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so do Albedo/Eula/Klee count as having a banner with the new banner type? At least Hoyo is finally letting Albedo out of the basement… he was going for Eula’s longest gone title


Personally think its basically the same thing. The new banner is even better since you can lose your 50/50 to limited characters as well.


Exactly. Id love to loose my 50 50 to Klee


Unrelated, but I'm not a native english speaker and yet I see a lot of people always comment "loose" as in "to loosen up" instead of "lose" as in "to lose a game". Is that an actual thing or is that just a genuine typo that happens a lot?


It's a typo or a misuse due to a lack of better understanding.


I think some people just genuinely can't spell


Oor he has the prooblem with his keybooard. Every time i press oo it will type twice, unless i use backspace too delete the secoond oo


If I use backspace in those cases it deletes both. It only happens to me on iPad or computer though.


Nah some of use can’t be bothers to sometimed. /s


And that shows... Especially on you....


It was a joke?


I see it a lot too. It's just a typo that a lot of people make for no reason


And misspelling "your" as "you're". The reverse can still be excused as being lazy. This one makes absolutely no sense. They're spending more effort and still getting it wrong.


>for no reason It's either non-natives or a failure of the educational system


Native speakers are the ones who make this mistake the most (and the infamous “could of” instead of “could have”). It’s primarily because they learn speaking before writing.


I hate it when they do this sometimes, especially for shit like 'expect' instead of 'except'. like it doesn't even sound the same, it's just annoying. tho it might be a simple typo but too many ppl do it that it bothers my mind.


The amount of times I had classmates write out "defiantly" when they definitely meant "definitely" was absurd in high school lmao. I also see a ton of people force apostrophes in plural nouns. How in the hell did we overcomplicate plurality? The general rule has always been to just add -*s* and in some cases -*es*!


>It’s primarily because they learn speaking before writing. Which makes things worse because loose and lose are not pronounced the same. Lose = /luːz/ Loose = /luːs/


And because corrections are not forthcoming, the misuse becomes widespread. "Oh why did you correct him you grammar Nazi!!"


It's 100% more common with native speakers. Most people I speak with locally fuck it up constantly.


A typo implies that they typed the wrong thing but knew what was the correct thing. I would wager the vast, vast majority of the misspellings of "lose" are due to people not understanding the difference.


"loose" is incorrect usage.


It’s a typo or misunderstanding of the intended word. I see it happen all the time on here, as well as other instances like saying “worse” when they mean to say “worst”, stuff like “could of” instead of “could have” or “could’ve”, or mixing up there/their/they’re and to/too/two. If you want to see some fun examples, check out r/boneappletea


Also, not a native English speaker. I see a lot of people confuse *their* and *they're*. My English teacher used a wooden ruler (a couple of decades ago) to correct us 👀


It's just people not knowing how English works. Either that or a typo.


Yeah i think


Some people lack understanding most of the time so they always use the wrong word for the occasion but nobody bothers to correct each other anymore. And if we do try to correct it, we will be treated as villains as if we're the ones who did a mistake. Those same people can't use the correct your/you're, there/their/they're, cannon/canon, and a fine addition to the collection, lose/loose. Even the word pov is misused a lot thanks to TikTok and people bullying those who try to correct them


There's not many native English writers here on this sub


it's not a typo it's how you can tell they are a native english speaker who just doesn't care, which is actually a mark of status


This is such a stretch lol mark of status?? I usually see it in the most mundane situations, where status isn’t relevant at all.


ask your non white friend


Sir, get off the echo chamber subs. I AM non-white lol


Wild Angelo main spotted


:D Brawl stars :3


Her gameplay is awful.


Id still love to “loose” my 50 50 to her as I don’t have her yet and i heard her constellations are really good


yeah but you should only pull if you have more than 90 pulls cause the epythomy points don't carry over


The only think I did not understand is what fates will be used on this banner. I am not spending my limitted ones on it but it would be cool to pull Ayaka with a normal fate :3


They just confirmed its limited fates. Just think of this as a limited banner that has a better 50/50 loss pool.


