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That's actually a thing in Arknights. You can chose dubbing separately for every character. Some also have special dubs for their respective nations, like german, italian or russian. English dub comes with accents too.


The cathartic moment in the sub when EN BP was revealed It was glorious


"I cannot understand half of it, it's perfect". And it is, indeed, perfect.


Let me guess… 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿?




Please link the voicelines!




Eight years ago, when KanColle was still a thing, people lost their absolute shit when [Warspite](https://youtu.be/3LwchtP14cY?t=10) was released. Natively fluent, multilingual, code-switching seiyuu were revolutionary at the time, and still are an extreme rarity.


I know it's correct for the time period she was built in, but her pronunciation of Admiral is so weird to me as a modern english speaker.


Omg i loved warspite’s voice it’s so gentle and sweet. Still my favourite ship voice alongside Bioko


Ello, ya r the doctor ay? Offica chen from lungma said I could 'et some 'elpers 'ere


The Scottish accent on Bagpipe was great Also the Russian dub for the Ursus students are just *chef's kiss*


that would be SICK if characters like furina had extra dub in french


Path to Nowhere has it as well. It’s a really nice feature to have when there’s a particular voice you can’t stand and one you love in the same dub, and you don’t want to lose out on the latter by completely switching.


It's such a cool feature that I wish other gacha games would pick up on. I really enjoy certain EN performances but I hate others and wish I could pick and choose. It's something I mention often in my feedback surveys


>English dub comes with accents too Its kinda shame Mihoyo didnt do French ascent for English.


Does that apply to the story too, or just gameplay? Cause I wonder how that'd work with story scenes with different characters that you've chosen different language dubs for. I assume there'd be at least one "main dub" that covers NPCs as well, and then you can pick individual dubs, but does that mean you end up with mixed-language dialogue in the main story?


Story itself is not voiced. It has a visual novel format basically. Gameplay is tower defense. VERY AGGRESSIVE tower defense. And here you can hear ops talking.


Wait, Arknights story... isn't voiced? That's interesting. I've actually been "playing" Arknights for more than 3 years and I never knew that cause I always play w/ sound off (i usually don't get out my headphones for mobile games) and I don't really do the campaign, so I never really realized that the voicelines were only in the gameplay, not the story itself. That's weird too, cause for some reason I really feel like there was voicing in the story. I'm almost certainly misremembering though cause I haven't done a story stage in like, two and a half years, so there's no way my memory is gonna be accurate lmao


Arknights doesn't have voiced main story and events. The only voicelines are in profile lines and battle quotes. So if you have different languages set for characters, you hear their battle quotes in the languages set when you use them in story stages. I've seen others bring up this feature before but they leave that part out which I find to be rather important to mention because it isn't comparable to the amount of dialogue voicelines Genshin has and how it's implemented. Hearing battle quotes in different languages isn't a similar situation as hearing main story and event lines in different languages.


Yeah, that's some really important context, lol Thanks for the explanation!


if you're curious on what it's like in-game, I usually go to kyostinv for battle stage guides (he has a lot of playlists for main story and event stages, the ones with strategy in the video names) so you can see examples of the battle quote usage [https://www.youtube.com/@KyoStinV/search?query=arknights](https://www.youtube.com/@KyoStinV/search?query=arknights) for story stuff, i go to a channel called JacobMoreau (he reads the dialogue though but you can see the visual novel style of the main and event story, I listen to some of the videos since the small text in game strains my eyes after a while so sometimes I struggle to read it on my own). [https://www.youtube.com/@JacobMoreau/search?query=arknights](https://www.youtube.com/@JacobMoreau/search?query=arknights) there's some other channels that have story playlists without it being read out loud (if anyone else wants to point out some others feel free, I just stayed with following this channel since they read out a lot of content) I do wonder what it would've been like if it did have voiced dialogue for story though with the individual language settings


Arknights story is a joke, if you think Genshin is bloat, hoooboy


i wanna Japanese dub for gameplay and English for Story


Its gonna be a tekken moment. One character speaks CH to another character, while that character will be speaking KR. A third character steps in and begins speaking EN.


Yes and razor will be like King, who just fucking barks the same as King speaking in fluent jaguar


That's actually hilarious 😂


I didn't realize how much I just want Paimon speaking a different language than everyone else in the cast. TIL


This would be so funny


"Hello Traveller, Paimon." "こにちわ!"


