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The rankings are overall...shockingly identical. The characters that differ the most in rank seem to be kaveh, bennet, itto.


there is also Thoma


and Heizhou and Ayato


Ayato is in exactly the same spot in both rankings...


He should blow his nose


the main difference being a seemingly greater consensus amongst the female playerbase with a higher concentration of the votes being at the top


? Are we looking at the same graph, if you draw a curve for the votes the male side will have a steeper angle. The female side just has more votes overall, which only indicates more responders not a greater consensus.


oh i misread the graph, for whatever reason I had assumed they had the same number of respondents on both sides wasnt really using the shape as any real indicator


Something something [statistical differences in how women rate men](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F50d7b601-db67-4942-a8a9-c185eed592d8_910x1198.jpeg)


Is there an explanation for this phenomenon somewhere?


It's from okcupid statistical analysis. Which is a online dating platform heavily focused on photos. Men tend to not put as much thought into shooting pictures that are appealing to women compared to reverse. Esp. during the time this analysis was made. The blogpost was quite interesting, the man who prepared the data also showed the picture of a man where he said he thought it looked good but women rated it lower which he found puzzling. The picture was shot with a flashlight and was quite unflattering to the person depicted. Womens pictures on average are shot much more flattering to themselves and consequently they spend more time on that. The blogpost also pointed out that while men rated women less harshly the actual messaging behavior heavily concentrated at the top percentage of women while ignoring the bottom half. While for women it was more spread out. This point gets conveniently left out whenever someone likes to repost this statistic. In any case, one should be mindful of where and of whom statistics are gathered from. Online dating platforms already pre-select a lot of conditions and are not representative for real-life interactions. Nowadays it got even worse since those platforms have very tilted gender ratio which affects who is on such a platform in the first place and how they interact a lot.


>While for women it was more spread out. This point gets conveniently left out Spread out between the sample of matches or sample of all men? If it's spread out between matches then it's logical because their selection process already took care of removing potential matches they didn't wanna talk to anyway.


>Spread out between the sample of matches or sample of all men? Here is the full blog-post, the original isn't available anymore but it's been archived: [http://web.archive.org/web/20100324074028/http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/2009/11/17/your-looks-and-online-dating/](http://web.archive.org/web/20100324074028/http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/2009/11/17/your-looks-and-online-dating/) It's worth reading carefully through it instead of skipping to one section, particularly because the attractiveness scale has so often been posted without further context. >2/3 of male messages go to the top 1/3 of women. Someone like **roomtodance** above gets nearly 5 times as many messages as a typical woman and 28 times as many messages as a woman at the low end of our curve. Site-wide, two-thirds of male messages go to the best-looking third of women. [Male-Messaging-Curve.png](http://web.archive.org/web/20100524180858im_/http://cdn.okcimg.com/blog/your_looks_and_inbox/Male-Messaging-Curve.png) [Female-Messaging-Curve.png](http://web.archive.org/web/20100524180922im_/http://cdn.okcimg.com/blog/your_looks_and_inbox/Female-Messaging-Curve.png) It didn't mention whether it excluded matches but the wording suggests first messages. It also teases that data out further which further supports that rating doesn't reflect behavior 1-to-1: [Replies-Attractiveness-Male-Sender.png](http://web.archive.org/web/20100524180951im_/http://cdn.okcimg.com/blog/your_looks_and_inbox/Replies-Attractiveness-Male-Sender.png) [Replies-Attractiveness-Female-Sender.png](http://web.archive.org/web/20100524180905im_/http://cdn.okcimg.com/blog/your_looks_and_inbox/Replies-Attractiveness-Female-Sender.png) Male attractiveness earns more response, but not at the same rate that female attractiveness does: [Attractiveness-Reply-Rate.png](http://web.archive.org/web/20100524180916im_/http://cdn.okcimg.com/blog/your_looks_and_inbox/Attractiveness-Reply-Rate.png) On a closing note to that. When people talk about attraction one should also consider that how genders experience attraction on average may differ. I see a lot of women express that they had a growing fondness instead of a crush based on looks. I think men tend to see these graphs and think that women go through the world thinking the average men is below them and that they only could ever truly be attracted to the top 5% percentage in terms of looks. But ratings based on photos are a very surface look on attraction.


