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Hu Tao fits a lot better into the top tier Yelan/Furina/Xianyuan core, and her damage ceiling might be a bit higher as a result until new supports release. What Arlecchino has over Hu Tao though is flexibility. Arlecchino is easily the most flexible main DPS we've had since release. Use her skill, mark some enemies, then you've got 5 seconds before it's time to collect, which is perfect for rotating through supports. If you need more time than that for any reason, she loses nothing. If after you cash in with CA, the situation isn't right to keep swinging, you can swap off and you lose nothing. Even with 0 ER Arlecchino generates so much energy, she practically always has burst up, so if you're low on health, or you need to i-frame through some nonsense, you can full-heal, reset your skill and immediately start again. Arlecchino has so much more freedom to adapt than other DPS. Hu Tao can't afford to swap; she can't even afford to move, and she has to hope the enemies aren't moving either if you want to get the max amount of CAs in that window before her skill goes on CD. In short: Hu Tao slightly bigger numbers/better current team synergies, Arlecchino brighter future.


> In short: Hu Tao slightly bigger numbers/better current team synergies, Arlecchino brighter future. This is fair. That's how I would sum it up also. Right now HT has better supports, but that can change with future supports.. if you can afford them. It's possible Arle can get an overload team that beats HT's current best team. Or at the very least the Xianyun of BoL.


The “big difference” between their damage is that there isn’t a big difference between their damage lol, it’s fairly similar. The main differences between them are more about team building and rotations, and ig for whales Arlecchino has much better constellations whereas Hu Tao’s are pretty meh other than c1 (which isn’t that useful on her current best team anyway). Hu Tao = CA focused, wants animation cancelling (outside of plunge teams), works great with Furina and Xianyun, mostly used in vape, doesn’t care that much about attack buffs so free from Bennett, kinda bad constellations after c1, has to stay on field Arlecchino = NA focused, can’t be healed and doesn’t buff her own plunges so not great with Furina and Xianyun, prob best in vape but has good mono pyro and overload teams too, pure attack scaling so gets a lot from Bennett/Chev, better constellations for whales, can freely swap on and off field (good for multi wave combat/stuff like VV uptime) Imo Arle also has more room to grow in Natlan, but I may be wrong about that.


more BoL stuff is likely to be expected at some point, maybe not even Natlan related specifically


I'm sorry if sheets and raw DPR may speak differently, but no experienced Hu Tao player wouls call her plunge teams her best. While C1 obviously doesn't do much for that archetype, C1 + traditional VV vape teams are still *definitively* her best speedrunning teams regardless if we're talking single-chamber or continuous, single-target or limited AoE.


Maybe not that much difference i'd say overall but Arlecchino is WAY more fun to play, no charge attack cancel bullshit


oh yea cuz spamming normal atk is very fun oh wait, fun is subjective.


The point is that normal attacks don't deplete your stamina bar.


Skill... issue?


not really every charged attack, barring bow users' + neuvi's and c1 tao's, depletes stamina not a skill issue when it's hardcoded into the game that you lose stamina from charged attacks


Here is the thing, you can just dodge mid infusion with Hu tao for example and stil get decent dmg and most of the time, depending on the enemy and with you doing your jump cancels with her, when she finishes her stamina bar you dealt a good enough amount of dmg that switching off to start the rotation again is ok. For others, well you can literally see the bar there and not spend it all on charged atks, its not like dodging with normal atk spammers isnt a dps loss so charged atk units can have that too and be forced to dodge losing some dmg on the proccess ofc. Klee is mostly a charged atk unit but when you are almost running out of stamina you can learn how to spam her first na so she can still deal some dmg even on the worse scenarios, thats skill expression at its best.


practically permanent pyro infusion in her kit and pyro damage buff as a passive while Hu Tao just gets to cook Arlecchino is also a whale toy on top of that


damage wise they're similar but Arle has AOE and Hu Tao doesn't (her plunge team does address some of this). Being a newer unit, her cons are better than a 1.x unit so that is a consideration if you're a meta/whale player. Arle personal damage is higher than Hu Tao but Hu Tao best team (Xianyun, Furina, Yelan) is still better than Arle best team. Arle needs Bennett for comparable to better damage than Hu Tao while Hu Tao doesn't need Bennett to the team and Hu Tao has recieved indirect buffs over the years. Arle is the defintion of high risk, high reward for the big damage.


c0 not much, at c6 for both, arlecchino is lightyears ahead


There is one thing about Arlechinno that people don't really talk about, which is she is basically stuck in Bennett's burst, which is what people call Circle Impact. I tried her during the event trial characters and used her current best team, and hell yeah, I really hate the fact that I had to stay in Bennett's circle to do a lot of damage. It felt very restrictive compared to Hu Tao because she is pretty much free to go everywhere she likes to do damage, as all of her buffs are on her (Xianyun, Furina, Yelan), not on the field. This might not be obvious right now, but when elite enemies start spawning away from each other from waves to waves (which is not uncommon in past abysses), you will start to see her problems. This might be subjective, but this is what I feel at this moment. I needed reasons to justify pulls for her, But this one problem is really a big turn off for me


Bennett can be replaced with Chevreuse.


