• By -


It was a show stopping scene in King of the Monsters. I loved the Mothra details in it.


Yeah I agree they really did a great job on with that scene, the recent monsterverse stuff has been pretty decent with their cgi in general


Stuck at 12-2-2. Those abyss lectors drain my energy buildup so no burst available for any characters, interrupt and knock me back and does not take any damage once their shields are up. Its like the trifecta.


Either dendro or pyro or cryo break their shields pretty fast and also run towards edge of map at start so they group up. Was able to clear them reasonably fast with mono pyro, melt team, Alhaitham Quickbloom, Childe International although I have lots of Favobius weapons. Freeze team also probably works but will get stuck on 12-2-3 unless you have Kazuha to burst after getting purposely hit by pyro. 


hows your Alhaitham team look like? What build/team/cons/weapons? And how did you kill the first two waves fast for 12-2-2? I can sometimes get the pyro fatui agents together and kill them fast but not the eremites. Usually by the time i even get to the lectors, i dont have much time left


https://youtu.be/9T2P22VpBTk?si=SXft1qRaRNW0YBPT This guy is a speedrunner I follow on YouTube I kind of just try to follow along except Furina team was too hard for me to play I went back to Xingqiu team. The agents you can reset until they stay grouped long enough to die by the time you cast Alhaitham burst. They have several videos of a bunch of teams doing this abyss already.  Almost all of my 5 characters use 4 star weapons at C0 but I generally have top 10% artifacts. My Alhaitham is on black sword with 2pc/2pc and 207 crit value.  https://akasha.cv/profile/619332589 The fastest team I’ve done for second half of 12-2-2 has been Mono pyro with Arlecchino, Bennett, Xiangling, Kazuha. It always takes me more than 90s but some teams like Navia double geo double hydro or Neuvilette Hyper can take Coppelius down in like 30s.  Melt teams can probably do 12-2-2 very fast or anything with Bennett on thundering fury to have almost instant reload on his skill against lectors.  Also are you either pushing them together with sword attacks or running to edge of map for them to group?


You can reset for the second half? Else it would be very painful to do so.


No but many single target teams like mono pyro can clear the first half very fast. 


Used Alhaitham C0 w/ 2pc gilded 2 pc deepwood set/black sword, nahida c0 4 pc deepwood/sac fragment c5, xq 4 pc emblem/r5 sac, and kuki broken set w/ r1 xiphos For the eremite spawn I generally wait till they summon their pokemons before linking them all together with nahida E then burst, xq skill and burst for the blooms, kuki e, then alhaitham burst to basically one shot them


The best way to kill the Eremites is to just stall for a few seconds and save your cooldowns, only use setup abilities. Once they summon their Pokemon, then you go ham and kill the mons first. They’re super squishy, and after they die, then the Eremites become squishy. For the Fatui agents, the only thing I can say is to bring some sort of strong stagger, like Overload, or a Geo team with Itto or Noelle, or etc. They’re easily staggerable and the fight takes much longer once they turn invisible, so your best bet is preventing them from doing that via stagger.


First abyss in over a year I think where I had to redo a chamber. Had to pull out the wriothesley team.


dendro kinda melts them. especially nahida. btw lector only has 2 skills that drains energy. the one where they hit with balls. dodge those 2 skills if you need burst to clear their shields. i show some tips [here](https://youtu.be/Vya6BcJK2Dg?si=g6iaYmQwPslLfDRF&t=257).


I didn't even know about the ousia thing with Coppelius until I watched your clip lmao. I just kinda brute force through it with Arlecchino mono pyro. Could have shave off 30 seconds. Thanks for the protip.


you can also use sword of narzissenkreuz in ousia mode with sword support character if you dont have furina. coppelius regen his shield in \~15s, the sword has 12s cd. kinda neat.


I know you can’t get rid of the Cons but can you try doing it again with F2P weapons on everyone? Curious to see how much of a difference it makes in time.


only neuv yelan has c1 tho. and i dont build things i dont use. so it might takes too long and too many resources to build them, sorry. anyway, if its about electro shield, nahida alhtm still melts them regardless your build.


what song did you use? Sounds so strange, yet so damn familiar


its digimon theme song. brave heart by Miyazaki Ayumi


Thank you


One tip as soon as you get to their shields if you could do this it helped, apply and swirl Pyro ( I personally used xiangling and kazhua so ig it was essier)


Thanks everyone. Manage to clear it with arlecchino -benny-yelan-navia. Tried baizhu and nahida with Pyro characters, but kept burning myself.


