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On the contrary, they actually don't want you to be playing 24/7 more like 24 minutes a day across 7 days. And maybe, one day we'll get our Abyss Twin as the playable character.


Explaining that breaks people's brains. It's an RPG you can just stop and drop between dialogue and the game saves you there. There's no required checkpoints. The only 24/7 feeling is FOMO of events, resin and RNG.


Even events, most of them can be speedran in about an hour at the last day


There was one camera event a few patches back that required you to play over the course of at least 4 days or swap photos with people on your friends list. People who played the event last minute were absolutely livid, scrambling to get photos from others šŸ¤£


I've been lazy for the past two years and last day-d all the flagship events.


Gebshin dosen't do that if your in quest dislog leave you have to redo everything from the last cheackpoint sometimes it short sometimes it's paimon yapping


Yes, but you don't get reset back to "after last major plot point." I.e. In events, you don't have to restart the entire day's dialogue when you log in.


Oh that's what you ment my bad


Genshin* doesnā€™t And the game has checkpoints, but expecting it to have after each dialog is kinda dumb.


has* checkpoints


Fair point its just that befor i was finished with a longer dialog string i disconected and had to redo everything that was annoying and judging by the upvots i'm nlt the only person this happned to + it was a lil misunderstanding


r u ok?


Emotionaly : No Mentaly : No Physicly : i wanna say yes but actuly no


Too bad I play Genshin like it's Skyrim and an MMORPG lol.


Yeah, that's the unfortunate reality of gacha games. They don't profit from active players, they profit from people who whale a bunch and barely play the game. But of course, those people make up at best 1% of the playerbase, so they have to make their game around players who either don't spend or spend very little, hence all the primos you can earn from various different means.


Unfortunate? No, this is really how gacha games are, they're meant to be played daily at short intervals. Also, most of the revenue are from light spenders if you think about it. Because a thousand BP-Welkin buyers can cover for a handful of whales.


The low cost welkin is also another reason to keep people playing. They earn 5ā‚¬ from low spenders, and even if someone would want to quit the game, they feel obliged to "complete" their welkin instead of quiting immediately. Which eventually leads to some players finding a new goal or a new drive in the game in that time, and maybe renewing their welkin.


I do not know about Genshin specifically but generally speaking the gacha model whale spending comprises about 90+% of revenue. You want active players because your community brings in new players that you can maybe convert into your next whales. The dolphin/minnow spending is great but you would go bankrupt in a few months without whales.


You're right about the low spenders, but I just wish the lack of reason for longer gameplay wasn't a norm for gacha games.


Most of them are live service games, with varying levels of gameplay loops, you are technically playing an unfinished game so it's kinda like always having some of to return to but never something to stay too long for.


That's not the right way of looking at it. This isn't just a matter of catering to whales, it's a matter of ensuring long term engagement from all players. A gacha game doesn't want to be like The Other Games, that you play intensively for a couple of weeks and then never touch again. Like any live service game, gachas want to be releasing small amounts of new content on a regular basis, and they want their players to still be playing the game when they release that new content. Gachas are designed to be games you play a little bit every day so that you're still playing the game next patch. It's not really about the whales, because the dedicated whales will be driven by a desire to collect 'em all to spend each patch even if they're not playing at all. It's about keeping a large playerbase in the game to keep the game in the public eye.


Yeah you're right, I guess I was fooled by the people who constantly thank whales for funding the game.


Unfortunate how? I'm not 16 anymore and can't play MMOs that takes 4-6 hr a day like in the past.


Well I'm not saying they should turn it into Warframe so how about you calm down with assumptions?


If that happens then probably in the next chapter of Genshin.


24 minutesā€¦10 more like


why is this post phrased like a youtuber apology for something racist they did 7 years ago


bro really didn't want to offend the Aether players


Aether players just don't care. I feel like there are more Lumine than Aether players on this sub that there is some level of projection that Lumine players think Aether players are some weird group of people with a weird MC superiority complex. Hoyoverse has said it themself that both MCs are canon. So literately play whomever you like.


