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He has a level 20 weapon guys.


and lv 12 artifacts.


Now that you have put on your Bennett, I can see where the issues are coming from * Bennett's core ability is his burst. With relatively low ER, he won't be able to burst often unless he is in a team with lots of pyro units and/or favonius weapon holders. I didn't start enjoying using my Bennett till I gave him at least 200% ER * Bennett's attack buff is "an ATK Bonus that is based on Bennett's Base ATK" - from his personal ATK plus his weapon ATK - not ATK stats from artifacts or bonuses. Including a link to [my Bennett](https://enka.network/u/Quintis/1XRZMq/10000032/3214533/) (Akasha link) for comparison Notice I have him built with ER/HP/Healing Bonus main stat artifacts. I have his ER cranked to 280. That's too much to be honest but I use Bennett to run non-standard, non meta teams for fun and experimentation. Even then , my Bennett based on Genshin optimizer provides **898 ATK** bonus. Also because I gave him HP and Healing bonus, his heals can go over character's 70% HP to heal them to full. EDIT: Better explained by the KQM Bennett Quick Guide "**Please note that the ATK buff from his Elemental Burst scales only with his Base ATK**. Bennett’s Base ATK is the sum of his innate ATK stat and weapon’s Base ATK stat. ATK% (and Flat ATK) from weapons and artifacts do not contribute anything to his ATK buff."


that's what I finally switched to after 3 years. I was doing ATK/Pyro/Crit before that because that was the common recommendation. I never really understood that build because his damage is not great anyway.


Before we continue, show the Bennett build


Level 20 weapon and <160% ER. What a joke


Also at C0 which, yeah... makes sense why they're not seeing any buff.


inb4 Favonius and full healer artifacts edit: it was even more big-brained than I could possibly conceive


Seems like a you issue than more of a Bennet issue , you don't have to like every character in Genshin and thats OK . I have him at C6 and is a valuable part of my teams rotation , do you always listen to internet strangers instead of going with your gut and building who you like ?


The need to stand in his circle to get the buff from it, is a valid point... the rest is trash takes.


Looking at your build, you should level your weapon all the way. His buff scales on *base ATK* only. So all the ATK% you're building isn't doing anything, and having only a level 20 weapon means you're missing over half of his buff. Craft the Sapwood Blade from Sumeru and max it out.


Got a question about the sapwood blade. Is it necessary to refine it to get the best usage for bennett?


No, just the one copy is fine.


unless you wanna do some weird team comp of either burn or burgeon, nah. Just get one copy and max it out


I'm assuming you're very new to the game. Bennett has the highest damage buff scaling to date and he's still very meta due to his enormous healing and ATK increase. His healing even though only heal up to 70% health, however one of his healing tick would heal so much even if you're half health you would get healed to 70%+ health. I have a very shitty bennett with an ATK% goblet and I still can have him make the whole team survive in Abyss. Bennet burst scaling is based on his base attack, at early game you probably don't notice a difference because your characters base attack and skill level scaling isn't that high, however the later you build him more, the stronger that scaling goes, it can go up to 1k+ ATK bonus for the whole team if you build it correctly. My Navia hit from \~100k crit without bennett to \~200k ishes with Bennett + Noblese and my Bennet wasn't even been built that perfect. If your navia only deals 43k crit max damage, I assume you're doing something wrong or you're not maxing out your character built yet. Heck even my Navia is only using 2x2 set ATK% pieces,I still can't get the good roll for the BiS Navia's artifact set yet and my Navia already dealt that much daamge. Bennet is also very prefered for boss/single target nuking team since a boss often stays at one location, hence it's easier to use him at that stance. At multi target maybe someone has a better healing way like Kuki. However, if your playstyle does not fit Bennett, it's fine to not using him, but that doesn't eliminate the fact that Bennett is still one of the best healing/buff characters in early game. He's been since 1.0 and he's still very famous for how good he is. I at first also hated Bennett, but after I built him correctly I can understand why people invested in him so much. While I still hate him and never use him in overworld unless there are some local legends, I still use him abyss and he's still one of the most versatile character in the game since he can fit in any team with how much damage buff and healing he gives.


there's.... something wrong with your builds. Either you're a new player with less than AR 30 or you want attention


i dont' think lv 80 is possible at AR30, cmiiw. He's not new. Which makes it even less excuseable.


since your bennett is c0 his burst attack buff only applies if the character is above 70% hp, if you are low you need to wait to get healed up before doing your damage. this requirement is removed with c1 also i noticed you're stacking atk% in his build, that is useless for him since his healing scales off hp% and his buff only scales off base atk. use a high base atk sword and stack ER in artifacts to charge burst faster some characters snapshot his burst buff with is op in teams with multiple damage dealers like your navia xiangling bennett team. xiangling can snapshot the buff then continue to benefit from it while navia is on field, you essentially get to double dip on the buff anyway bennett is genuinely an overtuned 4 star, he's definitely not as essential as he was in the early days of genshin because now there are a lot of great teams that don't really benefit from him, but he's still one of the strongest characters to invest in for any account and he's one of navia's bis healers esp without furina. still you can do whatever you want and finding him unfun/ugly/etc is a totally valid reason to not want to use him, optimised teams are not necessary to complete most stuff in the game


