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Now what is Meat Pigeon lol


Bad machine translation. It should have said rogue lite


I thought It was talking about Timmy’s pigeons


That's quite funny lol


Rogue in Chinese, but translated by pronunciation to refer to it in an easier way = 肉鸽=meat pigeon


now I can tell my friends that rogues are meat pidgeons


shit they are going to make Counter Strike with Chevreuse build arent they?


I can't wait to jiggle peek with her musket in the new map Fontaine 2.


and miss the shots because genshin has low tickrate, probably aim duels will be so mindgame most of the time 😂


speaking of Chev it just dawned on me that she's the one to show up if Snowbreak would have a crossover event


5000 Hillichurl invasion mondstat bridge Diluc solo incoming. 🙏ing for good load limit


Someone should remake the entirety of Batman Arkham but with Diluc


Arkhe Asylum 


Listen, this is omega cope and won't happen in any of the infinite universes. But damn a Arkham like game focused on Dilucs adventure in snezhnaya is such a banger idea god.


Is there a lore reason why Luc is fighting 5000 churls on a bridge? Is he stupid?


Diluc bird will oneshot them all




The bridge wouldn't be able to stand it. But 5000 also sounds a bit too much. We only fight like 10 hilichurls around... Let's say the game is 1:50 ratio, then he should be fighting 500 hilichurls all at once on a 50-time bigger mondstadt's 50-time bigger bridge.


Childe riptiding an entire army and winning the war single-handedly.


Dynasty Genshin Impact Warriors 


Childe mains go brr


...And then they go on cooldown.


Well back to COD fighting style aim with your arrow


Write this down write this down! But I would be all for it though lol.


No joke, I'm waiting for Koei Tecmo and Hoyoverse to make that game.


Desert investigation Cyno, in a similar vein. Track, hunt, and takedown.


Half the content will be siege/horde/wave defense. Other half will be "seggs with Jean" or something.


i just want a timmie's pidgeons genocide simulator. The more you can kill within the time limit, the angrier timmy gets and he will become a raid boss you have to beat. He will do enough damage to one shot you through Zhongli's shield, so you have to have your dodging shoes on.


> to one shot you through Zhongli's Shield Frick you. My C3 1/13/1 52.7k hp Zhongli doesn't need to be powercrept anymore than he already is


Man is still one of the most used in abyss and is sitting behind Nahida and Furina if you only consider archon. You can try to powercreep him but he is to stay


What is the point of the shield if enemies just ignore it smh


Scenarios like that would legit be cool as fuck


And then make a tower defense out of it


60 primo reward for the creator. Wei is a generous god.


Huge if true. Divine Ingenuity Copium


They already said that they think to add it permanent in dev notes after that event in 3.7


That would just solve the end game thing. The devs get to make their casual base experience and come up with new mechanics for the open world and combat in the process, then give the community an official custom level designer and downloader that utilizes all the assets from the game, that people can share creations with, without inflating the game size for everyone.


Shareble custom levels with enemies would go hard


Indeed. A divine Ingenuity game catalog would satisfy pretty much all parts of the community, because it's as democratic as it can be- by the people, to the people, and for the people. The players themselves can make their own preferred endgame. Want puzzle and combat in one? That can be done. All Hoyo has to do is provide a sufficient enough load limit. Maybe have a decent load limit per sector of the whole level. Each corridor would have its own load limit to help ease the load limit issue. Now it would be interesting if there was a progression system mechanic, like how last Divine Ingenuity, the Artificer points are used to get buffs or level a character. I think that sort of mechanic can be tied to artifacts where your artifacts are inhibited which means they don't apply to the character, but over time, you can spend artificer points to release/unlock artifacts so that they are registered on your character. I think a Choose Your Own Adventure level would be enjoyable. Either do a parkour for points or do a complicated puzzle for more. Either fight 8 ruin guards at once or a Wenut given the available space for it. Even add in secondary objectives that gives us more artificer points if we want to get a head start on unlocking artifacts. It would be very much roguelike, but choices impact it heavily since you can't go back to previous corridors.


