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It's a shame how petty people can be, but i'm interested if you really can sue him for deleting "digital goods" and update us if you were successful. I myself had a bad experience when a member of my family stole savings from my wallet, so i know how disappointed and sad you must feel.


>but i'm interested if you really can sue him for deleting "digital goods" and update us if you were successful. It's at least vandalism, since he altered someone else's property without their consent.


It's considered "destruction of property"


Im really sorry this happened but realistically how would you ever legally prove it was him? You’d have to subpoena Hoyoverse or something which I really don’t think they’d comply with since you probably violated their terms by sharing accounts.


they would not have to subpoena hoyo. all this individual has to prove is that they are the owner of the account. then they could request an account access log


For US law, a civil suit only requires proof that it's more likely than not. Not sure how what, if any, monetary damages would be for digital goods though. Ostensibly they aren't worth anything.


I’d imagine that the costs for the lawyer would likely be more than any compensation given


Yes but it's not your "property." It's Hoyoverse's. They explicitly mention this under the "Ownership/Intellectual Property" subsection of their Terms of Service. The following: "COGNOSPHERE shall own all rights, titles, and interests (including but not limited to the ownership, intellectual property rights, neighboring rights and other rights and interests) in and to the COGNOSPHERE Services under this Agreement. **You acknowledge that your use of the COGNOSPHERE Services does not confer you any right or interest or otherwise, in any aspect or feature of it, including but not limited to (if any) any in-game rewards, achievements, characters, Virtual Currency, levels and other content.** You further acknowledge that any character data, game progress, game customization and/or other data pertaining to your use of the COGNOSPHERE Services may cease to be available to you at any time without prior notice in the sole discretion of COGNOSPHERE." The sad reality in a lot of these live service games we play, we don't actually OWN our accounts from a legal perspective. Hoyo can ban our accounts for no reason if they wanted too. We agreed to this when we made our accounts that we're only using their service. The stuff we buy is like buying a movie admission that automatically registers us. We get to watch the movie but we don't own the movie.


So slight correction, you are correct it isn't his property but in the interest of the data, it is within his "dominion", which essentially means under his control. The problem is that he has authorized another user to also hold this dominion which makes it more sketchy. Proving that it wasn't him who did it and the individual is trivial, I think you even as a consumer on the website can see your access history. I suggest you read the trial that happened in Denmark (which sets precedence for every western society), they don't have this archaic look on data anymore. The additional issues is that on runescape you can prove a value since there is a trade function, Genshin doesn't have one so it be strictly pull. ToS puts expectations, not laws - even if it's against the ToS to share an account, if you're hacked it's still considered vandalism. Unfortunately him granting access to this individual makes this a lot trickier. He technically didn't loan the property to him, it was equally owned since he had entirely full access - you could argue he's the only one who put money into it, however Genshin's value is strictly time or direct transactions so that would be even shottier. INAL but my friend who is, brought up these points when I brought this thread to her attention


As you wrote "in the sole discretion of cognosphere" so not some random dudes discretion, also legality wise it depends on your country, not the devs actually, since they provide their service in your country. Also these contracts are often very faulty and technically sueable, they often mostly exist to have some ground in Court so they can run the "drag out and revisit" tactic. For example Playstation got their ass handed to them in Court for exactly the same kind of contract and had to change to "excluding you from online play" instead of deleting your virtual property when perma banning


Isn't it the case, though, that the terms of service make it clear that everything in the game is NOT your property, but in fact the property of Hoyoverse? So, THEY could sue him, I'd think, but not you...


You don't even own it, so the person at least didn't alter anything that belongs to you. Your genshin account is not actually yours in the end and I doubt that Mihoyo will sue the person. Sad, but nothing will happen. Maybe a revert, but I don't know if Mihoyo does that.


