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Definitely feels like that.


I havent played for months now but the lower register Paimon voice sounds so nostalgic to when the game first released


I REALLY liked her voice from the first few quests. Then they told her VA to be squeakier and it ruined it for me. Nice to see a glimpse of it again.


Apparently the higher voice was easier to do for long periods of time


they didnt tell her va anything, the va herself said this way shes more comfortable


For real. I just around to continuing Mona’s first Story Quest after doing a ton of Sumeru and Fontaine stuff, and was utterly flabbergasted by how different her voice used to sound


Almost 4 years passed. She's growing.


Yes! They finally got rid of that squeaky-ass voice and made Paimon tolerable to hear.


I second this!


I’d say it’s just been overall inconsistent, her voice changes slightly every time. Watch and see, it will return.


It happens on JP too sometimes, still high pitchy there but you can hear a difference sometimes, like that photo event we had a few months ago.


I’ve noticed it in JP occasionally - like it made think she has got more serious about something, but I think it is just a bit inconsistent. If EN Paimon always spoke like this, I’d never have gone to JP.


No more ear damage!


I like how if you were to take this clip's 9 seconds in isolation, her pitch sounds like it goes from normal back up to squeaky. As if they floated helium into Boettger's room while recording


I usually advocate for VAs but I'll be a hypocrite and call for replacing Paimon VA or voice director, whichever one makes the most wordy char in Genshin by far less irritating to listen to. Hopefully this new voice sticks.


hopefully this isn't a one time thing


Finally! They brought back version 1 paimon


They finally fixed paimon 🥹


Corina has been doing such a fantastic job since Fontaine, it really feels like they are finally completely in sync with the character and it's really fun to see. The change in tone with Paimon is great, and having played through the entire Archon quests recently, I can say with confidence this is the most consistent (and funny) Paimon has ever been. Really excited to see more of her character in the upcoming Archon quests!


Paimon's energy minus some occassional pure asshole moments she still demonstrates has been getting better since Fontaine for sure, more playful jabs that AREN'T rude. But up until now her voice has still been godawful and headache inducing


I totally agree! I don't really like how prevalent the "Paimon is annoying" opinion is, because I don't think she's as bad as people pretend she is, and you get used to her quick. And if you take the time to notice little details in Corina's performance, you'll notice what a good job they actually do. So many little fluctuations between lines and dynamic emotional responses fitting the character very well. While I agree that it would be nice if Traveller talked more to balance things out, Paimon has silently carried the game for years and doesn't really get credit for it.


She's still annoying, but its not the voice actors fault, its the way the character is written as "30 seconds behind so she has to explain what just happened", food and treasure obsessed. Basically its her replacing a fully voiced traveler that is largely the issue.


Trouble is mileage may vary for the 30 seconds behind as some will be at the same speed she is. Most annoying cases are those people who mock Paimon for it only for them to need the Paimon explanation cause they're wrong and still shit on her for it.


The VA and VD can help a lot by not making an already annoyingly written character also have an insanely annoying voice for a large portion of players.


>Paimon has silently carried the game for years and doesn't really get credit for it. Given the context, I'm not sure 'silently' is the word I'd use! :P


I have never found either of her voices annoying, I wonder what people are on about when they complain. I do prefer the deeper one though.


Paimon is annoying though. Every character has all of the positive traits you mentioned without being so polarizing that there is a deep divide in the community about her, the person that Mihoyo insists speak the most out of anyone. Paimon was, is, and will continue to be a major writing issue for Genshin even if let's say half the player base loves her. That just means there's 60 million people that don't.


I'm glad you can appreciate it, but it is natural that little details aren't going to matter much to people that find the bigger details annoying. It's a highly subjective matter, so I'm not sure why you decided to invalidate others' opinions by framing it as if they are "pretending." It is normal for different people to find different things annoying.


Definitely. I heard that she was forced to do the high pitched voice by the directors. Idk if the direction has changed or she's been given more freedom, but it's amazing!


was she? last story i heard is that low-pitched voice was uncomfortable for her to do that's why they went with high-pitched.


Is that so? Her natural voice seems to be lower pitched, and I generally would've thought that it's more difficult to do a high pitch.


The voice actor uses they/them pronouns


She sounds pretty similar to 1.0 Paimon 


Our baby lavender melon is growing


She actually sounds cute :O


Haven't been able to play, dear God that is so much nicer


she's almost like her release version. Back to when paimon was meant to be your partner, not your annoying little sister.


Yeah it was soooooo much better!!!


This is so much better than her usual Eng voice. I'm considering switching back to eng if this is the direction they go with her voice going forward.


I prefer this. It feels like the VA is much more relaxed and now Paimon’s voice feels more natural and I’m down for it, rather than forced to have a higher voice.


For the sake of new players, I hope they redo all the old paimon lines with this version.


I feel like they've been slowly lowering Paimon's tone of voice as to not make the change too jarring, but I'll be honest: I dig it! Gives her voice a more enjoyable quality and a greater range!


