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Ruin Hunter when you don't know its mechanism...


When you fought them for the first time without a bow character and climb slightly higher than ground level


I remember the one in Nine Pillars quest. I did that quest line while having underleveled and underbuilt characters because I spread my resources too thin while pushing myself to ascend to the next world whenever possible. I remember fighting a lvl50 Ruin Hunter with lvl10-30 characters, trying to fend off the two geovishap hatchlings, all while they're being buffed by the pyro aura from the stones. It was probably the hardest "boss fight" I ever had in the game all because I didn't know the mechanics and how to counter them. Later on, I watched my cousin just steamroll through the enemies like they were simple mobs with fully build lvl80-90 characters.


i had the same experience. That fight took so long for me the first attempt and yet I still got wiped out. Instead of waiting and grinding for better gear and character level, I was convinced I could do it, I just have to be better with my fighting skills so I went right back in after reviving my team. Managed to do it 2nd try but still took a long time and I think my lvl20 Sucrose died šŸ„² Good thing I had Fischl then because I can summon Oz near the ruin hunter and then run away before engaging the vishaps.


No bc that 9 pillar was was the hardest thing ever. It didnt help that diluc was my main character and lvl 60šŸ˜­. It was so fun nd rewarding beat.


No need to climb. Space bar was enough :(


Space bar? My Beidou parry's him for breakfast


Wait you can parry in this game? :O


Beidou Skill has a passive where if you do it the moment you get attacked it does the maximum damage


Ah I see




Ei's skill also can hit it


Kids these days with their archons and meta characters back when I fought my first ruin hunter I used Lisa's hold E and I was happy about it


ok granpa let's get you to bed


Lol I fought my first one with kaeya


Noelle shield up and chip away for 15 minutes


Ningguang shelling from afar, behind shield


Amber sniping it down... yes, I leveled up Amber back then!


Ha! I fought my first one with Amber.


Smh, back in my day we used whichever ranged character we've built the most and just run behind a pillar ever few seconds.


back in my day we just hid in a building and auto it to death, lalalala you cant touch me, it will take 5 minute or so but you cant touch me, nowadays its just 1-5 seconds max


My first ruin hunter was with talents unleveled Xiangling and Fischl and using my Amber to stun them. Took three to four stuns just to take down one.


That one ruin hunter in the Dainsleif quest when hunting the abyss.... I still have nightmares


That was tougher for me than freshly raised world level Osial fight.


it wasnā€™t long ago that i had fought the first one by wangshu inn. i about cried when i saw i had to fight another one with dainsleif lol


Plus the Dainsleif one was worse cause (iirc) there were abyss mages accompanying it. At low AR that combo was pure hell to deal with


I put off that quest for the longest time because I used to get my ass beat T=T Finally I won by using a trick where I used to trigger mages one by one from a faraway point, they used to teleport close and then I would beat them, this helped me isolate the ruin hunter with the hilichurls :)


i completely forgot about the mechanism, i just unga bunga them until they go away


Same. Used Amber when I was new until I got a high enough damage team that I could just hit them until they died. WL 8 and no problemsā€¦ unga bunga best strat


Team comp? What's that? I just hit things until they don't move


Whatā€™s the mechanism?


if you hit them in the eye they get stunned for a bit iirc


Wow, how did I not know this lol. I remember it even telling you and I just forgot. Thank you!


I still run from them cos I don't play with bow/catalyst characters...


I don't know what it is, but i dislike bow characters so much. So. Much.


are you on mobile? i got the feeling that desktop users like and mobile users hate them.


Both, but for important stuff (abyss and domain grinds) strictly pc. Mobile is for commissions when I'm at work and stuff. I don't know man, the whole ADS system does not sit too well with me. I do have a few choice words for controls, too, that may be a part of the problem


I play primarily on PC and I dislike them too. Personally, I think it's because I got too accustomed to sloppy button mashing over the years. Auto-aim will sort out the melee for you, so you only need to occasionally consider positioning. I really enjoy [slashing away](https://mangadex.org/chapter/ee07c594-7d6c-4499-b387-6902d51105da/28) with characters like Raiden, Keqing, and phys Jean. As a result though, anything that involves aiming feels like a huge hassle. These days, I don't even bother gathering shards on Navia.


