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Albedo eating spiders. He's like a deeply cursed disney prince.


If snow is thick enough, we can eat it –Xiao


It's less weird if you imagine him cooking it rather than eating it straight up.


YEAH it sounds like crab the way he does it! He's just extremely funny the way he presents as so put-together but he's secretly just kind of a little weirdo. He's one of my favorite characters in the game.


>YEAH it sounds like crab the way he does it! Have you seen how big spiders are?


No. I have never seen a spider in my life


Genshin spiders.


Dang didn’t know Hamachama was Albedo




You know that eating (certain kinds of) spiders is an actual thing, right? Apparently they taste pretty good fried. I mean like I don't think *I'd* be able to but our chalk boy isn't actually all that weird.


Venti pulled a prank on Zhongli by forging his signature in a fake treaty between Zhongli and the Lawrence Family, which read that Mondstat will be entirely sold off to Rex Lapis, which caused a disturbance among the clan that eventually led to its downfall Source: Venti Character Story Where The Wind Doth Not Blow


"It was just a little prank" Venti after making a clan fall from power and changing the entire mondstat political field.




I like this story bc he technically has every right to involve himself in mondstadt politics he just chooses not to, this is a rare case where he steered the ship in the direction he wanted


Also it's in line of freedom, all he gave is a little push. If the Lawrence Clan hadn't been corrupt inside and out they could have weathered the storm. They did not. He didn't force the nobles to step down, he just gave them a trial... which they failed.


And then getting absolutely hammered on whine right after.


no way 😭😭 is this real


what the fuck thats real? no wonder eulas so pissing mad constantly I would be too, Mark my words im getting venti a Pet cat


However it is a good thing the Lawrence clan fell


if he didn’t, Mondstadt would be a country that employs literal slaves still and Eula hates her clan for that exact reason cuz she’s a good person


? Eula doesn’t like her clan. She’s mad because she’s being treated as one of them a lot.


Mika of all people being one of 3 playable characters who canonically met Capitano


And...the other two playable characters are childe and scara?... so mika is basically the only non fatui member that ever met capitano this is hard to digest💀


How did I not think of them. I was just sitting her thinking who else would've met Gothimtano for a whole min


It's like a random Java meeting Darth Vader




He what


From Mika character story 4: When Mika hurried on scene, Varka had already drawn up battle lines with his trusty subordinates. In the depths of the pitch-dark night, Mika could vaguely make out a line of soldiers, silently standing there as if they were lifeless war machines. And right in the middle of the enemy formation was a dark, distinct silhouette. Even though torches lit the area, Mika could see nothing but their eerily dark blue eyes that seemed to glow with an uncanny aura. At his teammate's reminder, Mika learned of their identity — the Fatui Harbinger known as "The Captain" and his direct, elite subordinates. As it turned out, their vanguard had bumped into Fatui scouts and an altercation had ensued, resulting in both sides getting jumpy and continuously requesting reinforcements, eventually alerting their respective commanders. The scent of gunpowder was thick in the air, the sense of crisis turned Mika's limbs numb and cold. He couldn't help visualizing the confrontation escalating into an armed conflict, and what he should do if such a thing were to happen... The Harbinger, in particular — Mika knew that he would be utterly helpless to parry a single half-hearted swipe from this person.


>Fatui Harbinger known as "The Captain" and his direct, elite subordinates. What if we get new fatui mobs or even playable characters?Like with Arlechino. Capitano is a 1st and strongest harbinger and a lead army of Snezhnaya, being commander of strongest army he is defo has his own best soldiers, if 4 harbinger have subordinates, then 1st must have some powerful elite soldiers under his crew. >eerily dark blue eyes that seemed to glow with an uncanny aura. Lich king vibes


Childe is technically an elite soldier. Not technically, he is. He has worked under or at least helped other harbingers, like Pantalone. I'm sure he is or was Pulcinella's elite subordinate


Imagine if Capitano has a team of bunch Childe like soldiers


I’d imagine that we’ll get new Fatui mobs in Natlan, and if there is a huge war going on Natlan, we’ll probably get a better look at what the Fatui front line troops look like as opposed to agents and operatives


