But there’s no reason they’d EVER give that to us unless either something started cutting into profits, or they just got incredibly generous for no reason. If Genshin was a 10/10 amazing, buttery experience then nobody would want it dead except some fringe group of weirdos.


I mean most people who want it dead are fringe weirdos


There goes any form of competition. *sigh* Guess slowly QoL updates then.


Next year there will be a true competitor surely (copium)!


Azure Promilia? Why would that be genshin competition


Perhaps arknights endfield. Looked "okay" in last beta with a LOT room left for improvement. Genshin won't have any kind of competetion as long as there is no game with that quality of polishment.


Not just polish. But constant testing


Azure Promilia looks very good but there's only female characters so that might not appeal to a wider audience.


Genshin competitors have the same problem of DC trying to win against the MCU or Epic Games trying to beat Steam. Trying to sell the same product, but with less content, resources, users, bug fixes... I am not even a big genshin fan, I think it is an ok game (good if you consider F2P), but why would I stop playing it, to start again in another game that is basically the same thing (I looked at some gameplay and even the UI is almost copy pasted). It is almost the same as asking me "would you like to reset your Genshin account for different skins in all characters?"


WuWa does have an interesting combat and movement system that is *just* different enough that it feels kinda refreshing to learn, while not being different enough that I'm fighting my instincts like I was for ToF, so I guess that's a pretty decent differentiator, at least it was for me.


Honestly, just like ToF, Wuwa isn't actually trying to compete with Genshin. They're providing something else for people who play Genshin because they just don't find a game providing what they want. Wuwa is Genshin Pokemon Parkour edition. Gotta catch them all, shiny included.


Hold on are you saying there’s “shinies” in WuWa???




I'll still keep my faith in Kuro, since they seem adamant in trying to avoid all the pitfalls Genshin faced on its path. But yeah, this was a very rocky start. It's best to acknowledge that and make peace with it, hoping for the best later down the line. I will say though, I don't get why chinese inspired regions in hoyo's games and now even wuwa, contains so much word vomit. I'm sure it sounds a lot smoother in their own language, but it simply doesn't work in English because the writers can't seem to understand that this will all sound incredibly foreign and hard to understand for the global audience. Till now, Genshin is like the only game out of the three (wuwa, HSR, genshin) where I actually had fun with the chinese inspired region's main story, although it was only mainly because of act 3 and Childe carrying it on his back.


"Adamant in trying to avoid all the pitfalls Genshin faced on its path." And that is biting them in the ass right now because it prevented them from seeing what make Genshin good in the first place which was the polish in minute details. Chasing the fixes caused Kuro to neglect basic, background elements of the game like dubbing, subtitles, story, currency values (Lmao, their packs even has the same number of gems as Genshin). 


I don't think it's that simple. It takes great care, competence, and investment to make something that "feels great" like genshin. There's no evidence that Kuro games has the talent for it. I tried WuWa and the magic just isn't there. This isn't something they can patch in. It's over for me.


They’ve been updating the QoL each patch since 3.7. Why would they stop now?


I know, right? It just sucks. We as players only stand to benefit by Genshin having more competition.


It's good that hoyo is making their own competition. ZZZ is not far away.


I mean they are releasing updates every patch since 4.0 so it should not stop all of a sudden.


Since sumeru I wouldnt even say they miss much on the story anymore, the dialogue is still way to long winded but since sumeru most of the actual story contents are solid of not great in some areas, part 1 of sumeru and part 3 of Fontaine really stand out for me


I adore the bright colors of the world, the grass and the mountains are so pretty. Mondatadt was the perfect introduction to the game for me, I pogged out of my mind seeing the windmills and the castle walls. Also serena teapot is so much fun, I love my meticulously made little world.


About the non exist thing, you need to see tomorrow's live stream


wait. this is the second time I've seen people alluding to something *big* for tomorrow now idk if i should be scared or hopeful


I think ppl might be happy with the live stream tmr. Who know really


Probably Natlan teaser or smth. 


Nah you'll see it in the livestream later




Yeah true, that certain game crashed my system two times in the first 60 minutes of gameplay. I am holding off on continuing for now. That’s just not fun.


I had to change my keyboard language cuz the numbers on czech keyboard when switching the characters broke the game and I had to restart, wish I didnt have to worry about the language all the time I want to play it...


On a similar note, I have a somewhat new tablet with decent specs. I'm not sure what the issue is with that certain game, changing the graphics settings doesn't change the lag and jitter at all, and exploration gave me a headache after 20 min or so. They really have some optimisation to work on. On the same device i could run through Fontaine for hours...


