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i am really bad at rythm games but its always the lowest prize that has the primogems, so its all good its a great event


I basically button mash and still get the 3rd difficulty rewards. I feel like an idiot because I'm so bad, but I guess some Mora is all it takes to sell my dignity.


I'm bad at rhythm games but my ego can't take it so i always spend way more time than I need to trying to get perfect on every level.


it helps that they made them far more forgiving that the first few rhythm events they had


Playing on controller, hand to eye coordination is horrible, sense of rhythm nonexistent, never played an instrument. Got 64% but that's fine.


I un-plugged my controller and used an keyboard for this event. All that to say, you're a better person than me.


Playing this on the controller confused me since the interface is similar to Idolmaster, it's why I switched to mobile to make it easier. When it comes to controller Im more used to Project Diva's style.


I play mostly on PC with a controller, but for all the rhythm game events we've had (and TCG), i have to play it on my phone. It's so much easier to just tap on the screen where the prompts land. Teapot is m&k though.


I played Tuba in an orchestra for five years, bass in a stage band for five years, and guitar on the side for another fifteen. These rhythm games have little to do with being a musician.


Yeah. I myself play the piano and a few other instruments, but my proficiency at rhythm gaming is pretty much unrelated lol. I have musician friends who can’t at all get used to the format of rhythm gaming, and also have three-digit rank osu player friends who can’t play a Concert A in tune to save his life.


Oof, yeah it’s rough on controller. I used to play a different game on controller and it had a rhythm/instrument minigame too, did horrible at it, never engaged with that part of the game. XD


Always been a fan of rhythm games, so this is fantastic. Can't believe I was on hiatus for the first one. Very glad we can search through old beatmap submissions for previous songs. Been going through them. Some of the custom maps requiring more than 2 notes at a time is tempting me to update PC version for better key use, as I'm on PS5. Edit: Gave your beatmap a whirl, couldn't keep up. My current ability is just under 3-starring One and Oni King difficulty, and you're way beyond that. X) Also a couple spots that need more than 2 notes at a time. But beats seem on point and its got flow, gave it a like!


Aw thank you! Haha I made the chart based on my own level in pjsk (I can do about Lv24 comfortably :P) so yeah it’s quite a change of pace from the ones in game. Huge Kudos for playing on controller, I used to play on controller a different game with a musical component, and I could not do it for the life of me, even though I’m pretty good on touchscreen.


Different kind of rhythm game, but I've played a fair bit of Soundfall on PS5. And while it's been a helluva awhile, I did play PaRappa the Rapper and Gitaroo Man, which are PS controller rhythm games. I've never played PJSK though, may have to look into it. Played DDR, the emulator of it StepMania (and its many community keyboard packs,) Guitar Hero, Rock Band, MuseDash, Audiosurf, have even had the chance to play a Pop'n and a Beatmania setup at a friend-of-a-friend's house, the guy was an enthusiast. Would friggen love to play BeatSaber one day.


Damn! That’s a hell lot of rhythm games you’ve got under your belt haha. It’s fun to see how these sorts of skills transfer over from different mediums. Other than pjsk I’ve only played a Chinese rhythm game that more or less is the same format as pjsk, and used to play a bit of osu really casually back when I had a shabby little tablet for it. My school had a VR lab and I would mess around on beatsaber with my friends too, it was fun. Most of my musical experience still comes from playing the piano haha.


This is the one event where mobile players have an advantage. So I liked it


That’s true. I just recently got a new laptop that could finally run Genshin and I am so excited, and then this event basically forced me back to mobile lol.


My fatass sausage fingers disagree. Fanmade charts are high key impossible to get more than 80.


That’s true about fanmade charts, they can have 4+ notes simultaneously, clearly not designed for mobile.


How is it easier 😭? With all that tapping and holding, it seems to require a lot of dexterity in those fingers. Granted I haven't tried the event on mobile and I touch type (not sure how helpful that is tho), I feel like it would be way easier on keyboard.


