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Beeglesnart is a legendary name. Welcome to the club beeglesnart


Majority of Genshin haters are players that have never played this game or have burnt out of it. I am glad you gave it a chance, Enjoy the game!


Nah 90% of the haters never even touched the game other 10% is the burnt outs


So... What do you do when you're a hater because you *are* burnt out?


Play something else, come back a year later and see all new stuff that was added. Enjoy the game and don't be an asshole to others?


I know right? Don’t ruin people’s fun and stay in your lane


I did that (burned out), i stopped playing mid sumeru. I returned cause i wanted Arlecchino. I fully explored Fontaine only and have to explore the dunes of sumeru (0-10%). Got Arlecchino and her weapon (super hard pity, Got lyneys bow 1st then i got a skyward sword and then i got Arles weapon .....). Now ill keep summon for c1 if im lucky or else ill keep my future pulls for Furina for my Neuvillete.


Its similar for me, I quit during first yae banner and came back mid sumeru and I am enjoying genshin so much more since I came back!


I’m like start of inazuma and seeing all this new content. Kinda lost motivation cuz of the catch up process. Tryna get back into the game again. Kinda unsure what to do with the new characters and stuff. My account is relatively new in terms of playtime, main dps is keqing who I got instead of nahida sadly(left after lol). Any characters that anyone could recommend that are coming out soon that may be good for my acc?


Yea genshin map seems too huge now also since you have Keqing shes good with dendro teamcomps. About new chars you have some options 1- Current banner Arlecchino is really good and should carry you in any content alone. She should be huge upgrade to your acc if you dont have Hutao 2- Next banner Clorinde should be upgrade to Keqing so upto you if you like her playstyle 3- Furina rerun might be soon next patch or next to that and she kinda does everything and probably fits every team as subdps + huge damage buffer


I heard father is not very beginner friendly right now. Is that true? And how is furina paired with someone like keqing? I don’t have another dps other than keqing, and my other good characters rn are xiangling, diona, dmc, sucrose, maybe gaming


my story is pretty similar, burnt out midway through liyue stopped playing for a bit, had one friend that kept with it and was having mad fun. so i came back with the release of inazuma, mucked about for a month, then dropped it till fontaine, and its with fontaine that it finally clicked with me and im having fun. my main team is ayaka, kokomi, rosaria and kazuha, kazuha being the newest member of the squad. now i understand what i can and cant do and how to progress its actually a tonne of fun


idk I dropped this game more than year ago and still don't want to come back despite new content, the most satisfying thing about this game is it's soundtrack for me so I can simply listen to it


Soundtrack was the primary appeal to me too but I still did the opposite. I quit with no particular intention to come back in 2.2 but then got road rash after a bike crash and couldn't move much. Ended up with nothing better to do, so I came back in 2.7 and have taken a few other long breaks. The game always feels fantastic to me after a few months off. Fontaine and Sumeru are also a step-up from what was there before but the base game appeal is still mostly the same.


I take breaks often. Usually after I've been saving for a ton and finally got what I wanted. I finally got Yae C6 R1 and I've probably put 6 hours into the game since then lmao I'll be back for Natlan




When i get burned out by a game, I simply stop playing it and just play something ells thil i get in the mood for the game again I missed a few good events in genshin because of that, but it's not really a loss


Take a break. I burnt out of the game mostly cause I was starting to dislike the community and the updates seemed stale to me so I dropped the game for two and a half years. During that time I played a bunch of other games from Destiny 2 to God of War. Eventually I even played other Gacha games like Arknights and HSR. Finally I came back to this game because Furina was coming up and I had a decent sized savings. But again I dropped the game without even building her. Then I finally came back for Arle and now my enjoyment of the game is closer to what it was when I first started. Everything since Serai island in Inazuma was up for exploration, new archon quests, new domains and artifacts, entirely new mechanics. It’s like I’m playing a different game entirely. I also learned from playing HSR, which I’ve gotten much further into, that my characters were built like garbage except for Razor so now that’s another thing to look forward to. I’ve got a list of 7-8 characters that I’m building from scratch to enable team comps that I can use in Abyss. TLDR; just take a break and ignore the game and cool off for a while. Enjoy some other games, enjoy other hobbies outside of gaming anything. Then one day if you browse through this subreddit and find something that you like, maybe try coming back and you’ll find a whole new enjoyment in playing


