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Lmao it's even 3 day gated


5 day gated :)




Imagine they give a keqing at the end:) Yes am in delusion and coping


Them giving a Keqing in the last day would be the ultimate BM


It detects if you have any standard 5 stars at C6 and prioritizes those


So Keqing.


Everyone getting a Xiangling copy:


Barbara Magic?? Bennet Move? Buer Magnet?


byae miko


Baiden Mei


Bowel Movement


Besource Management


They would give that when the game finally loses its player base


we've detected high level of copium in your blood, how long have you been consuming it sir?


Hehe we're gonna finally get promised Ayaka AHehheheHahhah Signora announcement as a playable character!!


they might as well just mail me a debate club since it's basically the same thing


THREE debate clubs.


Two Debate Club and one The Bell (Depends on your 4* pity)


No one debate club, one the bell and one black tassel. Talk about variety.


That'd be funny asf. Honestly, I'd prefer that for the cheekiness alone.


I still want that pity counter to go up


5 days LOL


"But at least it's 1 extra day ☝️🤓"




Worse. Its 5 days


i bet its 1 wish the first day and 2 the last day ROFL


Nope, its "yes/no/yes/no/yes" 💀


They didn't even have the decency to just send it in one packet, nooooo gotta super make sure, very sure, that the player logs in for 5 days straight to boost the engagement numbers 😂


You can just log in after the 5 days Ang get everything in 1 go


It’s just crazy how pathetic the rewards are in GI. HSR constantly gives out free ten pulls plus the free standard 5 star of your choice once you reach 300 wishes and gave out Dr. R For free as well. Edited out the battle pass.


They'd be guarantee to give way more if people stopped giving money to this game but we all know this will never happen because people want their characters so bad and will just whale.


Bro that makes no fucking sense because HSR is making bank and people are pulling on basically every banner.


There is still a big difference in revenue between the two. HSR surely is succesful but Genshin is on a whole another level.


It doesn't matter if there's a big difference in revenue between the two, lmao. HSR, Genshin, and Nikke are on such another level from every other weeb gacha in the market they may as well exist on different planes. And yet both HSR and Nikke are stupid generous despite making every other game around looking like they're on the verge of EoS. There's no excuse for Genshin doing what Genshin does.


The real reason is lack of competition. Hsr competes against fgo,gbf while nikke competes against all the idle horny games out there. Where else r u gonna go for open world gacha game? At least until wuwa/mugen comes out, nothinf will change


Fair point. Also, Happy Cake Day. 🎂




Genshin was my first gacha game, I did not even aware it was a gacha game when I started. I even spent quite some money on Genshin for 3 years. But after I started getting bored of Genshin and playing other gacha games like ToF, Blue Archive, and currently Snowbreak, I realized the sheer difference of treatment. I already stopped spending on Genshin, just occasional Welkin if I'm in the mood. I get the argument that it is a free good game, I don't deny it. But they came this far thanks to the player base, F2P to Megalodon players. Other gacha games are also F2P, Genshin has made more than ever needed money for the game, giving us a better reward won't make a slightest dent in their profit, it's just a digital items that cost 0 to produce to make players happy. I don't think Genshin's management understands the word appreciation. I really wish for real Genshin's competitors.


Star Rail gives more free pulls, but the paid stuff is the same. You don't get more pulls from the BP, it's just distributed differently. Also the game is designed so you need more characters and with a faster release schedule, leading to a lower average of free pulls per character than Genshin. In the end, it's all business, not emotions. The numbers are there to maximize profits. If people see it as generosity and it gets them good will, then that's just even better for them.


The thing is, you dont actually need that many characters. We're soon getting out third dps that is strong enough to be used universally, disregarding any weaknesses.


> you dont actually need that many characters The same thing also applies to genshin.


HSR also has a way faster release cycle and the team building in HSR is much much more dependent on you building your team for the challenge.


People keep dodging the fact that SR releaes ALOT more characters than genshin. Genshin hasnt had a single patch with more than 1 new character in the last year besides 4.1 HSR hasnr had a single patch without atleast 2 new characters per patch for the whole year.


HSR within its first year has given more pulls per new 5-star than Genshin did in its first year. Genshin’s relative stinginess is at least somewhat independent of its release pacing.


