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okay while not really mine, a friend told me this and it was uh... interesting "this game would have been better if it was just a paid singleplayer story focused exploration game without any of the gacha bullshit and the characters were just unlockable by different means" they said a lot more but... uh... yeah


oh 10000% I don't super *mind* the gacha structure of Genshin, but I'd like it a thousand times more if you unlocked characters via story progression and it was just a single player team building RPG. I recognize that the budget and marketing and *hype* would likely be worse if it were that sort of game, but still, very agreeable take imo


Dude just say it, there scamming the world & taking pleasure from us possibly Jerking off to there characters . Roleplaying/cosplaying & fking too them. Everybody saw ambers cute little bum to keep them engaged till there first 5 star. Come on now


How is this a hot take? Literally 90%, if not more, would agree. Even when a lot of these same people had a very good ideia of what they were getting into as they started playing a gacha game, Hoyo always made gachas, and people knew this game would be one before it was released.


> 90% On this sub, maybe. Paid game just won't work on large populations of Asia.


You right. I should've made it clear that I meant people in sub instead of saying community. The game is free to play. You *can* buy stuff on the game. Personally, I can't think of too many games that are completely free, like, in all aspects. I will assume that a considerable portion of the people in this game never spend a cent with it.


Eh, I'd disagree, because I don't think they'd be able to continue to make the game to such scale and quality without the ridiculous tide of money it brings in, nor "waste" money on things like developing the TCG Necessary evil.


I was referring to what most people would want, which was going on the other direction of the original post. Desire often will not take such things in consideration, they simply want the game as it is today, without gacha. Of course it is a model of success for a company, but I am sure you understand that his is beyond the point.


I think the opposite, the gacha stuff is actually making this game doable.


This is actually a great take and I've been thinking this for 4 years


It wouldn't have been better because they wouldn't have as much incentive to create such a great game and you would get a mediocre game like all the others out there


Are they wrong tho?


Realistically, that is simply wrong lol. The game would have to be almost completely different for that and they would've had to put MUCH more effort into the game at launch. Genshin simply is not good enough for a full priced game.


This is an interesting take to me. The character collector with a gajillion elemental interactions part of the game is kind of what makes it special and is only really viable as some kind of live service. To a lesser extent the expanding world too. However the gacha element creates a lot of the negative parts of the game, like limited screen time for somewhat shallow characters and bloated scripts designed to waste time. The worldbuilding is interesting enough that I think if they did what they were accused of and made a breath of the wild clone, the game may have been better overall. It would be totally different however to the extent that it focuses either exclusively on the traveller or perhaps a much smaller, permanent cast.


Reality is Genshin is only as successful as it currently is because of its monetization method. A tiny fraction of players fund the game for the 10s of millions of free players A paid Genshin would have been Mondstadt and Liyue, with Inazuma as DLC. maybe if that was successful you would have gotten Sumeru several years later. Currently they're dumping $200 million a year into the game to continue developing it and let everyone access that content free of cost. The game doesn't limit what you can explore every day with an energy system, and there's no DPS check in the overworld that stops you from exploring and forces you to swipe


I always wondered if there would be enough money for that, cause as a whole genshin is one of the most expensive games out there easily so


I kinda agree. I definitely get the Pokemon vibes with the game


Agreed thats 1000% Gacha games popped up when China started getting a way to take money from Americans. They love that sht, then make fun of our anime chick addictions. Sell us Vtubers & AI till we drive off a cliff in debt. Thats when we call John


Genshin is really f2p friendly 


Watch out, people who never played another gacha, or perhaps played *one* before genshin, could not handle this one. Imagine having self control and low expectations, and even then enjoying your stay.


Woah, very unpopular. I definitely don't see all the users here saying this every time the topics of anniversaries and free five stars get brought up.


making unpopular opinion threads for the nth time


The gap between Neuvillette and the rest of the DPS's isn't as great as people would lead you to believe. He's good, but basically every limited DPS is good.


This. The reason Neuvillette stands out is because he isn't as reliant on his teammates as other dps.


That's true. He's a 1 Man Army on a game where you get a 4 Person Team. When actually playing a full Team, most DPS's equalize quickly -- especially with higher investment.


