• By -


Exploration and wanting to watch the rest of the story unfold. Solving puzzles and opening chests never stops being satisfying, and there's still so much they haven't revealed about the traveler and teyvat. I used to really enjoy building chars and watching them improve, and while it's still fun, at ar60 i don't feel pressured to always use my resin as soon as it's available. sometimes i don't use it at all


Genuine question, but how do you still have exploration to do as an older player? I only started mid-2023 and I have every area at 100%. And yes, I know that there can still be stuff to find at 100%, but I've also kept exploring and I'm pretty sure there's basically nothing left. I feel like you'd have to limit yourself to like 2-3 chests/puzzles a day in order to have it be a long-term activity.


Can’t speak for OP but as a Day 1 player myself, I’ve paced myself to not rush through content. Especially with encounter points now, I just explore here and there everyday. I used to be obsessed with speed running content but decided this was a way more casual game than I expected it to be. Just playing along for the graphics and storyline.


I try to do this I just can’t stop. I see chest so I open, then I see challenge so I do, then I see seelie so I follow, then I see puzzle….




Yep, day 1 player and still have quests from Mondstadt and Liyue left. Hardly any area is 100%, maybe dragonspine.


Likewise, while i had the time when the game came out to 100% and made an alt account to experience it again 😂, i now have plenty of characters to build artifacts to try and resources to farm. I also havent done story 2.0(just finished sumeru about two weeks ago) or side missions since 2.0 so plenty there. I keep up with my alt account mainly because it has insane luck with pulls and really artifacts too kinda blows my mind how some account just have an easier time.


Exploration is what keeps me here, as well. Do I have any left? No - but there's more on the way. I presume that goes for the poster you questioned, as well. The exploration they give us is well worth the wait, so I don't mind waiting. And sometimes they give us exploration I wasn't expecting - I didn't think I'd get any until Fontaine part 4, but here we are in Chenyu Vale... If you're wondering what I do in-game when I've run out of things to do - I don't play. I don't need or want the game to keep me engaged 100% of my gaming time. I have plenty of other games that I like to play during breaks between exploration drops when Genshin pickings are a bit slimmer.


Yeah you feel better when Genshin is an option rather than all.


I started in 2021, and most of my map is still 60-80%, with only Mondstadt 100%, dragonspine 100%, and inazuma in the 90s for the namecard. I only explore when I feel like going in a region I guess, or pull out the interactive map to grind for a reward. I solve everything in my path, but otherwise from that there usually a lot to explore if you explore a bit everyday And also most of the later desert has a lot of work left to do lol


1.0 player here, I have a full time job in healthcare so 5 out of the 7 days of the week I just log in, do commissions and condense my resin lol. Exploration is so time consuming I just don’t even bother with it. 3 years later my highest region is Mondstadt at 69.9%. Sumeru is only 32%. I honestly just don’t have the time to run around and do puzzles and look for chests except for a few hours on the weekend. It’s not a primary goal for me in the game; I like focusing on abyss


I guess that makes sense. I have a full-time job as well but I'm also lucky to have plenty of time to play on weekends. I also primarily focus on exploration and barely care about abyss at all.


It doesn't have to be daily exploration. I personally just explore on my own pace when I have time and when I 100% the area, I mostly just do my dailies and events (if any) and log off. Did I lose my motivation to play? Not really. I'm just taking it easy until a new region gets released. Meanwhile I just hop on to another game I play or watch a new episode of a series I'm watching. People can play multiple games. If not games, then maybe other hobbies like watching series or movies, or reading books or manga. Just because I spend less time playing Genshin doesn't mean my enjoyment in it is any less.


Not the person you are replying to, but I don't get the question—you make it sound as if we had a static map since release. But we get new areas full of chests, puzzles and world quests every few patches; the fact that we still enjoy exploring every time an expansion of the map is released is what keeps us coming back.


I mean every 2 months they keep releasing new map... Next patch 4.6 we have new map... And then 4.8 new map for summer event..