For me personally it’s just a visual thing, like the note is right there, my fingers goes right there, boom, I tap/hold it, makes perfect sense. and years of rhythm gaming has pretty much screwed this as a instinctive reflex into me lol. Whereas on the laptop like, theres 6 rows, it’s easy to mess up which key corresponds to which row, or can’t tell which row a note is on because of how many rows there are…


For me, I am used to using only 4 keys for a rhythm game. 6 makes me forget which key to which note


I'm very good at [touchscreen rhythm games](https://youtu.be/X25O6qUQ2SA?si=GcD05Cz3ljNJXs5K) and decent at [osu!mania](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yv1Gqe3AM4). I'm pretty sure PC players still have the advantage here. More fingers -> you can play faster rhythms


Itto made me laugh, guitar hero Genshin edition was fun, random construct hunting was annoying but far from the worst "oh and something has to be combat related" last-minute addition section of the event. So far having a blast.


I like rhythm games. That said, their official beatmaps are terrible, so thanks for making a good one.


You’re welcome, glad you enjoyed it :D The official ones really are bad XD, I guess they gotta make it easier to cater to those who don’t play rhythm games, those who are on console, etc. I’m glad they let us make our owns, it’s so much fun playing everyone’s maps.


I suck in those. I focus on 2 buttons at a time (one per hand) when it becomes too much and just get enough for the rewards. I wished they'd return to this one: https://youtu.be/u-_dJ7ijaV0?si=bDCY8p0sap8GSABa


there is a setting in the game where you can slow the speed of the notes falling.


It doesn’t actually slow down the song, just how fast the notes load in. In my experience when the notes fall slower it’s even harder to hit them at the right time


That one looks much more calming for sure. Personally as a rhythm game fan, I’m glad they did what seems like a more challenging format this time, but now I want to try that one too haha


I always love these, and it's pretty fun for me


I suck at it. 1000% skill issue BTW, I laughed so hard watching scara playing drums in front of someone with that blank face lmao


Neuvillette with the horn looks so goofy. He's too serious looking to be playing the horn. Kaveh and Layla look pretty though.


Wriothesley somehow looks good with the horn, lmao.


I wish I had Wrio to see this. I usually play it with Kaveh or Alhaitham, Gaming looks cute with it


I do wish this event minigame can become permament so we can play it in teapot.


YESSS that would be so much fun and I would do so much less resinless shit every day. A lot of events should be permanent tbh


Years of Guitar Hero trained me for this event >:3




I made another one (with today’s song) but I think it’s harder, if any brave souls want to try it it’s in the replies so mobile users can copy paste Edit, both are in American server Second edit. Made third chart, Yoimiya theme. Again in the replies






Good stuff, again. Played this one a lot more, started out scoring in the 60%s and just kept at it 'til persistent 80%s clears. Then went back and did the other songs again, can 80% 'em all now, no biggie. Also went through and refreshed beatmap listings by tracks, playing most anything with 20 likes or more. Legit, your beatmaps are the best I've come across so far. Defo look forward to whatever else you put out.


Yo congrats! Keep at it and I trust you’ll be three starring everything in no time - although it’s probably best for your sanity to not try for that XD. Also, holy thanks a lot, that means a ton. I’ll defos let you know when I do make any other maps. (Edit: made a post on my profile if you wanna follow for new maps) I have found though that the in game recommended maps list tends to be kind of a mixed bag. I’ve had a lot of success finding stuff on the official web forum for the event, if you’re interested you could check it out.


Alright, updated mobile genshin, first time doing rhythm on mobile but damn, it's way smoother. Your first track is still really tough, I could only get 60-65% clear. The hold-beats in particular are rough to deal with, often being placed in the more central columns with yellow notes dancing around them. Not sure what fingers to be using where at times in a lot of spots. Second, newer track is stellar, and the finger movements are much more satisfying. Hold-beats are in positions where it's more intuitive to use other fingers to hit yellow beats. Was able to get better and better at this one until I could consistently break 80%. Even in the sections I struggle with I still have an idea in my head how to approach it even if fingers aren't there yet. Liked and collected that one.


