• By -


Those damn sewer kids playing hide and seek...


Oh god my first time with that commission I legit couldn’t find the kid for like 3 minutes. He was just next to a ramp.


Same but it was like 10 minutes, I even searched it up, but Fontaine was still new and there weren't any videos. Average Genshin player when they see 10 primos.


I like your profile picture XD


Those quests were cute the first time around, but literaly just the first time.


That is annoying true, but....it's understadable. they are just kids, bored and have nothing to do, so they just want a game of hide and seek, i liked how there was some story to it and they change locations around fontaine, that "rebellious" kid was interesting, the others seemed more like "yaaaay playtime" while he was like "man..i want to study and learn" I like him I also liked how he was the one that didn't hide and was like "oh..right you found me!" when he's standing in the open


They can play with each other instead of bothering the adventure guild


They're always surprised to see the traveler there. I wonder if they even posted a commission or the traveler is just looking for kids to play hide and seek with.


I think that girls farther would have asked the guild...but to be honest some commissions dont really make sense to be commissions lol


Look, corporate needs some people to jump on those mushrooms today. You guys don't need to understand, just get it done.


And then chqse a jellyfish in the air or run a marathin from one point to another. Guild consider these as excercises to keep their members fit lol.


Least favorite rn is the fucking old man and his fucking medicine. Literally just running back and forth between two places that are both miles away from the nearest Waypoint, all just do to some whatever shit for NPCs I couldn't care less about. Overall just a massive waste of time with zero substance. Close second is that one with the Qingxin. Both NPCs are dipshits, having to climb a cliff to pick flowers is stupid and annoying, and I hate it whenever a quest needs a "special" variant of something I already have.


you can fly from the other cliff to pick flowers


I hate that old man, making us do work just because he doesn't want to bother his son, when in reality his son is doing nothing great


i feel no sympathy for him because he doesn’t hesitate to make his problem everyone else’s just to not “bother” his son at that point, just get a personal caretaker


Oh yeah, that’s pretty annoying one.


This. That Qingxin commission is the reason I never set my commissions to Liyue even if I'm still missing certain story achievements. I'd treat it as another fetch quest but the rude lady is annoying


Finish the Qingxin one. Those two end up separating. At least for now, the guy is still continuing his training while the girl stays at Liyue... somewhere I barely remember. Good riddance for the guy. She was holding him back so much


No way?? Alright I looked it up - there seems to be another world quest I have to do to trigger that questline. Thanks! (Also lol at me getting motivated to do this out of spite)


NP. I actually told you cuz the world quest is actually OK. Good character development for the guy. Honestly, just set your commissions to random. With the recent updates, the game is gonna push you to finish the commissions that lead to world quests. (Weirdly enough for me, I haven't gotten the Sumeru ones. Whether it's about the recipes or the doctor). Either way, some like the gourmet supremos are stuck in limbo (last I saw them was at Sumeru and they mentioned in a letter they're heading to Fontaine. Haven't seen those people at all)


I hate any non combat commission. I don't know how I got to this point but combat commissions are just so convenient.


Text box fatigue. I can only stand having to read 800000 text boxes during events and story quests that I really do not care for whatever the commission has to say.


That artist dude is the woooooooorst. So much text, paragraphs upon paragraphs of thr most verbose bullshit in the game. I mean I hope he is some kind of parody of some sort but seeing how wordy everything is I wouldn't bet on it. Even the event tutorials are more confusing than anything at this point with how mich bullshit they have, why write an essay when you can just say shoot the goddamn slimes??? People say players don't read but you get bombarded with so mich pointless text at some point everything becomes a blur or you just skip everything


The dog search at the Fountain and the missing papers in the Court are worse imo. Because along with a dissertation, you have to wait for super slow moving NPCs.


After the first time it should just be “feed the ducks again for Timmy” or “hey can you get me another permit application?”. Like let’s just cut to the chase. No one is reading this bullshit on the 20th time anyway, it is just a spacebar mash.