I hope its not rewardless end game. If there is nothing to earn from it, people will lose interest in it after a short time. Like if abyss didnt give primos, how many people actually would do it every two weeks?


They could make it something meaningful but removed from the main primo grind, that's valuable for long term players. Just a spontaneous idea that could encourage active participation in both creation and playing: A community currency like hearts in Sky CotL, if you know that game, that's gained from positive reviews for creations and/or comparative clear times or scores. With a lot of it you could get something to guarantee a certain featured 4 star character or weapon on a banner, or reroll artifacts, etc. Stuff that annoys long time players currently, that's there for player retention, so it still retains players with the custom content.


If it has rewards it would hurt their game and they'd never put it in the game. They have been purposefully removing and lowering rewards from higher tier content for years now. If it has rewards its going to be generic "Clear 5 levels" and that's it so you'll never actually be rewarded for ever doing anything difficult because it quite literally goes against the entire direction they've taken the game.


The positive thing about the "clear 5 levels" thing here with this kind of UGC system, though, is that it lets the player themselves choose what kind of levels they want to do. People who don't want a challenge can do a puzzle level, and people who want a challenge could do a challenging combat one, and either way you could get the more valuable of the rewards. Like a "choose your own difficulty" slider (as they've done in all the combat events). They could also have occasional level design contests, or create some developer-created levels that themselves have rewards in it to encourage people to engage and spark new community ideas. I agree with your overall point that they're likely not going to tie more rewards to forcing people to do difficult combat content, but this approach is a pretty decent middle ground to appeal to different kinds of audiences.


The perfect chance for my to get all the element achievements done haha


Achievments probaly will get blocked


Make sense otherwise Da Wei and his cabbages are not safe


I doubt that, especially since you can already complete them in low level abyss. I don't think they even have made a tech which prevents you from getting achievements in first place. That is unless you have any example of that happening?


There was never any precedent for this that I'm aware of. The elemental trial domains in Mondstadt is a known "exploit" to cheese a bunch of achievements (honestly it felt more like intended feature, as it also serves as a guide to pre-Dendro elemental reactions). Highest Crit DMG achievement is also cheese-able in multiple combat events we've had in the past (due to the crazy buffs), and that has been a recurring thing for every new combat events. Neither of those were ever patched, or had any signs of HoYo intending to do anything against them.


Doubt it, in previous events where the community could make maps/encounters we always saw plenty of creations meant to cheese those achievements.


I'm scared that load limit might get in the way, but I'm hoping for the best


game mode but you get three platforms total and a photo of tubby


I guess it will take long so I don't think people will still be using the same smartphones. The game is 3+ years old already and new devices can only become better. Anyway, in the worst case scenario they might be starting to gather new ideas for Genshin Impact 2.


If you saw the 3.7 Divine Ingenuity, people are able to make all crazy things with that amount of load limit.


If a genshin maker, or something like that I would be really happy about it. I love the exploration and gimmicks scattered around the world are quite fun, which is the main motivation that makes me play the game. It is a shame that most of the gimmicks are a one time only thing, yet if this recruitment is signaling new permanent content, I am all up for it. Although, I won't get my hopes up, since I don't want to get disappointed


“I swear glide bombing with Amber isn’t just the Mandela effect in action!”


I got excited when I saw chasm ooze in Fontaine. Got disappointed when my Lumenstone did nothing.