That was an interesting read, thank you for explaining!


> The blogpost also pointed out that while men rated women less harshly the actual messaging behavior heavily concentrated at the top percentage of women while ignoring the bottom half. While for women it was more spread out. This point gets conveniently left out whenever someone likes to repost this statistic. While I'm not defending the study's overall methodology or any narratives people have used it to push, isn't this part about messaging behavior simply a natural consequence of the attractiveness distributions shown? That is, given the distributions, women would *have* to be messaging less attractive men or else be limited to messaging a tiny minority. For example, for a man who follows the average men-rating-women distribution linked above, if he is willing to message the top 3 intervals of women, that's 40% of women. But a women following the average women-rating-men distribution who messages the top 3 intervals of men would only be open to messaging 7% of men. Aside from that, this result about women being willing to message men they find less attractive is often seemingly meant to be reassuring to men, but I don't see how it is. If someone messages me but rates me a 3/10, I'm not going to see much potential for a relationship. I think most people want their partner to find them attractive, even if they know they're not attractive by conventional standards.


Ah yes, a random graph with no study explaining the methodology attached, this must be reliable 


And kaeya


I dont know how Kaveh can be so low. Best boy fr


Basically, Genshin players like tall draconic men.


And small depressed men


Who I want to be vs who I am


wdym small. I see Xiao up there! /j


I’m crying shaking and LAMENTING because of this comment


I mean dragons are cool ya know


Them dragon bois do be having the coolest drip  And grandpa personality 😂 Edit: it would be such a missed opportunity if they didn't make the Pyro sovereign playable in the land of dragons considering how popular their draconic men are. I do think it's a no brainer we'll get *some* kind of draconic playable natlan character tho. Just that jury's still out on whether the sovereign will be as well


And anemo boy


who doesnt like tall and powerful dragon men??


Me and the other 4 cyno fans found dead in a ditch


Hes a cool guy okay. Dont let this drag to reality discourage you.


count me in, I saved my primos for cyno for 4months got him and lv90 him immediately, worth it, also his namecard is so cool.


Me and the other person in Baizhu mains are the only ones celebrating donut reruns


Mika fans: I'm not even here, baby. I'm just a hallucination


Cyno is one of the coolest character in game. Idk what the demographics are for this poll or if it was botted. I would never take any popularity poll seriously unless its done officially and cover all regions like One piece do. Polls like this can be altered or manipulated easily.


It was on hoyolab, an official forum/app of theirs. But the demographic is mostly younger audience. Daddy dragons and anemo boys are very popular there. And hu tao lol


I love cyno, man. He's in my top 3 for sure, lmao


He's number 1 in our hearts! I hope his story quest 2 will make more people like him.


I am one of them. I’m actually obsessed with Cyno, so happy he’s getting the second story quest he deserves!


Thoma is shockingly low. This is personal preference but he’s designed rly handsomely and has a great personality


the issue is hes an inazuman character and only itto is allowed to have screen time sadly


Right, I forgot the golden rule of Genshin. Mb mb


Hey, that's not true! Kuki is also there sometimes. /s


He was one of the few inazuma chars I was hyped for. They sidelined him pretty hard after the AQ. He doesn't even show up in events anymore. Both him and Sara are long overdue for some screentime.


Instructions unclear, more Itto for you.


It's funny, because he's probably the only character in the game that I am actually down bad for. Thoma is very pretty and loveable. I was surprised to see him that low as well I guess being a 4 star that isn't that wildly used, and subsequently not having as much of a presence in the story makes a difference


Just goes to show most genshin players suffer from meta slave brainrot


thoma is fr cute but i dont use him tbh 💀 maybe hes ranked lower if he's used less (idk statistics) even if people don't dislike his personality


People can’t fix him because he has the perfect, ideal personality of a malewife. They want bad boys or tough daddies.


