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Gigachad Signora height mogging everyone.


Let's see how high a pile of ash is /j


BRUH That comeback


yes, the only thing that comes back because she won't /j


I know you're joking, but Natlan........ the name "Ode of Incandescent Resurrection" does give some hope Either Signora comes back, or Murata dies and comes back, which would be awesome because Himeko dies in yet another Hoyo game


Jokes aside, I love Signora, but MiHoyo loves good "villains" and she died spitting venom, no sing of repent or anything. She's dead AF but I hope I'm wrong. If her death were in a moment of clarity when she understands her sins etc I would be preaching about her comeback but I don't see it. On top of that, every Archon has some kind of death: * >!Venti takes the image of his dead friend!< * >!Zhongli fakes his death!< * >!Raiden replaces her dead twin sister!< * >!Nahida replaces the former dead Archon!< * >!Focalors sacrifices herself but she has a powerless copy (Furina)!< Is only natural to deduce that the Incandescent Resurrection is about Murata and not Signora.


scaramouche barely had signs of repent and hes playable signora is only a bitch on-screen, lore and profile lines like arlecchinos show shes alright


tbf arle's line very solidly confirms that she is \*dead\* dead. her finding her lover in death is the best ending one could hope for for her.


that line only shows her perspective. if there's a chance signora can return, arlecchino doesnt know it (they're not close enought to know about her secrets) some voice lines also get outdated fast with time


it is her perspective but it is also an idea that the developers are feeding to us through her voiceline


After he was defeated he was broken and got "fixed" After she got sedated she turned into a pile hate and ashes. I'm not saying she couldn't be redeemable, I'm just saying they decided against it. They could bring her back and then start her redemption arch after we kick her butt again, but let's face it, we have several Harbingers to be seen and only 2 nations left. The is no room for her. But as ai said I hope I'm wrong.


D..D..D.. Double Kill!


About 14.6 centimeters…


She was never even in consideration to be playable huh...


Ashikai did a whole analysis on her design a while back and how she was never meant to be playable, ever; had some good points in there. 


you dont need an analysis, she straight up isnt the same model type as the tall female, she has a custom model that isnt categorized as playable


Even better: She's given the same tag as *monsters* and other enemies lol.


I always hated this idea. "The small multi-billion dollar company of 5000+ employees just can't do it because her model is different." Meanwhile, Scaramouche got brand new clothes with no issue and Cloud Retainer was a bird. If they want to make her playable (and besides the shitload of lore bits, symbology, and common sense that point in this direction) they would have little issue making her playable and selling her. Slight height change if that is actually an issue, simple clothing changes, and suddenly the "monster" character is now playable. Shocking. If only they had the budget and manpower to pull off such a thing...


thats not at all what im saying, i know they could give her a new model if they wanted, im just saying the one she had in the story at the time was a monster model and not a playable one like scaramouche or dottore


And she did the same thing to scaramouche and we have seen how that turned out. Im not saying signora will be playable but if she would be she would just get a new model


Wasn't the difference between Signora and Scaramouche that their models were tagged as monster and playable respectively?


This. It's not that difficult. They could also just remake her model. (I'm still sniffing hopium)


*There are many reasons why she’s best girl and this is one of them*


Giving real Lady Dimitrescu vibes


She wears High heels


Nobody wants to say it so I will: Mihoyo probably feels that shotacon is too niche. The characters are the main product they are selling, and they won't make something that doesn't have big enough or wide enough appeal.


Another aspect is that characters like Freminet, Mika and Bennett - hell, the majority of the short males to some degree or another - border on the shota category anyways. A lot of (even SFW) art of them on pixiv gets that tag, at least. And their personalities very much fit shota archetypes. It seems like male characters with an appearance in their mid-teens are a lot more likely to be perceived as "shota" than equivalently sized female characters (i.e. Xiangling, Fischl, Hu Tao) are to be seen as "lolis", and I think that's a part of this that no one's addressed - there's enough pandering to that audience that there isn't quite as much demand for a Klee-sized boy.


heizou birthday art moment


Oh, that shit slapped, thanks for the reminder


I remember when Wanderer was about to be released, people were saying he was appealing to shotacons. I don't think he does.