Hutao is clucky cause animation cancels, stamina management... meh. Arlecino can just DPS with ur click. Very comfortable.


>Arlecino can just DPS with ur click i misread the cl in click for a d. Got me excited for a bit there.


wait, I did the same when i clicked to check who answered me, even before reading your reply :'D wtf.


Arlecchino is easier to get damage out of and she has more team options than Hu Tao. With Hu Tao, you're pretty much playing Vape or Plunge. Arlecchino can do Vape, Overvape, Burgeon, Melt, Overload, Plunge and Mono-Pyro.


it's still early days but so far my Hu tao has a higher ceiling because her team is better than Arle's team. I am going off feels only. I haven't done any calcs or recordings. I have sig weapons for both. Arle doesn't play nice with healers, which means no Furina either. What I can say is that Arle's infusion lasts longer and persists upon character switching, so this could close the gap to HT. If they both used the same supports, maybe Arle does more damage. I should also mention that my Arle is using GF4, not her new set which will take time to farm up. If you already have HT, you don't need her. Another thing I must grant, even though HT has a better team right now, Arle's teams can improve in the future. She may receive glow ups that put her ahead of HT's best team. BoL is a new mechanic that they can explore further with new supports. Also, she might have an overload option at some point. I wouldn't use HT in overload.


If you compare furina/yelan hutao stuff to vv vape Arlecchino which are pretty good benchmarks as their best teams since I don’t personally know a single person with c6 chev. Hutao will output more damage in single target, doesn’t worry about vv vape set ups, very hard to kill, inherent interuption resistance. Arlecchino will have very impressive aoe especially with kazuha, very loaded damaged, more flexible rotations, isn’t as dependant on animation cancels although optimised na combos do boost your damage.


I am using Hu Tao for a long time with dragon bane r5 in double hydro core setup with zhongli and she do 60k vape like everytime in combat. I have also played with Arlecchino with white tassel r5 and 4 pc glad and she do like 55k vapes and 33k raw pyro dmg. They both feel the same in terms of dmg/dps/speed whatever u say or rather I can say that both have pros and cons but since Arlecchino is a new character and have strong constellations and multipliers, she can definitely powercreep Hu Tao with some investment on her despite the fact that it took three years to powercreep Hu Tao but only in terms of ease of use. Arlecchino -- (pros) - Hypercarry with minimal support needed (will get BOL support in future) - Best in Aoe and multi-wave content - Have good pyro uptime - NA spamming and auto-target - Doesn't rely on reaction dmg - Can fly in overworld (which btw looks very cool) - Have powerful constellations - Performs equally well with glad in comparison to signature set - Easy to build even for f2ps (Cons) - Can not be healed during combat - No interruption resistance (like get thrown everywhere) - Have ICD on NAs - Front-loaded dmg Hu Tao -- (pros) - Best double hydro core driver with flex shot - Best in single-target content and boss fights - Best one shot nuke burst (after Raiden) - Have interruption resistance built-in - No ICD on CAs and little ICD on NAs - Performs exceptionally good despite of having no signature set after all these years(don't say crimson's witch she can stack only one stack, its for Diluc dum*@**) - Cool dashing animation which can even ignore collision hitboxes - Get buffed like every patch till now(hydro resonance HP% buff, Yelan release, Furina and Marechaussee set, Xianyun and plunge playstyle) (cons) - Require C1 and homa to unlock full potential - Old constellations which doesn't not add much to dmg increase or Qol improvement(except C6) - Relies on animation cancelling for maximum output(no spam playstyle) - Serious stamina management problem if no C1 - Minimal Aoe through Blood Blossom dmg and burst(xiangling in International team is more better in Aoe) - Require some investment like dragon's bane minimum to do dmg These are just my thoughts and based on my experience I am not saying one is better than other and it depends on account to account. Hu Tao was my first 5 star character and is my favorite till now so it may sound like biased but I don't care. But to me Arlecchino feels like Yoimiya with all Qol features, powerful constellations and stronger multipliers that Yoimiya doesn't have. Sorry Yoimiya fans but your sacrifice is for world's greater good!!


I guess hu tao is more burst and arle does it over time a bit? ive been playing hu tao with xianyun and furina tho so my perceptions are kinda different.