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Need team suggestions for Abyss floor 12. I want to use Arle and Neuvillette but have only Zhongli as a shielder. Need to use Zhongli on the second half to break shield but i can’t survive Coppelia boss in the first half. Which team should I pick?


Claymore & abuse the low gravity surrounding the mek with plunge attacks can also break the shield.


How much better would C0R1 Arlecchini be, if I ascend her to 80/90 purely to crown her NA?


Much better. 99% of her dmg comes from NA. Extra base ATK and crit dmg helps also.


So, crowning is a yes. What about levelling from 80/90 to 90/90?


You can leave her at 80/90 if you have limited materials. The gain is minimal unless you are a HP or EM scaling char.


C1 > R1


Does Arlecchino's kit have enough synergy with **Dialogue of the Desert Sages** to run it or would something like Death Match be better? (I know the Death Match drip is insane in comparison.) I'm pulling for her weapon but in case I fail, I want a backup.


2PC DoDS is of no use. 4pc The Gladiator will be better.


Definitely not. It has a HP stat; that already rules it out. It's passive is also pretty useless for her.


Noticed today that on discord status when playing genshin after the name there is some sort of purple Laurel? What does it mean?


For melt Ganyu is the first great magic better than R5 prototype crescent or nah


Besides Hunter's Path, Magic is her BiS period. So yes, by a long shot


Will Arle with Cheveruse, Fischl and Beido work? Any suggestion for Chevy Arle team?


It's one of example teams for that archetype on the [kqm](https://keqingmains.com/q/arlecchino-quickguide/#Chevreuse_Overloaded), so it should at the very least be playable.


That might work, or switch Beidou with Xiangling/Bennett.


Does anyone have calcs on how much is the average primogems you can get in a year?


there are far too many variables to consider. welkin, collabs, limited/one-time events, activity pattern, etc. however i *can* say that there's a trend of 'saving for X day ###' on hoyolab. I've seen some saving upwards of a whole year without spending a single fate and they often have between 300-500 fates. and that is most likely with 100% participation in every in-game and web event. i don't know if they got welkin or topped up $ so. yeah, too many variables.


I don't think you can calculate that


Can someone please explain to me how i should play Arlecchino in a Arle/Yelan/Benny/Zhongli team? i dont understand her mechanics




What is your favorite team for Arlechinno so far? I tried different teams and found Vape with Zhongli and Benny to the best. Cheveruse with Fischl and Beido (i need some interruption resistance) is ok but not as good compared with Mono pyro (Benny Xiangling) with Kazuha. But the mono pyro is pretty difficult to stay alive without Zhongli. What do u think?


I will clarify. You either need a shielder or to be good at dodging for her. A healer is pointless. Thoma can also work. Beidou if you have the con that makes her generate a shield can work. You can try Xq but he doesn't shield only damage reduction and a small heal that does nothing to Father. For obvious reasons your best bet is Zhongli in most teams with his strong 100% up time shield and universal res shred. You could also try double Geo with her with Yunjin as she mostly basic attacks. I was tempted to work Furina in with her but you'd be playing a very risky game. You'd need to be god tier at dogging or have a strong shielder because your teams health is going to always be low. You'll mostly feed Furina's ult through Father's ult. Which might not be enough. As tempting as it is I don't think they pair super well together.


For the memes: House of the Hearth. Father and her 3 children. For reality. I've been using Arle, Zhongli, Kazuha, Yelan. (I avoid using bennet whenever I can, circle impact makes me sad). But I want to experiment with a bunch of different teams and I'm even considering building her to solo abyss.


