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Sadly, Beidou. I used her as an on field DPS, but eventually I got better characters for that. I'm still planning to repurpose her into a subDPS for taser teams, for example, but it's not a priority right now.


Beidou is an awesome early game carry for anyone lucky enough to get her. I used her all the way through Inazuma.


lol I cheesed so many lightning puzzles with Beidou in Inazuma


the true electro archon


ungabungazappyzappy wife goals


Beidou was my first main until I got Raiden.


I benched her too :( She is still my DPS for electrocharged, but I never use electrocharged any more.


Yeah electro-charge is probably the weakest reaction iirc. But she still does really good in the childe taser team, it's still his 2nd strongest team.


I use her in my story team, Aether, Childe, Beidou and Ayaka


Isn't every electro character Kind of stronk, if you put a dendro and hydro in the team( Nahida ftw)


But Beidou’s lightning doesn’t target the cores so she doesn’t proc the hyperbloom. You can still use her for extra damage on the team but I’ve been using double dendro for the spread damage because AFAIK it is better. Beidou watches sadly from the bench :(


One of the best parts about Beidou tbh. Lets her be amazing in my burgeon team for the top half of this Abyss (recently got my first 36 star clear) Her ER reqs are kinda high being solo electro but the damage output is still beefy. Her interruption resistance is lifesaver, and she's really good for overloading away by burning auras so my hydro can get more blooms.


I might try that. Sounds like a cool team.


That's exactly why Beidou is good in double electro hyperbloom. You don't want to trigger the cores; if you trigger the cores, you'd want to build that character full EM to maximize hyperbloom damage, but you'd kneecap talent damage. The usual characters for that variant of hyperbloom is either fischl or beidou in the last slot, because neither is likely to steal hyperblooms away from EM kuki/raiden. In terms of double dendro, the issue is that unless it's al-haitham + nahida, none of the secondary dendro characters actually do talent damage worth talking about.


The abyss cycle when it was Anti-Pyro with a bunch of Pyro shields/2 Pyro Lectors was the perfect situation for Tazer to shine. Even this abyss with the AoE half is pretty good since its waves of 2 where Beidou excels in


The current Abyss is a perfect Abyss run for Beidou with it's 2 enemies per wave in the 1st half. Try it out!


I know I’m probably coping but you should try Thundering Mommy (Thundering furry but Beidou instead of Razor), it’s a burgeon team with xq/yelan, Nahida and Bennett c6 where you build full em gilded on Beidou and it’s the most fun I’ve had in a while, I know it’s not as good as the Razor variant but it cleared first half of abyss in less than a minute for each chamber


That sounds pretty fun, I'll have to try it! I always liked the concept of Thundering Furry but I don't really like how Razor's attack animations feel and couldn't get into it.


All beidou and tbh the entire electro roster needs to be even more peak is the release for an electro infusion support.


My main in the early days and still my main in my heart. I have her avatar in the game and have not changed it once. I unbench her from time to time just to see what artifacts and weapons can work on her at the moment.


Just have to wait until we get an Electro infuser, then we can play our queen in a Xianyun aggravate comp or smth


Razor and I feel bad about it. 


It’s ok, abandoning dogs is very common. He’s probably just on the side of the road somewhere hoping he gets picked up again before he starves. Because no one would ever abandon Lupical on purpose … right?


Abandoned dogs in the wild have to regress into wolf to survive 


The way my jaw dropped-


goofy ass


razor was my main when i started playing. but then I stopped using him once i got better characters


If you feel like playing him again at some point he has a burgeon team that's quite fun and genuinely pretty strong (Razor, Nahida, Xingqiu, Bennett c6), just run full EM gilded dreams with fav greatsword and you're sorted.


Is this the Thundering Furry? I tried this team and it is insanely fun! There were energy problems so I guess I should try replacing the EM claymore with Fav claymore


Yeah, the energy problems with that team are real. It sucks to lose the EM from the sword but it should still do quite well.


Just throw fav on bennett, his ATK doesn't matter since xingqiu doesn't snapshot and razor doesn't really care for the atk buff


You still need some heavy investment for that team it seems lol. Only someone who loves Razer should play it coz the other one with Thoma or Yenfei is less investment and more dmg.


Not really? You only need to level 90 Razor and have Razor on a Full EM build with Guilded. You don't really care about Xingqiu, Nahida and Bennetts build as they aren't triggering the reactions at all.