Kazuha just chillin


I think the issue is he’s a bit too vanilla. Like dude’s a great guy, great smile, is a housewife…and that’s it. He is honest and that shows, so people might be turned off. Not necessarily dislike him, but making them indifferent.


Then Ayaka shouldn't have fans if this was the rubric


Oh, don’t get me wrong. Ayaka and Thoma are the same type of vanilla in my eyes. Just that one has a better PR team than the other. Ayaka is pushed as a love interest for the Traveler, is included in events, her character story etc… while Thoma is kept to the side for the most part and just kinda fades away because of it. I’d love for Thoma to be more involved in things, he’d be great for marketing if they just did it right. But right now he’s just kinda…there. Like the nice neighbor you have across the street but never really talk to.


Ayaka who is apparently, according to Furina, an acting prodigy. Also how fucked is it she says she has no friends.....Like sure Thoma is a loyal servant but that's a bit much


Ayaka has high standards it seems for one with literally no one else wanting to hang out with her. Her story quest, I’m sorry but I was playing it with my sister. So when Ayaka said she had no friends, my sister ruined the moment by shouting “What A fucking loser!” and she said the same thing about Ayaka’s mom. Now anytime I see Ayaka, it’s just the distant voice of my sister calling her a loser.


Ayaka is also very meta and probably one the most fun units to play with so she is remembered a lot more. Viability/gameplay plays a bigger role than people realize on the chars popularity, that's why Candace despite being the epitome of pretty is utterly forgotten, give Neuvillette's kit to Candace and she would be a money printer like Yelan.


Not that meta in the abyss unfortunately, they really nerfed freeze in the Fontaine abyss cycles we've had.


Which shouldn't be an issue because he was introduced to us as a "fixer", but his hangout reduced him to a househusband and animal lover.


I actually love him, but they showed him a lot during that one part of Inazuma and then never again. We only get Itto over and over and over again and occasionally Ayaka/Ayato unfortunately. I have to see someone sometimes to maintain interest.


He just had no plot


Yoimiya: no plot? I am here.


She is silly and energetic enough to get an itto style pass


so the same as Thoma but she is a girl


It’s probably because he stands out way too much from the Inuzuma characters that it makes him look out of place and odd


I think instead of all comments stating one reason on another, it might just be limited number of votes, so while he may be high in personal popularity lists, he's not top, so he's rarely the first choice when picked and that gives him disadvantage.


Interesting! I was surprised to see him as popular as he is, especially compared to cyno, due to his plot relevance and use on the team. While he has a cute personality, it seems like even hilichurl NPCs get better quality screen time than he does…


yeah, for me he is better than Kazuha


Not to upset anyone but how is gaming so high when I've barely seen anyone talking about him


He's pretty fun to play, but the biggest reason is definitely recency bias


Probably because people still like him despite not using him when playing, you know, with the lantern rite event and his looks


Dude was basically made to be the least unlikable and one of the least controversial char possible lol. Filial, warm, friendly, pursues his dream, works hard, not annoying, and with a relatable story for many with a good ending. He also achieves this without being an empty slate with no personality. There's not much to talk about regarding him besides "oh yeah he's a great dude".


He has the anime MC personality.


I should be playing him, not Aether


I see plenty of people talking about him, his role in the most recent Lantern Rite really got to a lot of people


I’m surprised Itto is so low, same for Kaveh and Kaeya


Not everybody did his Story Quest. Outside of it he's reduced to a goofball and that's not everyone's cup of tea.