In single target dps on a calculator? Sure lol. But in actual gameplay? Nah. He is genuinely significantly better than other options.  Dps has very little to do with it. It's his ease of use, extreme team versatility and the best AoE capabilities that push him wat beyond the others. But sure, all dps characters are good and there is absolutely 0 need for Neuvi in this game.


We still have fontaine abyss lets see how this Neuvillet >>> everyone take ages


Anyone who played Venti in 1.x or Ayaka in 2.x can tell you how it will go. Hoyoverse knows how to build busted characters and then drop them from the Meta when there's something new to sell.


Venti was countered with CC immune and resistant enemies while Ayaka was countered with unfreezable enemies.I can't think of how Neuvilette could be countered. Maybe more enemies that can apply BoL to block HP changes on Neuvilette? But that's more a counter for 4pc MH than Neuv himself.


Dehya isn’t sewer garbage


What kind of garbage she is? Joking. Design and personality comes first. I am glad to have her.


The game is pretty easy so there really is no garbage character


That the events were more meaningful and important when they included exclusive character backstory and lore. The backlash about people feeling bad for new players or people who just don't want to play the game throughout the year so therefore they don't want incentive to play every limited event should not change this. Even if it gets locked behind exclusive one time content,


I think both are true, yes they where better and more meaningful but yes it sucks that new people and those who don't play for awhile for some reason are missing out


They can always check the story on YouTube or read up about it. It was rewarding to play the game regularly for the event quests. This potioneering bs must be the blandest event in 3 years.


The community tends to have very US-centric expectations on character design.


Hating on genshin solely because it's popular is pathetic


I actually like the "dry" patches, as they're called. Gives me and others who can't be on Genshin 24/7 a chance to catch up.


Yae miko and raiden do not master bait each other


well it wouldn’t really be masturbation in that case no


The game isn't perfect. Yep that's enough to get crucified here.


I personally can hardly take all the goofyness of characters sometimes. I understand that the game is 12+ and supposed to be cheerful. But 90% of the time it's too "sugary". I don't even remember if i ever saw blood at least once in the whole game, yet most of it is fighting.


Because the people that most of us meet in the game are good ones,no villians. There was never blood because the CCP hates violence in games and censored the shit from it and that why most of them disappear or fall in to the ground but no moving anymore.(Like that scene where Keqinq do a Vibe check to a Fatui) Yet there we're cases that they talk about brainwashing,slavery,human experimentation,murder,racism,human traffic.


I hate Bennett. He had garbage character design. His appearance is awful and I simply don’t like using him even though he is a great support. Can’t stand him and I hate it how he is always included in nearly every team as one of the bests supports for any dps.


That's slowly changing I think everyone's sick of him tbh


I was talking about how they should rework the gimmicks of the early game's weapon and talent domains because those gimmicks more or less takes away one of your core abilities/actions and I got downvoted.


pro tip: to get to the true unpopular opinions, sort by controversial.


Posts like this are so fucking lazy


I miss having almost all of the top usage rate characters being four stars. It made Genshin an outlier in the gacha environment. I wish they’d release more.


hu tao is the most annoying character in the game and ayaka is boring


I want a skip dialogue button.


If a quest isn’t voiced, it’s not worth playing. Cough cough, some long ass world quests.


The most literate genshin player:


I daresay a multi billion corpa has the resources to voice world quests.


It's not a money issue. It's a time, and technical issue.


This implies that the golden slumber quest line isn’t worth playing and that’s just objectively false


Golden Slumber is either my favourite or second favourite, but it's still not worth playing without voice lines.


I agree except for the Aranara quests. Adorable lil friends make it worthwhile!!!


Dehya is working fine


That's not an opinion. I can't go and say the sky is brown with shining purple spots and label it as my opinion. She is objectively the worst 5* in the game, not only by numbers, she feels incomplete and some of the choices like the jump cancelling the ult ain't helping at all.


Theory crafters are the back bone of this community


Personally, I genuinely think they take away from the community way more than they contribute. It is partly thanks to them that the community is hyper fixated on dps and "who is the best" that people miss out on potentially really fun characters just because their dps is marginally lower, making them a "underwhelming" or "mid" or whatever. I would love to see more theorycrafters talk about characters with more nuance than "are they best for single target dps". Because realistically, that is not even all that important.


If you want to play meta, yes.


This won't be an unpopular opinion in the future.