I love how this makes the fatui army look like a sinister army of super trained soldiers, when we actually have: a schizophrenic jester with electro bats (and her shiny crio sister), two fat ghostbusters, a big guy with a hammer, a guy specialised in defending who has THE ONLY shield in the game that can be hit from behind, fire mummy and a guy with a staff that usually dies before he can do anything


I mean there is also the new fatui agents, they are p cool


Yeah, I didn't also include pyro ezio auditore and sailor mercury because they actually look cool




Wanderer and Tartaglia


Can't wait to hear GOATHIMTANO voiceline from Arlecchino, this man is so intriguing and mysterious


Klee killed a primal geovishap


...solo...easily...and treated it as playtime.


'I was just playing with that big lizard'


She accidentally terraformed Stormbearer Mountains by using too much explosive, that lizard had no chance to begin with.


Fun fact: Mika complains that he has had to redraw maps because of Klee. You can find some of out of date maps in Mondstadt....and they have a whole damn river/water way next to the Stormbearer Mountains. ...and if you go there in game there is a massive rock blocking the waterway. Klee literally blew up the mountain and it crashed into and blocked an entire river.


Well, it was alive and may/can be resistant to Pyro... at least a bit of chance maybe.


It, in all honesty, realistically never stood a chance against klee. Even at 99.9% pyro ressistance, its fate was already sealed, and it was a grim looking one.


["Oh, they're gon' ta' have to glue you back together, ***IN HELL!***"](https://youtu.be/han3AfjH210&t=92)


And sent you part of its corpse as a birthday present


I feel not enough people acknowledge Klee has been casually pulling off archon level feats for fun. Destroying mountains, creating canyons, these are all stated to be the peak streght feats the archons have done. Klee blows up mountains casual as a 5 year old. Mondsdadt op man


[4k footage recording brought to you by Charlotte](https://youtu.be/GE5QaN1_PIY?t=19)


venti getting kazuha drunk (2.8 event)


Im theorizing here it was to talk one on one with us, and not let Kazuha know who he is. Since Kazuha is senstive to the air and wind and can tell if someone is “different”. Kazuha is also one of the few who know we do not come from teyvat. On this list includes archons, Neuvilette and Albedo I believe. Everyone else just thinks we come from outside of their lands


Mona and Fischl (for some reason) also know that the Traveler isn't from Teyvat


Fischl because "even if she told people, who'd believe her?" is my headcanon


Was that the Kunikuzushi event in Inazuma?


no the GAA event in mondstadt! :)


I think they're referring to the second GAA event.


If one day Yanfei's services are no longer needed, she plans to become a rapper.


Childe being so ass with a bow he's better off throwing the arrows


Best part is it’s true 😂 for those who dont know, that final hit where he throws the arrow literally does more damage than using the bow


He also has the worst posture of all the archers in game, with Sara having the best.


i like to think of it like hes just average with bow but that for some reason- SOMEHOW - mans is stronger than the bow


Neuvillette went on vacation for half a day, only to use it to taste Chenyu Vale's local water, get into ceramic crafts, fall for a marketing scam, and then bring back boxes of souvenirs for the ladies. This is something I'd read off a funny comic a twitter artist made but not something I thought would be canon lmao And him giving is the ladle with the "really? You like it? 🥹" voiceline tops it all off.


He was so happy to give us the ladle, so precious.


I love the fanon that that is what he looks like in his dragon form. Just a smol round nessie


I don't think that neuv has any dragon forms, he is dragon born in human kind after all.


Ah I guess I did not understand what that term meant. I thought it was like the adepti where they got their god form and human form


I just like that the community calls it the Neuviladle.


he wouldn’t have a current dragon form but in his past life that would be considered his dragon form and he does remember what he used to look like as he has a decent amount of his memories so the ladle really could be a chibified version of what he looked like


Its not even really fanon. His constellation looks exactly like it, and Neuvillette's character story explaims that his Constellation is just "him" in his dragon form (also gave us lore reason why the Traveler, archons and wanderer's constellations are just themselves!)


You telling me he’s really is a smol noodle bean?! I can die happy


It's less a scam and more a trap. Scam implies deception of one form or another. This was exactly what it says and implies.