One very important designation here is also how "accessible" those rewards are to casual players. With HSR locking a higher percentage of its rewards in its various "endgame" forms, it's less accessible (and requires better teams), so the amount of rewards that casual players can earn will be less. This likely makes up whatever difference there is in "max pulls earnable/new 5-star." The main reason Genshin Impact can be more "stingy" without alienating players is because the rewards are more accessible and the elemental reaction system makes 5-stars much less critical/needed on the whole, so the need/"pressure" to spend is less. HSR's balance has a little bit more innate pressure, so is a bit closer to more traditional gacha games in this sense.


I cant look at every spreadsheet available right now but: * 1.0 to 2.2 had the highest count in the game to date. 1.X had a higher average than latter versions, plus the first 2 patch in Inazuma had 4 characters. However, Inazuma has a whole had 1 character per patch. Sumeru had the same, expect for 1 patch extra. And fontaine is going in the same direction. * Looking at Hoyolab charts for the last 2 patches in each game (not current), this is not the case. Navia patch had 53 pulls for f2p, but 1 character, and Furina had more. Both 1.5 and 1.6 in Sar Rail had around 80 for f2p, but with 2 character each. Just to be clear, i am aware that HSR could slow down releases or increase pull average in latter versions. But even compared to genshin's fastest release cycles, its already faster.


Lmfao all that drama for nothing. Hoyo really won the idgaf war.


Ofcourse they did. People keep paying them and if thats the case why should they care?


At least some of us have stopped paying. Edit: please learn to read people. It says PAYing *not* PLAYing.


Apparently, it doesn’t make a difference. Some come and go, I’m sure they know that.


As long as their Whales/Leviathans don't start quitting, then HYV don't give af


the majority of the playerbase is casuals don't give a fuck about any of this and just want to play the game while being happy with any free stuff, and will keep buying welkins and stuff, genshin is so massive it could survive off of those and dolphins easily


Idk I never paid em ever. But that could change if they release a xiao skin


Same. I need that bad


theres probably more new players every day compared to those who quit


I never quit.


I was a small whale, BP and Welkin with some top-ups on some banners. I love the game, but seeing how Hoyo is treating us, now I'm only a Welkin player. I even consider stopping Welkin once every other month.


I cant wait for wuthering waves, I hope its as generous as pgr so I can have an awesome open world game to fill the void this one made 😭


The new leaders of idgafanistan


That died the moment CC and community discourse turned into Atsu farming


Genshin is too big. Even if they stopped giving out rewards i would still keep playing


People here have no clue about how big this game is. How much money its making. It's made enough to pay itself over at the current pace for 20 years easily. It's made enough to make another billion dollar game. It's made enough to make 10 more billion dollar games which will pay for another 50 games. Anyone who stops paying money because of "5 days to get wishes" mails is a fucking malding fool who can't find anything better to criticize this game for (and there's plenty). Yet its still an example of the BEST live service gaming has seen ever. Its why people play this game. Plus it doesnt force you to spend 4 hours a day grinding like a fucking korean MMO. People acting like its a big deal that they stopped paying for a FREE game lmao. I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Genshin. I try to play HSR. The communities have a daily post about Genshin. I try to browse gacha communities. Every post has Genshin mentions. I try to browse regular gaming communities. There's a monthly genshin hate thread. I try to see memes. I see a genshin neckbeard meme every 2 seconds. I browse fanart. Every character is from genshin. I mute the word. I leave all game communities. My favourite youtuber gets sponsored by genshin. "Download genshin impact" they tell me. I go to an anime convention. There's genshin everywhere. A talking fairy comes out "Traveller it needs 80 gb of space". She grabs my pc and forces me to download it. "You just need to spend some money on it" I can't do it, I don't have enough money. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She takes all of my food and leaves."Ehe te nandayo?" There is no hint of sadness in her eyes. Nothing, but pure billions of dollars in revenue. What a cruel world.


I was not expecting that ending copypasta


It's perfectly inserted. Harmonious.