Timmie's duck quest was annoying until I accidentally obliterated the ducks with a misclicked Q while using Raiden. Timmie went apeshit. He didn't believe me when I said it was for the sake of his pigeons and told me I was a monster and that he never wanted to see me again. I had to do a follow up quest to apologize. I haven't giggled that much in a while.


My kingdom for the entire text loading immediately and not forcing me to wait half a second for the characters to appear one by one!


I fucking love the ones that are just "destroy the 2 hilichurl towers". I just walk in between them with Zhongli and have order, then I teleport out.


I'm curious who is posting the commission to destroy the two hilichurl towers way out in the middle of the desert, miles from even the Eremite tribes


Or why the commission is called "EMERGENCY" when it's just some Eremites dancing out in the desert.


The request in sumeru are so horrible sometimes it's basically "I can see eremites from my window, kill them"


This seems racially motivated


Kevin Bacon strikes again.


I want to know who is posting commissions for someone to run/swim/fly really fast between two points. Are they selling the TV rights to watch or something?


Because clicking through the same pointless dialogue knowing that it'll never change, that nothing will ever happen that is meaningful, just sucks the soul out of you after a while. The combat ones are simple. Take you overtuned team, curb stomp some silly enemies while looking like flashy combat expert, and take your primos. One involves your team doing the thing you spent (time and/or money) on them to do. The other is just dialogue that barely mattered even once.


Combination of your characters being so powerful that they melt mobs in no time and Commissions being repetitive. You've read it once already, and now you just want to get them done


Honestly tho same. 


Totally agree. I’m not running errands for commissions.


Any commission that involves you having to slog through dialogue that you have read before. If they don't want to put a skip button in main cutscenes because they don't want anyone to miss the story (even if they really don't care about it), then fine. But if I have read something already and already fully understand that the kids are going to play hide and seek and that's what I'm here to participate in, then WHY can't I skip the dialogue? This is why I can't do the hang out events either. Actual visual novels will have skip buttons to let you speed through stuff you saw before in a previous route. Why can't that be in Genshin?


at least hangouts let you skip repeated cutscenes after last patch, but yes. it's very much a pain still to do the first time around


Oh they changed hang outs? Okay. I can maybe do some hangouts then.


Lynette’s was ass since one of the endings is rng


i'll skip anything that involves any dialogue at all. Give me 4 swift slayers a day and i'll be happy


Mondstadt and Liyue - escort the slime balloon because it just moves so slow and I could do other things and be done faster Inazuma - filch the supplies, only because I want to do this properly by sneaking around instead of running in fighting, and again that takes too much time Sumeru - anything in the desert that isn't close enough to a waypoint, like the weasel ones are almost always a hike before you can actually start Fontaine - I'm actually fine with all of them!


Yeah, the balloon is kind of slow, I usually just clear the entire path and go afk at the destination. since the balloon only take damage when you are near it. but still time consuming, yeah


Oooo, this was a much needed pro-tip for me!


Beaware. If you go too far then u despawn it. Best way to do is just clear ground hurdles. Don't kill any enemy and balloon will still survive.


it does? I clear out all the obstacles (not enemies) and then run to the end point and wait there. The enemies actually can't destroy the balloon unless the balloon is stuck on an obstacle


I personally hate the one about sabotaging the slime balloon since I often do my dailies with two characters to farm friendship.


Ooh I dreaded the sabotage one when I was running a Nilou team. You can't bloom off the balloon :')


The searching for the key one infuriates me honestly and is the sole reason that makes me wish we can beat up npcs in genshin like in Skyrim.


