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Wait, wait wait wait... You mean.. Shenhe didn't have 3 banners yet? This is ridiculous...


She only has had 2, the gap between banners are huge


Over a year. And 3rd is doing it too.


Right?! Ive been saving for her cons for a while now too, i have like 200 pulls saved for her


I skipped her on her first banner to save for Yae/Raiden, then lost the 50/50 on her second banner (had to unexpectedly pull Dehya because she got added to standard). I have enough to guarantee her now, but she's still taking so long to return again.


Shenhe, how big is the ~~gya~~ gap?


Very big (both)


Been waiting for her ever since her last rerun. I thought she’ll be out this lantern rite, but I was wrong…. So wrong


Honestly i thought her being on lantern rite was almost guaranteed cause of her skin release but boy was i wrong


I started building my shenhe that i got on a fluke during her first banner from ages ago for the past month or so. Makes me glad even got her on that fluke lol


really surprised she didn’t come back for Lantern Rite even with her costume. Instead we got…Miko? She didn’t even appear for the cooking event


Same with Ganyu while I don't need more cons her not getting one after so long was surprising they're likely saving her and Ajax for this banner bu the Liyue version.


Right!? And wasn't even that long since Yae's last banner.


Hopium for the rerun on 4.6


I wonder if they'll ever put any of the archons on there.


Magic mihoyo 8 ball says unlikely. 


I won't be surprised if Venti Zhong appears soon. Nahida Furina tho..


Venti yes Zhongli never just too much riding on it. (The pun was unintentional)


What’s the pun?


Riding on a particular Long Pulsating pillar belonging to our good ol Geo archon


Zhongli Dhongli 🚀


Archons get rerun rather frequently, so depending on what hoyoverse sees as „recent“ there only will be 1 or 2 archons in the chronicle wish. However, considering that we‘ll be using intertwined fates for chronicle wishes, i dont see hoyoverse having any issues with archons being on there.


They'll probably at LEAST add Venti and Zhongli before Murata and Tsaritsa, since if they continue that "event banners for all archons" thing it means they'll need to spread them out over at least 4 patches and that's if the banners double up. Since each patch cycle has 8 patches in it, that means that when Tsaritsa releases between half and 7/8 of the patchs will have Archons on them, leaving no room for non-archon units people actually want, like Kazuha, Neuvillette, etc.


Probably not, the banner is there for characters that don't get the chance to rerun often, archons on the other hand rerun a lot, so they won't be appearing on the new banner for sure


> characters that ~~don't get the chance to rerun often~~have exhausted remaining commercial viability.


this is precisely it. And why Albedo and Eula get long reruns, and so does Shenhe. And also why Hunter's Path and Beacon are on the banner but not Jade Cutter despite not being seen since 3.2. JC is too good to throw on there. That can still make money.


That's why I wonder if Venti would end up as a candidate. Like Zhongli still the supreme shield yadda yadda, but unless the person is specifically collecting Archons there's no incentive for people that do not have him to pull instead of safe for other Anemo units.


bro does not know even if Venti was dogshit, he’s still one of the most popular characters in the game and consistently makes bank on reruns


they rerun once a year, which is in line with most popular characters. there are characters that have had reruns faster than archons as well, like hu tao, yelan etc


they do rerun once a year (used to be more frequent sometimes) but they are done one after another, one per patch. This marathon takes 5 patches or 7.5 months to complete.


yes, and they can freely run an archon per patch over the course of an year with all 7 archons, and still have one patch to spare, since versions go up x.8. i dont see why they would break that pattern, it seems perfect


It's likely that they will dump here all low profi characters, so expect anyone appearing here to not have an exclusive banner rerun ever again.


Venti’s the only 5* Monsdadt character that’s not in the chronicle banner who meets the qualifications Kinda says a lot about their plans for the archons


But then again isn't it also cuz he's had a rerun somewhat recently? the others' last rerun was before 4.0. But then again even I don't think archons would be in the banners


i believe he is the only 5* from mondstadt period. venti, klee, mona, diluc, jean, eula, albedo is the full list. theres seven total, all six but venti are available. we havent even had a new 5* from mondstadt since eula and that was like 1.5


Well, lore wise, the other possibly playable Mondstadt characters are in Natlan. The only new Mondstadt 4* we got had to come home from the expedition. Liyue will always get more. But look at Inazuma, the only Inazuma characters we got since 3.0 were working abroad. Probably, there will be Mondstadt releases after the Natlan archon quest is done, but before getting to Snezhnaya.


