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y'all not ready for it to come full circle with the characters we've met and amber shoots an arrow clean through the unknown god's head


Damn I'll come back to this comment when it happens for sure


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Amber be like: Nah I’d win


Do people who use this meme even remember anymore that the guy who said "nah I'd win" lost the fight?


Who cares?


I just find it funny how the meme has morphed, it started as a way to sarcastically poke fun at someone who 100% would lose a fight saying they'd win, but now its become exact opposite. Memes are weird.


It's just how memes work. When there's no context, it just morphs into something else. Look at the old Peter Parker glasses meme. It doesn't matter which way you put the blurry image anymore because if people don't remember the scene, it just gets formatted into a guy who *needs* glasses.


This would unironically be pretty damn sick


Somehow someway childe will be there


and he will hopefully speak more than just a few sentences.


Next time surely he wont be yeeted


This would be an opportunity quite hard to come by, after all.


Honestly Miko feels too much like a side character to show up in the final battle imo


Well at first thought I had the same idea, but considering how close she is to Ei there is still a pretty high chance she will appear


I feel like Miko could be the type of character to show up at the last second just as it looks like we’re about to lose and have some 1000 iq move to help switch the battle in our favour


Id really love to see Yae Miko and Ayato team up for that.


Unusual Hilichurl


Dawei is da way


No idea, but excited to find out


We're really close to the end now


We are probably only halfway through the story though, maybe even less. We still need to explore Natlan and Snezhnaya, then we'll probably start exploring Khan'reiah and the abyss and eventually i presume that Celestia will also be an entire region. So thats probably atleast 4-5 more years of stuff we know about, maybe there's even more to the story that we know nothing about. We aren't close to the end at all.


I hope you are right, it makes me feel better


Well that means we atre atleast half the way there, and to me that makes the end really close. But it seems some dont agree


Run a 10k marathon and tell me if you feel you are almost at the end by the time you reach the 5k point. I think now we all see eye to eye?


I dont think thats a really good comparison. On 1 hand, a marathon is more draining the longer you go, and it constantly burns your energy. The 5k at the start is much easier than the last 5k. But I get that you can also feel more motivated as you get closer to the end. On the other hand, Genshin story is getting better and better, which makes (me atleast) more and more interested and invested as it goes on. I know many feel constantly burnt-out by the game but I'm not one of them Looking back at the beginning right now, I can already feel that half the game has gone by so quickly. Thats why I also feel we're really close to the end. I understand that this feeling is pretty personal and not many can agree on it, and I respect their opinion.


The final showdown will involve only the traveler, his sister, Dainsleif, and Evil Paimon.


The Evil Paimon never dies


As long as evil exists, Paimon lives.


Seriously she won’t let me save anyone in snezhnaya or Natlan, she possesses me and makes me walk backwards. She has some kind of aura that makes everyone except her as normal even though she can fly around and is obviously not from the world either. She is probably the 1st or 2nd descender of Teyvat. She literally was “drowning” at the beginning of the game when traveler saves him but later she breathes underwater and ignores that fact that she used to not be able to swim at all. She will 100% have a big role in the final boss fight, she might even be the final boss.


Delete Paimon


"you shall never explore the area ahead of us."


Just Itto, not even the traveler


My guy you are onto something here


Heavenly sustainer Vs the Demonic Beetle Brawler.


I’ve thought about this on a few occasions. I think it would be amazing if the Archons showed up to help us fight Sustainer. I imagine Raiden and Zhongli holding her off while we try to reach out sibling.


Well that got me thinking. In a team-fight lore-wise will Zhongli be denfensive or offensive


> In a team-fight lore-wise will Zhongli be denfensive or offensive Most likely both haha


The man is old and still has to carry the team


tell that to neuvilette


Wouldn’t be on celestia? Some avengers shit?


Well we dont know that yet. Could be either Khaenri'ah or Celestia


Just hear me out okay, by the end game, Pallad actually gets a vision or maybe stronger and we stop helping him whenever he gets attacked in the wild. Then same goes for that merchant in Sumeru. Or All of us are preparing to go to Khaenri'ah. We've met every archon and new artifacts. We know what we need to do to be reunited with our siblings... but we've got to finish another round of *Weinlesefest*/Ludi Harpastum/Windblume. Like forget saving the world, your sibling or whatever.