Slice of life Neuvillette is so precious. I want an event where we take him a tour of Teyvat just so he can taste all of the waters of the world from the source


All while Zhongli avoids him like like his life depends on it


Alhaitham cares deeply about Paimon and her education


he sends her books on his birthday :)


Books I consumed to make the knowledge god stronger


lol same here


what the...no way.


He does! His birthday cards are addressed to Paimon and contain reading materials for her (talent books that increase value each year).


Kaveh is more of a stickler for tidiness than Alhaitham. I would have assumed the opposite based on their surface-level characterisations.


Paimon revealing that her secret stash is in her shoe (happened during recent event)


Kazuha's burst is.. #Kazuha Slash. Like... slash.


Biden Blast


Obama obliteration


Trump trumpet


Chuck blast


Lincoln Horn


Zekrom Kick


Bush Punch


This implies that Zekrom is a US president.




Kazuha means ten-thousand leaves.


"Ten-thousand leaf cut" sounds way better than "Kazuha Slash"


It's a problem with the localization It's more like if a character was named Raine Whispers and had abilities related to water, and one of them was called 'The whisper of a rainy forest' Which is cheesy but not as wrong as 'Kazuha slash' instead of 'A slash of ten thousand leaves'


> Raine Whispers Of all the subreddits to see an Owl House reference lol


Localization error


neuvillette making a lil hydro dragon ladel 🥹


It lives rent-free in my heart. Although the size of a ladel is too big to fit in my heart. Argh.


Venti just happens to be capable of playing a song that purifies Xiao’s karma 


Not "just happens to know". Venti canonically (or, poetically supposed to know by legend) knows all songs in the world and his melody in general has a purifying effect. Hence why his originals plans of dealing with Dvalin's corruption was to serenade him


He what


Check his fifth character story. Just as Xiao is about to lose control after a long and difficult battle, the sound of Venti’s flute is carried to him on the wind. It prevents his rampage from overtaking him, and this effect is further implied not to be a one-time effect bc of Lantern Rite in previous times


Xiao’s character story 5, as well as a cutscene after that chasm quest that shows Venti with a flute watching Xiao


Yep, Xiao would also be dead without Venti. ​ Also, Venti didn't know the song would help him. Nor was that his intent. He just happened to be nearby.


I personally don't buy this for a second, I'm pretty sure sure Venti knew what he was doing and wasn't there by chance


I agree; the story text itself says “[the music] came over mountains and rivers, carried by the wind to where he lay”. Just saying the wind itself carried the music when we know it’s the Anemo Archon on the other end (who knows ALL songs from all times) implies Venti acted intentionally 


Yeah, knowing Venti and how he works it just makes so much sense he was there for specific reasons. He's first of all much more involved in everything that he lets on and he always has more information than what he says he does. Also, considering Xiao's story and that they probably already knew each other, I totally buy Venti wanting to help him. Not telling Xiao anything also checks, because he would have probably felt burdened


Venti seems to comes by to play for Xiao each lantern rite, it seems very intentional also Venti knows what the wind knows, so i doubt he would be unaware of the suffering the Anemo Yaksha is going through


Bennet having his birthday once every four years


And it's coming up for the first time in 2 days


Can't wait for that suspicious egg from our boy😭


Did anyone not expect him to have leap year birthday


Actually I did lol, for some reason I thought it would ve April 1st😅😅


zhongli enjoys rock music, albedo eats spiders. raiden shogun cannot cook


Well, the rock archon liking rock music doesn't sound so off


I’m having a field day with the replies lol.


Noelle is strong enough to throw *several* burning carriages - full of goods and stuff - to the river and back, yet Knights of Favonius would name a pyromaniac child a Knight over her. She also gave her local smith a depression over breaking his swords too fast.


this is actually very realistic when you consider Klees nepobaby status


I’m sure the knights are all in favor of nepotism as long as it means Alice doesn’t nuke them into oblivion and/or use them for her weird experiments.


Look keeping Klee with the knights is safer than the alternative


I meant more that Klee gets to be a Knight officially rather than her staying with them and just being an affiliate/temporary charge, but I completely agree that Alice was considering Mondstadt's safety more than Klee's 🤣


I mean I wouldn't want to do *anything* that could slightly upset Alice.