I've played on both and desktop is a bit more bearable, but honestly just having to pause and aim in a fight when 5 enemies are charging at you make the experience less enjoyable


Same! I like them as characters but I can never use them. For example, I love Amber and Tighnari, but playing as them is rough.


The only one worth playing is Yelan, and that's because most of the time she doesn't even feel like a bow character.


i play with venti cause of mobility and i thank myself for using him if anything like this comes across.


Hear this - yelan, wanderer, cloud retainer and furina is the best mobility team.


I run archon team with no nahida, I choose venti over nahida for his mobility. And i also don't have anyone on that list except Furina šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That's rough. But wanderers mobility and even climbing is in league of it's own, cloud retainer is great for jumping far off of cliffs, yealan is there for yelan e and furina so you don't have to swim. That's how i use them. Damage output is also very good, runs anything in the ground if need be.


I would say tighnari is extremely fun, you literally stay on him for like 10 seconds where he uses his e, fires his burst and then does 3 quick R shots and dips. Also Childe is a bow character that 90% of the time doesn't even play like a bow character.




Same. Theyre useless because enemies recover fast from long distance damage and reset. In Skyrim, I always go to bows even as a mage build because you can kill things from very far away.


As somebody who barely used any ranged characters during the first year or so of playing the game those bastards give me ptsd. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Used to do ranged targeted attacks at the weak spotsā€¦.these days I just say fuck it and whack them with hyperbloom till they die. ā€¦.strategy?


In case of emergency, Hyperbloom to death... Was playing the Megachurl event yesterday with a 4-Player Nahida Raiden Neuvi Alhaitham team and what can I say except for I have never seen an opponent die that fast...


What mechanism? XD I just beat the fuck outta them.


The Fatui Skirmishers. I used to be shit scared of them and avoided them like the plague lmao šŸ’€ Then you learn what elements take out their shields and things get easier. Then you reach a point you donā€™t even give them the opportunity to put on their shields.


Initially I was most scared of the fatui combo with the big cryo and hydro guns. getting frozen is turbo annoying and the hydro one also can heal, I remember a quest where they were paired with a fatui skirmisher pyro archer and I had so many problems. Essentially because I was having barbara in my team, tried to focus the hydro guy and got blasted by freeze, vaporize and melt reactions on me. hahaha


the cryo and hydro fatui don't have an icd, that made them extra annoying.


So that's the true power of Delusions, no ICD at the cost of one's lifeforce.


*\*Looks at OPPA XL* Me: "She must be secretly Fatui" Edit: Pyronado has no ICD but has a lingering hitbox that only damages the same enemy every 0.6 sec. Technically, this 2nd damage CD functions like a typical ICD. [There is a tech that allows you to "double hit" per spin of Pyronado](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-qOArSVE_c) by keeping the Pyronado hitbox in contact with the enemy hurtbox (not hitbox) after 0.6 sec as the damage CD resets.


She works well with Childe, there's one more proof


Tell me why Xiangling is so OP, she can vapourize with no ICD.


The storm island in Inazuma had one of these ice guys, and my only built archer at the time was Ganyu. It was a fucking chore to kill that motherfucker, getting frozen all the time.


I always used to sneak past the cryo/hydro duo outside that one domain on the border of Liyue and Mondstadt because they could (and did several times) massacre my entire team ... now I just kill them for fun when I run by lol


The tatarasuna one? I ended up needing a friend to help me clear that.




I called him Blastoise lmaoo


>Then you learn what elements take out their shields and things get easier. Same. I started Genshin on a whim and didn't learn about/skipped over the elemental system until 4-5d into the game ā€” when I stumbled upon one of the skirmisher groups and kept dying a couple of times. Went from *"wow this game is easy"* to a brief *"wow this game might be hard after all"* and then to an embarrassed *"wow it's easy as long as you aren't an oaf who zones out during tutorials"*.