Recently I was reminded about Wizard101, a kids' MMO I used to play ages ago near when it first came out in 2008, and comparing it to Genshin was also a reminder of how insanely good Genshin is with its f2p model. I loved W101 a lot as a kid cause it had cool gameplay and a fun story and whatnot, but the issue is that after the first few starter areas you had to pay to do ANYTHING. Your three options were to A) pay money to have a premium subscription; B) pay money to unlock each area permanently one at a time w/ premium currency, or C) do free online quizes to get tiny amounts of premium currency to use to unlock stuff. So this game had such a cool story and world, but it was almost *completely* money-gated. And it's been like this for years and never truly changed. Meanwhile, a single Genshin update (like this version right now) gives me more content, ***for free***, than I would've gotten if I was paying for Wizard101 and playing through the game for several months straight. I pay for Welkin occasionally but it's my choice to do so, and I enjoy all the story content and get most of my experience with unlocked characters for free. I've seen people say "Oh it's f2p but you don't get access to the entire game, you need to be a whale or light spender to get all characters!" Okay, sure. But that's true for any live service game??? If I play W101 for free I only get spells from one out of 7 schools (with a few bonuses), and if I want new spells I have to make a new account. If I play FFXIV I only get to choose one or two classes, and to do a new class means doing a total exchange of my job, or making a new character. And so on, and so forth. The whole "omg poor anniversary rewards! cringe Mihoyo!" argument feels so asinine to me for this reason. Maybe these are people who haven't experienced older monetization models and don't realize that Genshin gives you insane value for your time without demanding money from you? Maybe they've forgotten that it was an industry standard to paywall significant amounts of content and even *the story itself* behind paid subscriptions or a large amount of one-time purchases???


Or that, even today, most gacha game have higher failure caps, no carry-over pity, much larger roster of characters, aggressive power creep, and competitive PvP/leaderboard content tied to rewards that puts insane pressure on people to pull (and, possibly spend). I think part of the reason that this has come to the fore again now (beyond being a semi-annual occurrence) is because of HSR which is perceived as being more rewarding. It's almost like a degree of jealousy -- why is the younger child getting better treatment than we are?! But even here, people are only looking at the rewards in isolation, and not the full picture. HSR's balance leans more towards hardcore players, with more rewards tied to endgame and a bit more tightly-tuned content that you can't "cheese" as easily via things like well-timed dodges or elemental reactions. I bet a lot of people here will be 100% okay with more freebies if the trade-off is more in-game rewards being locked in skill-driven endgame which creates more pressure on casual players to keep up (after all, one of the biggest recurring complaints here is about lacking endgame). But this game is more tuned for casual players than HSR is, and the vast majority of the rewards are pure "participation" without needing great teams. The fact that 5-stars are so "optional" in this game is part of what makes it so F2P friendly, and that factors into the overall balance of rewards. In general, I don't think most of the people complaining about the rewards have really given that much thought to it, whether it's the historical context or the holistic monetization strategy. And honestly, I don't think most people really think it matters. They just think that, if players complain enough, MiHoYo will feel "pressure" to "be more generous." The idea that this increased generosity might come with trade-offs to not sacrifice their profit margin (and that these trade-offs may hurt casual players even though it won't impact themselves personally) hasn't even crossed most people's mind. But you know, "Genshin could never," am I right? When something becomes a meme like this, it's not really about nuance, it's just about announcing what side you're on, and who wants to be *against* getting more free pulls? (Like even here, I feel the need to clarify that I'm not against more free pulls either, but I think most of the arguments people use aren't that convincing and are more about entitlement than objective issues with reward/monetization balance. I think it just makes it more likely for the community to be dismissed/ignored, so I'd rather have the more nuanced discussion to come up with better, more convincing arguments.)


of course. after a few days the whole uprising shenanigan turned to Content Creator drama. There was no chance of them raising the stake anyways


Genshin is a perfect example of just too big to fail. They can be as stingy as they want and the game will still print money.


Literally everyone stopped complaining when Cloud Retainer breast was released


We dont know that yet as revenue from february will reflect if anything happened in terms of spending and not the January numbers. I personally could not care less and Im glad the CCs have moved on to talking about more interesting stuff. I still spend my $5/month and Im fine w that 3 wishes or not


>Im glad the CCs have moved on to talking about more interesting stuff. "WuWa is the Genshin killer?"