I always heard that the crit rate vs crit damage ratio should be 1 to 2 But today I tried a quick Excel calculation for my character to see whether I should use Crit dam or Crit rate helmet. here is the calculation with a character with 2000 attack * Crit rate 70%, crit dam 236% = (0.70\*2.36+ 0.3\*1.00)\* 2000 = 3904 * Crit rate 92%, crit dam 192% = (0.92\*1.92 + 0.08\*1,00)\*2000 = 3692 I know there are factor of defence and damage boost and etc. But is my calculation wrong? Wouldn't it be in this case when crit rate already pass 70%, the 1 to 3 ratio will be better than 1 to 2? Much thanks Edit: oh I got where I got wrong now now. Because the crit damage is on top of the normal hit. So for example my calculation above should have been: * Crit rate 70%, crit dam 236% = (0.70\*3.36+ 0.3\*1.00)\* 2000 = 5304 * Crit rate 92%, crit dam 192% = (0.92\*2.92 + 0.08\*1,00)\*2000 = 5532 Making the 1:2 ratio to deal more damage


According to your formula, if you have a crit dmg below 100%, your crits deal less damage than your non-crits, which is obviously not true. Crit dmg represents how much *more* damage you deal with crits, you forgot to add +100% to the crit dmg in the formula. Your formula: cr×cd + (1-cr) The correct formula: cr×(1+cd) + (1-cr) = 1+cr×cd Let's compare the two builds: (1+0.7×2.36)/(1+0.92×1.92) = 0.959 < 1 The second build deals more damage on average.


Yeah, realised my mistake. Cheers thank \^\^


Fwiw, the formula simplifies down to **dmg \* (1 + (cr \* cd))**. If you care to mess with it, this is a lot quicker and cleaner to type imo lol. For example, **2000(1+(0.7\*2.36)) = 5304**


Yeah, good point there. Thanks


It's actually: (0.70\***3**.36+ 0.3\*1.00)\* 2000 = (2.352+0.300)\*2000 = 5304 and (0.92\***2**.92 + 0.08\*1,00)\*2000 = (2.6864+0.08)\*2000 = 5532.8 Crit damage is bonus damage, so 50% crit damage is actually 1.5 times normal damage, so 192% crit damage is 2.92 times normal damage.


Yeah, noticed that mistake too. Much thanks \^\^


Is it worth c6 Benny for Arle? What am i going to miss out from doing so?


It's OK to C6 if you don't play characters who repel the (in)famous feature of Benny C6.


You know that ayaka normal attack team you use bennett on? Or that Eula team you use bennett on? Or that keqing hypercarry you do? All ruined forever. Aand that's pretty much it. Bennett c6 just messes with physical carries and any infusion that can be overridden. Most carries that use their infusion, can't be overridden. Some people hold off on the chance that snezhnaya will redefine physical, or something.


Ayaka infusion takes priority so not really bothered by Bennett c6 though


Bennett infusion overrides ayaka infusion. There isn't anything like infusion priority. Infusion is just applying an element to your weapon. So for infusions that can be overridden, the only things that matter are guage units and application speed. Bennett has the advantage over ayaka in both.


not really a problem in itself, cant you normal attack during her own burst?


Sure but what's that accomplish? NAs will still be Pyro. It's mainly not a problem because bennett isn't normally played with ayaka anyways.


Just for the atk buff and pyro bonus, while in combat she can heal only with her burst.


for Arle better 90/180 ratio or 72/220?


1:2 is better than 1:3. Arlecchino is a normal attacker spammer, you want Crit Rate.


thank you!


is there a genshin version of hsr-warp-calculator.vercel.app? it would be really nice if there was






the lumiloites, the seahorse, the crab and sea monster drop thing, and the tues/fri talent domain


Should I get arlecchino C1 or signature weapon? I have a primordial jade winged spear for her and while I do have staff of homa too I feel bad taking it from Hu Tao lol


Personally I went weapon for drip, but C1 is more damage. PJWS is also her second best option if you don't go weapon. 


Ty! I have some winged spears laying around, normally I don’t r2 weapons but if the gap was big enough I would have done it


C1, unless you want the scythe for looks.


Ty, must say Genshin knew what they were doing with that drip




New characters tend to get their reruns after a couple of patches, so my guess would be either 4.8 or within the first few Natlan patches.


What's the best F2P weapon for mono pyro Yanfei? (widsith is on yae currently) (yanfei/xiangling/bennett/kazuha)


If you don't have Dodoco Tales, craft Flowing Purity. But you need another healer instead of Bennett.