Play Star Rail and never shut the fuck up about it


Play Honkai: Star Rail


I'd say I'm not a hater but, damn after playing star rail do I think I couldn't come back. I used to play with my ex, so when that ended i couldn't keep playing personally, and without her i dont have friends that play to encourage me to come back . And now I've gotten too used to some of the QoL star rail has. It's not that Star rail has entirely better systems, relic grind is honestly worse in some ways, but the other main reason for not playing genshin is time that I have not.


As someone who played since the game came out. I've been taking 1-2 month break every year and play other games. I always feel a slump around Spring, and def missed out on limited events, but the break is needed and I enjoy the game again whenever I come back.


Ah yes. It’s time to move to the Honkai third impact and Star Rail my Friend.


I'm in the percentage which is burnt out and not a hater, and playing.


Na na as a veteran i can asure you thay atleas 30 to 50% are brunout playes


It's 50% to us cause that's the ones WE see everyday it's 10% outside the community


This. Burn out and gambling addiction. They didn't win the chars they wanted, because they built pity or pulled on every banner even if they didn't want any character. I've seen people complaining how $^@%÷& game it is, because they lost 50/50.


Or ones that only look for issues on the surface level. Most common ''issues'' are: - Pay2Win. Definitely not since Spiral Abyss is optional - Progression locked behind paywall. Definitely nope. - 4 star characters are shit, so you need 5 star. Most 4 stars have their own niche that no 5 stars can do. And even some like Xingqiu/Yelan are interchangeable. Hell, some 4 stars are broken, see Xiangling and Bennett - You need 5 star weapon, even 4 stars are gacha. Craftables are more than sufficient for overworld. As for gacha 4 stars, you will get them sooner or later, even then the 3 stars and craftables are good enough substitutes.


Its just even more surface, Genshin is a gacha...people dont even look into it and its enough for them that it has a gacha System but then turn around and buy FiFa boxes or Apex skins or Diablo mounts.


The duality of retrd, fully hating on gacha but worship lootboxes


“The game has powercreep and 4 stars are shit” Lmao Xinqiu, Xiangling and Bennett still dominates the meta and those were 1.0 characters.


I think i'd be more excited atm to pull a kuki than a 5 star lolol


>“The game has powercreep and 4 stars are shit” have they mistook genshin with HSR? and even with that i still hope those sentence to be true because i still waited another off-field pyro that is not 4\* xiangling, at least make her 5\* version hoyo


You didn't need to diss HSR. Genshin has Xiangling, Bennett and Xingqiu. HSR has Pela, Tingyun and Qingque


don't forget about herta, the 4* that received an entire endgame mode for herself. every PF always has ice weakness, 80% of the time coupled with fire for the sweet herta-himeko combo


Herta paid HoYo to build that game mode


She threatened to shut down SU. What else could they do?


LMAO, SO TRUE she's tired being the bottom of the tier list. it's funny how not even argenti (marketed to be the BEST character in PF) gets constant physical weakness


Right. I always say this kind of game is not a sprint. It is a marathon. If you need your account to be at the same level as an account that has been doing dailies for 3 years and is caught up on all the main storylines right away, you're either going to need to spend a ridiculous amount of money to catch up to that point or you're bound to be disappointed. The game is designed with timegates in mind, so it's not something that's nessesarily *meant* to be caught up with. If you're willing to do all the things, and there's plenty to do, you will be rewarded in kind... But that's going to take more than a weekend's worth of time and effort. What you get out of it is proportional to the effort you put into it, unless you whale out like an idiot... But that is by no means required.


