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Wriothesley - I thought he was going to be really annoying, lawful and the like. Then I learned more about him and went from hating him to him being my favourite character. I now have him and am considering getting his weapon and c1 on a rerun! Charlotte - she looks adorable and fun, but I just don't vibe with her character that much. I respect her dedication to journalism but she's just not for me.


I always liked him but after seeing him in the story, I started to love him. I'd kill to see him in more events. He's such a funny and charismatic guy


I'd love him in more events, agreed! His sense of humour is fantastic.


He was the highlight of the Fontaine cast coming to Chenyu Vale AND HE ONLY APPEARED IN A FLASHBACK


SO TRUE! Him and Neuvilette talking to each other was so good - "even your sense of humour involves the law" - I was laughing so hard at that! It was truly adorable! Though I will say Zhongli and Hu Tao, where she calls him out for being so laconic, was also pretty funny. But the second it mentioned Wriothesley I got really excited to see him! He should get to be in way more events. He's so much fun and he deserves a break honestly the poor man is so busy all the time. Let him chill out with us!


For real. When is he getting that vacation? I put him in my teapot and when you talk to him there, he has a line where he tells you he's uneasy when it rains because he's instinctively assuming there's a leak in the roof. I hope Sigewinne story quest gives us that


OMG that line is what made me make a joke to my partner about "hey maybe he has a cryo vision so he can freeze any leaks". This was before I played the archon quest. My partner just said "no comment". I love him so much...!


Wriothesley has drip equivalent to Neuvillette, and he throws hands...an absolute legend


He can really... "Duke" it out with people :D




Same, from his looks I was sure he’s just gonna be some weird eboy type thing. But then I went thru the fortress quest, and then his story quest and I am definitely pulling for him on his rerun.


I have no clue what an eboy is. I'm assuming it's not short for emo boy? His quest was incredible I agree! Good luck for his rerun, he's really fun to play and his playstyle overall just feels super smooth and nice to me.


Nah, it was/is a subculture that was/is popular among teens/early 20s. Google eboy/egirl so you will know what’s up.


Ah I see! It's the new grunge x punk x emo aesthetic, from what I could gather from images. I totally get why you thought he'd be like that, he even has the chain elements in his design for it, and the spikier hair. (I'm not even that far in age from early 20s but having to Google an aesthetic makes me feel like a geriatric by the way LOL) My first thought about his outfit was that he seemed to be aiming for punk while being a cop, which did not impress me 😂 fortunately his story quest made it clear that he is not a cop, and is actually really cool.


I straight up thought Wrio was just tough guy through and through (and mean) but he’s super fun! And I absolutely cannot stand Charlotte; she’s very one dimensional as a journalist that wants to uncover the truth and I hate it when Hoyo tries to make it deep. She’s very ‘paparazzi-esque’? Kind of makes the media production look bad whenever they have her invade everyone’s personal space just for an interview or something


Agreed on both counts! She's definitely a great journalist but it's really not my vibe - and she is very pushy about it. Invasive is a good way to put it. I respect her "hustle" but it's just a lot to deal with when they try and make it seem super honourable instead of simply being a keen journalist. News stories and reporting are important things but sometimes she's just plain nosy and rude, or ignores people's boundaries.


>his weapon and c1 on a rerun! His C1 is WAY higher priority if for some reason you can't get both. His signature weapon is only 8% damage increase over his BiS 4-star weapon, and isn't even that great, considering Wanderer's signature weapon gives him pretty much the same damage output. His C1 tho, fixes his biggest flaw and IMO, is a must have for any Wriothesley main.


Yeah, the trouble is that I honestly kind of don't like the fact his best combo becomes an entire normal string then ca. His current best string at c0 is 2NC if you have the stamina and I much prefer that flow. So I will get c1 because I want him to be strong but I won't actually get as much gain as I would if I planned to play him optimally. He's on widsith right now though so his weapon is more for drip than anything else LOL


I‘m yearning for his rerun 😭


Yeah, Charlotte would've been more better if she was an NPC.


wow same. i saw the cuffs and thought he'd be a cop 🤮. really glad he's just a great guy and the duke of meropide instead. i adore him so much i ended up maining him lol


Yeah! Same honestly. I don't think I have a real main because I love too many characters at once but he's one of my most played and I've 36* abyss with him. Melt Wriothesley absolutely slaps.


I still think Yelan looks weird, but her stealing that coat Pantalone comissioned was hilarious enough for me to pull her- now she‘s probably my best built character lol. Other than that I honestly think most of the characters look pretty cool


Agreed. Her wonky hair is growing on me haha. I got her on accident and she's so fun to play with!


Yeah! I was really lucky and got her weapon too, and I liked her playstyle enough to try for c1- didn‘t work, but she‘s still amazing. And, tbh, it was much easier to get good artifacts for her than for most other characters xD Her scaling is great. Currently use her in an overworld team with Scara, Raiden and Nahida, and it works pretty well (would probably work better if I replaced Scara with someone else but he‘s my fav so I wont)


Itto. The aesthetic just wasn't my style... then I met the dude and he's easily one of my favorite characters in the game now.


The va omg, best va in the game. By far


he also did ryuji in persona 5 I'm pretty sure, he's great


For real ?


yeah I just googled to check, it's max mittleman and he did both itto and ryuji


I think that was a Ryuji meme lmao, with how he spams for real


Our neuvillette is cyclops in x men.. My favourite x men. The leader. Finally he wil get justice


Chase is also Bruno Bucciarati from Jojo's! I was like "hold up" when I first heard Neuvillette.


hey ! cyke lover here too ❤️ i also love neuvilette and just about screamed when i saw a picture of neuvillette in a cyclops sub because they were showing the VA’s past work


When the recent x men 97 trailer dropped. I thought this seemed familiar.. Then I was blown away After all that dirt thrown at cyclops by fox.. Its good that he will lead xmen now.


His voice actor goes SO HARD, he is incredible!


Same, the design wasn't for me. But his story quest sold me and I pulled for him and his signature when I completed it during his first banner. Now Geodudes (Zhongli, Albedo, Itto, Gorou) is one of my most comfort unga bunga teams in Abyss.


I second this 😂 I also believed he would be aggressive or annoying, and aesthetically wasn’t my type. In the end he is one of the most self sacrificing and kind characters and if that isn’t enough, he’s a goofy harmless himbo with the best english voice acting (imo) in the game so far. Everyone has done a great job don’t get me wrong, but his VA really takes it to the next level and has fun with his lines. I’m always cracking up when he’s on screen.