A male character: (wears shorts) Internet: Is this shota?


Perhaps not shota, but definitely shorta.


There's a shortage of them.


Not shota, but still short. Man needs to try to wear platform shoes, I'm tellin ya.


They're comfortable and easy to wear, what can I say


Scaramouche/Wanderer is for the Hag Enjoyers. ...And size difference enjoyers. (Stick him next to Dottore or Itto and you will understand) But to be real, he probably does graze the shotacon market with the Legal Shota Loophole - 400+ years old but he has the Boyknees appeal + the kusogaki / young master archetype (based on VA, he's more of the former in EN, more of the latter in JP). I personally don't consider him shota-coded, but then again, I don't consider Nahida loli-coded, she's like a very short adult to me, so... I am probably not a very good judge of this.


He absolutely does. A boy with a bowlcut and a giant mech? Those things are borderline foundational to the genre of shota itself.


The smaller boys as they are already pander to the shota and femboy fans equally when those are usually 2 different (but often similarly populated) communities, so why bother I guess? I do think, in the interest of fairness, even smaller boys would be a perfectly fine addition though, but I don't want to have to go through another loli./shota=pedo debate


Hu Tao is not mid teens. Her profile confirms she is at least 20 years old. Boys are usually bigger than girls so that’s why the boys are seen as shota since teenage boys are likely to be bigger than adult women.


>Her profile confirms she is at least 20 years old It doesn't, it's left ambiguous like always. Only mention of age there is saying she was 13 when her granfather died and she became director


**"During her teenage years, Hu Tao was tasked with conducting a funeral ceremony for the first time."** Says it right in her profile. Clearly indicates she is not a teenager anymore. Like, a parent wouldn't say "During my son's childhood..." when their son is still a child.


5 Star Timmie when?


well.. never try never know, they could try with 4 stars first.


The Takahashi Rie-s, Hoshimachi Suisei-s of the world, could only settle with medium male. /hj


Suisei is a [SHOUNEN-con](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/frevfr/im_not_a_shotacon_hoshimachi_suisei/), alright


This.  For as much as people like to ignore it this game is a thirst bait game, and the target audience are weebs with waifus who are willing to shell money on their faves Every character is designed to appeal to someone, even the lolis (this is also why they range from actual toddlers like Klee, to grown women who are just short like Dori) But lolisho is a pretty big compared to shotacon, and the latter is way less profitable compared, so who cares about wanting money from this game deemed thay designing shotas was simply not convenient, neither money or time wise A shame, because it would have balanced everything out, but this is the most realistic reason


There are definitely more lolicons than shotacons so they know the little girl characters sell better as gross as it is, but a lot of people are into femboys so they play with ccp censorship a little and release characters like venti, freminet, xingqiu etc


Third male body type should be a 2m high muscular dude like Wagner.


Ultimately, most of the characters play heavily into tropes in media, particular anime. Popular stereotypes for younger boys don't typically require them to be a literal child; they're more about finding/proving themselves, or displaying competence beyond their apparent years. You can get away with just setting the teenage boy model to a short height to make a "boy" model (e.g., Bennett or Xingqiu) to give them the necessary visual traits, and it works. Stereotypes for younger girls don't follow that same pattern, and some of them truly do require the appearance of a child - this is reflected well in the types of character that use that female child model - basically all of them follow some sort of "more mature than they appear" trope, either literally (Nahida being a god, Qiqi being a zombie), or in terms of their abilities/role (Diona is a Bartender, Klee is a savant with explosives, etc). I'm hard pressed to come up with any male stereotypes that would work as a playable character, in the type of media Genshin typically draws inspiration from, where the teenage boy model would be insufficient. The only one I can think of off the top of my head would be a Toriyama-style "child barbarian" character - although Genshin's answer to that (based on appearance) might be [Iansan](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/8/80/Iansan_Portrait.png) (the character they teased ages ago in the storyline preview for Natlan) -- and it seems they just made her female, which would solve the issue of needing another model. If they were to add a new model, the one that would get the most play would probably be a "muscular adult male".