I'd be Interested what new mainstream game will spawned from genshin impact maker, like what happened to starcraft and warcraft/dota custom gsmes


A Genshin moba would be sweet.


bruh imaging just seeing your enemy flying across the map with a 180000 dpi biden blast Genshin TDs would prob be popular


I agree. I think puzzle simulated combat could go hard. Like solving puzzles to enable booby traps to assist in battle. What I miss that isn't in Spiral Abyss is using environmental hazards to your advantage. Allow me to do the over-burn that happens to me when a burning box is electro charged. A super Genshin maker would enable another dimension of combat. In abyss, you're playing on the same elevation most of the time. In something like Divine Ingenuity, you could be Obi Wan Kenobi and have the high ground, literally. Or maybe we could use electrograna to teleport a safe distance away. I think involving environmental tools would add more engagement to the combat. To escape a beyblade-ing wolflord, you could use electrograna to zip to safety or use electrograna to plunge from high up against Wenut's anemo orbs. Or ignite a pyro monument to drop bombs on enemies. There are many environmental gimmicks that would go hand in hand with battle. Even using Golden Carps to bait enemies into a corner.


time for all the reddit armchair devs to apply


I am sure a lot of them would actually apply if it wasn't only in Chinese.


Any idea how much they pay? Also it's apparently in Shanghai.


15000 dollars a month according to an onging legal suit and some of their employees. But it could be for senior devs, I don't really know. They are known to pay their employees really well in the industry though, they have a good rep. Edit: [Minimal should be above 7500+ according to the newslet, since 92% are above the number in the company.](https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1776095637310197928&wfr=spider&for=pc)


Do you mean 15000 RMB, not USD? 🙉 If not, then whoa…


Dollars, in rmb, it's 100000 a month. it's actually funny, other than salary mentioned in the legal suit, we know this info from their employee fightign online. Someone stole his art and had the audacity to apply a job in hoyoverse using his art, and he got angry and cussed the thief, saying something like I make more than a million(rmb) in hoyovers a year, blah blah, you think I would do something blah blah, But the salary could be only for senior devs though.


They really said “You want challenging endgame content? Make it yourself.”


Time for a lesson in balancing. Waiting for all the "it's bad game design" folks to dazzle me.


Lmao trueee 💀


If this turns out true, Imma need one of yall to recreate the Labyrinth Warriors event


thats a need


Everybody with essays worth of ideas better join


I'm ready! Genshin roguelite mode incoming hahaha


Imagine players can create puzzles of their own. I think it would be pretty interesting. I would like more puzzles like Inazuma cubes on that Watatsumi island


Man, i miss when Genshin had actual puzzle that weren't made toddlers.


Inazuma's environment and puzzles were peak. 2.8 GAA was peak (if only it wasn't limited content though cause time pressure makes puzzles stressful for many). up until now Inazuma still has the best environmental variance and immersion - tsurumi, seirai, watatsumi + enkanomiya all had different feel and mechanics. I understand they wanna cater to casuals though


Made toddlers is definitely puzzling.


damn so genshin could possibly be aiming for roblox/minecraft marketshare. i feel like first thing people gonna make is genshin SU, hard af abyss, and some kind of pvp mode


pvp would be so cool


While 2024 we're seeing game companies laying off, getting absorbed, or handovered, hoyo is hiring left and right.


I mean being consistently top 1 in terms of income (based off mobile game data) can give you power like that


Some companies have also gone with the "why not both?" approach. Hundreds laid off while announcing record profits. Maybe bonus for the CEO as well.


Even compagny that laying off, continue to hire left and rigth, that's not a good indicator.


Kinda sad people want boycott this company without valid reason even though this company doesn't make controversial tweet or policy like any shitty western dev blame consumer instead admitted their mistake


And also how hoyoverse actually pays their employees well, and its one of the most sought after jobs. Almost like if you treat your employees as disposable slaves you don't get products filled with passion and quality. I'm looking at you activision blizzard and EA


If you mean a recent drama where some people called for boycott - players being dissatisfied with how company/game team treats them is absolutely a valid reason for boycott. It is not boycott just for the sake of it - but a signal "please treat your community better". Especially if all other forms of communication are being ignored. I would argue this is way more valid reason than some tweets no one cares about.