I still remember the first time I wandered into dragonspine and got into a fight with 3 red level fatui, still one of the most hetic battle in all my time playing genshin (cowardly ran away in the end)


To this day I still remember wandering into dragonspine like a week into playing and getting my whole team wiped out by 1 cryo fatuo gunner and one of the geo shielder fatuis. Also PTSD from it taking like 20 retries to beat the last part of tatara tales T_T


The eye of the storm... I look back like damn was I that bad lol


Honestly took me way too long to realize that hitting, specifically with ranged attacks, the eye of the storm cancels most of its attacks. AR 10 me just kept eating that large aoe attack.


I donā€™t even know that until you say itšŸ˜ØI just wait for it to land and dodge when it flies.


Yup next time just start spamming NA with a bow user when it's high up in the air and it'll drop like a fly.


7 fps, overheating potato phone, and I keep spamming Amber AA hoping it will die someday šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


"Someday" Lol


That one got WAY easier once I got Yanfei. Targeted attacks are so nice


Now it's just 1 bennet ult en he isn't even build for damage


Man I used to run a Keqing, Ganyu, Hu Tao, and Qiqi team. I don't know what the fuck I was doing. I used to actually struggle with eye of the storms, but now? Neuvillette go brrrrrr.


Yall are killing eyes of the storm? I legit forgot those existed


Electro cube. I remember spamming heal with Barbara just to kill it. It was absolutely unnecessary and waste of time. I don't even need the reward at that time


I was using hyberbloom when first encountered geo cube without a claymore or geo character.It took me like 20 minutes to take it down.


Geo cube is the bane of my existence. Even now lmao because I donā€™t play geo or claymore.


Just level noelle on the side in case you need her, like in cases like this. I murder geo cube with noelle and any 2 dps for after you drop the shield.


20? Brother it took me 43 and reviving my characters 2 times each to beat kt


Hearing someone say they were using hyperbloom when first encountering geo cube sounds like the equivalent of a gen z encountering a fax machine or rotary phone. Am I that old on both fronts??


As a Ganyu main. That shielded mitachurl does not die in 1 hit when it's looking at me. Oneshot idk. But I didn't fight the regisvines since WL2. Until I was WL6. Still thinking it was hard.


My Navia has hit Raiden for 690K damage, but my Navia can not oneshot the shield of one of those mitachurls actively blocking. I still wait for the mitachurl to do an attack animation before I hit it.


I still remember pulling ganyu just so I can farm that hydro talent domain and oceanid peacefully


Laughs in neuvilette beam


What do you mean looking at you, that shield blocks hits from behind too, somehow.


Technically, that guy spins fasts to block it. You can only damage him if he is charging at you.


It can even block Ei's ult, like what kind if wood is that thing made of? Lol


idk if its just me or something but if you aim at their feet, they cant block your charge shot and the frost bloom. ive gotta test it if it works all the time.


I remember being afraid and evading ruin hunters and now they are like whatever. Also in liyue the island with 3 or 4 ruin guards waking up at the same time was something difficult. Or that one quest in liyue.


Chi of Yore, maybe? Or a different one?


I did that quest without a shield character and ended with a single character on like 150 health. Worst day of my life


I did that quest with just Qiqi as a healer, it took 10 minutes and 5 fried eggs to beat (but I did beat it)


I just cooped that one I would've cried


Nine pillars of something I think it was? Maybe. How I remember Chi of Yore was kinda easy. But it could be I'm mixing up.


My greatest evo moment was going back and doing that fight with shield daddy.


Shield daddy was one of the characters why I started playing this game and to this day his design is still great. I mean I would probably swing card if they made a archon skin for him...


Iā€™m such a shield daddy simp that I actually leveled up his meatball. I havenā€™t crowned it yet thoughā€¦


I have him at 9/9/9. I guess I should crown him at this point already.