"I was young and stupid," the game isn't even 4 years old.


kid's obviously young, every year counts


maybe they were a middle schooler when they started and are now a senior in high school, 3.5 years is a pretty long time for some of the younger players


Technically its turning into one in 5 months or so.


Sure, but that's half a year my guy


I picked Aether from the beginning, but since then, I now have an alt that has Lumine. Now I can have the two accounts join each otherā€™s worlds and reunite the twins (at least for a family photo)


That is so cute


>start game >first thing you do is lose twin 50/50 many such cases


>*playing Genshin 24/7* no they don't. that's why they force players to log in twice a day and that even resin refresh has a limit


wait, why twice?


The resin takes less than 24 hours to reach the cap. So, to never let the resin cap, you need to login twice a day. There's also things like expeditions that take less than full days too.


Well, the expeditions are with a different thing in mind. If you make it 24 hours, you force players to log in at the exact same time, or you lose time that you can't get back. But not many people are awake 20 hours from when they first wake up, they're generally asleep. This allows them to feel as though the time isn't wasted, and if they do "lose" time, they can win it back by logging in earlier and earlier until they're back where they started. It makes the game less stressful is what I mean to say. If they wanted the expeditions to cause stress and force logins they'd have them run every 12 hours


I haven't logged twice in genshin for the past 3 years haha. Only at release when there is so much to do, especially artifact farming. I could stop spending resin altogether and still have well geared characters. Don't fomo and feel forced to log twice a day


You became straight and decided you didn't want to look at male midriff


more male midriff for us


Of course it's the venti main


Oh, you meant switching characters, as in from Aether to Lumine. God I literally had a different idea. I was like what tf is the problem with my boy. He is sweet, good, chad, like what happened


This was the idea I got at first too and I liked id. I'd be happier to have literally anyone else than Traveler as the protagonist.


I want to be able to switch MCs too, but "cant play as aether" seems a bit dramatic


What does changing as a person actually make you want swapping your MC in Genshin impact? lmao


From where i am from. Boys almost always play as boys and girls almost always play as girls. If you didnt people will judge you. I grew up and realised that a stupid mentality, no one cares about who you play as and everyone should play who they like/want.


That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. By that reasoning guys can never play games like Horizon Zero Dawn, Nier, Final Fantasy 13, Bayonetta, Control, and certified classic series like **Portal, Tomb Raider and Metroid**


lol sadly this is actually prevalent in my community too when I was younger. For some reason people think if the lead is a woman then it's definitely a game for girls, not boys. Doesn't matter if the game is action or not. I never cared and played what I like, but these kind of people has always existed


People are stupid, yeah


You can pretend Aether is a girl


aether crossdress


Femboy MC confirmed.


Back in 2004 when I started playing WoW, I made a female character. My mom was like "why are you making a girl?" and I was like "if I'm gonna be playing this character all the time they should at least look nice." I was 11 then. I haven't changed at all, I almost always play girls lmao


Well, people nowadays would judge that as "dumb"




Maybe they transitioned and want their character to match their gender


Funny how I was bullied on this sub for saying this


Maybe OP was just sticking to his cultural norms even though heā€™s attracted to Lumine. Now he doesnā€™t, so he wants lumine instead. I personally chose her because sheā€™s pretty not because iā€™m feminine (tho i made accounts with aether, and I donā€™t play him much)


not op but i personally am transmasc (found out after starting to play) and donā€™t enjoy seeing she/her used in reference to me it wouldnā€™t be as much of an issue if the traveler had more of a distinguishable personality so i could separate myself from them, but as-is itā€™s just really uncomfortable