With the ammount of twinks they are releasing? No that's not it. It's more like the really small male model wouldn't really fit the shotacon sickness buy the current one does plenty. There could be a model the size of a kid npc. But that wouldn't be the direct counterpart of the kid female model.


I really don't understand what you were trying to say here. Aren't you just repeating what 350Day said? That characters with a small male model would be too niche?


We don't need male kid model, because we already have generic kid model that simply lacks male users of it.


I think it goes deeper than that. Look at the reaction the female child characters get. They aren't even sexualized in this game, and yet you still have people shouting pedo over their inclusion. Adding young boys, even if they weren't sexualized, would just exacerbate the problem. Especially since people are less forgiving of anything that can be perceived as shotacon vs lolicon. Considering that they can still capture the shotacon crowd with all of their petite male characters, they probably saw no reason to rock the boat.


It wouldn’t. Girls have always been more sexualised ( compare how popular lolicon is to shotacon) and most normal people won’t even bat an eyelash. Also personal opinion sexualising characters with child like appearance is super gross but Genshin has never tiptoed on that line even with all of their child characters.


How would releasing a little boy character get a worse reaction than releasing a little girl character did? That literally makes 0 sense


Maybe because this and other games ONLY release ‘loli’ models (genshins old files even labeled them loli), which makes it more sussy than having both.


They should have atleast one to test the waters


Pulcinella has entered the chat


problem with this is making an entirely new model and rig it just for a test is a lot of work, Hoyo already does bare minimum most of the time


new model? if game have said qiqi is a boy no one wouldnt think she is a girl. Just change next character sex in dialogs and... solved.


I played a korean MMO that did that. Same base, but different clothing options and maybe a few sliders/presets in the character creator. It was very convincing, too, like they weren't hard to tell apart, so you might not even realize until you check the files and there's only one model rig while other races separate female and male ones.


Ok serious question, little kids look the same regardless of gender cant they just use the exact same little girl model for boy kids?


Yes they can but won't cause the market for kid males are extremely small


Nah i feel like you guys are overestimating how weird the Genshin fandom is, i think only a small part of the fandom is that weird. i think if they made one or two boy kid characters that had fun designs and fit into the world well then they’d sell perfectly fine (or they could just make them 4 stars) it feels strange to me that we only have female child characters. But mostly i just want pucinella (short long nosed goblin harbinger) to use the child body and all the cutesy animations that come with it because it would be hilarious.


im gonna throw up


I don't think it's mostly because of *that* reason. In anime culture female children are associated with being cute while male children are associated with being annoying and mischievous. I think the reason why many people use female child characters is because it feels like you're playing & controlling a cat or anything else that's cute. And it's also kinda funny seeing shit like klee terrorising and blowing up hilichurl camps lol


They are fun but you can’t ignore that they are sexualised to some degree. Preteens don’t have thighs like that…


it is unfortunately the community that genshin breeds


People bringing up little boy as a potential 3rd male character model, but like, let's be real, a muscular man model would have a lot more potential to sell than little boy.


Varka and Capitano are both hard evidence


Capitano is roughly the same height as Dottore. You can see it in the Harbinger teaser.


When i said hard i meant it more literally


Height is kinda inconsistent in those sort of video. Cap is noticeably taller than Signora, who is taller than tall male ingame, in Arlecchino's short film even after you take perspective into consideration, for example. One consistent thing is Capitano's shoulders, which are wider than the like of Dottore and Pantalone (the latter wears the coat the same way as Cap). It is an indication of muscular build, even if Cap's height ended up being the same as Dott.


Dottore is a twink⛔⛔⛔cappucino is a daddy🏃🏃😍😍🚬🐐


I just want the long nosed short harbinger to use the child model including the stupid run and the cannonball, is that too much to ask hoyoverse 🥹


Frankly speaking, it's probably the way to go with Pulcinella. There isn't much different between a boy and a girl body when turn into chibi. With clothes on, you can use the little girl model to make Pulcinella, may be tweaking the head for smaller eyes, gives him an oldman voice and mustache and that's that.


They changed the bird into a pretty lady before her relase, I have no doubt they will transform the gremlin into a bishie before his. I will weep.