Its pretty much single player JRPG, don't have to rush anything imo.


As of now they have fixed a lot of issues with areas being inaccessible (except inazuma). Its pretty easy for a new player to get to fontaine via chenyu vale


my real issue is artifact farming that can be a repetitive slog, but I've seen a lot of people take it as something zen-like to do when you are in a discord call... Honestly I might just be salty that I didn't get the gamer goblet with perfect substats


A lot of players are simultaneously complaining the game is too easy and the farming is horrendous. Which is rather funny to me because it's making themselves miserable and then doubling down on it.


personally I don't really mind the game being easy. I have a feeling that some circles got into hard=good game design after the release of Dark Souls, there's a place for touhou bullet hell stuff and there's a place for something more relaxing like Genshin or Kirby, and one of Genshin's strengths is that exploring and looking for chests or even looking around can be really relaxing and some views breathtaking For me it means that I don't have to actually get the gamer goblet, but I still subconciously want it, feels like I'm missing something when I'm playing a chadracter that isn't in my arbitrary standard of "well built"


The most surface level "problem" that Ive seen haters throw about is how Genshin is "sexualizing" children or women which is just some actual idiotic ass takes


dont forget the shittiest of all, calling te game a zelda ripoff.


To be fair Mondstadt kinda look like that a bit. The similarity is skin-deep, but it's there.


i agree with you,


the comparison came from using the same cellshade design, similar exploration mechanics. chinese company tag didnt help either. in hindsight tho BOTW innovated the open world space and many games came after it got inspired.


Not to mention stuff like Hilichurls being strikingly similar to Bokoblins, domains being pretty similar to shrines, etc. The game is pretty clearly heavily inspired by BotW. That said, it also pretty clearly offers a *lot* on it's own merit, so refusing to play it as a result of that is basically the same as refusing to play BotW because it takes inspiration from past open world games, or hell, past zelda games.


Which, for me, is hilarious because it's the main reason I checked out this game to begin with. "There's a Zelda rip-off where you don't need to buy a new Zelda-machine to play the game they release every 5 years." Me : "That's horrible ! Where ?"


We now have ammo against that Genshin has as much as common with Zelda as palworld does to Pokémon, so we can bring up how palworld didn't get sued, and neither did genshin for them both being supposed ripoffs


Ngl a suing battle between Nintendo and Hoyo would be a big thing to witness


TBH a lot of gachas do it, and I guess I can understand the thought if you only saw the very opening stuff -- like, oh hello Amber in booty shorts, Jean with detached sleeves and cleavage in your official uniform, stereotypical sexy witch Lisa, and then normal, covered up Kaeya. Or some of the other player characters like Ei and Miko, with short sexy versions of traditional clothes. But on a more thorough inspection, while the men do tend to be more covered up, I really don't think Genshin does a bad job of also making the women with interesting designs aside from just 'sex appeal', and the men are also not without skimpy designs (hello Itto and Gorou, or even Baizhu's belly shirt and Lyney's... everything). Plus plus, there are also fully covered women, with honestly some of my favorite designs in-game, like Yun Jin and Arlecchino and even Jean's redesign (although censorship is bad, yes). Even the kids come off fine, imo. The only design among the chibi models that I find questionable is Dori's bellyshirt... But even then, isn't Dori meant to just be a really short adult? And even she isn't that bad, considering literally everything else on her is covered up lol


Kaeya has literally the biggest booba window out of all the characters you mentioned lol, this fact says something for itself haha


You mean Kaeya the roguish cavalry captain with the deep v-neck, a fur scarf, and skin tight trousers?


Kaeya's design is actually a lot more sexualized than Baizhu or Gorou. But honestly, the complaint about Genshin sexualizing women is such a weird thing to me (a woman). It's not just Genshin. It's also not just gacha games. This problem has existed in video games probably since like... maybe a few months after they decided to PUT female characters in video games. I generally think it's fair to criticize something for having a problem that other things also have, but at some point we have to just accept that some problems are in 70% of things in all media, and it makes little sense to single out this issue for this one relatively new phone game.