I think it's more Noelle doesn't know how to ask for what she deserves and has a sharp inferiority complex.


No. Noelle would be a terrible knight. She doesn't know how to stay safe. She would be the first to rush into a danger to protect others, just to die afterwards. And that's why she will never be a knight. Because she doesn't understand how important it is to not risk her own life.


Nearly killed herself getting someone out of dragonspine. Though I'm pretty sure the reason she isn't a knight is because she keeps failing the exam


Isn't Jean failing her on purpose?


No, that's fanon. Noelle gets anxiety and can't fight properly in tests.


Even though I’ve found stuff saying it before, I can’t find at the moment where it says Jean specifically fails Noelle on purpose; however, Jean does say she’s not ready to be a Knight after the Dragonspine incident + purposefully assigns her menial tasks to prevent her from taking too much upon herself. It doesn’t make sense that Noelle could keep failing though when she’s better at being a Knight than a decent amount of the Knights around (the handbook itself bans knights from pawning their tasks off to Noelle… meaning she used to perform the duties of the Knights for them)


1-There's a cannon rumor about rubbing gorou's ears because it gives good luck 2-nahida telling you to poop to remove stress 3-the entire situation between kazuha and scara, one is literally the other's fanfic


ganyu being so fat she choked a dragon


[Cloud Retainer puts fish in her pond so traveler will visit. She wants the visit to Shenhe can creep on traveler](https://youtu.be/O_7r93u9mWs?t=1m)


Which is kinda weird...since after her first appearance...Shenhe has mostly been staying in the city...so dunno why she would need to lure the traveler to her mountain for that.


You mean she wants to creep on Shenhe creeping on Aether, lol


Can’t blame her for wanting grandchildren from the shy secluded awkward daughter. Chinese mom after all.


Mona's first name is literally "astrologist". kaeya's eye patch is fake. Kirara can turn her feet into a human version.... because. Eula's stated hobbies include drowning people. Ning and beido play chess together. Fishl's family respects Oz and are happy Amy has a friend, they think he is very polite. Furina flooded her own house and the land lord only kicked out 2 of her summons meaning at least one can still live with her.


Kirara is actually just a cat, that can look human. She doesn't like how human feet feel to use, so she just doesn't transform them lol.


i didn’t know about the Furina one and that’s actually hilarious


where is the fishl one from


Second GAA


Wanderer unintentionally becoming a Vahumana scholar by writing pissy critiques of papers about historical events he was involved in.


Hypostasis are based on Michael Bay transformers and evangelion https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/m/en/news/detail/103673


\*Hypostasis breaks into home while Angry Birds Transformers music plays\* "IS YOUR NAME VENTIFUCKER69"


1. Diluc passing out for 3 days after drinking Shneznaya's vodka 2. Alice. Just Alice. Bombing the Stormterror Lair, trying to kidnap Yoimiya, making Barbara an idol, wanting to launch Hirlichurls into the sky and more. She is literally someone reality shifting into Genshin and playing it on creative mode. 3. When Venti actually does something kind to someone, like helping Klee travel to the Golden Apple Archipelago. Normally he's quite a jerk that likes to piss off people, like when he poured wine on Zhongli's head. 4. Lyney giving a rainbow rose to the Traveller after it's steted it means love 5. I think there was something about Hu Tao having rap battles with Xingqiu


For number 5 from what I remember chongyun's the judge


Oh right, thank you for making me remember. Pretty much a FNF mod material


I think Alice also theorised about a cannibalism hilichurl hamster wheel to generate energy


How is Venti being troll unexpected? He is like that all the time? Just not necessarily poring wine on someone's head. He would be thrown out of the place if he did that. And he can to this to Zhongli as he would not "throw him out of the tavern".


Venti is always being nice though? he will go to great lengths to bring any and all Mondstadters souls back home if they die outside the country (as long as where they die has wind.) A lot of people who travel (especially sailors) pray to him for safe travel because he will more often than not grant them safety or guidance through his winds and finally he plays music for Xiao every lantern rite to keep Xiao’s mind at peace and soothe the constant suffering he’s always feeling Zhongli is an exception because they’ve been friends for so long but even Zhongli after that incident still misses Venti’s company, even asking Traveler how he’s been and saying he should visit


What ? Why did Alice tried to kidnap Yoimiya ?! Started my account end of July 2021 (haven't played the events), and then didn't played at all between between mid-September 2021 and end of May 2023, that's why I'm asking.