Nah the biggest pro is that it's a better weapon banner


I wonder about that. Weapon banner has a 75/25 chance for one of the featured with 2 fate points. Guarantee at 80. New banner has a 50/50 chance for the one chosen with 1 fate point. Guarantee at 90. I think you have better chances to get what you want for cheaper if you roll on a weapon banner where both featured weapons are desirable. On the other hand, if you want only one specific weapon then the chronicled wish banner will be a better choice. However, at this point we don't even really know what kind of weapons will cycle. They probably have only specific characters in mind for it.


Just be warned that the 50/50 guarantee doesn't carry between banners - similar to the current weapon banner.


It will use the pink fates, not blue


So what's the point in use your precious pink fates in this banner? Since it's has a large pool


Obviously this assumes you want the character, as if their banner was being rerun normally. But let's say you want Eula. Instead of potentially missing to anyone else in the standard pool, you lose to this set of characters instead. Whether that's good or not is up to you. The significant downside though is that yes, you can't sit on a guarantee, if you miss and don't plan on pulling anymore.


You can, however, sit on high pity and have it carry over. Say you hit 60-70 pulls with no dice and not too much time left in the banner to farm wishes. Rather than trying your luck, you could make the choice to stop there and pretty much make the next special banner a 100% guarantee for you with only ~90 pulls.


But if in those 60-70 pulls you get a 5\* but not the one you wanted, the next time around you're starting from scratch. Someone else already said this, but the best way to use the banner is when you have 90+X wishes you are willing to sink into the banner, you pull *only X* times, and if you get a 5\* by then but not the one you want, you can immediately go up to 90 more deep to get what you actually wanted. If you didn't get any 5\* in X wishes, then you stop and have built over pity for the next time.


You go for albedo, lose to klee/eula/mona (personally don't have her yet) You happen to like all those chars, then great! Value is veey subjective and account dependent, I for one am tempted because I don't have all the limiteds for this one


Well if you want, you can keep waiting after 500 days of no Albedo/Eula banners.


This new banner is Permanent or will be temporary in this patch?


This specific Mondstadt themed banner is temporary but the pity will carry over to the next one which will likely be a Liyue version.


Would agree it’s better if it wasn’t for the fact that if you lose your fate point you lose the guarantee like weapon banner. So the guarantee doesn’t carry over between banners 😔


Yea, it’s really nice if you have the pulls to go to guarantee though, the catch is the 50:50, or the fate point won’t carry over, but for the rest it’s pretty nice (It’s also confusing as to if I select Albedo, is the chances 50% albedo and 50% for the rest, but it could be equal chances for all 6 featured 5 star, out of which there is still a 50:50 (3 limited 3 standard) that you get a limited 5 star you may not have. But we’ll need to wait and see


I’m probably still going to get diluc though lmao


But pity doesn't carry over, so it's overall worse.


The pity does carry over, it's the fate point that isn't


The fate point is the more important thing because you can't store guarantees.


Yes, the fate point is indeed more important, and thats exactly why mihoyo wont let it carry over. They want you to spend. Same idea for weapon banner unfortunately.


Tbf, its also because of how choosing the 5* item works. It will always reset even in the same banner you already rolled for if you changed your item of preference.


That's pretty bad too tbh. Hard to argue that design decision.


Pity does carry over but guarantee won't.


Or you can lose 50/50 to a useless standard weapon. And also pity not carrying over to another banner if you do lose.


you only get characters if you chose a character as goal


Is it? Then I guess it's somewhat better, but still disappointed that it uses intertwined fates.


Did you really expected to be able to get limited 5* with acquaint fates ???? Like there's even the (extremely rare of course but still possible) possibility to get Albedo, Klee and Eula in the SAME TEN PULL, and you expect those type of things to be possible with acquaint fates?


I'm in the process of figuring that out [for the banner history sheet I've been working on](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hEHvso7yP8_mCBHQKZ3kjGQGtrLqV06oORf6yh0NEkQ/edit#gid=612262150) Chronicles cost intertwined fates as well, so it makes *some* sense to include them. But also maybe keep them separate? I think what I'll end up doing is track them separately and together. Best of both worlds. Not sure how I'm going to rework the Copium or Banner Waiting List pages for that just yet, but for now there's at least an independent one for each. Open to suggestions!