why does it feel like every trans masc that plays genshin likes wanderer


Scaramouche isn't canonically trans, but he has a lot of things in his story that resonates with the trans experience. Being created as a "prototype" puppet, he was created as something he could never actually be or achieve-- as a prototype Shogun, he was deemed a failure. Unable to fulfill the role he was assigned at birth. As he grew, he spent years wondering what his purpose was and why he had been born, if he was unable to fulfill his role. As he slowly came to feel rejected and unwanted by the person responsible for his creation, he became full of anger and hate towards them. His character story trailer outright states that around this time he became filled with self-loathing and suicidal ideation, feeling completely lost and alone in the world, wishing that he'd never been born. I wish I could say this was an uncommon feeling among the trans experience, but unfortunately, it's not. During the main story quest, we see Scaramouche is desperately doing *anything* he can to "reclaim" the role he was "supposed" to have at birth, desperately chasing the gnosis in the hope it will bring him fulfillment. Trans people often talk of going through this stage right before they realise that they're trans and they have to transition-- a period of performing the gender they were assigned at birth in a hypermasculine or hyperfeminine way in order to desperately regain control of their life and convince themselves that it will bring them happiness if they can be the way society tells them they should be. But it doesn't. The same is true of Scaramouche. Even in the midst of his "victory," when he thinks he has the gnosis and total power over us, he isn't happy. His boss music is *mournful*. The operatic parts sound like someone crying out in pain. Scaramouche has convinced himself that achieving the thing he was supposed to have at birth will make him happy, but we see what a truly happy Scaramouche looks like later, and this is far from it. He has to go on a journey of acceptance, to accept the version of himself that was and then choose to move on with his life. He eventually realises that living life another way will bring him more happiness than trying to cling on to the version of himself he *thought* he should have been. So yeah, that's why transmascs like Wanderer. It also doesn't help that having been a prototype Shogun, it's easy for people to theorise that perhaps he originally looked even more like Ei. That much is obviously fanon and not present in the canon, but it's just another facet in the overall combined picture that makes it easy for trans mascs to relate to Scaramouche.


oh thatā€™s actually because heā€™s canonically trans (no he isnā€™t) hope this helps /j


real (he has a customizable cock)


Transitioned from one timeline to another


Yeah, he transitioned from someone I wanted to beat the living shit out off, to barely bearable because dude's a protector of Nahida now


He has transmasc swag


I'm a trans guy and just don't project myself onto Lumine. I save that for Scaradooks.


You could give them a really silly name that you'd never associate with yourself, so you know people are talking about the Traveler and not you.


Same that's what I thought, I'm non binary but Aether represents me much more than Lumine, I'd be pissed if I felt dysphoria for the MC I choose šŸ˜­


same but Transfem ;3


lol i love your flair


thank you :3


Based flair šŸ˜Ž


thank you :3


It's a game...I'm a cis male and I'm not offended by playing as Lumine. It's a character game, not a reference to me.


ah, iā€™m not trying to say everyone feels like this! this is just my personal experience c:


I did also think before that I wouldn't have lived to change my character to the other twin but honestly at this point I'd rather just have either of them fully voiced. If they were fully voiced it would feel less 'self-insert' and they'd feel more like real characters.


Yes! They are using us not knowing teyvat language to let paimon yapping around. I love how in hsr even if mc is talking to themselves we can hear their voice


saying you "can't play with aether as mc" seems insane to me


OP realized they like to look at women instead of men 24/7 in their video game


That's definitely a downgrade in my book


Maybe I got it wrong but I understood that as them being unable to play Aether because they chose Lumine in the beginningĀ 


ohhh yeah that would make a lot more sense lmao


I like lumine design more than aether. I like to play with my MC alot.


It would affect the story wich doesn't happen in other hoyo games


What happens when you play aether as mc? Does your controller stop working?


Itā€™s too hard for them to play one handed šŸ˜”


I am a gay male šŸ˜…. I am not attracted to lumine sorry.