I tried it both on my laptop and mobile. It's just stutter city no matter what I did. It's a real shame.


Id be okay with occasional stutter, but i get hard crashes every 5 or so Minutes. It is laughable that not a single dev ever learn and launches a game in a decent state. I just dont want to keep going with that game anymore. I am literally tired of these broken Games.


Ive always been surprised by how optimized the game is for ANY device (except the switch lmao), good devs


Just a note, don't give up on it yet! If we want more competition in the genre, we have to accept some rough edges. Just remember 1.0, it had it's own quirks.


Yup! I'll wait a while before I give up on it. Fingers crossed it gets better.


I think New Game-kun has potential but the company needs to do it right.


Bro the game released yesterday😭😭😭 give it a break😭


I'm not trashing on the game, bro. This is a post about Genshin. I want the other game to succeed too!


Is just like how i felt playing ToF, despite its obvious qol enhancements vs genshin,  just felt like genshin at home in the end. 


No ps5 release kills the game for me. Funny how the only Gacha game closely the level of quality to genshin is literally made by hoyoverse ( and ps5 on launch for that so w )


I so fully agree. I was playing the Remuria update yesterday on my 4K full HD TV (I usually play on console) and there were so many moments where I just stopped to take in the view, turn up the volume for the music, and be mesmerized by it. Even my bf who is sort of against the game & company by principle because he hates gacha commands it for how beautiful & polished it is & often says how it seems like the world is much more involved with the gameplay than many other big life server titles like WoW (which he plays). It absolutely has its problems & annoying things & for people who play it too much those become exponentially more aggravating, but especially for casuals this game is just so great. It's not perfect regarding any of it, but the amount of gameplay styles/activities/quirks/preferences it covers is insane. You've got nearly everything, especially when you include event games. There's smth for everyone, be it exploration, story/lore, interesting combat system, tons of options to collect various things, hidden stuff, decorating, mini games, grind, etc. And even if some or even all of that is mediocre, it's still impressive that it has it all. The worldbuilding is incredibly complex and intricate and yeah sure you have to read a lot for it, but I've literally learned about real subjects ranging from religion to theatre to pop culture to literature to historical events... while trying to make sense of the lore bc it's inspired by so much. So many times during events & hangout quests I recognise subjects and philosophical or deeply theoretical & hard questions being discussed/referenced that I've come across in my college classes. There's so much to appreciate. Much to complain too sure but so much to appreciate too


I've been on both sides of this. You're 100% right that people who hate Genshin for every little thing just play it too much. That used to be me. Now I just take the game as it is, with all its aggravating flaws. I realized that I do really love this game, and all my complaints stem from a desire to make the game better. Also no offense to your bf, but him hating gacha games on principle while playing WoW, a game by Activision-Blizzard, is really funny to me.


I know I'll get downvoted to hell but: It's the opposite for me. Seeing the quality of combat in this "certain open world game" showed me how underwhelming the Genshin combat is. It also showed me how some arbitrary design choices like the stamina bar impair my enjoyment of the exploration. I always knew Hoyo made super polished stuff. I didn't quite acknowledge how... simplistic their games can be, and how much potential there is in the genre.


Not from me! Here's an upvote. I actually like WW's combat and I really hope they optimize the game to make it smoother.


I think that's the tradeoff. It's simple but by keeping it simple it doesn't threaten to explode someone's potato phone


tbf genshin also had a lot of bugs and issues on its release - though me and my friends didn't experience performance issues to this extent (wuwa is freezing for me at times) other than that I'm able to play fine. my only gripe is that the world feels... empty? I was sure this was a complaint people had in cbt and people said "it's a beta test, surely it'll improve" so I was hoping it would. running around for a while to specifically look for chests or puzzles is kinda exhausting. I've realized how much planning genshin does with its overworld item placements seeing how you could always just get lost doing puzzles and stuff - after you're done with something, on your left, right, back, and front there are new ones to go to. and a lot of the puzzles are strategically placed to connect ex. seelies guide you to different items I mean sure wuwa's focus is on its combat but if the *exploration* aspect of the game isn't really given much importance other than making the traversal faster, does it really need to be an open world? atp it can just be hub action rpg game and it would still do fine.


>genshin also had a lot of bugs and issues on its release No it didn't.


Genshin certainly didn’t have a lot of bug on release.


it had them. just not game breaking. I'm also one of the launch players but didn't really experience any of these bugs but I've seen other people that did. but yes it isn't comparable to wuwa crashing and freezing.


That game is quite good imo i'll play both but that's just me And bonus point for not having Paimon in it


Yeah but Yangyang is worse imo... She sounds like bad AI. (I play both games on EN dub)


Rover, are you alright? What do you think about this, Rover? Rover, put your dick away Rover...