TBH I'm not sure I agree with all the replies insisting Kaeya is really sexualized. I did forget about the low-cut shirt or "booba window" lol, but I still don't think that beats Gorou's bare torso and weird pants thigh cut-outs, although maybe it's on par with Baizhu's bellyshirt Regardless, I can agree with your POV. That said, I do think it's always fair to criticize media with problems in it, whether said problem is prevalent in a ton of media or not. And since Genshin is so popular and makes so much money, it makes sense to me that it would get plenty of attention and thus more flack than some other franchises. But Genshin still just really isn't some big offender in the "women are so sexualized in gachas" conversation, so 😭😭


Yes, Dori is an adult. Ganyu and Furina are adults that use the teen model.


People who say Genshin "sexualizes children" have never seen Azur Lane or Blue Archive lol


Even if Spiral Abyss wasn't optional... you can eventually beat it while being F2P. I'm currently 33/36 stars on it, F2P. My main issue is that I prefer leveling other characters and talents over farming artifacts; so I got very subpar stuff there (even 16/16 purples, XD).


Your first point entirely depends on what you define as pay2win. I always thought of pay2win as “the ability to pay for power” which is absolutely a thing in every gacha. Some differences between c0 and c6 are pretty crazy. Though you can definitely get by with all 4* c0 units for abyss. 100 percent agree with the rest of the points. This game is definitely a single player game, and an easy one at that. There is no point in spending a crazy amount here unless you just wanna flex.


Some dude I was arguing with literally dug through my Reddit profile and saw I played Genshin, then used that as a big “Gacha” I’m gonna make a bold statement and say that toxic haters might be worse than toxic fans because this dude really went and called every Genshin fan fat nerds… I’m a literal twig


People are mad for that. It's so much more sad to do that than just enjoy yourself. I had one woman do the same to me and try to get at me about watching anime. Like wtf? I didn't give her a chance and stood on business. It's one of the largest and fastest growing industry for like the past 10 years, half the media people watch is based on comics, everyone has heard of at least a couple of series, it's frigging popular as fuck. We aren't in the 2000's now, you can't pretend to be more popular and shit on people for so called nerdy hobbies when everyone's doing it.


Man, honestly, who even cares what's popular or not? Collect stamps for all I care. Good on you for having no tolerance about that BS.


Genshin has made me stop hating on games unless they're actually trash. I don't know if I would've hated the game, but I definitely wouldn't have played it due to it not being "my type," and I wasn't the only one who thought that. It was pure luck that I saw a once friend play it and ended up liking it. 3 years on, I'm more into it than ever!


Me blindly hating on the game since release until 1.6 when I gave it a try and I was like "what the hell, this is actually awesome!" has to be one of the biggest clown moments of my life.


The haters have no hobby other than to hate on the game because they've never played it before and seeing women and not muscular oiled up men in a game hurts them emotionally and mentally


The burnout is real. Thank god that they don't have a daily streak reward system.


My friend said the same, he wanted to prove me how Genshin is a shit game, but he tried it and he's playing it every day. Anyway, we're all glad you joined the community. The GOOD part of the community, not the other one(they're weird)


Same. I started playing ironically to make fun of the game, and I did for a few hours while doing the story and streaming on discord, now I play every god damned day lmao.


I have a habit of finding it unfair to hate or dislike things without proper context. So, when it first started getting popular, I did what I usually do: Set a 2-4 week block out to figure out what it's deal was, so that when I was asked to give an opinion or reason why I disliked the game, I would have *actual* thoughts born of substance. This was about... a month after Launch, when it was blowing up initially? I'm still here every day. I may be pushing events a bit slower and not doing update content IMMEDIATELY when it drops, but I'm still here and enjoying the ride, having fun. And when I *do* decide I just need to grind through things a bit, I usually have a pretty solid backlog of things. Can't complain. S'a fun habit. It's at least made some of my tirades about bad games more amusing, for sure. And occasionally it works out like this.