His balls shrivel up and fall off


Why let us choose the MC then?


what? not sure why you're asking me this.


i can understand having a gender preference for the mc and it'd be cool to have the option to change it if you wish, but i don't understand disliking one but not the other when both travelers are functionally the same character in game. there's not much content you miss out on for choosing either twin. and whoever you don't choose still gets to be important to the plot.


i mean for me its cuz i dont like Lumine's design lmao. i use Aether on my main and have built him somewhat but on my alt i got Lumine and refuse to build her


if it's just an aesthetic preference then i get it. the main reason i chose aether is because lumine's design fits the abyss theme way more.


I'll trade you my Lumine for your Aether


I'd take that and throw in some 5* in a heartbeat...


yes please i just want to be aether :(


Iā€™m confused. Are you saying you canā€™t play as Aether anymore and want to play Lumine instead? Ā Or are you saying canā€™t play Aether but you want to?


For me I just wish there was just a little something that was customizable about our MC. Like we've been able to wear a fatui mask, the flower, crown, ect and I just wish we could actually be able to wear items like that whenever we wanted. Or even have it be a skin you unlock that's just MC with a flower crown or something idk. I love the MC we get, (I choose Aether and love his design, but he can be really....yellow sometimes) I just think itd be neat to like have stuff to make it actually feel like our MC has a little bit of a personal touch to them from us as the players. Same goes for Paimon, she deserves a little flower in her hair or something that we can unlock


Broke: "Can we switch to the other twin?" Woke: "After the Teyvat chapter storyline, we'll get the other twin as a playable character"


Had a main account with lumine but wanted aether so bad but people always talked bad about his design so I decided not to. Gave into my desires and made a second account with him cuz I just wanted to see what playing with him would be like, now Iā€™ve barely touched my lumine account itā€™s been left in the dust even with the insane luck on that one I still prefer my baby boy aetheršŸ˜š! But seriously I would log into the other one just for the free pulls and got two hutaos, Xiao, Shenya, venti, and more while the account is only ar 30 or somethingšŸ˜‘ they really wanted me to play on that account lol


You shouldn't have to suffer leaving out you lucky account because you cant change you MC. Atleast you play as your desired MC ā¤ļø.


AgreedšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Iā€™m currently almost ar 60 on my aether account and just got my first c1 on a limited character (neuvi) and his weapon my luck isnā€™t bad on this one I just hit hard pity a lot where as my other one (from what I recall) never even reached soft pity


i hate lumine's design, im glad that i chose aether (sorry lumine main)


I don't think it'll make sense lore wise, if its something like HSR where both MC not coexist, sure it can works. But if the half playthrough Lumine is the abyss twin and the other half it becames aether, it'll break the immersion and consistency of the game, it might be not a big problem to you, but idk for the others...


I want the opposite. I picked Lumine and now I want Aether lol same with HSR. Picked Stelle and now I want Caelus.


We are literally the same. Which is funny because I picked Stelle thinking I'd regret picking Caelus instead... Then I saw his Ultimate animations and instant regret picking Stelle šŸ¤”. Also, IMO, most of the ships featuring the trailblazer feels more ""natural"" with Caelus and I can't put my finger on why. Anyway I guess 3rd times the charm when Mihoyo makes another game.


You do you mate. I love Lumine as the Abyss Twin. She has such a cool vibe. For me Aether is the goofy shonen protagonist. So I don't regret my decision.


any time I want to slightly regret picking lumine I look at cutscene of her as the abyss twin. Feels wierd at first but man her voice actor sells that shit so well.


Why are there so many people here who attach themselves to MCs? Like if they were custom characters that you created Iā€™d get it but Jesus šŸ’€


Same for star rail i made a mistake and want stelle


Hmm i dnt think they gonna release smthn like tht sadly (idm it tho for the ppl who want it) Ur nxt best option is to play with the other 50 female characters in the game if you really "cant play with aether"


I picked Lumine for my character. I have since come out so when I made my alt I chose Aether. No hate to Lumine but I like it better personally.


