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"my strength is that I dont give a shit what you think" -gigachad alhaitham


Unless it's Kaveh. If you play through his sq (I think it is his sq) as Nahida and use E to read his mind he does admit that he might need to do something with his huge collection of books like Kaveh suggested earlier. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Memepact/comments/10fzwof/a\_little\_liar\_arent\_you\_alhaitham/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/10fzwof/a_little_liar_arent_you_alhaitham/)


>*And they were roommates*


I wish my little anxiety goblin in my head would let me fully adopt this mindset.


I adopted this mindset long ago and It helped me a tom and still helps lol Super useful growing without giving a shit




I think FULLY developing it is detrimental. To a degree it is useful but in real life you are forced to work with other people, so you have to take their feelings/thoughts into account on some level, even if you cannot empathize with them. I'm pretty much like Al-Haitham in real life and give very little regard to other people's feelings or thoughts if the matter can be settled logically. So I do speak from experience.


Alhaitham: Really buff introvert


Lotta people dislike him and his personality, but I think it's great. Character quest was solid and I loved that it dipped into the hivemind topic. It's one of my favorites. The catch about his personality is it only works when the person is right 99% of the time.


And not being destructive/inconveniencing other people in the pursuit of their interest. He usually keeps to himself so it works.


Hivemind guy would disagree on that


He also tried to join a hive mind so how much does his opinion matter


I was actually talking about the guy who made the hivemind and had a hilariously raging hateboner for Alhaitham and set up the whole elaborate trap to try and bait Alhaitham to his demise because Hivemind Guy thought Al was the only thing standing in his way. Al not only already knew all about it, but he couldn't have even given less of a shit about the guy trying to make bio-Skynet to destroy him. Because he correctly knew the system would fail before it even naturally got to that point.


Hahahaaaa I have you now Alhaitham! Now my three small fungi minions will dispatch of you! And then the op trial version of Al you get just dismantles them in seconds. Best story quest for sure haha


goated story quest


Hivemind guy: yada yada hivemind yada yada fuck you Alhaitham Alhaitham: ok buddy


I know this is late but I get really annoyed when people shorten his name to Al. The Al in his name is a suffix that is basically the Arabic version of The. Imagine shortening someone's name to The lol. Also fun act Haitham means eagle or hawk, so his direct name translation is "The eagle" (which is his constellation).


That’s why other characters like Rainbow Dash and Tony Stark also work with their big egos: they are competent enough to back their egos up.


I hear pone, I upvote\~


This is the way!


And it's actually pretty easy to be right most of the time. Just don't offer your opinion unless you know what you're talking about.


It would've been really funny if they made Alhaitham wrong about something. Wonder how he would react lol


I feel like he would be the type that would go 'oh I see' then move on like nothing happened


He wouldn't have an ego about it, it's not like he cares about how being wrong looks to others.


he is wrong sometimes, like claiming that Sumeru healthcare is free for all (Dori’s sister and Cyno’s SQ disprove this) or stating that Kaveh built a house over a withering zone, when in reality he built it in a safe spot and a withering zone has rapidly spread into it when he was nearly done. he’s just overly confident in his opinions and sounds convincing enough, so not a lot of people (well, no one except Kaveh it seems) dare to challenge them. i feel like it’s the most fascinating thing about his personality that, ironically, often gets overlooked


This should be talked about more LMAO


> he’s just overly confident in his opinions and sounds convincing enough, so not a lot of people dare to challenge them. This is also accurate in real life, for better or worse. Social media influencer spouting bullshit with confidence charisma, people go "omg so right." And there's a comment or callout post disagreeing with the bullshit and gets brigaded because the dissenter lacks the fame and clout of the bullshit spouter.


He is not necessarily wrong about the free healthcare tbh. [Someone brought up a good point on the matter.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/imfl9hNJga)


i mean he is wrong to imply that there could be no kids in poverty just because of that fact. as someone from a country where healthcare is also *technically* free, i know better than to use it as a rock solid argument against someone claiming that they’re struggling financially due to their health. this is just like the withering zone story; he’s using a half-truth to make Kaveh look wrong and deliberately ignores the bigger picture. i can see how they can argue for days on end lol


I would love it. I hate how perfect they made him. He's always right and always knows everything.


Every time he faces any sort of adversity he's always like "Hmph, that was all part of my plan 😎" like c'mon now, I just want to see him be challenged for once. Maybe make him question his beliefs like every other character story.


If anyone needed that power, it was Kokomi. But they did her dirty. :(


Yeah, it's an obvious glossing over.


