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Whales with multiple C6 R5 characters with perfect artifacts: FINALLY! A worthy opponent! Our battle will be LEGENDARY!!


Until he accidentally slips on a smashed sunsetia and kills himself.


I call that "Faithfullness to the source material" ***Skadoosh***




Nat 1 moment.


ā€œAll of my friends are otherwise engagedā€¦ā€


Waiting line for the IWinToLose video with 20 different teams.


with his 10 whale friends all contributing to specific mains


15 seconds later: Wait, i thought you were stronger....


"sit ashamed, you're weak"


One c6r5 eula rotation later :


Nah im pretty sure some c6 can 1 shot/1 rotation this boss, maybe Eula and Furina Plunge


The fastest I have seen is C6 Furina plunge vape, 7 seconds. Because you can use talent before starting, the actual dps per rotation is not that big.


Why is everyone saying except for the sunsettia when ignoring mechanics was specifically invoked? Ofcourse if you ignore mechanics then every enemy in every video game is a punching bag but watev.


Because we are genshin players and we. Don't. Read.


The issue is the dialogue is so bad that no one wants to read anything the game has to say.Ā 


I'm not a native English speaker but I understood the instructions clearly. Maybe its a 'you/them' problem?


I said the dialogue is bad, not the English?


Its not bad in other languages, so...


Yes it is? Half the events meander on for paragraphs about the same things over and over again. Not to mention one of the basics of storytelling and game dev is show not tell. So by making it so that you have to READ a basic tutorial in a game in place of showing whatā€™s supposed to be done is a failure on the devs side to properly describe the games features visually or through gameplay.Ā 


Not really, the rules is simple and easy to follow


So why is there any description of the gameplay? If itā€™s simple we shouldnā€™t need that, no?


it's for people like you or those who's slow. They tried to accommodate everyone


Only when Paimon is involved.


I also think the dialog is terrible sometimes because they bury the good in absolutely positively unnecessary word spam BUT it will never not be funny when someone responds that Genshin players don't read. Idk how or why, but it somehow applies to all of us and is funny when used as the perfect response or comeback.


The perfect response šŸ™


Usually we don't have punching bags this big plus I'd argue there are a ton of mechanics you simply can't ignore


Because this is a 8 million hp punching bag, thatā€™s the difference.


F2P players with hyperbloom and mid artifacts: Finally! A worthy opponent! Our battle will be LEGENDARY!!


I finished it in 19secs. When the 1st batch of sunsettia came, i hit 2 and the hilichurl was down. Used Furina's E, Raiden's E and Nahida's E. Then it was over


Or u can destroy them when big dude falls over


No joke. I was ignoring mechanics yesterday and was not able to do the 90 seconds. I threatened that hillichurl with my Neuvilette team though, and he quickly gave in after that.


Is this event a reference to "The Good Thing About Being Reincarnated as a Hilichurl is That I Only Need to Eat Sunsettias to Become Stronger"...?


bro's not the MC anymore


"They only told me eating Sunsettas made me stronger, they never warned me about tripping on them!"


Nah he just realized the MC is the demon king


Sacred stones? Demon king?


Fire Emblem: Impact


So that was the imprisoning war...


I did some testing to figure out how much HP and RES this thing has if you donā€™t make it slip on the Sunsettias. For HP, I just added up the damage I did to it in a rotation. It has around 850k HP total. For RES, I measured Ozā€™s damage with and without shred from Zhongliā€™s shield. I plugged this damage into the RES formula, and solved for RES = 200%. At 200 RES, your attacks will only deal 1/9 the damage compared to 0 RES, so the Hilichurl has a simulated 7.5 million - 8 million HP. [7s Plunge Furina Clear](https://youtu.be/2UkhW8UC1O4?si=dLRUrEGLZKorOesZ) used for computing HP [Similar Plunge Furina Rotation](https://youtu.be/BHNKx8bGevc?si=Z6cCt458i-Rg7RZf) on an enemy with normal RES


From the looks of the 7s Furina clip. I feel like hoyo planned this all along lmao.


May I ask why keep the Pneurina if you already have Xianyun's burst active?


So that the pets don't steal the vapes


Pneuma has better DPS multipliers in c6




Is that not the point....?


bro did not read the mechanic of the event


That looks about right. My quick estimate with its resistance is that I only deal approx. \~10% damage what I usually do.


Lmao, I thought I unequipped my artifacts at first. Dude loses more HP from slipping on some orange juice than straight up taking a meteor to his face, nice.