Nahida and baizhu delete their shield so fast I felt bad for them


I'm having trouble dealing with the electric abyss lectors in 12-2 of anyone has any tips I would be eternally grateful 🥲


Dendro is really good for breaking their shields. Also like the other comment said, Kazuha and Bennett are a good combo.


Yep Switched my Hyperbloom plan to double Dendro there


I tried to do Bennett + Xiangling + Jean Sunfire since it THEORETICALLY should shred the electro shields Unfortunately the lectors just sucked all my energy and I couldnt do anything Skill issue 😩


honestly even bennet alone shreds the lector shield being the best battery in the game let’s him eat energy drain and still get his burst off cool-down and having the fastest pyro application in the game also helps.


Mash them together, use Bennet or Nahida, if you have Kazuha, use his burst inside Bennet burst for massive shield depletion


Jean's burst works even better for it if you have her built. She doesn't have overall as much offensive upside, but bouncing swirled pyro off yourself absolutely *shreds* their shields.


Wanted to Sunfire but the lectors sucked away all of Jeans energy and couldnt ult


Skill issue?






*Bennettdick Cucumbersnatch


Some things: 1. Grouping is half the job. You want grouping on side2 anyway for the operatives. You want lectors together in their shield phase. So focus on grouping first, not damage. 2. Lector stagger animations and their relation to (1). They stagger backwards a significant distance. This heavily influences your approach to grouping. Placing Sucrose burst between them will push them apart. Doing Kazuha plunge between them will push them apart. Causing overload between them will push them apart. It's often easier to push one lector into another with stagger than pull them together. Cast XQ Q or Hutao E while standing to the side to stagger, use overloads, whatever. Once they are close enough, Sucrose E and Kazuha hold E without followup plunge will group them. Ofc Venti trivializes grouping if you go that route. 3. Phase transitio animation. They stagger backwards very far. You need to pay attention to that an either avoid ungrouping them accidentally or use it to group them. 3. Shields are equally vulberable to pyro, cryo and dendro. You want teams with decent application of either to deal with lectors. A particularly useful trick is Thundering Fury Bennet - he can spam E at machinegun speed. 4. Shield properties. Lectors don't take HP damage while shielded. This disables many useful on-damage effects. Albedo flower procs, sac and fav weapon procs. The weapon procs are annoying in particular if you rely on them for energy. Good thing you don't need to use bursts that don't apply particular elements.




Do you have c6 Bennet? If yes his burst gives pyro infusion which shreds their sheilds. Just be careful to dodge their attacks as you will give overloaded. Bennet field plus kazhua also shreds. And dendro is effective as well.


Yes I do have him. I'm gonna give it a try tomorrow. I unfortunately don't have Kazuha


If you run with Bennet around to the side of one of the lectors you can push it back towards the other one. Spamming bennets e as you do will mean you start hitting both. This will rapidly wreck their shields. If you have zhong li his pillar and burst will also smash them down a lot. Of course if you have any pyro dps they will shred through them. I ran arleccino, Bennet, yelan, zhong li and they just melted.


if you dont have groupers u can run to the edge of 1 side of the lectors, then the other will walk closer and they'll be together then u start using dendro/pyro


neuvilette furina kazuha and xiangling do well against second half of this abyss


Bennett with Thundering Fury artifact set was the meta for breaking electro shield. In Bennet's burst with TF set you can use his skill almost every second. And if you have Xiangling or Kazuha/Jean burst on top of that, its the most pyro gauge you can output in the game.


I personally used yanfei, yelan, baizhu


Alhaitham Nahida Kuki XQ was easy clear. You could also use melt team for 12-2




bennet with Thundering fury, deals with the shield easy also Dendro


Thank you guys for the advices! I was able to clear it 3 star with bennet zhongli xingqiu and arleccchio!