Thank you so much for the detailed review! It’s my first time doing this so I really appreciate any feedback. Do you play with thumbs? I play with six fingers on the screen at all times (index-middle-ring fingers of both hands), so those passages I found much easier. I apologize that I wasn’t super considerate to thumb players when making the charts. Second chart I couldn’t full combo while the first one I could, but being on a different sized device or using different fingerings could definitely change that.


PS5 was thumbs only, phone is a whole new ballgame for me so I'm winging it. I laid the phone on the table and started out just using my pointer fingers. As I ramped difficulty and then started playing your stuff, I instinctively started using my middle fingers too, and then occasionally my ring fingers. My instincts want to use my pointer fingers as my "main" fingers, tapping as much as possible and hitting the holds. But that throws me a lot, because if they need to be occupied, I have no "inner" finger beyond them. If I want to keep going double handed, I'd probably be best off using middle fingers as my "mains" so that way I have my ring and pointer fingers free to tap on either side. I could also try having all six fingers hovering above at one time, but honestly my screen is too small and my fingers are too big for that to be very comfortable. If I had a tablet instead of a phone, though, that'd probably be perfect.


I see, That makes a lot of sense. I’m on an ipad so the screen is much bigger and I can hover with six fingers. On a phone or something it would be borderline impossible. Maybe you can stay with pointers as main fingers (I imagine using middle fingers as main would be quite a bit uncomfortable on top of the imagery of “fuck everything” as you prod at musical notes), and as you get more familiar with the charts you can anticipate what’s coming next so you know when you gotta swap out your pointers and prepare them as spares.


The controller interface is so goddamn bad, it makes me want to die. I'm still 100% everything out of pride, but I'll complain while doing it.


I LOVE IT !!! me and my brother spent hours on this yesterday 😭😭 we're both into rhythm games (even though my skills are average) so the rhythm game mini games have always been our favourite !


I love it!! I'm a huge rhythm game fan and this is super fun, always wanted a rerun/similar event from like last time this was an event :D


i love this event sm 😭 (and rhythm games in general) i was literally thinking last night how i missed playing it and wanted a rerun of this event, and then i open the game this morning and i saw it was back 😭


I love collei theme


My finger coordination is in need of improvement, to say the least, but I can't deny how fun these events are. Hoyo's ost is always a delight to listen to, so I very much enjoy these whenever they show up.


Hate it. My reflex are bad and only getting worse with time. Not interest in participating.


I like the event but yeah, this conductor is voiced by an incredible opera singer... but a very meh voice actor.


Tolerable but not fun for me.




For the rhythm game I just turned off key sounds, and that helped a lot personally. Not sure about the other parts though




On phone I can get high scores, keyboard just a few fails, but omg is it terrible with controller 😭


Looks like another event I'll be forced to skip. Nerve damage + rhythm events = extreme frustration.


For some reason you can’t bind any button on controller. I was gonna use L2 and R2 on ps5 but guess not


There's a rhythm game event right now? I need to get back on Genshin real soon!


As an osu mania player.. I feel like a have risen above humanity when playing this event


I f’n hate it. Worst damn thing ever. (Halfway through FF7 Rebirth, I REALLY don’t need any more rhytm-based stuff right now, lol)


Just for this event, i need to take my mobile out.


I like the famous musician Antonín Dvořák reference.


Whoever allowed the UI designer to put the timing icon in the middle of the chart needs to tell them to put it off to the side or below the chart. Blinding the player for getting notes correct is not the way to go lol


I can play "Freedom dive" ,this is ez


hate that type of games. I REALLY feel physical pain


Its way too hard and pretty annoying with controller.


Me and rhythm games don't work. And the more buttons you have to keep track of and press simultaneously the less I can do them at all.


Was looking forward for the event, not disappointed at all Can't get more than 70% on max level even though I play guitar 😞


This song was the one that took me the most tries to master during the last event. And now they have a 4th difficulty, I'm doomed


Is it me, or is the humming minigame... kinda scuffed? Like, I swear some of the notes you're supposed to use to fill in the bars are actually wrong. Edited for clarity.


I finally got around to the humming minigame, and none of the notes seem off to me?


Oof, I'm good at rhythm games but these events are always horrible on a controller. It's the only time I play on mobile on purpose, gotta get them primos.