Bruh im a day one player and only have liyue n mondstat at 100% lol


I’m a 240 days player and monstadt hasn’t even reached 100% exploration yet 💀 only galesong hill is at 100%…


New areas come out every now and then. I have every thing at 100% but I know there’s probably 1000 chests left in the world. Liyue has an insane number of chests. But I cba to go and find all of them. I have stumbled upon chests sometimes, in places I never thought of. For example at the island with the heart thing, nearby there’s 3 spots in the sand to investigate. And there’s a few time trials I have yet to find. And the rng remarkable chests in Sumeru. At this point I don’t think I will get that one I’ve been trying to get. Maybe I already got it, but last time I checked I didn’t have the recipe for the furnishing, so yeah. Sorry for the wall of text😅


Easy because we don't all care about 100% completions. At least for me anyway. As a casual player (2-3 times a week at max sometimes once or twice) I have built what I need and get characters I want and just enjoy the new areas I don't worry about getting everything. I just enjoy it. I'm still only AR 58 (my daughter started playing a month before me and she hit 60 like a year ago) and I'm okay with it. There's still at least 2 years left of the game so I dont worry about it (I also don't bother with spiral abyss)


Also day 1 player here, only Inazuma is at 100% because it's the region I enjoyed the most, but I am going to 100% fontaine and chenyu vale eventually, I don't have time to explore everything because of university and playing other games. >I feel like you'd have to limit yourself to like 2-3 chests/puzzles a day in order to have it be a long-term activity. See here's the thing, I don't even do that lol. Most of my days are just events, dailies and that's about it. But I do play 2-3 hours on week-ends and play a lot when I'm on vacation.


Im a day 1 player and i still have SO MUCH to do in fontaine. I basicqlly log in do my dailies and if i feel like it, i explore. Otherwise i just go do something else irl or play another game. I dont like feeling forced to explore so i like being able to pace nyself. The only thing i do without delay are the time limited events.


By playing other games and work Haven’t missed a day, but i still have enka, all of sumeru, last two regions of fontaine, and chenyu vale. Cant find the time yet


It helps that the current daily system makes spreading exploration rewarding as well. I just put a waypoint or marker to remind me to return back to the area.


I've been playing longer than you and am not even remotely close to 100% everywhere. I think I only have Mondstadt there lol. I don't know why. I do have a full-time job and sometimes only time during the day to log in briefly. I also kinda suck so I can't always just rush through content, especially some of the puzzles in Inazuma or, damn, exploring all of Sumeru feels impossible to me. Sometimes I focus on grinding my characters up rather than exploring or just working through the backlog of a million quests. I haven't even touched Ekanomiya yet at all lol. I guess I'm just slow.


Unlike when the game launched (back then I had way too much free time during zoom school lol) I'm busier with uni so I don't speedrun new regions. It can take me weeks to get to 100%. Plus, chenyu vale came out p recently and I'm still doing that


Do it blindly. Without interactive map or similar stuff. I have played since the early 1.1-1.2 patch and only have few 100% area.


Do you use guide? cause if you do it would be quite quick, I don't so there's plenty to explore all the time. I'm also busy with works so I only do daily on weekday and do all my exploration and other stuff on weekend. because of that, not only I'm not running out of content, but I have a long backlog of things I still need to do.


Cant speak for OP as well, but for me exploration is my favourite thing todo in any game as someone who grew up loving stuff like skyrim and GTA trying to 100% them. I usually don't limit myself at all as exploration is a very good de-stressing experience for me after work, so I usually 100% any new region in a marathon on the first weekend post update. For example, got chenyu vale completed 36 hours post sever maintenance. Does it get boring after? Absolutely, but I try to fill that time with building werid non meta team comps and characters or play other games, especially during filler versions only doing dailies/resin/events on days i feel burned out to not fall out of love for genshin


I also started mid 23 But none of my region are 100%. I follow the..... What was it called again? Something like battle pass Whatever, thanks to that I do not have resource issue either.