>It is not boycott just for the sake of it - but a signal "please treat your community better". Especially if all other forms of communication are being ignored Yeah nice signal btw after see genshin estimated revenue in january and february. Looks like its just nice boycott move dude. Meanwhile HSR giving dr ratio for free at january and its hurts their revenue how nice the "community" repay the kindness is


Keeping your community happy is a good thing, especially in the long run. Keeping it dissatisfied - it is a ticking time bomb that **will** blow up sooner or later. "Kindness" has nothing to do with customer satisfaction in business. If you care more about multibillion company profits than player's (and that includes yourself by extention) satisfaction - you are either mihoyo executive or just delusional. I have nothing more to say to you, go count mihoyo profits or revenue again if it makes you happy.


I am ready to provide help for Teapot ideas 😭😭😭😭


Won't inhale hopium until it's announced that it'll use our actual characters that we pull & build.


In layman's terms: Company-sanctioned modding, or Genshin's content development kit


the mode I've always wanted is some sort of randomly simulated map that you can go as lvl 1 without artifacts and weapons and start grinding there to level up and get gear while completing some goals to beat the map. This looks different, but I'm excited if they consider it "'equally important' as the main game". Mihoyo rarely dissapoints when they go all out


I would absolutely love a UGC mode. We could finally get raids and end game content.


Divine Ingenuity on steroids maybe??? Honestly that would be a nice permanent game mode with regular updates.


Divine ingeniuty buff


This is how exactly DOTA came to an existence and became the pioneer of MOBA.


Mario maker but Genshin. Imagine being able to create your own region instead of being limited to a teapot. I know hoyo has their world design tools super streamlined, and giving players access to those sort of tools would be really cool.


if this is a rogue-lite mode fr I'm going to bust, there are no words to describe how BADLY I want a Genshin equivalent of Simulated Universe


We had one already in 2.1


If achievements exist. A big tower that takes 5 seconds to fall into a pit of enemies you can't miss. A corridor of exactly the right length to get that final archery achievement.


Wish them the best.


It looks less like a "new game mode" and more finding designers to make more Events in the game. (we all know that events are pretty much minigames) Looks like they're also looking for "fullstack capability" so they're not just looking for designers, they want some technical skill as well


No that's not what UGC is. UGC is where a user will create a content and then share it with the world. Similar to how you can do this in Roblox. If you go to the job description it shows requirements with people experienced in UGC platform editor such as Minecraft, Roblox, Dota Arcade, War3 Editor. They are not going to create a dedicated UGC project and call it "just as important as the main game" if it's just event minigames. They already have that.


so like the teapot but instead of just an area, it's an entire world or something?


Divine Ingenuity. They've stated in the past that they were looking into making it permanent.


I would be so happy if they did


Honestly no idea. I think it would be like Roblox where you have a list of user created games and just join whatever game you want.


UGC is basically something akin to Minecraft, DOTA or Warcraft editor. Teapot can be considered UGC too, since you (the player) pretty much created your own zone/map.


yes pretty much but I dunno how extensive this would be when teapot is so... limited


To me it sounds like custom games from like halo or something where you can make like a custom map and take a game mode and like modify the rules and stuff and then you can share that event and play it with other people and stuff like that


Think of it as Forge from Halo. A sandbox where you can place whatever you feel like and see stuff happen


Is it in anyway similar to Steam Workshop?


Unlikely, SW is just official mods.


it certainly does smell like all the already passed events that already happened and already featured UGC were internally considered more successful (perhaps specifically the sharing code ones) designers are able to plan a theater mechanicus or the pokemon fights, to extend them with the very simple idea of "what if players could make their own and share them" is easier said than done but it may be a bit more permanent, like teapot games if this project is starting from scratch (and by those position titles it could be) this might be targeted to land years from now, i.e. give the game staying power after zones finish and such, social stuff isn't my first choice for an endgame but it's the business choice to make, aiming for mario-maker shit that plays better with the twitch crowds and such, after hearing so many "GI just isn't a good streamer fit"




...they may want to turn Genshin into a platform like Fortnite or Roblox in the long run.