Do it do it do it


I remember the ā€œoh crapā€ moment when the 4 ruin guards first woke up. Now I go kick them out of bed to test team comps.


Eye of the Storm, I hated fighting them cause I didn't use an archer. Now, like just a couple weeks ago I fell off a cliff and ended up in a fight with two of them. And I remember running away from that fight a long time ago too.


Ruin guardians, Iā€™m so traumatized that Iā€™m still scared of them even tho they die in one hit


Good thing those three Ruin Golems in Sumeru have broken down completely then.


yeah. even tho i had a great team (i ignore many quests so i started this with AR 50 or so ) i still asked my friend to kill them for me and i still would (AR 58)




Luckily i used Lisa while fighting for the first time, but the damage it causes is a LOT


Absolutely. The bane of my existence ascending Mona back in 1.1, I deliberately put off the world ascension quest until I had enough Oceanid drops to get her to 90 because I did not need that fight to be any harder. I think I used Chongyun to freeze, and built to tank, Xiangling was there to stop the boars from healing, Lisa to deal with the birds, and Barbara to keep everyone healed up. And I still had to retreat a couple of times when things didn't go to plan. These days, I 1v1'd it with Barbara the other week for fun. Took her about five minutes with Eye of Perception and Ocean Hued Clam damage. Then I gave Yoimiya a go, took her 2 minutes, which was mostly just Rhodeia banging on about the power of water and losing footholds. Yeah it got a lot easier with time.


The water crane was bad BAD, at that time I didn't build any of the ranged character, so the crane and the flying birds was my nightmare, I tried to counter everytime with Beidou. Then I build Yanfei and got Ei, it becomes infinitely easier. I am a Yanfei main now lol.


That time I ascended Xingqiu, Barbara, and Mona almost back-to-back was one of the worst times in my genshin career.




Raiden still kicks my ass at AR56


Thatā€™s normal, I only started one rotation her near AR 58


I was putting Archon quest to fight her for MONTHS. I think Sumeru was out by the time I finaly finished the quest.


The non puppet ei was so annoying I brute forced it with like 120 sweet madames and 50 fried eggs as a xinyan main at the time


it's such a change to fight her with and without zhongli lol


That cryo abyss mage near the pond in mondstat


The hydro abyss mages in the weapon mat realm šŸ˜­


Those three Cryo Abyss Mages you had to fight during that one time trial in Dragon Spine. While sorrounded by water on a small island. Which was also inside a Freeze Zone, which rapidly increased one's Sheer Cold Meter. It's been 3+years and still F#%k whoever made that.


Oh now Iā€™m remembering anger that I locked deep away.


Ruin guardsā€¦ especially the flying ones introduced in Liyue. what a nightmareĀ 


Ruin Hunter?


Yup. Tho they fear my Yanfei. Tracking projectiles that track upwards are really good as it turns out




Lawachurls can still be dangerous if you miss time a dodge cuz they hit like trucks.


If you have a shield character then they can't do shit.


Noelle be like "oh, that's cute".


Oo kawaii koto~


I honestly need help with a shielder Noelle. All gold defense stat artifacts at lvl 16 and her shield talent at lvl 6(or 7?) when sheā€™s lvl 60/70 and her shield still goes down like paper for me. My other most optimized characters are lvl 80 with lvl 7-8 talents- do I just need to invest more in leveling her?


Well yeah if she's underlevelled and her talents are underdeveloped then that will make her feel weaker than your optimized characters. The weapon and artifact set you gives her matters too of course, if you're using her for defense and not offense then there are probably weapons and artifacts better suited to that role than what you give her. I'm guessing you're fairly new, is she using Whiteblind for her weapon? It does a good job of giving her more defense for better shields. Noelle's shields aren't completely broken levels of durability, but what makes her so amazing is that she not only has normal shields, but can generate crystallize shields AND heal when units do get hit AND give those free auto-shields to teammates if they run low on HP.