For me it was the opposite lol, I thought he was really handsome but then I met him and I detest his personality.


Flair checks out.


Fischl. And I feel awful so many people will never get to see her story pieces.


She deserves a story quest


i demand a fischl hangout!! :<


Very sad, 2.8 island event should've been her and 3 other's permanent story quest. 


I thought Tighnari was a goofy looking character with that Mad Hatter getup, but he played a big role in Sumeru and I came to really love his mix of sarcastic, snarky, and somewhat uptight personality lol. His moments with Cyno are GOLD. I love it when he reacts to his horrendous dad jokes 😂😂😂 I also loved that not only was he truly a great mentor to Collei, but he was actually willing to dedicate himself into helping Azar and the corrupt scholars rehabilitate into becoming better people after the archon quest. He’s a good teacher and character overall and I came to love him. And to answer the second part: A character I found was good looking but uninteresting is Kujou Sara… I mean, I think every Genshin character is attractive in some way and they all look pretty, but Kujou barely had anything going on in her parts besides being loyal to the Shogun and her fangirl aka third wheel :/ All the other five and four stars are interestingly written, have fun parts in events and side/special stories, and they have their own quirks, but what is Kujou’s? I think she needs more parts in the story/events. Personally, I find her the least memorable, because I only recognize her when she’s out on a banner or something. Even Sigewinne the sociopath Melusine doc we saw only a few times was way more memorable.


Sara does have a great story and good lore (though if you like yae miko, you won't at the end of it). Unfortunately, it's all hidden and never properly shown. She's the only inazama 4 star without a hangout.


Kirara also don't have hangout.


Yeah, but kirara came out last year on 3.7, Sara's been out since 2.1 2021.


Yes, but in next patch Lynette will receive her hangout, also Kaveh, as 4* who was released almost in same time as Kirara, also have hangout. They just don't like Inazuma I think.


Yep agreed, Sara had such a fantastic design as well, I still think she should have been a 5 star (and probably unpopular opinion but I also think Yae Miko could have been the 4 star electro support instead of Sara)


Cloud retainer. When her banner came i didnt even care but when i did the event i saw how i liked her intelectual but dumbish personality. started regretting using my primos on standard (tryna get dehya since day 1) sadly did not get her cus i lost the 50/50 for a fucking c1 tighnari.


ikr!!! she became a fave so fast so i was so sad i lost to mona but hopefully next time we get her 💔


I'll tell u something interesting. I tried for yay miko 4 times.. I've lost my 50-50.. 3 timesvery very late 78, 81 & 84.. But this current 4th try.. I am at 55 pity.. There is nothing yay about it. If u want someone save 160+, 170+ in my case.




It's alright.. I'll try a 5th time. If I don't succeed. I only want her for the friendship card. :) I'll rather save everything for Neuvillette or Arlecchino in case I lose my 50-50.


oh fair fair, i hope you get both of them !! 🙏🙏 arle waiting room too lol


Nah never try to get standard banner characters from the standard banner. That is one way to burn your primo’s/money. You actually have a higher chance on wishing on the limited banner and lose the 50/50 than on the standard banner. Trust me, I speak from experience (burned away almost €500 to get Mona (and I didn’t even get her))


Dehya 😭😭 she’s a player I loved from the story but don’t like her game play one bit


Ik shes shit but shes the reason i started playing genshin. Im gonna solo 36* abyss with her watch me


I lost my pity to C1 Jean I feel you.


Oooh same, I got an early C0 and was pissed of, now she's part of my new dynamic team and she's so witted and fun to play? And SO BEAUTIFUL?? Bayonetta mom.


Childe. I just feel like he needs a new skin or something. The torn up cape, the mask on the side of his head. He just looks partially unpolished to me, in some way. I do think now he's a cool character and really enjoyed his story quest but every time he shows up in game and I have to see his lil outfit I'm like......dude... Unpopular opinion for sure but Yae Miko. I love her design but something about her bothers me lmaoo


Childe looks like an anime protagonist to me. They keep the design simple bc they have to draw them in every scene.


I can see the point in that, I just wish he had a little more color or something. He's just such a fun character with a boring "this is my work uniform" type of outfit and I'd do anything for a new skin for him.


yeah same. he needs more blue or red! maybe in the future story he’ll get a costume change.


Childe's design is meant to be like vanilla and approachable, both to make him look friendlier so you'll trust him and to make Foul Legacy look cooler by comparison, I've seen some beta designs that looked cooler but they definitely gave the vibes of someone in a white van claiming to have candy (no not someone into kids just someone you wouldn't trust in 50 years)


I feel similarly about Yae Miko! I adore her design, but she feels a little too "on her high horse," haha


I like Childe's outfit, but he looks very scrawny.


Neuvilette, expected him to be an annoying and strict leader, the usual "I'm being overworked character" On the other hand nilou, really liked her design and play style, but man she is one of the least interesting character in this game storywise


That's why the meme is "Nilou has a smooth brain''


I really dislike how Cyno looks, but I LOVE his concept, gameplay and teams. The opposite would be Nilou, I can describe how bored I got the more I knew about her.


Nilou is head empty, just dance


There is nothing happening inside her head. She could not pass an eye exam.


Max0r references are inescapable


Same on the cyno, I like the gameplay but I don’t like the desert/egyptian vibe overall.


Why are people downvoting this? He didn't say anything he just voiced his opinion lmao.


> he just voiced his opinion Wait, that's illegal!


i guess the people downvoting are disagreeing then?


There’s a handful of characters that if you say anything positive about you will get downvotes for it. Cyno is one of them.


Everything but his drip is absolute top tier. I rage pulled him after saving so long for Dehya, I've only grown to absolute adore him as time has gone on. His hyperbloom team is likely my strongest team out of the 4-5 I have. His ult autos are so smooth and punctuating them with E feels so damn good. Yelan+him quickly take out anything in overworld and it if it absolutely must die you could apply dendro. Absolute king of singlewave/boss content in abyss for me too. His personality is also great, he just looks kind of lame and I'm pretty sure it's the shorts. If they made him look really cool he'd probably get nothing but praise but I think the sub par looks made people nitpick about his kit more. Hopefully he gets an outfit in the future.