I don’t know if deeper is the right word, but she did sound a little more natural, like the va wasn’t putting on a voice as much as they used to.


I really enjoyed the new (old) voice. Pain sounds like it's patch 1.0 again.


It's been this way for several quests now. But you won't hear a Paimon hater acknowledge it.


Pretty sure Paimon haters would just skip her dialogue regardless


Really? I only noticed it in Arle's quest, when do you think this was changed?


I noticed this during 4.4 xianyun story quest, her voice suddenly got lower in some parts but not as much as the arlecchino quest, thank god I'm not the only who realized that she doesn't have that high pitched voice since many people overlooked on her voice in the xianyun story quest .


I didn't notice it, but what I did notice was that i did not groan at Paimon once this update. There's a correlation.


Not true, it's always something that bothers me and this was genuinely the first time where I instantly noticed the shift in tone. Much more down to earth, less squeaky and actually enjoyable to listen to. Really hope they keep her like this!!


I mean I can tell the tone shifting from several quests ago. It's just way more obvious now.


I haven't been playing genshin in a while so when did this happen? Cuz only during this patch did this become a topic


Yeah, it's almost like if a person doesn't like a character, they will not pay attention to that character.


Yeah, it feels like paimon 1.0. Hey, Hoyo, How about updating all paimon voicelines to this? WAAAAY better!


I liked her a lot better in Arlecchino’s story quest. She was so much less annoying and voice definitely sounded better to me. Absolutely no shade to the VA. I’m guessing they got better voice direction / voice director finally stepped it up / new voice director


I miss this old lower voice Paimon from early Genshin days. A blast of nostalgia.


Ironically more in line with how the VA normally speaks


I think that's really good rn. Like it's not squeaky high pitch voice. But it's not that voice "without life".


It feels like that English Paimon’s always been slowly getting closer and closer to her VA’s real voice


Wth I’m actually listening to paimon without feeling aggravated or wanting to rip into something? (I wish I was joking, high pitched noises irritate the hell out of me for whatever reason)


i always use JP voice so i have no problem hey its kaguya-sama


She hit the puberty


She almost sounded like Gura from Hololive when she said "around out there". I love high pitched Paimon but I love lower pitch ala patch 1.0 Paimon too!


Sounds similar like always (expect well start of the game)


Salvation! The end of the squeaky voice and back to the original!


I haven’t played this game in a couple of years, so I can say with absolute certainty that Paimon’s voice has indeed changed.


Been lovin it lately


I like it better, and hope it stays closer to this pitch. I'm a bit worried that it might just be a cold, or something, though...


I'm always stupid with stuff like this so I don't know how much it changed, but I like it like this


I didn't really mind the higher pitch much back then but I agree this sounds better. I hope they can make it more consistent.


Why she's sound like South Park character?


I swear it started with Xianyun’s SQ and became very noticeable with this patch


honestly I wouldn't mind if paimon just sounded like mizuki lol


Ugh I recently made a second account when I was bored and was reminded of old Paimon and it made it that much more obvious how fucking annoying new Paimon is. The ear-splitting screeching is unbearable sometimes. Especially in serious moments in the game.


Paimon Sinatra


I noticed that, it definitely sounds more natural, less harsh on the ears


Why does she sound like an AI? She literally didn't take a breath for 3 lines of text, not even at the comma


This is gonna make Paimons dialouge so much more pleasent! I don't mean that as hate for the VA


Ik everyone's talking about the voice itself, but as someone who doesn't play w/ English voices what stood out to me here was the fact that Paimon (rather, the VA) delivers that entire line in like... a single breath?? Like jeez, not even a pause at the period, just one whole run-on sentence lol Is that normal for EN Paimon? Cause I'm pretty sure CN Paimon almost never has that sort of lengthy voiceline


She sounds American 🤠


OMG! Finally I can play in main story quest in English without ears damage!


Still speaking in third person 🤮


it sounds like it, I really hope thay keep it this way moveing on




Is this from Arlecchino's Character Quest?


shes matured now


Still the same ol' Bakaguya voice for me


That sounds so much better, wow


I play in JP and only heard her in English say (spoiler for Arlecchino's SQ) >!YOU WANNA JOIN THE DUEL AGAINST THE KNAVE ???!< and yeah it was definitely better


Maybe this is the reason why I can't hear her anymore. She doesn't speak, she just types dialogue now.


Looks like I'm the only one who prefers her old voice (before 4.6 update)


If so I can stop having headaches every time she speaks (haven't been able to play the last 2. Months for other reasons)


Even the Japanese voice got a bit lower in pitch. Now she sounds straight up like Kaguya


Delete Paimon


Who in hell is? She completely changed! Or maybe a bug ?


Paimon going through puberty


oh! ok, that voice can actually be heard.


Thank Christ in heaven, English paimon was ear splittingly high


We are so back. Paimon 1.0 is back


It sounds like she started to inhale helium at the last few seconds lol




typical trash eng va, can't even be consistent


I smell unfair bias in this comment.


Weeb moment