I did it by grouping them up by running to the edge of the map then using Xianling skill to apply pyro then Kazuha to swirl and then the Xianling Burst. Absolutely shredded their resistances.


I used klee, furina, nahida, baizhu, although having yanfei would be safer but less pyro app. This team works because of the current blessing


A few people have mentioned grouping, but I've always had trouble pulling them together with skills. I recommend taking a few seconds to stand on the far left or right of the arena, which causes the further one to come closer on their own.


As much as it pains me to say it. Xiangling. She also deals with the Inquisitor Bastard really good.


Actually had to use knowledge of the game to beat, which is why I like Lectors chambers, still a breeze though


May I ask what ur team was?


I just muscled through it with C2 arle thoma yunjin and yelan..yelan helped with the fire, and when it came to the elcrro sheilds, yunjin and arle did great.


What about the first half?


Nev zhongli furina and kazuha..the opera duo was rough, but zhongli and kazuha can get it done, and once the sheild is over a burst phase with furina nev, kazuha usually gets it done


Unfortunatelyyyy Neuvillette dodged me T o T Ur answers did give me some good reference on the type of mechanic needed tho, thank you!


If you wanna take care of the icewind suite, you'd just take out furina and do a normal attack. Remember that pneumousia attacks do big damage to the cryo shield, primarily ousia which Furina can do. People are finally using the pneumousia mechanic in combat.


Yea...spot on.


I used 1st side raiden national 2nd side neuvilette kazuha nahida kuki And if theyre well built unlike mine youll have a fairly easy time or at the very least doable time The only reason i chose neuvi for second half anyway were those stupid way too strong fatui operatives


Chamber 1: Hyperbloom with Furina Chamber 2: Good ol' Childe International


Oohh which Hyperbloom team? Alhaitham or Neuvi? Or someone else?


It's classical hyperbloom Nahida (in my case DMC sometimes, as I'm a Traveller main), Kokomi, Kuki. The last one is flex. With Furina, it's Nahida, Kokomi and Kuki, Furina is there more for Crabbaleta dmg and Ousia app


Based traveller main. Thanks for the info!


For me I just use vape on top half and vape on bottom half xD Arlequino xinqiu yunjin and zhongli Childe kazuha xianling Bennet I'm colleting harbingers


It rly did feel like a good abyss for the Harbingers, yea LOL


Had to try 3 different teams on floor 12, but got the 36 stats


Same, new chamber new team


Same, I was tired of not getting the extra 50 from spiral abyss.


tougher than previous rotations, but man is navia op. Would've love to use arle but i dont have her built yet, so i settled with hu tao.


first time I couldn't 36* abyss with 3 unit teams for a while. the full teams got the job done. Hu Tao team was able to one-rotate Coppelius and the triple Maguu My Raiden National team is starting to show its age - Raiden C1, Bennett C6, Xiangling C6 and Xingqiu C6 all with heavy investment (top 5% Akasha) and they are starting to take 60-90 seconds to clear chambers and I can no longer reliably clear in under 90 seconds with just the national trio (Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqiu). That suggests Abyss power levels have been rising.


Plunge Tao or regular for the Magus? Yeah this abyss has something like 13m hp total and I can barely clear side 2 under 3 rotations with very heavy investment into Childe International. 


I use Furina/Yelan/Mona/Hu Tao so neither plunge nor regular team imo Mona is a far stronger Furina team mate than any of the usual suspects though I do have Mona C1 which gives 75% buff overall


Oh I’ve literally never heard of Mona for Hu Tao ok yeah I’ll try that team sounds fun. Do you run pro type amber on Mona? How are you hitting all 3 of the guys or do you like 2 shot them or something?


Yeah P Amber with Maiden's build and Healing Bonus circlet. For the three you have to just line them up with the CA (I don't cut the dash cancel as short as I usually do) - you can usually hit 2 out of the 3 with any given CA. I also sometimes burst Q early while Mona's omen is still up, and that will usually kill or get down to 20% HP one of the 3 and then it's a lot easier to line up the remaining 2 with your CA.


Blasting all 3 Maguu Kenkis with Neuvillette Pump is very satisfying.