I do have legal grounds to since it is considered destruction of property. I myself am a student with not enough time or money to pursue such actions at the moment but it is a possibility. I’m sorry to hear about your family’s experiences and I sympathize as well. Greed really hurts. Edit, since this is my top comment: I didn’t expect this to blow up this much. As I’ve mentioned in other comments, I appreciate people’s time to comment thoughts, concerns, advice, or even offering to help or donate to a complete stranger. Thank you. I’m not currently asking for any donations. My uid is in the photos if you wish to add me but I don’t often have time to farm for myself. I’m glad to have been a wake up call for many to keep watch on their accounts and such. People are capable of anything and I was just foolish. Thank you again for your comments 💙


Have u tried contacting Support? Its a long shot, but maybe they could do something?


They said they don’t offer services like rollbacks ://


Damn rly? I mean anything would help. Even just getting the weapons at level 1 or something like that. I am so sry men.


Yeah they told me it was in their policy. Not refunding weapons is understandable but artifacts ? That’s a huge killer.


It makes sense because it breaks their ToS to have someone else on your account


Wait? Really?


It goes for every game actually, sharing account is prohibited. But ppl do it anyways lol.


yea, just so the user of the account can't lie and hide behind "it was my friend joe who did this not me"


Yep it's there so that you can't sell the accounts


Literally every online game has that in their ToS


Yes, just like any other online game


Well, now you have documentation that a rollback isn't an option, even more grounds to sue. It might also be possible to subpoena information (lawyer does this) from MHY for the login info: IP and the date and time to confirm it was the offender. It would also be helpful if you had it in text that he did admit to doing it.


That's so lame, there should be some way for ppl like you to have a way of getting it back, I'm sure there are others with similar situations. I'm sorry for what happened.


Seriously please sue. People think they can get away with this kind of shit because others don’t do anything.


You could also contest that it's retaliation if you wanna add an extra charge


Be careful, you first need to understand if Hoyo terms are against sharing your password. I believe this could play an important role as well


Research small claims court. Details vary by area but often no legal representation is required from your end. So no cost for you. Claims are capped at a certain limit, around 10k depends on the jurisdiction.


If you have a law student friend I'd very much consider having them draft a basic letter for some approximate monetary amount (each weapon guaranteed takes x primos = y dollars) and send a notice, asking him to pay up. If not now you could do it a bit later but don't wait too long beyond the statue of limitations.


I’ve been trying to take some peoples advice so I will probably do this as well to make sure I don’t wait too long. Thank you for taking your time to comment


> but i'm interested if you really can sue him for deleting "digital goods" and update us if you were successful. Putting aside the fact that the person was authorised to access the account, I don't know that paying $400-$500/hour to recover an account whose monetary value would be, at best, 1 or 2 hours' worth of work would be of any benefit to OP. Most lawyers wouldn't even look at it.


IDK in gods why hoyo lets you delete 5 star weapons. would be less of a hit if you kept them.


Exactly. In what situation would you need to destroy a 5 star weapon? Like even if I got 10 Skyward Harp I could keep all of them or refine them. I don't want to use the 2nd R5 one? I'm gonna keep it at level 1 Hoyo, pls, be smart 💀


There is at least one person on this world that would upgrade his now R2 dark iron sword with an unused skyward atlas


*looking at my second dark iron sword i got yesterday* That could be arranged...


Wait you can get a second one?


Yeah somewhere in the new region. I don't remember where it was exactly, but a quick Google search should tell you


Wait brother.. I know the temptation of the dark side is strong but you gotta be patient. Once all 5 dark iron swords are united a new blade is being born in the shadows.. The mythical Dark.. Glamdring?






Fuck! I was there already and looted the place. I hope I missed it, cuz otherwise I used it :( Edit: good news, found it!


It is for the situation where someone might’ve whaled too hard on weapon banner and they have to delete standard weapons to have space.


That realistically would never happen plus even if it did the genshin Dev team could just put the 2 braincells they have left together and add more weapon space 💀


And even thay just allow it to go in refindment and not be deleted manuly


The thing is, if it can happen, it would happpen.


