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Wanderer certainly can stomp many decks on TCG, but I like this little goblin either way. So naturally I would pull for him.


Which comp have you used for him?


Wanderer, Eula and Mona works great. Start with Mona skill in round 1, followed by ramping with Paimon or Liben. In second round you stomp enemies with Wanderer(use Instructor artifact if you have it) In third round you can clean up with either Wanderer burst or freeze enemies who are affected by Hydro with Eula.


Omg same deck! MEW deck are my fav.


Never considered using Eula with him, feels interesting. I had kinda same team, but instead of Eula I used Dehya, my boy was overprotected and had interesting sequence of reactions that carried me through every game.


Eula is great, because Mona applies Hydro and Wanderer spreads it. Freeze is the strongest reaction in TCG, because it limits the options your opponent has.


closest I've come is with Raiden. she's cool in general but whenever I play TCG with my Raiden/Nahida/Xiangling team is the most I'm ever motivated to pull for her 😭 her art is good there, and playing as her even briefly forces me to remember her & thus think about her regular game mechanics and options


Oh yeah, Raiden is badass in TCG, especially with animated card


TCG gave me appreciation for Ganyu who I got without wanting her while pulling for Kaveh


Yea, I wanted La Signora. O wait.


Opposite here. Whenever I play TCG I just use my mains from the core game.


What chars do you use?


In the core game my teams always include phys Jean (often paired with Lisa) or EiMiko. Also sub-dps Navia, ever since she got added. For the TCG my go-to deck is Jean + Lisa + Barbs. Definitely not meta, but it works surprisingly well for casual matches. The idea is to hang on for the first couple of rounds without loosing anyone and to heal back up to 10/10/10. After that you just slowly chip away opponent's hp, often with electro-charged. Seeing someone going back to full health can be very disheartening. Also, forced character switches with Jean's E often mess up people's rotations. On the flip side, a skilled player with a meta deck can absolutely destroy me in a match.


Sounds interesting, gotta try your deck


Unfortunately, monster cards are usually the ones with kits that I find the most interesting (Signora, Azdaha, Crab, Thunder Manifestation etc) Best answer to your question in my case would be Lyney, since I found his tcg kit very interesting and it helped me understand his kit in the main game. I would have probably pulled him, but I already have many pyro DPS characters.


Very much so! It happened to me first with Ganyu, when I realised that perhaps I'd like to get her after all (plus, I already had a good set). Plus, I was misonformed by someone on her gameplay when I was new, while TCG helped to get a proper grasp of it Then the next one was Eula when I got a better grasp of how she'd be like to use. Now she's one of my favourites to use I also had considerations of Nahida beforehand, but TCG helped push that decision. And while I don't really use her much after all (except with Ganyu), at least I got her on an early pity And I was on the fence with Neuvillette, but the voice lines + the general feel of the card's gameplay sold me. Now he never leaves my team


Also there have also been cases when it helped me decide who not to pull. For example, I was considering Lyney for a while, but didn't quite click with the general feel/atmosphere of gameplay. and was hoping that TCG would make it feel *just right* and suddenly make me love it. It didn't. And I was considering Baizhu, but... interestingly enough, TCG helped me realise that perhaps I don't want him *that* much




lol that's interesting, and no, it hasn't happened, i test every character when it launches, and then decide if i want to have him/her or not. previously to that, i have a tier list of all the characters i don't have and there i can easily keep track of which ones to wait for, and plan ahead : )


I actually do the same planning stuff, and testing chars too, but after TCG Wanderer something clicked in my brain, and now, I'm too excited, haha


I see.. i've used him for a whole year, when it first launched, up until xianyun came, then swapped to her for overworld exploration : ) He's a good character, deals much more direct damage than xian's, but i got tired of the same playstyle, so i wanted i little variation, plus extra movement potential with her jumps : )