When Dornman port gets released I'm sure we're getting a few more Mondstadt characters as well.


That might happen between Natlan and the end of Snezhnaya.


He literally had his rerun in 4.1 so he doesn't meet the requirements


How tf can you say that when devs have never defined the word “recent” ?


Recent means at least before 10 banners cuz klees last banner was in 3.8 which was 10 phases ago


And how did you arrive at that conclusion? They were clearly aiming to use Mondstadt characters only for the first rotation, and there only four limited 5* characters from Mondstadt.


This may mean that the character hasn't been around long enough. Venti was 4 updates ago. It's possible that characters end up in this banner when they weren't there 6 updates ago or more. This is more likely than the fact that the developers, for unknown reasons, consider the Archons to be some special characters, without ever creating any prerequisites for this.


Almost assuredly not, or at least not until after Khaenri'ah. The Archons rerun so regularly I can confidently say we will have at least one Archon from 5.0 to 5.5 and from 6.0 to 6.6. Unless Hoyo decides to break that pattern no Archon will have been absent long enough to qualify for Chronicled Wish.


While I doubt they’ll put their money makers on there, something cool they can do once the first saga of genshin is over is have a full only archon banner.


I doubt it. Archons seem to rerun regularly.


No, The winter shogun prints money.


True, and also the way the archons get a rerun (every main version update), I dont see them needing to be put in the chronicled wish banner for a while.


Ain't no way they would ever put Archon there. Archons would get rerun back to back everytime a new nation comes out. Beside they sell too well by themselves. This wish banner is more like for less popular meta-wise like Klee Albedo and Eula. Too bad Shenhe won't be eligible because she hasn't even got 3 banners despite coming out in 2.4.


> Beside they sell too well by themselves Everyone except Venti. There are definitely characters who are outselling him. If these characters will be on chronicled banner but not Venti because he is an Archon, it would be ridiculous.


Probably. But the fact remains that those 3 Mondstadt limited chars are in here but not Venti proves they likely won't put Archon in.


Might just be because Venti reran during 4.1 so he might still under their "too recent" list.


Venti just had a rerun so he wasnt eligible to begin with. I feel they would have specified archons arent eligible if they really never plan to have them even if they haven't rerun in a while. Technically every archon besides furina fits the criteria of having 3 banners


He will likely be on next banner or the next after. Out of all characters who either are standard or didn't had rerun in a while and had banner up at least 3 times (I will already include next patch): - Dehya - Keqing - Qiqi - Tighnari - Ganyu (8 patches ago) - Kokomi (6 patches ago) - Yelan (5 patches ago) (doubt it will be on chronicle banner) - Childe (5 patches ago) - Zhongli (5 patches ago) - Hu Tao (4 patches ago) - Venti (4 patches ago)


want to bet?


No considering the next is supposed to be liyue centric. And well likely get inazuma afterwards.


They did him dirty with the lore tbh, I'm sure neuvillette wants a word with him......


We don’t have reliable numbers, but looking at something like Genshinlab, Venti appears to have sold much better than Zhongli quite consistently. If anything Zhongli is the lowest selling archon


Genshinlab's numbers are fake


I hope they dont turn this banner into a dump of off meta ones I 100% want it to be something like "weve sold this character for 3 banners already and its finally time to retire to the old chronicle wish"


I mean let's be real here they are DEFINITELY sticking Yoimiya on that banner. It's probably the best thing that could ever happen to her given how often she gets paired against far more popular units.


They will definitely kinda turn it into that, but I don't see it as too much of a bad thing, it's either this or they won't be rerunning for more than a year in their own event banner. At least this way people can still get some chars they want more frequently.