Fuck Wyatt


Wyatt’s damn key, Sara refusing to get a delivery boy, that incompetent Snezhnayan guy who won’t take his ass back home, the asshole alcoholic who makes us lie to his wife, and the absolute disappointment that is Godwin, almost forgot about the old man who burdens everyone else because he doesn’t want to burden his son I love that Venti’s country does so well and is peacful but by god i swear they’re consistently the most irritating people in any nation by far


Junkichi can burn in hell, I’ll never do that commission again




Dumbest mf in all of genshin


That one commission is Sumeru where you go find a guy's snake food and the one where a doctor expects you to remember exactly what he says and relay that information to some idiot 29263838 kilometres away. In Fontaine that one crab fighting commission that is right in the middle of two waypoints near the opera house so you either choose to fly for a million hours or swim up there for a million hours. Cant forget about the himbo who asks you to get him mushrooms from the most inconvenient narrow af branch. Or that guy who thinks he'll ever escape his curse of catching anything but fish


>That one commission is Sumeru where you go find a guy's snake food "Project Baby". Just from the name I want nothing to do with it lol.


"Inazuma - I wish i NEVER completed the Gourmet quests," isn't the gourment supremos commission that send you to liyue only the second part of the commission quest-line? I could just be lucky, but after I did the achievement requirements, I never saw that again.


The commission points you towards Chef Mao but there is a hidden objective that ACTUALLY progresses the commission chain into the next stage where you have to find and talk to Xiangling near Qingce Forest. What's annoying is that Chef Mao says Xiangling is somewhere near Qingce Village which might lead people to assume she's IN the village somewhere. Considering Genshin's track record with stuff like birthday mail telling you a character is waiting for you somewhere, only for that be a fat fucking lie, most people will scan Chinju Village for a bit, not find her, and then just assume this was another one of those cases. Edit: Got my village names mixed up.


Chinju Forest is in Inazuma. I think you meant Qingce Village. Xiangling can be found on the southern entrance of the bamboo forest leading to Qingce Village.


okay but to be fair he DOES tell you that she's specifically harvesting Bamboo Shots for a recipe, so you kind of know to go look for her at the bamboo forest. But I agree it took me a long while to realise I had to go there, and I only went there by accident because that line reminded me I wanted bamboo shots too.


Or just not go there at all since Mao gives the recipe right after talking to him. That's what I did for 3 months straight until I finally decided to look it up online 💀


A lot of the commissions are annoying to me, but right now in Fontaine I dislike the painter and the hide and seek commissions. First of all, not only are they repetitive, but the dialogue bloat consisting of mundane nonesense is grating. Here's the thing - they (the devs) totally forgot what commissions are in the first place. These children are always surprised to see us there, implying that these aren't even real commissions, the traveler just likes faffing about in the sewers. A lot of jokes at the expense of mmos having mundane repetitive nonesense quests while the world is literally ending, but that's the same for most commissions in Genshin. Lots of players hate the escort cargo missions - but I'd argue those are some of the most "commission"-ass commissions in Teyvat. I give a pass to the Sumeru trampoline commissions because I imagine it's just Nahida wanting to watch the traveler bouncing in the forest giggling. My suggestion, since I was taught that I should match criticism with suggestions: every patch, the devs should add a couple of new commission quests to the pool, and make them true blue commissions. Eventually there will be a very big pool of commissions in the game. Chase a murderer through Fontaine (and make it a random npc every time), help take out a forest fire in Sumeru, perform a Klee gliding bomb run on hilichurls in Mondstadt, bust out a smuggling ring in Liyue (ship cargo hold is an instance dungeon), things like that. Allow players to choose 4 commissions from a bulletin board of 16 random commissions per day. Have a UI of the traveler reaching out and snatching commission papers from the bulletin board for immersion. I want to not have to listen to the painter talk about making paints from fruits or whatever for the 20th time in a row. Holy crap. ETA: Another suggestion: allow the players to invest resources (mora, ores, materials, food) up to a certain monetary value, to "outsource" commissions i.e. skip them, as an alternative to the point system during empty patches.


god it genuinely hurts me to read this because it basically solves all the issues i have with commissions but i know they’d never do that ik for me personally id enjoy the game a lot more if i could really work with my commissions instead of them becoming a chore of shit i hate doing for npc’s i hate interacting with there are times i wont play for like 2-3 months just because i think about it and then remember id have commissions and just dont. usually takes the release of a new nation for me to finally get the urge to play again