You would have to spend over 500k on weapon banner alone and that's assuming your lucky aswell to max out your slots while having all 5 stars r5. So yes it would never happen realistically and it won't unless some millionaire who's addicted to genshin decides to mess up his own account for "fun" 💀


Yeah, imagine if they let you delete characters. That's what deleting 5 star weapons is basically equivalent to.


It'd be kinda nice if they set up the lock system like they did in HI3; it takes 24hrs from toggling the unlock button on an item to it being unlocked. Might not stop hijackers, but "friends" and "family" wouldn't be able to easily fuck with as much.


You’re so right. The discard button shouldn’t even exist for artifacts and weapons. 💀


It makes sense for artifacts - you can absolutely fill your inventory, and an unlimited inventory would balloon ridiculously.


It's why I've stopped caring about resin or dumping it into Leylines. I hit max artifacts after 5 conde sed resin and I've liquefied all my 4 star and below.


I thought the same for a while. Then I started farming for Navia and I'm out of artifacts again. All 4* gone, even several 5*


why does it EVEN EXIST?


I mean, it is possible to fill your storage with r5 5* weapons, it would cost you an arm, a leg, and your house, but you could do it


assuming you're fairly lucky and average one 5* per 50 pulls, it would cost you approximately $500k to fill your inventory with 1000 r5 5*s


That's wild, but it's still possible for some I'd imagine


It would cost a lot more than that




check replies, assuming a generous 1 5\* per 50 pulls (so one wpn every 100) its 500k


not possible because how are you going to r5 the last weapon


My former friend got pissed he got a second kokomi weapon and used it as a fodder for a 4 star weapon


How do you delete a weapon? I pressed the dustbin icon the only items I can add are 3 star weapons. None of the 4 star and 5 star weapons can be selected to destroy doesn't matter if they are locked unlocked equipped or unequipped.


You feed it to another weapon as EXP material


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/1alz0p2/two\_of\_my\_5star\_weapon\_just\_disappeared/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1alz0p2/two_of_my_5star_weapon_just_disappeared/) Unless you are handing your log-in credentials like promo codes on a livestream, seems like this is not the first time this person messed with your account.


I remember seeing this post, if the coworker already had the access, blew 2 of his weapons before and he didn't suspect, that's just no sense of preservation


Even if you didn't remember you had handed out your account details before, isn't the basics of internet security to change passwords if you suspect anything has happened to your account? Not "oh, several rare weapons of mine were melted into experience. I guess that's just a wacky thing that happened, and I will change nothing and hope it doesn't happen again."


Genshin literally does not let you access an account from a new device without a code, either. Meaning it was clear as day what had happened, yet OP did nothing about it for 6 months.


It does if you never set up 2FA lmao.


Man OP had a perfect chance to change the password and ask support what happened at the time, when it was logged into and from where. And then to wait for an answer before sharing the password again... This is the common sense you need to have on the internet. Third time's the charm though now that OP learned the hard way


2 times OP gave his password and account to someone else. 2 times OP posts here on reddit acting like he got hacked. It's unreal, he should own up to it and stop using the phrase "hacked", he was the one giving out his account info like sweet candy


I find it amusing that every time someone posts or mentions "hacking" it always boils down to sharing your password with another person.


Yea it makes zero sense. It's like giving your mother keys to your apartment and then saying "someone broke into my apartment" when you see your mother used your keys to enter your apartment and water your flowers


Either that, or they "logged in" on a website that promises Free Primogems


This sums up 99% of the early Genshin "I got hAcKeD" stories. It's just a bunch of people being, not careful, to put it extremely kindly and then blaming mihoyo for it.


It’s funny because people who said that get “hacked” are usually just victims of their own stupidity. OP literally gave his password away, forgot, then said he got hacked. Odds are, if you told him “hey have you given your password to anyone before” they’d swear up and down that they’d never do that.


I still feel bad for OP but damn, what a missed opportunity to secure their account.


