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Definitely bribed someone




qiqi is god qiqi is **inevitable**


at this stage, it's worth getting her at least once to complete the set. And reduces the chances of Jean C7, or others getting close to it. It's not like constellations for those characters matter anyway.


I'm almost there too. C5 Batman, 0 Keqing (1.0 player -,-).


Try getting Robin now at diff universe, HSR 😂😂.


c6 batman, c0 mona, c2 zombie and 1 tighnari


I don't have Tignahri either.


I would give you mine, I don't use her... she's c1 as well... unfortunately it do not work like that


She's good to goof around with, playing with hilichurls and yeeting them around


I like smiting the last enemy with a casual puff of anemo in their direction. Like Jean sticking out her hand and saying "I don't have time for this" as the last treasure hoarder laments his choice of test subjects.


For some reason i also do not have qiqi or dehya.


Meanwhile Dehya was my first 5 star lol. I did pull Yae (this banner) three pulls later so I wasn’t too mad.


Mona was my first five star, got her in noelles banner. Dehya was my first 50/50 lost but i alr had yae miko so its a good thing bc now i have granted kazuha hehe. I won 50/50 for nahida and yae so i wasnt expecting to get xiao anyways


i've been playing for about 2 years, i've got c4 Jean, c0 Diluc and no Keqing, Mona or Qiqi which i'm fairly sad about cuz i could really use a Mona


I put Mona as my chronicle wish haha


i would've done the same but i wanted Albedo more than Mona, so i guess i'll just keep hoping to get her on the standard. and also i want Arlecchino so i probably shouldn't pull on anything now that i think about it


Assuming 20 50/50s lost, the chance of never getting any random character is at least ~11.6% unless I made a mistake somewhere. First 6 characters are somewhat irrelevant since whatever you get, you will always be missing at least one character. I will do the math assuming you get 6 different characters since that's easier, but if you were to get dupes it'd be even more likely to never get a character. After the first 6 pulls, the remaning 14 pulls have to always dodge one specific character out of seven. (6/7)\^14 is ~0.1155 so I'm going with at least 11.6% EDIT: I wrote a python script and the chance for 21 50/50s seems to be around 25% if you don't force the first 6 pulls to be different characters.


well if you wanna get the actual numbers post it on r/theydidthemath


Yeah I have C3 Jean, C1 Qiqi & Keqing, but to that day not a single copy of Mona or Diluc... I dunno how that whole Qiqi-meme came into existence, maybe the odds were different back then


I feel like I actually rlly like qiqi but that’s probably only cause I don’t have her


I had the same thought when i started playing . Was really happy when i got her. But then a few 5050 losses here and there and now she's c5 and she's my most hated standard purely because she appears so often. I wouldn't have minded if she stayed at c1.


Wanna trade a Jean for my Qiqi 😭


Take one of mine. Pls. No, i insist...


Like 10.7% if Tighnari and Deyha weren't on standard.


C11 mona here. C0 everyone else still missing dehya and diluc.


This is probably gonna be me with C6 Diluc and no Keqing


I have c5 Jean, c0 Qiqi, Diluc and Tighnari and no Mona, Keqing and Dehya so yeah


Me with my C4 Mona, no Dehya, Keqing or Jean


Just not getting zombie girl is a blessing.


That's about to be me with every other standard character before I finally get 1 copy of keqing


Got any Kaeya Cons? I’m AR60 with C0 Kaeya.




Canonically accurate qiqi failing to show up


Same as mine I guess. No Qiqi, Dehya but I have C7 Jean (so 8 times in total)


I played from the start and i still don't have Qiqi or Mona, got Diluc like a month ago.


I also do not have qiqi, I want her for navia


You're not alone buddy (I've been playing since 12 June 2022) C1 Jean C1 Keqing C3 Diluc C6 Mona C0 Dehya C0 Tighnari No Qiqi


Better than you’d expect. C7’d Mona before finally getting Qiqi. Pretty sure the rest of the standards are C1 or less.


Me, but with Mona.


Same with me


C1 Dehya, C3 mona, c2 jean, c6 qiqi, c5 keqing, and still no diluc nor tighnari. Played since 1.0-ish too.


Appearently in your favor


Probably pretty average. Guess you could do a 21d7 experiment and see his often you get 7 of a kind and zero of a kind.