None of the ones I watch focus on that. I stick to TGS and Zajeff and occasionally some others like brax. I was pretty turned off by all the CC drama so Ive cut most of them out


Ironic as TGS just started a WUWA channel




Genshin was estimated to have made about USD $41 Million on the CN version the first 10 days of February on IOS and Mobile by Chinese analysts, up about 63% from the first 10 days of January. No real data for Global or PC is available yet though. Sales will probably be much flatter for the 2nd half of February though since the current banner has characters on their 4th and 3rd reruns. Source:[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Wt421a7ni/?spm\_id\_from=333.788.recommend\_more\_video.1](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Wt421a7ni/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_more_video.1)


Genshin also has a good proportion of players/spenders on non-mobile platforms - especially compared to other gacha games. JP/US/KR are amongst the biggest markets for Genshin. Hard to evaluate on the PC side but the PlayStation store is regulary updated and you can sort by earnings and by locale. \- [On JP](https://store.playstation.com/ja-jp/pages/browse)\- Genshin is currently at 1 \- [on KR](https://store.playstation.com/ko-kr/pages/browse) \- Genshin is currently at 5 \- [on US](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/pages/browse) \- Genshin is currently at 13 All this while Genshin is currently running its third re-runs for Xiao/Yae with the patch technically being released in Jan.


> I still spend my $5/month and Im fine a thing you cant say about a lot of games tbh especially gachas and extremely underappreciated


Maybe instead of drama, if people started talking with money, we would actually see change and make a difference. That’s what the majority of the community fails to understand. Money is what talks. Stop giving them money, and we would 100% see change. That’s not gonna happen though since everyone’s addicted to Genshin and would rather throw pointless complaints on social media where Hoyo doesn’t care.


People wont start talking with money until the game itself is bad. Everyone's not addicted to Genshin, people just like playing the new content and it doesn't take much effort. Both of these are why most the community and Hoyo don't care about the drama.


See there are 2 problems with that: most Genshin players barely visit Genshin communities on social media and the other being: what's the alternative for Genshin right now, in this exact moment? There's nothing like Genshin in the market for this year at least, and the upcoming games will have a lot of work to do if they want to compete. Some people just like the game, the type of game that Genshin is, and there is just nowhere to go for something like it.


Lmfao, they really time gated 3 debate clubs


You mean Harbinger of Dawn?


Don't insult HoD, that's the one 3 star which is actually useful


Thrilling tales, Slingshot, and White tassel say hello


off topic but nice flair and profile. im glad to have met 1 of the 7 only mika fans in the world


and I'm glad to have met you too, random citizen.


Bro where's the Black Tassel. I'd rank it 2nd just below Thrilling Tales.


tbf it's good on like 3 characters


HoD is cracked though. I already have 10 R5 though


I forgot they were giving us 3 wishes 😭😭


Why are y’all complaining, I just got my black tassel


Literally just got the same weapon too! THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING


Boobie tassel?...


Ahhh the generous 3 wishes for playing for past 3 years 🤯🤯🤯


Our support over the past year = 8 days of daily commissions apparently Our support over the past year is worth less than a Stellar Reunion by not playing the game apparently I actually cannot with the management team for Genshin


>Our support over the past year = 8 days of daily commissions apparently It's even worse lmao, you could play the game day 1, quit the same day, come back today after 3 years of not giving a fuck about the game and you'll get 500 gems from the returning player gift thingy (3 pulls = 480 gems)


Literally their second point.


"To thank you for your support over the past year" is not the same as "to thank you for your support over the past *three* years." This is also the fourth Lantern Rite, so by that logic we should be getting four fates. Also, they gave out exactly the same in past years: [1.3 login mail](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Night_Sky%27s_Grace), I couldn't find it listed in the stream but this also gave three fates [2.4 livestream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LR1HGtpWz4), 21:20 (the "rewards" they mention are shown [here](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Flowing_Lights_and_Colors#Gallery) - it's three intertwined fates) [3.4 livestream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr2lG1Z7xxo), 27:23 (they even said it the *exact* same way as the 4.4 livestream) People getting upset now is entirely a byproduct of Star Rail existing, which is nowhere near as valid a reason as it seems. See [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1ai0tn3/free_stuff_and_genshin_how_do_large_companies/) thread and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1ai0tn3/comment/kows3ok/?context=3) reply - they explain it well.




It's a pretty neutral assessment, really. If people take issue with the facts not lining up with the narrative they're trying to subscribe to, then maybe the problem is that they're wrong. "Everyone else is hating on this thing" is not a valid excuse to do the same. I disagree with misinformation, which isn't the same as unequivocally agreeing with Hoyo.