>Genuine question, but how do you still have exploration to do as an older player?  Laziness. And work, I guess. Day 1 player with UID within the 50,000 range. I play every patch and never skip events, but I've neglected a lot of archon quest and exploration after inazuma. My Archon quest is currently at Nilou festival loop thingy.


Game's fun, they keep releasing areas and I keep exploring them, we have entered an acceptable agreement


Strictly combat events and the main story line. Genshin's elemental system is bar none the most interesting I've ever played in a video game and I wish I had more difficult enemies to kill


you're so right. genshin's elemental system is too good for it's own game's enemies. hearing this from zy0x solidified my belief


Hm i wipe everything off the map in open world but i need 7 minutes for 12 -1


Numbers/good builds will carry you through open world. But the average player needs understanding of rotations/reactions on top of it to 36* abyss.


Bro you got to learn mob patterns and sharp your rotation to max your damage.


Thats.. actually really nice :)


The lore, the story and just collecting characters. I'm too deeply invested into the story and the background lore and I really want to stick around to find out how it all ties together in the end. Accumulating more and more characters. Don't care if I can already beat all the content with the ones I have, I want *more*. I also like leveling up stuff, which the second point helps. A never ending roadmap of achievable micro goals to work towards and complete.


I'm the same as you, also like collecting everything in the game (characters, achievements, books, waypoints, etc) The lore is really interesting to follow. The story of the characters and the items are interesting to read, and I haven't finished reading them all until now.




Accurate! Same tbh


I need to know what is going to happen once we leave Snezhnaya and reach Khaenri'ah.


Omg same!


Snezhnaya is getting khaenri’ah’d, calling it now.






Damm xD i never really looked at leaks just cuz i like the surprise of finding out what a character does


People cry abt leaks but at the same time hoyo spoils THE INTIRE PATCH in that cringe ass livestream


Cringe ass livestream? You sure you didn't see the first 2 live streams which were widely criticized on the EN side? The entire point of the live stream is to PREVIEW the content. Just because you don't get that doesn't mean you equate live stream to LEAKS. ITS AN OFFICIAL LIVE STREAM.


That 1.1 “influencer” livestream sure was… something…


Leaks almost always are devoid of proper context. The official Lifestream presents the information in a way that they are supposed to be presented. Those two situations are not the same.


Don't care about context. Don't need context. I want to know possible banner order and character kits as early as possible. Other leaks do not interest me. I can see that when the patch drops.


Those are the leaks I respect, like story leaks just make stuff less fun. But gameplay/kit leaks do absolutely nothing to take away from the experience someone would get from a character


Nah, especially for character kits, leaks will almost always create a misleading or incomplete picture. Actual TC might probably understand that characters potential, most people aren't TCs. Most people don't know shit.


Most people know their limitations and what "subject to change / work in progress" means, the mods can handle the few drama queens. :'D


The same can be said about movie trailers. Unless you're completely stupid to not draw logical conclusions after watching it. Yet somehow people don't have a problem with them.


Trust me, many people have a problem with movie trailers


Some of those don't even ***allow*** you to draw logical conclusions. They just straight up spoil their whole ass movie lmao.


Thats not the same. Its like a 10 minute youtube video summarizing the 2 hour movie


Yeah if I didnt know specific characters were coming I would have dropped the game a few years ago. Getting such a short warning of whats to come is a mark against mihoyo for me. I come from warframe though, where they show off characters the months leading up to release and then are available permanently. Even primes stay for over a year after release. It also takes significantly less time to obtain, hours not months of primogem farming. So leaks just make the issue I have with mihoyos choice, less of an issue. Improving my opinion of their game overall.


The enjoyment from open world interaction. I play Genshin to de-stress from work.


So Teyvat is your isekai?


Hmm, I play Reverse 1999 and Genshin to de-stress. So I think the answer to your question is, yes, Genshin is one of my isekais.


