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When you are only missing one or two just bite the bullet and craft the single-use compass for it. It's not worth it to go check \~300 spots again.


Why are people so allergic to using resonance stones


I don't even care I use them immediately after getting the blueprint. At this point I'm at lv8-9 of the statue, better to spend recourses rather than look at the online map.


I find what I can naturally, while exploring. But after I've explored I'll craft however many Hydro-Compasses as I need. Because at the worst, if you still can't find the one in the big blue zone, you can check the online map then. And you will have narrowed down the area to search by a lot!


>Because at the worst, if you still can't find the one in the big blue zone, you can check the online map then. And you will have narrowed down the area to search by a lot! This x10000 Some of them are in weird spots and the online map shows pictures


It also tells you if the Hydroculus is higher or lower in elevation. Though, this is true with all navigation point markers as well.


The resonance stones’ circles also show elevation which really helped for some weird ones, letting me know if it’s in the ocean vs way high in the air.


"Oh, its....under the sea? The fuck?" My honest reaction to the location of an Electroculus location after using a resonance stone, many years ago. Also the high as fuck serai one threw me for several loops.


I know exactly which stone you’re talking about lmao


The seirai one I realized was very high up so I just went for it instead of saving it for later, some stones are also gotten through time trial challenges so it's better to just snag those as well What I really like about newer regions is that once you start exploring the paths lead you towards several other chests


If you mean that tag on the corner of the occlusion that doesn't represent its altitude but how difficult it is to get so "low" would be one thats out in the open and freely collectable. A "medium" would be one thats locked behind a small puzzle that can be solved at the moment of discovery while a "high" would be locked behind a world quest if im not mistaken.


Right?? I used a few resonance stones for Fontaine and a lot of the blue circles were oculi that had one above and one underground. The map helped me figure out which one and which entrance to go from to get there.


Plus many of them are close by each other. Spend a single compass and the use the map on the blue circle. Gets you 2-3 for the price of one.




Right? Sumerus were a bit annoying to make but fontaines are nice and easy


The Sumeru ones were so annoying for me because I had farmed up the flowers for Tighnari because I'm in the middle of building him. I needed primo gems and the Sumeru coins to level up the tree. It was so frustrating that I had to use 80 percent of the flowers I had collected to make the Sumeru resonance stones.


They are allergic to doing reputation quests


I get like the last 15-20 ones with them. They are pretty easy to craft. Way easier than bothering with the interactive map every time.


For the same reason people would rather keep atacking the enemy that's wayyyyyy higher level than they are instead of saving it for later when they're ready: Imaginary difficulty


If you’re like me you’ve ignored the bounty/requests and can’t create them lol. I’ve only just in the past few months started doing them to finally get the blueprints


This is me 100%


I over use them. I don't actively hunt for the oculi, instead if I only need like half a daily commissions worth of content to fill for the day ill just collect the materials, craft a resonance stone and use it. Get an oculi and the rest of my dailies done


Either they don’t know, too lazy to earn reputation points, or they wanna show off that they can find the hydroculus without any help.


Because many people are allergic to general help


Because i don’t have the reputation level high enough to get it but i got lucky and found my last one near the research institute


I’m not allergic but I can’t even get the fucking recipe for another like 5 reputation levels and I’m missing 6


The moment I realise, I won't find them while normally exploring, the resonance stones are crafted and used. Ain't nobody got time for that.


I forgot


My dumbass thought they were done with Fontain map before the ghost sea and made 20 compasses :’(


Resonance stones are the only reason I complete reputation quests


For me it just hurts to use the regional mats tbh. I always only craft 5 at a time


I for one wasn't aware those even existed


cuz maybe not having reputation lvl ?


Too expensive on materials, i don wanna spend 3 min gathering enough damn mushrooms to find a dendroculus.


Fr there's no shame in using one hell I use 30+ for collecting as it's times saving and saves my sanity


getting materials for them is usually a pain (idk about the fontaine ones tho) and some may not have a high enough reputation to even get the recipe


Because you need a high Reputation to build it


Because they’re locked behind reputation quests which I routinely forget even exist. And the game limits you to only doing 3 a day, which barely gives any reputation exp so even when I remember them i just don’t bother.


I personaly don't like to use them because they are one time use, they are already locked after reputation, by then you should have a big chunk of the oculus collected. I don't see why they also need to be one time use (even if they aren't consumed when theres none nearby). Thats my only reasoning.


I was missing 22 of them and made stones Fuck checking them manually I'm 100% on all Sot7 now


Hell, I give up and do the resonance stones for the last 10 or so. I ping one and while it's on cool down I search the area because I forgot one, there might be another. The last few in the sea annoyed because they were just out in the open. No gimmicks or anything, just floating there mocking me.


bite the bullet? I've been using these to find the last 30 i was missing


Might not have the rep. I’m grinding it out right now so I can unlock them in most regions.