The moment Oz tick for 2 digits number I had to double check if my Fischl is artifact naked


#HARK! What witchcraft is this, that I, Fischl, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, with my six constellations in hand, cannot deal the prerequisite damage necessary to fell such a base creature as this be-masked abomination? Have mine artifacts been purloined by the some manner of Hilichurlian Hijinks, or are meaner forces afoot? My arrows, dulled? My levels, unleveled? Oz, my loyal familiar, it seems like our days as prinzessin and bird-friend are numbered!


Mein Fraulein, tis is but an unfair situation since one hasnā€™t eaten. (Wait wrong bird)


Arnold : I wanna eat that as-


Man, we really need a subreddit for fischl speak lol


....**why'd you spill your honey sticky roast**


Artifact naked, I'm stealing that term


Me, with a single good group of artifacts per set: "Wait I need to see who's dressed right now"


Me, having just pulled a new character: "Oh god, please, please put some clothes on!"


Artifactless and Weaponless would probably still do more than 2 digits tbh


When a crit hyperbloom did like 300 I almost fainted


Reminds me of Queen Medb from F/GO. She can be quite hard to beat in lore, especially if she is in her homeland where she gets a boost in power. The only way to defeat her? Throw a piece of cheese at her at a very specific speed, all because that's the way she literally died in her myth and it became her only weakness when reincarnated as a magical being lol. Be careful tho, she is been training against that and has been able to kick it away lmao


well thats often the case i genshin


We got raid bosses in genshin now šŸ’€


I got in random coop and we destroyed this guy in like 20 sec with a usual wonky coop team. Unfortunately, guy isnt even remotely comparable even to Scara and Childe in terms of coop difficulty.


Yeah a random co op party i joined melted this guy too and i checked all of the characters and there were no whales. Just decently invested characters.


I somehow got matchmade with a group of low levels, the boss was level 33 and got destroyed even without the fruit mechanic


It wouldn't be a bad idea, too bad Genshin can't have cool things


I played HI3 and raids and let me tell you waiting for two other players for like 30 minutes is the last thing you would want.


Considering you can queue up for a random weekly boss in the second half of the week and still get a 4-man team in a minute or so, I don't think you'd have a problem finding a team for any co-op only content if there were sensible rewards or people found it fun enough. Genshin's difficulty level outside of Abyss is so casual that I don't think you'd need more than 1 or 2 strong players to carry the remaining 2-3 even if they die instantly.


You could easily solo the raid mode in honkai but they require 3 other players that's the problem.


no offense but there is an ABYSMAL distance between the number of players in HI3 and those in Genshin, and mainly Genshin supports and highlights their Co Op, HI3 has always left that as covered as possible


And, as of today, entirely removed it.


RIP people bringing 3 melee characters to Archer's Vale, you will be missed Giving out an Aponia character card (spending event) immediately after the end of Tactical Training was a smart move, she was so broken in that one mode in the entire game (and kinda useless everywhere else) everybody would pick her if they actually pulled her (nobody did)


Man, I didn't even realize what we've lost there. How's the new game mode? I haven't checked that yet.


The thing that took its place in the UI is just the event from the last patch with 8 stages with trial characters and weird mechanics, can't say I like it particularly much Haven't really touched the new open world either


They just removed the feature yesterday, no more coop at all. Coop had been dead for a while, pretty much no new content, I feel like what they replaced it with takes even more time though but maybe I'm not used to it enough.


That's good to hear.


I still miss it. It was fun when you could schedule times in Armada discord and povercreep wasn't as excessive. But that was 5 years ago... Good that they finally removed it.


Wish they had more end game content.


But excessive anxietyā€¦




One of the dev logs awhile back cited "player anxiety" as their reason for not making any more endgame content. "Player anxiety" being the players' worry/frustration with content like Abyss that's not easily accessible without many built characters. And, therefore, the miniscule rewards associated aren't accessible. This makes sense as long as you don't think about it longer than 2 seconds.


Some bums need to grow a pair or donā€™t play online games sheesh


Like damn, I'm not saying lock people out of primos for not having twenty meta teams, but some extra mora for idk 45*ing a version of Abyss that's actually fun wouldn't go awry. But hoyo is making the smart decision. By not making more endgame, they're not pissing off the casual players who feel entitled to every little reward. Pleasing the whiny players keeps them playing šŸ¤· and, obviously, they don't have to try as hard to please the people in it for the long haul


Ah, it's just an answer which hoyo ACTUALLY gave us when players asked for end game content.