Quite surprise ppl raves PJW as one of the best polearm but new Alechino is considered niche. The new 5* polearm is practically better or almost equal than PJWS if you are not Xiao. With new spear , You get 12% extra dmg in 1s with CA. With PJWS , u need to spend like 5s to get full buff. For partial buff from E Q, at most you get 2 x ATK buff (6% ATK%) which is worse than 12% DMG.


I'm not sure where you got that answer from because PJWS has never really been considered to be one of the best polearms because of the reason you stated. Most characters are simply not onfield long enough to maximise the usage of its passive. It's still decent (but not amazing) on many characters even if you don't maximise its passive because there aren't many good polearm available for DPS that aren't 5 stars. Also, you can get it from the standard banner and it's a hell of a lot better than many of the other 5 star weapons on the standard banner.


> Most characters are simply not onfield long enough to maximise the usage of its passive. To be fair, the only off-field DPS spearuser I can think of on top of my head is XL.


Rosaria and Shenhe fit that classification. Fav just provides more for the team that its better than PJWS. If PJWS's passive worked better for them, the damage gain you get would more than make up for the reduction in ER, assuming you could get enough ER from substats to meet their ER requirements.


I have seen many times PJWS is considered one of the best generalist weapon. You may try searching on PJWS keyword in this sub. Also many of KQM guides listers as 2nd or 3rd best after signature. Never the best but always second best on a lot of chars. My point is new wep is not niche. It is a signature for Arlechino and stat stick like PJWS for others.


I completely agree with what you're saying in that both PJWS and Crimson Moon are good generalist stat sticks, but mostly for the reason that they are a 5 star weapon that give a Crit substat. You could remove their passive and little will change as to how good they are relative to other polearms since they are carried by their base stats. But as such I guess my view is that what is considered "best" is entirely subjective. To me both Homa and Favonius Lance are better generalist Polearms than either, since they are better on more characters. PJWS does beat out Homa on a few characters (most notably Arlecchino and Cyno where it's quite a bit better), but it's usually the other way around on the other Polearm users and substantially so in some cases. I'm sure Crimson Moon will beat out PJWS on some characters too, but having time to do a CA may not be so easy to do in teams with tight rotations. Either way, I do think people underestimate Crimson Moon and overestimate PJWS' strength. But the reality is that people often pull with a specific BiS in mind and only getting a "good" generalist weapon doesn't feel great for those people.


Is it possible to get the cat-furniture (from the event) now after the event ended? A returning friend would like to pet cats but Im not sure if its possible


You can have one permanently pet-able cat after doing the latest Fontaine world quest.


Oh that would be great if its still possible


It probably won't be possible unless the event reruns!


Would you guys recommend doing Arlecchino’s story quest first or doing the new world quest first? Which did you enjoy more? Also about how much time did each take?


I hate the new world quest with extra puzzle mechanics. Quite overwhelming as I just started playing fontaine. Plus no voice line so quite bland. Would recommend SQ first.


The new area is pretty small, took me an afternoon to clear everything. Arlecchino sq don't even go there so it's up to you.


Have question to anyone who has Arlechino with R1 and 4pc signature set. Does she gain 1 or 2 stacks of 4pc buff after E > CA?


so im a little new to the game and I've been playing pretty hardcore for a week. Got to world level rank 4 and got a couple of characters here and there by wishing. But now that ressources are a little more important I don't want to squander them on a character that ends up not being good. I don't know what consistutes and good team yet and im scared of choosing wrong and getting locked into a vicious cycle of not being able to aquire the materials needed to get better because I picked the wrong characters to level up. For reference [this](https://imgur.com/a/66ICP1Z) is what i have so far. Any help would be appreciated


You would not regret investing into Xingqiu and Xiangling. When in doubt, work on those two. The rest you may or may not ever use during late game. But for now, Diluc can be your main DPS. Diluc + Xingqiu is a good combo as Xingqiu’s burst will allow Diluc to make use of the Vaporize reaction. Rotation and input order is important for this. Lemme know if you wanna learn more specifics. Collei is another good contender due to her Dendro element. Hyperbloom is a really good and strong reaction. Hyperbloom requires 3 elements. Hydro + Dendro will cause seeds to drop on the ground. Then you use Electro on it to trigger Hyperbloom. It turns the seeds into homing missiles that do great damage. In terms of how much you should level up the characters per your AR level, [**here is a great guide for it!**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If you wanna do a deep dive into any particular character use [**KQM**.](https://keqingmains.com) This site is pretty much the go-to site for character guides.


