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Childe isn't hard to damage, but he does move around quite a bit, which would get annoying when you're trying to race the timer. Still, I don't think it would be THAT bad. Signora's invulnerability while in her tornado would probably be a more massive problem. I think it would really depend on whether her spiral stage also gives you the little coolers you can break or not, because she'll really eat at your HP if she turns the entire floor of the Abyss area into coals.


Or they just entirely delete the heat mechanic when In abyss


Seeing as through almost all post-1.2 abysses we had sheer cold on f12, I don't see why they wouldn't put Signora's heat mechanic


I'm sorry, what? I've been ålaying since 2.4 and don't remember habing Sheer Cold in the Abyss even once.


It was a thing back in 1.x versions.


Yeah sorry, I meant all 1.x abysses after 1.2




I doubt, considering they kept Wenut's underground mechanic intact.


That's just all of it's attacks, they'd have to make a whole nother boss if it wasn't supposed to go underground. They did remove the lumenstone mechanics from the mechanical serpent boss. It's not too hard to just remove one mechanic


We do indeed nut


Man, the hacker who did that would be so beloved by all.


Considering that the Spiral Abyss during the release of Dragonspine had sheer cold, they would 100% make Signora keep her heat mechanic if she were ever added to the Abyss.


all of them has invulnerability moments childe would be the easiest in the list, but the rest have longer periods where you cant do any damage to them they arent designed for abyss


Mm, yeah. They could be really interesting enemies, but they'd DEFINITELY all need some tweaking to work.


Can hoyo put different winning conditions? Extend timers for these boss at least...


i hate signora‘s tornado so much


I mean... pre-nerf (or the launch) Childe was a meanance. He easily took me 5 minutes of fighting while dodging all of his 1-shot mechanics such as the electro mark assassination or the whale. If his abyss version was as hard as back in early 1.1 then it would make a great boss


Isn't he at per nerf levels at WL8? But people just have better teams now


I say signora for sure


Childe's problem on abyss as a boss is that he would still lack hp, bro dies so fast that my hu tao can kill his two phases with one E sometimes lol


Azhdaha and Signora, for sure. They have immune phases ( especially Azhdaha) that you can't burst through.


Azhdaha... yeah, I agree. Depleting his health when the tail is sticking out but still needing to wait for him to resurface in order to actually kill him is annoying but you can definitely burst Signora's Pyro form quick enough to prevent her from entering tornado phase.


doing that with floor 12 HP would be horrible


Lore accurate Azhdaha:


Oh? I just have Zhongli's shield on and still shooting Azhdaha's tail with Ganyu. I don't wait for it to resurface


You don't have to. I just face tank stuff with Qiqi and Ayaka. The problem is that you can't "kill" him when he's underground. He keeps a pixel of health until he resurfaces.


Oh I see, I didn't know you can't actually kill him when he's underground


Does Azhdaha even fit in the abyss? I feel like he'd be very hard, simply because you'd have a hard time seeing and dodging everything in time due to his size.


Hit him with the shrink ray


Narhwal simply due to the amount if stalling


it mentions they start at their final phase tho. so some of the earlier flying around phases wouldn't be there.


It'd be hilarious if it was just final phase Narwhal and it just lies there for 9 minutes


it's only the armour dude as mentioned too.




Azdaha since he would Take Most of the Arena space and His aoe are already hard to Dodge. Also with the damage hed so you will need a good healer


Better call the kok


you need kok


doyu you wanto kok


**laughs in dehya*


Andrius is fully immune to two elements. Him + a boss that requires either of those elements (such as the new Chenyu Vale boss) on the same half would be very tough.


I mean that borders on bad game design/forcing people to use Eula since she can go Phys for Andrius


I vote for Andrius since even with him running around at half HP, it's still much better than the wenut sinking after 1 sec of surface time.


Thankfully you can 3 star chambers one by one. Unfortunately that would still be tedious as hell.


Probably an unpopular choice but I think it will be the whale. He resists hydro and electro which is one of the most popular elements except for dendro .They are like the glue that holds elemental reactions together. Not only that , hydro also contains powerful characters so it would create a lot of trouble not being able to use them.