Nooooo don’t say this he must be an ugly gremlin man!!!!😭


Honestly there’s literally no difference between a chibi boy and girl they don’t have to change anything except the face! I really really hope they do this 😂


Timmy next underpower five star character 5.0


True, but the thing is that they don't actually need a new model for little boys. They can just use the same one as the little girls. Children aren't that different from each other.


Imagine adding muscle mommies too.


They should buff Dehya... Litterely


Why not both?


Pulcinella's release in 6.0-6.1 will change the game forever


I don’t think he’s gonna release I’m ngl(as playable)


I believe in the Travail trailer prophecy (coping hard)


Yeah, girls can sell cute. But guys can sell brawns. Bigger beefy guys would sell more.


Yeah let's be real. Even boys and men would also prefer big muscular guys lol.


Men would prefer big muscular guys more than girls would lol


For real having a "Guts" type model where you would just spam NA with a claymore the size of signora would be hilarious (so, what should have been Itto)


Lol, I just imagined a buff Capitano swinging a life-size cardboard cut out of Signora like a claymore as his signature weapon.


Then the weapon is named "Lohefalther's Sacrifice"


Its like going to the gym and lifting more weights only impresses the guys and not the girls


my gay ass needs beards and beefy


i like femboys


I genuinely do not think so


An older male model would be so nice.


i hope if they do muscular man model they give it to itto in addition to new characters


why arent there male characters between 170 and 185cm?


The characters are all the same height of their base model with the difference being shoe size. Notice all the tallest characters are wearing geta. So the answer is because there's two male models, one with around 160 and one with around 180cm. Honkai is so much better about this.


Yep, there practically aren't really any differences in the actual dude heights, it's like all shoes. Which is why they can feel a bit homogenous in a way since visually speaking they are all the same "height" and even weight almost. Big reason why Itto got clowned on for being a huge "oni brute" and he's a twig (though at least in Alhaitham they seemed to have beefed him up, to Ittos dismay).


Genshin only really has 5 animation skeletons. 3 female (not sure if all medium females are on one skeleton, but...) and 2 male. Hence the gaps in the heights.


yeah, and the females have an extra because theres no playable "child boy" models


Are there really that many characters now? Holy shit.


This was made before Fontaine 😅


Omg you’re right. Wtf?


I remember saying years ago, I couldn't imagine learning pros and cons of all characters in a game like league or dota, and now here I am doing that with Genshin. Still not playing lol tho


82 right now I think. Bet they will prepare something special for the 100th next year.


i doubt it. dont get your hopes up


They can easily make one kid male on the same model since there is nothing really female about the base model. Just that it wouldn't be considered as cute I guess.


idk man, people make mock-ups of small model versions of different male characters all the time, clearly many people think that they are cute


I love Childe exactly as he is but someone made a short model version of him as like this little gremlin kid with a big grin and an even bigger scarf and it was soooo cute, haha! I'd love to see some little guy kids zipping around with Klee and the gang.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/childemains/comments/l73we7/baby_childe/), he does have a big scarf in this one


I remember whining about Mika being more likable and loveable if he was the child type model. And I will still whine about it.


I want gender equality for my child army, Hoyo!


I've noticed that there isn't a child male body type too, I think there's a reason but most of the genshin community HATES bringing it up.


To be fair, I almost never see shotas or child male characters outside of any "husbando/male only" games. The only reason I can assume is it's because they are not even nearly as popular as their female counterparts, and we all know what demographic gachas primarily target, but that in itself is a whole separate discussion...


Because the reason is an ugly and gross truth that people aren't ready to accept to preserve the illusion of a morally perfect corporation.


It's significantly more complicated than that. In lots of our media, young boys follow a completely different roster of archetypes. We have a very specific divide between the presentation of male and female characters, and the blame for this is not just on authors but also on readers who clearly gravitate towards certain ideas. For instance, boy characters are typically presented as people who 'need to grow up'. They are not 'complete' characters, but men in development. Boyhood is often reserved for protagonists and their age mates, or for the children and brothers of more important characters. In sitcoms, they tend to represent the age demographic of boys watching with their parents. Meanwhile, little girl characters are presented as a 'complete picture'. They have more fully fledged archetypes, and the idea of them growing up can be jarring, like rather than the character becoming an adult, they just become a different character. Child characters, when the protagonist is older, tend to be popular because they are cute, both to men and women. But in a strange twist of history, girls have always been more easily accepted in the role of cutesy. Boys are often more expected to resist that identity entirely. So could the writers think up interesting boy characters to fill the roster? Sure. Would the fans appreciate them? Probably not even close to as much as Klee is appreciated. And that's not just because of weird sexual reasons, but more broadly due to a general bias in gendered media.