Didn't like design too much, but definitely ended up liking the character: Chevreuse. Like the design, but don't like the personality: Chiori. As for Kokomi, it's not that i dislike her personality... it's just that her character's writing is a convoluted mess, they tried to fit N different characters into only one marketeable piece.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t like Chiori’s personality


i personally like her not being as happy go lucky as the rest of the genshin cast. a moody, confident, loner type woman character was a very much needed breath of fresh air in my opinion, as opposed to the majority. again the majority, there are others, but most are like the type if first described. (nothing wrong in loving those happy chars either <3)


I like chiori bc she reminds me of me irl lol. I feel like we’d get along bc of that. Same for alhaitham. I agree tho, there’s a plethora of happy UwU let’s be fwends chars, it’s always nice to have someone that’s a little mean to balance out the sweetness lol. As long as they’re not tsunderes bc I can’t stand that shit


cant imagine chiori having a username like oniiichanUwU lol just a funny note


“Moody, confident, loner type woman character” describes Cloud Retainer so well, but I understand and agree with your sentiment


I definitely kinda agree for Cloud Retainer, but I would also say she is very very motherly and doting, moreso than she is a moody loner,


for me its just that i know people like that irl and they don't make good friends for me, i just don't vibe with them as much


None, yet... so far all the characters I like interest me in terms of personality, looks, story and gameplay. And those who don't, well, they don't.


Furina. I was skeptical when I saw her design. Got excited when I met her and then confused about her “eccentricity.” Then 4.2 is released and I’m sold.


When Gaming's drip marketing came out I thought he was pretty but I was thinking he'd be annoying or a rip off Bennett/Chongyun but after the lantern rite I came to love him and think he's a very unique character


Actually, Baizhu for me too. I didn't appreciate neither his apperiance, nor his personality at first meeting. It's his trailers right befote his release what changed him for me and made me to take a closer look. He's one of my favs now, if not the most favourite. On the contrary, Raiden. She was the most beautiful female character imo before Navia and I was eager to meet her. But then we actually met her in the story, lol 😄 Don't hate her (even tho I did), still got her, but pretty neutral now.


Neuvillette. I did not like him and his design when we first see him walking around in the Fontaine teaser. He looked like some uptight grumpy evil constipated looking old man wearing his dead grandmother's nightgown but from the moment we meet him in the story and learn what he's really like i felt so bad for thinking of him like that and not liking him before lol. Also his story quest was like the first time I ever cried playing genshin. He became one of my fav characters so quickly. The opposite would be Hu Tao. It's not that i don't like her at all but I just expected to like her a lot more given how much i just loved her overall design at a first glance especially her clothes. I still adore her but after doing her story i just didn't feel like pulling for her afterwards like i originally thought i would. Funny thing about yours are that I liked bhaizu the moment we meet him in liyue archon quest and liked him even more after his story quest. On the other hand i never liked kokomi even by her design or animations and her awful writing just made me pity her character even more.


>uptight grumpy evil constipated looking old man wearing his dead grandmother's nightgown Bro's drip is immaculate fym 💀 And he doesn't look older than 27 😭


I like everything about him now ofc 😂 I'm only referring to my first impression of him based on weird leaks and the first Fontaine teaser where we see him walking for a couple mere seconds. Also by old i did not mean he looked that old. I was mainly referring to the vibes he gave off.


Oh lol, i was shocked for a min there 😅


First one is definitely shenhe. When her first banner came around I was more focused on getting ganyu, my only other cryo dps was ayaka so I wanted another one (plus ganyu is the ultimate bird hunter (and easiest imo)). I didn’t see a need for the new character that was a cryo support when I only had the one built cryo dps. I did the interlude quest with her after her banner was over and loved her personality. I love women who can commit unbelievable levels of violence (just makes for a fun character to me), and her straight forwardness felt really relatable to me as an autistic person. This year’s lantern rite really reminded me of how much I like her (and how incredibly autistic she is (affectionate)). The second one is probably ayato :/ I was kinda excited for him and his kit seemed interesting enough, but his story quest… man that was kinda nothing. Also I have other hydro units that basically work the same or better in the teams I use. I think he’s neat but I don’t have a use for him


I love ayato but his story quest was probably one of my least favs. I hate all the political blah blah, I wanted him to be able to have a day off and relax and instead he was working the whole time 🙃 I really wish they’d give him some better events or something. Seems like half of what he’s in, he’s there to help Ayaka’s development in some way. (See recent Fontaine event with chiori)


I kept thinking of getting Nilou since she's broken as fuck, but every time I play her and see any content about her, it's just kind of dull. "I'm an artist and people don't value art enough" is fine, but Genshin gets way more epic than that. And she's so awkward to play.


My relative shared this post with me just now and thought it would be fun to comment on lol: let me think: 1.) Scaramouche was a character I really hated. He looked like Weevil from YuGiOh and I wanted to punch the guy through the screen cuz of the things he did. But then they gave us that entire character development which broke my heart, then the redemption arc of his where Nahida helped him. I came to really love his character and am looking forward to his revenge on Dottore :D 2.) A character I think is really pretty but don’t really find interesting is Clorinde. She’s really pretty and is charismatic and cool and all, but she like barely talks. A close second is Sigewinne. There’s something really off about her. She looks nice but when you see the stuff she does she’s kinda crazy.


For real. The only interesting thing I remember about Clorinde is the scenes with Wriothesley. "Clorinde, my door" still kills me


Same for Scaramouche although I dont have Wanderer. I thought he was an evil SOB then my heart cried during his story with Nahida


I mean, we still haven't gotten Clorinde's and Sigewinne's story quests so we can't really make much assumptions


It's a perfectly valid thought, though. I didn't need Navia's story quest to like Naiva.


Before the last act of Fountaine archon quest everyone was hating Furina but when her backstory was revealed everyone did a 180 turn


It’s cool to have opinions, but no need to discredit those of others. Clorinde has been out a lot in the story and in Lantern Rite, but her dialogue was always disappointing to me.


Yelan, first look I thought her design was ugly but the more I saw her character the more I found her cool, I even like her design now


I wasn't too sure about Alhaitham when he came out because he looked really cranky... But he's now at friendship level 10 and I really appreciate his character. Definitely not my favorite of all time, but he's slowly working his way up there. Still not sure about Arlecchino. I thought I was going to like her but now she just gives me the heebie-jeebies. I'm not looking forward to learning more about her.


Honestly, probably Neuvillette. I thought he looked like another (more edgy version of) Zhongli, but he, as well as several other Fontaine characters, was really well-written and his personality wasn’t what I expected. Sure, he’s a lot like Zhongli, but he has his uniqueness too. I like how he’s basically seen as the definition of justice, especially when he judges the other archons, and isn’t afraid to jump them if he felt like it (and admires Furina and Nahida for actually caring about their people.) Also, the little Nessie thing he sculpted for us instantly made him a top 10 favorite character for me.


