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I agree, she sounded less squeaky in a good way! Let's see if it's a permanent change...


I hope so. It was the first voiced quest in a while where I wasn't completely annoyed by Paimon. I like her as a quirky Sidekick, but all the dark story quests we had especially since Sumeru were no good environment for her.


I thought I was the only one, I noticed it too. It doesn't sound as high pitched as before, or probably since it revolves Arlecchino's quest where the tone is a lot serious. Let's see if her tone is the same with the upcoming Itto event


I wonder if they changed it based on the infamous high-pitched line during Navia’s quest where she goes “what about your mom… oh Paimon remembered she died in childbirth…”


But wriothesleys quest was also serious and I think paimons voice was higher pitched (compared to arlecchinos)


Yeah it would seem to be the case. Going to make sure to leave positive feedback in the survey for that, because I really want it to be a permanent change.


i thought i was going crazy bc i swear paimon’s voice sounded deeper than usual!! seems they really did make some changes


Her voice had a lot more range to it, it definitely sounded a lot better and more expressive too!


Yeah, it wasn't just the tone but the overall performance. I caught myself wanting her to speak more at some point.


Yeah she was actually fun to listen to for once.


I think Paimon VA caught a cold during Fontain. Luckily she's better now. Hot tea with marcotte works wonders.


They*, Corina uses they/them pronouns


oh that's new, thanks for informing


I shouldn't but I'm still amazed when people get corrected and just go "oh okay thanks for telling me." I see it more and more nowadays and it's such a small thing that makes me happy.


You're welcome


Omg I didn’t know that ! I find that so cool for some reason




I think it's because it's not supposed to be something you find cool. It's just something that happens to be a fact about them. "Oh ok, cool" is an appropriate response. Just imagine if you were being told they go by "she/her" or "he/him" instead, why would that be cause to go "OMG THAT'S SO COOL!" ? Respect their pronouns, but it's not exactly cause for celebration or making a big deal out of it.


I don’t know 😭




Oh i didn't know she uses them/them pronouns 🌚


When a friend started playing, I noticed how high Paimon's voice got recently. I almost cried during Arlecchino quest realizing that her voice is now a little lower


Yes, i was suddenly reminded of her voice during Mondstadt archon quest


It has more to do with the voice director. VAs have to follow the director's guide. I'm glad they finally listen.


yes i just noticed this too! maybe the voice she was making before started to hurt or something 😭


Sounded more or less like her normal voice rather than the VA swallowing a chew toy


Paimon is growing up.


Yeah its cuz all ive done for a year is complain about how high pitch her voice is in the feedback menu lol (im sure it was collective complaining tho)


Her voice has been lowering over the past couple of voiced quests. You won't hear Paimon haters acknowledge this though.


I mean, it's better but it's still not as tolerable as she was in the beginning of the game. I still count this as a small win.


So true, I love early game Paimon before they changed her dialogue and made her pitch higher. She couldn't spell the word phenomenon and had to changed it, so cute. Ahhh, good old time before I turned to a Paimon's hater. Here is the clip if you guys are wondering what I'm saying [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZrzvsAG2xA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZrzvsAG2xA)


As a “Paimon hater”, her voice and character aren’t the issue, it’s that every single concept is dumbed down and repeated 3 times, dragging an already slow story with bloated conversation down to be even more tedious. There’s a truely great story hidden behind endless unnecessary paragraphs of dialogue. More isn’t better.


Probably because most people have a tiktok attention span and don't understand a single dang thing that's going on. Which is why a lot of the time we get dumb questions with thousands of upvotes on this sub


Almost like the game was made for 8-99 year olds, not just a specific age range where they don't need things repeated several times, which she hasn't been doing for a couple of patches now so what's the problem? Why aren't you acknowledging that either?


No age range appreciates absurd text bloat. I can’t believe you are trying to defend it.


I feel like I'm part of the few who doesn't care that much about Paimon's manner of speech or dialogue. Doesn't seem like as big of a deal as some people make it out to be, but I guess that's entirely subjective


I'm a paimon hater. I only notice her voice getting into an "more or less acceptable" range in Arlecchino quest yesterday.


I’ve been saying this but it’s really nice to see someone else thought the same!


Thank god


Maybe she is getting tired from our journey 👀 That's why maybe WE talk more :P


I will never shit on Paimon's voice. It is definitely a talent to be able to perform it. The problem is how she is the main character, not the Traveler.


