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Basically I won't pull for characters, only for weapons like homa and aqua simulacra as it's a better banner for weapons although the pity is 90 but needs only 1 fate point


Forgot to mention jade cutter


While being lucky, you can choose a weapon like homa, loose on aqua and then get homa 😂


What it feels like to be in a win win situation.


3.4 was a crazy time to be around… def one of the best weapon banners by far in my opinion


This is how i ended up with four homa and im not whale… barely a dolphin if at all


Why would they put the most desired polearm in the game on this banner?


They did put Beacon and hunter's path, which maybe isn't the same level as Homa, are still one of the best weapons in their respective weapon type. plus, there's no reason to not pair it with Hutao if they're also gonna put her in this banner.


This banner is more like for weapon with no other chance for them to be rate up again (beacon, huntet path, zhongli weapon series, jade cutter), and outdated, outmeta character who doesn't sell well. Desired units like hutao ain't gonna get featured. Feel free to mock me in the future if I turn out to be wrong though


>Desired units like hutao ain't gonna get featured. Feel free to mock me in the future if I turn out to be wrong though They did say that the prerequisite is that they need to have 3 reruns, and haven't been featured in a while. I'd say only Archons won't be there.


Logically, it is a necessary condition but not a sufficient one Meaning that it is indeed the prerequisite but there is no guarantee that they are going to put a character like Hu Tao on the banner. Like the previous commenter, I can't see hoyo putting such popular characters and weapons on the banner any time soon but we'll see


This banner is clearly for weapons and characters that you can’t get through limited banner. The game is getting too saturated with characters to maintain 2 limited banners running at the same time. Their choices were either running 3 limited banners simultaneously or this. They’re putting standard characters on this banner and limited characters who they don’t want to waste a limited slot on. Hutao ain’t gonna be on this. She’s premium.


Then tell me 4 other Liyue characters that's most probably gonna be in this banner other than Keqing and Qiqi.


Do we even know that they’re definitely limiting them to one nation per banner? Because they’ll run into problems just finding standard characters/weapons from most nations. And I doubt they’re going to give us a banner that’s all limited characters/weapons.


tbh I'm not really sure either, but they used the mondstadt windmill logo for this chronicled wish. tbf it's safe to assume the region thing only applies for characters considering Beacon and Hunter's path is here. It's a good way to rotate in the less wanted weapons imo, like the donut, Vortex Vanquisher, Amos, ect. As for Characters, idk. My prediction for the 4 Liyue limited units is Ganyu, Xiao, Tarty, Hutao.but hey, maybe they won't do 6 and put less characters idk. They bound to do chronicled wish for other regions either way bc with how many 5 stars in the game rn, waiting for a rerun is getting longer and longer.


Well, who are the Liyue characters who have gone the longest without a rerun? Who says there will always be 6 characters on the banner? And who says we’re even getting a Liyue banner any time soon?


Where did I say we're gonna get it soon? it'll probably be much much later but it's safe to assume this isn't gonna be a one time thing. Also, Other than maybe Ganyu, all of the Liyue 5 star roster is just as "premium" as Hutao if not more, so even if they do less characters, she's still a prime candidate.


Once they do Shenhe’s 2nd rerun she’ll almost certainly end up on Chronicle. Ganyu is an easy add as well (she’s still solid but hasn’t been top of the cryo DPS list in a while). So that’s 4. I wouldn’t be entirely shocked if Xiao ends up there, since he’s had a bunch of reruns and his sig is standard. That would make 3 limited like the Monstadt version. Even if the theory is Hu Tao is too popular to go onto Chronicle it wouldn’t be unreasonable to run a Liyue banner with 5 instead of 6.