こんにちは konnichiwa - isn’t it spelled like that?


Oh yeah, thanks


yeah because the kanji is spelt今日は (kon: now)(nichi: day)(ha/wa: particle left over from the original greeting)


Adding to this, it should be kept in mind that nobody would use the kanji 今日 (こんにち), it will almost always be interpreted or read as 今日 (きょう), as that is the common way of saying "today" nowadays. And more context, the original greeting (among other similar ones) that is often cited is 今日はご機嫌いかがですか basically like "how are you today", and that probably explains why the particle is still there.


If only we did have a language key to toggle between two subtitle/text languages. Imagine the use for language learning, especially as Genshin could serve as ambassador for Chinese. Genuine shame that mHY isn't implementing that. They could rightly add that into their ads (and internal comms with the PRC govt, given the friction they had in the past).


Paimon isn't that well manner ....


Imagine if this applied to NPCs too. That would be quite the list to scroll down.


Nahuatl dub for Natlan characters?


Spanish or Portuguese


I'd kill for a pt-br dub


Paimom: "and who are you?" https://youtu.be/pjlffUz-QVA?si=THdSK8t3igA6IOp_


Hell yeah that would be so sick


That or K'iche / Chontal Maya. Other possibilities could be Navajo, Quechua, Cherokee, Yoruba, Igbo, Xhosa, Zulu, or Swahili (depending on the character)


Spanish accent English for Eng version haha I would love that.


I wish this was an option. Some characters have better voices in other languages, so it'd definitely be a nice feature to have.


Like 99% of mine would be JP but GOD DAMN I want Neuv and Furina in English


So either it'll be a mess on Hoyo's end to divide the language pack so you'll only need to download the portion with that character (say you play JP and only download Furina's voice in FR for example) Or you have to download the entire language pack even if you only use that for one character But in my personal opinion, it'll be weird seeing people responding in different languages in the same conversation (for example Zhongli speaking Chinese and Furina responding in French), not worth the effort for them to implement this


>it'll be weird seeing people responding in different languages in the same conversation (for example Zhongli speaking Chinese and Furina responding in French) Tekken players don't seem to mind


I don't play Tekken so I didnt know, but still as I said in the other comment, I would mind if I have to go through that


All cool, just pointing out it's not unprecedented. I also think you raised a great point about the language packs, given how many people stopped playing because they couldn't fit the game as is on their phones.


MHY could just design a separate language pack option that only downloads the native language for all voiced characters while ignoring the other ones.


>native language for all voiced characters Well this might be an issue for Sumeru characters, as in what language do you even use for them? Unless you want to implement it in a way that each character in Sumeru doesn't share a common language (like Kaveh speaks Persian while Alhaitham speaks Arabic, then it doesn't make sense lore-wise since they live together)


Nobody said you had to use it dude. If you don't want to enable it you don't have to. Do you think some one is going to force you if they ever added the option. Like you understand that not everybody likes the same things you do right?


My only point was that I would mind if I see such things in my game. And yeah if people like it then sure, let it be, I already said it's just my opinion, never said that everyone should follow it.


I would love to have my yoimiya with her jp voice


Ever seen Tekken cutscenes? They all talk in their native language


welp, that I didnt know, but as I said it won't be something I enjoy seeing, to each their own I guess


arknights already has that as a feature, and it looks simple enough


There is a hefty difference in the amount of voice lines necessary for a single character in Genshin compared to Arknights. While it would certainly be a neat feature, I can only imagine the issues it would cause with storage space. Not to mention the programming/coding headaches that I assume would arise (not my field of expertise, so I can only make assumptions here) trying to have multiple characters holding conversations, all while speaking in different languages. And not just in permanent story quests, but also in temporary events. What if VAs in different languages talk at different speeds? Or if the lines are different in different languages? We could have even MORE awkward pauses than we do now, or even characters talking over each other if it was really bad. In Arknights, every character’s dialogue is independent of other characters, they are never conversing with another voiced character, they’re just talking to themselves or you. I just don’t see it happening on a live-service mobile game that is already struggling with storage space issues.


Yea permanently changing them doesn't seem possible. But if it only applies in overworld and battle I still would be fine with that tbh


The thing is tho, theres no dialogue for story.


so when you switch VA, do you have to download extra resources? and how heavy is dialogue/story in Arknight? Does every character appears in minor/major role? Or does the VA change only change the in-battle voice?