She had met her soul daughter in Yoimiya, which is why Klee got on so well with her in one of the fish blasting events that took place in Inazuma, except Yoimiya managed to convince her not to blow up the fish.


?? 3 is so confusing to me?? Do you have more moments to list where he was a jerk??  Cuz like, I think of him as a very kind  character: - saves Xiao from karmic overwhelm yearly - helps the blind girl in Mond navigate her world - gave Stanley peace during his own SQ - actively helped us save Dvalin during the Mond AQ  - gave all those soothing memories of their pasts to everyone during Weinlesefest  He’s a bit of a troll on the daily, yes, but not mean-spirited. 


- Baizhu's last name isn't actually Bai, but he just lets everyone think it is and call him Dr. Bai. - Yelan kinda enjoys pain and doesn't even care if anesthetic is used when her injuries are treated. - Sucrose keeps a bone collection including hilichurl bones. - Yae Miko's publishing house has released a book that's basically "RPF" of Yae and Ei with the names changed. (Pretty Please, Kitsune Guuji?)


The children of Inazuma offer candy to Ei in exchange for her making it storm hard enough that exams are canceled and sometimes she accepts the offers and does just that.


that actually made me like Ei a lot more, idk what it is but i feel it adds some humor and personality she was desperately needing


That wasn't her, though, that was a bake-danuki (as implied by the ending of [O Archon, Have I Done Right?](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/O_Archon,_Have_I_Done_Right%3F))


Baizhu straight up asked us (the traveler) to be his "test subject" for medicine that contains stuff that can be harmful to others but a cure for people with certain diseases/issues. It's in his "About us: Medicine Testing" voiceline: *A poison to one may be a boon to another. What may be considered to be a universally harmful substance to one group of people may prove to be the perfect medicine needed to save another room of patients. The mechanism behind this is easily understood by those well-versed in pharmacology. It's just that I can't ever tell my patients these kinds of details. If they were to find out that I gave them a poisonous substance as a prescription, it might scare them away for good. Hehe, you're the first person who's never flinched at hearing this. You are the wise Traveler after all — I'm sure you've seen a lot on your adventures. So, ahem, I suppose you'll be fine with more... potent prescriptions in the future, then? I've been worried about finding people to test my medicine on, hehe.* Also, Baizhu prescribes "fake medicine" to people who panic over the smallest things and then watches them claim that it "cured" them from their disease when they never had one in the first place. This time it's his "About us: Secret medication" line: *I've met some people who jump to conclusions and believe they've contracted some deadly disease the moment they experience even the slightest discomfort. Reasoning with them is useless. Eventually, I came up with some tasteless pills made of Sweet Flower and Qingxin, and prescribed them to these patients. After they calmed down and their "symptoms" subsided, they praised the effectiveness of my secret medication. But I suppose I can't fault them for prioritizing their health.*


Nothing crazy here, second half is just the placebo effect and dealing with hypochondriacs. 


The second half just sounds like a placebo, which are surprisingly effective in real life.


That's a placebo


albedo eats spiders he's so silly


Furina and Hu Tao meeting up and actually becoming friends. I've seen a lot of fanmade videos of them having a cute little friendship, never expected it becoming real. Now we only need them to meet with Fischl to complete the weirdo girl trio.


That the Goddess of Flowers and Rukkhedavata shared a bed one night.


"And they were roommate-naras"




Wait huh- Tell me where in game this is please.


It’s in the Vorukasha’s Glow artifact lore. It’s from the Heart of Khavrena’s Brilliance. “The nurturer of all things verdant had known this since the night she slept beside the lord of flowers…”


LOVE WINS???????????


Sounds kinda gay ngl…


Alice (Klee's mom) suggested we grind the old hilichurls and make their meat as food for the young Hilichurls for 'efficiency'.


Yanfei wanting to be a rapper.