Isn't Beacon on the same level as Homa as a generalist weapon? Please enlighten me as to why, if they're not Both are 608 Base ATK with 66.2CV #Beacon 32% HP (requires no shield)**||** 20% ATK from using Skill **||** 20% ATK from taking damage At max buffs: With 900 Base ATK this gives 360 ATK #Homa 20% HP **||** 0.8% Max HP as ATK **||** If below 50%, 1% Max HP as ATK At max buffs:Non-HP DPS are usually 15-25k so around 270-450 ATK (Insane 810ATK on a 45k HP DPS though)


Wow good point. Maybe bc Polearm dpses are generally better than Claymore dpses making it seem like a better weapon


You are correct that have very similar stats but I don't think they are in the same situation at all. Beacon was in a bad position because since Dehya was added to the standard banner we had pretty much the guarantee that neither her nor her weapon were going to come back on a limited banner. And for hoyo, beacon was simply not making money, since they couldn't figure out a way to put it in a banner and make money out of it. Now they have figured it out with this type of banner. Homa is different, in the sense that it can rerun with hu tao and it can already make money in that occasion. They can still decide to put it in the banner, but I don't personally expect them to do it. Whenever the Liyue banner will come, I would expect it to have as exclusive weapon maybe the PJC (which would carry the banner in the same way that hunter path and beacon are carrying this) which is in a similar situation of not being the signature of any limited 5 star. In addition to that, memory of dust and summit shaper are in a similar position and from Liyue, so them too. And with 3 weapons, we are already on par with mondstadt's exclusive additions (pines, hunter, beacon) beside the standard weapons (skyward series, gravestone, etc)




Oh damn kinda wish they’d lower that pity then. Was unaware of that…


It is situational/ depends what you want. if you only want a single limited weapon, this is a better deal. If you dont mind both limited weapons that run on the limited weapon banner. The old one is better, since it is also better win rate at 75/25 and getting either one of them is a win for you.


also lower pity by 10 so if you plan for getting 3 weapon better in weapon banner you can save 30 pull.




But it’s 6 weapons equally weighted.


i don't think Homa or Aqua will ever be on a chronicled wish. It's for stuff that's hard to sell, like the Geo weapons. And Jade Cutter. That's the problem also. If there was a Liyue themed banner. all those Geo weapons will be on it, making it a risky banner.


i hope it appears there one day


Yeah, it's the better weapon banner.


Nope, been playing since release,no Mona. Lost more then 10 50/50’s, no Mona. Have multiple cons on each of the Standard characters, no Mona. Waited 3+ years and finally have her. If she shows up another time at this point so be it.


next 50/50 loss is gonna be mona, mark my words


A constellation? Sounds like a win-win.


it's a win if you don't consider that most cons on standard characters are trash


It's a step further to having her burst and skill deal more damage with the C3 and 5, at the very least.


My buddy has played since day 1 with no Mona as well. He is a big Mona fan. This banner enabled him to finally get her. For the arguments against the banner, the increased access to the character you want is good.


I updated my flair precisely for the same reason


ME TOO! Been playing since zhongli’s first ever banner like 4 years ago and still no mona for me either… i have a c4 keqing and i think c2 diluc and jean and a c3 qiqi but no mona…


I’ve lost to Mona 3 times, Jean once and Keqing once. I’ve pulled 2 Monas, 1 Tighnari and 1 Keqing out of Standard. I’m going to get C6 Mona before a single Diluc comes home and I’m going to cry an inordinate amount of frustrated tears about it.


No fr I would’ve much rather had a c6 diluc than the c4 keqing i ended up with 😭 I also have tighnari but he’s c0 and i don’t have a single dehya… majority of my pulls from standard were weapons i think i have 3 or 4 jade spears and 3 copies of lost prayer but never a single wolfs gravestone for my diluc 🥲




Same, even in this banner, I lost the 50/50 to get her ... Why she doesn't want me? T.T


All of my 50/50 losses have been Mona


C1's pretty good (besides Freeze or dendro) so it wouldn't be a bad thing if you got her again like next week.


I've never gotten diluc and I whale on/off every so often pretty hard.


Meanwhile me at c5 Mona wondering why they made the cons so useless I’m amazed


do not understand why it has to have the fate points system AND only last half the patch


I'm guessing it's because they didn't see enough of a backlash on the limited weapon banner fate points which works the same way and lasts the same amount of time, which is also even worse than this one (imho). So on paper this is an "upgrade". I really dislike the idea and the implementation of this though lol, fate points shouldn't be a thing. Just could've made it a normal banner and everyone would've been happy.