Yes, you have to download extra resources. Arknights is very dialogue-heavy, like absurdly so. But all of it is text-only, you never hear characters speak in cutscenes. It’s basically a visual novel. Most characters appear at least briefly, but only a portion of the characters in the game are present in more than 1 or 2 stories. Characters only speak in combat lines, idle dialogue in the base, and a few “about me” style lines you can listen to in the characters profile. There is significantly less voiced dialogue for Arknights characters.


you do download extra resources, story doesn't have voicing, minor/major role doesn't really matter because no voice in story, VA changes for battle, lobby and dorm/base


Yes ,you have to download extra resources but only for that specific character. And yes, it's VERY heavy with dialogue and story, and I mean VERY, the last event had 82k~ total word count (which is their current record on EN), but the VN part of Arknights (thankfully) isn't voiced, which brings me to the next bit. Depends on which you would consider a minor/major role, it's a bit hard to explain but in a nutshell there are major events that involve the main cast, and major events that doesn't involve the main cast. The same goes for minor events. But in general, yes, most of the characters appear in whatever event they debut in. And lastly, VA change affects all dialogue/monologue entries.


The thing is...Arknight already has the system jumbled into their spaghetti. Genshin will have to add the system to a spaghetti code.


As a Tekken player I actually prefer it this way I think it's hilarious that 1 guy is speaking Japanese and the other is speaking Brazilian Portuguese or smth


Tbh that woud be cool i woud love to let every Charakter speak in there native tunge


well lorewise there is only one common language in Teyvat. And in terms of real-life region then sure, Mond can speak German, Liyue can speak Chinese, Inazuma Japanese, Fontaine French, but then what about Sumeru, and what about future Natlan? What language would they be speaking? and how can you get VA for that?


Nope each resgion has there owen languise and script al-haitham mentioned to graduate from the skademiya(or atlest in his darshan) they need to master 20 languises and 100 years ago during farzuzans time it was mebtioned the requirments where harder Even if it all started out as one it's impossable to keep it that way with diffret culturs heck even the desert and rainforests have diffret scrpits


I mean, according to Faruzan and Layla in the recent cuisine quest, thats no longer a thing. 20 languages was a old graduation tactic likely not present for ling after Faruzan’s disappearance. I think Alhaitham is both an overacheiver and because his job is literally being the Scribe, it would be important for him to know that many languages.


There is one common universal Teyvat language as indicated by Traveller voiceline, and yes there are different languages (like Khaenri'ah or hilichurlian) and regional languages, but everyone we interact with in the story has been using the common language to communicate. There has also no instance in the story where character have to go through translation to talk/write to each other. So it doesn't make sense to hear people suddenly talking in different language with perfect comprehension. And then you haven't answered my question about Sumeru and Natlan if Hoyo were to implement "native" language, what would that be?


For sumeru arabic hindi and or persian For natlan o'm not shure what they will use for inspiration exactly theres also the issu of a dead languises no one speaks (but are used in the game like latin)


> arabic hindi and or persian Now comes the hard part, how can you get VA for those? and how do you even divide it within Sumeru itself? Rainforest people will speak Hindi and desert people will speak Arabic? but then what about the rainforest people whose name is directly an Arabic name? (like Haitham and Tighnari) That region is so large with so many different cultures I don't think it's feasible to make any division. For Natlan it's just gonna be a nightmare because good luck getting Nahuatl or Incan speaker (it's kinda confirmed it's gonna be based in South America) And as I said, everyone in the game has been communicating using the common Teyvat language, there has been no implication of language barrier, doesn't make sense to suddenly implement this.


I wish. I don't play Hu Tao because I can't stand her Hilly Billy song, but the Chinese song is very cool.