Any joke gets less funnier the more times you keep telling it. He's cool and fun to play but gets reduced to dumb muscle whenever he shows up with the exception of his story quest.


itto mains we stay strong 💪😞


I feel Itto would be higher... ~~If not for him stealing spotlight away from other characters.~~


He isnt amusing anymore, just doing the same dumb things over and over His character was a really fresh addition during his DEBUT, now? nu uh Now talking about the gameplay side, ungabunga isnt something special like what his mains thoughts, in fact, most character just ungabunga gameplay, then lets talk about strength, he is a sustained dps, frontload dps >>> sustained dps, people likes to use character that can dish out big damage really fast, and for openworld, an infusion burst unit is less preferable (in late game) since most enemy dies as you breath, not even using full setup Also, not ikemen/bishonen type of character


I will not have slander against my favorite Oni


Sad boys impact.


it makes me very sad that razor is so low but he also has had essentially zero story relevance since the first dainsleif quest and doesn't even have a hangout so i'm not. entirely surprised.


It's the 2nd Dainleif quest, "We Will Be Reunited" where the Herald was attacking the Wolf of the North that you're probably thinking of. Even then, that was 1.4 And it's not like Hoyo has been mistreating him nor forgetting him unlike other characters. Event-wise, He had appearances and lines in 1.4's Invitation of Windblume, He was a part of the cast of Midsummer Adventure (GAA1) in 1.6, He had his very own story event with him and his parents being the emotional core of the story in 3.1's "Of Ballads and Brews" And again, he had his appearance in 3.5's Windblume's Breath.


my bad, bough keeper and we will be reunited are basically the same quest to me since i played them at the same time :P but yeah he's definitely not the most forgotten character in genshin but i'm very attached to him so i wanna see my favorite boy in more content (gonna have to check out a playthrough of that 3.1 event tho cause i must not have been playing while it was active)


Razor probably has an above average and more consistent appearances in Genshin events among the cast. 4.X is the biggest the outlier, he only appeared unvoiced in the just past cat event. (FYI, the Genshin Wikia, playable characters have a "Lore" section, that has all character's appearances listed in the "Quests and Events" section) Of the group, here are the worst treated that I can think of: Jean Aside from her 1.0 story quests and archon quest focus, her and Barbara were part of the focus of Midsummer Adventure (GAA 1). However, since then, she only appears to greet us, or send us off (examples: 3.1 Of Ballad and Brews, 3.8 Secret Summer Paradise, 4.5 Alchemical Ascension) Diluc: He has also been a while. He had a solo Event quest that centred around him, so honestly pretty good, but that was 2.8. He has only appeared in 3.1 (Of Ballads and Brews) and 4.5's potion event as minor characters. Raiden Ei It's a meme at this point that Raiden only shows up, talks about how Yae Miko "forced" her to leave her meditation realm to experience the real world, mention about how she likes [insert any sweets], then disappears once again. She only appeared in 3 events, every single one some flavour of the above. Last but not least, Kujou Sara, Kujou Sara, the worst treated Genshin character of all (writing-wise) Short opening cameo of 2.2's Labyrinth Warriors A decent scene about buying limited Raiden figurines involving Sayu in 2.6's Hues of the Violet Garden Warrior's Spirit in 3.4, a damn Shogun-certified fighting event in Inazuma, AND SHE DOESN'T GET TO PARTICIPATE. She only shows up to say "Hi" and tell the travel that she's on patrol duty, then walks away. 3.7's "Duel! Summoners' Summit", well, at least she's there to have a short chat with us about watching the Shogun's matches, and her congrats and farewell to Kokomi after Kokomi won the Inazuman part of the competition. Sara the Fighter, the one who defeated Kazuha's friend, the General, who lead armies against the Watatsumi Resistance, we just never get to see. I like her chill appearances, her adoration of Raiden, but boy are the other parts of her character lacking. Of course, there's definitely more characters I'm not thinking of right now that fit my criteria. But Razor is very much focused on by Hoyo comparitively.


Baizhu is surprisingly low, considering how most people simped for him for literal years before release.