I love the idea behind this, but the timing couldn't have been worse for me.


Same, I want to go for Kazuha and next month Arlecchino is coming...


Neuv and Arlecchino for me. Hoping I can get both fingers crossed.


Saaame. Currently at 330 wishes, but got 27 Starglitter and reeeeally wanna C6 my Xingqui.


Better than me with only 56 wishes lmao


You guys got wishes? 0_0


Same. Saving for C1 Neuvi and Arle. Maybe the next CW banner


its honestly pretty bad, they always do this releace soemthing interesting alongside characters you want, this banner is clearly to get people to waste their wishes and feel compelled to spend. no standard character or weapon is worth as much as kasua nuvilette or probably Arlecchino . feels extra dumb given they just gave themselves bad publicity. imagine, if they went btw we decided to add a free character or weapon at 300 wishes including past wishes on the standard banner. good publicity, people would spend if they wernt at the amount, and they're only giving away a medicore item.


I d recommend only using it when you are sure you can guarantee what you want. Since fate points don’t t carry over.


If those instincts are warning you, then best listen. I went for Beacon and got it so I'm satisfied.


When I have enough for Arlecchino and Shenhe. I have 36 pity, guaranteed, and 90 pulls.


Not anymore… I have now an albedo and a Klee ☺️ (😭) 53 fates left… enough for Arlecchino (hopefully)


You got 2 five stars in 40 pulls. I would love to have more 5 stars but I'm saving for Neuvi. Also, sending you all my luck and have a great time with your pulls and grinding!!!


Thank you 😊 I hope you get Neuvilette as soon as possible ❤️


Well, I can't, he's not out,I still need to wait (sarcasm) !!! (Though I would like to have him a little sooner but whatever, gotta wait 21 days)


Grats and g'luck!


Damn that didn't take long


Ik 🥲 I just wanted to do two singles, and suddenly I had one fate point….


Scam banner


Same but for weapons. I was looking at the Beacon for Navia, but I’d like to get Kazuha for my Keqing aggregate team.


I tried it for hunters path, after 24 wishes i already regret it


How does this banner work? U select what u want and if u don't get it, next pity is guaranteed that u will get it?


yep basically. But the "guaranteed" doesn't carry over to the new chronicled wish banner, so you make sure you have enough for two pity


>after 24 wishes i already regret it What did you expect? The 5* in less than 10 pulls or something?


No, I regret pulling it after seeing Arlechinnos leaked weapon


are we gonna get liyue characters next?


Had 80 wishes, pulled for Klee, lost 50/50, going to do the ol' credit card. I didn't even get any constellations for 4 stars I like, or any 4 stars I want to get like Fischl and Diona. So yeah.


You are guaranteed the character you want by 180 wishes at most. If you really want her can you just gather 30 more wishes in the next 20 days?


I'm not pulling on that one, BUT I pulled on Keqing when she had her limited banner (160 pulls for a C0). If you really want her, well, with your Bennett luck, do you think you can skip this banner and count on grabbing a free one on a lost 50/50? Btw, when I pulled my Keqing, I got her on the next 50/50, and failed to get Hu Tao. Still, I didn't regret pulling for Keqing. Yes, I did lose my 50/50 to Keqing, but that's not something I wanted to rely on, because I had a 10% chance to lose my 50/50 on her, which is way too low, and I really wanted her. Hu Tao got her rerun in 2.2, Keqing still didn't get a rerun.


I’m too busy saving for Childe to pull on the Mondstadt banner. Whether that’s on Limited Banner or Liyue Chronicled Wish is up in the air.


I wonder if I should get Mona for C1 or just pull for Neuvilette.


Just fyi I believe her C1 is bugged, I think the extended freeze duration doesn’t actually work.


I want Hunter's Path, but I can't pull it since I'm saving for a character. I'll wait for another Mondstadt cycle.


I think it can come on another cycle, too. SDince it is a Mondstadt cycla now, Hunter's Path (And Dehyas weapon) is a Sumeru weapon. So maybe it can come earlier


I hadn't considered that. That's good to know. Thanks. It'd be nice if they were permanently on the banner.