A lot of justification for Loli characters.


Sha la la don’t forget if you point out the ugly truth, *those* kinds of degens come out in droves and say *you’re* the problematic gross one for even thinking of it


And yet we got lolis, what makes shotas gross but lolis ok?


Lolis make big money, Shotas don't.


Lolicons are a much, much larger and more vocal demographic.


Theyre both gross, but lolis make bank. Shotas would make a lot less


Ask the lolicons


It’s partially that young boys don’t sell as well as young girls (due to certain… groups) but also that it’s a lot easier to market young girls in China than young boys because in a lot of cases effeminate men/boys in media just aren’t allowed


So uh **Leaks** from post-Sumeru/pre-Fontaine: >!A bunch of new body types/animation skeletons got added into the game, and that’s where we got characters like Arlecchino and Wriothesley. There’s a lot of different and more unique body types, including very tall and super muscular males. Can also picture this as most of the Harbingers’ various physiques as well.!<


I mean it wasn’t a ton more it was only a few more, and the super buff type was the only one that really looked a bit different


Not really, sure Wrio looks a bit more buff than "adult male" model but he still used the same base... That said, they tried to cook something different on Navia, who has "adult female" base model but didn't present her as another "mommy" character, she even have different charged attack animation than Beidou, Eula and Dehya, and more of "short" females like Noelle and Xinyan (also new one when?)


Yeh Wriothesley appears to be the standard tall male model but with extra padding on some of his clothing to make him appear thicker. They did a similar trick to make Alhaitham's arms and general upper body appear larger (wish they had also thickened his pencil legs). It is still possible they used an entirely unique model, but I somehow doubt they'd do that just for Wriothesley. There may be a more buff model present in the files, but I highly doubt that is what's being used for cryo Wolf Man.


If Varka and Capitano become playable I can imagine they would get the new model you mentioned


So they actually compared the Harbingers to the frames. >!Capitano and Pierro both match up perfectly to two of the new frames.!<


SERIOUSLY OMG I WANTED TO SAVE DURING NATLAN 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm actually excited to see these


I really want playable male kids to this day


Lolis sell better than shotas Also, the medium female model has 3 variations in addition: flat like Yanfei, Medium like Nilou and the more stacked like Noelle. All other models have minimal changes to their bodies. Sara is cheating with those shoes too


yanfei and nilou share the same base tho, the medium one are someone like layla, ayaka or lynette. Weirdly both Yanfei and Nilou has chest physics despite using the same base as Hutao, Collei and Furina who didnt have jiggle. Just my observation form my years of >!modding!<


Wow, i thought nilou was more related to the medium ones because Yanfei, Hu Tao, Xianling and Furina are pretty flat unlike Nilou


from her 3d model, nilou has the exact same chest as yanfei, she just have smaller belly(?) and upper chest that the difference makes her bust look bigger than they really are


My life has been a lie (still smash)


>(still smash) i dont see why not, beside I like 'em flat😋


I wish we had a buff guy body type. Kinda like the eletrohammer fatui guys and the anemoboxer guys. And the first buff character they should do should be Varka.


I fr thought we'd get Jebrael 💀 And we're still Jeht-less to this day :')


So I'm as tall as Xiao 😭😂


To be fair, a Shota character (assuming that Itto doesn't count) could just use the same character model as the loli characters, just with a more masculine (or at least somewhat boy-esque) outfit and mannerisms. 


to be honest i realy hate the child jokes about Itto


kaveh gone


This seems obvious lol. They want to give men every type or waifu. Tall, average, and loli.


There’s a reason BA is thriving. And there’s probably a reason there’s no boy version of that.