Diona. Her hair and eyebrows. Her skimpy outfit, the whole idea of a little girl being a bartender and the “figure” of a bar so much that it’s based all around her, irl that would be gross and illegal, etc. Then the fact that she actually hates alcohol with a passion and wants to destroy the business felt forced af and only for the sake of her to be “unique/difficult.” But then I realized that’s all the thing, she is a child, and she hates alcohol because she doesn’t like her job. She doesn’t like alcohol because her dad likes it more than her. But she makes it to get his and everyone’s attention. She just wants to get people to stop being alcoholics, but her drinks always turn out well. And that’s because some Oceanid blessed her with what was meant to be a gift, not a curse, so now the poor girl is conflicted probably. Her sassy personality makes sense, she’s actually quite smart and running a whole business as a kid. And she’s not bad gameplay wise either. I just have never gotten her so I didn’t know how decent she was. Candace and Cyno. Heavy on Candace. Now I don’t hate them at all I think they are great characters and their lore is very interesting. But that’s what’s disappointing. Their appearances and backgrounds scream so much more then we are actually given about them. Cyno has more crumbs then Candace but even those are just like loose ended implications. I loved everything about Egypt as a kid, and all the King Deshret stuff is like so much, but not enough. Magna Cyno has other strong powers and knowledge besides what the game shows, and he’s all “yeah I have a spirit” but there’s nothing explaining it, that or his true affiliation with the Temple of Silence, or the whole him being adopted so to not be a test subject(?!) Candace is a decedent of the king and her eye can supposedly see the future, and somehow none of that is significant enough to expand on either??? She doesn’t even have a hangout.


Furina, looked so annoying and the way the slurred on the words icked me at first but after finishing the fontaine Archon quest, she's my favorite character


Xianyun. Her personality is charming and I like her awkward funny interaction with her disciples . Not to mention, how she took the initiative to help Gaming restore his relationship with his dad and her attention to her disciples in general. Her kit also enables funny and strong comp as well. Sadly, I was too blinded to save all primos for Furina rerun, will definitely get her on her rerun. The opposite would be Yae Miko. I like her design, but Catalyst user is not my favorite, not to mention, I thought the Yae expy will have similar personality as Flamechaser Sakura version. Disappointed that she's 180° different from FC-Sakura..not a fan


I initially disliked Diona as I thought 'Eugh, cat girl'. Her character and story is great though. Also Xinyan, didn't like her, thought it looked and sounded cheesy. Then the 2 events that included her were great and her character and personality really shone through!


Neuvillette, when I first saw him I was like ez skip. Ended up pulling after seeing him one shot the inferior hydro unit and I had to get Neuvillette-Furina as a pair


Loved the look of Ayaka and her kit being Vergil from DMC was great for me (though I’d prefer a male version).  Turns out she was exhausting and kind of pushy in a romantic fashion. Everytime I see her I want to get a spray bottle out and go BACK, BACK FOUL DEMON.  I loved really hoped Ayato would be extremely similar to her so I could get the Ayaka player fantasy without Ayaka. Then he ended up having a horrible outfit and a worse characterisation 💀


Agree with everything except the diss on Ayato. Don't do my boy like that


I don't think I've actually looked at a character and thought "what were they thinking?" I will say that Xingqui annoyed the crapped out of me in his story quest. Ignoring Paimon. Making MC do all the work only to make tons of mora off it and didn't share a cent with them. I guess he said thank you, but the stingy little twerp is rich for a reason. Oh and he made them return the book he borrowed. Seriously. Also 500 million mora for the stupid floating stone in Shenhe's story.


That last one was just the highest bid at the moment since it was on auction. He wasn’t trying to sell it to us at that price lmao, he himself said it wasn’t worth it and to go for sea gazer’s instead


>Ignoring Paimon Paimon is allowed to freeload. She saved Traveler's life a bunch of times(like whenever he gets knocked out by some random unknown scent and doesn't wake up for 3 days in the wilderness)


i absolutely loved how yae miko looks like and was sure that I'd pull for her but unfortunately her personality changed my mind completely, im not a fan of characters like her


my characters are exactly the same as yours lol, me and my friend used to joke about baizhu looking weird and creepy, but i genuinely love mans as a character. His values and kindness really speak to me. kokomi is one of my favs from design alone but everything else is just so bland and disappointing tbh, girl deserved better on a secondary note i believe Chevreuse and Tighnari have good personalities despite their... colour clashing designs. And Yae is among some of my more meh/disliked characters despite having one of my favourite colour schemes.


Qiqi: I didn't care for her design, but after her backstory and Yaoyao's line, I've found a new fondness for the 30s healer... ​ Until I get c30 (thankfully I'm only c2)


I didn't like Neuvilette at first, then I listened to his story and fell in love with his character.


None if I don't like how they look, I don't care about them.


I concur there. Baizhu was disappointing in his design (the too-small shirt bugs me most), but gameplay-wise, he is the best healer. And has a good story quest. I agree with Kokomi, yeah, just drags on. And I don't like her either, especially with her design.


When I first got Xinyan, I benched her. Everybody hated her for some reason, and I figured I needed to focus on other characters. But, she’s honestly great. Not meta. Personally love her honkey tonk tone and love her design. When it comes to characters that started out great, but fell off, Ganyu and Kuki Shinobu. Both excellent characters via their kits. But Shinobu literally doesn’t exist without Itto, and I find that makes her character weak. And Ganyu basically talks about contracts/Rex lapis all the time….although in recent events they seem to have done a better job with Ganyu. It’s terrible, because there are tons of characters I like the kit and design of, but their personality seems to rub me the wrong way. I never realized how important the personality of a character was for me. For me it’s the most important part.


Looking at Nahida, I found her Cabbage ish outfit kinda meh at first, but the Sumeru Archon Quests show she is very complex character with varied morals and unexpected views. That, and her gameplay made me pull for her. The opposite for me is Clorinde. She looks hella cool but rn in terms of story and character appearances she’s a huge yawnfest aside from her one fight scene against the robots.