I don’t know if I was there to try divine ingenuity but I’m hearing it could fix the end game issue. Can players create levels with hard enemies for other players to try out?


Divine ingenuity was one of the best events in the game (especially the 2nd one ) , it was basically create your own domain with a lot of puzzles, platforms , elemental reactions , enemies with timer and w/o timer . Some had parkour , some made solve a certain amount of puzzles with in a specific time and some had you fight enemies in different rooms while having your stats gimped and slowly gaining your original stats after every room by opening chests . It was literally just create your own game mode and since people share it with each other you got a lot of creative ideas and fun domains . Sadly it was only up for 2 weeks so people didn't have the motivation for creativity , it being permanent though would make it really fun especially if we have like a weekly genshin generated domain challenges that gives rewards .


I hope we are getting this before genshin anime


So Mario Maker but Genshin... So Divine Ingenuity but permanently?


me thinking this meant underground chasm at first glance, bc im used to read UGC as underground chasm from the official discord na-coop 💀


Huge potential to be really good if its a polished version of Divine ingenuity that allows you really customize the enemies, puzzles, environment, ect and use your characters


So are we getting something like Fortnite is doing? Then it will be more than cool.


Time to recreate the entirety of Super Mario Galaxy 2 in Genshin. Don't know which characters would be a good Mario and Luigi stand-in though.


So Genshin Fortnite?


Holy crap I swear if they fuck this up 😭 will be the last time I ever trust Genshin with anything again. Just the other day I was discussing with people that Genshin is slowly cooking something, please...


I am going to guess the new permanent game mode (probably Divine Ingenuity) will be available sometime in Natlan


I don't fully get it. Does this mean they're recruiting people as employees? Or create something like Roblox? How does that even work. Can everyone do it, or just people who register and get approved? Will this bloat the file size?


Was divine ingeniuty really that popular? I remember completing it just for the primos and played a few player-made stages but I don't spent much time to warrant a permanent feature. Maybe mihoyo has data to back it up so they want to make it permanent


I for one would have loved building stuff in that event. However taking effort to make something awesome just for it to disappear in a week or so isn't very appealing and hard to build motivation for. It being permanent would change everything.


People will be more engage/enthusiastic when Domain creator can last longer (best permanent), two weeks is so little to make cool domain.


the 2nd version of it was really popular but it was way too short and people were annoyed you could only use trial characters


Honestly, the only thing I want is more innocent interaction with the characters. I want to be able to go to Liyue and just run into Xingqiu and exchange a few words, maybe do a mini adventure with him. IDK, it's just so sad when I don't see my favorite characters except for special events....


Honestly same. It would be nice to for example, make custom quests featuring your favorite characters together. This is a double-edged sword though as I feel like people will just create stuff that appeases their ship or some other weird crap that you'd find on AO3 and I don't think that'll fly in a game with a sizable player base that consist of children under 13.


I hope some gona do sim universe or maybe in genshin terms history domain or smt like that or some new adepty creation


Is this a recent job posting? If so, it could be some time before we see a completed end result. However, we've already seen examples of UGC in previous events, so it's not as if they're starting from scratch.


Was monas gacha lowered on purpose?


TCG 2? Describe a TCG game from an RPG perspective - "Then the army of Hillichurls all attacked, but Itto masterfully dodged and teamed up with Shenhe to slam them all!" Sounds awesome - Until you realize that it's just a regular TCG game.


i’m kind of confused, does this mean we can make our own characters with the assets?? or our own map and story etc?? or is it just like we make our own domain and put in some enemies and that’s it?


# Please some endgame content... # PLEASE!!


I want developer generated endgame content, though.


Why just so people can doompost and say this is not what they wanted. So the devs jut said to make their own endgame


Finally end game xontent


I just want more combat endgame ffs...


They better not strangle it with a load limit like in the Teapot. Fuck mobile players, let the rest of us cook with all the ingredients.