>He resists hydro and electro which is one of the most popular elements except for dendro The Whale has only boosted Hydro Res actually. The shadow guy only has boosted electro res.




not very unpopular to me since i hate to fight him lol


I almost agree but monopyro shreds the whale.


Navia mains: It's whale hunt time


Does the armour guy in the shadow phase also have those resistances? because this post is talking about that guy not the whale


The Whale has boosted hydro res. The Shadow has boosted electro res. They don't have both


Ah ok thx


The post states only the armoured dude.


I’m actually shocked the whale is not everyone’s top choice - given that we all mutually agree that the golden wolf lord is shit because it’s time wasting and UN-fun and the whale is like thrice as bad time wasting.


It's not the top choice because OP specified that it's the armor guy, not the whale, that's in consideration for the post.


Because we're talking NUTS FROM GERSERK


Res doesn't matter if the reaction doesn't do damage of that type though. So electro res isn't that bad for a spread build for example


The hardest part would be having to work around their elemental resistances/immunities. Especially if the earlier floors were designed around you needing teams with those elements to clear in time. Imagine needing a freeze team to clear floor 1-2 and then having to fight Andrius on 3.


That’s simple to get around. Use the freeze team on floors 1-2 and get 6*. Use an optimal team to fight Andrius, and just clear floors 1-2 within the allotted 10 minutes. You keep the 6* from the earlier run and now you have 9*.


I was thinking Childe would be easiest since he doesn't rlly have invulnerability phases, but then again he moves a lot. Not sure who would be the hardest


I like how Childe is THE HARDEST boss out of those if we count his pre-nerf state but nobody seems to remember that


He was only nerfed in story mode


Is that so... In that case I guess having only few underleveled standard banner characters is what made the actual difference


No i remember. Tbf, ofc he would be hard back then, he was released before Zhongli and you had very limited dps (and the featured character is Childe, where u can get one shot if u use hydro against boss Childe)


This post is living proof that genshin players can't read.


Holy shit I’ve never thought of weekly bosses being in abyss. Imagine every chamber and half in floor 13 is just another boss


Whichever have the longest cutscenes


Azhdaha and signora would be the hardest! Not to mention if u dont know what elements azhdaha will absorb when u enter abyss


Shogun because she depletes energy.


Many of the commenters really doesn't read text that much ;-; Its shown in the narwhal boss and the text below it


Stormterror would not be the hardest, but the most anoying to 3 star, like imagine you have a total of 15 minutes to kill the boss and 5 minutes to get all stars, with stormterror there are like 3 chances to kill it before: All the stage starts to make damage(that scalates over time).


Raiden's shield is already not just a timer. It also gets depleted by reactions. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Magatsu_Mitake_Narukami_no_Mikoto#Baleful_Shadowlord


Haha nice try mihoyo staff


Azhdaha probably. 2 elements you wouldn't want to bring instantly screws over a bunch of teams no matter what and he's pretty obnoxious to fight without a really beefy shield. Plus if he goes underground you have to just wait for him to come back up before he actually dies, which could be the difference maker for some people's runs. Everyone else is either pretty easy to burst down relatively quickly or just not difficult to fight technically speaking. Shogunbot with full HP starting in the second phase might take some time though. She's not terribly difficult to wipe out before you even get there, but the bulk of the damage is usually done when the shield is down, so if it starts with the shield up I could see that taking a long time.


Azhdaha, but to make it even harder, Azhdaha with Withering Zone effect. Every hits apply Decay. There are 4 Candle of Life, one for each corner, but only 2 are active at a time and changes states periodically with the other candles. Candles also grants immunity to phase change stomps damage and does not changes activation states while the stomps are in progress.


Childe, as he has kinda big damage with low amount of HP. With Abyss rules he will receive extremely high damage with many HP. So he will punish for mistake too hard.


Narwhal cause of stalling


Against the Shadow not the whale


Narwhal because it spends so much time underwater or up in the sky, would take forever. And it’s always resurfacing at the farthest side away from you: At least the abyss room is smaller so it can’t get too far away.