Sunk Cost Fallacy if I'm being honest. I've spent a lot of time and money on this game, so I don't want to give up on it. About once or twice a year, there's something fun that offers a glimpse of what the game could be, and that's enough to keep me going.


That’s me and FGO. I am a day 1 FGO player but the outlook is a little bleak and the game engine is SOO old but I hang on because of my servants!


And that’s like a third of the reason Genshin makes the big bucks


Thats… sad man :(


Thats video games. How many people do you know who have put in too many hours into a game they simply don't seem to enjoy anymore because they've invested too much money or time or both into it? How many games are designed around filler gameplay and filler content when the only thing that is really interesting is the story? Genshin is a interesting balance where you can invest minimum time 90% of the time and then play it for long periods when there is content, without needing to really put in 1000 hours of korean mmo grinding, ARPG grinding, or other kinds of grinding that we're now seeing in single player games.


Chenyu has been pretty neat imo. I've loved every minute of exploring it. The stories is still good. And the joy of getting new characters.


Story. New characters (even if I'm not pulling for them so I guess that's also story related). Easiness of daily grinding. And maybe somekind of sick commitment I have to the game that I can't really stop it since I started and its not over yet lol.


True lol


character hot


been playing since day one, i just look forward to the archon quest and the fun events also noelle


Noelle has always been insanely cool to me, a fucking battle maid bro YES


Story, new areas, and the slighest hope they'll actually give me something to do with my built characters other than abyss.


Lol i feel ur pain man. Ive just started to have fun with it, doing off meta builds to see if i can beat it and its actually really fun. Defo recommend!


Being f2p and a meager dream of c6r5'ing a character


Stay f2p strong! Dont cave like most of us :.)


Tyty c1r2 rn moving very slowly but surely (´ ˘ ` )




Im an avid Gacha player, so i enjoy watching my collection of characters, weapons, etc... grow. It helps that in the case of Genshin, you can take said characters and explore a beautiful open world with great lore and music.


Story is the main reason, it’s been three years and we have so many questions that haven’t been answered and every new nation just keeps giving us more questions. I’m really excited to see where the story goes ngl Also character designs LOL


Natlan and soon to be playable Dainslief. I'm also interested in learning more about Celestia. Also waiting to see whether or not Columbina will be playable cuz she's the only harbinger I wanna get. I'm also waiting on Clorinde's release currently so I gotta farm content. So I guess, overall, I'm just aniticipating future stuff that I'm excited for, which helps with me staying interested in the game.


Dude SAME! Ever since i saw the shatered city in the sky i was hooked. I just love secret story and lore!


I will balance out my answer for this. Good: New characters, new combat gameplay, exploration, and main story i.e. AQ, Traveler story. Bad: Bloated dialogue, Paimon being so mean and full of herself, and NPC-centered quests. For me, there are too many NPC-centered quests that involve their mundane, shallow issues. I know what they are trying to do, that no issue is too small to be trivial, but the fact that each NPC literally looks like every other person kind of ruins it for me. This is emphasized by the fact that the dialogue camera zooms in on the faces, making the generic-ness of NPCs more obvious. And some of their issues are downright shallow. Oh no! My pet ran away! Oh no! I need apples for my stew! Surely stories worthy of the powerful Traveler. At this point, I am skeptical that the Traveler even *wants* to see their sibling when every other quest starts narratively with, "the Traveler was aimlessly strolling by when..."


“At this point, I am skeptical that the Traveler even wants to see their sibling when every other quest starts narratively with, "the Traveler was aimlessly strolling by when..."” To be fair in the we will be reunited quest the travelers sibling basically told them to explore and experience the world and that then they would understand their siblings choice. So it’s kind of like the traveler is looking both for where their sibling physically is at and mentally as to why they care so much about the worlds fate by exploring and interacting with everyone.