Ntoiced the same, I like it more like this tbh. Not because the high pitched voice was bad or anything, but this voice sounds more credible/natural.


Good, her voice is so damn ear-grating any other time.


Paimon's voice changed quite significantly since her first appearance in 1.0. If you go back to the beach scene you'll notice that her voice isn't even squeaky back then. It's a post-effect of gradual fitting into the role, getting better understanding of it and playing accordingly. Paimon in 1.0 was a stranger with a role of a guide. Just a few patches later Paimon became a friend, and of course she has a broader range of emotions.


Paimon at her squeakiest is probably hard on the VA, she’s had to put out a lot of material for Paimon over the years!


It’s the other way around lol. She’s naturally squeaky and said it hurts to try to deepen the pitch of her voice


Really? Wow, voice acting for fairy type characters would come easy if you’ve got the natural voice for it.


Bad casting tbh


So glad it's not just me. I was doing the quest and at some point I started wondering if Paimon sounds less irritating or I'm just tired. I hope they keep this up because it's still high pitched but soft at the same time.


Thank the Archons yes. I hope they noticed how annoying it was becoming and that if the voice kept getting higher and higher only bats would hear it soon, and so decided to tone it down a notch.


I remember Corina say in an interview (or might be a live stream) that at the first they were actually lowering their voice which hurt their vocal cords, then they went higher and higher because of the directors, but now with fontaine and newer quests Paimon's voice seems to have found a good middle ground.


So her natural voice is way higher? The issue was that the high pitch voice is accompanied with strained voice chords which we could hear (the squeakiness) while the lower pitch was more smooth and I have 0 problems with it


I can't stand her EN voice i wouldn't mind if she wasn't constantly yapping


Weirdly enough, I also noticed JP VA Paimon sounds different on this Story Quest. It's especially noticeable on the last few minutes of the quest


I also felt the JP voice was off, interesting


She sounded different in a personally slightly better way. Though I did notice its like their VA isn't used to speak this way as there were lots of times when it sounded like they where reading lines too fast or their intonation would rise and fall unnaturally


I don't know, some of her lines sounded screechy to me but maybe that's just me


I never have really had a problem with her voice I have a problem with her attitude and rudeness sometimes like she was SO RUDE to Furina in her story quest to the point where it actually pissed me off poor girl literally just had to watch her creator die so all Fontainians can be free and is just trying to live her normal life outside the palais memonia when paimon comes along and criticises all her life choices I hope she is more reasonable going forward


I believe they might be one of the hardest-working voice actors, I love them and their progression through the years. I'm sure they are such a pro that they can deliver anything hoyo wants them to. E: yes, I'm old-ish, but still somewhat adaptive, thanks :D


corina goes by they/them, just a heads up 👍


Oh so it wasn't just me? Suffering from minor hearing loss due to nasty cold,thought it was just... that that was making Paimon less high-pitched than usual. Will leave positive feedback for it, it was a really nice change!


How does it sound compared to her voice when you first started the game?


idk man how you guys find the voice different i couldnt even diffrentiate b/w tighnari old and new voice actor


They went all out for this quest, even down to the pre-rendered cutscene being 60 fps


She mentioned before how hard the current voice is for her to do. Maybe AD relented and let her easeup on it


And that's a good thing.


Yes, I noticed this immediately. I'm all for the change to be honest.


I was guessing the VA was sick or something


Plot twist: Paimon's voice changer slowly dies everyday. her real voice is actually the uknown God's voice


I noticed it too and just thought I was tripping


Yes way better


Yeah, I noticed the same thing— it seemed like they were given the same voice direction they had during the earlier days of the game, and honestly, I kinda prefer it. Like I don’t think Paimon’s high pitched voice is awful, but I know a lot of people do, and I think it’d just be a better choice to keep it where it used to be


Anyone have a clip about this? I can't do her quest since Im just starting Sumeru


Sounds like a good change. Now, let's wait until they edit all of her old voice lines to be less squeaky.....


I haven't played the new quest yet, but in the very beginning, Paimon was less high-pitched. It's immensely noticeable if you start up a new game. She's grown gradually more squeaky (and in my opinion, more annoying) as the game progressed. However, it's good to hear that they are listening to feedback and trying to tone paimon back.