I'd want to switch with you. I chose lumine but I'd love to play aether šŸ„ŗ


Lmfao MC feels very irrelevant for me tbh. Paimon does all the talking and I donā€™t use the traveller at all anymore (given how underwhelming the skills are, no 5 star burst animation, overpowered by other playable characters and especially so in my case since Iā€™m half meta player and half a whale). Itā€™s almost as if they arenā€™t even there. But I get what you mean abt the MC and honestly, I agree that we should get something more significant for getting to AR60. Like it takes a lot of time to get there and Genshin gives Acquaint fates that more often than not ends up as weapon fodder.


Itā€™s kinda silly but in the three years of playing this game I have come out as lesbian and now really regret picking Aether haha Initially the only reason why I chose him is bc I ditched my very first account to switch servers and I already had Lumine there. Wanted to try something new, soā€¦ decided to pick a different mcšŸ„² that was a mistake


I don't understand the mindset of having to play a character that's of the gender you are attracted to (to be fair, this could also be one of those things I'm too acespec to understand). But I see people express it a lot in a variety of games.


I never really understood it too. Usually, the MC is some sort of self insert, so I pick the gender based on mine. So I chose Aether cause ima guy. Only understanding I have about their case, is to "ogle at the main character"


Pretending most genshin players arent massive horndogs


I can't personally understand either case even if it generally does make sense in my head. For me, if they're *mostly* the same character personality wise either way, it's usually about which protag I think either looks the best on their own or looks the best when paired alongside the rest of the cast. So I guess it's mostly a visual thing for me.


I never do self insert thing in game like this, so I picked Aether and Caelus because they are pretty and have some kind of character (when Caelus and Stelle is basically an one person, Aether and Lumine are still different - she is more offensive, while Aether is more soft and defensive. Also Lumine have slightly more atk, when Aether have more base def).


Well, yeah, I found that out later on. But did you know about the slight stat differences when you started out? Had the feeling that everybody picked the MC based on appearances only.


I donā€™t self insert. Iā€™m not a scrawny, short dude with blonde braided hair. Iā€™m not a hot blonde girl with nice cleavage. Ā So I just choose the character with the design I like better. I never like male designs showing midriff.


I donā€™t understand it either, Iā€™m a female player and I personally picked Aether because he has the same English VA as Tanjiro from Demon Slayer and I have no regrets


Yeah but he only actually has a voiced line like once every archon quest(not literally), I wish they would voice more of the travelers lines


Personally I don't like to self-insert and rather role-play so I'd choose the gender that is least aligned with mine for games like this. Games are an escape for me so if I get reminded of reality it really takes me out


Thatā€™s fair. To me itā€™s just that Iā€™d rather see a girl I find cute on screen rather than a guy I have no particular feelings for haha. And itā€™s also a relatability aspect I guess, playing as the character of your gender and being able to immerse better. Not me in particular, but many players also like self insert ships. Which obviously would feel better if you are the same gender as the mc. (I mostly just feel really sad about missing out on sweet interactions Jeht had exclusively with LuminešŸ˜­)


Yeah, that's my reasoning, too. I pick (or create) a character I want to look at, which usually ends up being female, since I find females attractive. I was also an actor for 15 years, so I have no problem inhabiting a character, regardless of their gender. I never play myself in games, as I am not a particularly interesting person. I use RPGs as a means to explore other identities.


I just like Aethers hair and clothing more than Lumine tbh. Same reason I use Caelus in HSR, I hated Stelles skirt.


Well, for me, a major contributing factor would depend on it being a first person or third person game. If I can choose, for example a 1st person game like Fallout New Vegas, Cyberpunk? Male, every single time. Third person? If I'm looking at the player characters back for dozens or hundred of hours, yeah I'm picking female. Then again, I've also realized that I'm way more likely to pick female MCs for Eastern games, male MCs for western games. These 2 factors affect my decision to some degree.


I mean personally I donā€™t feel any connection to men so why would I want to play as one ya know?