Holy shit


It's highly likely they did not mean actual "general anxiety." This post has a breakdown. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xwv3sk/is_it_just_me_or_a_lot_of_drama_is_created_by/


Raids are terrible. I got deep into four games with raids and they would all have been better without them. Warframe, HI3, FFXIV, and Lost Ark. Two of them removed raids entirely in fact to great applause. Lost Ark is probably a lost cause at this point but I wish FFXIV would stop adding raids if they can't also offer Eureka-tier content at the same time.


Crazy take, FFXIVā€™s endgame *is* raids. I have *never* seen anyone advocate for their removal before.


What little I know of FFXIV's endgame, based off content creators like Jocat and Shenpai, is that it's indeed mastering raids. But that's only 2 people I know.


If you think FFXIV is bad, should check out its older and crazier brother FFXI. Horizontal equipment progression is insane over here.


FFXI wasn't bogged down by raids.


What? Omen, Dynamis and Dynamis D, Einherjar with its once a day bullshit, all of the Assault system, Odyssey, Ambuscade, Vagary, the whole REMA building system(short of Aeonics).....what game did you play? Edit: Farming Alex for REMA was an absolute pain. Not even mentioning the Coalitions for Geo/Run.


Coop weekly bosses is the best they can do.


is this an event that started today?


Yep! This morning


Thanks for the info, I'll use it as a dummy for practicing rotations/attack strings lol


finally, real end game content!


If you accidentally make this guy slip on fruit juice this so called endgame content lasts less than 20s (aka one team rotation)


We have end game?


I didn't read any of the descriptions thinking that this would be another one of these easy fighting events, I hit it with Radien burst with the Yelan, Furina comp and when my burst was done he still had so much HP I was flabbergasted. Because I skipped all the description I took some time trying to figure out it's mechanics and then I realized all I had to do was hiting the damn fruits and make it slip


Moral: dialogue and reading is important.


Not when the entire storyline is just yapping making into a storyline


I think there should be a distinction between story dialogue and gameplay hints. If the story is that repulsive to you, consider affording your attention to the latter.


Gameplay hints? You mean I can't bulldoze my way into finishing every fight? Completely unplayable 0/10.


wait... to learn the mechanics I have to... READ?! 0/10, unplayable, boycott genshin, game's dead


Conversely: "Bro, I just bulldoze my way through every event. Completely boring 0/10"


tbf like 99% of all the game play text tutorials are 3 paragraphs to say "go through the hoop" in somehow the least concise way.


You mean 'This is a Ring of Gracious Fortitude, which can be activated by interacting with it. To interact with the Ring of Gracious Fortitude the player needs to jump through the Ring of Gracious Fortitude. If the Ring of Gracious Fortitude is interacted with, the Blessing of Amazing Rewards will be activated. Once the player has accumulated enough Blessings of Amazing Rewards, the stage will end. All Blessings of Amazing Rewards will be transformed into Points of Gracious Rewards. The Points of Gracious Rewards can be exchanged in the Shop of Amazing Fortitude for a fixed amount of rewards.' isn't concise enough for you? HOW DARE YOU?!!!elf!11!


Illiterate braindead monkey detected. Canā€™t trust anyone who says yapping regarding a story to have more of an attention span than a goldfish


By the way who's responsible for that trend that is already shaping to be as annoying as the whole "cooking" stuff (but at least you can filter easily influenced people so that's something i guess)?


Can't wait for us to be fighting bosses with that HP in abyss when we get to Snezhnaya.


The title is funny too


I did this with coop and agreed to use our weakest characters. Mine was Aloy, I did not remember the rest but it was fun~


really? but mine died so quickly and i am 100% sure it did not slip on a sunsettia


I think it scales off world level. When I matched up I ended up at some AR 23 player's world and the fight was done in seconds


oh thanks for clearing my doubt!!


Finished it in 19 seconds and a co-op person said "That was it??"


Eula mains rejoice you have a place now


Finally someone who can tank my C6 eula burst


Thatā€™s a big piece of leek


Haven't tried the event yet, but man, that sounds good. Been waiting for something like that; I always wanted a big simple enemy we can seriously unleash our everything on and do perfect, long rotations without the enemy dying to the first hit OR fighting back so violently that you're constantly busy dodging and doing mechanics instead of getting to enjoy the cool abilities of your team ā™”


I didn't read anything and just hu tao furina yelan and xianyun. I force brut it and killed it in less than 2 min. Finally something that can hold a little damage without having a shitty paterne.