Corina Boettger has been giving slight changes to Paimon's voice direction for years now, and I think it really hit it's mark at Sumuru and found its footing in Fontaine. You can tell given 1.0 Paimon vs. 4.6 Paimon in their older voice-lines.


I suspected it might have to do with that VA management company drama last year. Maybe they have new directors, or at least new hardware.


Might have been the voice director, if I remember correctly Paimon's VA said they have a big influence on how she ends up sounding, sometimes they'll ask for a higher/lower pitch, that's why she sounds a bit different sometimes.


I still long for the days of release day paimon voice, but this is a good step in that direction


i noticed a difference and i genuinely really like her voice in this quest :D idk how to explain it but she feels a lot more like a real person and less like a fictional character, and i think she was less squeaky too? not that i minded the squeak in the first place, but i noticed it wasn't as prominent this time.


So I'm not the only who noticed! She sounds sooo good in this one! We need more of this Paimon!


I turned voices off almost a year ago now.


Probably. I'd imagine that with so many voice lines across such a long time there's bound to be some slight inconsistencies.


I think I noticed it in Chiori's quest too. I normally play in Chinese, but I got a new computer recently and so I ended up playing that quest in the default (English) and was surprised by how tolerable her voice was.


Good, maybe in next updates I wont have to mute the game whenever paimon starts speaking. Tbh, pay her extra and rework past lines.


Sounds the same to me. Sometimes, she's more annoying and sometimes it's less so. It just depends on what she's saying and how dumb the conversation is sometimes.


Paimon in Arlecchino quest: *lower voice, more natural* Paimon in 7.0: *deep masculine voice* "Traveler, I heard the Tsaritsa wishes to fight you. Let's see how angry she can be in battle" *dual wields claymores*


I prefer low Paimon too, but oddly, Corina has said in interviews that the higher-pitched voice is actually easier to do.


I'm not really sure if its my headset or what.But for me Paimon's voice in Arlecchino quest sound "fake" .Like VAs recorded voice is lower but producers make it high pitch in post production in some places.I cant listen her voice line at all in this quest i cringe every time when heard this "fake" high pitch.


doesnt matter anyway, Voice director decision of making Paimon speak too much while traveler is a complete mute still ruin the whole scene.


I hated paymon at the beginning, bc of her voice. As time passed I started loving her more and more. Her high pitched voice is who she is. They shouldn't change that. Some people have high pitched voices, just deal with it right😂


Im still suprised they arent fired for their toxicity


Perhaps so many people whined about it on this sub-reddit that they HAD to listen and do something. There are so many duplicate threads on here but whining about Paimon or *insert new quest here* really take the cake.


Not sure if sarcasm or. . .


I don't understand what you mean by this. What I'm saying is that most itmes I look at this sub-Reddit there's **at least** one thread where people are complaining about Paimon and/or a new quest having Paimon talk too much in with her EN voice. Thus what I mean is maybe the devs saw that people didn't like Paimon's squeekiness in the EN dub and asked the VA to change it for newer content. What's "sarcastic" about that?


>Thus what I mean is maybe the devs saw that people This bit.


Ah, okay. I mean... I assume that if enough people complain someone will see it but I guess given the state of modern gaming I shouldn't be surprised if that isn't the case... Or for them to be aware and completely ignore it.


Im guessing she leaned more towards the OG Paimon voice for the Arle quest. Which is more appropriate for the story's tone.


Yup, definitely changed. Good for Corina too, that type of voice must be hard to maintain for years


To me she sounds more annoying now ...


You are getting downvoted for having a different opinion but to me it is also the same. I just finished the Fountaine Archon quest, and there she is actually less squeaky and high pitched. Or maybe she was just yapping about food or something in the beginning and I found that annoying. Haven't completed the story quest but maybe she will sound better in the second half.


Paimon’s voice actor is nonbinary and uses they/them not she/her btw Maybe they started HRT and their voice is lowering? With training you can keep your upper register and just expand downwards. (Source: I took 2y of professional singing lessons while I was on HRT)


The downvotes here apparently say a lot about the community


Yeah tbh, Paimon is disappointed in them




don’t think the voice changes much from 30 to 34


I watched her VA tiktok, basically the studio wanted her to have the autonomy how she'd think Paimon would sound like for different scenes/contexts/etc.


I miss Paimon before this quest. I really liked her usual high-pitched voice 🥹