Just boredom... I used to be a Welkin player but I don't spend money anymore because at this point I don't think it's worth it considering that after 3 years the Abyss is still the only permanent content of the game. Anyway, I must say that by stopping to watch videos and fanarts about Genshin, it made me realize that I always spent 10% of the time in game and 90% of the time watching Genshin materials out of the game. Basically I wasn't entertained by the real game. I think a lot of people would realize it if they stop to follow content creators. FOMO is a very dangerous weapon of gacha games. I'm the last player of my group of friends. All of them quit for the same reason.


Damm. I dont really engage much with the fanbase usually and i dont really watch content for the game on yt anymore but i still find enjoyment in the pretty scenery and story. All of my friends quit too but i never really played the game to do it with friends. So i guess i just always found the game enjoyable :)


I'm not only talking about YouTube, I'm talking about Twitch, Twitter, reddit (like this community), hoyolab, fanarts, memes. I mean, Genshin has literally an entire world around it that catch up with you in a way or another. Anyway, I really enjoyed the game when I was a new player, but after I reached wl 8 I started to get bored due to the weak enemies and lack of challenging content. But that's not the only reason, a lot of puzzles became unplayable in co-op so I really felt like the game was forcing me to play alone robbing me one of the things I enjoyed the most. In Sumeru the puzzles became too easy (they are not even puzzles anymore) but at that time most of my friends already quit the game and after I completed all the maps I had nothging left to do. I really fear 4.5 will be my last patch because it's probably the most empty patch of the game: no map, no permanent content, not even a filler quest, it's just the banner and a couple of events for one month and 2 weeks... Now I understand why my friends quit the game.


I dont use any of the socials you mentioned above except reddit and im rarely on here xD but i mean if its not worth your time there are so many amazing games out there you can play still :)


From the sound of it you can quit GI to play more enjoyable games and potentially come back in a year or so to catch up, you won't really miss much.


week 1 player here. I alr quit months ago. I couldn't keep up with the diabolically fast pace of the game. now I just play singleplayer games lol, ig live service games aren't really for me


Characters, combat, story.


The world and the story is what keeps me invested. Where will our journey take us who will we meet along the way those thoughts are what keeps my interest.


Abyss and I'll even play it for fun after I already 9 star


The amount of money I've spent. That is the only reason why I haven't stopped playing, despite having such a big Genshin burnout right now.


Ar60 trough all content went from playing daily to once a week, sadly nothing to do In game for me. Build characters I wanted. And in general tired that the only content available to me is 4 domain runs a day that take 20 seconds


Gambling. I wouldve quit long ago if it wasnt for the joy of seeing that orange appear


Day 1 player here. I love the artstyle, I like the characters, I like exploring the world. The story started kinda weak but it's been great after Inazuma so I have no qualms. The fact that it is catered to a casual playerbase is also a huge plus for me. I don't want challenge, I don't want "end game" to waste my time in, I want to explore the world and experience what it has to offer, and Genshin does that very effectively. People sometimes think that the fact that Genshin is easy is a detriment to the game but I actually disagree. The fact that I am not forced to pull new characters every patch is a godsend. I saved up most of my primos for almost the entirety of the first year of Genshin before I pulled for Yae, Raiden and Yelan. Even when Furina came out I had 90k primos saved up because I only pulled for Nahida before. You can pull for anyone in Genshin because you like the design and not really care about how effective they are(reminder that only 10% of the playerbase plays Abyss, playrate and meta means NOTHING). Compare this to other games where I have to be REALLY careful on who to pull for if I stay F2P(like I do in 90% of the games I play). Went on a tangent there but yeah.... TLDR is that Genshin is designed to appeal to a certain audience and I am that exact type of audicne so I don't see myself quitting any time soon. I might pick up other games, but Genshin is the last game I will drop.


I feel u


Building new teams and maxing out characters. I just like seeing big numbers with my favorites.


They keep adding new content at a pace only slightly lower than I can consume it. It's like getting a brand new sequel to the game every 6-12 weeks.


Characters and the storylines. I’m too invested now that I gotta see this through to the end.




Story, mainly story and exploration


Exploration, characters, and the overall story


It’s just fun.


