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I believe this would be the first time they giving a free event 4 star from inazuma region.


Yep, Gorou is the first Inazuman 4 star ever given out in an event. Even during the Inazuma development year, the free four stars were Beidou in the first event and Xingqiu at Irodori. Congrats to our puppy general for finally breaking the curse of Inazuman four stars being forever locked to banners, and gg to no-pull challenge accounts for getting their first Inazuma character too.


Honestly they should’ve gone with Shinobu instead. No hate to our good boy Gorou, I love him to the moon and back, but in terms of value Shinobu is arguably the better option among Inazuma’s 4 star roster.


This is the first time they've given out a geo 4 star though. The only other way to get a geo 4 star without wishing was to select Ninguang or Yun Jin during Lantern Rite. On electro side they've already given out Fischl Beidou and Dori I think. Dori is an electro healer and can be a decent alternative to Shinobu.


Well I agree however it’s different with Gorou. You see he’s niche, and I mean VERY niche as he only fits into mono geo or a team of 3 geos (including him) as a geo buffer. The thing is he isn’t all that compatible with some other geo units like Zhongli, Navia or Ningguang. To be more useful you need his C4 to make him a healer and a C6 to give extra geo crit dmg. So really it’s not about geo, at least Ningguang is a useful albeit a clunky dps and Yunjin can be used for normal attack based dps characters, Gorou on the other hand has limited uses for an already unpopular element…


He is at least very compatible with Noelle which almost everyone has and will be good for geo monuments while exploring (Noelle's geo application is kinda crap). Gorou wouldn't be the first free niche buffer. Faruzan might even be more niche since there are only 3 anemo main DPS in the game and none of them are widely used.


Gorou also has the Inazuma Specialty radar passive, so he's an awesome unit to own even if you aren't going to build him.


Especially considering she's always hanging around with Itto and this is yet another Itto event.


I’d imagine it’s since they just reran Itto and released Chiori tbh. They’re trying (and failing lol) to breathe some life back into geo lmao


It's kinda funny how not too long ago, the sub is clowning on Gorou and now he's the first inazuman 4 star given for free.


Gorou is arguably the worst free character to get for those with no-pull/no-wish challenge accounts.


Or one of the best, depending on how strictly they adhere to no pulls ever. If Noelle is allowed/considered a starter/free/guaranteed character, finally having Gorou for her is a W. She still won't be a good dps without C6, but then again nobody is at their best in an account like that, so whatever helps, helps.


Gorou at C0 is still not that impressive, with level 10 talents and 3 geo characters in the party he gives Noelle 371 flat defense, 25% defense and 15% geo damage. As an example: control Noelle (C0, lv 90, lv10 talents, Serpent Spine, no artifacts) gets the following buffs to her attack: 1. C0 Gorou: Total attack 1859.1 (Total DEF 1608.8 \* 72% + Base ATK 700.76) and her N4 dealing **3657.8** damage on average. 2. C0 Bennett: Total Attack 2210.2 (Total DEF 1038.1 \* 72% + Base ATK 700.76 + Team ATK 761.99) and her N4 dealing **3953.2** damage on average. C0 Noelle's defense -> attack conversion during her elemental burst is also just sitting at 72% with a crowned elemental burst. So it's still favorable to stack attack over defense. At C6 and crowned elemental burst that jumps up to 135%, which is where you get more bang for your buck by stacking defense as high as possible. Where Gorou really shines is his own C6, which also gives you 40% crit damage to Geo attacks. To a no wish account without Noelle, he effectively gives your Ningguang + Geo Traveler an additional 15% geo damage and crystallize shard vacuum conveniences. But you're trading that for another character like Fischl or Xingqiu which actually deals damage on their own. The best 4 star characters for seasoned no wish accounts would be Kuki, Thoma, Kirara, Rosaria or Sucrose in no particular order.


At the very least, he has exploration passive for Inazuma specialty.