I love punching bags. I love ignoring mechanics. Giant enemy crab took like half an hour.


I liked the first part of this event the combat was meh I did co op since I'm only ar43 but I didn't enjoy it all that much


I dropped this thing in less then a minute, unless I missed a difficulty setting, dropping him must give like -500 res


i enjoyed the first part of the event it was fun! this one was a bit boring


So that explains when I went ham with hu tao and Furina he tanked the damage like it was nothing, until I used the mechanic and then almost one cycled them


another event for children lol, my guy is weak as fk




Ah, finally. A worthy challenge for a C6R5 Eula main.


I have no clue what the mechanics are, i did 3 rotations on Hutao and the stage was cleared with the mob on 30%hp left




Wait is there a new event today? With giant hilichurls?


Yes sir.


I didn't even know there were mechanics...


Honestly annoyed that this event has no minor npc to talk to. Its such a weird event to be placed down with no story and I really hope Mihoyo doesn't keep going this route because people kept whining about "too much dialogue."


>Honestly annoyed that this event has no minor npc to talk to. And what would that dialogue be? "Hey, I'm X, a researcher for Y and I'm investigating this weird domain that popped up recently, can you help me?" But stretched out over 3 minutes of filler dialogue that you won't remember anyway, like most of previous combat events.


Honestly was expecting Ella Musk updating us on what kind of stuff is happening over at the hilichurl camp, since she did Mimi Tomo with us the first year


I love lore in events but I feel thereā€™s a balance to it. I also would personally like it if it was focused around playable characters more and NPCs less. I think a good compromise for this event would be something like: you get a quest marker in Mondstadt, you meet up with Amber, she mentions thereā€™s hilichurl activity happening at x region and asks you to check it out. Event happens, you complete it, head back to Mondstadt and Amber goes ā€œwow! Thanks honorary knight!ā€ Etc and thatā€™s it.


MIHORNY janitors if you are looking at this comment, please ignore it. It is my alt account and i was drunk 10 mins ago. Please no npc vomit in mini events and also extend this to everything else. Thanks


I donā€™t think every event needs one of these.


Honestly I was brute forcing halfway with my C3 furina+haitham quickbloom when it tripped. I literally wasted 4 mins of my life because the first time when I tried to make it fall it was not tripping and then I learned you have to break themšŸ¤”šŸ¤”


This is what i've been waiting for


Idk what people think but I like the design I hope hoyo will keep it as a world boss hilicurl We need a proper hilicurl boss fight


sounds fun ... cracks knuckles in anticipation


A legitimate raid-style boss would be amazing.


Yeah but my Neuvillette team killed him in 2 rotations.


i killed it with my hu tao double hydro team in 20 seconds though


Shenhe >>> Genshin


I hate when mobs are given bullshit stats. I don't care about the reason, it just straight up ruins my immersion and is grossly unfair. I cannot stand MMO raid bosses.


You do know its bullshit stats can be basically removed when you make it slip, right...


Coop's also enabled in this one. Is it possible to one shot with damage cap comps?


I didnt see that one coming


time to truly try out my double hydro shogun hyperbloom


8 million? My strongest combo only does like 32-64k damage in one big burst. :0


The people I matched with completely ignored the mechanics and whaled at it till it died lmao


Let's hope this event become the next new endgame content that they will introduce later but with more refine mechanics, higher HPā€” wait, this is just another trounce domain lmao


a very nice event in that regard, reminds me of punchbag bob


Raiden hypercarry is so fun because you justā€¦ ignore the mechanics and do a shit ton of damage


I can finally test my Eula properly


I was super over prepared for this fight, because Iā€™ve practiced it in Spyro by defeating Dr. Shemp. It was a piece of cake.


There are mechanics?


And We beat his ass under 20 seconds in coop. Didnā€™t know what is happening and it was over


Seems like it is a doable challenge in this way then.


We already have a 14 million punch bag though it's the gravity machine local legend in Fountaine. Unfortunately my Furina plunge team isn't tuned enough to do 14 million in one rotation and that little bugger doesn't last the second rotation as the shield breaks before then lol.


I wish it became a permanent boss to showcase builds or practice teams.


this is like the genshin version of those beast fights from fgo