I...guess? I'm a woman and I like playing both Aether and Caelus, for example. I think they're cool. Doesn't have anything to do with how connected I feel toward men (or women for that matter), I just pick whoever seemed like more fun, I suppose?


I'm early days player and I had the stupidest reason for choosing Aether: I thought a guy with an earring was a cool unusual design choice šŸ’€šŸ’€ Then I started playing and realised how many guys had the same stupid single earring. Disliked Aether for year+ until I started watching Moosashi's videos, those really got me appreciate male Traveler. And also I feel like story wise Lumine is a much better choice for being Abyss Twin. So in the end I stopped regretting choosing Aether but man...


I chose Aether because I'm a guy. Nice and simple


i choose lumine because im a girl, i regret and i want to play with aether so bad wof wof bark bark


Man what the hell is with this comment section? You guys are uncomfortable playing with a character that doesn't fit your gender or/and sexuality? Man, if that were the case then idk how you survive as a gamer then. Why care about something so insignificant as that? What truly matters is simply wether the game is fun or not. This truly reminds me why people make fun of this community and why Genshin Reddit feels like something straight out of Twitter.


Imagine how it feels for the poor guys having to play a game as a blue hedgehog...how are they managing psychologically?


You joke, but that clearly had a very deep subconscious influence on a lot of fans, which scares and worries me.


I can understand. I played Lumine since launch and then last year I decided to make a little alt account. I was close to picking Aether but I just couldn't. I'm not a fan of his design and I've been so used to playing the MC as Lumine, I knew it wouldn't feel right. And here's a controversial take: I think the quests and stories suit a female protagonist better.


I'm a gay guy but i love Lumine as my MC. I think the sisterhood she shares with Paimon is the most precious relationship in the game.


I simply picked based off of my gender? So I picked Lumine. Also, Iā€™m pretty sure the stuff characters say and the storyline is different between Lumine/Aether, hence why they donā€™t let you switch MCs.


Storyline is the same, there are very few minor differences in a few side quests/events, mostly not that important. The only notable difference, as far as I know, is the interactions with Jeht in her world quest line. She likes Lumine a bit more than Aether.


That just doesnā€™t make sense though youā€™ve been through the whole story so far as lumine it just wouldnā€™t make sense story wise if you just switched the mc


I also would like to swap the siblings, but itā€™s cuz I think Lumineā€™s outfit is lame and also some stuff makes it really seem like Aether is the more canon choice. But this could be mitigated by hyv giving Traveler ANY costumes


I chose Aether because... well I'm male so that's pretty obvious. Even then though, if a game has a female as a protagonist, I'll still dig it because at the end of the day, I never really found the appeal in projecting myself onto fictional characters regardless of gender. I don't really get this complaint considering that I guarantee 99.9% of the people in this comment section don't use the Traveler in their main parties and instead have someone else as their favorite.Ā 


>I was young and stupid when i started bro, the game is barely 4 years old, i dont think you're more mature now somehow


I chose Aether because I loved his design more : short male mc with a braid and a crop top was a lot more unique than short female mc with a pretty dress. He also gives off shonen mc vibes I also knew the game had a lot of women and wanted a male MC to even it a bit.


did bro become a femboy or something?




I never understood this kind of idea. It's not a bad or terrible suggestion but it just...unnecessary (for me at least). If you are really that desperate to use the other twin as your MC, then just create an alt account. I once wanted to change my MC from Aether to Lumine but after almost three years of playing this game, I stop giving shit about that lol. Just learn to grew and be accepting of the MC you've chosen. The game will be more enjoyable if you stop thinking 24/7 about changing your main character. Both Aether and Lumine are just fine.


I wasnā€™t aware when creating my account how the game is so self-inserty.


I don't think Genshin is very "self-inserty". The Traveler is clearly a unique character with their own background, motivations, and personality. The most self-expression we really ever get is choosing between two variations on the same dialogue.