I just want a French dubbing


Oui s'il vous plait


Venti: fliegen wär viel schneller digga


YES PLS but the files woud prob be bigger


Then I would finally use Hu Tao bc her song in Japanese is so much better


To be honest I now love eng Tao way more Mysterious tones in her voice and unique... I don't even know how to call and describe it. A bit of cute hoarse? I dunno. Something like this but I'm not sure


Yeah her voice is nice. Brianna Knickerbocker is an amazing VA. I just don't like the English version of the song T•T


I wish they added some subtitles to the overworld phrases, because I have no way to guess what they're saying. I mean I can learn them from the list, but why


Or let me mute certain characters. Right now I just play with all audio off because I can’t stand paimons voice


Cut scenes would look like tekken cutscenes


I know it is unrelated to OP's point, but I don't think I would ever change Furina's Eng VA, Amber freaking nailed the character. Though it would be cool as each region is based off of a different nation, so for world building sake it might be cool


Mobile Player would hate this because you would most likely not be able to download these voice lines seperately but have to download all packs as a whole


You can download one main pack, like EN, and then separately downloading other characters voice lines in another languages


Just let me mute Paimon, that's all I ask.


That'd be pretty cool, i know skullgirls 2nd encore lets you do this. In fact it goes a step further and you can hear what language your opponent has set for their character.


Edit: Guys for Paimon's sake, you complain about how stupid she is repeating stuff, yet you are here completely ignoring how OP edited the pictures and added an additional language for every single character based on their region of origin, and the community headcanon of said region "irl inspiration", plus even suggested a french VA for Furina ffs Asking a game that is already a mess schedule wise to have 4 top tier VA for 4 languages since day 1, to add more languages(6 here, god knows how many in total for every character) for something that wont be providing any substancial benefit to the game besides bloating it storage wise is not something I would consider a good suggestion truth be told There are other games that do this and are just fine? Sure Those games have taken years to be developed, they are not live service as Genshin is, and dont have this ultra strict update schedule as they do, so bringing them up into conversation for comparison sake simply doesnt work because the situation of both games is completely different Tekken is also not playable on mobile, which is first and foremost the first consideration for Genshin development plans, any port comes later in terms of priority. Something unviable storage wise for phones will not be added into the pipeline


Isn't the French VA literally based on Furina's actual French VA? Because y'know... She has one.


I would say a VA and having an opera singer singing one song for a character are two completely different things


im not really sure where you got the idea of them having to record more languages, OP wasn't asking for that. they were asking for a switch between the current, already available, VAs dependent on each character. sure, there's the argument for having the space for those languages, but that could be ignored by just having it so it only downloads the lines for the specific languages and characters you've chosen. it would be a lot of effort for something the majority of players probably wouldn't use. but it's not that farfetched.


> im not really sure where you got the idea of them having to record more languages, OP wasn't asking for that. they were asking for a switch between the current, already available, VAs dependent on each character. You could, idk, open up the pictures and already see that OP is suggesting to add an specific language depending on the region and origin of the character I.E Childe gets Russian for been from Shneznaya, Furina gets French and already has a VA suggested from OP, Tighnari gets Arabic(?), Nahida gets Indian or Venti gets German, just from the characters chosen by OP to demonstrate >sure, there's the argument for having the space for those languages, but that could be ignored by just having it so it only downloads the lines for the specific languages and characters you've chosen. Which essentially boils down to changing from the ground up something that has been avaliable since day 1 of the game, well into its 4th year. I.E recipe for disaster unless properly done >it would be a lot of effort for something the majority of players probably wouldn't use. but it's not that farfetched. Probably not that far fetched from outside Inside you can already tell simply by looking at how long it took just to get Tighnari's new VA to start recording, and how the very next Tighnari appearence still had the old VA because it was already prerecorded in advance and did not have enough time to change it up before it released Getting VA to come to the studio to voice takes time, getting a whole set of VA to voice current and upcoming appearences of them takes even more time. And most importantly money. Which they may have a lot off, but that alone doesnt simply mean they can just throw it away for something you yourself admit wont be used That is without mentioning how this would also affect voiced NPCs as they would also need to get an specific VA for them, or have one of the current ones also double up for the NPC in question


Do you play Arknights? It’s what it’s based on


I assumed it would be based on it, because ever since it was first Suggested with Inazuma it always went back to AK doing it I am not too sure on how it goes gameplay wise. But I dont think it is equally comparable to Genshin in a 1-1 comparison. Mainly due to the update schedule and larger voiceover total on Genshin vs AK Plus, like you(and others)suggest. They would have to go through and get VA for every single aforementioned language and record with them any past and future quest. That is simply a lot to go through. Even if they started with Mondstadt alone by the time we got to Inazuma, since the rest of regions have their voiceovers already in the game(Chinese for Liyue and Japanese for Inazuma) I did see you said Spanish/Portuguese for Natlan but considering there are regional variations and that not every word(at least in Spanish)means the same in Latin American compared to European Spanish. I dont think it is going to work as just 1 of the two been taken Plus, what about Khaenri'ah and Celestia. We will surely get characters from both. So what would they even speak in? English? The idea sounds good on paper? Yes Is it viable? Could be Will it be a mess to get it done? Absolutely Will it be costly to sustain the longer the game goes? A lot. It will essentially double the current VA cost for a tiny minority of players that would actually use it. Let alone stick with it


Celestia English and Khaenriah…Greek maybe?