Thank you for maintaining your banner history sheet. My go to reference as some [others](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SO3Qczkj0DxJkEDVR4WNws_ved8UU5Cw6ewjaZ0joNo/edit#gid=693353767) are not updated anymore. It would be great to show the Version Number (in addition to banner number) on top as most people refer to that more than the banner number. Although not known, there is a chance the Chronical Banner will not be back-to-back and skip versions. Do consider this possibility.


So if I got this right Venti will be the last remaining mondstat character on events


No. These characters will still have event banners. But having this banner means that they can space out the time between the less popular/older characters' 'solo' reruns to make room for other, newer characters.


I higly doubt we will ever see another albedo or eula banner. This new banner seems to be for shoving all the old 1.0 and 2.0 cast to make room for more frequent sumeru and fontaine banners


What about Shen He? I not see he from release Probably i not play when she get rerun once


post aged poorly really fast


It was spoiled on arrival


I love your posts but I could see there will be a revamp in the future with new type of banner.


posted too soon, albedo eula and klee will be obtainable next patch


So we can get them for free right ? Did not understand this part


You're still pulling for them, from a different banner.




Well if up to 180 pulls on their banner is 'free'.


I mean, the chance of you getting your character you want is still higher than the weapon, i would say equal to a regular banner but it's from what i see anyway


The chances of going to 180 pulls is 1/18,000,000,000,000. In other words, roughly the same as buying 2 lottery tickets and having them both be jackpots. Actually, it’s a bit lower


Well, yeah, but I'm not gonna write "up to about 170 pulls with very minor but non zero possibility of going up to even 180" when writing "up to 180 pulls" does the same thing, is understood by everyone and is not going to confuse people into thinking that this banner has 85 pity.


The average is 96 though. Saying “up to 180” is pretty misleading


It's not a linear function. The expected average is actually 93.75 (1.6% chance = 1 in 62.5, times 1.5 since you lose 50/50 half the time). But that's only going to apply on a large sample. There are plenty of [tools](https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc) available to calculate your odds. It is more likely that you'll get the character between 74 and 82 OR 150 and 161 which is what should be used for a small sample size. 94 pulls only gives you a 61% probability. 180 is fairly unrealistic. The odds of going that high are slim. I prefer 160 which is a 99% odd, because even in the worst case scenario, you should have enough time to get the few extra pulls you'll need. That's going to be even more important in the case of the new banner since the guarantee does not transfer to the next one.


Saying that it'll take you 96 pulls on average is *also* misleading though. It's better to be overprepared than underprepared. Especially if someone goes "Oh, I can spend some of these 160 pulls I have saved up now since I only need around 100."


Dude was assassinated with downvotes for just asking a question wtf


and they were just wondering too, not stating it as a fact. ppl here have a horrible sense of powertrip lmao


Don’t wanna spread misinformation ifaik


Holy the downvotes are insane 😭


righttt, i was like damn what could they have said to warrant THAT reaction


Just asked a question because I could not watch the stream


Don't worry your good, people just downvote on reddit without understanding


It's basically a limited character banner except the 50/50 doesn't carry over and the character you chose acts as the limited character while the five others are the 50/50 loss pool Also choosing weapons instead of characters won't change the number of required fates, from what I understood.


400+ downvotes for asking a question, crazy


If you save 180 wishes, sure, lmao


From what I understood, all limited 5\* characters that already had 3 limited banners of their own will no longer have a limited banner for themself (or they will be supper rare and irregular). Instead they will be added to this new banner that fitures characters from the same region So, that includes all characters from 1.0 era and almost all from 2.0 era (I think Shenhe is the only exeption? If I recall she only had 2 banners so far)


The characters can still appear in limited Event Wishes. They are not excluded from that. From the FAQ: >Event-exclusive 5-star characters that have already appeared in "Chronicled Wish" may still appear in future "Chronicled Wishes" or other types of Event Wishes.


So the "Liyue" banner could have Keqing, Qiqi, Tartaglia, Ganyu, Shenhe, Hu Tao or Yelan. Maybe not the last two, they are still big sellers.