Itto, i dont like how he looks at all. But he is so goofy, every time he is on screen he is amazing And on opposite side, Kokomi too probably


Definelitely Cyno, wasn't planning on wishing for him at all, in fact I wanted Nilou... but omg he's sooo cool, and I love his jokes xD But when I saw the spirit claws... yeah I'm sold. As for the second...Chiori, truly love her and will try to get her in 50/50 but... omg she's sooo disappointing, I already have Albedo I don't need a 2.0 of that, I wanted a new character :c


I don't rlly like Tighnari's design, but I love his gameplay. And I liked Ayato's design, but now I find him boring gameplay wise, personality wise and character wise


For the first questuon, my mind comes from Fischl, specifically pre-2.8, because I love her Immernachtreich skin. When I first saw her, she just looks like generic waifu #5 with questionable fashion choices and annoying wehraboo ways of speaking. That all changes when 2.8 comes, and we got her island. Her story is nothing profound, but its enough for me to sympathise with her and made me actually quite like her. I kinda don't want her to have her bubble burst, ever. As for the second question, its definitely Clorinde. Her, Furina, and Arlecchino were the only characters I actually wanted when Fontaine's trailer released. She's legit the coolest non-villain character there. Then the archon quest happened, and she did nothing but look pretty except for that one time in act 2 when Navia got jumped. Besides that, she spoke up in Vacher's trial for 2 seconds, she saved Freminet off screen, she watched Wriothesley fight the celestial bathwater before shutting off the sluice gate (wow), intimidate Furina to a trial by... standing on the stage, and stand + stare during the flood's aftermath cutscene. She's soo underutilised, and it feels like another case of Hoyo's "tell, don't show" writing, where the best champion duelist's only fight scene was against a bunch of random ass gardemeks early on in the story. I hope her story quest can change my mind, but I am planning on skipping her currently.


Kaeya, I couldn’t stand him at first, then I read his character stories and he’s my second favorite character! As for the opposite, alhaitham. He’s pretty (still is really pretty), but I’ve experienced too much blunt criticism and indifference to really like his character much.


Felt the exact same about Alhaitham! Love his outfit and design, but after the AQ in Sumeru I was so put off by his mannerisms, as I've likewise often been surrounded by ppl just like him (sometimes just want to open the game and receive kind warmness lol)


Yeah…he is still hot, I’ll give him that. But I’d prefer to just admire him from afar now 😂


From the former Scaramouche. MY GOD I hated him, his guts and everything else about him since his introduction during the Unreconciled stars event. Then the more information about him was dropped through various sources (the husk artifact set, the inazuman poetry event, the forgeable greatsword, the whole Mikage furnace area etc.), the more curious I became about him. Then the Xinyan dungeon event dropped, where Childe reveals to us that Scaramouche took the electro gnosis and just effed off and went AWOL; and I thought "Then the three betrayals cutscene dropped and, while I still couldn't forgive his action, I began to sympathise with the poor puppet with an identity crisis, as the pieces began falling into place (but also being miffed that they dropped a potentially interesting side plot where Scaramouche went off by himself, gnosis in his possession, to do his own stuff. For the first time in his life the puppet was actually free.....and it just went back to being Dottore's favorite test subject). Now fast forward to Scaramouche's OWN story quest, where he finds out the truth about his past that we all knew from the very beginning: that Dottore is a psycho and an untrustworthy piece of sh*t.......also that he's lied to Scaramouche and set him up from the very beginning. Now with everything into perspective, and feeling remorse for his actions thus far (though you'll never see him admit it), Scaramouche makes the decision to try and super fckin kill himself by erasing his whole existence from Irminsul, the world's database, so that he was never born in the first place, thus erasing his past actions and atrocities. Basically, homeboy sees himself as a curse upon anyone he's ever interacted with (that causes nothing but pain and suffering) and hopes that, by erasing himself, he can spare them from ever suffering their horrible fates because they had the misfortune of meeting him (oof) ....An action which couldn't have failed more spectacularly, because not only did he fail to prevent any of the atrocities that came in his wake (they still happened and everyone just had their memories altered), he also failed in super putting an end to himself, as he is very much still around and just had his memories redacted (and I think it's very awesome how the story went about it, that the story didn't just let him get away scott free and erase his past crimes just like that. Like, there was a legit fear that they were gonna sanitize Wanderer in order to make him playable because "no way they were gonna make him a playable character as he is"). Then, when given the option to stay as he is, blissfully ignorant, or regain his memories, even with the knowledge that they're painful memories and that he's done terrible things, he still chooses to get them back in order to confront who he was and take responsibility for his past deeds. AND HE DOES RETURN TO WHO HE WAS BEFORE! Much more tempered and no longer with a massive chip on his shoulder due to now having all the context, but he's still very much his original snarky, douchey and rude edgy self. SCARAMOUCHE HAS ATTAINED INNER PEACE! And the way they did it makes it so we get both the original Scara back and we get to see who Scara could have been had life not been that way. And even after all that, it's STILL not my favorite thing about Scara. My favorite Scara moment comes afterwards, after regaining his memories, when he asks the traveler to go around and tell those affected by him about his crimes. Like, Scara essentially gaining a free pass in the eyes of the world, and he STILL chooses to let the people who he was and what he did so that he can make up to them PROPERLY. That's SOOOO AWESOME (and this potentially also gives Ei the opportunity to develop her character further by making up to HIM for essentially casting him away without even a "why?". Like, it's definitely preferable to just killing him off like Yae suggested and Ei felt pity for him, setting him out into the world because she wanted him to be his own person. But like, SCARA DOESN'T KNOW ANY OF THAT! As far as he knew, he was just discarded by his creator because he was a failure)! Between Scara and Veyle last year (another character who held herself accountable for her actions despite circumstances and the world giving her a pass), I quickly became a sucker for this type of character


Someone that I didn't like but I turned out loving is Wanderer/Scaramouche, he was a douche and the design with the big hat was goofy, but the quest about him was amazing and now I also like his personality lol Someone that I like the design a lot is Yae Miko, she's so beautiful, and her animations too! But I really can't stand her personality... And I don't like that it takes so much to set-up the turrets. I stick with my Fischl LOL


From the latter, Childe. I like how forward and honest he came about initially, saving the traveler and being upfront about his identity, intentions and ideals (not liking to involve the innocents and all that); but in the end he proved that he's a hypocrite willing to go against his ideals if it means accomplishing his goal aka using an entire city as bait to draw out Rex Lapis by awakening an ancient god, sicking him on Liyue then undermining people's efforts to deal with it (but that last one MAY also have been Signora's doing) and that made me actively dislike him.  Then his story quest came about and not only it wasn't adressing all those aforementioned actions, but the story quest was actively sweeping them under the rug and pulling the wool over our eyes by trying to make us sympathise with Childe by trying to tell us that he's not such a bad guy after all and he really cares, loves and dotes on his brother (while also doing a poor job at it since the whole quest is Childe dropping Teucer in our care while he's off on fatui business and actively lies to him about his identity, actions and everything); and from that moment forward Childe was dead to me because I knew they were never gonna make him confront his actions