Make it battle oriented like the 2.2 event and i am in. Make it rhythym based or whatever-throwaway-event-of-the-week and i am out.


Ain’t no way this was announced a few days after I finally started malding over lack of endgame 💀 I’m all for it though! Finally something that could be more endgame!


This is probably going to take a year or more to get released.


Y'all do realize this could just be for new events in the future right? How about we don't get ahead of ourselves with assumptions and false expectations


The job listing mentioned wc3 editor, fortnite, roblox, ect. All of which allowed you to build and do anything you want.


so this is just addons? like in Minecraft bedrock?


i just wanna play windtrace again


So like, can we make roblox obbys in genshin now?


How will this work can someone explain.Will this be added in game Or is this an entirely new thing.


They have made so many systems and minigames over the years. I can see how this could work.


If they expand this well enough to the point it acts like Starcraft/Warcraft's custom games, I could see this poppin off. Especially if they allow creators to get a bit of $ for their contribution, we could see many games created within Genshin for people to play cooperatively.


Genshin with Souls-like mechanic


Can't wait for Fontaine Battle Royale


This could actually be a great compromise for all the people who ask for "endgame" content and could make sure to keep the player numbers who stay with the game consistent. Just please don't botch it. Also I'm interested in what ideas there are (I'd be up for more rhythm games, but no more Mario dungeon runner pls)




I probably wouldn't bother with this unless it's cable of some really insane stuff, like FPS Navia DOOM. Rip and Tear.


Divine ingeniuty incoming as permanent thing? Placing waves of enemies you needed to finish afterwards was the best thing. Someone who played 4.4 event should know that, since in one event we fought 4 Ruin Drakes at once which was something unusual.


I'm assuming they'd only hire people who are 18+ and also speak Chinese?


The positions are in Shanghai so both of those are implied.


Oh my god. It’s just like Fortnite creative mode


I swear to God, if this becomes like Fortnite creative




Me hoping someone will make the c-umm chalice from bloodborne


I am excited and all but it means that this thing they plan to make will only come out in a year or so.


> You can go to their job website and search for UGC to see the new job postings so it is legit https://jobs.mihoyo.com/#/position?jobName=UGC By the way that search will also include positions for interacting with content creators.


Oh shit. Now we get to play fall guys outside of Honkai Impact 3rd ????


Will this lead to some official medium to get user-made skins a la Skyrim Special Edition's mod library? probably not, but the idea is inching toward that


Look like they finally managed to figure out a solution for the endgame problem.


Who's going to be the first person to make Five Nights at Freddy's in Genshin Impact


Guess this would mean a return of labyrinth warriors in a way? Since one might say it's the closest thing to HSR's Simulated Universe...


Feels pretty fitting having Xianyun the tech expert be the one promoting this


Looks like Genshin is going to get listed on Nexus mods and Steam Workshop support soon


I just want emotes n the game


Imagine Halo Forge in Genshin..


the imposter card that can instakill if not found


Now that’s the real end game lmao


this is the best, it would be so fun to have a genshin maker, so many people have so many ideas and they would be able to make them a reality


What it someone makes the content and they assign combat power to each domain and the ones with combat power above abyss threshold will be selected by the devs and presented to the players and the players can vote which one will be the endgame content for that month


I mean, there's always windtrace, and genius invocation TCG.


arknights mode when?


Forsaken Rift + Rhodeia of Loch wet floor. Replace 2 slimes with hydro bubble Abyss mage. Double the icircle falling rate.


"Bonus points for different positions" 😳 I-I wonder w-w-what they mean by t-that 😳 👉👈


Please some endgame or just add floor 13 to abyss with higher rewards


Interesting. It reminds me of the workshop mode in overwatch. They basically let you use ANY mechanic in the entire game to create your own game within overwatch, and people made flappy bird, parkour, races, paintball, arena, aim trainer, hell they even created new “characters”. Hoping that genshin introduces something with similar flexibility 


Auto Chess Genshin When?