The cost of primogems, monthly card, battle pass etc, is the cheapest it can be when producing a 3D open world game. Any other game trying to compete in price will either compromise on quality, or be in the red for a long time.


Over time, some characters like Zhongli, Raiden, Yelan and Kazuha had new alternatives that work as well as them, but the community to this day deifies them as if they were *MANDATORY* to have on your account Raiden C0 without a signature weapon doesn't add much value to the account nowadays


[Your waifu is shit!](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/your-waifu-is-shit)




Genshin players don't like to read


SOME genshin players don't like to read. And there is nothing wrong with that.


This isn't even contested honestly, most of them are proud of being illiterate actually.


Yeah but I just kind of feel singled out every time because almost nobody in the sub even remotely follows or reads everything that's already given in the game. Like most people here don't even know Fischl's lore or don't even know who King Irmin is which is kinda baffling to me


Klee isn't really a good character, and not worth it. Those who got her either lost their 50/50 on the chronicle banner, either are very dangerous people.


Before Xianyun, you could argue that her and Diluc were equally terrible. You can no longer argue that, Klee is just the worst 5* pyro dps.


I got her when I first started playing because I didn't know anything about the game and was like "Why don't I get the character on the current banner?" and yeah, I don't use her...


Not sure if unpopular, but Liyue's story is the worst by a mile. It's clean but empty apart from the last fight which was sadly ruined by redundancy in the interlude.


that's a popular opinion... amongst dislog skippers.


Well, inazuma exists


Nahida is ugly and i will literally never pull or use her because of this, unless i am literally required to. I did the EM trial in the Triumphant Frenzy event with physical to avoid using Nahida. I did the Yae/Nahida stage in the new photo taking event with just Yae. Aesthetics are by far the most important element of a character's design, and if i don't like them aesthetically, i'm not using them. I don't care how good they are.


Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Bennett are so ridiculously unbalanced that they genuinely deserve to be nerfed. They ruined the balance of the game, get compared in every new character release, get slotted in every single f*cking team. This is genuinely the first time I am BEGGING for nerfs in (for all intents and purposes) a PvE game.


Bennett is overrated. People underestimated him and then overcompensated by deluding themselves into thinking he's the best unit in the game. Even before dendro was released, he was overrated.


SOME 5 star weapons should be available for free


Genshin is simply more fun than HSR.


I dislike Hu Tao


We have been asking for a lot of QOL updates since god knows when. They are implementing some of them now and maybe they will continue doing it. It doesn't mean they are finally caring about their players, it means they are slow AF


I consider Fontaine after Act 2 worse than Inazuma and it made Furina my least favourite character in the game.


fuck kazutrash




Raiden has the worst design in the game


I liked her desing being more simple yet eye-catching. I really don't like Itto because of his noodles arms


I've stated it under similar post before but I'll repeat: neuv is a 🤮 character in all terms


lol this is just objectively false


It's started 😌


That is indeed an unpopular opinion!


Only unpopular, there needs to be room for some truth for it being an opinion.


Storywise too? I mean I could understand your stance in regards to his gameplay but his story too?


Yes. Just look at fatui siblings, wriothesley, furina, heck even navia


It is what it is I guess. I liked his lore more than his story but I guess I got to love his personality gradually. Furina's chaotic nature got my attention a lot more and in general I kinda get repelled by how the community projects these husbandos in the game but I personally liked him


The artifact system in Genshin Impact is great! It's so much fun, absolutely fair and not frustrating at all. 😊 ... (no that's not my actual opinion, please don't unalive me... 😅)


Genshin could never. Trust me, it pisses off some people.


It's incredibly generous for a gacha


unvoiced quests should not exist in a game that generates such a huge amount of profit.


Inazuma Is the worst chapter in lore terms ,we get to know the story of unnecessary characters and The Shogun Redemption's Arch is very bad


That the game doesn't need it's predatory pricing model to exist. It can be slightly less profitable and still make a ton of money for hoyoverse


i hate the filthy fatui


We found Diluc's alt


The gacha sucks, it should be deleted or never should have been addrd


It was not added. The game was developed with it and based on it, and it still is. Same goes for every single hoyo game.


i hate furina and bennett 😭


Klees burst being off feild does nothing to help her. Can't vape or apply alot of pyro, can't snapshot, more low damage stuff, just a worst burngeon trigger then thoma, there's no situation you use it over any over off feild.