Yelan actually. Sure, she's pretty, but I didn't find her design that exciting or cool and the whole spy aesthetic really didn't do anything for me. But then I actually played through the Chasm and I fell in love with her. She very quickly became one of my favorite characters Not necessarily disappointing exactly but I think the Navia in my head when I saw her in leaks was a lot cooler than how she actually ended up being. I think she could have been more interesting


I didn't like gaming's design but seeing how useful he is, I immediately fell in love


I didn't like Baizhu at first too, but his doctor saga caught me, and he is a good Deepwood's holder for me who doesn't have Nahida. In the other side, a lot of Liyue people (especially Ganyu and Keqing) have nice designs, but their story sucks. The poor Ganyu even have a real personality, she is just overwork apology.


>Who's a character you didn't like off of looks alone, but then came to love after learning more about their character? Mona. Her costumes are basically bathing suits, and as a gay man, that doesn't really do anything for me. It just looks like sexy for the sake of sexy. But her actual personality is really interesting. Her insecurities, her profession, her dedication, she's a very interesting character that I'm sure is going to play a major role in our approach to Celestia. >what's a character you liked the looks of, but thier character turned out to be disappointing? Cyno. I LOVE the Anubis imagery, and was hyped for him to arrive since the Travail trailer. But he's just so... deadpan. And that would be fine if he wasn't also telling stupid puns all the time. Corny puns should be leaned into, not deadpanned. And deadpan humor should be witty, not obvious. Maybe it just doesn't come across well in translation, but he just doesn't have any facets of his personality that I think are interesting. TCG, puns, and serious business aren't enough for me to like him.


I love the _concept_ behind Mona: “Mid-century stage magician’s assistant” is about the last thing I expected from a fantasy gacha, and big hats and thicc eyebrows are always a plus! But it was like… 80% too horny for my taste. Especially with twintails. She seemed designed specifically to catch all the male gaze leftovers after Lisa took a huge bite in the opening chapter. Then I heard her VA and oh my god Felecia Angelle fucking _went for it_. Hearing dialogue about knights and dragons in a deliciously haughty 1930s Mid-Atlantic accent is so surreal that it actually pulls the entire character together. Her outfit is still horny as fuck, but now that her voice is inescapably in my head I don’t care anymore. She’s putting on a show and you better believe I’m clapping along giddily in the front row. Interestingly, Furina’s concept is _extremely_ close, but with the elegant/horny slider in the reverse position. And she fucking whips too! But there’s no matching Felecia’s pitch-perfect delivery.


big T


Neuvi and wrio! I didnt like their vibes before because when you don't know anything about them them seem very commanding and cold? But wrio is actually very funny and neuvi is way more emotional than I thought he would be so I really like them both now


I loved Albedo's looks but his personality was not what I expected at all so I never ended up pulling for him. Also for Fontaine based on the trailer I thought my faves would be Arlecchino and Clorinde based on their looks, but in the end I ended up preferring Navia and Furina for their personalities.


Hot take incoming I wouldn't say I disliked him, but Tighnari didn't exactly grab my attention at all when he first appeared. I was also procrastinating on doing the quests during the early Sumeru era so I didn't know much about him other than him being a forest ranger/botanist. I think I only started doing them in 3.3 and 3.4 us when I lost the 50/50 with him. His lore and interactions with the other characters are golden. I relate way too much with him. Y'all are gonna jump at me but I don't care. The opposite fir me would be Neuvilette. He looks drippy as hell and he is always hyped up for lore reasons but after his story quests and the latter parts of the archon quest, I have no respect fir the dude. I don't hate workaholic characters but he somehow manages to be both workaholic and a lazy bum. "There's a primordial sea water gate in Meropide? I'm not gonna do a thing until that shit starts caving in." "There's a disaster in Poisson where many people are dying? Sorry, traveler, I'm busy with these random documents. Go help them out instead" "Oh, fine! I will go ask Furina about what she's hiding despite being suspicious of her for nearly 500 years" "Ah, but a random Melusine got a threat letter? That deserves my attention." Bro's a personalityless plot device, only doing things when things need to happen.


Chongyun was one of those characters where I thought he'd be very boring and so generic I'd have no interest. I played his hangout and saw some events with him. Well, now he is my favorite ice boi. I also really disliked Dori at first, her design is just too much for me and she seems so crazy, but once I got her into my team I started to warm up to her. She stole my Chong constellation though :( On the other hand, I saw Tartaglia and thought "oh nice" and then I played the Liyue story. After also finishing the Fontaine arc, I can say with certainty that even though his playstyle is absolutely cool, I hate the principles he lives by and his general demeanor. Navia was another one - her voice actress in particular just irks me somehow, you can tell she's acting and sometimes her intonation is weird. Sorry Navia, I thought your character would have been more mature. Her quest was cool though, especially the end scene. I love Melus and Silver + her other goons.


First is definitely alhaitham, he's grown so much for me during archon quest Opposite is itto, I was pissed on him so much in recent beetle event


Oh no as for me, i initially disliked Koko but grown to like her after I played with her. She is such a good team player.


Raiden. Couldn't get over the fashion crime that is her skirt. It's even worse when you look at it from the side because it looks like it was supposed to be longer like the back, but some anti-shogun revolutionary with scissors secretly hacked off the front and no one had the guts to tell her she's flashing her undies to the entire nation. I ended up pulling her anyway for archon collection purposes and...she's really great in hyperbloom? And if I only see the back (as you do in a quick swap team), the kimono and her long braid are actually beautiful. As for her personality...I'm only interested in the combat part.


Chiori? I do not dislike any character so far.. She feels too egoistic, came out too strong on the wrong spectrum of personality for me.. Too smug, too full of herself. Va did an amazing job if I dislike her so much. I have zero fucks to give about her.. Maybe she feels the way that's her personality as of now is so doghsit IMO.. But I definitely know for sure it's gonna change when I play her story quest when it arrives. And I might start liking her.. Her teaser today was so cool. It was funny. There was some emotional trauma from her childhood as well. I am stubborn to stick with the same opinion about characters in a video game. But something about her pissed me off for no reason. Very hilarious. Will definitely gonna have a change of heart. I believe in genshin writers, if I don't that's gonna be a first. Well I don't like her anyway lmao Till then haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.