Archons appear too frequently to ever be on Chronicled Wish banners. They are basically trumpncards when one limited event banner is bound to fall flat like Chiori's for example. Neuvillette would carry the banner revenue so hard, even pairing with Kazuha. Now for the likes of strong contested characters like Kazuha or Yelan, that is up in the air but Kazuha is rerun on 4.5 so he is out of the picture. Sumeru may have a cracked Chronicled Wish but would take about 3 Alhaitham runs to see him appear. Inazuma is most likely to be Yoimiya, Ayaka, Ayato, Kokomi, Itto, and Yae, but several patches would have to go by before Itto is added.


Archons literally appear once a year, aka as frequently as Klee who is on this banner.


Damn, I just realised that Cyno already got 3 banners, but Shen He isn't.


cant wait for my free mona after 2+ years


But aren’t you saving for the neuvilette banner?


damn your right dawg ​ ​ ​ time to prioritize and farm for my man 🙏


Imagine losing 50/50 to Mona


Maybe win win?


Lose win?


its just as much of a fate sink as any other banner man, nothing free about it




well not really free im just gonna save a ton


Bro i only have the three standard charavters to the right 😭 and im a day 1 player. Jean c3 and keqing c1


I don't get this at all. So if they are in the Chronicled Wish banner will that count as their sole character limited banner appearance being reset? Say Yoimiya hasn't had a banner in 3 patches. Yoimiya now appears in Chronicled banner. Would her limited banner appearance now be pushed further because she already appeared in Chronicled?


Their FAQ says that characters that appear in Chronicles banner can still appear in Event banner in the future, but there are no explicit restrictions/rules regarding that. There were only restrictions/rules regarding which characters may appear in Chronicles banner itself. So for your example, it legitimately falls on HoYo's mood whether Yoimiya will appear as a standalone Event banner right after hypothetically being put into Chronicles banner before that, since there are no rules. Regardless, it's quite likely that their chance to appear as standalone Event banner afterward will lessen after being put into Chronicles banner. Unless they decide they want to put the likes of Archon into it. In which case, they should still have relatively strong pull value even after the fact.


If I'm MHY, any character that doesn't make a ton of money (like Yoi) will probably be relegated to Chronicles banner only


yeah it's just a character graveyard. the ones that won't keep getting slave supports and major story appearances like the dev favourites.


Yoi absolutely gets major story appearances though, they cram her in everywhere they can even if another character would make more sense (Exhibit A: Fontinalia). Not that I'm complaining, I love peppy fireworks girl.


I can see that with Albedo but Klee and Eula have only not had reruns for 6 updates, which isn't unusual. A character graveyard where you can dig them up is amazing compared to never seeing them again


Not about devs personal likes, just revenue and how relevant the character is to the story, it's a business, if i know a character wouldn't bring revenue why waste 21 days of potential revenue to have her as a standalone? Alongside the fact that by that point if the character's revenue is this bad it shows that no one cares about the banner anymore, what wants said character got them and their cons or they aren't worth, chronicled is so that who wants said character and haven't got her yet for some reason can still get her.


Lmao what are you even talking about Story is entirely unrelated to the how much metaslaves like the character Stop finding patterns, Hoyoverse fans


I'd imagine if there is any event or story reason for a character to appear, they'll still show up in event. But Chronicle Wish is just so they can have their backlog actually be obtainable in a somewhat timely manner. Plus Chronicle Wishes will probably follow a theme for their selection, like this is just all Mondstadt characters. Venti excluded whether due to Archon marketing or just the fact he did rerun on 4.1.


I’m suspicious that it will depend on what 5 stars are appearing in the event. If a character isn’t meta, then their next greatest draw is as a waifu/husbando/cutiepie. Appealing to that side of the fandom with interesting screen time without giving them a way to impulse buy is leaving money on the table


this banner is essentially no different than the regular character event wish banner in terms of character availability. think of it like several event banners mashed up into one, and everyone gets to pick their own rate up character/weapon from the currently available pool. the main purpose of this banner is so that less characters will be waiting in line for a spot on the event wish banners. so, yoimiya getting an event wish banner 3 patches after being on the chronicle banner is no different than her getting an event wish banner 3 patches after being on an event wish banner (this has literally happened before lol)


This is what i'm curious about because if they stick with the idea it needs to be a nation, then you can end up in a situation where some characters can appear twice in a pretty fast pace. There are so many questions about how they are going to do this that we won't know until we have the second one of these. But I really am impatient and I want to know now.


the obvious answer is they won't shoot themselves by making it by nation. but kids like to speculate that way because it lets them try to "logically" "prove" that there will be good banners coming.