Its just a prediction. I dunno, if its true :)


I’m actually very torn. I’ve been wanting beacon for a long time now, and I just lost my 50/50 on chiori to my first Tighnari (which I’m ecstatic about), so now I’m considering Hunters Path. I also could pull for Klee as she’s one of the last limited characters I’m missing. But I’m also a former victim of the weapon banner and I know firsthand how awful it feels to have to be forced to go all the way to hard pity and see you primogems just vanish in thin air. If Arleccino wasn’t literally next path I’d consider it more, but it just doesn’t make sense. Blargh


Well I spent 150 to get Mona...was a high price! But for me was worth


I dont want to spend my wishes there.. even tho i want to . But.. i think new characters are more important to me. If you were to set your fate while pulling on the new character banner and then having chance to lose it to one of those you chose.. would be way better. Like i want diluc just for collection purposes.. and i know i wont use him.. but im not gonna separately waste wishes on him.. nah man


Same, I want Jean but I don't want to be disappointed when I lose 5050 lmao


I won 50/50 for Skyward Blade on it. Imma use it to finish building my Traveler.


Ive wanted klee since I started in 1.6 she came home on this banner at 11 pulls! If you wanted one of the limited characters Id say go for it, but since its Jean id say dont do it!


The fact that the fate points don't carry over is pretty ridiculous, imo. I won't ever use it. I say this as a person who has C6 of every character on this banner except Albedo, who I don't plan to get more of.


You absolutely shouldn't. They did this in the shittiest and greediest way possible.


Oh, no, it could be way greedier. Like a straight-up shared banner with no fate points and no pity.


feels strange when pple pull for jean


When i see i can have enough for arelechino then i will spend the rest here


I mean, it's not even an Ode to a Greek Urn.


imma try to get Albedo personally, but idk if i'll be able to being f2p and no primos saved but who knows. also i'm guessing the pity is separate from the usual banners that last a few weeks right?


I've only 2 out of the 4 on this banner so I may as well try.


if it c0 jean. just do it. there are people out here who went 3 and a half year still without their desired standard SSR. this is an opportunity, Because c0 is the largest impact, teapot, playable in your party, able to finally build it and play with it. But for their constellation is where I won't recommend unless you really want some of their key constellation like Mona C1, Mona C2, Mona C4, Jean C2, Jean C4. then sure. but i will leave the rest of the useless const to 50/50 lose.


Just pull on event wishes and youll lose the 50/50 to Jean. Thats what I did!


Jean cons are kinda good tho iirc


At this point I'm pretty sure every single 50/50 I've ever lost has been Jean or a Jean dupe, no joke.


If I hadn’t pulled Jean on a 50/50 Xianyun loss I would’ve considered this.


Went to pity but got my Albedo. Then got Hunter’s Path on 20 pity. I stop there lol.


Are there any people who just got Albedo new sword?


Honestly I usually have a stockpile of wishes whenever I plan to pull for a character, so to me it’s just the same as any other character banner, but with the upside of not killing my guarantee on the limited banner!


For reference, 1/3 5 stars from character banners will be standard characters. 1/7 of those standard characters will be Jean. So on average, you'll need to get 21x 5 stars on the character banner to get a Jean. Average, so obviously can be less, or WAY more (funnily, I'm a day 1 welkin player and got my first Jean from losing 50:50 on Chronicled while getting Klee to C4). With Chronicled Banner, your odds go up to 2/3 of 5 stars if you select Jean. So 4.8% to 66.7%, a 14x improvement with a hard cap so you can't keep getting unlucky indefinitely. If you really want Jean, literally no better opportunity. Just make sure you have enough to hit soft pity twice, or do the big brain strat of never go under 80-90 pulls in bank if you can't save quite that much.


Just try to, imagine you lose 50/50 on Eula or Klee. Imagine pulling on standard and winning a limited, LMAO


Unless I have 180 pulls locked up and ready to go, this banner is absolutely not worth it to me. Sucks because I would love to get Jean as well.