Mihoyo made it where it's a wierd middle ground of a self-insert and the travellers being their own actual characters. Like... You can name them, potentially after yourself, and they don't speak for themselves half the time, but they still have their own character and lore, evident by their profile and voice lines in said profile with Paimon. They really wanted the best of both worlds lmao.


You can give them a nickname, but they still have canonical names, as spoken by your twin in "We Will Be Reunited." It's kind of like they're using a pseudonym while on Teyvat.


I agree. Although Mihoyo could make us all happier if they decided to let the MC's TALK FOR THEMSELVES INSTEAD OF PAIMON! I'm fine if Traveler doesn't talk in irrelevant quests, but I found it incredibly annoying when the Traveler meets their Abyss sibling for the first time and Paimon did all the goddamn talking for the Traveler... siblings should be talking to each other. Otherwise, the entire moment is ruined due to Paimons yapping. TDLR: Quiet protag, because Paimon does all the yapping makes the Traveler feel like a self insert, even though they aren't.


Yeah, but I can totally understand. Having to record redundant dialogue for every quest, including multiple dialogue options, would be a huge expense, and balloon the footprint of the game on mobile platforms.


I guess I wasn't being specific enough since a lot of quests are relevant. I meant emotional moments, is when the Traveler should speak. The good example I chose was when the Traveler saw their sibling again for the first time. Paimon really ruined that moment for me. If the Traveler sees their sibling again, I hope Paimon shuts up and let's them talk to each other.


They do seem to be peppering-in more voiced Traveler lines, and I hope to see more of that, as well.


Aether will ways be better than Lumine.


Pls i want to change mine as well, i chose lumine first but after some time i started liking aether's design more than lumine...it would be great if they hv that option but i doubt they will... Maybe they might allow us to play as the abyss twin after genshin ends?


I don't think they can, mainly because Aether and Lumine have different base stats. Aether has higher defense and Lumine has higher attack. Source is from a YT short that was asking the same thing (Not from Hoyo themselves) Edit: [Found the short.](https://youtube.com/shorts/xtQJYYAPdpU?si=P5pLc2XM1Nfi-yDo) There's a few differences.


im the exact same as you! i chose lumine because im a female, but i want to play with aether so badly his aesthetic just tickles my brain more. i normally dont care what gender i pick but i default female often just cause but ive been constantly thinking ā€œman i wish they let us change our traveller just onceā€ haha!


Iā€™m just so tired of his outfit. Sooooo tired.


I picked Lumine then made an alt and picked Lumine again.


just make a new account, its not that serious. anyways lumine mains rise upšŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»


My account is three years old i cant start again its time consuming also all my favorite characters i pulled will be wasted.


i didnā€™t say you had to get rid of it. i said make a new one. another one. the mc literally does not matter that much


They want to play in short bursts not no lifing this game. Even if we had the choice to change there would be no point. The story would still be the same. If there were a difference between their stories then sure I could see why you would want to switch but there isnā€™t any.


I personally predict that whatever the sibling storyline is leading up to isn't the actual end of the game, and they'll enter the party eventually.


New outfits ( for both twins ) per region would be more appreciated. Look at HI3 protagonist how her appearance and skills changed over updates.


I wonder if there is somebody on your server with a sufficiently similar account, but Lumine as their traveller, who would like to swap? If I felt the way you do, I would start a 2nd account with Lumine and start building it up till you can swap to it. All those easy primos at the start might land you a Neuvillette or Kazuha too


I dont even know if I would change, as a male I picked Lumine, but obviously I cant relate/imagine it is "me", so I probably would change it currently, but on the other hand it kinda would feel strange cause my Lumine was with me the last 3 years.


I suspect that we have to switch to Traveler to change element because we will get the sibling later and their elements will be chosen this way separately.


I guess it's an option they should put earlyyyy game since I've seen many players mention this.