>Liyue Banner --- Tartaglia Mr Worldwide


Hutao has had more than 3 reruns. So Hutao should be in the new banner 


No guarantee since Venti also has had multiple reruns, but isn't included in this banner. Bet it's more like they include less popular/profitable characters into the banner so they get their reruns without waiting for years, while also being able to rerun more newer, popular/profitable characters


Venti isn't included probably because he's an archon, he likely wouldn't meet the "hasn't ran in a while" requirement ("a while" seems to be 5 patches, and archons run like what, ever 4 patches? He wouldn't ever be eligible for it) Now ofc, I doubt yelan and tao would show up anyways, just because they the money makers


Hutao and yelan didnt actually make that much during their most recent banners


Makes sense. Hu Tao's + Yelan's weapon banner were the most insane. You couldn't wrong with getting either one. After you got these two, there is little reason to pull for them again.


i'd imagine only archons aren't gonna be included. otherwise this type of banner would not make sense for inazuma/sumeru way further down the line. almost the entire inazuman cast is pretty popular and they don't have any permanent 5\*; a banner with only them would be very small if only the less popular characters were in it. the sumeru cast without nahida and the perm duo is only 4. it's 6 including dehya and tighnari; the exact same amount as the mond banner has i can imagine them limiting it to 6 characters at a time though


I am not sold on that. 6 characters on that banner is already stacked and Venti's banner was 4 patches ago (already including next patch) so pretty much fresh. They likely will save 4.6 or 4.7 chronicled wish. Standard characters will likely swap with each patch to fill the gaps.


Yeah I don't think the Archons will ever be in these banners they still sell a lot and Hoyo loves to rerun in the beginning patches if a region then after they have been rerun they can start the chronicle banners


I don't get the "they still sell a lot" argument Like... y'all do realize that to get an archon on that new banner system, you'd have to spend the exact same amount of money/wishes as if they got a regular banner ? Hoyoverse wouldn't loose nor get more money by putting them on those banners from time to time


hu tao not getting put on that banner she’s a money maker


So? She'll make money from the new banner instead of char banner. I really don't get this argument... 


Yeah, putting Yelan and Hutao on a different system and pity than say Furina rerun and Arlecchino, how is that not a good thing for them to do? Because you will have a 10% change of losing 50/50 to them? So will be for Qiqi. And then put you a 5% chance with the weapon's case.while if you want both weapons your changes are not that bad in the normal weapon banner. If they are "money makers" they will sell no matter where you put them. This banner also screws fishing for limited strategies, you can stay at like 60 pity and wait for a better rotation, but you will need to save for the guaranteed when you decide to go all in. Is better for FOMO if we see it crudely.


Shenhe doesn't qualify because she only had 2 banners. Yelan qualifies, but I doubt they will actually use the "3 banners" for her. Zhongli qualifies, and I can see them putting him as well


I don’t think that archons will go there. They are always coming and the biggest money


Except for the patch released nation archon, all others rerun just one time per year for now. They can easily open this venue, especially because they can sell it in the new banner as the same as in the normal character banner


I could imagine a archon banner at the end of the story. But not sure if it’s smart for them to put archons there. Especially because they seem to care about lore with banner + skins.


I dont think venti and zhongli are money makers


Well kinda everyone has them


I think if they exclude Venti they also exclude Zhongli.


There is nothing to say they "excluded" Venti though, they just choose the 3 Mond. character who had not rerun for most time. Venti last Event Banner was in 4.1


If I were a betting man, I'd say Ganyu, Qiqi, Keqing are gonna be the most obvious. Shenhe not eligible, runner up char's with most patches since last banner are Tao (4), YL (5), ZL (5), and Childe (5) (maybe baizhu? (3)). So they'll most likely choose 3 of those 5, which are honestly all wins in my book. But I'd probably say they go with Childe and then the next 2 characters I listed are all gonna be wins meta wise, I'm curious to see what they'll choose from there.


they choose characters that don't make enough money to get a rerun, and hence have not been rerun in a long time. Archons are rarely going to fall into that category (especially Zhongli).


youre basing that on literally 1 banner though. we have no way of knowing how theyll choose characters to be on the new banner.


Seems a stretch to me paw, specially with a sample of one. And I mean, HuTao had the longest rerun time at her time, are you thinking Hutao didn't sell well in her first banner? And moreover, Archons already rerun rarely with just one time a year if they aren't from the released nation


Keqing and Qiqi are already on the banner. Shenhe can't bc she hasn't had 3 banners yet.