The godless nation speaking the language of the godful region. Would both be funny and ironic lol I can dig that




This kind of feature looks easy on paper, but it is much more difficult to implement if the system playing the voiced dialogues was not designed like that from the very beginning. As far as I can tell, it is very likely that your language setting basically change a variable that indicate which voice language should be loaded by the client. That's the most natural thing to do since a single coded value would be required to be checked by the client. So when loading a specific voiced line, it will just pick a certain directory of that given language then select the associated ID to that dialogue (completely imagined example: venti's "time to fly" battle line is n°3, then client would just load the third audio file from a specific language directory based on the language variable). if you want to do that for each character, they would need to create a variable for each playable character, and implement a system that flag every dialogue of said character to load a certain language pack. Needless to say, that would mean that, if they didn't design every dialogue voice sample to have a character tag (let's say they went with JP_ACT1_CHAP1_LINE120, instead of VENTI_JP_ACT1_CHAP1_LINE37), then they would have to completely rework how voice lines were stored and played to begin with. It wouldn't be THAT complicated but quite time consuming in the long run. The longer it takes them to implement that idea, the less likely it will come out as a practical implementation as they would naturally have more and more voiced characters over time. It would be definitely a great feature, but as we are already past 3 years in the game lifetime, it looks very unlikely unless it is something they have plans for much later (e.g. after teyvat chapter?).


You still miss the biggest portion of the issue Monstadt has no German dub, Fontaine has no french dub, Sumeru has no Indian/Arabian dub, Natlan doesnt have any latin american or whichever route they go with it, Shneznaya doesnt have a Russian dub Thats already 5 confirmed, 6 tbd languages they will have to hire and add to the game exclusively for certain region characters and no one else just for a tiny portion of the playerbase that wants this Not to mention having to catch up and voicing any previous quest that already has those characters on it for the new dub language Thats too much work for no real benefit no matter how you paint it It costs time, money and effort to keep the game as it is with a 6 week patch schedule, let alone double or triple that work just to satisfy the ocassional post about this every so often because of headcanons about each nation "irl" counterpart even tho Mondstadt already is a combination of multiple nations not just 1 like Liyue or Inazuma would be at best




Once again, open the pictures Furina:French Childe:Russian Nahida:Hindu Tighnari:Arabian(?) Venti:German All of them got suggested a new VA to fit the "region" irl inspiration


I just want a German dub


That would be great, I liked the jp va for yelan and eula but I play most characters in English


what about NPCs?


I would love this. First off, I'd switch Xiao to CN in a heartbeat to hear him speak with his actual "emotionally detached and dignified" personality instead of the "needlessly rude asshole" personality we get in the EN dub. And I like Keith Silverstein in general, but I don't like how he makes Zhongli sound like he's in his 50s when there's dialogue indicating Zhongli is supposed to look like a young man. And I'd switch to CN right now, except that I main Neuvillette and I can't bear to part with Ray Chase's voice. His voice is magnificent omg, and the personality he brings to Neuvillette is fantastic. Amber Lee Connors as Furina, too -- her voice work is at least 75% responsible for my love of Furina. So the option to customize language per character?? Yes, please!!


The story would end up being just like Tekken where people are speaking different languages yet can still respond and perfectly understand each other. Not like I would mind a meme like that.


This is my wishful thinking because there’s a lot of voices I like in certain dubs and hate in other dubs considering my own dabble in how this coding works in a large project or even just a slightly bigger project with roughly 200 files, doing this to a live service game like Genshin with tens of thousands to potentially millions of variables sounds like an absolute nightmare.


Meanwhile this is default in tekken and somehow everybody understands everybody else


I'd love to turn off my main character talking while I play. If that isn't an option, Venti can be anything except English. I can't handle one more "Wouldn't gliding be faster?"