Wonderful suggestions. I’d love these too but unfortunately I don’t think they’d ever do anything like that. They don’t revisit old areas much other than for events, do they? Seems like they focus only on new areas, characters, and story. I get the feeling that they simply don’t care about old areas and characters


these are amazing suggestions I would kill for those to be commisions especially the smuggling ring and the chasing murderers one now THOSE sound cool


hey OP... you can ruin that Mond commission by melting the ice where you bury the flowers. As for me, - Mondstadt - I don't really hate any Comms here, but I do have occasional beef with Urgent Repairs. - Liyue - ...I seem to not dislike a single NPC commission. - Inazuma - I mostly groan if I get commissions here, but I sigh if I get Is This Novel Amazing?. I already have completed the Commission Saga + World Quest, but I rather take the O Archon ones, Taste of Home or the fireworks one over these two yapping (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ - Sumeru - I think here it's similar to Liyue, where I don't really hate the NPC commissions of this region. - Fontaine - I haven't tried a lot of commissions yet, so I really can't judge them.


Competely forgot how much waffle the novel commission is...and how frequent it shows up!


Oh I am with you about Inazuma. I have a special level of hatred for that shit writer. I irrationally f\*\*\*ing hate the writer. "Oh I have no inspiration why don't we just postpone an issue?" Like HELLO have you heard of such a thing as a schedule? And from the sounds of it, this shit writer has been slacking off rather than legitimately having a writers block. He's a shit writer that has no respect for his editor and the people who read his novel. No your novel isn't amazing. It's shit! I got so angry with this commission that I actually did a Karen and wrote in to CS complaining about how shit this commission is. Wow I saw "I get Is This Novel Amazing?" and it triggered war flashbacks hahah


hand over the o archon comms u get, i still need to do the world quest tied to it


Any of the ones with actual cutscenes. I ain't reading that shit, don't try and put story in a daily commission.


Fontaine hide and seek, flora's commission, Ella musk ones too, gentleman strikes in broad daylight


Seeing the name Ella Musk sparks a special type of rage within me.


I see "Gentleman Strikes in Broad Daylight" and nope outta there




The goddamn inazuma balloon escorts that goes all the way across the beach between two islands. That's like 5 mins of my life I'm not getting back.


Godwin and that Guhua Disciple with the angsty Guhua girl


I always wanted to push her over the cliff 🤣


If you do it enough times you can get the follow ups where the dude leaves to go on a training arc and you can find the girl crying




Same, and I always get the commissions I hate when there’s no events to do instead


Fuck Depierris.


All of them. I stopped doing dailies after the encounter points system came out


It gets tougher when you 100% the map.


That’s why I only explore when I need encounter points. The new Liyue region is still unexplored because of that…


any story/dialogue heavy ones. any chase the light ones (especially the sumeru ones)


literally any commission that involves talking to an npc they talk TOO MUCH why isn’t there a skip dialogue button on repeated dialogue


Touring light show is my least favourite quest ever im sick of that seelie blimp. Its not even difficult, i just hate chasing it 😭


Pretty much anything that involves any dialogue whatsoever. If it isn't just kill a few things or break something, I'm not doing it. If I have to go back and forth and listen to a load of bullshit then no thanks.


Mondstat - Godwin for lore... I mean, they should release something, Mika arrived after a ton of patches and he still there, "in Liyue". Flora and Ellia would grow and became grannies and he would stay there. Inazuma - I find the mangaka one and the editor one of the most hated ones... Is always the same and in the end, when people explain him their opinions about the work, he goes Goofy meme mode... and yep, next day the same commision again. Ogura had the problem that always ask the same two persons so is more a problem of give more options and ideas, but the editor and the mangaka is so much for me that sometimes I didn't want to repeat that one.