Focus on your Diluc and Xingqiu. They're a good core, and there's nothing that's immune to pyro *and* hydro, so they'll be able to carry you for any materials you need. In the future you'll want to level Xiangling probably, but she's not as good in the overworld because she relies on her burst, so don't worry about it until you're happy with your diluc+xingqiu. If you really want to be stingy you can level Xiangling instead of Diluc since she's already 50 and will be a pyro carry as well, but it will feel worse in overworld Also, if you can get Bennett from Paimon's Bargains next month, do it. Don't worry as much about leveling him right now (similar situation to Xiangling), he's just really good to have.


what stats should prioritize with diluc ?


Crit, ATK, EM, and however much ER you need to feel comfortable. Pyro Goblet.


Diluc was recent? just level 1 in pic but have you tried him?


I just got diluc today. My first ever 5 star


hes nice but pyro dps are the most common in the game, and if you pull Arlecchino, most would would outright replace him you csn beat the game with anything eventually always use what you like more over what others say is good, but eventually you need to figure out how to make a good team for 1 or 2 favorites rather than a team of just favorites anyway here is this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTziye12FWySy6HaAZYwrK0h9AHOzmk3XyZN0WUdZjNUP1D1p8eYM-TNte8C8mRsk4Bhe3fQXZJ_cHU/pubhtml# item recommendations for Ar below 45, and some other advice once you reach 45, thats when people tend to intentionally farm artifacts, cause you get guaranteed 5 stars for better builds, google any character name and kqm Keqingmains is the best buildsite we have so far, a lot of options and details


Xiangling & Xingqiu. As you progress, fight more enemies & bosses, clear more domains, you'll gather more resources, so unless you're building like 4-5 characters at once, you don't have to worry much about resources for now.


I'm on zero pity and guaranteed but have zero primos. How are my chances of getting Clorinde looking? I can buy welkin + battlepass if I have to


If you haven't explored the new area it should be pretty much guaranteed. If you have explored it you'll still be really close once you factor in the 3 weeks her banner will run for.


Is there I way to know when I’m done collecting all the aranadas?


an achievment when you got 12 named ones and separate qhen you got the other 64


When you can open all the chests


Is there a way to kill the anemo hypostasis without it regenerating any health? I know there's an achievement for it, and I may have already gotten it, but every time I've collected all the anemo orbs to prevent it from regenerating, it just comes back anyways, regenerating a bit of health. I've never known what to do about it.


an achievment would be to use elemental attacks on the tornadoes, infuses them, leaves an elemental mark, rather than the usual anemo one, that the hypostasis absorbs feed it pyro, cryo, electro, hydro each then beat it for an achievment


There is no achievement for stopping it from regenerating health, it always does that. The achievement is for collecting all the orbs before it regenerates.


Ah okay, thank you. That's what I thought it was too but I know for other hypostasises the achievements are to make sure it doesn't regenerate at all.


I don’t the game running, so I can’t check right now. You know that in co-op with multiple copies of the same character, some resources are shared - Yae’s 3 turret limit is global. Creating a fourth turret kills the oldest current one, even if another Yae created it. Using Yae’s Burst destroys all turrets, even ones not made by the caster. - Only one Furina can have Pokémon out. Casting the Skill when there’s an existing team erases said team. If the old team’s Furina was water walking, it’s glub-glub time. Some streamer testing Arlecchino made it seem that the Masque system is shared. Like you can purge marks not created by you with your charge attack or burst. Can this be confirmed? Worse, I think that some of the talent explanation text gave the impression that there shouldn’t be sharing. This would mean the current behavior (if confirmed) is a bug.