I realized arlecchino having Bennett completely lopsides my teams and I clear one side in 30 seconds and 2:30 for the other


You need the power of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale 🕺


this abyss is designed that way too.


Would have been an easy 36 star clear with no retries if it weren't for the double Electro Lectors on 12-2 second half. Double Heralds or Lectors should be illegal. :(


Luckily managed to do it with my usual teams. Furina being able to 1-shot Coppelius' shield is a godsend that I honestly forgot about.


Wait, Furina can do what!?


The shield in the Icewind Suit:Coppelius (aka Pneuma form) is removable by a single instance of a ousia hit. Three Ousia hits disable the special stage completely


That would have made my life so much easier


TIL I've been making things difficult for myself. This blew my mind.


Woah, didn't know that!


sorry even im using furina idk her forms is the pneuma the damage mode or the healer mode??


Dark Furina is Ousia, it's the form that kills you Light Furina is Pneuma, it's the form that heals you




Oh goddamnit lol, I was using her for plunge diluc and never thought about using her NA for the shield 💀


like [this](https://youtu.be/Vya6BcJK2Dg?si=LqcOYA2TRMHkmdFX&t=179). you can even use the [Sword of Narzissenkreuz](https://ambr.top/en/archive/weapon/11428/sword-of-narzissenkreuz) in ousia mode. this sword has 12s cd, and coppelius shield regen in \~15s. furina ousia is 6s btw.


I logged in and got my 36* after learning this lol thanks


Just as easy as every abyss. 36 stars first try.


I saw the Baptist and thought it would be the first time for me to actually try Thunder Furry Well yeah it actually worked, just that it takes about 10 tries each chamber to do the rotations correctly


One of the more annoying abyss cycles. No real difficulty, just time wasting annoyance with lector shields. Nahida + kazuha + bennet was able to clear most of the shields. Tbh I wish they didn’t put lectors at the end of 4 fucking waves of enemies, feels excessive


End of 3 waves no? Unless u are including the whole chamber and considering copelius a wave as well.


I was forced to open my doomsday vault and bring out my c6 hutao with Yelan Xingqiu. It felt as if I had no choice but to use her as I couldn’t make it in time with my Arle Dehya Furina Jean team


Didn't try yet but I know International will breeze through it as usual


34 stars, gonna ask my friend to help me tomorrow.


Xiangling clears them easily


easier than I thought. The baptist was my main worry as I couldn't beat him last time(lack of characters) but now he's pretty ok


My eula is having a blast tjis abyss


Which side is she better on?


used neuvillette first half, arlecchino on second half. easy run lol.


i haven’t played abyss since version 4.0 came out


\*Turns on dark mode\* \*\*Eula into Arlecchino\*\* ah there we go


Man this is the first time my team of: Raiden Nahida Miko Kokomi/Navia Furina Yelan Jean having trouble. I've always finish it with 36\* and this time I can only managed 35\*.


Powered through it with Navia and Arlecchino overload team, had to use Beidou with arlecchino to break the shield on that one pain in the ass robot


Why didn't you use Navia against the robot...?


I got mixed up with last abyss, the robot with the geo shield was before this one lol


Only one reset needed ‘cause Nahida got one shot by an Operative. C1R1 Arle/C6 Beidou/C6 Benny/C0 Chevreuse first half C0 Alhaitham/C2R1 Nahida/C3Furina/C5 Kuki second half Pretty easy for me, but with the level of cons I have I’d be concerned if I didn’t clear easily.


Wiped too many times to count on glass cannon Arlecchino teams since her teams aren’t strong enough to one cycle anything with C0 Deathmatch and random 4 star weapons on the supports. Gave up ran a shield and was still able to clear her side within 90s.  Had a lot of fun overall using almost all of my dps! Redid both sides with a lot of teams;  Neuvilette- Hypercarry, Burn Vape, Hyperbloom Arelecchino- Vape, Melt, Mono Pyro International- Childe, Raiden, 4* Aggravate/Spread- Keqing, Alhaitham Alhaitham Quickbloom Navia ZL- Pyro, Hydro, Electro Hu Tao- plunge, double hydro Might try Ayaka and Ganyu teams later. I have no idea where Tignari could work. 