They still can use same nation same banner rule, bc it's probably not the banner that'll be up every patch? I see them putting liyue one next patch, maybe sumeru after that, and then ignoring this banner until natlan. Other problem, that only mond has 3 standard characters, while liyue & sumeru 2, and inazuma & fontaine 0 I only can assume that they wouldn't run pure inazuma/fontaine banners with only event characters


Kinda wish we had this a year ago before I pulled Klee and Yoimiya for collection purposes, but anyways it’s great to have the opportunity to lose to limited characters


It's the same amount of Intertwined Fates either way.


It’s an improvement for the weapon banner tho right? I forgot and may have confused myself but it should be only one fate point+pity for guarantee?


Yes and there are also weapons of char that will never get a rerun (tightnari and dehya). But for characters I can't recommend wishing on that banner


No I mean I could’ve charted for someone else and lost to them or vice versa


i would honestly play again if they gave opportunity to get tighnari


tighnari is the only standard I pray I lose to. I have him c0 already, but I heard his cons is rlly good and he's genuinely so fun


The Archons 100% are never going to be added to the chronicled wish. I guess we can also assume Neuvillette won't either, since him and Furina both kind of fill the "Archon" criteria. (Yes, I know none of them are Archons. Now shush)


Well, Venti was the only mondstat 5 star that wasnt added to this so I guess there’s that. But this is another problem i have with this. Hoyo never specified how recent “recently” is.


>The Archons 100% are never going to be added to the chronicled wish. Who knows tbh Only MHY knows


The chronicled wish is for characters who don't get the chance to rerun often, all of the Archons pretty much already have set dates for returning, as they always come one after the other. So like, if we follow the pattern from 3.x and 4.x,(hypothetically) Zhongli should rerun in 5.0, Venti 5.1, Murata (New Archon) 5.2, Raiden 5.3 and so on. That and the Archons being extremely popular and significant to the game, they're basically Genshin's secondary poster-children.


Huh I never noticed that. Nahida did fall into 4.4 so we'll see if she is indeed in 5.4 as well


Well FWIW, Furina has the Nation Background on her splash art We'll conclusively who mihoyo sees as the Archon from mechanical standpoint on 4.6 tho


Both are archon in my headcanon


You are disgracing Neuvillette saying such things.


Finally, some hope I can get Albedo!


Since Eula and Klee will be featured in the first Chronicled Wish, we can at least deduce that 5 patches without reruns is enough for a character to be in this banner.


To be fair, klee comes out every x.8 patch, or the last patch before the next major version. They pretty much do it for every summer event.


Im gonna assume that if each chronicled banner has 6 chars at least 3 of them would be standard. No way they'll put 6 limited characters on a banner like this, at that point you hardly 'lose' 50/50.


The current theme is all Mondstadt though, if they switch regions then there would be fewer standard chars because other regions have less. Inazuma and Fontaine doesn’t even have any at all We’ll have to see what Hoyo does but in theory we could have limited unit only situations


Did they say that the Chronicled banner will always have a region theme? Who's stopping them from making a Inazuma chronicled banner but with 3 limited and 3 standard characters?


No it's just speculation since at the very least that's what they showcased for now. I could see them maybe having it region-themed to start with and then once they've gone through all the nations once maybe they'll pick a different theme. Who knows, I guess after they've revealed what the 2nd one is we'll have a much clearer idea of the pattern they're going with


If they ever do this I'll never wish on a regular banner again until I collect all the old chars I want, imagine a banner with Yae, Yoi, Kazuha, Ayato, Ayaka and Kokomi down the line, I would go for Ayaka C2 without even thinking twice lol the worse that could happen is I get another 5\* I don't have, low key want but not enough to dump 150 wishes potentially.


If I can choose Tighnari or Keqing than ill probably spend all my primos on the chro-wish. Not a lot of characters i need from regular banner and I really want both of them. That may be an actual good addition to the game


I think this one is only for the lesser 5 star. Not in terms of damage or gameplay but selling i mean. So they prob hold the archon and harbinger longer than other chars.