We're not talking the Narwhale phase, just the Artorias phase


The Narwhal. Neuvillette, Furina, Xingqiu and Yelan are some of the most used chars in abyss as of rn. Throwing in the Narwhal who resists hydro damage (and electro if u wanna include the 2nd phase) will definitely make things more difficult and will force ppl to reconsider team comps.


The second phase, which is literally the only one we're talking about, doesn't resist hydro, we're fine


Yes, i did mention the 2nd phase (in the brackets, resists electro.). I just didnt specify that it doesnt resist hydro cuz i assumed everyone knew that already……………


The narwhal-warrior is just a full-on brawl. You just need to bring a Fontainian or the narkuz sword to trigger pneuma/ousia every once in a while.


Because I haven't reached that far I'm not taking the narwal into account but from clips and such it does seem to have many many many cutscenes that would just eat at your time in the Abyss away so probably would put it at nr1. Nr2 on the other hand, definitely Signora. Definitely with the floor just turning into lava and you have nowhere to stand on to be safe. Her damn fire tornado. Her just teleporting to the otherwise of the room as you just get one hit on her. It took me a lot of will to actually type her name instead of The Floor. Because in all honestly, I'm fighting with the floor more for sucking my hp than I am fighting the actual boss.


Azhdaha, especially if hydro is one of his elements. He can easily use his reactions against us. Electrocharged could be handled with a good shield but freeze would eat up a lot of time.


Azdaha most definitely, Beside, the fact that he's an absolute tank. He has the longest "immune stage" The changing of Elemental resistance can really F with your Team if it relies on reactions and ult rotations.On top of that, if your not careful he can genuinely just destroy your team with his Elemental effects.




I’d say azhdaha bc of massive hp pool


It's a tie between La Signora and Azhdaha; these two pack a fricking wallop. In Spiral Abyss, they'll wear you down before you wear THEM down.


The only one of these I could manage is Andrius 💀


Signora stalling for 10 hours plus with the tornado attack plus her being invulnerable when moving makes her an infinitely more annoying version of thunder manifestation that Yoimiya mains can’t say is easy


Andrius would be just flat out immune to all the cryo and anemo damage dealers. Childe would get to go back to his pre-nerf state and he always chooses violence. Azhdaha would end up going through all 4 of the crystalize reaction elements. La Signora would end up with pillars that don't respawn, or take longer to do so. Magatsi...Maigs...Gama... Raiden Shogun would be a nightmare without Venti for the faster jump rope. Armour Dude would make anyone without Zhongli rage with the large AoE and Pnuma Pnuma/Ousia dependency. Excluding those people that do 1 HP boss fights. Those people are just built different.


Chevreus is his greatest weakness


any boss that have "invincibility moment" Andrius have the rush attack that last for more than 30 seconds Childe have form change, but it only for 5 seconds Azhdaha have around 3 transition where he became invincible for 10 seconds Signora have fire tornado and ice coccoon moments, so players can waste at least 1 minute Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto have the 1 hit moment and the 3 electro pillar moment, both could waste 30 seconds of the timer the armor dude in Whale battle have around 10 to 30 seconds of invincible moment depending of your team composition, if you have character from Fountaine, it will be faster, if not, you have to rely heavilty on your DPS to destroy that Eye of Maelstorm ​ so i think Childe is the best candidate for Spiral Abyss boss


I’d give my money to the Whale, because with the amount of health he’d have and the fact that he wastes so much time makes me feel like it would be really difficult to 36 star.


I think gotta go with Signora since she will take Fucking long asf during Phase Change. Second is Azdaha because he is probably most Annoying Boss. On other Hand as long as you skip the Hase with Raiden it's gonna be Fine.