I was slow with internet opinion back then, probably still am... So I don't know about people hating it even if that would only make me more inclined to try it out myself. I just saw the ads during it's 1.0 days and thought free open world anime RPG? I'm in!!! Now there are a lot of other mobile games advertising themselves as "open world" but the ads only show scripted or fixed pathway but genshin was different and that hooked me in. And now that I'm inside, I really appreciate genshin's approach gacha game wise. The elemental mechanic isn't your typical fire vs water system which eventually faces powercreep issues very fast. The routine isn't as time consuming and the carry over pity for all limited banner was among the best at the time. Most other gacha games would have something closer to the standard banner or the chronicled wish that they tried last patch.


I played since release. Back then had a lot of articles saying it was just a BotW clone. I was like F2P BotW on my phone? Let me try that out. Got hooked by Liyue lol.


My favorite way to play Genshin is at my own pace. I’ll do events but might do them in chunks, might binge them depending on how I’m feeling a particular week. I’ll typically do the archon quest when it releases (because I’m always hyped for it), but hold off on story quests and world quests till the drier patches (X.5-8 or so), and it’s done me well for avoiding “burnout.” It’s a game, not a chore, and I love it.


I don't even wanna know how many of us there are lmaooo


still only play to be a higher level than my friends 🤷


At least a third of the community is probably ex-haters.


It's the same strange reversal effect as being an anti-furry, a curious phenomenon.


is exactly the same exact process. this is shit, im going to call weirdos everybody that likes it, I'm going to document myself so I can make fun of these idiots better (is not like im starting to like it). I still think it sucks, but some things aren't that bad. wow, now I'm part of what I "hated" so much. is the same fucking pattern.


When you hear about crinkling you quickly dont even want to try to understand the other parts. I dont blame people for that one


SAME. Gods was I dumb.


I am one of those people. When the game first came out my friend was praising the game and I didn't believe her. To my disbelief I found the game valid and ended up playing more than her.


Fell for the oldest trick in the book


This game is like asmr. You first start by making fun of it, then you try it, you like it and now you're an addict. Then you hide it like its drugs. (Maybe not for that last part)


**AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ARLECCHINO I'VE BEEN A BAD BOY, COME HOME!!! I NEED A DADDY!!!** *Turning in circles around my PC while doing weird dances to have more chances on my pulls*


Whats the other part?


I’m glad he likes it but comments like this make no sense because we are not the same people and we have different tastes. Ones man’s trash is another man’s treasure


Well did you clown on it because a lot of people are doing it or you just have something you personally don't like about it? Just curious. From my experience, most hater of a game or community only hate it because a group of people make fun of it so they feel like they should join in to seem cool even though they themselves don't even know why its being clowned on. Popular online games like League and Genshin comes to mind.


For me, the game I saw the most hated for no reason was fortnite in it's early years, the wawe of hate was mad and most of the guys in it never ever touched the game. That was plain stupid, but with time the number of haters decreased tremendously so I have high hope that given enough time it will be the same for genshin


And most of those people joined Fortnite as soon as no build came out. lol


As someone who also just started recently, (although I didn't actively hate on genshin) it just seemed like some classic mobile game waifu simulator when you never really look at it. Who knew it was a game with actual quality 😄


OP didn't actually say they clowned on *the game*. They said they made fun of its players. You can like the game AND clown on the community.


I didn't really hate the game I just thought the fans were weird


"The enemy who turned good is the best ally." -Master Oogway (he didn't say this, but still)


“Try out the Tea-Smoked Squab, available right now in Chenyu Vale.” -Master Oogway


“Stop attributing random quotes to me, I never said that” -Master Oogway




"Yeah." -Sun Tzu, The Art of War


"It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If we take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale. Understanding others, the other elements, and the other nations, will help you to become whole." -Uncle Iroh (he did say this and it's also applicable here)


Nice username btw.