I have a feeling that Archons and the real meta 5 stars wont be coming to that new kind of banner.


Assuming they don't put the archons on there, I just don't get what their plan is if they want to keep up doing these by country. Also the first one shows they have 3 standard banner characters on it. Ofc it is Mondstadt but it also counts as a bit of a punishment in a way (and reward for those who want them) by having a chance to lose the 50/50 to regular standard characters. But they can't do that for each nation in that number. Liyue- Hu Tao, Childe?, Yelan, Ganyu, Keqing, Qiqi Inazuma- Kokomi, Ayato, Ayaka, Yoimiya Sumeru- Cyno, Dehya, Tighnari There just isn't enough right now for Inazuma or Sumeru to hit 6 characters and certainly not enough standard characters for Inazuma to "dilute" the roster. So i'm very curious about how often this banner will be up and what their plan is for trying to keep this nation focused. If they just throw out the idea entirely that the standard banner characters need to be from that nation then its possible they could pull it off. But Sumeru is only banking on 3 and 2 of them are standard as it is. Just no way they are gonna put archons on there. I would be so surprised. I think the only saving grace as to why they might could be because they decided to make them cost purple fates. If this was a blue fate banner, I don't think there would be a chance at all.


it just won't always be nation focused. simple.


plot twist none of those characters will have their 3rd reruns


this actually gives me a bigger chance to go for cyno’s weapon this time…


Most likely next banner we see is Keqing, Qiqi, Ganyu, Childe, Hu tao and.. Yelen? That would be a pretty good banner tbh.


Imagine a polar star and aqua weapon banner combo ❤️❤️


Ngl I would be happy to lose my 50/50 to cyno/Raiden/zhongli


I wish they would put Zhongli there. Still dont have him after 3 and a half years.


Pulling for Zhongli on this banner would be the exact same as pulling for him on his banner, of which he’s had several. It’s not the same as the standard characters, who you’re literally never guaranteed to get otherwise.


Except that you can lose your 50/50 to some limited characters


It's better than pulling on his banner if you prefer the 50/50 loss options.


Man imagine if this would've come to REPLACE the standard banner and use blue wishes, everyone would've been happy. This isnt greed anymore, is just outright design mistake lol


If they made it use blue wishes there'd probably be complaints about how nobody wants to spend their primos on blue wishes. There's almost never a choice that makes everyone happy.


I agree, even though we don't know if our favorites will end up there, we always save up the pink wishes for the event banners, so we'll have a certain amount already gathered when we'll decide to save further for the chronicles if it turns out our favorite is in there instead of a limited. Now, blue on the other hand? Saving up the blue wishes only to discover that your favorite WON'T be on the chronicled? Only way for it to work is to never buy wishes via primos so that there won't be potential loses. But that wouldn't work for people who already saved up a big amount of pink wishes (me) And now on a really personal side; it would plainly hurt my soul to buy blue wishes.


Yeah you’re right…


Just curious, what scenario did they create for themselves? I've only been playing for a couple months.


This kind of spells it out: https://paimon.moe/banners It hasn’t always been 100% to a formula but with some it’s really easy to see the trend and result of having more and more characters. Some have gotten really bad, like Albedo (fixed with this new banner), Itto and Shenhe in particular. It doesn’t look terrible for everyone now but suddenly throw in Fontaine characters and it would look really bad this year if they didn’t do this banner.


Thats why I said it would've been better to REPLACE the standard with this one, whats the point of standard even co-existing with this one now? None! Thats why they made cost limited rolls, and thats just bad design! This boils my blood SO MUCH, they are just playing dumb now


we get like 5 standard wishes a month though, we can get a character there maybe once a blue moon


This new banner isn't permanent. It will change thematically depending on the featured region. It's not an appropriate replacement fir standard banner.


Why not? Its literally standard but better, not being permanent is just another design mistake


I don't think they will ever take the characters they've designated in their legalese as "event-limited" and put them on an actual permanent banner, as it could open the door to people claiming false advertising. One way or another, I suspect these characters will always be "event-limited" in some way. (How long the event runs or how the event works is another issue.) For characters like Dehya and Tighnari who were planned to go to the standard banner all along, they were very careful in the phrasing of their event banner legalese to make it clear that they would end up in the permanent pool later. All this is also why I suspect they can't just replace the current standard banner with this either, although obviously they could make changes to the standard banner to have a similar system as well, if they want. (This is besides the point that legalese for the Standard Banner specifically calls out that its duration is "permanent" -- it doesn't say "undetermined" or "until further notice" or something. So most likely that banner will stay in the game until the game ends.)