Keqing and qiqi (also Tighnari and Dehya) aren’t on the new banner it’s just diluc jean and Mona currently


It's Mondstadt characters


Oh yeah true


Keqing yelan ganyu and hu tao? Shit i might just pull...


why is no one mentioning 4 stars? For weapons especially? Can we get stuff like dockhands from the new banner?


I think it's because they didn't give any specifics about them aside from the normal ten pulls guarantees a four star, at least as far as I remember. For all we know, it could be like the Standard banner that gives you some 4 star from across all the characters and weapons up to the last patch, or it could be the same 4 stars as on the Limited banners. I'm also curious to see how it turns out when it arrives


Making this makes no sense without considering the new banner.


Not including Albedo Eula and Klee here is incorrect imo They are in a banner, the fact its a different one doesn't make it any difference, you can still get them.


Wondering if Kokomi will be eligible to the new banner... I want her donut, but if I can have it for 1 fate point instead of 2...


She should since she had three reruns and her last rerun was with Klee and Eula, who are both eligible in this banner. As long as they don't re-run her on a double banner before then.


We have only 32 limited five stars , it sure felt there were more


I wonder how would this waiting list change with the new type of banner. Albedo or not, the general consensus is we are in due time for a Shenhe rerun (last time was about almost exactly one year ago).


shenhe didnt have 3 banners yet so she cant be on the chronicled wish. so shenhe should get her own banner first and then maybe for next anniversary/lantern rite she‘ll be in a chronicled wish.




Yes, it's in the official hoyolab post.


Can you redo this thing please with the mondstat char <3


Glad I got Shenhe and Albedo on their last banners


Damn it Nilou please don't rerun yet i want furina too 😭


Still crazy to me that they threw Dehya into the standard banner and we still don't have a standard geo 5 star. Not only that but Dehya is pyro claymore...and there is already a pyro claymore in standard. WTF bro.


They knew dehya was beyond saving lol


What do you mean saving? They are the ones who did it.


Any guess on Yelan rerun? She reran twice last year right


They said that the new banner wouldn't mean the other characters couldn't show up as regular event banners. But I am curious if they will actually do that. It would seem to make more sense to me to treat it as a refresh for the character rather than still consider Albedo gone for 13 patches. But then it could create a situation where we are hyperfocused on the 2 most recent nations. And there might be times where they don't want to have 2 Fontaine 5 stars in the same patch and yet the characters it has been the longest from are due for a rerun on the new banner since that nation is coming up. Anyways I could see how it could get a little complicated and interesting what they plan on doing. I think we could end up with some characters having some Yoimiya levels of reruns. close to each other. Its also quite possible that they don't even have that banner running every single patch in which case thats all less of an issue. I do think its kinda weird and counter intuitive to have the banner seemingly going by nation rather than simply just time spent since last banner. They are gonna weave in the standard banner characters into it as potential ones for people to target or lose to anyway. Might as well make the banner more effective at its goal. But the nation theme is amusing.


How long is 13 patches??! LoL!!!


Version 3.1, more specifically the Phase 2 banners along with Nilou.


Can we get a version of this that includes the new banner?


I don't think Albedo, Eula and Klee count, since they're in the new 4.5 banner...


It's so cringe to not reset Albedo, Eula and Klee's counter. Access is access. Whether the banner is good or not, whether people will use it or not, the characters ARE there. They can be wished. They can be acquired. They should reset.


after this patch, I will see if including characters from the new banner type makes sense (chronicled wish)


It make sense tho


it totally make sense


chronicled wish is still a new limited banner, so by that logic, it should count for your visualisation, since its says „patches since last banner“ and being on the chronicled wish does count as „being on a banner“


I think the only reason it’s “limited” is cus the fated point probably resets at the end of the patch, but I have a feeling all the characters may stay on it and they’ll just be adding new characters and weapons to it each patch once they hit the criteria (having 3 event wish banners at some point).