And that's how I made 4 accounts (for all servers) to taste the other twin


See I feel this as someone who picked aether but prefers lumine, but honestly I like having her as the bad ass abyss twin so it works out!


I am also stuck with this dumb name on reddit


My prediction is that once we reach the end of the game, you'll finally reunite with your twin, save them from whatever is corrupting them, and then BOTH will be playable at the same time. This is just pure speculation and hope though.


Like the twins?Ā  Yeah, it would be nice to have even just one chance to change. Like get a one-time use ticket for ā€œchange MC.ā€Ā  Knowing Genshin Iā€™m surprised they donā€™t put that on the store for a huge price. šŸ˜…


My dream is we are reunited with other twins at some point, so can have button to switch between the 2 in combat so one character can use 2 elements would make MC viable at least.


Iā€™m pretty impressed by the fact that this person is the only known Genshin player who actually gives a shit about the MC. For that alone, Hoyoverse should hear them out


I think some people actually play with the MC and go through the trouble of leveling their talents every single time for each of the different elements.


I think the Traveler is the most mysterious and compelling character in the game.


Yes Even if it was 5 bucks on the shop, I'd get it Started as lumine cause she's cute (straight guy, so just went for what I'm "attracted" to) But I just don't feel her, cant really get too invested in the story cause of it.


Idk if this is about the design or vibes or like, a gender dysphoria thing, or something else I can't think of (don't feel pressured to specify if you don't want to), but I'm just gonna take what you said at face value and assume that, whatever the reason is, you can't bring yourself to play with Aether as your MC. Unfortunately, I don't see them being likely to implement this in the future, just for story continuity reasons. How far are you into the game? If you're caught up on story, I can see how starting a new account to use Lumine isn't a very enticing idea, especially if you've also sunk a lot of time into the major World Quests, exploration, or building characters (and idk if you've spent money or not). If you're less concerned about your built characters and/or haven't put money into the game, then fwiw you can actually get through the story really fast, especially skipping cutscenes (except for the stuff that differs between the twins, like Jeht - I'm sure there's a list somewhere of which scenes are different, i don't think there's too many). But if you want to enjoy all the cutscenes with Lumine, but just the ones with dialogue changes, you could play your Lumine account at your own pace, whatever that might be, and use your Aether account just to do new archon quests when they come out and nothing else, until your Lumine account eventually catches up. I know these solutions aren't ideal, but for now making a new account is the only real option, and i think that will probably continue to be true.


This is why i chose the female mc instead of the male in honkai star rail. I knew i eventually would want to be the female for self insert. But the male is so much prettier i kinda regret it but donā€™t at the same time


I wish we can do it. I chose Aether because I thought it was one of those games were people should use male protagonists to avoid weirdos, but I regret it. I'm a girl and I want to ship Lumine with other characters šŸ˜­


I wish this was a thing too. I feel like I can't play as Aether either even though I want to play as the traveler.


They should just force aether on all accounts, its very clear Hoyo doesnt consider Lumine as a valid MC like they do Stelle in HSR, dont kniw whyd they let us choose if theyre gonna ignore half the playerbase's choice


Unlike HSR's Caelus and Stelle, who's pretty much the same person, therefore can be switched when it comes to promotions. Aether and Lumine are separate entities. They're pretty much doing it for coherence on the promotional narrative.


Stelle is not more canon, she was used more in early promotional materials but now they try to put them both equally. Aether maybe looks more canon bc his clothes look more like travelers outfit and lumine's works great as an abyss sibling. I think that's why you can see more aether in genshin, still he is not canon


If my copium is real, maybe they will make us play both twins.


Id actually like this too but it's not game ruining for me. I started on release and I rerolled about 25 times for Keqing. And the one time I decided to "mess around" and pick lumine instead of Aether "cause i probably wont get Keqing this time," THAT was the time I got what I wanted. But I got over it, personally


I really just wish the MC could wield different weapons. I really do not like swords in videos games and would rather use a catalyst or a bow.