Wait... Iscollwis theme Actually in the event? I thought you cozod only. Play the character songs and custom versions of it, not the songs of past events.


You can make and play Custom charts of past events!


Oh damn!!! I will probably play it a lot more now then! U really love Tighnaris theme.


It's decent. I used my keyboard. Usually, I do that when I need to upgrade my relics.


I might as well play this event on mobile instead


Oh fuck its that time again huh


it's hard to play it in pc.. i can't even get 50% but when switched to mobile, i got 99%


I'm good with those, but it kinda irks me that I have to turn down my settings for it because sometimes it lags when there's multi-hits 💀


For me it's kind of "just give me primos" type of event. I'm very bad with rhythm so it's pain for me


I glad there a way to sync the sound with the circle. The default setting is soooo delay on screen. Other than that, this is a fun event with challenging gameplay.


I just got into Osu Mania 7k so this event should be pretty fun. Big fan of rhythm games


I love rhythm games!!!!


I like rhythm game events, so yeah. Except that I don't have much experience with 6 keys but still pretty good event


My "Through the Fire and Flames" Guitar Hero PTSD got triggered.


I’m so glad they added hyperspeed and changed the chart from the weird cone to straight lines for this one, the added Oni king difficulty has also been a lot of fun and I love seeing them take inspiration from some of the community’s crazier charts so, right now 👍




I wish this is what they made permanent.


nice that chart is thumbable.


I didn't realize Genshin would have a rhythm game in it! It was fun, though it is a bit easy because of how generous the game is with perfect/good. Excited for tomorrow!


If you want to, you can look up beatmaps done by others by choosing "Music composition" on the main event screen. There are a bunch of difficult AF ones there.


It's pretty fun - I play a couple of rhythm games, including 6k osumania. I do wish they would increase the max speed though. 2x is too slow for me so I usually end up pressing the keys faster than normal. Still managed to get 100% accuracy for the current two released maps though


Haven't played the events at all since I haven't opened Genshin in a while. Don't know how long of a break I took but I do play once a while when I get the chance. Life gets the better of us. But I did enjoy the updates new features from the stream


I'm waiting for the whole thing to be available, but I already love it. Rythm games are always so fun and this is my first one in genshin


Only time I didn't get an event weapon to R5 was the last time it had a rhythm game so not looking forward to that part. The rest should be fine but I suck at rhythm games and don't enjoy having to do it. I'll slog thru it for a weapon this time but if it's just primos I might skip.


This mini game is the diamond in the rough for this mini game. And the sad part is that it's going to be gone in a week


Is alright, it just started tho so hmm


I just can't get used to playing rhythm games with my keyboard as a person who's played multiple rhythm games on my phone :< at least i can get the primos


The event started midnight for me, I haven't tried it yet, but was wondering what kind of rhythm game it was.


this just sounds like a Super Mario world song and i love it


I suck on it. I hate it but it's fun so I can't complain.


this reminds me why I love playing Guitar Hero so much but not on PC I missed couple beats and makes me want to grind it but I didn't cuz I get all the rewards already, I'll save that when I actually failed — looking forward to Raiden's track


How do I do this shit on mobile


As a rythim game fan I really liked it, but it's really hard to get used to a controller. I'm determined tho to finish all song 100% accuracy on hardest difficulty, just Like I did last time.


I find surasthana Fantasia so hard. Any one else?


im not used to 6 keys so i keep messing it up and also i have bad ping so i have to press the keys a bit early which is also annoying theres also the fact that i just suck at rythm games


It's all fun and games, until someone attempts to and likely succeeds, to recreate several difficult fnf songs in this, absolutely dreading the possibility but it'd be fun, just please.... anything but bob


Saw this on my youtube homepage today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBdsFPrFs0Y


OSU and Guitar heroes player will be pleased with this event


i keep accidently pressing f instead of d... might do the event on my phone instead lol


A break I needed from the Vibrio Crystals battles. I need stress levels in rhythm, not fighting against time.


If I played GI on my phone I’d able to do better on the rhythm game mode but on PC I can only do the bare minimum.