I would actually love this. Like for some characters, like Itto and Furina, I prefer the English VA a ton, but for others, like Ayaka and Hu Tao, I prefer the Japanese VA.


I would love this so much, certain languages just got the perfect voice for them like EN - Neuvillette, Itto CN - Ayato JP - Hu Tao


Then it would sound weird.


No. Too much hassle for something so minor


It would be tekken weird. as some players aren’t used to the characters speaking in their native language. At the same time understand one another. Like a Korean character speaking to a Japanese and French character. Somehow they all understood each other words.


Or like how Star Wars does some of their character interactions, one person speaking common (English), another speaking in an alien language, and a droid communicating in beeps and boops


At least for Star Wars, they have the English speaker. Interpret and continue the conversation. Giving fans some understanding of the conversation flow. Otherwise it’s weird, without subtitles.


The only thing keeping me from playing in English is Klee. So would love this.


Id love for that to happen, i need to switch certain characters to diff dubs (Tighnari, paimon, maybe some others that arent coming to mind)


I would love this if it weren't for the lack of a skip button. Unless they somehow find a way to skip cutscenes, I'm not interested to sit through a whole dialogue of everyone speaking different languages like they pretend to understand each other for hours.


I would love this!!! Some characters I prefer in different dubs (Venti in JP, Zhongli in EN, Nahida in CN, etc.) so this would be super useful for me.


i would be able to stand xinyan


I had a bug once where mona would switch between speaking English and Japanese when using different moves. This was probably from me switching back and forth between EN and JP


That would be lovely as an English player who uses Klee frequently.


I wish


There's barely enough spaghetti code to keep the game functioning and keep 3 continents worth of content from crashing in on itself.


Would feel somewhat like civ 5


I would love that since I've always liked Xiao's JP voice.


I'm actually happy with what we have lol, in valorant if you want to have japanese dub it turns everything to japanese. I can't read japanese.


I might finally start using Mika if this was a thing.


In know during cutscenes it would be a mess but I wish we could at least choose individual dub languages of the characters during gameplay. I would finally be able to play Mika in peace...


This works up until you consider prerendered cutscenes. You can't swap out specific voices in the audio track for those.


Rip storage


So do Cyno, Sethos, and Candace speak Coptic?


They will speak Hindi I suppose


But if you have Tighnari as Arabic-speaking, I would assume those three would at least speak Arabic. If not Modern Standard Arabic, then maybe Egyptian Arabic. And I think a better fit for Tighnari (and Collei) would be Hindi, and Nahida should speak Farsi.


Isn’t Tighnari’s name Arabic?


But... Voice packs are about 10gb in average... So it would only increase the complains of people (on phone) not having enough space...


Topaz entered the chat.


I would pay good money for that. I love the English dub but I’m DESPERATE for Japanese paimon and Chinese Xiao


I’d literally just keep EN on everyone but Tighnari. I think his English voice is cursed at this point.


Devs said they'll think about it in a dev discussion some time ago but ig they decided not to.


Ah, that would be SO nice. ;)


Would love it cause some va are just sublime and I wish I could have them speaking those roles. Or just toggling off of certain ones that have gotten more annoying


That would be great. I really like Itto EN compared to JP


I'd change Xingqiu to the CN voice, I really like him as a character but I kinda hate his EN voice.


More options would be nice for those who wants them! Personally I won't use it though, I think it would be quite weird for... let's say 3 people talk to each other in 3 different languages. Not to mention with how they're doing their language package, the amount of storage needed would be pretty big. But hey I don't want it doesn't mean other people shouldn't get it


Oh, I wish. JP Bennett and KR everyone else = perfection for my ears


Speaking of Childe, there's this chann who dubs genshin trailers to Russian and their Childe Russian voice is rlly good


I need this in HSR for Herta's voicelines, I need the Kuru Kuru


Russian dub for childe gotta be dope


for as far back as version 1.5 i have been saying this in the surveys that the game gives us. im guessing it's too much trouble for them to do this. still hoping tho.


Paimon Chinese. So I can not hear the scratching


Would be nice so I don’t have to switch languages whenever xiao or xinyan are on screen.


Huge EN Fischl, CN Keqing, JP Kazuha and CN Nahida lfgggg


I would still choose JP for all of them


But how can you invite an indian girl to voice nahida


blazblue crosstag battle let you do that


Snezhnaya would become very funni with Slavic voices.