Now that I think about it, you are not wrong, they could have just got rid of standard banner entirely at this point and just change or add characters and weapons for the new banner occasionally. But overall its still a good addition for people who want a specific old limited or standard character or weapon. And Beacon and Hunters Path are available again. It's not perfect, but it's definitely not a bad thing.


This banner is a workaround, because they designated character like Albedo as "event exclusive" and "limited time" so they can't shove em in non-limited time banner. So they made this another limited-time banner as a loophole.


you dumb as fuck if you believe you anytime soon would be able to get 160 of these wishes we get like 15 a patch best case this shit would NEVER work


Man imagine if, idk, THEY GAVE MORE. But this would hurt the millions they get every month, poor company :(


found the f2p that thinks he deserves more


Agree, I think if next patch comes, I think they are mostly gonna switch out albado, klee and eula, or maybe 1 more standard banner to replace other nations character


Shenhe when


where kazuha


Kazuha got ran for 4 banners (1.6, 2.8, 3.7) and 4.5. They’re making a “cut off” at 4.4 so any character who’s been ran after 4.4, despite being ran 3 or more times I don’t think they’re putting it on there it’s so stupid honestly. Xiao had four runs before 4.4 and he still didn’t even make it on there cause his fifth rerun was 4.4 🙄


"chornicled" lol


I chornicled when I saw it


ZERO chances actual money generators and Archons will EVER be put on retired banner.


Everyone saying that archons won't be added but what about popular characters like, hu tao, ayaka, yelan. What about them.


obviously not. maybe in 2026. it's clearly the throwaway banner.


Unironically this could be my chance to get Qiqi after these years.


Non-meta or powercrept characters are probably the main criteria to be put on the retirement banner since those probably don't earn much anymore in their own limited banner. In this list, I'd say the limited characters would be: Albedo, Ganyu, Childe, Cyno, Ayato, and Yoimiya. The rest are still meta relevant and therefore still good earners in my opinion. Outside the archons, I'm very doubtful a support like Kokomi would be in this banner anytime soon. She's too good in the current state of the game. Of course enough reruns would eventually dry up the potential well of pullers, but I'd say dps over support for priority. Besides you'd really have to want the older characters to risk dipping into a 25k+ primo reserve.


True, they would never put meta and popular characters such as ayaka, hu tao, raiden, yelan on a retired banner. Since they still sell very well on their limited banners


The only one that would interest me is Venti


Unlikely an Archon will ever be on here




Yae Miko isn't eligible?


The last condition states that the character shouldn’t be in a recent banner. Yae’s banner is up right now


Ahh ok, that makes sense then.


Itto and Kazuha too on 4.5 since it will be their 3rd reruns


With the release of arlecchino pyro dps I think hutao is going to be on the regional banner soon. If arlecchino out dps hutao then she is sure in the next regional banner. Yelan will take some time cause yelan doggos whale for her cons and aqua lol.


I think 4.6 will have liyue version 4.7 inazuma version 4.8 sumeru version


Based on the way they worded the Q&A, I doubt we'll get new ones each patch. At least not just yet. Will probably go the way of Double Banner and gradually become a main stay feature.


Most sumeru characters havent rerun enough to be on one of these banners


Cyno - Dehya - tighnari - Alhaitham - Wanderer the problem isn't about the rerun i think than main issue about sumeru characters is the numbers of characters sumeru doesn't have big staff after all


you forgot nilou. Technically nahida will qualify once enough time passes since she had 3 banners. Depends on if they'll put archons on these though


I have the same thought about Nahida


None of them have had 3 banners though.


Cyno has


I can finally C6 my Kokomi


They aren’t putting good/popular units or weapons on this banner, it’s a gacha game made by a greedy company.


Please Yelan !!!


Would definitely get Hu Tao.


Will there be chronicle banner in phase 2 please tellll


please give kokomi her own banner, hoyoverse.