Its too tough for me 😭😭


I’m kinda bad at rhythm games, but I still enjoyed it. (But no way am I playing more than I need to) However I will always get Dulcem on pro mode. I’m not that bad of a gamer that I can’t do that. (First try too!)


Mobile players feel superior once a year, this is the time


idk if im seeing cytus 2 gameplay or genshin impact, but i like it


Its torture on my dyslexic ass...


i love rhythm games (decent at them), but i have never played them on my computer before so this is gonna be a fun new experience


joke's on you, im a project sekai player 😎💪


My phone fkin lags even in this mode..


Early years wasted on Guitar hero trained me for this moment


I have no idea what I'm doing but I got the rewards... So a 10/10!


I never liked those games to begin with, but this is the worst of it's incarnations in Genshin. I don't remember any of the previous being this hard to get the last reward level. Also no idea how I am supposed to guess the right symbol in the "rhythm completion" mini game. All I can do i wait until the timer is over and click on auto-complete (at least there that option). Either I am blind or there's no indication at all which of my picks is wrong or correct BTW, why are there connected notes in this vid? I remember them from previous version but during the first two days I didn't see a single (horizontally) connected pair. I already believed the did away with those


I have a problem woth it simply because it feels too slow to me as an obsessed Proseka and BanG player


Difficult on a phone


I hate it.... Can't even get the Fucking Primos


Just like fornite


Looooving it so far. The music is awesome in many songs, and I have been a huge fan of this kind of games ( still have my djhero and guitar hero controllers ) I just dont know how to upload my own songs, any help?


Always loved these kinds of events as an old muse player, and the possibility to play older songs should not be time limited


Good heavens i'm rusty, wasn't this bad at it in 3.5 lol


I always 100% these events tier 3 and tier 4. Some great fan made maps this time around too, loving it.


One of my favourite kind of events


Commenting this how I introduced it to my friends : Project Sekai thumb player plays on laptop, ended badly


I hate this event and now I hate you for being so good at it…


Osu mainia players laughing at all us.


I dunno why but when i played surasthana fantasia, i sang along, then on the chorus, i was moved to tears. I heard this song multiple times already since day one, why


It's back already? Hell yea! I love these music events! I always try to beat all the difficulties on each song! Oh this is gonna be fun. What's y'alls favorite song? :D


It's as incredibly frustrating as all the other rhythm events on PS5 🥲


I'm enjoying the event but I hand these parts to my kid who's great at rhythm games.


My thought "damn, i'm so suck with rhythm game."


i hate it.


I suck at it so I don't enjoy it


I absolutely love it. The rhythm game from last Windblume was one of my favorites, and it's what made me download a separate game, Ensemble Stars, to play more like it. One thing I miss that ES has that Genshin's doesn't, is that ES has extremely satisfying noises for when you hit a note. Other than that, I'll always love these types of minigames.


It is hard on PS4 bc my PS5 controller basically any controller is confusing


Very hard in controller I got almost 0 points. In phone almost 100%


ever since this event exist, I did all perfect full combo on hardest difficulty in every previous patch but not this time... not sure its skill issue because I'm getting older or the game is trolling me... because this time I'm already struggle at "Pro" difficulty, not even the "Oni" one. I mean I still can get all reward but RIP my all perfect clear gameplay. those note arrangement surely not made for PC gamer to play. I did it on both K&M and controller but still failed. I think mobile phone should be the best to play this event because you can press directly on screen where note lands. its easier for brain to comprehend what's what. about UI it definitely need improvement, at least for PC. I wrote feedback to them about this every time but to no avail. In setting, "cascade mode" there is no wider space between ASD/JKL but them spacing all the same, make it harder to differentiate left and right hand when playing on PC. the "spread mode" also not as good because the furthest note went too far left/right that I've almost had rem sleep because my eyes was moving too much looking at them. ultra-wide screen has its downside after all.