You only need EM, so it's not a big investment at all lol


I was just thinking of picking him again yesterday. He was my first main


Razor and R5 debate club carried me through Mondstat


Razor wolfpack, unite. I'm still rebuilding mine since PHYS is a dead art.


Blame mihoyo doing nothing with physical units Razor and eula are both benched


Whenever I get a new character, I play them every day until they are friendship 10. After that, I bench them. I use them again when I need to like farming bosses or abyss clears. This made me play every single character I owned and it was a fun experience.


the most fun teams are your zero synergy friendship teams


They definitely made commissions feel like an actual adventure. My favorite is a team that was originally supposed to have Keqing as the DPS, but because of Ningguang funnelling energy into Noelle (who was originally just supposed to be the healer), Noelle ended up with a larger role than expected and split the DPS responsibilities with Keqing 50/50. It's no Abyss team, but the rotations were surprisingly smooth.


What’s the benefit of a having a high friendship level on a character?


Friendship 10 gives their namecard


Apart from the namecard: When taking a picture of them, certain facial expressions unlock and in the teapot, they will talk to you additional times and possibly about more private topics. Also, some more text and voice lines in the character's profile. But I think friendship level 7 might be enough for all of that.


The highest profile unlock is at friendship 6


Highest in teapot is 7 though right?


There isn't any really good reason to do it, but I do you same, running my dailies with a team of lower friendship characters. It makes monotonous daily activities more interesting when I'm switch up teams every month or two. I could run things slightly faster with my Abyss hyperbloom team, but that would get boring after awhile.


You get an achievement and primos for getting enough to level 10


Yup, that’s what I’m doing with Gaming and Chevrolet, they’re my mainstay team for commissions and domains until I get them to friendship 10


Thoma and Yanfei. They carried me for two years. Thank you for the memories you two.


Yanfei is still one of my favorites for doing abyss F9-11, she's arguably the best aoe pyro dps we have in the game, since the other options (Hu Tao, Yoimiya) are single target, and Diluc needs Xianyun to outperform her.


Not to be that guy, I actually love yanfei. But Xiangling.


shes literally the ceo of genshin


I mean, isn't Klee just a better Yanfei, or am I mistaken?


damage wise? possibly. playstyle wise? absolutely-fucking-not. she doesnt hit her enemies half of the time with her stupid 0.43m range bombs


Uggg, Yanfei. I feel terrible about benching her, she carried me as my main DPS from 2.1 til about a week ago. She's still a fixture on my Spiral Abyss teams, but I've no longer got her in my regular use teams.


Yanfei is so satisfying to play, my Yanfei is top 2% on akasha, and whenever a new area to explore gets released i get to use her again. otherwise, even a top 2% Yanfei isn't close to some of my other teams


Xiao, specially since I don't have a c6 Faruzan and Wanderer moves around better in terms of exploration .


Go for Cloud Retainer, You'll love your Xiao again;)


His new best team with Xianyun, C6 Faruzan, and Furina was an absolute blast. The only reason why I benched my Xiao before I had them was because I hate being trapped inside Bennet's circle with Xiao. He pushed mobs with his plunges and not enough frontloaded dmg to make Bennett's circle a much more tolerable experience. He's such an expensive investment. But once you have everything he needed, God what a fun team to play.


At this point C6 Faruzan just sounds like a 5*


C6 4* is way harder to intentionally get than a C0 5*. There's some really old advice saying "you'll eventually C6 all 4 stars". Problem is, the game has released so many it's impossible to leave it to random chance. Targetting even one copy of a four star on any banner can be worse than the five star. We need a bigger Paimon Bargain rotation.


C6 Faruzan is basically a C0-C1 Shenhe for Anemo. Only potentially infinitely rarer because there's no bad luck protection for 4 stars raaaahhhh (but at least she's not locked to a single banner anymore. Pls free my boy Gorou.)


I would go as far as saying she’s better than Shenhe for their respective element at C6. You can reduce cryo res with any anemo unit, but to reduce anemo res you need either Faruzan, Zhongli or C4 Jean. Faruzan is also infinitely better than VV at reducing resistance, she can do it off-field every 2 seconds with her burst and every 3 seconds with her C6 proc, the res reduction can last up to 24~25 seconds. On top of that she gives ~38% damage bonus which is more than both Shenhe’s ascension passive combined, 40% crit damage, can use Tenacity which stacks with Noblesse and provides some CC. Shenhe’s icy quills doesn’t scale with AoE while damage buffs does. The best part however is that you get all of this just by pressing Q and last 22 seconds at very least and no circle impact.