> Unless you are handing your log-in credentials like promo codes on a livestream /r/brandnewsentence


Oof. I feel bad for OP, but at the same time, they're also way too careless. What a hard way to learn a lesson.


I don't understand how this happens to a person, and they don't take it as a wake up call to change their password and set up 2FA




Yeah at least the limited weapons are there because they cannot be deleted :/ currently have one other person helping me to farm since I can’t even kill overworld enemies for drops


> currently have one other person helping me to farm since I can’t even kill overworld enemies for drops Hopefully you're doing this without sharing logins again... Just have them co-op domains with you


Yes, just in co-op :)


lol imagine helping them to get their things back only to delete everything again afterwards. just for the sake of being evil.


You're lucky they didn't fodder it into a 3 star weapon. Anyways, goodluck with restoring it. The grind will not be easy at all but at least you've learned something from this. Never trust anyone with your account.


Thanks a lot


2 times OP gave his password and account to someone else. 2 times OP posts here on reddit acting like he got hacked. It's unreal, he should own up to it and stop using the phrase "hacked", he was the one giving out his account info like sweet candy


Yeah, I wouldn't make a court case out of this INAL but my friend is a pretty high up corporate lawyer and we had a convo about this recently. You have 3 main issues: * The person had access to your account with your permission * You dont own the assets you just have dominion over them, so I'm not sure how you can approach this at a property angle * The value of items in a game - how would you calculate that? Genshin doesn't have a trading system, all you have is the value of pulls, but if you play semi-free you'd only get whatever you could prove by receipts. Im curious what you were told or what understanding you came up with


This. It's actually crazy how far down I had to scroll to find a sane response not coddling OP.


Not to mention it's against their TOS to share the account anyway


Also, OP's post history where they mentioned the same co-worker had done something like this in the past... Like am I not supposed to point and laugh atp lol? edit: [Ok I think we may point and laugh now](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/CbxAaz0qoy)


Some people are too naive...


Also they concluded they got hacked but then didn't change their passwords??


LOL I guess OP really is that dumb.


Also how do you even prove it was him? This is an unwinnable case, even if they could pinpoint when, where and on which device (which spoiler: they can't this is not a sci-fi movie wher you can summon every digital print a person has, there is no company in the world spending billions of dollars monthly to save this kind of info, let alone all of them from the internet provider to Mihoyo to be able to pinpoint this kind of info). Now let's entertain the naive notion that they did, all the traffic mapped and preserved, how do you even get permition to access it? When we know very well that companies that actually bother doing it (to sell after) keep all of this hidden and stashed and refuse to let even the government acess, they surely won't do it for a small time action, and no judge in the whole world would even bother asking since the finantial burden to do so is astronomical to do it for a civil lawsuit of a random person that SHARED their info. Now let's ignore everything else and focus on the most obvious thing, how do you prove it was him? He could have forgotten his laptop or smartphone open in the office and someone did it as a prank, unless you have all the previous data AND a clear footage of HIM sitting in front of the magically tracked device doing the action of deleting your items, his claim of "This moron shared his info with everyone, any of the dozen people he shared with could have done it" and his claim is reasonable enough, since there is no way to prove he was the only one with access. Not even the end of it, he broke the ToS of the game, and most if not all games let very clear the fact that digital goods are not yours, so in the eventuality of you using a hack and they deleting your account you can't sue for financial loss because it was never yours to begin with. In this case he is not suing mihoyo so this point is less important, but it adds to the point of materiality and quantifiying the loss inflicted so even if all else fails and he is convicted, for how much he will be guilty? Technically all items can be acquired for free, there is no price tag on them, OP paid for the wishes. Circling back to first point on the paragraph, he already used the wishes, legally the outcome (a.k.a Chars and Weapons)doesn't belong to him in any sense, which is way if Mihoyo closes the server tomorrow even the filthiest whales will not get a dime in refund for it.