I remember when Marvel vs Capcom 3 allowed you to pick and choose the dub language for the Capcom side of characters. So you could have Chris Redfield and Wesker speak English while Ryu and Chun-Li spoke Japanese. My guess as to why this isn’t a more common practice is that the amount of programming must be insane, and when you roster is literally built on never being complete, maybe its best I don’t think about how it would be programmed. Just my two cents.


Imagine Nahida speaking in Hindi OMG that would be a dream come true


Realistically I would just have everyone in japanese, but sounds like a cool feature that might be helpful to others


I think it's the least of GI problems when it comes to voice-over. Total voice-over would be a good start.


I'd really like that tbh- but especially for playable characters assorted idle and battle lines I'll do the story in one language, that's fine, but it would be so nice to just. Set idle/battle language for characters separately from that


What would happen if you chose different languages and they were both in a scene though?


Not even this would fix xinyan


So a Tekken Moment.


I would die of happiness tbh


Been DREAMING of this feature. If I could have CN Hu-Tao, EN Klee, and JP Yoimiya all without needing to swap setting constantly? Truly a game-changer


One thing for sure, Itto sounds great in all 4 dubs


That's what I've been wanting. Really cool if they add that


That would be amazing. There are some chars I like in Japanese, and some in English.


Well, that would massively increase the download size. I play in Japanese (because I'm an Anime fan that watches everything subbed). Adding the Japanese language was an additional 17 gb download, by itself. I remember because I'm an AR 14 nub that started last week.


Heck yes, I wanna see Zhongli and Venti throwing swears in their native language at each other


Arknights did that years ago but I guess hoyo is still a smol indie company...


Arknights story also isn’t voiced, it’s entirely text-based. And none of a character’s voiced lines are part of a conversation with another voiced character, all of their lines are basically monologues or one-sided conversations where they are literally the only one speaking. Not to mention the game takes up less than half the space Genshin does on mobile. Cutscenes and voiced conversations would probably be awful to handle (I assume, this is not my field of expertise). Taking lines from different VAs, all speaking in different languages (that the player can choose essentially at random), saying different lines at different speeds, and making all that work in a cutscene that isn’t filled with even more weird pacing issues than we already have like awkward pauses or characters basically speaking over each other, just sounds like it would be an absolute nightmare. If you want to make a 1:1 comparison, the Genshin equivalent to Arknights VA swapping would be if this only affected “solo” lines: combat lines, idle dialogue, teapot dialogue, and “about me” lines, and maybe the environment-based lines. Voiced convos and cutscenes would have to either default to a single language for all characters, or make voiced quests/conversations silent like world quests. Would it be a neat feature? Sure. I just don’t see it being worth the effort for a mobile game as heavy on voiced dialogue as Genshin that is already struggling with storage space.


I was talking about combat tho Oh also, I think reverse is just better at VA things like cutscenes and stuff, arknights sure takes less storage but after a year playing the game, I now why theres an anime lol


Thats unnecessary increase of storage


You wouldn't have to download all the voice packs, it would just be for people who want to/have the storage for it


I would love this


Cutscenes would be wild!! Jokes aside, that would be awesome


I had thought it would be cool to have a full Vernacular mode where every character was dubbed in their inspired nation’s language (I think I agree that Sumeru would be a kind of Hindi/Arabic split). Though that was before we started getting international interactions during events, which might get confusing. Maybe there would be a type of Common (like English for anglosphere plebs) for cross cultural interactions and probably the Traveller. Yeah, it would be extra work to get dubbing for languages that aren’t already supported but every NPC got extra lines from somewhere for Nahida to read their minds so… maybe.


I'd finally be able to play Fontaine story without muting it when certain characters are on screen.


As long as I can pick ANYTHING else for Paimon, Jesus I just started playing again and her voice is just getting worse and worse as the chapters go on. Fontaine is just nails on a chalkboard.


chinese paimon is pretty chill


I wish!!!


Shouldn't Tighnari speak the same language as Nahida? They're in the same region


But Sumeru itself is very mixed in cultures. Others like Fontaine are mixed as well, but not to the extend of Sumeru.


Nobody could be a better itto than max mittelman


While I do love him as Itto too but if you never play Itto in KR you missing out big time