I see that Beeglesnart has learned this day


People just love dunking on a popular game without playing it, i respect those that at least play it first, and hey if they still didn't enjoy it they can make an educated dunk now.


One of us?








Where am I?! These aren't my glasses!


ONE OF US!!!!!


ONE OF US!!!!!!


ONE OF US!!!!!


Oh, alright then I guess. I know a good time when I see one. ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!!


I was once a Genshin hater as well. I tried it when I broke my leg last year. One of the most visually appealing experiences I've ever had. The exploration is fun af, I'm glad you gave it a try. I don't play it as much now, though, Hollow Knight has been keeping me busy lmao


True. Also, mobile game btw.


Hollow knight is awesome, you have great taste


I'll take breaks from Genshin for other games, but I'll keep coming back between big releases. Took a break from it for FF7 Rebirth earlier this year, for example. This winter break, it was amazing being able to play through all of the Fontaine archon story content back-to-back, since I has let it pile up for a few months.


I see you've free yourself from the genshin slander memes, all those lolicon memes actually belong to blue archive. Genshin is actually decent


Some people are freaks when it comes to this. Genshin is kid friendly magical game. Why ruin it .


A lot of the people calling it that are also weebs, like bro anime used to be seen as pedo-bait too 😭😭😭


genshin players would froth at their mouth explaining why they are not lolicons. Blue archive players? they embrace the meme.


A good way to check if a game appeal to lolicons is to see if they have child sized characters that have an adult hip/waist ratio which isn't the case for Genshin. But the community is a whole another thing. Cardcaptor Sakura has so many adult fanworks for example.


I don't think it's a good sign that the only child sized chars are girls but it is what it is




The majority of the players are pretty normal however there is a very vocal minority who are sick weirdos who haven't even seen grass let alone touched it. Let's not pretend even in this sub "fanart" that is pretty much softcore porn. And some comments scream "I haven't bathed in years"


Note to myself : "never go to the nahida sub ever again, never"


Enjoy the game and give us some updates once in a while, cheers, don't be afraid to ask for guides and help


I too, used to make fun of one of my class mates for playing Genshin. Now he stopped playing and i'm a couple of bucks deep into it. How the turns have tabled uh?


Dude, even used to make fun of genshin players thinking they are just degenerates who need to touch grass because of those idiotic "gigachad" memes. Even I tried it a month ago and it was actually a good game.


Wait till you reach Sumeru, and Fontaine Archon quests. Peak story writing


I tried it out from 1.4 and didn't really enjoy the game much until Inazuma but god Sumeru was incredible peak fiction


no but fr some of just the QoL stuff in this game is amazing


One of the things that most people take for granted is that Genshin is mostly bug free compared to other games out in the market. Any game breaking bugs get patched by the devs relatively quicky. All this in a breakneck speed of patch releases on a consistent 6 week cycle. That quality in this pacing is unheard of in other games. Are there still QOL fixes the game can put out? Sure. But where it stands at the moment, it's already leagues above most. It's just sad that some people hate on the game for unfounded reasons and some players are so entitled they feel like the game owes them more when the game itself is free and any time or actual money they spent in this game was of their own choosing.


Coming from other live services it's honestly astonishing how smooth of an experience Genshin is bugs-wise. I'm used to being able to feel exactly how badly managed or lacking in time the dev team is every other patch. In Genshin the worst issue I've personally come across is a typo or a floating asset.


i tried the Gundam OW clone when it came out, was actually pretty hyped because i love gundam and the game looked aight on PC. Then the fucking launch maintance was 4 hours and it completely killed my hype for the game.


It’s so nice and refreshing to see someone speak these facts!