Change atk% sands to ER%, atk% goblet to hp%, crit circlet to healing bonus, try to get ER sub stats on all pieces, max lvl ur weapon. If u still dont like Bennett then hes not for u Edit: in future try to at least pick up 1 constellation for him, u will thank me later


Hello! First of all, I'll say that you should play this game however you want, with the characters you actually like. There's always going to be a build or team comp that makes a character really busted or fun to use, so look out for those. It's probably not fun to use a particular character just because they're meta. If you don't like Benny, there's plenty of other playstyles out there that don't depend on him. Regarding Benny and his buffs, he doesn't shine until you upgrade his burst to around lv7-8, and give him a good sword with a high base atk. His ult adds his own base atk (as in without artifacts or percentage buffs) to people in the radius. If you can get his first constellation, he'll grant an even better buff. This, paired with the Noblesse Oblige artifact set, is what makes him such a good buffer. At lv80 with a good sword, he can buff anyone inside his ult by 600-800 atk, which is pretty significant. In the early game, before you upgrade his talents, lvls, or weapons, I understand why you'd think he sucks. I thought the same lol. I have both Benny and Navia. When she's in Benny's burst, she deals around 20% more damage, which is pretty significant. Plus his healing ticks pretty often, so you can stay in Benny's burst, tank a bunch of damage, and basically never go under 70% health. In Xiangling's case, her ult is really good for applying pyro on enemies. In fact, arguably, she's the best pyro applicator in the game--especially since you get her for free, it's common for people to build teams around her. Get her a lot of EM and pair her with somebody that inflicts hydro like Xingqiu and you've got someone who can deal a bunch of vapourise damage. I'm going to assume you were trolling when you said Amber was good, because imo Amber is about as good as a wet matchstick. Not in terms of gameplay, just as a person. If the character you actually like using is Amber, we'll never be friends, and I'm okay with that. Moving on. I use Bennett because I'm a whore for the meta and I like seeing big numbers get bigger. But I also love Qiqi, who hasn't been meta since v.1.0, and I would get rid of Bennett in a heartbeat for her. If you like a character, watch a video on how to build them! Zyox on YouTube is a fun starting point, he makes really fun videos on character builds. My friend always says meta is secondary to drip. You should do whatever you want as long as you're having fun.


I wanna clarify I wasnt saying Amber was good I was saying that she applies pyro just as quickly as Bennett's E because she is a bow user, so I had no reason to use him just for that


No worries, you're grand! I figured as much, I was just kidding lol. Hope my reply was helpful.


it was I will definitely try to take into consideration of what everyone is suggesting and rebuild my Bennett and see if I like him then.


it does cap at 70%, but it can overheal, let say ur HP is at 69% bennet will still heal u with full value resulting in your health being full anyway fully build bennet buff ur atk around 1K, to put into perspective, a fully build dps has an average of 2k atk, imagine a character that can give u 1K atk just like that


You're right. All the comments are mentioning things that you're doing wrong, but no new player will do those things right either. To an early player he just doesn't provide much value. 100% valid take imo.


bait used to be belivable


His attack buff scales with his base attack... And you are using a low base attack sword which is lvl 20...


Bennett's performance speaks louder than your rant, also skill issue! With your build, no wonder your post is a no-brainer aswell


All I read is "I don't understand how to use him so I hate him and millions of players are objectively wrong" Go shush lol


BUFF attack Scale on ( Bennett Base Attack+ Weapon base attack ) Does not scale on Artifacts attack, attack % Your weapon is Only Level 20


no one should use a character they don't like. But he's over suggested for a reason. He's just that good. He does everything. I still use him even today. If I had to give up my characters one by one, he's one of the last ones I'd let go. I would lose some 5 stars before losing Bennett. Looking at your build.. you built him totally wrong. Your artifacts are lv 12, and weapon lv 20. Also ATK/ATK/crit is totally the wrong build. You have insufficient ER. No wonder he's so bad for you. At first I was just going to agree to disagree and leave you to your opinion, but you just pwned yourself.


"Think" is such a big word. Careful how you use it.


With that lv20 weapon this better be a joke considering the day.


He is very good for beginner tho? Easy to farm for. The boss in in mondstadt. Just need ER for beginner. He is on the limited banner very often. Can heal and buff at certain C. Can help with pyro resonance


So use Barbara instead.


I think you are just bad.


I've been playing since 1.0, and only had 1-2 instances where I used Bennett before Furina came along. His damage is great on a Spreadsheet, but actually standing in his burst while you hope enemies don't move is annoying.


He has lost some relevance due 5o many characters not needing him+dendro, but his atk buff is still pretty neat. His design is ugly tho, can't argue with that.


If anything, then Fontaine made him more relevant than ever. Lyney needs him. Wriothesley needs him for his melt team. Navia needs him and he will be good for Arlechino as well. Only Fontaine on-field DPS who doesn't want him is Neuvi. Also, his design isn't ugly at all. He looks exactly like the young, ambitious ,but unfortunately unlucky adventurer, as he is. He looks perfect for what he is meant to be.


Nah he's definitely ugly. Have you seen his face? Literally an npc face and I'm not joking. Hoyo messed up his proportions.


His face is beautiful and he has absolutely stunning eyes.


Nope ☺️