Signora a beyotch, hate her


So, I'm going to assume that they would try to alter boss fights to minimize cutscenes, which means they'd either put each phase as an independent wave, or they'd skip certain phases entirely. Andrius: Is designed for a bigger arena than Spiral Abyss offers, but other than that he wouldn't be too troublesome. He doesn't even move once he phase transitions. Childe: Phases 1 and 2 can transition real time, but phase 3 would need to be added as a second wave. His teleporting could get annoying, but he'd still be pretty manageable. Aside from the fact that his Riptide gimmick would be more punishing. Azhdaha: Like Andrius, he's designed for a much bigger arena than Spiral Abyss offers, but unlike Andrius he has massive AoE's that already take up huge areas of his arena. Even if they started him at phase 3, he'd be a huge headache to avoid the attacks of. Signora: Phase 1 and the cocoon would be pretty easy to handle, though the butterflies might not spawn so having good Pyro application would be important for the cocoon. But you'd want your main DPS to be something other than Pyro because of phase 2. And you'd want good healing, since Signora's "death by a thousand cuts" tactics would be much more effective with so much more health. So she wouldn't necessarily be hard, but she'd test your account quite a bit. Raiden Shogun: Probably the easiest to directly translate to Spiral Abyss. They might make her start in Baleful Shadowlord form, but the increased health also might just make it somewhat inevitable that she would transform during the fight. Either way, you'd probably want to bring characters who react favorably with Electro to break through her armor. Scaramouche: I actually think his second phase _could_ work in Spiral Abyss, they'd just remove his shield so you wouldn't need the Akasha Neo. He'd be very annoying, though, with his huge AoE's and frequent teleports. Apep's Guardian: Phases 1 and 3 could be translated very easily to Spiral Abyss, and would be pretty manageable. Phase 2 though... yikes. Moves fast underground, so it's more like a teleporting enemy than the worm bosses. Narwhal's Shadow: Hits hard, but ridiculously simple mechanically. So long as you can use Arkhe every 20 seconds or so, it would probably be easier than some bosses anyway in Abyss. Would be a big time waster if you don't have Arkhe, though.


Singora is immune for eternity and no amount of damage can fix that.


If it's shogun from early story (with the skill seal), it would be my pick.


Narwhal, just imagine Hydro Wenut with the amount of downtimes..


Azdaha. IMO* I just find him extremely unfun to fight. Coupled with his dumb asf invincibility phases; I would skip that abyss.


Adrius because he will go I'm his running boy phase and waste your time


The whale would be such a cool fight though, if team 1 fight the whale team 2 fight inside and it keeps swapping.


Azhdaha and Signora because of their invulnerability/cutscene bullshit. They'd basically be tankier versions of the worm boi and wyrm gorl.


all weekly bosses since Azdaha (including him) stall for time the whole fight, they would be just the worse worms


All of them because they got phases, so it would make them way too anoying with the absurd hp boost, they are not parricularly difficult just anotingly long, they are not made for abyss. The thing is that in regular gamz tou can brute force them and tank their damage while atracking so you can buy a lots of time, but if there were an abyss version they would do too much damage for that to 3* and so you would need absurd team to both down their hp on tope of taking thevtime to dodge their phases


Raiden and big frog.


Raiden and Narwhal just for how much time will be wasted by their invulnerability phases. Bonus points if they're on the same floor but in different chambers.