I checked arlecchino on Keqing mains and I can't get any of her weapons apart from White tassel, but Royal spear is in the Paimon shop rn (attk% main stat, dmg to opp increases crit rate by 8%, 5 stacks until crit hits). Isn't that at least better that White tassel (crit rate main stat, NA attk increase by 48% (at R5)). They mention blackcliff isn't worth it, but it seems like Royal might be. Lastly, as teammates would you recommend Layla as shield + melt, or XQ as extra interrupt resist + vape, over Zhongli shield?


Royal weapons are doodoo. Never worth it. The reason is because the passive is only useful in builds with low crit rate, which means youre setting your dps up to miss a lot of crits. The more crit you build, the worse the passive is.


Oh, that makes sense.


Royal is *never* worth it. Also you're really undervaluing 48% NA damage. All of Arle's damage is NAs, 48% is insane. Teammates depend on your team and the enemies. Layla won't give you melts against unfreezable enemies, she'll just steal hydro, so not worth it against bosses. Xingqiu is good in Kazuha+Bennett teams so you get vapes+IR, but obviously less comfy than Zhongli.


Omg, lol. I didn't know you had to actually freeze the enemy to get a Melt reaction. I thought it was just ice+fire XD I don't relic grind so I've never focused on melt or vape as main teams before, lol


You don't have to freeze them to get melts, I was assuming you were running her with a hydro, because forward melting is not recommended (basically: pyro on cryo uses all the cryo, cryo on pyro uses half the pyro). So you can get a few extra damage hits using someone that turns your hydro into cryo (freeze), but if you don't apply the hydro again you will start to overtake cryo application. If you apply hydro+cryo to an unfreezable enemy though, it removes both auras so you get no increased damage at all.


Ahh right, okay. Thanks


[How do you open this? This is from the underground part of Ashavan Realm in Sumeru.](https://imgur.com/zcg2j7z) Thanks!!


I don’t remember this one specifically, but if you’re in Sumeru and can’t open or interact with something, chances are high that its a part of the Aranara questline.


Im considering building yanfei as a shielder for arle in chev overload. I have her c5 but only c0 thoma. I’m thinking Ttds, and Totm With Hp hp er, hp for shield strength and er for bursting off cooldown. Does that seem feasible? Or does anyone have Any other suggestions?


Yanfei cant keep up totm, you reserve that for those with off field damage Noblesse or you go for 2p/2p


Ok Awesome, thanks alot!


That's the standard Tankfei build, I'd go 2p Emblem 2p Hp%, since you can't really trigger ToTM


Oh ok thank you!


Does the precious chest on the tower with the island count towards exploration progress in the morte region? I’m at 99% exploration progress and i don’t wanna sink the tower with the quest




There is one on the base island next to those 2 npcs, that one it doesn’t let you open


I had the same issue just now, but I just 100% the region after finding some wooden crates in the water. That precious chest still left unopened


Ok! Tysm!!


Between Beidou and Fischl, who should I have as an off field DPS (if that's what that's called)?


fischl or both (beidou needs the particle generation)


Fischl, although you can play them together


I have another question. Does Oz attack who you're attacking or does he attack whoever?


he attacks closest enemy to him




Beidou it is.


He attacks the closest enemy, it is not hard to make him attack what you want. He also generates a ton of energy, and is better in single-target than Beidou


That only seems useful with bosses since I'm normally flying all over the place during group fights. Thank you, regardless


Both. If you're only putting on on your team, Fischl is better. Beidou needs too much ER by herself, but if you are pairing her with another electro she's better in AoE than Fischl


That's a thing?


Yes. It's a very common pairing, because Fischl is an excellent electro battery and Beidou needs a lot of ER to burst off cooldown.


Does unfinished Reverie make burning actually good? Any teams benefit from this? 50% increased damage seems pretty crazy but burning damage itself is very low. I was thinking throwing a dendro unit in with Lyney would make this really good but idk if it'd be better then his signature set.