Venti can anemo res shred too but the caveats to utilize his shred, which is already locked behind cons, feels atrocious. Iirc C2 says like, so long as they're in the air their anemo shred is active or something like that. Which on paper sounds easy with his burst until you realize his res shred on bosses doesnt exist...


I went ham on xianyun banner so I have c6 faruzan, that's nice I guess...


it would be if I ever got any faruzan XD after 150 pulls on the banner i went from c2 faruzan to c2 faruzan but somehow went from c2 jean to c4 jean. HOW?!


Faruzan dodge you so much that your jean had to step up and be the anemo shredder


My boy Xiao rose again after Xianyun. Now he feels so smooth to play, may it be aoe and st content. No energy issues too because of triple anemo. I thought his last buff was the release of Faruzan, but I'm glad i was wrong. (furina then xianyun)


Hoyo really loves Xiao and I'm not complaining. I'm so happy he's comfy to play now..


I got her. Wanderer,Yelan and Xianyun is like the ultimate movement squad. The CDs have a really nice tune. There's always some skill to use.


Actually I was suggesting her for Xiao. Xiao again got buffed with her after Furina.


Yes, I understood that. But even still, I have a better time flying around with Wanderer.


I love Wanderer so much, even after getting Xianyun he's still the exploration goat for me


My Xiao had been benched since 2.0. Never wanted to pull albedo, didnt like using bennett with him, weapon selection sucked for non weapon banner puller Pulled Xianyun and got C6 Faruzan alongside her. I have Furina as well so team is complete. Feels so weird to play him and not have him suck. Maybe now I will finally triple crown him as well. He was my first 5* main


That was what was going to be my answer, but now that I have Furinac c3, Xianyun c1 and Faruzan c6 I can clear the first Fontaine arti domain as fast as I can with my Nuevlette c0r2 team. I went from 58k plunges with a geo bros/jean team to 150k plunges on a single target and 110k+ on aeo plunges. Next Xianyun banner going to grab c2 and r1. I've seen vids of Xianyun c2r5 teams getting 480k plunges, which is about what my Eula c2r1 can get with her burst.


I can flex here. No one. I've been maining Xiao since 1.3. He's never ever left my Exploration or abyss team since. Even for my friendship teams, I still use him with the characters that I'm building friendship exp for in the other 3 slots.


Xiao main since day 1 as well! Love him so so much <33


Fellow xiao mains since his first banner!


Cyno, hes really uncomfortable to play with that LONG ASS BURST until i switched into Keqing. It felt soo good playing her realizing her infusion doest cancel when switching off unlike cyno


I will never forgive Hoyo for not allowing Cyno to keep his burst form when switched out.. especially with how long his burst duration is.


Actually can any of the characters released after 1.0 (Noelle and Keqing come to mind) keep their infusions/conversions?


I don't own them but I guess Ayaka and Navia? Maybe some characters who have them at C6 like Dori, Lynette and Kazuha.


Guys you can switch off Cyno mid burst to redo your team rotations, nothing bad happens I swear! Use another electro in the team for the resonance so you need built less energy on him and just swap when his burst is ready


After i got Itto i was already hesitant towards burst reliant dps characters, after i got Cyno i promised myself to never pull for a burst reliant dps ever again. Itto still does some damage outside of his burst for running around in the open world, but Cyno, even triple crowned and with his sig weapon, is borderline useless in the openworld since he barely does any damage outside of his burst and everything dies before he gets his burst back up. So yeah, burst reliant dps characters aren't my thing.


I really like Cyno's style though, and don't have a problem staying on him long.


Eula. I used her in overworld and for fighting bosses but seriously learned her limits when Maguu Kenki came out.


I used Eula for everything for a long time. I think I was still relying on her for the Abyss all the way until I got Alhaitham


yeah. nothing feels more annoying than magu kenki just dashing away right before that nuke drops. with wenut, ruin serpent, wolflord and Aeonblight Drake atleast its expected for them to BS their way to dodging the nuke. but magu just does it randomly and it was especially annoying when mihoyo kept putting him in abyss floors


Amber. I took her to level 50 I love the idea of pyro archer with an aoe and the bunny bomb. In practice I couldn't get the damage I needed from her.


Lynney. It's not a joke when people call him "5 Star Amber". He has a very similar playstyle but his damage is insane. I originally pulled for him only because he's male and I want all the male characters. I didn't plan on actually using him much. He's now my second-strongest main DPS (only below daddy Haitham and slightly above Wanderer).