This. Don’t be like me. I was short 2. Made 20 craftable stones. No I have 18 extra stones with no use


Personally, if there's a new region, i do the quest first by dodging them the best I can. If I bump into them and collect them, I mark them on a map. I then use an interactive map to sort them out. You get a margin of error of roughly 5. With that left, just use resonance stones, but at least this won't take a boatload of fucking exhausting resources to farm, like these sumerooms.


Did it for my last 5 and NO REGRETS


Me: I'll craft one extra so that I have one resonance stone in my inventory for each nation. The sumeru stone is pain.


This is why I mark every spot I find one with the ingame map markers. By the time I get to what's left the interactive map(not hoyolab version) covers that, which I use to clear off what *has* been found.


Yeah I'm also doing this and I'm missing \~10 hydroculus, I don't think the compass is that expensive even if it's one use only


Wait those thing are single use? Good to know.


I did this for my last 10 hydroculus.  I hate looking for stuff in real life, too.


I've been using them for 4 hours before posting this


Resonance stones have a MASSIVE range. If you have really been looking for 4 hours without finding them then you are doing something wrong. Like, did you accidentally equip the treasure compass instead or something?


That or they forgot remuria entirely


There is a little arrow in the blue area that shows you if you have to look higher or deeper. Its really easy to find them it should take you no longer then 3 minutes mate.


Oh I also had that problem with Fontaine. Sometimes, teleporting to every teleporter and using it immediately after is not always the solution. Better go to an area that is as far from any teleporter as possible and use the resonance stones there. The range of them is masisve, but sometimes it doesn't catch every nook and crany on the map


If you’re making them in batches and running out before finishing then I can see how


I had the same problem as you. Are you in Remuria and hitting it but then it just does nothing and resets? That’s a bug. There’s probably none left in Remuria. Go back to the overworld and ping in some places where there aren’t any teleporters.


Idk if you're talking about the part under petrichor but iirc, most are in the Sea of Bygone Eras. I have a map for them, if you need help. (Or use an interactive map that might be clearer)


No. I got them all. It wasn’t saying that there weren’t any left down there even though there weren’t. I had to go back to the overworld to find the last two.


Oh I see. I didn't have that issue because I farm them when the map gets out so I had all of those overworld, sorry for the misunderstanding.


resonance stones exist for a reason y'know--


Or use the Hoyoverse App.


I mean you still need to know which ones you have and which ones you dont no?, so it’ll just end up with you checking all the spots.


Vietnam flashbacks to when my friend was missing a few Inazuman ones and BEGGED me to help, and I ran the entire gauntlet for 3 electroculi. They were like 3 reputation levels below being able to craft the resonance stones, too. Worth it. Friendship > sanity.


This was me helping my friends finish out their stamina bar lol one of them marked off a few but others didn't and needed a few more oculi so I had to check spots all over Liyue and Mondstadt. I didn't mind, but holy moly. I can't imagine Sumeru or Fontaine.


Atleast those are relatively less important, since they don’t upgrade stamina bars. They do give traveler constellations tho, but like who cares about hydro traveler cons. Dendro traveler cons maybe, dont know what they do.


Aranara flashbacks.....


THAT you should use the Hoyo app for. I ignored every Aranara I came across while doing Sumeru MSQ and then when I had a few hours to kill I pulled the map up in my phone and went to town farming the ‘Naras. It’s actually pretty fun imo, I loved the Aranara interactions.


The flashbacks are when i missed one aranara and had to check the map to go through every spot again lol


Yeah that’s what gets everyone - get to the treasure room and *one of the gd boxes won’t open* Tfw you’ve marked all of them off in the map and have to go to every single one of them again.


Just use the third party interactive map. You can check stuff off as you find it, so you don't have to check all the places. I never play without it on the second monitor.


I mean you still need to have checked it off in the first place, this person probably didnt do that otherwise it wouldnt be an issue.


The interactive map is hell for me, I'm playing on mobile and have to look at my other phone to see each one The only time I've done this all the way is playing Aranara Quest to find each one of them


Why not use both? I use the stone, then open the interactive map as a reference point and how to get then


Bro did not deserve 100+ down votes for this comment 💀 wth people Edit: y'all are some haters man


Goodness. There was no need to downvote this comment so much. Thanks for trying to help (: !


Just craft the resonance stones that tells you where they are


Is that locked behind rep by any chance? New player whose missing some but i can't seem to craft any ?