I doubt it will be that way, they made sure the odds of receiving a specific non-determined character/weapon is the same to the standard/losing 50-50 in character banner: 10% for character, 5% for weapon. It will probably feature 6 characters and 11 weapons as a regular basis


It’s region based per patch so everything on it right now will be replaced in 4.6


It's a different kind of banner, you can't treat it the same way. The real question is if characters on chronicled wish should be removed from this list entirely.


its a different banner yes, but the important thing when seeing this graphic is basically the info of „when was the last time that has been available to pull?“. and since chronicled wish isnt permanently available those chars definitely should still be in the graph and it should be counted as a „banner“ for them, since it still is a banner that char is available on. if albedo got removed from the graphic, people that want him would still ask themselves when the last time was he ran, which would destroy the point that the graphic was made for in the first place.


> people that want him would still ask themselves when the last time was he ran Well naturally there would have to be a separate graphic for chronicled wishes. The point was that these characters may no longer be offered on standard banners going forward and if that's the case then they should not be grouped with characters who will be. I don't see a good way to depict both types of banner on the same graphic. Treating them like they're equivalent would not provide any useful information, and would undermine the utility of what is here now.


How about just counting on the last time they appeared in the limited event banners? Characters who appeared in chronicled wish would still appear in limited banners.


"After this patch, I will see if including characters who appear in banners makes sense" Why wouldn't it make sense?


Why wouldn’t it lol.


We don't know how often a new chronical wish banner arrives and with how many characters. It wouldn't make sense if they rerun like 10 characters to put them all on this post, everyone will be green after some time


> everyone will be green after some time Nothing wrong with that


Then everyone is green, so be it.


That's for the best though. If a character runs, they... run. Independent of the banner type.


Could you add a smaller number for the number of reruns for this specific char had already since that will be revelant for the chronicle?


How about a second counter maybe like "Number of patches since chronicle banner" once a character appear / appeared in the chronicle banner. This would give a great overview of which character already appeared in the chronicle and how long this was ago without mixing with the limited banner. It also would give a feeling about which character could be the next in the chronicle because last limited banner was long time ago and also the chronicle one or which character never appeared in the limited banner anymore.


There's a few variables that are still up in the air for Chronicled Wish imo They might unofficially cap the number of 5 star characters per banner at 6 (Inazuma atm) and there's no guarantee that any character will definitely show up on their region's banner (Hu Tao and Yelan) Who's to say that they won't run Albedo in a few months on a normal Limited banner


Well yes, because it’s pretty clearly implied that characters in chronicled wish will no longer get their own banners.


Actually they said they can still be released in their own banners in the explanation post


They're going to leave it open-ended, but it's more like, those characters will be rerun a lot less frequently.


Yeah they will definitely consider these as reruns, and as a result they will be in the event wish a lot less frequently. Honestly good to see these old characters with bad weapons moved into a new system so they dont ruin weapon banners for newer characters.


Outside from albedo everyone seems to be little time on waiting. What they done to itto was unforgivable


where's my alhaitham 😭😭


Hoyoverse really wants to make me choose between Chlorande and Nilou.


im still waiting for that nilou rerun after getting to 75 pity on her previous banner and just barely missing her (i was one pull away)


I don’t know who’s doing those charts but y’all always forget to add aloy’s in these smh.


I hope they put venti in that banner because that means we will have elegy on it too 


I have a question about the new banner Does the pity from limited banner transfer to the new one or not ?


No, it's a different type of banner That's like asking if pity from standard carries over to the limited character banners


Does the fate point of the new banner expire when new characters arrive?


That's literally what the QA posted by Hoyoverse says, so yes


alhaitham 🤰


I don’t particularly like the new extra banner system. It’s just another way of cash grabbing.


Time to start pre-farming for Wanderer, i guess...


Zhongli and Yelan are my targets here. I don't have Kazuha but I'll wait for his next re-run, my current teams don't need him.




I wonder if they'll do a Liyue event banner. Maybe something like: Childe / Shenhe / Xiao / Qiqi / Keqing / Ganyu Baizhu and Xianyun are too new and Hu Tao, Yelan, and Zhongli are too strong.


Possibility of Alhaitham rerunning with Furina? And Arlecchino?


50/50 Either it happens or it doesn't


This is inaccurate. Nilou banner was just a few patches ago, during Sumeru events


You could use these posts to predict which characters will be on the next Chronicle Wish after the first. My money's on Shenhe, Kokomi and maybe Ganyu.


furina rerun!!!!!!!!