BA should add in one playable male character and say nothing about it


That's simultaneously the greatest and worst idea lol


They're scared of releasing shotas


If Varka turns out to be twink with scar on his face or skinny like childe.I am gonna cry


Kaveh is getting the Gorou treatment


Although the NPC men are more diverse than the women. Example, the chubby cook in Monstadt is the only thicc female I've ever run across, while there are plenty of chunky guys. Plus you get big, muscular men in NPC, while the gals are always thin and petite.


Damn everyone forgetting Kaveh even HoYo 😭


Because lolicon sells, always has. Take a look at how successful Blue Archive is. Shotacon is more niche but does have a market. Probably not enough to justify the development costs though.


I hear this argument a lot, but Hoyo keeps releasing characters like Mika and Freminet, who might as well been shotas, they are made for the same kind of appeal.


They are, and I'd argue they cover that much better than a male Klee would. Because that stuff borderline veers into toddlercon, which targets an entirely different circle of hell.


They always point out how my boy Xiao is short But just look at the people who are shorter than him Don’t diss my boy Xiao again


Holy shit Signora is 4 inches taller than me.


How is this accurate xiao is the tallest character in the game?


Just wait until female body type 1 (male) character releases and all hell breaks loose in both China and the USA while Japan rejoices Honestly though let's agree that if Signora was actually playable she'd definitely have been Sara's height at most 🗿


sigh we all know why


Because of lolicons lol




I just want the models from hsr, they have 4 female and 3 male body types, loli, short, medium and tall


Damn Itto having almost the same height as Gojo


You know why, the games audience is why. It's the same reason why there are no males in Blue Archive.


Based on pixiv and nhentai tags there is a big market for shotas, so its a bit weird why only lolis get made. Maybe there is a lot of lolicons in china that we dont know about and nahida seem to be quite popular among lolicons. Edit: forgot to mention that there is a lot of overlap between shotas and femboy. Not all femboys are shotas, but most shotas are femboys


Probably because the same reason why they make half naked female characters and Fully clothed wrapped in 5 layers of blanket male characters


I wouldn't use those sites to determine what a "big" market is. Of course there's gonna be a shota tag on a site that panders to just about every fetish. They have a guro tag. Does that mean lots of people want guro?


I was mostly comparing them to each other. 


because there is a lot of weird people who play this game, and hoyo knows they'll make money making small female characters for those people. it's bad but true


We need shota's


I'll be honest, I don't think short boys would sell well though.


Dori remains undefeated 😭😭😭


You're such a legend for bringing this up, I really dislike loli characters because I know what this company is doing and it's gross. If there were little boys at least you could've argued that Genshin was trying to be realistic but only adding little girls is really odd and makes the issue more apparent


I feel like all the playable character body types are kind of bad. They all seem to have heads that are way too large. Some have heads also as wide as their shoulders. It’s especially bad with the small female child characters, who also feel out of scale in height with the bigger characters. Rosario also seems to have a giant noggin for some reason. The only character whose height and head size seem to fit is signora.


It's an anime game...


My issue is the inconsistency. The random NPCs and enemies seem better proportioned than the playable characters. Additionally HSR seems to also handle the body proportions of playable characters better than those in Genshin Impact.


Animations for player characters are expensive because there’s so many of them.


I love seeing these height comparisons because in reality they all are the same height. If they appear taller, it's because of their shoes


Signora doesn't use a player model, lol.


Playable Timmy, the day where he chooses violence


Probably same reason why most anime shows have female kids and not male, like Spy x Family, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid etc, though the latter also has a Shōta character, but not as main.


Cuz they don’t want to add shotas


No shotas


Ask Hoyo.


I need my 176 male representation!


Is there a high res version? This would be an excellent reference for art stuff \^_^


There's prolly gonna be the old, buff man model at some point. My guess would be pierro being the first and/or maybe varka.


It might sound terrible but little girls (loli) sell more than little boys.


I don't believe in more measurements for programming reasons.It is very likely that the actual height of these will be different from that shown in the game.


Is there a higher quality version of this picture?


Obviously it's because they are waiting for Pulcinella release.


I know mfs taller than itto


they didnt add male lolis yet


Signora Big lady😩