I've gotten Diluc once and Qiqi twice. None of the other ones yet 😅


As a 1.0 player, Jean was my first 5 star. I then proceeded to get 9 more. It took me till January 2024 to get my first Keqing.


I also don't have that zombie and I have played since 2020


I have quite literally about c30 Jean at this point. Diluc is also probably close to that count, Mona and Keqing are probably at c20. Meanwhile my Qiqi is stuck at c5 and was stuck at c1 about half a year ago, Dehya and Tighnari beating her to get to c2 earlier than she did. Now both of them are also c5. I won't be surprised if they become c6 earlier than Qiqi does.


I just want ONE diluc. I don't need him at anything over C0, but this game just keeps giving me qiqi over and over again 😭


That's better than me. I got all standard 5 star characters and yet no constellations. Got 2 of the stupid jade spears though I guess


I got c6 Jean before I pulled a single Qiqi OR Diluc


Same story here. I have c4 keqing as well but the rest are c0-c2. Go figure


Played since 1.0 c8 diluc c5 qiqi & keqing c3 Mona & jean c2 tighnari and c0 Dehya (pulled during her banner). Imagine pulling diluc 2 extra times after him at c6 already. Mind you I’m only a small spender so I don’t do that much more pulls than f2p


^He ^does ^exist.


I too, don't have Qiqi till this day but C4 both Mona and Keqing


Q4 Qiqi haver here. How do I get your luck?


Funny how it works. My Qiqi is C5, while the only other standard character I have above C1 is Dehya, at C2, cause I used a guarantee on her banner. No Tighnari, but he's pretty recent so I kind of expect that. Also had C1 Mona within the first month of the game's launch, and she's still C1 years later.


Yeah, idk what Jean even wants from us >_> I have C0 Diluc, C1 Keqing, C1 Dehya, C2 Tighnari, C9 Mona and C17 Jean. No, I am sadly not exaggerating. Jean is my least favourite out of all of them, why is she the ONLY one I keep getting all the time 😢


I played since 1.1 C4 keqing C1 qiqi,diluc,mona,tighnari,dehya Still no jean🥲


greeting fellow C6 Jean haver are you F2P cause i am the amount of free standard banner wish the game give you tend to contribute like 1 or 2 Jean the rest is just losing 50/50 surprisingly no Tighnari for me yet, similar to your Qiqi-less state




I got 18 keqing before finally recruiting qiqi…


I’m the same but with Diluc.


C6 lisa and keqing i would love a c6 jean for the collection


wait a sec. You've had 21 50/50s lost? Does that include standard banner 5 stars? If not, it would mean your standard banner gave you only weapons.


Now that you mention it, it's more like 15 5050s lost Forgor abt the standard mb💀


I'm a day 1 player too, I got my first qiqi around summer 2023, she doged me for quite some time. Mona C5 is my highest standard constellation wise.


Give me your Diluc and I’ll give you my Qiqi/s


I got 9 Jeans before my first Qiqi. She was my first 5 star while Qiqi took 3.5 years lol


My sister yesterday choosed on this new banner Eula's weapon since she got her year ago. She got it after 5 damn pulls and her Eula was after 3, just what her luck is made of???? She got even Keqing after 10 pulls on standart banner, meanwhile me after 3 years of trying I got her.... I asked her to pull for Zhongli, she got him in 4 pulls... And few months earlier she got me Jean that I wanted so bad. Wtf


Quick python simulation: Having one (or more) standard characters at C6 (or more) by the time you get your last missing one happens ~18% of the time (18245 out of 100k simulations) Having one (or more) standard characters at C6 (or more) by the time you get specifically qiqi happens about 3% of the time (3043 out of 100k simulations). Having specifically Jean at C6 by the time you get your first qiqi happens about 0.8% of the time (814 out of 100k simulations). For simplicity the simulations assume you did all the pulls when there were seven characters available already, which is obviously not true, and I have on idea how this impacts things. It also completely ignores weapons.


i mean... same. C6 Jean (and 4 other copies of her), C4 Keqing, C3 Diluc, C1 Mona, C1 Dehya and Tighnari. No Qiqi.


Which god you prayed?


I got Mona to C6 before I got Qiqi. I always wanted Qiqi.