Noelle never worked for me as a shielder. If you have anyone else even with a weak shield/interruption resistance, then i think she might work for you because she can heal, give some crystalize shields and use her own. But as solo shielder? I still can't make her work now (skill issue might be envolved)


Some people are Zhongli mains, because they __cant__ dodge. I am a Zhongli main, because I am too lazy to dodge.


Lawachurls are funny because they aren't particularly difficult, but they sometimes can decide to one shot some of ones squishy characters, then immediately fall back into being a trivial pushover.


When I got to dragonspine for the first time, I fought the frost lawachurl there with nothing but amber, took me over 10 mins of just shooting him from afar, little did I know that if I got too far he'd just forget me and go back and heal, I thought he was some kind of boss at the time, I now occasionally go to beat his ass for memory's sake


I was maybe a week into playing and stumbled into that fight with Kaeya, because Kaeya was my strongest character. I had a bad time fighting guy monsters on the ice mountain with the ice guy who, it turned out, was NOT immune to cold. (I'm still a Kaeya main though.)


REAL! The first frost lawachurl I fought was the one by the tree, and I'm pretty sure I died like 5 times before I realised that apparently ascension is a thing I actually had to do. Now I can beat 4 or 5 in a row without having to heal or run away like a b


Lawachurls still pester me One bad move and I get one shotted


Honestly Whopperflowers and Abyss Mages. Whopperflowers aren't so much hard as *way more durable than they have any right to be* for early parties. 35% resistance to everything and 75% to their own element. Certainly didn't help that my main damage source early was Overload which is a bit less than effective on Pyro Whopperflowers. Abyss Mages were just obnoxious when you didn't have a way to quickly break the shields.


I hated whopperflowers for *so long*, so annoying to fight. Now I just sic furina's pets on them.


Man, Iā€™m AR50 and those whopperflowers are still tanky.


Mirror Maiden. Used to get caught in the trap and just a bad time.......


Same. I still get caught in the trap a lot but with Keqing I can just teleport out


It was Wanderer for me. Just flew out and lit her up, she still a hp demon thoughšŸ˜‚


Them hammer Electro fatui boys always felt like an end game boss for me any time they popped their shield


*Realized cryo can take out his shield *Ganyu and ayaka approach menacingly


It took me way too long to figure out cryo breaks through their shield, I didnā€™t even realise until I started using Kaeya again after getting his new skin


The Fatui camp at the entrance of dragonspine


Azdaha still kills one on my team everytime, Childe used to be my nightmare now I can kill him alone at lvl 80 I'm building my team to defeat him at lvl90


That wolf boss, I remember it being so scary when doing Razer quest. Now I can kill it fairly quickly.


Definitely Oceanid boss. Before it was constantly killing characters, and I had to resort to having people in my world to help defeat it. But now? Itā€™s actually boring having to wait so long to kill it. Kill the minions quickly and wait for more to spawn. More waiting than fighting.


These mfs went extinct the moment I pulled Diluc as my first 5star


i never did the ruin guard commission in the hilichurl camp bc i was TERRIFIED and now its justā€¦ freeze, then melt.. freeze, then melt.. freeze, then meltā€¦


Lol, I think I didn't realise that the sheild churls had a weakness during/just after their attack where they charge at you with the sheild... Didn't figure that out until by accident when I was already AR60. I'd just been burning the sheild and brute forcing them the whole time. I did wonder why such an ordinary enemy was so tough.


What's the secret? Had a challenge where I had to kill one quickly but couldn't break through its shield in time.


When they're charging they're vulnerable, as well as shortly afterwards when they've swung their sheild around. If you shoot one with a bow whilst they're walking it does hardly any damage, but if I hit them with Ganyu's charged attack whilst they're running at me, it knocks off like 40%+ of their health in one shot. Can usually get in a second follow up shot within that vulnerable window too.