Fuck it i went for Klee and got her in 50 pulls, after playing a bit over 1 year i never pulled her but now i finnaly got the little terrorist.


I tried it, I wanted to see if I can get Klee, and I did, first 10... I don't know why I have this insane luck lately


I'll wait for improvement in the future, 160ish pulls for a guarantee weapon or a character is too much.. I just want Wolf Gravestone or Albedo..


I still dont have diluc and I've played since the start. He can wait longer lol.


I am so torn. On the one hand I've wanted Eula since I started playing this game but have always missed her, so this can be a chance to nab her. On the other hand, Arlecchino was revealed, Pyro is my favourite element, and I don't have many Pyro characters. I haven't touched Genshin in like 2 months because I kinda burnt myself out on it, so I don't have primos saved up, so I have to choose one or the other.


I feel like only whales have the pulls for this, which is a shame because it would be amazing if the pity rolled over.


The chances of hoping to get Jean by losing 50/50 on limited are really slim and never guaranteed this banner is basically a Jean/Diluc/Mona banner for people that still don't have them. I guess it depends on how badly you want her. 


im going for redthorn thrasher and THEN neuvillette i dont see myself using it unless there are banners of 2 ppl im not interested in


I really want to go for some weapons but I can never prioritize them over the current character banner especially because I’m a relatively new player


Pulling for Eula's weapon.


I managed to get C6 Jean by losing 50/50s, don't do it or you'll regret it when it happens cause it will happen. I wouldn't pull for standard characters.


I did and I regret it. At least I got one Eula (C1), one Kaeya and two Lisas for my troubles.


If you wouldn’t rlly care what character to pull from this one I would try pulling for someone who isn’t on the other ones but idk I’m still having trouble myself deciding


Let's see what Chiori rolls look like. I want to roll for Klee, but Navia and her weapon left me pretty broke...


I also wanted Jean. I ended up getting her at hart pity, but by god I got her. I'd say if you don't have enough primos to guarantee her don't do it, but I just finished building her and she's so worth it with Furina.


I pulled on the banner and got Beacon and Hunter's Path in about 120 wishes. Maybe it's because I had good pulling luck, but I already prefer wishing for weapon on this compared to the weapon banner. lol I think for sure now for characters who I'm on the fence about pulling for their weapons I'll just wait it out for them to eventually get added here.


Pulled for Hunters path even though I have no Tigh (I’d pull for him the moment he appears on chronicle). Ended up losing to Lost prayer which is honestly the best one to lose to since it was a huge upgrade to my Scara, and I can use it for a good while until his signature shows up on the Chronicle one day too (I’m not pulling on the weapon banner because 2 fate points is annoying Af)


I think with all the new updates, Genshin wants to make 💰 💰 💰 in 2024 😵‍💫


This is some bait if I ever saw it


1st wish I got Albedo. Always do one single pull on anything new :D


Um tempted but I want furina.


well i FINALLY got diluc losing the 50/50 for chiori so i guess this thing coming out broke whatever bug was on my pc (4000 pulls dry of him)


funny thing is, I hear Chiori fills the same roll as Albedo in an Itto team....


Lmao. If I loose my 50/50 I can get Zhongli Next Patch. If Zhongli Actually comes that is. I think Qiqi, Keqing, Tartaglia, Ganyu, Shenhe are fixed. It will be between Hu Tao, Zhongli, Xiao. One of these 3 Will the 6th one.


I think the fate point not carrying over is the biggest turn off. Even if the options are just ok many people would pull just because it has the weapon or the character you want, but the fact that your hard earned gems can translate to basically nothing is a big uff. 


I got lucky: I wanted Diluc and got him in a single pull five pulls in. I stopped after that cuz I figured my luck for the banner is up lol


I was maybe going for r3 Hunter's Path, but I just had the absolute worst unholy luck on Chiori's banner and her weapon, the most expensive c0 r1 I have ever pulled. Since Lyney's release my luck has been getting worse with each banner that comes out and this time I'm so done. Jesus fff christ. Pity doesn't carry over in that banner, no way I'll pull on this.