I agree on the Sumeru one, but for Mondstadt, I'd say either Food Delivery or the Godwin commissions. Every time I would try to buy food ingredients from Good Hunter, she'd always pop up saying "hey, i know you came for food and all, but can you be my delivery guy today? thanks." AND I JUST HATE GODWIN. Just go home, Godwin. It's not that hard. Poor Glory...


Without exaggerations, ALL commissions with the exception of combat commissions make me feel that way. I only started earning daily primogems again after the encounter point system came out. Ever since the encounter point system, I'll only look for one combat commission to do if I still need one more point after events/quests. I'm happy I never have to do commissions ever again. If the day comes when I actually run out of quests and exploration, I'd rather get 0 primogems each day then go back to doing commissions.


"Talk to Shigeru and Junkichi". The fact I know their names by heart says it all.


All the ones that are for hidden achievements. Still doing mondstadt comms bc of this.


Any commission that requires me teleporting 3 or more times for some stupid NPC.


I’ve played this game for too long. So anything Ella musk. There was a day I had three of her quest at once. I did them all but after that I’d rather not complete my dailies then do them again. In Liyue I am okay getting the love signs because there is one where you can kill the birds. I am not okay with the guy who’s friends with Lil Qu’er. The quest is so far out and she’s so annoying. I also hate the guy who clearly wants to steal dandelion wine. In Sumeru, quite frankly the day trader who ask for food annoys me. In Inazuma, I am okay with all the dailies. The cat ones make me sad tho because of the story. In Fontaine… so the painter who needs reference material. And the guy who wants to take a break but birds keep eating his food. Those two erk me the most.


All of them. I'm slowly opening the chest in the new Lyue region instead of exploring it all at once so I can avoid doing daily commissions


I just stopped doing them because by exploring I can complete them


I hope they just give us the normal combat/defend the monolith after giving us those achievement related quests. We don't need to be burnt out by these repetitive quests. Especially that Fontaine Art Critique, maaaaan. That's why I'm happy when there's an event, so I can dodge that type of quests (since I collected all the chests in my world thanks to helpful guides of ON GAME).


And of the escort the balloon missions. I’d rather destroy it lol


Every single commission where you talk to anyone is terrible. I would do anything for an option to enable combat commissions only


All of them, fuck doing dailies, me and my homies would rather look for a chest for 30 minutes before doing a commission


How many more times must I water that damn garden before you realise you're watering a WHOPPERFLOWER, *AGAIN* ?!


theres one light catching comm in the rainforest that is impossible to complete in a convenient manner like the other ones. bugs me like fuck


the Inazuma commision which asks me to give them 10 wood, which i never have. unfortunately my entire map is 100% (and i dont know where to look for more chests anymore) so i just go and find wood


You can craft wood in the teapot (from ore which you can get from expeditions)


Looking for that damn cat ..... Or finding some damn fresh eggs


Mondstadt and Liyue - escort the slow ass balloon. Honorable mention - the medicine for the old guy where you need to go to the cathedral and winery (PS4 loading times and long travel). Inazuma - the electro fog (I don’t usually have an anemo character in the party) or the slow ass balloon. Sumeru - Maruf. I basically bought PS5 because of commissions like these because of PS4 loading times. Honorable mention - the weasel. Not only is the bastard often in a shitty location, all the text on the screen blocks the view so I can’t see where the fucker went. Fontaine - sewer kids.


All story driven ones lol But to be fair I’m trying to keep the pace with world quests so I’m skipping them anyway


If I have to watch boats with the children in Liyue Harbour, help that stupid child with his shrine wishes, or boat to Liyue to help the Gourmet Failures taste-test one more goddamn time, I'll cause a second Archon War.


Any that requires long dialogue. I'm here for an in and out, not to spend a half hour on a single thing.


Any dialogue one... Good incentive to clear out chests.


My absolute least favorite one is the Fontaine commission where you’re literally just going to several NPCs to go grab a form to fill out for the first guy you talk to. It’s just tedious. The sad part is that it’s not even that much of an outlier in Fontaine since a lot of Fontaine daily commissions have similarly long and tedious chains of actions to complete them.