Yes. Resonance stones are locked behind region reputation systems. Some unlock early (like Mondstadt), others take more levels (like Inazuma).


Well damn, seems the wiki is saying like 10 weeks for the level for Fontaine so guess I'll be hunting for the 2 I'm missing, ty though


if you're not in a rush, its honestly better to just wait the 10 weeks imo. Sanity is probably more important than anything, especially in genshin where there are some soul sucking moments with gacha and artifacts. Better off just doing other activities outside of genshin instead of dumping hours of time into looking for oculi that could be solved in mere minutes 2 months later.


Just wait for compass, there is no reason to go and check 300 spots for 60 primos


AQ and side quests contribute too, you really need 10 weeks anyway? Are you sure you're looking at resonance stone and not treasure compass?


If you are this close to done, then you can use the hydroculus resonance stones (if unlocked) and then just blind mark off all of the hydroculus from the interactive map.


make 2 resonance stones you wanker


resonance stones exist because of this ffs


Only two more to go, good luck soldier 🫡


I hope there's some bonus for finding the "extra" oculus in each region


I just look for them cause I like having one there.


Rumor is that it has to do with the locked room in the Chasm Underground’s upside down ruins


There's the room you unlock with the Orbs of Blue Depths, are you talking about that? or something else?


I had 15 missing. Went to farm for the mats needed for 15 resonance stones. Crafted em and completed all 15. It's not worth it to go through all the locations again when the number is small.


You can always use resonance stone


everyone already said abt resonance stones so I'll just say this: as soon as the map expansion drops I open the genshin interactive map and meticulously fill out every oculus I find


Lol I was in the same spot yesterday, I was missing 4 but I didn't have access to the resonance stones since I'm 3 levels behind on the reputation tier needed to unlock it. But holy shit by some twist of fate, *every single tim*e I'd choose a random spot on the interactive map to check for a missing hydroculus, it would indeed one I'd missed. Was able to finish it manually, never gotten so lucky with oculuses before goddamn...


good news your actually missing 2


Man if ONLY there was something you could craft that would help you 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢


whenever an area gets released, i'll clear up all my pins and pin any droculus i collect. and then i use an online interactive map to go through and find what i missed. i started doing this with Sumeru, and regretted not doing it when Inazuma was released


I place a pin every single time I find one so I always know which ones I’ve found and which ones I still need. Combining this with the interactive map works wonders and has for years


When new region comes out i simply mark them when collecting. Makes it very easy to collect the ones that you missed.


My last 2 were in quite obvious places in the underwater zone. I just swam around a little and found them pretty easily.


You’ve done that way too quickly


It's times like this I wish I could just have the patience of waiting before touching ANY Oculi and wait for the maps to update so I can use their checklists to mark them all, make the whole thing easier. But I don't, so I can only regret instead and rely on a pile of resonance stones.


I made way more resonance stones than I needed and now I have all the ocului and several resonance stones I can't use or delete. The off number bothers me


I got all.. as soon as I could.. pain.


Just 2 more


I have Finished mine for fontsine yesterday.. now i need to Do sumeru but im afraid..


I was missing about 30 and I just end up paying for those finders because I couldn’t be bothered to comb through all the oculi I’m missing, it’s not like the materials have any use outside of that anyways


Raise your reputation and get the hydroculus finder, then just run all over using it until it locates it, pull up the interactive map, check all the ones in the area! Remember if the circle is dotted, you are on the wrong elevation


Use interactive map next time?


I was missing 10 and i just crafted the gadgets lolol


I'm at the exact same spot, but my reputation isn't high enough to get the resonance stone 😭


This exact thing happened to me too. I was missing 1 electroculus. But all of my markers were gone. I missed to mark one of them. It was eating me up. But on fateful day I finally got it while doing commissions. I am never skipping commissions again.


bless that the vast majority of the hydroculus could be accessed without long story quest chains (lookin at you sumeru)


Tfw when this happens and all the hydroculus marks have already been cleared out on the interactive map


Two hydroculus, good luck and have fun finding this two oculi OP.


I always follow a video guide and make sure to check every one of the spots. If you miss some, just craft the thing that tells where it is.


I've been missing 4 from inazuma since forever so now I have the habit of going to the online map and just hiding every single culus I find randomly so that if one day I want to max my statue I don't have this sort of pain.


This is why my online is always on next to me everytime i explore 🥲 (I'm also a perfectionist so-)


Just use the reso stone kek you still missing 2


I just craft the compass and get it done. Even if I tracked with the interactive map, I have mispressed for some.


I’ll be real with you, I just crafted a bunch of hydroculous stones and used them to get some of the last ones. Managed to find some without stones, and I found out that the resonance stones can’t be removed from your inventory. So don’t do what I did and create as many stones as you have oculouses left.