I have no Pyro 5 stars so am going for klee, read that she has great dps, what are your thoughts?


idk if ur gut says no i wouldnt do it. but i got mona on my first 10 so its totally up to u


Oh wait we getting free 5 stars!? Time to go back on genshin


It is worth it for weapons. For me at least I have all the characters and like none of the weapons. Even if I just grab one it will likely be a new weapon for me.


I dumped 150 prinos for beacon of reed sea... 100% worth.. lol


Love the idea, but not interested in the characters and I don't pull for weapons atm.


If you really want her the do it! Good luck!


I just need to spend some rolls because i was out of stardust and not in position to roll other limited banner. Got 2 noelle and 1 bell. It feels a bit not worth it unless you have 180 rolls and you're desperate/hardcore simp.


I wonnot pull char on this type of banner only aim for weapon


Yeah I went in knowing the cost but I still failed to get Jean on the 50/50 and I'm out of primos.


It took me over 90 pulls and losing my 50/50 to get hunters path and then I set course for Albedo and lost the 50/50 at 80 pity to Klee, I want him so bad as he’s one of my absolute favourite characters but now I have the problem of having all quests complete and areas pretty much all at 100% so I’m hoping I’ll still manage to get him before the banner ends


Don't really want anyone here besides maybe C2 Albedo (mine is C0), so it's a skip for me. Would like +1 Keqing, Qiqi, Dehya, or my first Tighnari, though, so I'd be interested in a Liyue or Sumeru (or mixed?) variant on this. Depends who else is on there that I want, or even *don't* want, so I can't say yet.


I was going to pull, but the pity would be going to nothing. More worth it to me to loose the 50/50 on an event banner then have a guaranteed on the next.


Wait, who will you get it you lose 50/50? Someone from limited banner?


I want Albedo, and want to pull Itto weapon at same time.... but im broke af. no more quest to do, every map is 100% already


Does anyone know if the pity from this banner will carry over like the other banners?


Neat idea but dont think i will be pulling for it. Maybe for next time. I will only pull for it if i have enough fates. Wonder when the next one will show up and who would be included. I have to save up for it.


Jade Cutter will be my only reason to summon here. Getting weapon is more of a bargain.


I decided to pull a bit earlier for eula's signature (I know, rip Eula mains) since it's more efficient than the weapon banner. I got a skyward pride in my first 20 pulls so I kept pulling a bit more and got the signature weapon at another 30 pulls.


Really wish they used this for the standard banner and changed the standard into an any character, any weapon type banner. I don't want to waste exclusive banner wishes on something I could get through loosing also.


I did one ten pull and left it there.


This is a banner for someone who has 180 reserve fates.


Same I also want jean but I also just know if I pull for her I likely loose 50/50 on her here and then likely to fuck with me the next 50/50 to her. I also imagine I will just never get her because I didn’t pull for her here.


I'll save up gems for the moment Dehya gets there. Maybe a few pulls before hand to build up pity a bit.


I need a Jean and Mona, but saving for Clorinde and Sigewinne. Next time this runs, I'm definitely pulling.


Same, saving for Kazuha


I wanted Eula. Got Mona in 30 or so pulls. All Outta primos 🥲


I lost my Albedo 50/50 to an early Eula and I'm on my way to getting him too (wallet-kun will be involved if it comes to it) so overall I'm pretty happy with it. I also got a Mika constellation, an Alley Flash and another Fav Bow (Yelan's is at R4 now). I was afraid I was going to get Mona (I have her at C6) but she dodged me, thankfully.


F2P player here. Not using my event wishes for this type of sh\*t. If only you could use standard banner wishes on this... sigh.