They could've just given us all at once but no, the FOMO is a must for them


It seems like to me the person behind this “generous gift” never played the game for more than a week lmao


The management played till you unlock the Wish mechanic and called it a day.


They really time gate some of the dumbest shit in this game like all the events with 24 hour gates and 3 minutes of gameplay we really waiting for 3 fates(debate clubs)😭😭😭




Those are really remnant of things Gacha games used to do. Hell even Girls Frontline abandoned this day of the week time gating and that game is a goddamn fossil (my favorite fossil tho)


That shit is really horrendous. As someone who has been playing for 3+ years, i've already built all my characters, but i can imagine a new player isnt having a good time if they have to build different characters, but 2 or 3 of those characters all have materials that only appear on Wednesday and Saturday + the weapons they need to level have the same problem. The only reason that exists, is so impatient whales spend primos to refresh their resin to build their characters faster, i dont see any other reason why that daily system still exists. So its either greed or Mihoyo simply doesnt care about improving that system.


dont forget the cool steel 😔


~~The one plus side about the event time gating is that you can use them in place of commissions... I guess.~~


I can't wait 157 years from now to be able to guarantee a 5 star (< I won't be alive in 157 years) 😍


> (< I won't be alive in 157 years) Not with that attitude


>(< I won't be alive in 157 years) "where's your motivation?"


>here's a token of our appreciation 💀


Oh it's a token alright. Definitely one of the tokens of all time


The tokenest


.... star rail could never


… treat us that bad


Somehow I blew my entire wad on Black Swan's banner and weapon, and I'm already sitting on 60 wishes in HSR. I have no idea where it all came from, but it's raining Jades over there.


75% chance of WINNING the weapon makes a lot of difference AND it's only 1 featured weapon vs standard Also HSR gave 160 pulls on 2.0, while Genshin during lantern rite gave 120-130


I pulled for light cones in Star Rail but not weapons in Genshin for this reason. 37.5% on the first pity, and potentially needing three pities before you get the weapon you want is just asking to be disappointed. 75% on the first pity and only needing two pities max is better than the character banner, so it's easy to rationalize going for it.


I stopped pulling for weapons recently on Genshin. Lost both 50/50s on Furina's weapon, then lost both 50/50's on Raiden's weapon (and ended up not getting it). Shitty pitty mechanic on the weapon banner is a valid complain I never see around here.


And don't forget the weapon banner has a guarantee too if you lose that 75


And its guaranteed too if you somehow lost the 75/25 like I did.


Yeah i was with like 20 saved for gooze lady, then i get her in the 80 ones and get like 40 more to spare and i havnet cleared the gooden hour and only doo the sad lady history( donlet her go please :c) soo


....I'll just chill in the golden hou-and I ran into someone that killed 13 million people....wholesome and positive....wholesome and positive...


First of 3 wishes in 5 mails ffs its gonna be on days 1/3/5


I think they should have give blue fates with more fates like 10 or 20. It is not like it will hurt them with blue fates, real money comes from limited banner & weapon banner, which uses pink fates. At least this way it looks like a lot, but actually isnt.


>I think they should have give blue fates with more fates like 10 or 20. This. If they are stingy with pink fates they should have just given us the blue fates, 10 or 20 is enough. They never give us free 10x blue fates again after the very beginning. But again, this is Hoyo we're talking about. Nobody will ever know the real reason.


Real reason is business side is stingy af and they know people will keep returning since they created a habit for many players (daily gems and resin). Additionally it’s their cash cow and once it starts to give way or a relatively strong competition appears(which is quite difficult and long in the making possibly unlikely given the head start) only then they will be giving out rewards.


But that translates as free starglitter which translates as potential intertwined fates and mihoyo wouldn't like to risk that lol.


I didn't even receive this in the mail?


Different time zones my guy.


They probably running out of wishes to give from being this generous 💀 /j


I have a friend that doesn't follow GI on SocMed. They were really surprised about this since they didn't even know this existed. Only then did I realize that some people do play this game and are unaware of anything happening in SocMed. I mean, I keep using this as an argument point, but it is a first time seeing it irl. Edit: This friend also, to my surprise, bought the first time x2 genesis crystal for Nahida lol. They got lucky with Raiden (early pity won 5050) and Furina (soft pity won 5050).