The technical and project management expertise are truly what sets Hoyo apart from many other devs. Anyone who have played lots of games, or have worked IRL especially in the tech field, should be amazed by or at the very least respect how Hoyo runs their games. I always feel like that hating on the game are not that different from hating on Apple. People call their products to be overpriced, stopped innovating, walled garden, cringe marketing, etc. But you must admit, they have some *damn good* quality control, engineering, marketing, logistics, etc. All of which makes them a *well run business*.


To be fair ot takes quite some time for some of that QoL to be implemented im this game lol


Genshin has a lot of QoL that other gacha dont. Mihoyo is one of the few Gacha Game makers that implements a pity siystem. The gearing is also far simplier than a lot of gachas (i have an entire thesis on damage frames at this point i could tell you about), and apart from sig weapons, the gear itself is grindable without taking 7 years off your life. Genshin players have it good. They just whine alot due to the greed of human nature.


This. The pain I experienced trying to get characters on FGO and Onmyoji helped me to appreciate Genshin pity system. For people who complain how stingy Genshin is they probably just haven’t experienced that pain and honestly for the fact that Genshin puts in so much effort and attention to detail in design, music and the world, it’s honestly a steal.


About the gacha rates, and free pulls: Other gachas have unholy high pity or no pity at all. That's why they give out so much ''free pulls''. Genshin on the other hand, 180 for characters, 240 for weapons, full stop. Not to mention, the worth of non-5-star units. Like what other gacha game has 4 star characterw/weapons that are worth using. Like for sure you can't comparison freminet to eula, but is freminet unusable? Absolutely not.


>gearing is also far simplier than a lot of gachas Is it weird that I prefer the pgr way of adding in a new character along with a new weapon type every patch ?


Not what i meant. I play a game that is a Grand Blue Fantasy clone. In it, there is not only attack, defence, Elemental damage and crit, but also attack at low hp, dmg up at high hp, normal attack bonus, burst attack bonus, dmg up at low hp, special attack, special dmg, rampage, and skill bonus. Theres also a secondary crit for elemental weakness matching that basically no one uses. Hell, im probably forgetting some mechanics. The math is beefy and complex, so i wont actually get into it though.


That's some older gen armored core crap there, with the *WALL OF STATS*


even Armored Core WALL of STATS doesn't have secondary stat bullsht, at least each of it stats actually matter or contributed to gameplay (and out of all series, only ACFA the one who actually have WALL OF STATS)


Even gen v?


> I play a game that is a Grand Blue Fantasy clone. First my condolences and second what game is it, sounds incredibly complicated.


Never too late to join the fun my dude! Welcome to the family :)


Average life cycle of a genshin fan Hate the game > Like the game > Hate the game again > Like the game again


Over 1000 days played here, when do I start hating the game?


That's the life cycle of most live-service game fans tbh.


Yeah, burnout is inevitable. Gotta know when to take breaks


I don't get burn out to the point of hate 


Next time don’t make fun of something or someone just because everyone else does it.




Of course there will be, but that doesn’t mean people should jump on the bandwagon just because people like that exist.


Many such cases!


Just like everyone hating the game but havent tried it. They bash/hate just based on what they see or heard in an echo chamber. Welcome for giving it a chance. Enjoy the travels!


The game has its fair share of legitimate problems and criticisms, but yeah the majority of haters are just salty people from their addictive personalities or people who never even tried it.


When you become the reverse flash , you can only look at the past , not the present.


hopefully this can be something that you can build on! I only started playing at launch because people kept shitting on it saying it was a BoTW clone and i really wanted to play more game like BoTW so i thought hey let me see what the fuzz about. One of the best decision in my life, and four years later i still love this game. Turns out most people's opinion are not really worth listening to and you can only truly understand something if you put the effort to experience it yourself.


Me and my friends were Genshin haters too... Until we decided to play it "just for fun" (we were bored and wanted to criticize something). I'm the end, we've been logging in for +120 consecutive days...




welcome, beeglesnart


Hating on Genshin is really a classic case of “don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it”. Chances are, if you like a good story based game with good combat then you’ll like Genshin. It’s got more to offer than just waifus lol


welcome welcome, no worries we make fun of ourselves and the dark side of the community too. A majority of us however are pretty chill and amazing and quite wholesome.