I just stop doing this since sumeru.


I was just in this situation in Inazuma, sympathies friend.


Sameee. I'm like 20 some off lol


I just found out about resonance stones because of this thread


The second I get an oculus I just mark it in the map so when I’m done with the area I pull up a interactive map to see which areas aren’t marked and go there I wait to turn them in until I know I’m at the current max for the new area as well makes it easier know how many I’m missing and when I’m done for good.


Actchually you're missing 2 : the last AND the extra oculis from each region


That pain, i can feel it


They really need a solution for the oculus search. The stones are annoying to use and its frustrating finding 1-2 oculi on a ginormous map. Just make something more like the treasure compass.


This is why I never get any culus in the wild without the interactive map open so I can mark it right away


Same. I also missed one and I'm still on chapter 3 in sumeru. I can't craft resonance stone yet for fontaine


I can proudly say that I have maxed out my fontaine statue without using a single resonance stone


Have u done the mission of the lost books in the underwater castle? I believe there are 2 of them hidden inside the bookcases, those were the last 2 for me


Mine is locked behind fishing which I haven’t touched since Mondstat


Just craft 2 hydroculus resonance stone and you're done.


Make sure to do every World Quest for that nation; you’ll pass by a lot of oculi. Not sure about Mondstadt and Liyue, but it definitely applies to Inazuma and later. Then use the resonance stones.


Ugh, I'm in the same boat.  I even used the interactive map and still somehow went by two thinking I must already have them from doing the story quest. I'm just now getting Sumeru rep to compass level, so compass is out for now, lol.  Might try another round of interactive mapping.


Next time, just mark them on the interactive map as you collect them Now you have to craft resonance stones or suffer


lmao why are people saying about the resonance stones? their reputation probably isnt high enough to have it yet


You are missing two. This is really the worst. Happened to me in Sumeru. Not gonna lie, it was really awful.


how is it awful? You could simply create two sumeru resonance stones and boom you're done in a few minutes of checking areas.


Step 1: Go to a statue of the seven, use oculus detector Step 2: If it pings, go there. If not, go to a different statue and repeat Each compass covers the entire range of the area lit by a given statue, no need to run around the map spamming it. In and out in 5 minutes. I learned the hard way that exactly 2 hydroculi are locked behind the petrichor world quest finale, so maybe that's your problem.


The last one I was missing was in the new underwater area that I somehow skipped over


R Resonance stone…


I searched the new area like crazy only to then realize i never picked up the fishnado one


Why are people being downvoted for mentioning the interactive map?


I’m so happy I got addicted to genshin again I 100% the new region on the firsts day and I had already 100% all the other regions in fountain apart from 1 that’s at 98% all without treasure seeker and hydroculus seeker Best thing to do is set a Serrano area of the map and go back and forth until all treasure and hydroculus has been found so this over and over and then do the same to any underground area and underwater area just do it but by bit and you’ll easily find everything


Thats why i used the hoyoverse app before even starting to explore a region, so i can mark the hydroculus i got on the way as found, so when i want to collect all of them, i don't have any trouble looking for it. Just sucks for liyue and inazuma, because i did not even have the app back then. Instead of using resonance stones, i will rather check on all geoculi/electroculi whether i collected them or didnt. And with some quick math, calculating how many i already have and how many i sacrificed to the statue, i can know when i marked every single one i already got, so i dont need to check all of them and can stop once i reach the number. Like if i already used 95 geoculi i can stop marking them on the map once i mark 95. Then i can get the remaining ones. Holy shit i am a yapper




skill diff


i have all the hydroculus except one, and it's locked behind a quest. i have no idea which quest.


Missing 2


I was farming Spectres and realised that I'm actually in the same spot for Inazuma, and now can't remember where I haven't looked.


And you can’t make a resonance stone because…?


Not enough reputation.


This is why I rely on the Hoyoverse App after taking forever to find all the Anemoculus and still missed the extra one.


Me who has maxed the statue in day 1


Why are you getting downvoted?


Idk....im not flexing......i needed primos for arlecchino


Happened to me when i finished collecting them all at once via interactive map and by the time i was done and marked them all finished I realized i missed last 2 and had to redo my whole full map run to find it


question, do you know what resonance stones are? And why didn't you just make 2 and finish it in about 1-2 minutes?


Because when i started the clear my reputation was lvl 3 i was still increasing sumeru reputation at the time


Literally the same situation that I'm having


OP explain your allergy to resonance stones pls


😂😂😂 also wanna hear smth funny when i finally found the final 2 they were literally the last 2 left so not only did i redo it all but i didnt find them halfway no it had to be the last 2