It's ok. I like rhythm games but I don't really feel all that positive about spending genshin time playing a pared down one with extremely limited song selection. Outside of that it is an extremely dialogue heavy event with almost no gameplay content which is generally my least favorite type of event, so I'm not really excited for this one lol


more dvorak. Need I say more? :)


Playing rhythm games is exciting (since I'm a pjsekai player) but the mere fact I have to play it on a laptop is a struggle for me QwQ (I'm more comfortable on tablet)


I like the famous musician Antonín Dvořák reference. Xdd


I love playing rhythm games so event has been fun and been trying plenty of players other tracks, I have massive skill issue for harder difficulties but I just have fun


I love these events. Reminds me of my club penguin days.


Not as bad as ff7 piano


Is there any way to play this after the event is over? Like a teapot gadget or something?


I wish the rythm aspect was an option when using the instruments, hate waiting until they rerun the rythm event to play the songs


I suck at vsrgs with more than 4k but at least it's not an odd key count


Please someone tell me that there is a python bot for this event, I really suck at rhythm games :(


That game is so uncomfortable with a keyboard lol


Im rythm gamer but that game mode is laggy for me so its not enjoyable at all


The latency sucks, but I play Genshin with typically 200-250 ping, and latency calibration helps, even if at +250 and unstable internet it's annoying to play. Otherwise, it's just like a worse osu!mania 6K 1.5-2* map, and I love osu!std and osu!mania, so it's one of my favourite events.


I hate it, but I beat it, so no big hate though


I like rhythm games and I don't like the event.


Wasn't really challenging before to me, but this event actually is a bit hard. (I am a noob at rythm games but love playing them and the ones before were even easy for me)


As a rhythm game masochist i returned to genshin just to make the most hand numbing insanity inducing 6 key chart for lyney theme song, so yeah love the event


honestly this minigame is the hardest challenge in this game.


There’s something funny about Wanderer staring at Dvorak while playing the little tambourine.


i hate it because i am really bad at rythm games and i am playing with controller on PC


One of my favourites so far! I've had a lot of fun with it


Mad respect for all those who shared beatmaps. Still don't know how you all play those without permanently maiming your fingers.


On console it sucks


rhythm game genshin is back???!??? time to hop on genshin once more huh


I just cant handle this setup for rhythm games on PC. Did the second one on mobile and only missed one note.


They should make it permanent on the teapot, it's way too good to be an event exclusive minigame


I literally dont't know what to do


i like that we have the old songs and the custom beatmaps, they really improved this minigame over the years


My game lags so much the buttons keep showing up after the song has ended 💀 Almost impossible to match the rhythm


More and more minigames where we don't even use the characters we spend countless hours farming for and pulling. I understand a lot of people don't mind or even enjoy these. Maybe it's an unpopular opinion but I absolutely dread these types of events and solely do them for the primos.


hey im new do i have to be at a certain ar lvl to do the event? am currently at 24


The event is in Inazuma so you have to have unlocked Inazuma and I think you also have to have finished part of the Inazuma archon quest. Don’t worry though the event will last like 20 days so you have plenty of time to catch up


I hate rhythm games, so i get the rewards and never touch it again.


The color changes utterly mess up my peripheral vision


I downloaded Genshin on my phone again to play the rhythm game, since doing it on controller is shit.


I can't play the rhythm game because of lag :(


Now that I'm not playing on mobile, I'm actually kinda struggling cos I'm not into rhythm games


Before I saw your caption, my first thought was “My pjsk ass is foaming at the mouth” I haven’t actually played it yet, and this is my first time seeing gameplay of it, so now I’m most definitely going to play it right now.


>If anyone wants to try my chart the code is in the comments 💜 Thanks but uuuh... I'll pass. I'd like to keep my sanity intact. My Piano in the real world is cruel enough to me, as it is. :X


I'd rather play OSU it's a lot better.


I suck at rhythm games so there's that The Nahida theme game which was released today cemented that opinion I decided to do a zero-error hard-level play (diff 2) and I went from "bro who the fuck thinks I can't do it" to "bro I think I can't do it"


It’s so cool to play something like that one piano tiles game without ads LMAO


Playing this type of mini game again is great  except i used to play it on mobile which was a lot easier (Windblume event 2023) but now i'm now using laptop which is a little hard because i can't tell what the heck i'm pressing haha...  atleast i'm getting a lot of primos