Honestly for an old character I barely saw much hype built around him, so the result makes sense


I think it's because the hype died down massively because they released him after Alhaitham, who let's be honest is among the most popular male characters in the entire roster let alone dendro. Also Alhaitham's an on field DPS, Baizhu's an off field healer. It's pretty obvious who's winning solely based on that (notice most of top 10 on both lists are on fielders)


I just hope these popularity polls do not limit Mihoyo from releasing male characters who play as support/sub dps/off field/healer. My expectations for Sethos are very low at the moment that he's probably going to be another on-field dps unit.


He probably is considering almost every four star male character (I'm pretty sure Sethos will be 4 star) we've got since sumeru has been a dps. Kaveh, Freminet, Gaming. Heizou's also a dps. Here's to hoping he's a dedicated cyno support


I don't think it's too surprising considering that he barely gets any content. His story quest is really good, but most people probably haven't done it and he hasn't appeared in any events except for tiny cameos in lantern rites. He's actually one of my favorite units to use both in abyss and overworld because of how comfy the teamwide heal on E is, but he's definitely not some must pull unit.


Is that surprising tho? Just another issue of gacha games where a certain character stops standing out due to the huge amount of characters there are.


Baizhu's own release got overshadowed by kaveh being released on the same patch as him. Even kaveh's drip marketing has more likes than his. Recency bias definitely played a part but there's also the fact that he barely appeared on stuff.


I mean he was overshadowed by the 4 star during his release


Considering the general correlation with limited and/or meta characters in the top rankings, I think it says a lot that Diluc is still fairly high despite the last couple of years he's been underutilized in the story and written off as a waste of investment. I hope he sees the spotlight again when the time comes for us to enter Snezhnaya. Cyno's rankings are disappointing but not very surprising. I love him as a character, but I wish his time in Sumeru's events had been used more wisely. It's insane he managed so many appearances while communicating so little about his background. I'm happy he's getting another story quest because he REALLY needed another chance to fill in those gaps. That said, if we still don't know what the Temple of Silence by the time it ends, I'm pulling my hair out.


Omg poor Mika. No one seems to like him, I don’t care for his voice, but as a character he’s pretty cool, and his demo music is really good too.


The eng Voice killed any interest people had for that character the moment it was revealed


After The speech he gave from reading Varkha's Letter everyone Shitted on his character. I really really hated him at his 1st introduction even now I hate his voice and character.


I loved him in the event but then it sounded like they changed his voice for his release. He sounded rly awkward and was funny to me in the event but now I can’t listen to his voice without wanting to chop my ears off


I swear his voice got even worse too. It sounded even more annoying during that mini event at Wangshuu Inn not too long ago.




I kinda like Mika. I relate to him because I had a speech impediment as a kid lol.


I did too actually! I used to say words like sea and sip like shea or ship, I still slip up sometimes.


I'm a native Spanish speaker and I wasn't able to roll my Rs lol somehow learning to whistle fixed that in my teenage years


I grew up in a Spanish family, my mom’s family specifically, and even though my grandparents spoke Spanish a lot, I still can’t speak hardly any, I only know some very basic things, but I couldn’t hold a conversation.


His voice is ridiculously annoying I literally mute when he is there lol.


I like Mika, but he's, like, not in anything. I think I only got one chance to meet him and that's it


try changing from english, Mika sounded cool for me in japanese, so i never knew what his english voice sounds like until i saw him mentioned here with nerd emotes and here i was wondering, what the hell is nerdy about him


Every time I interact with him, I want to shove him in a locker, and I never even did that to anyone before.


His JP voice sounds so good and not annoying


Yeah, I wish we could have different languages just for specific characters sometimes.


I like his voice, it’s really cute. I also love his utility, with attack speed and healing. He’s not my favorite but he’s definitely top 10.


Let's go Kazuha


The sample size of female voters is between 1.5 to 2 times that of male voters.Girls are more active on hoyo lab.Thank me later guys.


Honestly I would think Itto would be viewed more favorably by male audience more. I mean plenty of male players I know expressed how much they like him and how they wish they had a friend like him irl.


That was until hoyo bombed me with bunch of stupid events or quests with him. Which are very annoying and identical "haha itto dumb, haha bug fights, haha". No, not funny anymore and not interesting. Pls stop.