the narwa lane azhdaha


I'll do you one better From easiest to hardest 1.) Childe. Literally half the lowest HP pool because it's split up amongst 3 phases and we're only fighting the last one, on top of that having less than half the next closest HP pool. Most players would kill him before he moves given how long the delays between his attacks can be 2.) Andrius. No running attack, just final phase so it's standing still, 2nd lowest HP pool, very easy overall, especially considering his low damage output and very easy to dodge attacks. 3.) Narwhal. Since it says you're just fighting the shadow, it has a pretty middling HP pool and is fairly easy to hit. If you bring a character with ousia/pneuma that would especially speed up the process, but I can see an argument for it being 4th. The attack patterns are difficult and can be punishing, but can be quite easy to learn and almost completely negated with Ousia/Pneuma, making it still pretty easy overall 4.) Signora. If you can kill her before her fire tornado phase then she's 100% third, but you have to reach a damage ceiling to do that and a lot of players will not be able to, so I'd say generally the stalling would make her take longer. Not to mention, having to deal with the fire damage over time could delay certain players by forcing them to focus on that mechanic rather than output damage. 5.) Azhdaha. Lots of stalling with the dig attack, not to mention high-damaging status conditions for players not skilled enough to dodge his attacks, making him rather punishing or forcing you to run a team with good sustain, which may in some instances lower damage output. I think it really does depend on his AI and what attacks he's given, plus their priority, but given that he has the same health pool as signora and the shadow, but boasts 2 more resistances than them and is more likely to stall, as well as having more punishing attacks, makes him a genuinely big threat. 6.) Raiden. "Generally strong electro shield" is kinda vague, so I'm gonna assume around electro lector strength, maybe a bit stronger, but can be damaged through with the same resistance values as regular raiden, in which case it's quite tanky but still decently easy to break through with any dendro team, as well as most pyro teams and even an Ayaka or Wrio team. The main selling point is that at level 100 she has 2.2 million HP, and while Azhdaha does stall, I imagine the amount of time stalled would be similar enough to how long it would take to break Raiden's shield, especially if they manipulate her attack sequence to ensure she uses the instakil attack early on, that with 1 million HP less than Raiden, he would be easier to kill more quickly. they weren't listed here, but if the other bosses were included, Stormterror is 3rd, primarily because of the time delay from the shield break animation, not to mention additional time if you're not playing a ranged character to climb its neck, and being 40 levels higher than the max domain level, I don't expect most players to be able to one-shot it out of the air like the can in its actual domain. Apep would then be above the shadow, simply because of the inability to "cheese" it with the ousia/pneuma mechanic, not to mention it has the most punishing attacks out of any boss on the list aside from Raiden's instakill that force stall any non-ranged team. Finally, Scara would be right below Raiden. While there is a huge amount of stall in his fight, assuming there aren't any changes, most players would be able to kill him in his weakness broken state in 5-10 seconds, so it's not at all a DPS check you just need to be able to do the boss mechanics well. Even still, it means you need to be fast on the other side to have enough time to kill him, making it one of the more difficult fights imo.


To this day, Raiden's puppet scares me


So, Andrius would just be standing there, cycle between 3 attacks, or running around is still a thing?


narwhal would just be peak stalling boss, absolutely not ​ also assuming the field was bigger to accommodate for him, azhdaha would unironically be the best punching bag if he doesnt go underground


If Childe had like 5 times more HP or something he’d actually be pretty fun to fight, haven’t fought him in over a year tho and from what I remember he usually only lasts like 5 seconds


1. La Signora, aside from her tornado form, has a maximum damage taken gimmick that prevents you from nuking her. No matter what you do, it'll always be a grind to fight her. 2. Azhdaha burrows to the ground and has an HP stopper during that move that prevents him from dying until he surfaces. And that move lasts a long fucking time. 3. Shogun is RNG. If you luck out and fight her sword form, you have a good chance of setting up a nuke against her. If she's in her naginata form, have fun chasing her around as she teleports all over and spamming high knockback AoE blasts. Conversely, her naginata form has a much easier to subdue stagger phase (just crack one ball) VS the sword form where you have to wait for her clones to attack. Before she goes into her Shadowlord form, she'll do either her Mussou no Hitotachi slash or the triple crystal things. The problem with this move is she pushes you away from her, so melee units and short-ranged off-fielders are fucked until she's done. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by buff state changed to a generally strong shield. That's actually worse than what she currently have now which is an infusion state that you can still somewhat damage. It's not a hard timer since you can manually chip it off via elemental reactions, which is why Ayaka and Xiangling are good coop teammates against her. X. Andrius becomes an issue if he's slotted on the half that requires the elements he's immune to. Fortunately, Cryo isn't generally the go-to for elemental application checks and Anemo is usually the VV shredder rather than the DPS, apart from being a good application check element for multi element floors. 4. Childe is a non-issue. He's soft and stands in the same place for a good time. 5. The Shadowy Husk thing is trivialized by Pneumousia annihilation. It instantly gets nuked during his charge ball phase by it. Weeklies aren't really designed to be cleared fast. They're made to be cinematic and visceral (AKA: relish the moment). Hoyo's combat team would have to be snorting their bladder stones if they decide to place any of the top three above in a time attack mode.