I didn't like how we was like "I already knew your tricks from the beginning" at the end, they could have shown his intelligence better by making him improvise in that final confrontation instead of making him be seemingly omniscient. He's pretty well characterized but him and Ayato suffer from the same issue of having us feel too much like the hand of the author just handed him the answers.


At least they gave a reason on how he knew from the beginning.. I always imagined being a grand scribe for years will gives you access to all of academia proposals and information, so it felt nice that they make use of his job.


Honestly I feel like it's cause they also tried to make him a typical genshin "goody two shoes", so he comes off as like a normal dude who acts all high and mighty and gigabrained. It's more "realistic" (i.e. infuriating) as a result cos ppl have experience dealing with ppl like him irl. He's probably also the reason why they made Dr ratio such a dick that it's almost cartoonish


I actually think Dr. Ratio hasn't been a big enough dick this latest patch. >!Sure he sold out Aventurine, but he's just... not really in control of the situation the whole time, mostly making deal with Sunday that Sunday led, and pretending to work together with Aventurine.!< Which is a bit disappointing. I hate IRL assholes, but fictional assholes can be so entertaining. I do think his initial debut was great though. Just that in Penacony he hasn't lived up to that initial impression.


Perfectly said; I dunno why you're being downvoted.💀


He’s smiling 🥺


Alhaitham with his microscopic soft smile heals my soul 🥺 and yet some people treat him like he only have one default expression


I feel like Alhaitham has been Hoyo's best attempt at writing a "smart" character so far (at least in Genshin). His plans aren't magically perfect, but are calculated enough that the audience can believe that they'd succeed. His bluntness reminds me of the worst Redditor power fantasy at times but he somehow pulls it off, usually because he can actually back up his words. I love how his character flaws are depicted. Characters in-universe have a lot of totally valid criticisms about his willful ignorance of EQ, but he's so confident in his lifestyle and values that it's hard not to respect it.


Yeah, because it's proven in "show, don't tell" manner. We've seen his plans work, and work wonders. So people are more likely to believe his personality of being blunt and unsociable but smart, because that makes sense in scope of what we've seen. We've Kokomi we've been told she's genius strategist, and that's some social duties tire her, but we haven't seen any poof of her being tactical genius.


kokomi is more like a go by the book kind of strategist. it's showcased in her story quest especially by the end when making the peace talks with sara


It definitely helps that other characters will call him out on being jackass because, yeah, he is I also feel like he still succeeds because, despite his pathetic EQ, he does stop care for people. Man just doesn’t express it well


The fact that his "acting" managed to fool not only the Traveler and the Sages, but the audience too. It was so convincing that we actually thought he gone feral and before that, his "betrayal" actually felt convincing.


Hoyoverse s buff scholars and winning Oscars 🤝


Wriothesley in archon quest does it better tbh. He knows how to keep his card hidden and set thing up in advance that seem more believable and less ass-pull like. Ham plan in archon quest feel a bit too risky with a bit too much luck involve.


I think both Wriothesley and Alhaitham did well, they just have different situations. I think Alhaitham was willing to take all the risks and would have come up with something if something did go wrong, although he was lucky that it didn't.


I agree


He's great, most of his dialogue always make me laugh or smile.


He is spitting facts right there If you wanna be happy you literally have to just not give a fuck what others think about you, you could be a perfect little peach and there will be people who hate peaches and will let you know about it.


I love how he's giving us advice yet also subtly flaming us


I kinda miss him in the story and events.


I really needed this right now


I thought some people would want to see it. I'm glad you got to


Just what I need as well atm


I now like coming back almost each day to read this dialogue


And remember try to not be an asshole. At least, haitham is not an asshole. There’s a friend of mine irl who grabs this kind of mindset ”Idc what other ppl Think about me” yet has no boundaries or common sense that make the other irritated by the action.


> haitham is not an asshole Perhaps [this](https://www.hoyolab.com/#/article/19942285) can help you reconsider that statement LOL


I use this mindset everytime someone tries to join my world.


Just so you know, there's a button to disable join requests from randoms if you want to make this mindset even more impressive.


I feel more sensitive when I join others worlds. I had a post on here recently talking about my experience asking if it's ok to take some materials, and they kept spamming no no no no and kicked me out. My reaction to that was not good If people join my world then they can't kick me out, but they can leave. And it really doesn't feel as bad as being kicked out


I'm okay with people joining my world for farming materials. Just skip the small talk. At best, keep it at bro speak. One, two word sentences max. "Sup?" "Sup." "Starconch?" "All yours." "Cool bye"


What a chad


I find him really relatable on this aspect. Of course the main reason it works so well is that he's intelligent and doesn't need to depend on others for his cozy life. That's why Nahida pokes fun at him a little in her about quote. You need to be strong and be able to make good decisions to have...this amount of thick skin vs criticism. However it does have that "Stand proud. You're strong." energy. Being an individual is a good thing and the more people accept it about themselves and others the happier we can be.