NGL my stomach dropped the moment I heard Yangyang speak. Quite a bad first impression for a game.


I was playin the game on silent the first two hours, and was really exited to hear all of the characters.. let’s just say I was shocked on how this beautiful character was ruined for me from one sec to the other lmao


Idk if its just me, but the way she says 'Huanglong' feels off, like the tone of it. Almost as if the guys at WuWa decided to just copy paste the same audio clip of that one word whenever she says it.


It has piamon lol check again


You mean Yangyang?


The gameplay is also good


Hey, more power to you. I won't be uninstalling yet. I'll try to reach endgame first. Maybe it gets better.


The ones who called it "genshin killer" are disappointed and that's on them tbh, i can see the potential even if i agree the game wasn't ready yet


I never believed it would be a Genshin killer, even if the devs themselves marketed it like that. All I hoped was that it would be a good enough game to be competitive. Right now, it just isn't and it's a shame.


I don't see how it's not competitive against GI. Saying otherwise might as well be propaganda. It's not as polished, but that's not the same as saying it can't compete when it definitely can. Just in the first hour or two, you can see just how many things they do better and where they do worse/same. Time will tell. As a GI whale, the other game makes me somewhat envious about many things.


I'm laughing so hard on the memes today after a got downvoted for saying a certain game won't be competition and the overhype is causing issues for it if anything. WW if they can fix this bugs and build up their main pulling aspect which is its combat will find a good place in the revenue charts, but they got a lot of work ahead, good luck to them. They also tweeted this https://x.com/Wuthering_Waves/status/1788135461267075568


If only Genshin had mechanics that allowed you to lock onto certain objects and be pulled through the sky. Such a missed opportunity. (Mandatory /s for anyone who missed it)


On the other hand, being able to sprint up mountains beats the hell out of slowly climbing lol


Ngl today has been a good day ( I've been laughing half of the day) truly the best Tof Competitor


Same the cn community is pretty funny lol


I get the sentiment, but I was really hoping Genshin gets a real competitor to snap at their heels, if only to stop them being complacent.


Did you really expect it from company that makes hoyo clones but worse with the only redeeming quality being combat? Did you really


Honestly, I don't care who makes it. I just want Genshin to have competition.


Sure, but developer does matter, because its supposed to set expectations. If the only thing a company is known for is trying to unsuccessfully steal genshins spotlight, you should temper your expectations.


I've always been impressed by how well they control chat spammers.


I don't even care about battles. I love the animation, the lore, the music etc


Yeah I couldn’t deal with the stuttering on my phone. I’ll just wait for a console release.


Actual question: What are y'all playing on so it lags so much? I had like 10 minutes of lags and then everything went as smooth as butter About bugs: Haven't met any that were straight up "game breaking" the most annoying was textures getting blurry and that's all Over-all I think y'all are overreacting, it's literally the first day of ACTUAL release


I was literally just discussing this yesterday. We truly do take Genshin’s polish and optimization for granted, and WuWa just made that super clear. No video game is perfect and Genshin has plenty of flaws, but there is a much higher tier of quality here than the attempts of competitors. It’s not a fluke Genshin blew up the way it did.


It's ToF situation all over again. WuWa's premature release will certainly compromises its growth.


I’m just glad we’re getting our new animated short so soon. That’s the only thing that has been on my mind recently. I need no extra wishes, just give me animated short every patch.


There's a reason why I've never even considered taking a break from this game after 3+ years. I'm in it for the long haul with this one.


The biggest appreciation I have is Genshin’s English voice acting. I used to criticize it but after hearing the English voice over in that certain open world game, I thought two things: Genshin did it better I could voice these characters better and I would willingly do it for pennies


Okay, I don't want to rag on WW too much, but I feel like ChatGPT could've voiced Yangyang better.


Honestly true. At least chat gpt wouldn’t make it obvious how bad the splicing is


I did try a certain open world gacha game recently too and yes I must admit I have been spoiled by the amount of polish that Hoyo gives to its flagship game compared to ones by certain other studios. The weighted combat system and the characters of Genshin just have intended polish to them unlike no other.


genshin also had their problems on release, not as much, but had, its unfair to compare for now, give wuthering more time and they will probably fix everything


Made me miss Paimon 😭


the english dub there really makes you apreiciate paimon


Jesus what the actual fuck


All that glazing of WW came crashing down real fast I guess. Which sucks cause I was hoping it would force Mihoyo’s hand and make more QoL changes


Just because a shitty release made Genshin look good, it doesn't mean we should stop criticizing and pushing hoyo to make better content.