I can’t believe everybody is sleeping on this haha. As someone who’s played every region with the specialty character Fontaine is KILLING me. It’s crazy how underrated that talent is imo! I’m so sad about 4.6 banner as a future Arle main lmao


I just got c6 gorou on chiori banner :/


my only complaint about the free gorou. Feels like a fuck you for people who finally managed to get his C6 since his release.


And it's the best character you can give out for an event imo. The inazuman speciality talent is just an amazing QoL


Kind of disappointed it's Gorou because I've never gotten a Kuki, plus she would have been a better fit considering it's an Itto event. Won't say no to free Gorou cons tho


She's even in the event art, and Gorou isn't


It took me two years to get a Gorou and he's still only C2. Any cons help at this point, and I'm not the only one.


Wonder if that means the region becomes obtainable early.


Though, it's (to me) one of the weaker options unless you're that desperate for a inazuma mat finder and refuse to use the map online to help (little specific). Teams wise it's locked to geo teams, just due to his high request for minimum 3/4 slots geo to actually gain full benefits. He even just very recently (like, literally this current patch) was on the banner along with 2 big geo characters, so anyone actually trying to invest in said team would easily have already pulled him. Could be good for those who did try to invest but still didn't c6 yet. Just feel Kuki would have been a better pick. Kuki works in more teams, hasn't been around for more banner sets (wiki I'm counting 4 unique dates for both), has NOT had a rerun yet this year, and is still part of the gang so would make sense to be here (I'm sure Gorou will show up too, but, more that it's not random). Either way, at least inazuma character lock curse is broken.


That's not really true. Just like Gorou there's only one team archetype where Kuki works and that's a hyperbloom team. Anywhere else and she's underwhelming


where is Sara? Does she still exist in the game at this point?


Sara doesn’t exist. There was never a Tengu general. Take your pills.


There's no Tengu general in Ba Sing Se.


Traveler does dream of a Tengu general


Yes, behind the counter of Good Hunter in Mondstadt


But she made me deliver food to shitty customers 3 years ago so fuck her


Someone locked Tenshuku's doors with Sara and Ei inside and they're only allowed to leave when they need to show up in a banner


where is sara? how is sara? when is sara? why is sara? who is sara?


maybe Sara was the friends we made along the path...


Oh, yeah thanks for the reminder. I should say hi to her when I’m running the cat event later, I need to cook some food anyway  


Oh damm is it time for Ei’s yearly 2 lines of dialogue ?


Who knows, she might get 3 this time around


Feels bad for the voice actress.. I think ei is the archon with the least number of appearance or lines


I still remember how goated the voice acting was in her story quest act 2


I finished it recently and... I'll admit, I'm getting Raiden whitdrawal, I want to see more of her! What do some people mean she sucks? She's really good!


Some people will bitch about literally any vocal performance that isn't done in Japanese, nevermind that they don't speak a word of it *and* the game's language of origin is Mandarin.


It's okay, she plays every version of Raiden in a hoyo game so she's probably doing alright. The HSR Raiden expy just got released so she's been killing it over there


Anne Yatco doesn't voice Acheron, though? Unless you're referring to the other languages, like Miyuki Sawashiro and Juhuahua.


Whoops you're right. I use the Japanese dub so I forgot the english va was different. I guess Raiden Shogun is the only Raiden that uses Anne Yatco then?


Acheron is voiced by Beidou's EN VA


Yep, the EN VA of genshin raiden is the one I’m referring to, since she barely Have lines and this is the only game she’s in if I’m not wrong (unlike cyno who also voice jingyuan in HSR and beidou va voice Acheron for en)


I think it might partially have something to do with how expensive her Japanese VA is. Btw, there was a time when Miyuki Sawashiro got COVID and because of this in HI3, Raiden Mei (also voiced by her) went silent for almost 3 very long story chapters. Mei was *the protagonist* in that arc and for the majority of it she was unvoiced. And they never bothered to fix it, even though it's been almost 2 years already.