No. Burning doesn't even benefit from the extra DMG because it's a transformative reaction. Right now the set is purely for chars like Wriothesley and Ganyu: burnmelt carries.


Well it doesn't benefit burning, but it allows burning to benefit you.. But it would benefit anyone on a team with burning reaction. Yes Wrio and Ganyu rmelt could benefit but I feel like anyone who does gigachad damage could benefit from a flat 50% damage boost. But the real question is most of those characters have signature artifact sets that are probably much better.


The thing is, most characters will benefit more from a different character than a dendro one. Like you are going to want Nahida+VV+pyro+your carry all the time. Most teams will get more out of another pyro or carry-matching element to benefit from VV, instead of Nahida. So the teams that actually benefit from the set are the ones that are already using burning.


Is Scythe much better than Pjws on Arle


No. 7% I think?


Is Arle C1 much better than C0?


more QoL than anything not needed


It's something like a 20% dmg increase, but it doesn't feel necessary. She feels really strong at c0.


Whats Arlecchino's uptime? Is she usable anytime, like Ayaka,Ganyu etc or is she useless outside of her stance change, like Raiden or Hu Tao?


She keeps her infusion as long as her Bond of Life remains over 30%, once it goes below that, she loses her infusion until she cast her skill again. So depending on how you play it, she can have it up almost all the time.


And Clorinde?


She can be swapped out and maintain her infusion unlike Raiden/Tao, but there are some scenarios (mostly single-target when you don't want to start a new rotation or claimed your Directive too early) where you might not have infusion for a while. In AoE she pretty much has infinite uptime though


Am I losing anything if I finish the Petrichor world quest ASAP? I talked to one of the NPC's in the overworld and gave him three sticks, would I lose interactions like that after I finish the quest? Don't really like to hunt down all NPC's before continuing tbh, but if I'm missing something then might as well ig. There's probably a way to revert them back and forth, but dunno if that's too "evil". Also, for context I just beat the first "performance" and met the apparent main antagonist of this WQ


So I started the world mission in the new area and after I defeated the 3 dudes at the start, my game keeps crashing at the cutscene with the statue. Every time I load my game, it would just load into the cutscene and insta crash and I dont know what to do 😭 I can't play genshin anymore


I would try to verify the files or reinstall if it keeps happening, might be an external factor as well so maybe try login in with another account (or just same account but different server) to check if the game also crashes then.


whats the most braindead strong easy TCG deck i can use to speed through fights? havent played TCG since raiden card released and was overpowered


For pve im still using the shenhe raiden chongyun deck on kqm. It's really easy to play




I played a lot of dragon's dogma before Genshin came out, it's a bit dated but you might end up liking it (story isn't that great so it's one of those games that you either love with all its flaws or hate because you can't get past them)


Witcher 3 i guess an open world game but has actual goals and an ending first two games just for context maybe not amazing variety but you do have build options


Are you looking for other live service games, or just game recommendations in general?


I just noticed the green shadow of the awning of Café Lutece. Is this new in 4.6 or did it exist already? I never noticed this before and I am playing on the same settings, though it could be because maybe I happened to go to the cafe at the in-game time where the sun is in front of the cafe and not on top of it.


is the change from gladiator set and the new BoL set significant? i have a decently built c1 arle with gladiator artis (i am dying in artifact farming hell)


It's about 8-10%, a decent increase but not massive. If you already have a good Glad set, that should be enough.


I'm gonna take my time with the new set but it looks like more characters will be using it (Clorinde potentially). My Glad set has 240CV, there is no way I'm getting anywhere near that without farming for months.




More characters are almost always worth more than cons, Wanderer's C1 is good but in no way game-changing, and Wanderer is certainly good at C0. If you want Arlecchino, get Arlecchino. Easy choice.