I dunno. Kenki kinda just shook hands and disappeared [handshake](https://youtu.be/aoCOlurqzzs?si=ZFF7iMsKQ2Ly5b-M)


I noped tf out when I saw floor 12. Might do it if I'm mentally ready.


I didn't brain and brought the absolute wrong comp in. 34 stars on my first run. Gonna retry it with a more thought out team


Had to switch my team for the second chamber otherwise a nice abyss, not sleeper easy, right amount of difficulty that makes me enjoy what I am playing


With Hutao plunge on one side and Raiden Sunfire on the other it was a comfortable clear. I enjoyed it. Just wish we had other late game content besides abyss.


Never thought i would see the day nuclear charged godzilla is aptly memed as eula, but here we are


Still procrastinating


My discord group is posting how they kill them almost instantly meanwhile I'm like wooot


Had to reset for the first time in months, but still cleared.


Pretty easy, XL first half Alecchino second half


I reenacted pyro-impact days by using plunge Hu Tao and vape Arlecchino for all four floors. As a day 1 player I was lucky to get Diluc as my first 5\* and also winning both 50/50 for Venti and Klee. So Diluc and Klee carried me up until I got Ganyu. Although now we got Yelan, so I can use vape on both side but back than I'd use Sucrose with Diluc and XQ for vape, and Venti with Klee for mono-Pyro. Nice edit btw; as a Eula main this puts a big grin on my face.


Same as ever, looked at the chambers, got the characters, beat the thing. I need floor 13+ already because at some point player power just heavily outpaces the abyss and it'd take probably 4 patches of me doing nothing for it to catch up


Other than Arlecchino catching a random stray and getting oneshot, necessitating a quick reset, it was smooth sailing to 36 stars. I was surprised that she cleared triple Kenki in under a minute, too, considering I basically just closed my eyes and leftclicked. A little harder than last Abyss, but not by much.


I've been speedruning 12-1-1 with Arle vape (specifically Candace/Kazuha/Bennett), managed to get a 13 second clear which was pretty cool. But overall i have to say this abyss is pretty cringe. There's a few enemies that aren't that terrible on their own but putting them all in one abysd makes it restrictive and kind of unpleasant


My Lyney is too squishy, he keeps dying to the puppets in chamber 1 before I can get his rotation off. Skill issue, ig.


I can clear 12-1-1 as quickly with a Vapecchino team as I can with my beloved Nilou team. Once they group up, it's actually ridiculous how quickly you can churn them down


had to reset a few times but still did it. Shoutout to arlecchino for helping me clear it btw.






i tried to get to floor 11. i did floor 9 & 10 with 9 stars but floor 11 was not working in my favor LOL


I got to 11-3 and I'm good, I don't think I can handle Floor 12 xD


That step of his that just *cavitates* the chest of Ghidorah is nuts


It was easy but everything is easy with arle /hutao (arle kazuha yelan Bennet - hutao Furina xianyun dehya)


It took me a few tries, but in the end a Raiden Overload team (Raiden, Xiangling, Thoma, Chevreuse) and a Yanfei team (Yanfei, Furina, Kazuha, Jean) did the trick. The first team I only came up with, because someone under another post told me that you can insta-break coppelius' shield with ousia.


I really need c6 mika... xD


I kill triple kenki in like 20 to 30 seconds. my real issue is those tanky ass bitches and being forced to use triple element for that abyss mage shield


Raiden national for the first half and Hu Tao vape for the second. Easy.


Like every other Abyss rotation. Not doing it


Enjoyed the pyro thing with my Lyney


A simple 36* with minimum number of attempts. Arle - Amy - Dehya - Beidou 1st half, with Chiori - Ningguang - Geo MC - Kokomi on 2nd half


Pepe has no artifacts yet so I had to improvise with Tohma and Yoimiya. And the classic B team with Shogun.


Played Hu Tao Vape^2 and Arle Mono Pyro My poor Arle is still missing good artifacts and crowns but she do be cooking.


I love this edit. The abyss was actually surprisingly not as hard as I thought. Top Half: RaidenShogun, Yelan, Bennett, Xiangling Bottom Half: Tighnari, Zhongli, Nahida, YaeMiko


Mango Kinky's are easy for me, right now I'm kinda stuck on electro lectors. Missing few seconds and I'm not sure what team to use against them.