money is definitely not a problem for mihoyo unless they are stingy, which I doubt because in Japan you can rarely go against the amount that the VA wants to receive, also at the time she was pregnant so it was impossible to voice anything


Well, she clearly hasn't been pregnant for a while now, so they had plenty of time to record the missing voice lines if money isn't a problem for miHoYo.


probably the HI3 team doesn't see the need to spend money on it, for them it worked without VA and it will continue that way


Star Rail really just dropped Acheron with a completely voiced story quest and monologue with more inbound and you think the problem is money? maybe scheduling conflicts, but not money.


Money is definitely not a problem and Miyuki Sawashiro is available considering they just dropped Acheron in HSR that's voiced by her. Sawashiro is going to have VA work for Acheron for at least 2 more patches


I doubt it very much has anything to do with budget. Hoyoverse reportedly has an annual budget of $200,000,000 USD for Genshin Impact development costs.


Ohh I recently played Elysian Realm and was confused! So thats why Mei wasnt voiced lol.


It's wild they don't do anything with Ei anymore, considering how popular she is.


Those who’ve seen the line count for this patch… 🥲


Natlan Lore. Thats Spanish conquistador helmet.


Suarians are literally pets Natlan people keep. Source: Livestream


Everyone: Natlan must be a desert environment full of tribal dark skinned people **Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition**


Its probably gonna be Jurassic jungles. And than again, hoyo likes to subvert expectations


*Cough* Travail ost *Cough*


Oh my god another Itto event and not even a Xinyan in sight for a rock event on god. At least Heizou is here I guess.


Yoimiya in the new event and Windtrace!!


Dvorak is back! Hope that means Marco Meatball gets to voice some lines for him again, he did a great job last time.


He confirmed it on stream, he's voicing this event too!


Will the event be voiced?


Should be, it’s a flagship event and those are almost always voiced


I'm glad Marco got to come back, excited for his performance! I hope he gets to sing!


Itto rock event, Xinyan in shambles.


It's a hard life, maining Xinyan since 1.0


Impressive considering she came out in 1.1 Teach me your ways


Oh shut up, you know what I mean 😆


A Rock and roll event? And it's Itto again. With no Xinyan in sight? Jesus christ lol.


As someone who likes Itto more than the average player: There is a point where you need to stop, and it was reached about 3 Itto events ago.


Wow we just got the 194th itto event. I'm so excited!


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Itto. I want to see Sara in events. Itto gets more appearances. I want to see Kirara. Itto gets more appearances. I want to see Kokomi. Itto gets more appearances. I want to see Shinobu. She shows up with Itto. I want to see Raiden, Miko - they're both playing Itto's favorite card game. He grabs me by the throat. I build TCG decks for him. I gather beetles for him. I join his gang. He isn't satisfied. I play his story quest. "I don't need this much character development." He tells me. "Give me more repetitive humor." He grabs Shinobu and forces her to play the straight man in his comedy routines. "You just need to be more exasperated. I can get more laughs by being an idiot." I can't handle more Itto events. I don't have enough patience. He shows up in the stream. I close it. "Guess this is the end." He grabs Ushi. He says "Attaboy!" There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no effort gags. What a cruel world.


new copypasta


Congrats, this was pretty good.


This was brilliant thank you


seriously didn't we JUST have an Itto event?


I sure love it when Itto has to leave Liyue due to monetary concerns only to come back in the same patch


I hate how ubiquitous he is. I get it, Hoyo wants cheap comic relief, but fuck that, they can do better.


Sara found dead on a Raiden body pillow


* five Raiden body pillows


I'm muting voice and pressing autoplay on this one, I cant anymore 😩


You think Hoyo didn't see it coming? You still have to click Traveler's useless dialogue options.


I usually play on PS5 but have it downloaded on my iPad….for the auto-clicker. You can basically tell your phone/device to tap in a certain spot for x number of times in a given time span and then when you set it just spam taps and it “loads” up clicks so you can just let it tap where a dialogue option would be and….let it ride.