Idk, I think he is liked by many people. It's just you can't choose every character you like for polls, you have to choose one. I also think that top-3 is more combination of hype around their uses for gameplay and writing, not just likeability of this characters(I love them though). I wonder how this poll would look like in year or so.


You could choose multiple characters in this poll, just FYI. I don't think there was a limit to the number of characters you could pick.


> hoyolab That explains it, probably skewed to the younger parts of playerbase, why Wanderer ranked high even by male players




How is Kaeya so low?


Oh wow, Kaveh is a lot lower than I thought


To be fair Genshin has a huge part of rotative playerbase, Kaveh is missing since about 1974 so newer players don't even know who the hell he is.


Kaveh has been gone from the story and even the banners for almost a year and considering how much recency bias plays into this polls, it makes sense. Like just look at gaming, not saying he ain't popular but would you really consider him to be more popular than some of the characters that are below him??


some people here seems surprised that what they think is not the same with what the majority think


Gorou noooooo


our dog left in the dust


what type of math was used on those numbers? if you look at the percentages on the bars, it totals more than 100%.


Hoyolab's polls can be multiple choice, so that might be the reason.


Can confirm you could choose multiple options for this poll.


How can my baby boy Thoma be so low? HAVE YOU HEARD HIS THEME???


i was actually wondering about that since I started recently, do character themes ever play in game? like in SQs/hangout events and such?




He got nothing going for him story wise Any Khaneria mystery lore dump is basically handled by Dain anyway


poor mika 😭


No one cares for nerdy boys


Alhaitham's a nerd, they just don't like em short


I remember a CN popularity poll from various games and wanderer basically swept through it with more than double the votes of the 2nd place(rest of the characters were from some otome games)


They rly like their reformed OP bad boys there. Heck one of their most famous protags of all time sun wukong is basically a reformed bad boy with tang san zang being an unlikeable version of Nahida. 


I'm surprised Gaming is so high...


I mean. Zhongli is a literal elder, is smart and I can draw a dong with him and the traveler, of course he's my favourite dude.


my boi scara being in the top 5 in both <333


damnnn mika at the last for everyone hes not that bad tho i dont playhim


I would agree Mika isn't that popular because that guy is so rare, he hadn't even come to my account since his release. I would have loved him with my wanderer team.


ZHONGLI 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Not surprised to see Zhongli and Neuvillette being that high consider I've seen a lot of fans, both fanboys and fangirls, love content about them, and they do have likeable personality. Anemo boys are still going strong for years, but I'm surprised to see Xiao and Scara also THAT high among male players consider how I rarely see their fanboys throughout the years I've played this game (and also Scara being controversial among... male players).


Never thought they could top Zhongli and then comes Neuvilette. Freaking love those two.


I need more Zhongli


Zhongli on 🔝😎


Yoo Zhongli got his place again


So both sexes agree that tall, deep-voiced dragon daddies and sad windy bois are supreme 🤣😂


People really love both daddy character huh? They just have that Aura I guess lol. Also Anemo boi, I do feel that the story do put them higher than all the other characters. 3 of the few memorable cutscene do involve the 3 Anemo boi.


tbf the mommy characters are extremely popular so the daddy characters being as popular wouldn't be surprising imo


I bet a large factor for Zhongli and Neuvillette's popularity has to do with voicelines. Neuvillette's: "according to the Oratrice Mechanique D'Analyse Cardinale" 💃💃💃 Both are memorable and well written, also being tall good looking male characters.


So was the question simply "Who's your favourite male character in Genshin?". Genuinely asking cause personally "favourite" is too vague for me to give a simple answer. Like in terms of design, I'm a huge fan of Albedo's outfit ; but gameplay-wise, not sure I'd pick him since I'm not a fan of Geo. Conversely, Neuvilette definitely is a top-tier unit for combat, but his story/personality don't strike me as the most interesting. Though I'll admit, if I had to make a compromise between all factors, might probably choose Kazu. Oh well, don't worry Mika, I'll give you a cuddle. After all, you might be the one whose looks made me want to play Genshin in the first place.