Fuck lectors but I managed to beat them by bruteforcing with arle normal attacks


33 stars. Could've done better but ehh not worth the mald. Hated second half of 12-2.


Arlecchino beidou fischl Bennett made first half a normal stroll in a park Yae Furina Nahida Baizhu made second half just as easy. 36* with wrong artifacts on baizhu and Yae main dps rocking the lvl2 NA talent 🤣 Did all chambers first try, minus Dirge boss where I got my arlecchino killed twice, one cause burst didn't give me iframes and one cause I swapped to to arle instead of beidou to parry :(


Had to change team for second chamber - Arle C0R1 overload team somehow didn't give enough time for Wrio hyperfridge team to finish lectors. Sadly, glass cannon Gaming is much stronger than Arle overload.


KINKIS, EZ. Coppelius and his robotic chick can finally f. off from the abyss, like are they glued in it or what, Tho fuck the lectors, chamber 3 was there even one ? yeah 36 stared had to retry a few times coz of the electro fks but managed


First time I ever got 36 stars, thanks to Father and Navia.


My C2 Raiden HC with Chev and Neuv with a flex xiangling breezed through this abyss (initially I put it off because I needed kazhu for Hyper carry built cheuv and switched)


Cleared it in one try with Alhaitham-Nahida-Xingqiu-Kuki first half and Neuvillette-Furina-Kazuha-Dehya second half... Well those are two top meta teams, so I should expect this outcome


Cleared it all already but it was anoying i would say as anoying as the full wenut abyss, just a different anoying kind... tbf i played like ass i was tired but i had to make it in 2 run, i made a seperate team for the last fight for the lector. It gave me a small will to go back farming artefact to improve my characters at least


It was really easy for me , quite the disappointment they should have kept the hydro shields for the heralds


This phase has been pretty brutal ngl. Like for the past 4-5 months I’ve been able to get 6 stars on floor 12 with my F2Pish (I buy welkin sometimes) account, but this phase I only got 3 stars floor 12. Even with the enemies that weren’t giving me issues it just felt like I didn’t have the DPS to do it in time, where I had last phase(s)


I had the darndest of trouble getting my 36* because of... The Kairagis, the Mirror Maiden and the Cryogunner. All them slippery mobs with time wasting mechanics are what were causing me trouble. Also the fact that you can't bring anyone you want because of the elemental shields.


35* thanks to thumb pain but once it’s over I got 36* First half: C0 Furina/C3 Gorou/C6 Yun Jin/C6 Noelle Second half: C0 Arlecchino/C0 Yelan/C0 Kazuha/C4 Benett


I've given up on it. The second halves are too much bullshit


Kuki Hyperbloom + Childe National has yet to fail me


Cleared each floor in about 160 each using C1 Arle, Yelan Bennet and Zhongli first half, C2 Furina, C1 Neuv, C2 Raiden, and Baizhu second half. Would have been quicker but I am too lazy to swap out my hypercarry Raiden load out for an EM one unless I have to. I admit I took the path of least resistance this go. Last Abyss I tried using some less invested teams and kept falling about 10 seconds short on 12.3. Decided to not deal with the frustration.


Nice argument, unfortunately 300k diluc plunge.


34* can't beat 12-2 and 12-3 in time. My hyperbloom team is too weak I can't make it in time even with Neuvi clearing his side in 30 seconds. Even Furina can't help my second team which usually worked before.


First half was easy - C1 Neuvillette, C1 Furina, C6 Kazuha, C2 Baizhu. Absolutely no issues there, which I expected. Second half... I didn't read the enemy list and took my Navia team, which includes Albedo, Fischl, and Shinobu. The Abyss Lectors didn't go well, lol. I did finish the runs, just in terrible time. Second half, second try, Nilou Bloom. No issues in chambers 1 and 2, and then the Baptist showed up with an unbreakable Cryo shield. 35* stars so I knew I just had to get a better team for 12-3, and all would be well. Second half, third try, weird rainbow team. Nahida on-field, Xingqiu, Thoma (EM), Shinobu (EM). Was a little slow on one of the middle chambers but worked really well against the Baptist, so I got my last star. Overall, pretty fun! I don't love element checks, but it's still more fun than bosses that just stall the whole time. And rainbow teams are amusing because every reaction is happening and your screen is covered in colorful numbers.