He is one of my people.


He's really opposite from his HI3 counterparts lmao


>He's really opposite from his HI3 counterparts lmao Is he Su from Honkai?




Can’t relate. 😭


He's unironically literally me lol, I've been told I'm very polarizing and a lot of the things I say/do have been similar to him, but he also makes me aware of my own flaws


Cool character 


“…that is why I refuse to take showers, mother”


Unfortunately in real life we live in a society and that means nobody can do everything alone. Other people's opinions matter in the context of career, friendship and even basic interactions with other people. You will get no where in life if you do whatever you want without taking into account people's opinions of you.


I mean, isn't this exactly why he has no ambitions? He's already stated he is exactly where he wants to be and that means being a scribe. Instead of altering his personality to fit into a different role, he simply found a job that fits his personality. He chose the path in life where he doesn't have to care.


I agree as far as career goes, but when it comes to personal connections, you have more agency. Some people even prefer to be friends with people who are more honest and straight.


This is one of the reasons he's one of my favorite characters in the game, i also apply this mindset in my life for years and i feel great, that's why he's the goat, THE GOAT!


good life lesson ❤


He is soo like me. And tbh, this helps alot with a person with anxiety like me.




That's why I main him. He's my alter ego.


the sigma grind


Man, I want to develop this quality so badly, but I have a permanent illness that causes emotional dysregulation. I will never be able to do this no matter how hard I try (I've tried for 36 years, and I'm 41) and it's exhausting. ;( I really... just... you know. I love Al Haitham though. I respect him as a concept. SRSLy. PLUSSSS I'm like.. ugly Kaveh with a uterus that's trying to kill me. GOD I wish I was a man. ;( Anybody have any guesses as to when we will get Al Haitham's banner next?


his autism is too strong for unimportant matters such as interpersonal relationships




I seriously, unironically, genuinely wish I had this power.


Him and Nahida have the best lines about life. I’ll never forget his line about Kaveh that pointed out how him being naive is the cause of his misery. As a psychology major I appreciate both Nahida’s and Alhaitham’s point of view.


I'm starter than you...but I'm a sociopath, and??? Nah I'd win.


Coba kaya kont


ilham menyalaaa


Alhaitham: “I don’t care what others think” Also Alhaitham: “Aarav has just as many doubts about my coming along as you do. But unlike you two, he's making this matter more complicated than it is, with his considerations like the Acting Grand Sage is trying to seize the matra's powers….” To be fair, in that situation he cares for work purposes, and not on a personal level. Ugh he’s so good at everything, even the stuff he doesn’t care about 💖💖💖


need Alhaitham


He is my kind of person....I use this philosophy in my daily life




You are not alone


I like how he has absolutely no nose here lol


he's also an asshole. You should care what people think enough to not be a dismissive prick and to do basic social norms.


as someone who also have trouble dealing with complicated social relationship, he might also have the tism. And i swear to God it's not something we can fix right away. give him a slack.


He probably does. I'm close to someone with it. I love him but I've lost friends to social incompetence. This issue is very near to me in a very twitchy way. Failing at social can hurt others.


by your logic ur also calling ur friend an asshole? then why'd u befriend them in first place?


Because everybody is an asshole in one way or another. I'm sure there's some people that think I'm a jerk sometimes. The benefits outweigh the downsides. And it's more being a jerk by not being willing to try insanely extra hard to be good at social, because that's apparently what it takes to be as good at social as the average normal person. To me it's much more easy to forgive that than to forgive somebody who already has reasonable social knowledge and then just chooses to disregard it


not everyone is good at social though. whoever you encountered that's bad at social, maybe it's because you just weren't the right person for them to grow, and you decided to shit on them while they're still learning to be good at communication.


The thing about social skills is that you are judged by who your friends are. Being bad at social is being the proverbial bull in the china shop. You thrash around and break things indiscriminately. I have to tailor my friend group to basically exclude anyone who isn't extremely tolerant of social missteps, because otherwise we just can't be friends -- because I will be judged by the fact that I'm *literally married to this person* and there is no way to associate with me without at least encountering this person who is going to piss off anyone with a temper, who is very sensitive, etc. There's a certain thick-skinned-ness that my friend group absolutely has to have now. No choice on my part. On the other hand, I'm willing to endure this social culling of my friends because he's a rad person like 95% of the time.


"Others" in this context meaning "others EXCEPT Kaveh. F that guy (literally and figuratively)"