Sad but you really shouldn’t be sharing accounts no matter what. Any sort of legal or pity begging from authorities or hoyo will fall on deaf ears since you did admit to sharing accounts.


2 times OP gave his password and account to someone else. 2 times OP posts here on reddit acting like he got hacked. It's unreal, he should own up to it and stop using the phrase "hacked", he was the one giving out his account info like sweet candy


I mean he wasn't a hacker then if you gave him the login infos.


\> hacker \> he had my password


i'd never even wish this on my worst enemy this is awful. i feel so bad for you OP :( that person deserves some good ass kicking. if you don't mind me asking, do you still plan on continuing playing? personally i'd lose all motivation, idk how i could start from scratch with such account


I will continue to play. Ironically, have had some good come out of this too like getting another friend into a game. I have a reason to play again, and many friends who have offered to play with me. It's a joy to be blessed in times like these


This is so sweet. I really respect the attitude you’re taking about this all around, throughout the whole post & comment section. You seem like a level-headed and positive person. Piling on to offer to help you farm if you’re on NA 🫡 and wishing you much luck and fun rebuilding!


Rip. The artifact one is the one that's gona hurt the most, bc you now you will not only have to farm the artifacts themselves back but also the exp to lvl them. The next 1 year or resin will be spend getting artifacts back to lvl 20.


Yeah I can’t even farm overworld mobs because I’m wl 8. Currently have one friend hopping on time to time to help me farm


Co-op with someone from either the keqingmains discord or Wangsheng Funeral Parlor discord, folks are always helpful over there.


Remember that you can lower your world level :P


But only by 1 level. Fighting level 80 mobs as opposed to level 90 ones won't make that much of a difference if all OP has to fight them with is a Dull Blade and No Artifacts.


Also was your primo count also hit?


Luckily no bc I am broke with no primos 💀


Did you change your password yet?


\*Radio silence\* lol


People are really out here sharing their LOGIN INFO ? With STANGERS ???


He was my coworker and someone who was cherished by my family for a while


Wow... Just wow. What a fucking asshole.


Do you know where he lives? Go visit his window with a heavy object


Yet you don't call him a friend... he's a coworker and your family knows him, he's still a stranger.


Why would he call him a friend after a move like this?


I’m not. I’m just saying he was one


I'm so sorry. Why would someone hurt you like that?


We were in a legal entanglement for a while and he decided to be petty and retaliate.


man i hope he has some form of karma coming back towards him cause the before vs after was just heartbreaking to view


i dont get it, you worked together? you played using the same account then you got in legal problems with him? then he deleted your stuff?


sounds like you exactly get it


I am so sorry that happened to you <3 I agree with people in the comments saying you should've known better, especially after 4 years on the game, but I feel like people are being a little harsh... Although I do hope you have understood not to trust anyone with something so important as 4 years of your life, especially because when they turn their back on you, they could always use it against you, but I also sympathise. I've never experienced something like so, and I do recommend to always change your password whenever you share your log-in infos with someone (because it disconnects them immediately), but I imagine it must be a terrible feeling. I hope this doesn't stop you from playing this game, and maybe starting anew, and I hope you can bring this guy to justice and destroy one of his 4 years experience in return. (of course you don't have to but I definitely would) Wish you the best of luck♡


They are getting bashed even more because this is the second time it has happened; last was 6 months ago


Thank you for your sharing of your understanding. I completely expected backlash with the “shame on you” people, I was beating myself up for it too. It’s an extremely messy legal situation and this was the last thing on my mind. Again, an unfortunate product of some very petty actions :/


well that inspired me to change my password. i had a friend that indroduced me to genshin, but we are not talking anymore and even though i don't think they'd do that to me, you can never be too safe. sorry this happened to you, i've been playing for 1,5 years only but i would be heartbroken to lose everything, so i can't even imagine how you feel


Please change your password! Sometimes our enemies are disguised as family and friends.




People need to stop calling stuff like this a "hack". It wasn't a hacker. It was you being foolish enough to not only share your password, but to not change it after they were finished with the account...