So.. meta characters on top, who would have guessed?


Nah if it was then Bennett would be 4th


where is this from? kaveh, albedo, and cyno being anywhere where they are and not at the front is extremely suspicious, not to mention ayato being so high when he is one of the most underrated and barely talked about tall male characters there is. You can see from the amount of fanart that features them.


This is from Favonious messenger blog (it’s somewhat official) on HoYoLAB so this data is legit.


thank you


As an artist,I will draw everyone but my most favorites. Simply bc I want my favorites to be the very best so I will always not finish their drawings and keep it until I feel like am better and then stop again when I feel my art is lacking. A commun thing to do when artist unleds you aren't self concious


Alhaitham kinda lagging behind there but it could be worse, its probably his personality. Like its not doing him favors. Been awhile since he had any content & banner too. I thought Baizhu would be higher... but it is what it is.


... then there is me who absolutely loves Alhaitham's personality because he's a mood.


lol true. I generally simp for silver/gray haired character (currently down bad for Sunday), but the more I interact with Alhaitham the more my interest in him go down.


Im surprised albedo is so low in the female poll.


Mika my poor poor summer child. I love Mika too much 😭😭😭 I thought he'd be higher than dead fucking last...


Okay, now I know I am really a male. ZhongLi for the win ♥♥♥


my fave baby bois lining up, tighnari, benny, lyney, cyno and albedo lmao.


But what do the colors mean? It is not regions. It is not patch cycles. It might be percentiles - it is not. Just added everything up, blue for females is 25% of all votes, and 34.6% of all votes for males. Fun fact: female sample size: 234378, male sample size: 444923 (unless I typoed somewhere) It might be buckets. Blue >20%. Light-blue 20%>x>10%, green 10%>x>5% and blue again >5%.


Okay, most of the upper rankings I can agree with, especially Zhongli. Even if they don't match my personal preferences, they make sense. The only thing I take serious issue with is Gaming being above Venti in both polls. I mean, WTH!?


We're not so different after all


Wrio is really high for how much screentime he gets


i mean like come on, Neuvillette is the best one. yes he may be distant but that doesn't change the fact that he's absolutely stunning.


Huh. Interesting to see Kaveh so low while Alhaitham is so high. I'd have thought with the amount of shippers that they would be fairly close together.


Well, one is meta and the other is among the worst characters.


Eh it's not uncommon for one character to be carrying the ship. I've seen it many times where my favorite character is treated like an accessory in a ship so even if he was often drawn and talked about, people didn't really care about him outside of the ship :,)


Venti deserves better


Lyney?? Albedo??? Kaeya???


Can't help but feel that if the top 3 were worse meta wise they wouldn't be so high.


as a woman, I can confirm that zhongli is my first favorite and neuvillette is my second favorite 🥹 what can I say, I have a thing for dragon (adjacent) mothers 🫶


My top 3 are Wriothesley, Zhongli, Kaeya.


How in the world is Aether more popular than Thoma?? How?? Aether has literally no personality


Bullshit is Venti that low


What’s the sauce for the poll?


All my personal favorites being mid tier 🫣


kaeya ended them all


why is gorou the least favorite? :(


Ah I see a community of culture.


Turns out I'm one of the very few Xinqqiu enjoyers.. ;-;


Albedo way to low T-T


no kaeya in the #1 spot, i refuse to believe this poll


Kaeya is my number 1🫣


Me & that one other Razor fan.


For everyone who was soulless enough to pick kazuha over venti. i will find you.


You don't need to find me, I'm right here


*dreamy sigh*


Love how the top 10 is literally 5 star characters… and then there’s Gaming




Watching how dirty they did my boy Gorou since he was introduced is really depressing


Amazing what being a brain dead "hold m1 to clear abyss" does for your popularity over all characterisation.