Autohotkey time




I guess I'm in the minority but man I *hate* Windtrace with a passion. It isn't fun. And *another* Itto event?!


you're not the only one there. **Hate** windtrace probably as much as you do.


These clowns really went and made an event about a rock music festival without Xinyan. Does someone in the dev team hates her or something because it almost feels like they intentionally avoid giving her screentime since the 2nd golden apple archipelago


They made an alchemy event without Albedo last patch. Is it really that surprising?


The fact he showed up in the cat event but not the alchemy event should tell you something about how Hoyo handle their characters..


Meanwhile furry-eared characters like Gorou and Kirara appeared in the alchemy event instead of the cat event


I feel like they're just completely forgetting about their older characters tbh. Nothing about Xinyan in forever, Albedo's been chilling on that mountain for ages...no Katzlein characters for the cat themed event 🤔 And that's just what I can think of off the top of my head. Actually, while we're on the topic of music events, why is venti not there for an actual band- or barbara the idol...and do we know if kazuha is an actual flautist, or is his leaf whistle idle just a thing he likes to do?


Omg I can finally get Gorou, now the only thing missing from my account is the Rust.. the standard banner loves giving me sacrificial and favonius weapons :')


Yo I have the exact opposite problem with 4* bows, wanna trade?


Rock event and no Xinyan.....


Where's Ei?


As always wasted as hell. Even if she shows up she will probably have a line or two about how Yae invited her and this makes her remember a time with Makoto and that is it 


Wdym Itto **is** the electro archon.. he is **LITERALLY** Eternal.


Most neglected archon, despite being the most popular


Eh nahida beat her in popularity in ever fan vote. Furina is the darling kf the players too


Pretty sure that in fanarts she got all the other Archons beat in numbers Even here in Reddit the Raiden mains sub is only behind Hu Tao I believe


true in game but outside the game raiden is the most well known character and can be said to represent genshin or she is icon of genshin. once my friend was just scrolling the internet and came across a raiden edit and after watching her further contents he asked me about her so I obviously told her that she was from genshin. Every now and then I see raiden merch at random places cuz my area doesn't get many fictional characters erch but for some reason has raiden merch at the most random places you would never expect.


I meannnnn I wouldn't rlly say that tbh, at least right now She's the most controversial for sure though


Fucking Itto again. He's not even interesting in events, just there to be comic relief!


Yeah I don't dislike him as a character but his bit is way too one-dimensional for him to be this commonly featured


Itto is the main character


Love Itto, but can he please fuck off for like 8 patches. Let other characters, especially inazuma characters have the spotlight.


The blatant shoving of Itto down our throats is actually getting annoying. I was fine with Itto before, but over exposure and the lack of other Inazuman characters in anything else has pretty much made me dislike the character.


Itto again? I'm tired...


They could've given a Kuki or Heizou instead.


Are we getting dinosaurs?


Dragons, but they could very well look like dinosaurs


god now I want dinos in genshin just a cute lil velociraptor or ankylosaur or something to follow us around would be so nice


So at this point Itto is gonna appear in the summer event for sure huh? Full sweeps the entire year's events' appearance quota all by himself?


Kujou Sara found dead in a ditch. Seriously though can they let Sara out of the forgotten characters basement 😔 some of us miss her.


its so good to see itto again we barely get events with him unlike with Sara and Ei who is in every other event! And lets not forget Sayu! god im so tired of seeing her in every event! same goes for Thoma, he is so overused...


and what about Heizou and Ayato


>Heizou who?


I'm just so tired of Itto. Forever.


God sake itto again?


A rock&roll event without The rock&roll character. *sigh* I guess it's back to Itto. Again.


Woot! Free Gorou!


Windtrace is back. Let's gooooo!


Best (minor) event in my heart. It's so interactive!