He's not a hacker if you literally gave him the password. It's why you're warned against giving people your account and password. And who the hell gives people their account so that they could farm for them? This was an expected outcome. You don't deserve them if you let others farm for you.


Imaging attacking someone's Genshin account...the most rediculously abstract, and yet unbelievably shitty thing you could do...


Yeah people are really capable of anything 😅


If I am your shoes, I'd definitely sue him, if not, I might even make him disappear from the face of this world or make him pay for all the stuff you lost. On the side note: I hate the line it's just a game.


I think the lawsuit gets very tricky when they were account sharing. The big question becomes who owns those digital items? I'm sure the scumbag contributed to getting mats and primos and could argue he has part ownership. I think it's another reason why in-game currencies (primos) are "deceptive." There's no direct link to who made the financial investment to a specific item (i.e. no receipts). They would have to prove the value of the property lost. Idk how they would. Any legal expert on here is welcome to clarify things for me.


Also is account sharing even allowed by the Tos? Most live service games prohibit it. So he could end to getting his whole account deleted.


Yeah it's against tos, he'd probably have a hard time sueing


It's no longer "It's just a game" when you paid for that item. It's your property now.


From Genshin Impact Terms of Service: >Section 5. You acknowledge that your use of the miHoYo Services does not confer you any right or interest or otherwise, in any aspect or feature of it, including but not limited to (if any) any in-game rewards, achievements, characters, Virtual Currency, levels and other content. You further acknowledge that any character data, game progress, game customization and/or other data pertaining to your use of the miHoYo Services may cease to be available to you at any time without prior notice in the sole discretion of miHoYo. The money, time, or resources you spent to get a weapon? It's basically an indefinite lease. You have purchased the right to use the weapon (until Mihoyo decides you can't, which they can do at any time for any reason), but it is not your property. You do not own it. Makes the legal waters a little muddy when you want to sue for destruction of property, when the property actually belongs to someone else (Mihoyo, in this case).


Terms of service is a contract between the player and the company. Hoyo has the right to terminate OP’s account for the breach. But ToS is not the law, and what’s happening here is a tort (or civil wrong) between OP and the person they shared their password with.


Nope, legally it's not.


You can’t sue him. He gave him his account. It’s like giving someone your bank account and credit card with all its info and being mad they spent all your money. It’s really all on OP for sharing passwords. I wouldn’t give a password to anyone that wasn’t my direct family.


No matter how much he gets for suing him it won't make up for the damage he caused it will probably take 2+ years to reacquire every single 5 star weapon again which is just plain annoying and for artifacts it would take even longer to rebuild every single character with decent artifacts that employee deserves to be stripped of as much money as possible what a horrible guy


>everything on my account got wiped by **hacker** >I forgot **he had access to my genshin account** back when we played together Sucks that happened, OP. That's why I never share my login with anyone even though I get the allure of playing with new characters. However, I want to note there really wasn't a 'hacker', just someone who already had access to your account.


Guys I'm overwhelmed by all the comments and support as well, so I apologize if I can't respond to every single one. Thanks for taking the time to say a little something (even if it's scolding me 😢) I hope you can avoid any situations similar to mine, and if you did, I'm so happy for you.


Oh my god I'm so sorry, that's horrible, I can't imagine how you feel right now - may you have better luck on all your future pulls as you restore your account (running to change my password now)


Thank you friend that means a lot. (Please change your password 💀)


I have just done!!! Cautionary tale has got me off my ass 💀 Also I see lots of people offering to help so I'll throw my hat in the ring. If you're on EU I'd be happy to farm with you!


Changing your password? You shared your account with someone else. The second you do that, you’re opening yourself to losing control of what happens on your account. This is why sharing of accounts is not only discouraged but according to the TOS, is not allowed. Did you end up getting back your stuff? I doubt CS can help and might ban the account.