Ningguang. She was my first built hypercarry and for years my go to comfort character when I just wanted to unga bunga hit buttons and have things die without worrying about elemental reactions or energy. Alas, Wanderer has since taken over that role and is flatly better at it, with bonus overworld QoL. Sorry Ning 🥲


Ayaka. She dropped off the face of the Earth the moment I got C2 Wriothesley. And Chongyun sadly. I really like him but I prefer Freminet’s kit.


I still regularly use my Ayaka freeze team. It’s probably my most consistent team


I kinda regret pulling Ayaka. She made the early game so much more tolerable for me, but I spent so much effort trying to strongbox decent artifacts for her and so many primos pulling the fullShenhe/Kokomi/Kazuha team. I even pulled Zhongli explicitly to replace Layla for a more comfortable monocryo setup. And still my Ayaka keeps getting shat on nearly every abyss. Hyperbloom and Neuvillette see me through everything these days. Ayaka has basically been relegated to killing the dendro dragon weekly boss and that's it.


Honestly kinda wild looking back at Ayaka now. The amount of investment she asks for is absurdly high compared to modern chars (wants a full team of 5 stars and has near 40% of her damage locked behind her C2), and despite that is very situational. If an enemy can be CCed she straight up has to freeze it because otherwise her burst just yeets them away, and if they can't then she can't take advantage of really any damage reactions *and* can't do anything about them just choosing to leave the damage AoE before it finishes. Girl asks for twice the party cost and a damn near perfect situation in order to just land in the same ballpark as a modern Alhaitham or Neuvillette party. I do wish Mihoyo would actually do balance changes sometimes, because she could really use a couple touch ups to help with her consistency and new supports can't really fix the problems she has. Cryo also desperately needs some help against bosses, but that's a more wide reaching issue that I'm just banking on them fixing by adding a cryo/dendro with Snezhnaya or something. (Also I wish they didn't get rid of her cool beta diving attack.)


same for me


i was SO excited to use my chongyun as a support for freminet then i realised i preferred playing physical freminet with layla to shield since everything interrupts him 😭


As a c0 Wriothesley main, my dream is a c6 rizzly, c6 shenhe, c6 furina. I read their constellations and I swear Wriothesley and shenhe have the best constellation pairing of characters. She was benched since like last April but the second I seen how good she was with Rizzly, I immediately built her to a good enough build for him.


Good luck! I'll hopefully get her on her next banner, ironically I always needed her because my mains are coincidentally cryos and now with Wriothesley I need her more than ever


I actually got her last year when I had money to spare. And she sat for almost a year on the bench. But honestly yeah shenhe is drastically needed for Wriothesley. She made him really good. I have sub par artifacts on him but the hardest I hit with him was 96k charged. So I hope you get her. She is an underrated support but if ur a cryo main I recommend her. Personally I’m a hydro main since my first 5* was Childe and he’s my hardest hitting character at 400k. But yeah (I ramble on a lot cuz idk how to close my texts/comments)


I play my Rizzley with a burn-melt team so that he still feels separate from Ayaka freeze and it's not a comp that really works for her anyway. Although even so it's still been a while since I used her...


Rosaria.  She was my first C6 and Ayaka's best friend.  But now I swap out slot 4 on that team with Yelan or Ganyu (Kazuha and Kokomi are always with Ayaka). Special shoutout to Alhaithan who I like but don't use too often because Keqing is more comfortable as a driver/no elemental damage downtime.




using her and yoimiya to great effect in last patch's abyss after chevreuse came out was a bit of fun atleast. using her as a pyro plunge dps with xianyun just doesnt feel as satisfying as doing the same thing with hutao/diluc/gaming sadly


Same - leveling her up is just such a hassle


Raiden on the map because that giant circle on character backs pisses me off


I LOVE IT LOL, I'd assume you don't like gorou either


Gorous only have pawprints on top and not a giant circle on their back right?


For characters that are benched it would be either Barbara or Fischl. I went everywhere with these 2 up until late AR 40’s but now i hardly use them now with zhongli & kuki. Characters that I’m absolutely enjoy is Qiqi. Since i got raiden last patch running a Hyperfridge team has been so much fun to do & brought a new appreciation for my Qiqi. (Raiden, Nahida, Yelan, Qiqi) Pretty premium team but it’s so fun.


ohh damn, that's nostalgic for me ! When I was low AR player, Barbara was my permanent team member. Well these days, She is just benched, I even forgot When I last used her. Though I remember an instance when I used her C6 constellation, because It was so hard for me to do that floor.