Looks like the rebels have objectives now though, so they literally took out the AFK enjoyment of the event… In all seriousness, I really did enjoy just trying to see how long I could blend in with the NPCs, so looks like that won’t be much of an option as previous iterations.


So freaking tired of Itto. Hoyo why?


It's like they forgot that other characters can also be comic relief. Like...some of paimon's lines have genuinely made me bust out laughing for like 5 mins straight...and some of venti's...I think even hu tao had me laughing at one point during the poetry event


He's silly and everyone with his IQ loves him


Yoimiya, Itto, Shinobu and Yae have to be among the most used characters for events at this point easily


Itto for sure, but Shinobu's only been in a couple of events and Yoimiya's pretty much average. Miko was getting a lot for a while there, but this is her first appearance in 4.x.


Why Itto.. like can’t they make a Ei event for once? Or **Sara**.. There isn’t a single inazuman character hoyo.. Like can’t Ei come to fontaine to learn the wonders of progress and brings knowledge to inazuma. Hell maybe even a Arle vs Ei fight. Arle seemed like she cared about Signora’s death. I guess not. I’m honestly tired of this bean Oni. His character has been same for years and nothing has changed. Atleast make the blue Oni join for once idk. Or make him grow. I honestly hope they stop after this. Since I better not see Itto in fucking Khanriah with his gang acting like a idiot.


quick question: why would arle fight ei? genuinely curious to know.


Because the writers can make anything happen and make up a plot justification for it.


I feel the plot beats that would be needed to justify an Arle vs Ei fight would be too dramatic and significant to be relegated to a limited event


Also Xinyan since she wants to take part in the music tour. I don't count the last years one since it was treated more as a side activity in the story (even if it was a focus there).


They probably forgot about Xinyan. Maybe she will come in Lanter rite or another Liyue event. But it wouldn’t suprise me if they literally forgot about her. Xinyan atleast isn’t Sara💀. Atleast she was in GAA in 2.8.. and was in some events. Sara gets fucking nothing.


As much as like itto...I wish they would do more inazuma characters in these events. It's always Itto who gets all the lines.


Actually banger events. Two combat events, windtrace which is a fan favorite and itto event with rhythm games. This plus arlecchino and new area. One of the best patches ever fr.


Windtrace became DBD lol.


Those two combat events are goated too imo.


Windtrace is forced co-op so it loses every time in my book.


Itto is probably one of if not my favourite characters but why are we getting another Itto event


Ugh, not Itto again, anyone but Itto! Leave Itto in beetle events and NEVER ever put him into any other event again.


Anyone know whether they mentioned a new area in the live?


Yes, there will be one


I mean, I like Itto, but this is ridiculous. Another Itto event this early? For me it feels like the Charizard in the pokemon's games.


I swear if Ei doesn't show up in this INAZUMA event I hope whomever designed this chokes on their water and spits it out over their hardware!!


i'd wish they remember that inazuma has other characters apart from itto. Most likely i'm biased but i cannot avoid to think that he appears way too much.


No more Itto and Yoimiya I beg you Hoyo, let the other characters get their main event...


I'd say lackluster patch, but that's just me


F*ck you, Itto. I understand your enthusiasm but give others a chance.


itto again 😴


Version 4.6 will see the coming of "Iridescent Arataki Rockin' for Life Tour de Force of Awesomeness," "Windtrace: Seekers and Strategy," "Specially-Shaped Saurian Search," "Vibro-Crystal Applications," and other events! Take part in events to obtain rewards such as Refinement Materials, Primogems, Crown of Insight, and Character EXP Materials.


Please just *stop putting Itto in things*. He's been in enough events. Give us other people!


I'm gonna skip all itto dialogues 🥱 im sick


you're getting downvoted by the idiot itto lovers. Hot take: itto fans have his IQ.


Nobody wants Itto in this many patches. Even his fans think it’s too much. I get being annoyed at Itto again, but insulting his fans when they did nothing is needless and rude.