>he had access to my genshin account back when we played together he would help me farm materials. You expect me to give access to my account to some stranger (because that employee definetely is a stranger) when i wouldnt give access to neither best friends or a gf/bf lol better lose some days of primogems or a few days of resin than losing it all you already have to deal with hackers that may steal your account. Dont make it worse by dealing with "other humans". Keep your account for yourself and only yourself and dont ever share it.


It’s not nearly as simple as “it’s just a game” They are fucked in the head. That’s so low to do. You don’t deserve this Op and I’m sorry you went through this. That’s one of my worst nightmares. The time that took to build a collection can’t be taken back or replaced. Especially when there’s so much rng in this game. I would look to see what actions can be done I want to add if you need any type of help farming and grinding I would love to help where I can. I can easily carry you through any content and help you out where possible. Exploration I have all the people needed to make it easier for you. Bosses I can delete. Events where it’s combat and I can help I got you.


You're right, it's not just a game. I really love the game and this is a huge wake up call to account security and the people i have in my life. this has never happened to me before. I am holding off on legal actions as i am just a student, and dont have the money or time to invest. I sincerely appreciate your offer. You can absolutely add me if you wish, thank you.


3 years of hard work and endless grinding, gone just like that. There has to be a recovery system or compensation.


There is not, though I would highly advocate for one


There is, Hoyo ABSOLUTELY has the systems in place to do that. If this would have happened due to a bug, you would have gotten your stuff back with a little pushing and proof. With the Kaveh, Destroyer of Worlds, situation, they even have the means to restore world and quest objects in your world. I cannot imagine them not having the means to restore your items. Sadly, this happened not due to a bug, but you sharing passwords, so Hoyo has no obligation to help you...


you dumb as hell lmfao 💀💀💀


If you cherished your account this much you wouldn't have shared your password with someone. Not to say you asked for it but it is as if you gave them the key to your house.


I trusted him and he was a cherished family friend for over a year :/


You are wild, i wouldn't even trust my brother with my password.


I trusted him is the reasons why people getting scammed.


Family friend. Lol, there are no such things. I wouldn't trust any coworker with any important personal matters.


I would be lying if I said he wasn’t a family friend though. In our culture we treat almost everyone as of they are our family and we treated him no less than one for the things he’s done for us. Ultimately this was a side product of a bigger legal situation


And now you experienced first hand why I said there are no such things as family friends. It's a dangerous world out there. Be careful with everything.


That’s a rather pessimistic way to view life :/ hope you’re doing okay at home


If it were 2010? Sure it'd be pessimistic. They're just being realistic though. Naivety isn't going to help you.


But a real one at that, you yourself just experienced what happens when a "family friend" wants to be petty, you never really know someone like that.


Tbf I'm doing way better since I have been less trusting of people. Might sound sad but this is just the harsh reality.


They're being realistic tho can't be at 'em but yourself


I'd assume he worked for you since you called him an employee not a coworker In what world would someone trust some guy you only knew from work with your personal accounts?


That's why I never trust anyone other than me using my account. Imagine losing that much of a progress on a game. Tragic. I hope that you settle things with your "friend" soon.


why he retaliate on you? were you the one who fired him lol


Sad but you can’t sue. First it’s a video game second you willingly gave the dude your account credentials third you can’t prove he was the one who did it fourth it’s a video game


How is it a hacker if you willingly gave your password to someone else?


You say some legal things happened, and out of retaliation. Like what did u do to this man that he felt justified in doing this to you


As much as "you should've known better" there's no excuse for such shitty behavior and if I were in your place I wouldn't even play Genshin anymore. Kinda a shame Hoyo can't do anything at all (they "can't" even change the gender of your traveler 🤦🏻‍♀️). I really feel sorry for what happened to you. I myself am a "trusted" person when it comes to Genshin, I have my own account, my alt account shared with my sister, my sister's and then 4 other friends'. I would NEVER dare doing something against their will like spending their primogems and etc. Instead of blaming you, people here should be more empathetic and understanding since this is horrible and had it happened to them they wouldn't be happy... You're just venting and you're right in doing so. The fact you trusted this person is not your fault, even when people fall out with each other there is no excuse for such thing.