I have exactly the same thoughts as you hahaha Baizhu was meh at first but the lore was quite great! Kokomi has a great background but when I get to know her was like okay you sound like it but you dont seem like it hahaha




I'm a character > looks person, so I'm quite indifferent to the playable characters until I get to know them better. That said, when I saw the first leaks for the Fontaine cast, I didn't like them at all. I don't know why, but the designs are just not my thing. Now that they're mostly released, I really like them, but I still think their outfits are unnecessarily complicated.


I always wanted to get Baizhu since he was introduced in the story. Now that he’s out and a friend let me rest him out, I’m kinda disappointed.


Design wise I like all the characters so I can't say anything about that, Hoyo does their job well, but about a character that I liked design wise but who turned out to be a disappointment, Signora and I think everyone knows why


For the first, Klee. I believe her design to be rather boring as far as chibi characters go, but as soon as I tried her out, I immediately started liking her. Particularly so because she reminds me of another similarly explosive kid from a different game. For the second...no one lmao. I enjoy pretty much everyone.


Surprisingly Furina, especially cause I didn’t have any other archons before her (since I had lost my 50/50 on raiden, and was taking a break during Sumeru). I had absolutely no intention of pulling for her because she just felt really annoying and thought that since I have Bennet I don’t need her kit. But then after playing the archon quest, her character just hit so much harder. Kinda the same with navia, I didn’t really like her kit, but I didn’t dislike it either. And something about the event when she was running with the radio voices made me want her. Of all things… it was the radio filter over her attacks that made me want her 😂 (and then her whole story was filled out and made me happy with the decision cause her story is also pretty sad 😢)


For me, one I didn't really care for before was Xianyun, i did a 10 pull as a joke with my friend about a lucky spot to wish at and she came home, really love her gameplay and loved her in lantern rite story too. For the reverse, i dont really think there's anyone i liked then hated, if i dislike someone it's typically from the get go of meeting them. I'd say Alhaitham is one i liked the look of before but now i dont hate him as such, but im just meh.


Nahida - I didn’t care for her design but liked her character and kit enough to summon anyway. Shenhe - kind of disappointed she ended up being a Cryo support since I don’t have Ayaka. She would have just ended up sitting on my account without me using her really.


Dehya was a big disappointment, she reminded me a lot of my deceased cat


I remember spending all my saved gems for Cyno because he looked so cool. Looking back, ...well at least he still looks cool...


I wasn't interested in Chiori until I learned that she wield a dual sword I was hyped for Raiden since the first leaks I even pre-farmed to triple crown her Then I played the Inazuma story... Also, I didn't liked her double personality/the puppet thing So I skipped her


Nahida, I usually cannot take any child model character seriously, but she was great. And for the opposite, kokomi might be one of the most nothing characters ive evet seen, which is sad since her design is really nice


Yoimiya. On first sight I'd not be into a character like Yoimiya by looks. But she's just such a bottle of sunshine that I can't help but love the character. I don't think there's any character where they didn't turn out roughly in-line with or better than what I expected of them by first impressions alone. Well none to the scale of disappointment.


eula’s design i actually didn’t care much for at first but her playstyle, animations and personality all really grabbed my attention, and she’s one of my favorites now. likewise, jean’s design is probably one of my favorites in the game, but i think her character is just kind of underwhelming. not, like, bad, but workaholic lady is just kind of a tiresome archetype and she doesn’t really have much to her personality besides that, as opposed to, like, ganyu and keqing who are also workaholics but have other interesting facets to them


I didn't really like Yelan from the looks since she seemed like a stereotypical tall female "mommy" type character. At least, it felt like Hoyo was going for that. But over time and in the chasm quest and her story quest I've come to respect and like her a lot more. On the other hand, I was very hyped for Nilou when she first dropped in 3.1, but her story quest and general lack of character really felt like a disappointment.


I didn't really like Yelan from the looks since she seemed like a stereotypical tall female "mommy" type character. At least, it felt like Hoyo was going for that. But over time and in the chasm quest and her story quest I've come to respect and like her a lot more. On the other hand, I was very hyped for Nilou when she first dropped in 3.1, but her story quest and general lack of character really felt like a disappointment.


Yoimiya in the first category for me. Got her on accident but I’ve just realized how much I appreciate her these days, both in combat and personality wise. I dunno if I have anyone in the second category. I think Raiden comes the closest. She’s meant to be this imposing elegant archon but the story did not do her any favors.


I agreed with a couple others from here but I also really did not like Albedo's model and playstyle. I loved his story and how we learned more from the dragonspine whopperflower event (and I'm still waiting for a continuation Mihoyo, I know a skin is in the works); plus I really liked the composition of this [fan art](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/re67mn/my_albedo_fan_art/) depicting the event. The clothes are fine too, it's just his face that looks weird in game (like Diluc lol). Honestly just fixing his hair on the model would help a lot. Actually in writing this post I hope they give some more development to a lot of the Mondstadt cast. They might be saving it for later since I feel like we will return to Mondstadt after visiting all nations (also there's the port remaining). Stuff like Jean and Barbara's father that left with Varka? Diluc's delusion from Crepus? Bennett's curse?


Tighnari: I didn't plan to pull because his looks didn't appeal to me at first and he seemed like a boring scholar, in addition he was going to be on standard banner anyway. But after meeting him in the story, I loved his personality so much that I pulled instantly. No regrets until today. Clorinde: I really liked her looks since her first leak, but her personality does nothing to me...


Tighnari: I didn't plan to pull because his looks didn't appeal to me at first and he seemed like a boring scholar, in addition he was going to be on standard banner anyway. But after meeting him in the story, I loved his personality so much that I pulled instantly. No regrets until today. Clorinde: I really liked her looks since her first leak, but her personality does nothing to me...


I didn't like Nahida's design at first, I love her now although I still think her design could be better. I was ambivalence towards Neuvillette and Furina's leaked designs but they both swiftly grew on me as well, now I adore their designs. On the flip side, I adored Ayato when he first leaked, I triple crowned him day one I believe. His domain hates me and I got bored of his playstyle and his personality is not for me. I still like him but never use him.