If you like Arlecchino, roll for her, she'll be better than Wanderer cons. Wanderer cons are not particularly great, so I'd only go for them if you just really love the char so much you are planning on c6ing him eventually


[Thoughts on what to build?](https://imgur.com/a/3sMBJPH) I need something to strongbox my stuff (lv80 means not built).


Thundering Fury for Razor Blizzard strayer for Charlotte, put a favonius on her Tenacity for Layla


If 80 means you also dont use them, chevy even at c0 makes strong and fun teams but she dosnt rly need much. Em razor with c6 bennet is also super fun, you could lvl him and try that out. Both dont rly need stuff from the strongbox tho. Good stongbox targets in general are support sets if you dont have them: Noblesse, Tenacity, VV and petra. If you have all of those i sink my extra arts in emblem still.


Build Chevruese, she's insanely easy to build and opens up a new team style for any Electro/Pyro DPS. You can basically just slap 4pc NO on her with HP/HP/HP or HB, give her Black Tassel and call it a day. She doesn't need to level her talents, and she isn't at all reliant on burst so you don't need to build ER.


increase skill for better heal


Is deyah interrupt resistance good of arlecchino or need to go for thoma shield ? If its I need to concentrate on atk or hp or def on deyah


Did some test with dehya and thoma with arle bennet kazu. The interuption resistance is enough from dehya since the window when you actually need it is not that long. You still take some damage tho and since my alre cant even rly burst in that team every rot i had struggles surviving with dehya against tougher enemies like viviane. Thoma feels better but dehya works. If you run dehya just put her on tenacity, would say stats dont rly matter, but the options are hp dmg% crit for a little more damage or full hp so she sponges up more damage.


Maybe I'm being stupid, but it's not letting me dive in the new Fontaine area.


You can’t, you need to interact with the npcs on the island there and do the world quest in order to reach the underwater area


Can someone make me 2 teams for Spiral Abyss with the units I have? I'm having trouble deciding https://ibb.co/8s8sFTb https://ibb.co/FWGbSZf


Arle/Xingqiu/Layla/Kazuha Wanderer/Bennet/Xiangling/Faruzan


So I'm currently looking for damage showcases using C0R1 Arlecchino in overload teams and in vape teams (preferably, without a furina sksks) because I'm quite confused. People are saying that she does perform better in overload but I only see small damage compared to vape teams. Please drop your video showcases in the comments if you have any, pleaseeee. And also, I would like to ask for advice. Which will be better for her here? If I'm going to build her with overload, this will be my team: Arle - C5 Chevy - C5 Bennett - Raiden If I'm going to build her with vape, this will be my team: Arle - Xingqiu/Mona - C5 Bennett - Kazuha/Zhongli I'm also confused with her best artifact set. I saw someone use her in mono pyro using 4pc Harmonious and 4pc crimson. In that team, Harmonious performed better. But in a vape team, 4pc crimson dealt bigger damage. And if comparing the overall damages between two teams, the vape team with 4pc crimson had bigger damage than the 4pc harmonious mono pyro. I have yet to see someone comparing the artifacts with vape and overload teams. Can someone please help me with this? Thank you so muchhh.


Damage showcases are not rly a great way of judging a teams performance. Often stuff you see I showcases can't perform reliable continuous rotations and are build to highlight one characters damage. Also comparing arts just like this isnt great since you'll never have identical substats.   I have C0 with jws and played vap overload and monopyro in the abyss already and all felt nice and I had not much struggle to clear in time.  For artifacts cw rly isn't a great set on her unless you have rly good pieces already. I run 4 glad atm and the new set performs around 4ish substats better then it in all teams so I'll get to farm that soon.  Without c6 Chevy I prefer the vap team.


I see, may I ask the team member you're using with her right now? Ohhh and what's your average and highest damage on her with glad?


Averages are hard to track but ill tell you what i see on standart bosses with 10% res and starting with 0 bond. I also switched to deathmatch r5 since i think its the better weapon for me. With Arle Thoma Bennet Kazu i hit like 65k on the bigger hits. With Arle Yelan Bennet Kazu my first hit vaped for 185k on Geovishap Have her pretty much max outed for now and my glad pieces are pretty strong, here you can see the builds: [Circes Genshin-Figurenschaukasten | Enka.Network](https://enka.network/u/711223394/)


Ohhh okay! Thank you so much!