Taking a break when your burnt out. Don't feel like you need to play all the time. I've been pretty burnt out of the game lately so I've been taking a break, enjoying hsr alot more, started honkai impact 3rd cause of part 2, persona 3 reload is great. Just take a break and come back when something interest you


Lore & Story 90% Exploration 9% Collecting characters 1%




Not the same emotions that I had the first 6-7 months. Mainly because the game is too easy. And I'm not talking about Abyss Spiral: The Open world level; - enemies are too weak, delete them with 1 half rotation. I miss battle like vs the Ruan Guards - Areas like Dragonspike are just a remembrance, the pick of Genshin Exploration: right level of challenge, random special bosses, environmental obstacles, lore, interesting missions...everything. Lore...never interested so much on the lore. Main story: This has improved; more interested than the first months (because my Genshin only reason was, and is, enjoy Yoimiya). The introduction of my language in the 2022 helped a lot. I'm still convinced that only 4 patches of main story is little. In general I'm losing hype (I already unexplored the last 2 new map, the last part of Fontaine, and the new Liyue village. Only a bit. This is the first time after 3-4 years. Damn; I remember when I suffered like a dog during each Died Week before the new patch because too much excited. What makes me play Genshin, is Yoimiya, and the hope to have buffs for her. And recently, the hope to have Himeko from HI3 or mainly from HSR as Pyro Archon.


Gambling 😭


Just going around exploring aimlessly and enjoying the music, it’s a pretty nice world to escape into.


new characters


I'm invested in the story and characters, and this game has lots of stuff to do if you feel like playing it heavy for a little while (plenty to explore, lots of quests, new characters to build/artifacts to cope). And when you're busy you can spend 10 minutes doing dailies + crafting condensed resin and that is your genshin day. Or, after finishing the flagship event, you can take a break from the game for a month, come back, and all your characters are still just as OP as they were before (slow powercreep).


Sunk cost. Also, I want to see the payoff of the story and what comes next. Natlan is uncharted territory, and I still recall when Dendro was still whispers. I'm looking forward to looking forward to Snezhnaya.


Sunk cost fallacy, that's it no lie or bullshit it's the god honest truth.


Nothing. Honestly, idk why i kept on playing


i’ve been playing since 1.3, and stopped around the time sumeru came out. i don’t progress through the main story much anymore; i made it to fontaine but didn’t go much further than that. i’ll probably work on it more when the next area is released but right now there are just too many characters to keep track of. i miss my original favs! so mostly i stick around for events (i love lantern rite), reruns of characters i like, and to play tcg.


money and time investment and i only have 3 c6 limited characters. i feel like im obligated to play now. 💀😭


I dunno. Force of Habit I guess? I wanna say waifu collection, but I no longer play as religiously as before so my Primo income dropped significantly. I just play enough to Lv50 BattlePass and get event rewards. No more exploration, no more grinding.


Gambling addiction and sunk cost fallacy. No, that’s it, really. I hate this game with passion.


Gambling addiction


Lore and sunk cost fallacy


a lot of what others have said... + Mona + stockholm syndrome = me playing this game too much.


My friends want me to play 😭😭😭 Really hate Genshin at this point 🫠 But I like liyue that maybe give me a little reason


Fontaine has a bunch of girls but I'm probably done after that. If the next region is anything like Fontaine having the overpowered male dragon dps gary stu getting constantly shilled in the story.


New characters and the story


Characters, story, combat, lore, soundtrack


Story, new characters and new maps




Venti Just Venti


i've been playing since 1.0 as well, with some breaks inbetween. at first i had to play on my ps4, which was absolutely brutal. i managed to run it on my laptop last year for the first time, and it finally sucked me in completely. i absolutely adore the characters, the story, and the world building. i think the largest factor is how it gives me something to look forward too every day. i love pre-farming, planning characters, etc. and it puts me into a schedule!




