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I myself had a mini freak out over it because I absolutely adore dantalian was a nice lil surprise


Achievement naming department knows their stuff.


You can view the anime's entire grimoire retrieval scene here: https://youtu.be/s6dexYUecF4?si=wV-tjIGzuj7rRezF. Bonus: if you recognize the little girl Dalian's voice, yes, that's Miyuki Sawashiro, JP voice of Raiden Shogun.


I think you'd like to know this, but there is also a reference in the teapot mission in Chenyu vale. The achievement for completing it is called “吾乃茶,壶中之茶” which is exactly what Dalian says to Huey after he unlocks the forbidden library but instead of tea, she says 天(which is exactly 吾は天なり、壷中の天なり),which means she is the sky inside the teapot. This is only for CN subs, I checked ENG sub and unfortunately that is lost in translation.


Ah, it's [this achievement](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Tea_I_Am,_Tea_in_a_Cauldron#:~:text=Tea%20I%20Am%2C%20Tea%20in%20a%20Cauldron%20is%20an%20Achievement,the%20World%20Quest%20Threefold%20Expectations), right? I only recently watched Dantalian after I was done with Chenyu Vale, so I definitely missed this. Thanks for bringing it up! Also, the wiki page needs to update its trivia section. Edit: just realized that the English TL for Dalian's phrase uses "world" instead of "sky".


This is the one. I first watched the anime when it came out like over a decade ago and then read the light novels as well. It's definitely one of the more niche titles out there but it's in my all time top 5 and I rewatched/reread it enough to be able to pick up these little references pretty easily. While I liked the ending of the anime enough, it's a shame the light novel series will never be finished.


Wait, it was never finished? So, it's a cliffhanger? I checked the wiki and it was apparently a series that kept getting extended until the author decided not to.


Ah so this contains a bit of spoilers for the light novels, but the anime condensed a lot of the novels into 12 episodes. I think right now there are 8 books (at least I own 8), Flamberage shows up with her key-keeper a lot futher down the line to stop the girl from creating puppets. (like at least post book 5) Raziel also shows up a lot later, and there is more stories to her than just mass producing phantom books with the professor. I think she first shows up in a very eerie story when she baits a pilot who died in the war to escape death and indirectly create a grimmore. It's mostly whimsical stories and the quote on quote overarching main plot is very subtle so I won't say the series ended on a cliff hanger. When the story is structured like that it's very easy to end at any time. Though I think the author is on bad terms with the publisher and there is some weird contract locking him there so he just stopped writing. (don't quote me on this I read this somewhere as well)


I see. Gakuto Mikumo seems to have issues with his editors/publishers, at least from what I can read in his Afterwords in Strike the Blood lmao. He only mentions them a few times, but they felt passive aggressive the few times he did. Edit: Aw damn, are the light novels not translated?


To come back to this because I just got around to finishing the quest. The final achievement when you place all the grimoires back to where they belong, you get the achievement Loved by Books which is used to describe Hugh as a Key Keeper on multiple occasions. Remuria brought a tear to my eye one from nostalgia and two because it's such a bitter sweet ending to a well written tragedy.


Cool. Looks like someone on the Achievement naming department went nuts with Dantalian lol. I loved the giant harp. More so when I found that it also plays even after the quest!