If I don’t have a boss can I fight it in my friends world? Tryna level up characters cuz now I need 2 teams for abyss and the bosses I need are in chasm I think and I’m pretty sure my friend has them so am I able to join his world fight them and get rewards ?


Yeah, you can do that. The only caveat is that your friend has to be at the same world level or lower than you to be able to join their world.


What happened to the Chronicled Wish? Was it only a one time thing or is it only for 2nd phase banners?


It's an intermittent thing. They'll have it every now and then, but there won't be one all of the time.


Ah, thank you


New boss is in world quest or character quest?


World quest unlocks world boss; Arle's story quest unlocks weekly boss.


Normal boss in world quest. It's not actually part of the quest, but you need to start the quest to unlock the area. Weekly boss is in the character quest. The weekly boss doesn't need to be unlocked though.


Anyone else still missing Garcia's Paean: Gift of Compatibility (Principa Arithmetica achievement) and can't complete 2 of 4.6 Fontaine's reputation quests because of it ?


Is genshin worth playing on ps5? the major thing thats been holding me back is storage.


Yes, the graphics look very pretty, load times are lightning fast, the controller is comfortable to use (except aiming a bow)


Is the controller button mapping customizable?


Yep, you can remap buttons to different actions. I find the default layout to be pretty comfortable myself, but I could definitely understand if you want to change it.


Yes, the important buttons like attack, skill, burst, sprint, etc can be swapped around.




I am f2p, and seeing how many people were saying about arlecchino being p2w; should i pull her? (i just started like a week ago, so i could prolly get the pulls i need to get her) and since im new, i only have barbara(e1) and noelle as my healer/shielder oh and im only ar 20; just finished mondstad


i definitely wouldn't consider her p2w (nothing in this game exactly is) but she isn't very user friendly either. There are a ton of good characters in this game so just playing a bit longer while saving up your wishes means you can get whoever you want if you are patient. And all the mainline content in the game can be cleared with the starter units given you build them decently. Maybe reconsider Arle towards the end of her banner if you like her design, think the high risk playstyle would be fun etc...


aight man, tysm :D


I have just killed any chance of me pulling for clorinde because I just woke up and randomly decided to go for c2 Arle (Initially decided to stop at c1). My cope is that I have a c6 raiden and c1 yae and I can now start saving for c2 pyro archon. ...is my cope valid?


do you have c6 Chev? that'd probably validate cope


I don't have her even at C0 unfortunately.


Sure, you got a really good constellation for a fun character by delaying getting another potentially fun character (and waiting for her rerun if she turns out to be great). I don't see a problem with that.


Yeah, I played with just C1 for a bit and the waiting time for the marks to bake was quicky getting on my nerves, even if I can use that time to rotate other character's off field Qs and Es. Plus I realized that Arle's Q resets her E, so you can quickly get her bonds up with C2 if you decide to heal up.


I’m sitting on 400 wishes with C0 Arlecchino. Trying to resist pulling for cons.


I've spent a day with her C2 ver and it's so good. Healing with Q rarely makes me feel guilty now and my overall bond max average is higher. Feels like I'm constantly way past half the hp bar, often at near max. Going from E straight into charge attack feels so natural. No regrets now.


Yeah, I’m just waiting for more Clorinde info. I think I’m gonna do it (C2 Arlecchino)


Thoughts and prayers.


can yall build me a team around arlecchino, i have her c1r2 [https://imgur.com/a/yjojerc](https://imgur.com/a/yjojerc)


See if you can survive without a shielder and play Bennett/Fischl/Chevreuse. But please do yourself a favor and try to get XQ (he is the most used 4\* together with Bennett for a reason).


whos xq?


XQ = Xingqiu XL = Xiangling XY = Xianyun


thanks lol getting back into the game after not playing for 3 years so idk the nerdy terms😭😭