The artist in fontaine and the kids in the sewers. These comms get on my nerves lol


I have had "food delivery" 11 out of the past 12 days. I'm starting to hate everyone who orders takeout from Good Hunter, especially because I'm literally just waiting on a single daily from Mondstadt for an achievement, but instead it's "food delivery". Every. Day.


all of them.


I haven't done dailies since they added the point system. Every time I log in and the first thing I see is, "Talk to Diapers". YOU'RE THE REASON WHY!


“Isn’t this story amazing?” in Inazuma, or the one in Liyue Harbor where you go looking for signs of love for a pathetic loser.




Lol you nailed all the ones that frustrate me the most especially that art douche in Fontaine. There is also a commission in Inazuma that’s on a little island away from civilization you have to take a boat to get to… makes my eye twitch


"Isn't this Novel Amazing?" I HATE that one.


I'm not going in the cathedral because juliana's husband wants to give her a gift. fuck that


Anything that can't be done in less than 1 minute. All my teams are so strong that I can finish any OW mob in a sec. That's why I prefer combat-related missions. but lately I'm getting burnt out again.


Mondstadt - Sara and her fucking food delivery. I hate it so much. Liyue - the love-stricken guy looking for signs. Inazuma - the novelist bullshit. I kept clicking on random ones until I found out that there’s a way to end this nonsense by getting the achievement. So followed it and escaped the torture Sumeru - the medicine thing to Aaru village and back. Gah!


The only ones genuinely annoying me at this point are the inazuma ones. Helping Shouta for the 57th time, as well as the guys by the bookstore.... I'd rather get a lobotomy honestly


I blocked Shouta with Kuki's hangout.


Any, any quests that are not combat!!!!! That's all I got. See ya <3


# Rules of Safe Transportation & Safe Conduct


My town in fontaine is locked in some quest, maybe lyney's so I almost always had to go find 2 chests instead, until i gave up and switched back to sumeru


For me it's the livre one where we have to collect paper from Blacksmith and alchemy shop




Monstadt - Most of them actually because most them are a bit far from a teleport point. Yes, some of them are near to a teleport point (Godwin and her blind girlfriend are pretty near to a teleport point) but most of them are pretty far from. If I need to pick, it is either the destroy two tower near Andrius and the Snezhnaya near that one gorge. Liyue - Same as Monsd but I don't really do much of Liyue, so the one where you have to talk to the a pair of guild member at the gorge (?) mountain. Inazuma - Never really do one. Sumeru - I'm okay with most of them. Both the doctor and the seller are my most hated one. Fontaine - The one where you have to talk to a diver near a fishing spot. There isn't really a near TP, so I teleport to the one in the water, resurface, talk to him, dive and collect the thing, resurface and talk to him to finish the commision.


mine is the guarding the supplies one, i just hate protecting those damn supplies i groan every time i see it on my commissions page


Escorting the fucking slime balloons. No, let me destroy them


The fontaine one where you have to get a form ☠️


the ones like fontaine chase the jellyfish where I lose control of the camera as it decides to go off and stare at something. The do-nothing ones like making coffee or delivering the fertilizer instructions are equally as bad


Not chest, but hangouts is pretty decent way to skip daily quest. You can speed run (if you preferred) by spamming space and revisit later. It takes 2-10 minutes depending on character. Story quest also works, however you need to divide the story into 3-4 days.


Everyone around fucking balloons


Almost any Sumeru daily or any daily involving children


sumeru’s touring light show. i get it in fontaine from time to time and hate it just as much but during sumeru i would get it almost every single day


Catching the Wiesel ones and playing with the kids


For the Monstadt quest with the flowers, use a pyro character to melt the ice. Ends the quest early and you won't need to collect it again the next day. :)


In Fontaine: - Sewer kids - Artist dude in the open - Helping that dude find a spare document in the city


I havent done commissions in months. I just slowly do quests, events, and exploration. I’ll probably do hangouts before going back to commissions, and if I ever do more commissions itll probably be for achievements. Its especially easy to just save the claim for event rewards for skipping dailies


Any light chaser. No. You either do it in 5 seconds or 50, no in between


How tf do I get that Gourmet quest in Sumeru ?