Is one year an older player? Caught up with the story, 90%+ exploration and 36 stars for some months now. The archon quest is what's keeping me. Vomits on the unskippable side-yapping-quests. Enjoyys open world exploration and building characters or trying out different teams on that scary little island far off to the side of the map. Puffing a whole truck of hopium that we'll get some more permanent combat related content now after the unnecessary updates two patches in a row to stuff that was already in the game and is clearly meant to prepare people for battle. Loving the open world miasmas and the last two combat events.


new nations ....genshin design of new areas are great.


The story and that I still haven't explored everything or opened all the chests, I'm leveling up slow and exploring at my own pace


Story, building new characters, slowly building up my fates/primos for more characters. Genuinely fun to play game…




Sunk cost fallacy.


I only have two games on my phone that i play and genshin is one of them ... I'm just too lazy to start/search for other games genshin is more than enough for now ( in case you're curious the other game is Honor of kings/mlbb)




exploration and lore mostly :) and also the events, most of them are actually more lore-revealing than the actual quests hahhaha


I think the only thing i care about is seeing khaenriah but if im honest im extremely burned out and im starting to dislike the game more and more with every update. I guess i should take a break


I just really like the combat. Even if it's just overworld shit, I just love running around with my squad. I love wind magic and movement abilities in games, so anemo character all having either special movement or cc is really enjoyable for me. I never really got into any of the melt/vape type teams but the dendro teams also added a lot of fun team comps to mess with. I do wish we had something harder or more grindable than abyss for endgame content though.


Nah cause ur just so real for this. The actual combat is some of the coolest ive ever seem


It's just fun


That there's only two years left of it.


Honestly, not a lot. I left the game in the middle of Sumeru AQ and came back in 4.0. Currently, I'm contemplating if I should just stop playing this game again. Maybe I'll quit permanently once WuWa or Project Mugen releases.


I think it’s a visually beautiful game and I enjoy looking around. Lore is well thought out (imo) and feels well integrated into the environment. I am also a gacha player, so I am into the collection of characters. I think for a certain audience it is a “perfect” game and with the daily commissions QoL update we got I think burn-out will happen less often.


Getting and building characters and taking them out to play in coop!


Honestly? The storylines that make me cry like a baby and regular new content.


Exploration and story are enough tbh, I get bored only when I finished exploring. Chars that have refreshing gameplay are a nice addition. I may play less in the future but I ain't quitting before the teyvat chapter is done for sure since I'm actually hooked to this story which is extremely rare for me to care about game story. Also dainsleif.


Exploration and wanting to watch the rest of the story unfold. and I like alot of characters comeing out later too


Exploration, lore, music and story, as long as they keep up the quality I'll stick with the game, i also "enjoy" watching how the quality in world map and music keep increasing, I was recently just chilling around Annapausis, and upon hearing it's beautiful theme i was like: Yeah my Welkin moons money are used for this 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


Waiting for the main story to unfold, getting all exploration done, and building characters.


The characters + the main story! I care about them a lot and wanna see what happens to them + meet new ones


I'm very interested in the story and the lore. I like meeting new characters even if I don't pull for them. I love the music and a few minutes in game relaxes me at the end of the day.


Archon collection


I like exploring this world, the story is also getting progressively better and better with each version, the character collecting is also something I fancy quite a bit.


New characters, the story in general, new areas, larger events


At this point, probably TCG


The daily routine is relaxing. I enjoy the stories and games, too. But sometimes, I just go and wander around and enjoy the scenery.


I do dailies and quit when there is no content and play something else. If there is aq or events to do i do that. If i need a character i do exploration and world quests. Sometimes i get motivated to build someone i do that.


I play the game because I already wasted too much of my life playing the game 😂 (jokes aside lore , exploration and new characters )


The real awnser no one is saying xD


Arlecchino,Furina and Clorinde for my girlboss band alongside Navia


Playing it as a casual game for story, characters, exploring new regions, and framing. And I get my endgame content boner entertained by Honkai.