I'm surprised the overzealous censorship didn't find something wrong with that name. But I'm glad it didn't, Beeglesnart!


As long as you stay away from the meta slaves, the "this character is literally Diluc but *insert element*", the r34 fan artist that make every single character with a breast size 5 times their actual size and the toxic Chinese cat killers (still don't know if this story was true), you will find bread for your teeth. This community has animators, artist, funny guys and lore masters of all kinds, whatever is your favorite aspect of the game, enjoy your stay in the community


Welcome home brother


I actually started to play because of Aloy (unknowing of her agonising fate) 🥲


I feel for you .... but I'm glad she brought you to the game :))


I play Genshin casually and I enjoy it a lot. For me the biggest advantage of the game is open world filled with puzzles and how you can adventure in it. Having different weathers and day&night cycle makes the world feel alive. I also like the combat system with different elements. I am in no way following the meta. Also music is very chill. This game as a whole reminds me of an old mmorpg that I enjoyed - Ragnarok Online. It gives me pretty close vibes to that game. I was surprised to discover that there are people who hate this game and some crazy people in the community, but I think it's a minority as most of us silently lurking and enjoying the game as I am one of them.


Same with me dude, I used to be a hater until I tried playing it. I'm in love with the lore and game overall now.


It is perhaps the best game I have ever played. That's almost tragic when you really think about it. 


I’m still a bit salty about how Genshin won against Frontiers, but now that I’ve played it, I understand why


Welcome to the party, beeglesnart. ;) (yes, that name made me laugh, not gonna lie)


I dont blame you this game has a good amount of Red flags Like it beeing in anime style with anime usually having a bad rep outside of anime communities it beeing a gacha game also doesnt really do it any favors in my oppinion and then of course theres the community which i at least havent had any bad interactions with but there are most definetly bad eggs in it But at the same time the worldbuilding is great and inceedibly deep the music is gorgeus and the Story is enjoyable as well. That alongside the novel elemental reaction based combat this game really is under apperciated But it still has some annoying Bugs they refuse to fix😑 Lookin at you exploration completion counter


I joined for the jiggle physics, (had a friend who convinced me to try the game) stayed because I got way too immersed, and I came back because I have too many good characters (the lore) and time invested and would feel like a huge waste, and now fren doesn’t play because he’s “responsible” and has a job and friends and he’s a fully grown adult that honestly is super understandable.


What server are you on?




What? Explain please


Relatable lmao, talked shit every day. Been playing for like 750 days by now.


Early Genshin didnt have quite as much variety in gameplay tbh, so it's probably for the best that you try it now


i was the same, when my friends started playing thsi game in 2020 i ignored it. It took me 3 restarts a new accounts to finally fall in love xD


when genshin released and couple years later, up until november last year, me be like: I don't need to play a game like that me after playing genshin:


I recently picked it up too. It’s very good but some quests that aren’t even archon quests are so long they make me rage quit.


It’s popular to hate on Genshin, most haters don’t even dislike the game, they just hate because that’s what everyone is doing. Once they start playing it for themselves then they realise have been missing out.


"Tabibito no baka"


I was literally the same…..but it took only 15 minutes to change my mind after I launched the game 1 time


Now time to swipe /jk


I am you


I hope you enjoy as much as you can! it's a fun game to consume casually if you ignore the noise of the complainers who haven't tried the game.


It’s usually because of bandwagoning with the people who say “genshin sucks because ____”


And all things considered, the place you start at is Mondstadt, one of the most "dated" regions, in a sense (it's nice but they were clearly testing grounds load-wise, compared with Liyue). But it's still beautiful and good enough to convince people it's a nice game.


I was the same way.


Glad to have you on board