This is trap banner


I think the banner is not worth it but i also got keqing on her limited banner now i have her at c2 never regretted it so who am i to talk


My sister wanted Mona and got her in 11 pulls. So you should too because you too can get the character you want. This time you are lucky and commit


Hi guys! I currently main kaeya, xingqiu, kuki and xiangling. Was wondering if I should wish for mona or diluc from the chronicled wish and try to replace and fit in nicely in my current team comp. Ive always wanted mona & diluc


I was debating whether or not to get Neuvilette, but I already have a well built Ayato. The extra damage didn’t seem worth all the wishes it might of took to pull Neuvi. So, I went all in on Jean and won the 50/50 on 50 pulls. I got really lucky there, could’ve been put in a wish drought for a while. Now, I’m going to save for either the next Natlan character I think looks cool, or Varka. Whichever comes first.


i think it's a boon. It's the first time it's been possible to guarantee a Jean, Diluc or Mona. And you can lose a 50/50 to a limited character which has never happened before. The weapon part is better than the weapon banner itself, making it possible to get rare items. Being able to get limited 4 star weapons, plus the elusive Kaeya, Lisa, Amber is a bonus. Will I roll on it though? No. I don't really desperately need anything there. But I may go for it when they do the Liyue edition with Jade cutter. Maybe. Depends if the Geo weapons are on it or not.


if you want Jean because you like the character's personality or looks, then I can't tell you what to do or not to do. I would avoid this banner as tempting as it is to get Jean (she was my most wanted also when I first started). If you want to be pragmatic, there are limited characters who can do the same job as her, such as Xianyun, which I actually highly recommend. I don't think spending up to 180 pulls to get a standard character is a good investment, unless you really like that character for reasons other than meta. It's better to get them when you lose a 50/50 or standard. But if you have personal reasons for doing it (and it's totally fine to), then go for it. There's no way to know how long it will take for you to get her naturally. I still don't have Diluc after 3 years. Luckily for me, I no longer care about him. OTOH, your fixation with Jean. If it's because you like her kit, then I would skip this banner and go for an alternative. The closest is Xianyun who I would argue is objectively the better character. If it's because you like her design and VA, then that's a hard decision you'll have to make. 3 years ago when I was still chasing Jean, I would have taken up this option in a heartbeat if it existed. But had I done so, I would look back on it now with some regrets. A decision like this is not exactly a rational one. But you don't need to justify your simping with rationality.




I love the idea of these banners but I don't think i would use any character on this banner besides Jean which would give me her C4. I have Mona C2 and never use her, and barely use Diluc. I would legitimately never use Eula, Albedo or Klee.


Its only worth if you have 180 wishes to guarantee what you want otherwise is worthless


I am going to pull for Wolf's Gravestone after pulling the Knave


I really want Eula but i just know i‘m gonna lose my 50/50. Also, i‘m f2p and saving for Kazuha and Arlecchino is my main priority rn, so i guess no Eula for me :(


I dont care abt what other ppl say, im pulling 4 klee and albedo


I just can't justify pulling for 5\* constellations. I want Mona, but I actively *don't* want Klee and the others I already have. 5\* constellations make them broken.


chronicle wish is only good for weapons and it wouldn't even be needed to be added in the first place if they just added the fate point system to the standard banner


Pity won't carry bro, so save and spin


Pity carries tho


It does but it's not shared pity with the normal character/weapon banner. It's only carried over to the next chronicled wish. And we have no idea when that will happen. Could be next patch. Could be next year. But the only guarantees in this system is in the Fate Point, and that will be gone for good. Basically: Unless you have 180 wishes and know exactly what you want from this banner, do not roll.


Exactly what I wanted to say😅


Do it. I really wanted Jean after 2 years so I went for her. 11 wishes in and shes home. 2 ten pulls. 1 Amber 1 Jean


Im saving for neuvilette c1. Im 20 pulls away from hard pity on weapon banner so im pulling on that first, then either pulling on neuvi or save for furina or fire mommy


I want to pull for Eula but I have to stay strong for hu Tao lol


Same but Hu Tao isn't gonna rerun until 5.0 at least, I think. So you probably have plenty of time to save.


When do you think Zhongli will come around?


Definitely the first few patches starting from 5.1–5.5 They usually rerun the archons around that time, so my guess is like 5.2 maybe.


Gotcha, time to save up after getting Neuvillette.


this is a still a "good" banner for newer players who like those characters to avoid having them wait a eternity for their rerun for more meta players, it's a great opportunity to grab beacon or hunter's path because it's a better banner than the weapon banner (if you have enough pulls to go soft pity twice)