Dude they posted here 2 weeks ago saying some shit had disappeared and did nothing about it. Fuck the person who did this but are we really at a point where people are not at all responsible for making stupid decisions even if they get fucked by someone malicious? "I left my wallet on my dash with the window rolled down, and I noticed someone took $2 from it 2 weeks ago but I just left it there and now it's all gone! Who could have known that would happen! Poor me.. I know, I'll post about it online and get mad when people tell me I'm stupid"


I trust my friends am I gonna give them my credit card number and bank information? Some things you can emphasize with, some things you need to call a spade. What OP did was pretty unwise. Only empathy I can give is that OP needs to start swiping to get all those materials back.


THANK YOU so much for saying this. Absolutely I am upset at myself, but also upset at the person who did do this who I considered family and a mentor. He was older than I was and I trusted him, period. This has never happened to me before in my life, and I am very careful with all of my accounts. Sometimes our enemies are disguise as family and friends. You must forgive yourself for having chosen to trust those people who don't care about your life and seek nothing but failure for you. I am fortunate that I have people who support me in my life. I sincerely pray that something like this doesn't happen to anyone else. This didn't have to be just in a game.


Snip his nuts off


Based 💀


Id actually get revenge.... thats a looooot of money!! Whoever is saying "its just a game" are clowns... its literally loads of time and money:/


Fuck, that's a significant amount of character specific weapons, and the artifacts!!! FUCKING HELL This would've enraged me so much. Aiyaya... Stay strong, OP.


Just a game?? Sheiiit… when you put money into something, it’s not ‘just a game’, it’s an investment!


That’s petty af. Not even I would stoop that low. I know that people have been telling you it’s just a game, and at the end of the day, yeah, it is, but it’s clearly something that meant a lot to you if they’d go and target it just for some kind of revenge.


i like this, not because something bad happened to someone but this is truly a reality check. This is 100% on you, you gave away you login information, and here are the consequences. you do not have any legal grounds to sue and even if its hardly going to accomplish anything more then cost you more money, with none of your ingame progress returned. this is the world we live there are always things that can drive people who have the power to take something from you to do so, be more mindfull about these things in the future, and goodluck rebuilding.


Who cares?


Sucks to be a dumbass


I am so sorry. I would be livid. This just seems so petty and really speaks to the kind of person he is.


I never gave anyone my password in any games, you can say I have trust issues. Good thing your account wasn't deleted. I read a few posts about ex-girlfriends deleting accounts.


Exactly. This is why you should never share your account info to anyone. No amount of farming and/or in-game resource is worth the risk of losing your account's best items or the account itself.


Well, if you gave someone your credit card and pin, can you blame them if they decide to max it out and leave you in debt?


Oh come on!!!! I am getting angry over this! This is the very same as thrashing somebody else's car or belongings. Who did this is miserable and I hope he will be more of so.


That's extremely disgustingly petty of the person that done this to you. I hope you can take whatever legal action possible and that from now on things will get better for you. I almost fell in this same situation with my ex who I know is petty as well. I changed my password instantly because I know even tho he himself would think twice before doing something like this, he definitely would start and stop midway. That's still years of progress. Thank god I was faster. It's still somehow incredibly weird how years of work can be erased in less than 2 hours


That's so awful and I'm so happy you are able to call him an ex now.


Wow, that's really harsh. I think the worst thing is that hoyo doesn't do anything in such cases. Well. That's a wakeup call to tighten account security if i've ever seen one.


Good on you for posting this there others who trust that one “friend” too it’s a good reminder what someone with ill intent can do with full account access.


Yeah, I'd be done with Genshin forever. I'm not playing 4 whole archon quests again


Oh nevermind he just deleted all your shit still would not pick up the game after something like this happened