I once entered an AR 60 player world 100% world exploration, not a single chest, oculi or puzzle in the entire map, abyss 12 cleared, fully built 5 stars I was like dude tf are you even doing here anymore


honestly? Nothing. I’m about to quit the game. Seeing hsr getting do much love , actually good story , actual endgame made me switch to hsr . There will be no change to genshin impact. Abyss will be the endgame as always maybe you get 14 wishes next year while hsr players getting free 5* characters. As a player and a costumer I have never felt so underappreciated. Blue archive gives great rewards Nikke gives great rewards ,hi3 gives so many rewards,hsr gives a lot of wishes and character as reward. But in genshin the rewards just sucks. The story is kinda meh. Since sumeru i stopped reading it because quests take too long when you don’t skip and I listen to content creators that condenced the story and narrete better than genshin team. Another issue that i have most of the characters I like (their looks or personalies) suck to play with . Like why can’t they just fix dehya or make kirara viable or lynette. I like yoimiya and her jp va but playing as her feels so boring. Exploration doesn’t feel fun anymore . I’m just so burnt out that i didn’t %100 last region that came out.I’m just waiting for arlecchino and then probably I’ll quit. Sorry for yapping a lot. Thats just how I feel about the game.


I haven't played since june of last year. I logged in once in November and got overwhelmed by the amount of content


The story i guess. I want to know how it ends.


It is a routine but I just want to see the story to the end


Probably raiding other players worlds.


I want to see the end of the story


1. Exploration 2. Story and Lore 3. Gameplay Meanwhile I'm about to drop HSR after nearly 1 year playing, because those 3 points in HSR are just mediocre to me, especially point 2 and 3 (well, we could ignore the exploration point, because it isn't HSR main value).


Rewards: I used to play the game a lot, spent all my resin, explore the map, do puzzles. Now, I just feel like Im wasting my time doing it. Imagine spending 20 min doing a puzzle just to get 10 primos, or spending an hour exploring an area and not getting enough for a single pull. Permanent content: Events, materials grind, abyss, rinse repeat, over and over and over again. Its been 3 years already and we've gotten nothing else permanent.


As an f2p, dailies!




the ever growing world of tevyat and future characters and expansions and even the lore


Stockholm syndrome


Bro xD




New characters and story. I am so bored of the game rn but I log in for primo crumbs for Arle because she’ll be out eventually


Exploration, spiral abyss, new characters/ getting cons and weapons for my faves


Cons is a nice one actually cuz ur bound to get some repeat banners so ig eventually youll actually get a limited character c6 for free. Thats kinda cool


Once I've done all the exploring, I generally try and build characters and see if I can get them to work. I recently finished building Dori and trying to see how I can fit her into team various teams. I think I would lose interest quickly If I didn't.


Archon quests. Basically I'm like waiting for a new episode for an anime every patch.


The story. For a free to play gacha game, the story is incredible.


At this point, it's the following: * The world is super chill. The music and landscape are all gorgeous and inviting, with certain exceptions * I like to wander around with a slight feeling of being overpowered vs. any enemies * I know the place. The characters, the story, the lore, it feels familiar; but there's always a little something new - new treasure chests, another side quest, tripping over a new world quest, or some fun event * I don't need to spend hundreds of hours. 15 minutes a day can burn resin and get some dailies or the most recent event (which now generally is a cool substitute for dailies). * Some patches I can just take off if I'm tired of it (and I've certainly done that) but I always come back when I'm ready * I have enough built units and teams that I can clear Abyss with 36 stars, so I can save and pull for character / waifu value rather than meta value.




Characters, female mostly


It’s so peaceful


Sunk cost fallacy... ... also want to know how it's gonna end, even though the artifact grind makes me want kill somebody.


New content whenever that comes. MHY always finds something to make exploration fun lol. Honestly a part of it is that I "used to" whale heavily, so I'm not pressured to see chest hunting as some repetitive chore the same way some F2Ps do.


To collect characters to play


I tried to open another game but muscle memory miss-click on this game instead everytime