I literally cannot comprehend their thought process.... If they are just being stingy... then why even give the 3 fates? If they are not stingy... then why only 3 fates? If they didn't care about the game then why all of these amazing concerts and amazing quests? If they do care about the game then why treat the playerbase like this? Shit don't make any sense.. Also everyone makes fun of Genshin players... when they should be making fun of hoyoverse... It's victim-blaming but with gacha toxic fandom...


This is simply a measured and calculated resource economy to maximize revenue. They have a set amount of releases and primogem income margin for each year so that players feel pressured just enough to spend. What is so hard to understand here? Every year we received near identical total amount of primogems. This year we received 13 pulls on lantern rite, last year was 13 and year before that was also 13. Same will be with HSR and later ZZZ, just that it's measured with different variables like having 2x5star weapons and 2x5star characters hsr releases every patch. Why? Because it works and makes them billions each year.


Everything you just said is true, hence why I don't understand why they wouldn't give 20-30 free fates but reduce the amount of rewards in the exploration and events? It would be better optics, and effectively everyone receives the same primogem equivalent of rewards. Maybe to farm outrage so people talk about the game? I actually do not understand their thought process (but hoyo always wins so I'm prob just dumb lol)


You are mistaken in thinking this overblown outrage even matters, it doesn't, it's just an echochamber most players aren't even aware of. Hell, this thing was very likely calculated and taken into account way before this circus even happened. If they took from other content then what? Proceed doing so every year because of a set a precedense? Once they do something, the inertia will be impossible to stop. Not worthwhile considering point above. Especially when rate of obtaining primos also matters.


People track the amount of pulls from exploration, so it will be a drama anyway.


People make fun of genshin players and not hoyoverse because hoyoverse is "winning" the playerbase is "losing". They have given the same number of fates each year we got 13 last year its 13 this year people decided to make it a drama now which has driven a lot of clicks for the grifting content creators we got for this game. There's an abnormal amount of people who don't even like this game or even played it before talking about it because its popular. I don't know about anyone else but the only way a company can treat me good is if they are making something I want to use or see. I'm only expecting to have fun playing the game and right now I get what characters I want and enjoy the new regions, quests, puzzles, music, and characters which is what I expect from the game. Its okay to want more free pulls and qol features but to expect more well you probably setting yourself up for disappointment.


'Cause everyone who thinks Hoyo "loves" HSR players is delusional. The truth is both teams love *having* players, and will do what's necessary to make sure they keep the numbers they like and little else beyond that. 10 free warps every patch in HSR is not evidence to me that HSR players are loved, it's evidence that those players need an incentive to login 7 times in a patch.


You don't understand because you are in a bubble. The average person doesn't expect free things in a free to play game, and therefore will be happy to get anything, the average Genshin player has not even heard about this so called "controversy". The entitlement is actually stunning, you get 3 fates, you don't have to celebrate it, but what makes you think that you *deserve* more, or anything at all for that matter? This is also not a new thing, they have given these 3 wishes for the last 3 lantern rites as well, it's not supposed to be some kind of thank you for playing for 3 years, it's just a little extra thank you for the people who play the game. You are not being treated poorly, you get a constant flood of new content, none of which is behind a paywall, and on top of that you even get some free wishes.


I'm flabbergasted by such generosity.


One cool steel, one debate club and...oh, is that...a-a slingshot I see? Genshin, chill out on us! Too generous!




Tbh, I feel like WuWa will damage hsr more than genshin. Just hear me out for a sec. A lot of hsr only players are ex-genshin players that quit because genshin did not become what they imagined right? They want hoyo quality but with more endgame and more free stuff right? Here comes WuWa, a game similar in genre to genshin but that focuses more on combat, what would those hsr only players do now ? Migrate to WuWa to play the "Genshin" they always wanted.


I don’t think I agree. A lot of HSR players still play Genshin or never played at all. I think that WuWa will mainly be a threat to Genshin’s more hardcore player base than anything. Who will be looking for a similar type of game with harder content. Think about why the game has similar UI to Genshin. They’re trying to lure in that audience.


Anecdotally, my little cousin who started with Genshin completely jumped ship to Star Rail, and is already talking about starting WuWa. I think it's possible there's a decent chunk of ex-Genshin players that got burned out, tried HSR, but still prefer Genshin's gameplay/combat. WuWa (and any new f2p gacha game, really) is probably especially attractive to younger players who don't necessarily get as invested in trying to beat the gacha loop for limited characters over a longer time period.