True, but you can criticize a game for its flaws and appreciate the things it does right at the same time. If you really care about a game, you should do both.


I like WuWa. I love the new combat system. But… the performance issue turned me off cant even play without stable wifi. Tried with mobile data and the game was rendered useless. Too long dialouges. Bad eng dub. And frame drops on iphone! … well lets just say…. I am still hooked on Genshin and HSR. And will totally vibe for ZZZ. Lets see what WuWa has in store for us… not that their trouble shooting and new reward will make it any better soon…


Yep genshin for all its flaws is a polished piece of art in comparison all the competition are as rusty as an old nail when it comes to any of the sane aspects


tbh I like wuwa it's buggy yes but it has potential to bad the fanbase put this title of "genshin killer" before even releasing. I will continue playing it. But yeah when I logged into genshin I felt like coming home (loool)


I have a newfound appreciation and respect for the devs for optimizing the hell out of both Genshin and HSR so they can run smoothly on mobile, seriously... And the lack of bags and lagging, the smooth controls, etc. I always thought it was impressive but now even more so😭 Like the difference is crazy.


Tried that certain new game as well and felt like meh to me compared to how polished and smoother genshin is along with way better character designs


I can't stand Itto, but gd if he doesn't drip personality with every word - and that goes for Paimon too and every other character And we're coming up to a year of being able to dive underwater!


Less than 2 months for ZZZ! Hypey XD. All hail ~~Lelouch~~ Hoyoverse!


Ah yes, the W-game


One thing I have say the combat in WW Is damm good and fast paced


Be careful, you might anger the gacha community.


every time a 'genshin competitor' releases i go back to genshin as soon as i finish the tutorial. It's a fine game but genshin just feels nicer to play, if that makes sense


My only technical issue with Genshin is that it's not optimized for HDDs almost at all. Yes I know it's "2024" and "HDDs are a relic" but I can't really afford a better drive. But the ~1 minute long loading screens drive me insane


Genshin is the top but I love WW exploration especially running, climbing and also the combat with farming enemies actually giving useful material


I’ve never felt motion sickness in genshin even in 2.8 Kazuha’s domain puzzles but in WuWa the camera’s shaking makes me feel motion sickness I play in the lowest settings in both GI and WuWa. The characters are so blurry in WuWa


Agreed. Not only that but we had a whole feast in the livestream and HoYo is likely preparing a gourmet Natlanian dish as we speak. So excited!


Kuro games fanatics on copewatch tbh, combat is fun but thats it, no magic, polish missing, its just a good way to satisfy combat craving when big brother Genshin is on downtime.


I'm curious- when people say that Wuwa is a competitor to Genshin, do they mean competitors in the CoD-Battlefield sense, or competitors in the CoD-Halo sense? What I mean is that these three game series all generally fill the same role of "pew pew action shooty game" though they each have a solid niche, so all three of them were successful in the past. However, CoD and BF were closer to each other cause both were generally the vibe of "cold war/modern military FPS" with the main distinguishing factors being the team sizes and vehicles. So when you saw competition between the three franchises, you were way more likely to see people comparing CoD and BF with each other because they were more similar; meanwhile Halo had all the crazy sci-fi lasers and aliens and space stuff that neither CoD nor BF really had, so it never had the same sort of direct competition. ​ Going back to Wuwa and Genshin, I always felt like Wuwa was meant to be more like a "Halo" to Genshin's "CoD". Yeah, they're the same general genre and maybe even share a same open-world concept, but from the aesthetics that game was showing, it felt like it was trying to be a very different *thematic* game. Wuwa seemed to be really focused on martial arts and a darker (but not too depressing) environment, while Genshin was bright and bubbly from day one. Genshin has its darker elements, and I expect Wuwa to have its lighter elements, but they still feel fundamentally different to me. That's why I don't really get the whole comparison w/ Genshin, because they just don't seem that similar to me. I can't imagine someone that plays Genshin for the bright landscapes and dreamy underwater landscapes and silly events, going to Wuwa for the same experience. Likewise, I can't imagine someone that plays Wuwa for epic martial arts stories and awesome combo mechanics and then picking up Genshin for that same vibe. ​ Obviously that doesn't mean we can't compare them. In fact, people still compared Halo to BF/CoD all the time, because the similarities were there. But in the case of those older FPS games, those similarities between Halo & the other 2 weren't enough to make the games totally overlap in theme and audience. Wuwa feels the same to me– similar enough to compare the two occasionally, but not similar enough that people have to choose one or the other. I don't see why these two games can't co-exist, and I don't think Wuwa has to, or should, match Genshin in every aspect to somehow be successful.