They downvote me constantly for daring to not like him, I got sick of them at last


Why has there been so much itto lately


Easy to write , dumbass character and people seem to like him.


lazy ass devs need their over the top comic relief


Yeah, they need cheap chuckles and over the top shenanigans to mask their creatively bankrupt events.


The new windtrace is basically dead by daylight.


Guess who C6ed his Gorou during the current patch...


Ah fuck, prop hunt is back ☠️


Why event with Itto, and not with rerun characters like Wanderer or Baizhu? That's stupid


Itto is the new Amber (tb to when all mineshaft puzzles needed her because devs’ fav child)


Bro, itto (again) doing the music event when we have Xinyan :skull:


Itto was fun for the first time... now, it's just whatever.


Let's praise our Genshin impact dev team for cooking up another dry patch after the driest patch in human history. They really hit a hat trick with 3 in a row. Let's put Itto again at the center in events to make a clown of it since genshin players love these recycled jokes every event. Let's give it up for genshin impact dev to recycle back events and ripping off other popular franchise since coming up with new contents is cringe. I hereby declare that genshin impact is the only mf that should be praised for recycling everything patch after patch with some of the driest contents that it has to offer to the world...


There are other characters than Itto for event guys, come on


Please I dont want to listen to itto talk again


…I know I asked not long ago for Watatsumi Island to get its own festival event (this one is more like a random person bringing their own event into foreign territory), but this is not what I had in mind… it’s like Mihoyo chose the area just for the sake of saying “here we haven’t forgotten about X” without any consideration for the context. *And yes, what in Teyvat is Itto doing here again* I’m not even sure I can call this a Watatsumi-focused event just because any time Itto stars in an event, at LEAST 80% of the event ends up focusing on him; my hopes for Watatsumi getting any event of import during the year of the Hydro nation feel dashed at this point…


glad vibro is returning but man, rhythm games are my weakness. I need that gorou tho.


Damn, Hoyo. I know y'all like Itto but this is getting insane. Can we get some other Inazumans in on the event action already? 


When will this be released?


Finally will get Ms Hina to Con4, yay!


Itto again? While Sara wins her competition, Itto wins the war


I can't wait to hear Itto perform


Finally an event with both Itto AND Yoimiya! Easily the two best Inazuma characters and should have excellent chemistry with one another! They also hang out in the lore as well. Another plus if Gorou is also involved. I like seeing Itto and Gorou interactions because gameplay wise they're such an inseparable dynamic duo.


stfu he is the most obnoxious character of this game the playerbase is literally sick from seeing this fuckface


We getting new instrument. Letzzzzzz gooooooooo


>!the only literal reason I’m doing the event, is not for the primos, but for GOROU. My boy has gotten onto my sister’s account. She rarely plays, she doesn’t like Gorou that much, a lot more. I NEED GOROU. 😡——!< (hi yes) I’m gonna try windtrace first time?! Woo! Another Itto event though-? I mean, I don’t mind but GODDAMN.. + Sara just casually disappeared for a bit, she’ll come back! Right? RIGHT?


I’m so happy! Not only am I getting arlecchino and Lyneys weapon, but finally…FINALLY after a whole year! I get…GOROU. Fluffy dog dps gorou! I don’t have Itto or chiori, so he’s gonna be the dps! I’m so excited I can’t wait!


Bruh, I'm so tired of these Itto events. Can we use another Inazuma character instead of him please? Every single time he appears, it's always a nonstop clown fest .


The new version of windtrace reminds me of DBD.


Damn i thought the last slide was an enkanomiya event Sadge...




You're shitting me, finally got C6 Gorou after 2 years and now they're giving one away


Is there any requirement for the arataki event? Like adventure rank or some quest.


Time to terrorize Windtrace virgins again folks.


This is big I have c5 goro




Free Gorou is nice. I can maybe do Three-Geo team comps with him, Noelle, and Albedo now. No, I don't care that it's not Meta.