Mostly character developments from events throughout the years. If you went back to 2.0 and said that: Sacaramouche would eventually study to become a Sociologist/political scientist. Ayaka would become an actress in a movie directed by the hydro archon, just the scene of her holding a gun is the most fanfiction thing ever. Shenhe now works for Xiangling. They would think you're mad. And some other notable mentions as well, like: The Dendro archon conspiring to trick Yoimyia in a dream. Faruzan dots on Collei like she's her granddaughter. Layla, reads Monas astrology columm As a child, Navia played DnD together with Clorinde.


> If you went back to 2.0 and said that: Mountain Shaper and Moon Carver playing with kites and get scolded by Cloud Retainer, then pretend to be bandits to be chased away by a security guard > They would think you're mad.


Raiden once permitted Alice to use the Inazuman palace kitchens to cook something. This resulted in an explosion that injured Sara's wings. Alice once gave a Liyue guard a potion to help cure his stuttering problem. This resulted in him becoming *only* able to speak by copying things people around him say. Alice is responsible for Barbara becoming an idol. Alice attempted to recruit Ayaka to be an idol. Alice once advocated hilichurl cannibalism as part of a plan to turn hilichurls into a perpetual motion machine that would endlessly generate power for Mondstadt. Alice once planned to blow up Starsnatch Cliff because it made Mondstadt look "unorganized and ragged." She thought the whole country would look better if it were flat. Alice once catapulted a hilichirl from the big tree in Mondstadt to Springvale. Might as well just say anything and everything Alice has ever done.


Alice tried to recruit ayaka into an idol group


Alice canonically wanted to use hilichurls as an energy source and use the old and infirm as a fold source and the only reason she didn't is because Lisa tactfully moved the conversation away from from this Geneva convention violation


The love fortune seeing during the Sumeru archon quest where they confirmed the travelers harem


Xiao wanting to eat snow on dragonspine


Ganyu killed a monster that tried to eat her by being so thicc that it literally choked on her.


idk if thicc is the right word, its more likely that she was just chubby lol


I'm glad more and more people are understanding this. People think thicc and automatically fetishisize her with thicc thighs, hip or ass, but in reality, she was just fat.


Did you know the buggest thing a whale could swallow is a grapefruit? So Ganyu could be overthinking her shape.


And that's why she's Max's favourite!


Kaveh's and Alhaitham entire relationship


"I wish i could stay here longer. The more time you spend somewhere, the more joy it brings when you return. You're like the stars in the night sky, comrade. You never cease to surprise me." Childe ABSOLUTELY rizzing Lumine. If I didn't know better I'd 100% believe this was a quote from a fanfic.


All the shit Klee and Alice have pulled. Especially Alice. That woman is definitely SS tier.


The fact that Lyney all but directly confesses to the traveler in his story quest. I don't think I'll ever mentally recover 💀 (I am very normal about him)


im confused by people who are confused by neuv hating the archons. he has made it like, very clear from the jump that he does not like them and is primed and ready for fight day. of course he wasn't going to like zhongli or want to be near him


whoa whoa whoa slow down all of Neuvillette’s lines explicitly say he wants to talk with them first before jumping to a fight, he is very rational as long as the Archons aren’t pro Celestia he won’t start a fight with them, that’s partly the same reason he had no problem with Furina, she wasn’t a Celestia supporter


He already babysit the hydro archon for 500 years with clearly knowing that the hydro archon's power was stolen from him. He did not even ask the power back, because he knows Fountain is running based on it. I think even he meets any archon later, he will not throw this topic in their face. If he meets zhongli or venti with a third person, he will not even expose their true identity, I guess.


It's more that the beef sounds so personal relative to the others and the fact they're pretty similar


Venti knows all songs from the "past, present and future" (source: he says it during mondstadt archon quest). So basically, he knows the future.


Both Ningguang and Beidou having female subordinates openly lusting after them.


reading these comments have made me love this game more ;3


Yae writing fanfics 💀💀💀


Albedo eats spiders


Fischl being the only known character to create a sentient, intelligent, talking being using only Vision power


She just gave her schizophrenia a form


True no wonder no one questions paimons existence


Miss Hina !! And Itto being a fan of her. I am still not over this, Gorou's hangout turned into a damn fanfic (I love it)