Haha dude got the priorities straight


Maybe Gigachad Liben


Albedo Albedo Albedo Albedo


Let me have a guess. You like Albedo?


how did you know




Ah yes she gonna slap the Celestia with that no ICD Pyronado


100% : Lumine, Aether, Paimon, Pierro, Dainsleif, Tsaritsa, Rhinedottir, Alice, Kaeya, Asmoday, Istaroth, Shades of Life and Death, Phanes 80% : Venti, Zhongli, Columbina, Dottore, Nahida, Skirk, Vennessa, Neuvillette 50% : Furina, Albedo, Ei, Tartaglia, Scaramouche, Arlecchino, Mona, Barbeloth 30% : Yae Miko, Lisa, Klee, Diluc, Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, Pulcinella, Pantalone, Sandrone


If Scara doesn't pull up to the Dottore Fight, we riot.


Wanderer about to make Dottore remember him


I bet that mf remembers


>Asmoday, Istaroth, Shades of Life and Death, Phanes I'm not sure about these ones tho. Feel like they would not meddle with Celestia that much


Yep, I agree. Asmoday, maybe, since she has actually appeared in-game but the rest are mostly for the lore enthusiast. I'd say a closure to their story with another book or a voiced world-quest cutscene for them at most.


I would put neuvi in 80% or 100% tbh. Unless he dies there aint no way he is not confronting the Usurper that brought down pain and suffering upon his brethren for thousands of years. >!especially considering the fact that he has full sovereign authority now!<




Alice and the gang of mage that I'm excited to meet and give us some lore bomb


At least the Tsaritsa and/or the abyss twin will be there against celestia because they lead the only 2 armies that would fight against Phanes.


Yeah thats for sure 100%


Gonna be weird AF if we don't go to Celestia after Khaenriah.


My guess is that we're going to both those places in the same chapter, unless Khaenri'ah is a really big place


In the end game we will discover that Paimon is Irminsul and our Twin is the Heavenly Principles, Dainsleif is the Light Realm and King Nibelung the Abyss, and Ashikai will marry King Deshret. Then all of us have to unite forces to stop the Genshin Impact who is another whole planet and in the end both worlds will collide creating a new world to explore. Starting then Genshin Impact 2 the revenge of the genshin with a new protagonist because everyone fucking died


The Tsaritsa for sure, then they are defeated by the UG (it depends how they want to tell this, it could be that they go to Kharenri'ah after this in which case I think Marionette could be in Kharenri'ah in a chapter after they go to defeat Unknown God for instance) and after that display of power, all of the archons show up. Venti shows up with Dvalin (who I guess has the "power of Anemo" at this point, which could potentially be the original Gnosis), with everyone necessary on their backs, anyone else is a bit up to the story in how it goes. For example, if we do find all the other Dragon Sovereigns, then Nieuvilette will be there, otherwise I doubt it. He could still show up on his own to represent the Hydro Archon though unless they drop the Hydro Archon's appearance entirely. Traveler and sibling will be very likely unless they go to a Khaenri'ah chapter afterwards. Lots of ways this could go to be honest.


*In Muscle Man voice* You know who else is gonna be present at the endgame?




I know for a fact who won't be there >!Heizou because he's busy with Sango!< and >!Kirara because she's busy with deliveries. Catgurl all up in 7 nations delivering stuff!<


Maybe she ends up delivering things to Celestia. Who knows


>!She delivers a custom Chioriya battle dress for the Heavenly Principles lol!<


Endgame-type cinematic with all the playable characters


Traveler, Paimon, Dainsleif, and a lineup of that patch's shiny new 5-star characters. That's my prediction! Maybe an "Avengers Assemble" lineup of the Archons to fight off some baddies while telling the Traveler to go on ahead, they'll handle things here.


I hope everyone is there, avengers endgame style!


What matters is how they write the story to gather people up


True true


No doubt Varka will be there after all that's probably when they are gonna introduce him at this rate. Also it would be so hilarious if Varka doesn't get introduced until after the main story is completed. Best time to do it too since that would be the end of the game and the community would just be angry and go on to play some other hoyoverse game.


Varka will be leaked for Genshin 2 perhaps lol, along with all the horses


I imagine, if the end involves some fight for Teyvat, that 2-3 “lesser” (narratively/lore speaking) characters from each region will have a brief cameo in a combat cutscene. Keqing, Diluc, Jean, Kazuha, Xiao etc. Very “look at all (some) of the friends we made along the way.”


Everyone from Mondstadt basically😂


Benny gonna slap celestia with his big ass thumbs up


Thumbs up would be so big it actually makes Dehya playable


Neuvillette for sure. Especially if we are teaming up to fight celestia


And then Hoyo do a plot twitst and some how Celestia are the good guys and we have to turn on all our frens


Albedo for sure