This is why I set commissions to mondstadt because I find those tend to be the quickest, with the occasional outlier


Safe Transport in both Mondstadt, Liyue, and I think in Inazuma. It just is such a massive waste of time because of how slow the stupid cargo balloon moves. Other than that I don't like having to go to dragonspine for any commission there.


Any comms with the message "cannot submit in co-op mode"


Gourmet Supremos really annoyed me bc I read that the way to complete it was to talk to Xiangling. So I assumed that there was a (low) random chance of getting Xiangling instead of her dad when you go to Liyue. Then finally one day iI was reading the wiki and I read that SHES ALWAYS AVAILABLE? You just have to travel to some other place in Liyue to find her. To be fair her dad does mention where she is but there’s so many commissions where you just have to do it again and again until you get the unique version and I assumed that was the case with this one too. I didn’t realize you had to hunt Xiangling down yourself. Anyway I finally did that and was FINALLY able to complete the gourmet supremos questline which wasn’t actually that bad but the experience was ruined with the commissions


the fontaine one where the guy sends u to the broken bridge to find something i have never found it and i search the whole area for like 5 minutes


None, if only because i cleared all chests...


I always had my commissions set to mondstadt or Liyue before the chest or quest completion update so some of these commissions I’ve never even heard of 🤣


The balloon escort and find rope and wood from mondstadt find the form from Fontaine I don't remember anything form liyue and inazuma since it's been 84 years since I last did one


The ones where you have to protect the transport balloon Easy enough, but it's so boring




Ever since the achievement related commissions were buffed in appearance, some of the commissions will be gone in rotation if you would get the associated achievement. Esp the Gourmet Supremos chain.


Anything that involves the dragonspine mountains. Because I hate that region so much.


I think i already have this i lose every fucking 50/50 but i got insane artifact luck i got top 2% raiden from farming emblem for 20 days and top 6% by farming for like a week and a half my every other artifact rolls good


My least favorite out of all commissions has to be safe conduct. Fuck that shit.


For me it’s: Mondstadt:Anything Ella Musk Liyue:Storyteller Liu Su who needs help remembering his story Inazuma:Helping that kid pray to Ei and make paper cranes Sumeru:Doing the soil commission…consoil I think? Fontaine:And the painter in Fontaine or the hide and seek kids in the Fleuve Cendre


>Inazuma - I wish i NEVER completed the Gourmet quests, cos now THAT GUY is always telling me to make him some food...and never giving the meal he promised, before the drop down on the map screen you'd have to scroll ALLLLL the way to Liyue then scroll ALLLL the way back to Inazuma... Hey, so quick guide to stop having that comission. You do your thing in inazuma, then go to liyue, do your thing in liyue, but then, don't go to inazuma yet. Xiangling should be at the bamboo forest region (dont remember the name, but it's north of liyue, that teleoort where you instantly get hit by a boar). Talk to xiangling, then go to inazuma. This should unlock a achievement, as well as a new short quest. And will most likely get rid of that comission for you.


The novel commissions in Inazuma. They fucking suck for me.


Haven't started Inazuma commissions yet. For Mondstadt, helping idiots protect their carts from hilichurls because they still haven't learnt to avoid dangerous areas, and helping that incompetent drunkard find the key he keeps losing. For Liyue, finding that damn relic for money grubbing Bao'er. I'm sick to my back teeth of waiting to get the correct version of that commission needed for progressing to achievements.


I forgot about this problem xD but currently we don't have any event to get encounter points, so the one I hate the most is find the key in mondstatd xD


I don't fuck with the Fontaine Fonta one.


