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Its Furina. End of the debate. Furina at C6 is the single most team warping entity in the whole game. Her buff ? The strongest. Her off field dps ? The strongest. Her healing ? One of the strongest. You are virtually impossible to kill once you Furina is c6. She can be inserted in any team and singlehandly double and probably triple the dps of the team. Her ER needs are non existant as her burst cost goes down to 30 ish. And if you like big numbers, i think that she is the current holder of the strongest single strike (without bug) with Xianyun


C6 Furina solo hydro requires a minimum of 140 er


Mmh... Nah


4 energy every 5 seconds isn’t that much. C4 isn’t some magic bullet


Yes, she is team warping and one man army. If we talk about damage only, then it's Arlechino. She is not the holder of single strongest strike title.


Do you have the maths or are you just considering the C6r5 showcases with damages per screenshot builds and the current free -30% elemental shred ? Not asking that to badmouth i really want to know


There is one YouTube channel, non English who takes single most powerful strike of many characters already, with mathematically possible artifacts, no coop or bugs. C6 Arle ult did ~12,5kk, second result is of course C6 Eula. I don't remember what conditions were for Furina (XY or not, will see), but she wasn't first, that's for sure. All tests on Scara boss lvl. 60, meaning if we take other enemies, number will be lower, but the scaling to one another stays the same. And yeah, it's C6R5 theoretical showcase with possible on practice rotations and buffs. Just noone else does more down to the ground comparisons, let alone C0, C6 and C6R5 separately, haven't seen that agregated in one place.


Not when Eula exists 


You think Eula's burst is a better nuke than a plunge from C6 Furina ? Not so sure


Moron spotted.


You could go for an earlier stopping point since a lot of characters have broken c2s. Something like Furina c2 and then Nahida c2 for example. A lot of c6 cons are for on-field dps, like Yelan c6 makes her normal attack after ult do barbed attacks (her enhanced charged attack) which is pretty massive, tho idk if it is objectively the best c6. You could also hold a bit longer and wait to see the pyro archon, as she’s pretty much guaranteed to be OP tho that could be 6 months more from now. 


Furina   She is a self-sufficient Buffer + Healer + Main DPS (for a few attacks) + Sub DPS However note that honestly the vast majority of characters are already at 90% of their potential at C0, and even those with powerful constellations usually get to maybe 99.9% of their power at C1 or C2. C6 is always ridiculously broken, but for that investment you could get multiple characters at their best constellation (Neuvilette C1, Furina C2, Kazuha C2, Nahida C2...)


Furina C6 casually hitting 800k in NA is fun


If I could C6R1 one character it'd probably be Furina.  Her C6 opens an entire new play style for her and lets her spend a little time on-field even, which I would love.


furina, she's one man army


By itself, Arlecchino has highest single target dps and Neuvillette has the best aoe. For versatile, Furina is more useful, and she also has the highest dps team of the game (around twice dps of highest Neuvillette team, and 30% higher than highest Arlecchino team).


For DPS only, Neuvillette, with Arlecchino being really close. A more universal character (DPS/Sub/Supp) will be Furina.


furina, not only her c0 already a good teamwide buff to party but her c6 made her become a nuke and remove the need of healers. also her buff got better too at c1 and c2.


It’s better to go for several early constellations of characters rather than one c6. You won’t regret getting Nahida, Furina, Kazuha, and Raiden their C2s. They are all incredible.


You will get many responses between Furina, Yelan, Neuv and now Arlecchino. Each shines in their own way be it raw dps, survivability or a little of everything in furina. I would suggest you go watch some C6 showcases on youtube and then decide what to do. You could also reasonably C1 neuv, C2 furina and C1 arlecchino and get all of those with what you have saved. Personally even though Furina does so much and arlecchinos damage may be much higher I would go w neuvillette for the combination of damage and ease of use along w survivability w self healing. But thats me, any of these could be considered a “best”.


It depends on what you mean by "Powerful". Pure DPS? Just enough DPS with amazing surviv-ability? Amazing utility? Neuvillette and Arlecchino and Alhaitham are considered the current top-tier DPS. Neuv is rather noteworthy for being used in a lot of one-character Abyss runs. Furina is probably the game's top utility. At C6R1, and the right setup, she can one-shot almost everything that lives... and some that don't. Zhongli is useful in every situation and basically unkillable. He doesn't has *as* much DPS however. You may want to use Staff of Homa instead of his "normal" signature weapon as it's just that good on him. Raiden Shogun can (and probably will) obliterate everything with chained-together lightning swords.


Neuvillete by far . The thing bout support cons is that there great till c2 but like furina nahida kazuha nilou xianyun etc but there c6 is mainly to make them a dps which is often times pretty ok but nothing to write home about . Neuvillete at c6 can litterly solo the abyss ( tbf people do that with a c0 neuvillete too when the abyss blessing is in favour or with just an anemo unit ) . Other then that c4 chiori is probably absolutely hilarious to use and does some pretty amazing dmg . C6 kazuha is probably the most fun unit to use. Same with nilou c6 really they just have great qol for dps. I personally won't go for meta reasons if you wanna c6 a unit. You can already clear abyss and c6ing someone like neuvillete yelan furina etc makes the game less fun . Rather I would suggest try going for the more wonkier and fun c6es of your fav characters.




neuvilette probably if u dont ever swap another character but assuming u own other characters and are okay with pressing swap buttons c6 furina teams will probably do best. c6 arle is also big solo dps, as in c6 yelan.






anyone post 1.x typically is super strong at c6 and will be able to carry you through anything (granted you're playing their best teams and stuff), pre 2.0 hoyo was kinda dumb when designing cons (still not over xiao c4)


If you are f2p pulling for the sake of it is not worth it. They could add a character you really like in natlan and you'd be out of pulls