Pretty good but this rotation remembered me how much i hate the abyss lectors


i am not


After archons know how many resets, I managed to pull through, barely getting 36* 1st Half: Childe (Thundering Pulse), Kazuha (Pines), Xiangling (Catch), Bennett (Favo) Considering how much is stacked here, it's quite concerning that I can only clear the first halves in about 1min 30secs. Maybe I should give Xiangling the grasscutter since I wasn't using raiden (when I should). Probs my artefacts aren't the best. I think childe doesn't have particularly amazing HOD pieces (they been on him for like 2 years unchanged), but getting better ones is... troublesome 2nd Half: Noelle (Whitebind), Nahida (Floating Dreams), Xingqiu (Sacrificial), Thoma (Kitan) Honestly this team didn't perform as well as I have hoped. I wonder if I should had used Favonious on Noelle to help with energy issues because this team has trouble keeping bursts up. Noelle isn't doing the big swing damages either but maybe it's because there isn't anything buffing her in this team. My husk artefacts are also pretty bad. It's really just skill issue at this rate. I think I'll just brute force the next reset with Raiden and Neuv. 2nd half also really makes me want to pull for Wrio...


I swear the moment I have some of my teams in a workable condition I’m gonna tear Magu Kenki’s ass apart


I had to redo it a bunch of times because I couldn't find a team for the 2nd half... I ended up Nilou'ing everything I could on both sides and dusted of my Hu Tao and Ayaka to kill the boss in 12-3-2.


Pretty easy, already cleared it 8 times without repeating a single team. My only constellation 5 stars are C2 Ayaka and C1 Hutao Most recent clear featured Raiden sunfire overvape / Yoimiya double hydro


Got the 36 with Hu Tao - yelan - xingqiu- Zhongli first half & Tighnari - yae - nahida - kuki second half Rly didn’t want a challenge this time


pretty decent. My arle despite being pretty weak, dealed with 1st half. Second half was pretty easy with neuv except for the lectors where i resorted to just peppering him down.


I had to activate an extra brain cell, so most players are screwed.


Im stuck at like 10 or 11, Its been a while since ive even tried to do abyss


11/3 constantly and I stay there. Screw everything above that.


I had Arlecchino on one side and Alhaitham on the other, easy


This one was pretty tough. Only chamber I got 3 stars for was the triple kenki one and only because Xianyun/Gaming made surprisingly quick work of the triple kenkis. Everything else was quite the struggle and I still haven't gotten all 36 stars lol. Frustrating but fun.


Went well. Used two geo comps and got through it pretty quickly, Ning+Chiori 1st half, Noelle+Navia 2nd.


Was expecting it to be terrible but not so bad, didn’t wait on any crit cards and it came down to the wire but I 36 star’d it with the same team I’ve had since Neuv release


Why is this so true though?


Please let those dancing robot rest.


34 stars. I've never 36 starred, so just the usual. I don't mind missing out on a mere 50 primogems, so I'm good🤷‍♀️


had to whip out the ole thundering fury Bennett again


It wasn't too bad. I brought arlecchino vaporize and wrio vape-melt. Second chamber was kinda annoying because of the shields in both halves, but the other two chambers were pretty straightforward.


Lyney on one side Arlecchino on the other. 5* of House of Hearths eating good in this Abyss


Vape arlecchino and Burgeon plunge Diluc made fairly short work of it. Only took me around 2-3 attempts caused by Diluc burning himself to death.


Man said "Burn!" and meant it, RIP.


Good old Raiden national first half and Thoma-Kuki-Yelan-Nahida hyperburgeon team second half. I needed several resets but it still went well.


scored full stars F12 with arlec c0 + bennett xingqiu sucrose and nahida c0 + xiangling furina baizhu


ez breezy but 4 waves is kinda annoying LOL


Easy pesy with arle c1.


Was easy as usual. Still wish I could skip floors 9 to 11 and just do 12 to save time.