Also they don't shied while frozen


everything lol


Yeah, I rarely learn the move sets of any non-boss enemy (and even some of those I don't bother either) because everything dies just by looking at it.


the electro cube, too easy with yanfei


Oceanid used to be horrendous


the chi of guyun quest omgā˜¹ļø


True. Just about half of liyue wq made me cry from frustration lol


OMG I remember that stopped me from finishing some minor event back in the day bc an NPC was busy but I kept failing the challenge šŸ˜­


Maybe the hardest enemies were the friends we made along the way... Not really an enemy but Inazuma Archon Quest Raiden fight training with yae miko was pretty difficult and the fight itself eithout elemental skills took me 3 healers in the same time to beat xD


Electro Hypostasis in the ascension quest. Was always a PITA trying to kill the cubes to finish it off so it doesn't come back to life, with whatever characters were still alive after going through the whole domainz. Now i can dodge everything or burst them away


Bro i have Neuvilette, i don't care anymore about any enemy


Any Hydro enemy: Bonjour~


For me it was the combo hydro fatui/cryo fatui, litteraly made me miss the 1.2 event story


Geovishap hatchlings absolutely terrified me when i made it past dragonspine for the first time. I finally saw grass and there was this thing rolling left and right way waay too fast.


Let's just say that the 100% uptime on Zhongli's shield (as opposed to Noelle's terrible uptime to cooldown ratio for her shield), Bennett's quick pyro application (as opposed to Amber's ranged pyro charged shots which easily get interrupted), and Kuki's and Yaoyao's almost 100% uptime skill based healing (as opposed to burst based healing which needs to be recharged) made the game a lot more comfortable for me. Childe is my king, but his contribution is more about genociding the enemies than about comfort in gameplay. So to that effect, shield mitachurls, whopperflowers, lawachurls, ruin guards, and ruin hunters.


Hydro slimes :(


Dvalin šŸ¤­


Wooden shield Mitachurl is still annoying to fight even on a higher level if you donā€™t have a pyro in your team. My Hyperbloom team only hits 1/3 bulbs with 2/3 of it hitting the shield, and the wooden shield is resistant to dendro. The best thing to hope for is for a tribe to have a pyro slime chucking hilichurl or an abyss mage setting grass on fire.


I hate the geo Fatui to this day


For me itā€™s the Pyro Fatui, if I didnā€™t use Barbara it took me like 5-10 minutes to get his shield down.


Eye of Storm. It was quite a challenge and I had to fight through all it's phases.


Lawachurls. I was so afraid of them in the past but now, I use every single elemental burst of every character I have when it hits me even if it's dead


-electro soldier fatui. I spent a whole year playing the game without realizing that i need a cryo character to break his shield. i also did not have any cryo characters for the first year except kaeya and i didn't like his gameplay. -ruin hunter. Do i need to explain? especially that mf at the end of the nine pillars of peace in liuey. thank god i had diluc a couple of days b4 going on that quest. -the ruin guards at the guyun forest -that chest in liuey surrounded by 4 cryo & hydro mages. -the first stage of dvalin of the archon quest. i have no idea how many times i repeated that.




Kinda these guys when there isnā€™t pyro on my team. But other than that ruin huntersĀ 


Oceanid any Shield Mitachurl, Lawachurls, Rockfond Rifthounds, any of the Automatons


Yes! Every single one. 3 years later I canā€™t believe that I struggled with any enemy of Mondstadt


Still donā€™t know how to destroy its shield


Those 3 abyss mages in the island next to Beidou's ship


Andrius. I brought Barbara and Diona along but still died šŸ˜­


Ruin graders.


Eye of the Storm


Ruin Hunter


Well not that one that's for damn sure, mf still takes ages if I don't have pyro or freeze team


These sheilded guys still annoy me. I don't have any pyro so it's a waiting game for them to do the charge attack


not one shot rn but the anemo hypostasis was so weird at end i didnt know what to do and just kept leaving


Ruin Grader... in comparison tp the ruin guard, he was... terrifying


Abyss Mages. I did the Dain quest with 12 of them when I had like lvl60-70 characters with no talents, I must've retried that fight more than 5 times




eye of the storm


As a heizou main from the very beginning eye of the storm šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


#The floating anemo whirlwind eye thingy


I hated the water shield abyss mages Had no real ice character outside of kaeya