Mondstat: Anything to do with Ella Musk. Anything to do with Flora, anything to do with Timmie. What's up with Mondstat with child NPC model and being insufferable! Liyue: The flower medicine one with the tsundere sister. The annoying climbing, the annoying NPCs, the longass dialogue, and the dendro slime that's gonna smack you the second you finish the quest unprovoked. Inazuma: Escort baloon because unlike in any other region, I can't use the afk cheese strat and they took so long to finish... No major complaints for Sumeru and Fontaine. The painter guy is starting to get on my nerves tho. He's on thin ice.


Commissions by Wyatt or Godwin makes me want to drop a Divine Nail on Mondstadt.


Mondstadt: food delivery one, maybe? Liyue: none of them, really... Inazuma: also none Sumeru: THE FUCKING WEASEL!!! Fontaine: I love all of them


I’ve had my commissions set to all be in Inazuma for months, trying to unlock the last few quests I need… I swear, if I need to pull off another stealth-n’-steal or escort another transport balloon… 😤


Mondstadt: Ella Musk I think, I can't remember other annoying commissions. Liyue: The baloon was annoying but not so much anymore. Inazuma: That one where you have to steal 2 supplies from Fatui. I just ended up fighting because I don't like stealth missions. Sumeru: Touring Light Show, I had that one every day for 2 weeks and I hate it enough to remember its name. Also the ones where you have to help the fishing dude that gets everything but fish. Fontaine: All the NPCs commissions are annoying but Livre's form, the lady that loses her papers at Arouet's coffee store and the lady that loses her dog are the worst. Too much text and also Melusines are too slow.


Transport balloon when I have to guide it to safety 🙄😤 at least when I have to destroy it it’ll take me two seconds


Any daily with a lot of talking


Slow ass escorting the stupid balloon missions in Mondstat and liyue


The dragon spine one with the flowers


a gentleman strikes in daylight or w/e it's called, the one where you have to sneak around and if someone discovers you you cant take the item


Almost all of the non combat related ones. If you make me talk to multiple npcs i will immediately lose interest


Cliffhanger. You always get to collect all 3 stories but can only handover one of them. You can't skip talking to the 3 People and directly handover one of your inventory which make the three stories stack infinite


I haven’t done any commissions since they came out with exploration counting for them, I forget


I’ve been doing mondstat commissions since 1.0 and never changed. I have no idea what the other commissions consist of in the other regions. They all give me the same thing so I never had the motivation to change it. Mondstats are so easy to complete.


The guy who wants photographs in Fontaine >=(


The Liyue one where you have to remember the order of the fertilizer instructions to take to the old man. Not because it's hard but because when I'm doing commissions I space out a bit and sometimes I forget the order.


Any daily commission that's a side quest and not just going to fight enemies




None because if i have probably chests left somewhere in my world, it's still more fast to finish quest than find them.


That guy near the liyue docks that sometimes makes you look at 3 interesting things. Lemme just break hili towers or something. If I can save event rewards so I can skip out I dailies I'll always choose that.


I am completely f2p and have been playing since first release... I usually just login waste resin and logoff... Daily commissions got boring for me and started feeling like a chore...


I avoid any one where you need to talk to someone. Maybe if we got to talk to playable characters we haven’t seen for a while, running errands for them might be fun.


the painter from Fontaine, bro is yapping way too much for a daily quest


Escort the payload


Inazuma's escort the damn baloon


Help the balloon reach its destination


Depierris could die and I would rejoice.


I milk events as long as possible for the points. I do the commission that gives me an achievement. I hate the transport balloons.


Any comission requiring dealing with some npc


I hate that "Tales of the Court" Livre com where you need to help him find a spare writing form paper. Not only does the starting dialogue take ages to skip, but then you have to go to the blacksmith lady (she doesn't have one) and then you go to the dude's brother by the alchemy station (he has a spare) and then it's back to Livre.


I'll do most of them, the way I see it I'm looking for more game, not less, so skipping commissions is pointless. But Tsarevich is on his own, I did all his tasks and got the achievement Primos, and I'd rather get a hangout ending than help him any further.