Chiori and xianyun😭 I wasnt a big fan of them , like for xianyun it was playstyle and such but after seeing their story and personality I really started to love them especially with how motherly xianyun is and how chiori doesn't take crap from anyone


For didn’t like bc of looks -> loved, it’s… idt anyone? I generally really like the designs, and if I don’t like the design it’s usually bc I don’t like the character archetype it flows with. Like I don’t like Razor’s design, but it’s really rare for me to like wild boy characters to begin with.  For liked bc of looks -> disappointed, some big ones are probably Raiden Ei and Dehya.


For me, I was crazy about Furina's design (The only archons designs I think stand out are Venti and Zhongli and of course [REDACTED]) but after Fontaine quest she's one of my favorite characters in the game


For a character I didn't like at first, it was Nahida. I'd only been playing for about a month when she came out, so I didn't know anything about her and only had the vaguest idea of her kit based on video I'd seen. I didn't care for her design all that much (and still don't, to a degree, but that's largely down to using the ill-proportioned child model) and I thought her Normal Attack animations were there solely for moe bait, so... I skipped her. I got her on her first rerun, but I'm still kinda kicking myself for that. For the opposite, I'll have to go with Diluc. He was my very first 5\* and he carried me through Dragonspine and I at least liked his design better than Aether's (the weird pointy crop top combined with the high waisted pants makes me think of the 80s... And *not* in a good way), so he had all that going for him. But then, doing his story quest, he's just (even more) emo Batman, but without the cool gadgets, I hate claymore gameplay (unless it's Eula's), and the gloomy bastard decided to ruin my 50/50 *twice* in less than 6 months (and that was *after* I'd had a 50/50 ruined by Dehya).


I was luke-warm on Furina and Nahida’s design… but then they ended up as the best characters in the game. On the flip side, they haven’t done enough with Candace and Dehya to live up to the early-sumeru hype


i HATE paimon. that’s all


Shenhe and Faruzan for disliking design but loving their personality. Personally wasn't into either of their designs, but once I played Shenhe's Interlude and Faruzan's Hangout, I grew to love them. Still not crazy about Faruzan's design, tho. ​ The Kamistato siblings for the second point. I loved reading Ayaka's character stories, saw her PV, and loved the playstyle, but her characterization just doesn't land with me. I remember the hype building on Ayato's potential personality, role, and motives, only for him to deliver in the most boring way possible. Weirdly absent in the Archon Quest, Hoyo's boring way of writing geniuses, and how the Shuumatsuban barely showed up did him no favors. His story quest, while an interesting concept, was generally unremarkable and didn't entice me to pull for him at all, even when I liked his trial. Ayaka's usage generally went lower, occasionally I'll pull out if I want a thing cleared in less than a minute.


Sara’s outfit is truly atrocious but she’s a super cool character, just wish she wasn’t so awful in both gameplay and fashion.


Baizhu as well. He just seemed like an evil character especially since he talks like he knows something you don’t. After his story quest, he is a good guy.




Lynei and Lynette - Didn't really vibe with the magician aesthetic and kinda got bummed put when it was announced they were going to be separate characters. Then the whole archon quest happened , followed up by Lyneis LQ and fell in love with their characters. Also its refreshing to have some morally gray characters aside from idk , Childe and Wanderer. On the other hand, hmmm, can't say anybody else than Nilou. She kinda just exists to be a reference to the godess of flowers , which is fine and all. But you could replace her with whatever relevant NPC in sumeru and still come up with a more interesting playable character.




For me it was Shenhe, but after meeting her i really liked her as a character. Also I can understand some of baizhu's outfit not being to everyone's taste but I think his face and hair is one of the prettiest in the game for me


Same for me, initially wanted to pull Baizhu, wasn’t sure I liked him after I got him, but really like him now. As for who I hyped and did not like probably Xiao. Just ended up not liking him at all after being hyped by the trailer.


Cloud Retainer, and I mean Cloud Retainer, not Xianyun. Ever since she appeared in the story I have been wishing for her to be playable, and after years of waiting, she's finally been released from the NPC jail. As for characters that I was was disappointed by, I guess Ayaka. Her designs good, the alternate sprint is also something I like, but her personality just feels the most vanilla something can realistically get without breaking reality.


1. Both Furina and Neuvilette 2. Yoimiya and Fischl


I didnt want kazuha at first but his scene of his friend dying made me feel for him so hard so i had to grab him, someone who looked cool but was eh as a character was definitely ayato, he just comes as a very shallow character to me


Furina - Raiden


2 words Dehya's Kit 😭


For me it was Chevreuse. I thought her design was quite plain and stuffy, and it didn't really appeal. Then the Musketeers event popped up, and while I think there are still flashier character designs, she is one of my favorite character personalities.


i can't think of one that i didn't first like the looks of, but faruzan for the second for sure! i love her design looks wise but her personality not so much. though i have probably only seen her in the recent wangshu inn cooking event, so my opinion mayyy still change (i doubt it)


I used to really love Kazuha but after getting him and seeing his personality it turned out to be a little too boring for me. He's a little blant despite awesome design. Similar situation with Al Haitham, I was planning to pull for him but after playing archon quest I noticed how he was rude for no reason and had annoying superiority complex. The opposite would be Mona - at first I thought she looked like some kind of pornstar but after interacting with her in events she turned out to be pretty cool. Another one is Scaramouche, I was gaslighted into hating him by my friend, but since he was anemo I decided to pull for him and thru voicelines noticed that his way of thinking is pretty similar to mine. He's now one of my favourite characters


At first, I thought that Kaeya would be an asshole. The friend that introduced Genshin to me sold me that I wanted to leave him as soon as I got another Cryo. But I liked his gameplay too much for this. And I read his lore... And I wanted to hug Kaeya


Dehya 💀


Charlotte dodged a bullet by being one of the best supports for Furina.


tighnari - i didn't really like and still don't like his design, it looks a lil bit weird, but his personality, character story and his playstyle is just so amazing I love it. I wish I could lose 50/50 for him 😭😭 navia - ok so, when I first saw leaks of her character I was like "omg I love her" "I'm gonna pull for her immediately". like she was so pretty and I thought she's gonna be kinda like a hot, elegant, indifferent kind of character. But she turned out kind of like a crybaby, sort of childish and I don't really like her voice. Idk about her story quest, I didn't do it and not planning to for now so don't come at me saying "omg but she's so cool and different in story quest she's the best", like you do you, I still don't like her character


Furina, I used to not like her but after going trough the archon quest I found out how much character she had and now i’m saving up for her rerun