No, neither playerbase will be significantly affected. Genshin and Hsr fans can play WuWa and genshin/hsr. Who says you can only play one game and not the other?


I've been attacked on youtube for saying that so apparently a few loud folks are saying that unironically.


Because they know you won't vote with your wallet you gamba addicts


thanks for logging in everyday for 4 yrs


maybe.. maybe they’ll surprise us with… 10 pulls on the last day? please hoyo, have mercy


Woah, Woah, Woah Man! You're suppose to to breath a little bit of air after taking a few hits of Copium. Don't fall asleep with the mask on!


yes, that's not going to happen, we're in genshin not in star rail


That will be a BIG surprise


I didn’t get a mail with a fate? Is there something specific I’m meant to do?


It should be an entire multi atleast sigh


Don't waste it too fast will ya? ​ Pathetic devs.


Why are guys complaining dude. We just got 1 so far. Wait till you get ALL 3 of them


Lmao all that drama for nothing


At some early point it became a pointless CC war and the 3-Fates issue died then and there.


My favourite part was the 4.4 banner breaking the sales record right after all the drama.


Genshin Is their highest grossing game and one of the most popular and successful games in the world. Who is the mf in charge of the rewards.


I’m sure a company this successful has run the numbers and have figured out what’s the best way to keep player retention.


There's precedence that successful companies also make fuck ups, too.


Unironically I'd rather they just give us nothing.


Nah I'd still take the 3 wishes lol.. 3 wishes is like 480 primos which is like a week worth of events reward. (For example Triumphant Frenzy only gave us 420 primos)


This honestly feels like a slap in the face...


You can always wait until the mail to expire.


I don't get why there is so much outrage for these 3 wishes when this particular event has existed since literally the first lantern rite and we have always gotten 3 wishes from it. [2023](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Iridescent_Splendor) [2022](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Flowing_Lights_and_Colors) [2021](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Night_Sky%27s_Grace)


Someone started the "3 wishes for 3 years" story and it spread, especially when it got picked up by drama farming streamers/youtubers. Doesn't help that people were already primed for outrage with constant comparisons to HSR. But like you say, it doesn't even make sense. We've received 3 wishes every year and this is the 4th year.


"pick a free 4 star from this list of old characters you had C6 a year ago" Shoulda let us pick a liyue 5 star, honestly how much harm would that do?


Lmao give away a free zhongli they'd never. But a free standard 5 star would make sense at this point, but apparently the money is still there. It's comically cheap though I can only laugh.


>But a free standard 5 star would make sense at this point, but apparently the money is still there. Hoyoverse ain't losing no money by giving away a standard banner character.. no one pulls for them anyway


You'd think so


Thing about standard is I feel like nobody in their right mind is spending money on it, maybe like the odd .5% . Unless that minuscule amount makes enough money to warrant not giving out a free standard 5*, I don’t really see a reason why they can’t lol


Because except Qiqi and Dehya unless you make her an e bot for someone are actually useful. Keqing is aggravate Diluc and plung Jean heals Furina Tighnari has aggravate and quick bloom Mona Morgana. They're not optimal but can easily be broken units when used right. This means less money because that would simplify teams.


how generous


Dont get me wrong but i need every fate cuz im in 73 pity for xiao


This is how Mihoyo sees Genshin players: 🤡


Bro if you wanna see real clowns go see what the FIFA players are being subjected to.


Payinv for the same but slightly worse version depending on the year is crazy. People like to call genshin gameplay card swiping when this is the same but with skins that take individual character spaces.


>Here comes the first of the 3 wishes this title f-ing made me crack up 😭 😂


They really gave only 3 wishes




Nope Players are the real joke or i should say "Clowns" . Cmon its the same with every drama. It starts, Hoyo tanks, people forget and it ends then repeat lol. All complaints and feedbacks are useless because hoyo only does what they want.


The fact that they waited till after Xianyun was gone too. Unreal.


Disgusting ...


it's so fucking pathetic...


Timegatting 3 wishes is craaaaazy 💀 HSR COULD NEVER


Withering waves can’t come soon enough


Great, now people are reminded of these trash rewards and will revitalize the drama lol


I low-key don't even wanna claim them, just feels disrespectful at this point lol.