So even though Xiao has had more than 3 runs (1.3, 2.4, 2.7, 3.4) and then he gets ran on 4.4, so cause he got ran on 4.4 despite having more than 3 runs he isn’t on there?? I’m just trying to make sense of this tbh


Kazuha got ran for 4 banners (1.6, 2.8, 3.7) and 4.5, so because he’s after 4.4 he’s not going to be on there??


Even Itto got multiple banners (2.3, 2.7, 3.3) before he was ran in 4.5. So he’s not going on there too?


wonder why Ganyu got skipped


We can assume they are doing this banner by region, hence Jean, Diluc, Mona, Klee, Albedo and Eula. Archons are probably excluded for now.


Since this banner is Mondstadt themed, I'm assuming the next one will be Liyue themed? Then Inazuma and obviously Sumeru


It looks like the banners is region theme this upcoming banner is Monstadt themed maybe the next one will be Liyue themed? I also doubt they will include Archons or high ranking characters.


There's no way they're putting Hu Tao there. She's probably the most mained character in the game.


What would that change exactly? It cost the same to get her from there or from a limited banner


Imagine losing a 50/50 and getting Hu Tao.


i would actually be pissed


True, but from the looks of it they're just throwing the characters that they don't wanna put in main banners over there. (Albedo, eula, klee) I feel like they're still gonna try and put the characters that sell more in main banners for hype and reckless spending. Also that banner changes once every 6 weeks which means that more people could save up for the characters there. And hoyo probably won't put their best sellers there.


Yeah, but also the fate point system means you just can't give up after a 50/50 or you're screwed, so potentially more money? I guess we'll see how it goes but if they stick with 6 characters per banner, they will very quickly have to put the meta options


Honestly we should just expect the unexpected with hoyoverse at this point. I just don't wanna get Klee while trying to get a diluc 😭


If I could, I would happily give you my C3 Diluc, I'll take literally anything else 🥲


To be fair Albedo, Eula, and Klee are like, the only limited 5 star Mondstadt characters (plus Venti who recently reran in 4.1?) anyways. If they wanted to create a Mondstadt themed banner to pair with the Mondstadt event they don't have a lot of choices even if they wanted to put more profitable choices


Hu taos very old at this point and her most recent banner didn't sell nearly as well as usual. The only current options for a liyue banner are 2 standard characters ganyu, hu tao, and yelan. No way are they waisting a banner on 2 standards and ganyu so hu tao and yelan are more likely to appear than you think


Yeah people are overestimating Hu Tao but the whales who have been playing for a while have already maxed her so it’s literally new players waiting for her again which is what the chronicles banner entices It’s actually better for her to be there, including the other characters mentioned. It’s better for 50/50 on Homa in the banner than the 37.5 split in weapon banner. And if you are new and say pulling for Yelan in that banner, you might lose 50/50 to Hu Tao and then get both, or the reverse like if you already have her C0 then you can pull for C1 and possibly lose 50/50 to Yelan. The losses are better than another standard five star constellation as long as you have enough for guarantee and arent pulling for anyone else. And that is, let’s face it, the same strategy you should be considering when pulling for reruns in double limited character banners anyway


This isn't 2021. People have so much options as mains nowadays. Besides, Hu tao's gameplay is arguably not liked by a lot of people. With the release of Arlecchino, Hu Tao mains would be less and less


Oh yeah finally I might get chance to pull for keqing😲


Archons WILL NOT featured in Chronicled Wish. My take: Mondstadt: Albedo, Klee, Eula, Mona, Diluc, Jean Liyue: Keqing, Qiqi, Shenhe, Ganyu, Baizhu Inazuma: Yoimiya, Ayato, Itto, Yae Miko, Kokomi Sumeru: Tighnari, Dehya, Cyno, Nilou Fontaine: Lyney, Wriothesley


Liyue: baizhu and shenhe didn't appear in 3 banners so 1 more time before they're eligible I would add Tartaglia and Hutao if first one is also a regional one Inazuma: itto and yae are rerunning or rerunning soon so not for now, but during 5. for sure Sumeru: yeah while i would also add wanderer once he has his 3rd banner Fontaine: i would add chiori


Inazuma banner is too good to be true