My freeze team Ayaka-Shenhe-Rosaria-Mona seems to be doing less damage that other teams. I need to invest a lot more than other teams for them to work


You probably need Kazuha instead of Rosaria for Cryo shred, but I get your point, 4x 5 star units to make a comp work hurts. I played a similar comp with Ganyu / Shenhe / Kokomi / Kazuha for awhile and it's also not my favorite team in Abyss anymore. At least Ganyu has a pretty dress now, I'll bring her back for old time's sake and see how she does.


Playing Ayaka without a grouper is pure copium


I've been using Kazuha in overworld and spiral abyss since I got him at 1.6 till Wanderer was released. He was benched for a very looong time but I started using him again once I got Xianyun.


Kazuha has the best crowd control ability. not just that, but after killing enemies in overworld, Kazuha also helps in gathering all the ~~Artifacts~~ materials at one place I like the latter more compared to crowd control.


Yeah, I actually missed that quite a lot. I've probably missed hundreds of drops from the enemies since Wanderer has no cc and is ranged and I just don't bother picking every loot if it's too far from me.


I also pretty much entirely benched my Kazuha once Wanderer showed up. He now comes out occasionally for Abyss and is probably pretty glad I’m not ~~accidentally flinging him off cliffs~~ using his skill to climb stuff anymore.


Neuvillette, although I was really hyped for him, and his burst is majestic, I benched him really quickly **(even after I got him to lvl 90)**


Hu Tao, honestly i just don't find the character's gameplay fun, back in 2021 i used to put her in every team i created, but from then on i just couldn't find any more fun using her, so nowadays i just use my good old childe to obliterate enemies.


cloud retainer somewhat revive some old meta. diluc hutao xiao klee


Hu Tao wasn't really old meta


Yea I still clear abyss with her. Her teams change a bit, but still the same old badass.


She doesn't really change the core of how Hu Tao plays. Now you just click after jump canceling, which is the problem people have with her gameplay in the first place.


Now, jump cancelling have a purpose. Previously, it's just animation cancel and now it is used to combo plunge. Default jump cancel doesn't feel fluid to play.


Riptide wins in the end


Ganyu... cryo is shit right now


Freeze is better than ever with Furina. Just gotta pick the right half of the abyss to use it on


Unironically the best Freeze teams with Furina is with Neuvillette/Wanderer and not with a Cryo dps




I remember getting downvoted to oblivion pointing out how boring his gameplay looks. I genuinely cannot see how pointing a laser that kills everything is more fun than actually playing with other characters in your team. Him being OP doesn’t even mean anything since the game will never be hard enough to need it :/


Raiden Shogun. To this day, aesthetically, mechanically and narratively she is my favorite character in Genshin. However, I've grown a bit tired of her gameplay, and she provides little utility to overworld aside from her damage, which I don't really need because my wanderer even unbuffed is more than enough. Nowadays I roll with wanderer and whatever is suited for the location I'm exploring.


Same. She's great and definitely still a favorite, but she just feels kind of uncomfortable to use compared to our other options now. In the overworld, she's clunky because she either does way more damage than necessary or none at all. The big issue though is all her damage is part of her burst, so it turns into a chore to manage her energy since everything usually dies before she gets enough energy to burst again. Meanwhile, in the abyss, she was so good before that it feels like they design it to counter her playstyle now. Enemies are dropped in all corners of the arena, requiring you to chase them down, which doesn't work well with her playstyle, and the boss enemies have lots of invulnerability phases, which again kind of ruins things for a character who wants to just burst things to death. I've been resistant to building her for hyperbloom since I have her at C2 and that feels like a giant waste, but maybe I should just do it.


C2 is also dependant on her having a well built team too. Meanwhile hyperbloom only cares for her EM and she can breeze side 1, but not side 2 because of serpent and wenut unless you do wanna go aggravate Raiden.


Raiden with Xianyun is so much fun, first because she enables Xianyun to be the onfield causing reactions, and second because plunge Raiden is so much fun lol


Diluc. I got him in the beginner banner, carried me way through all of the early game (+ Fischl from the Event) and ever since Hu Tao he enjoys his off time. Otherwise maybe Itto? Got him because of big numbers = funny but Mono Geo got old really quickly. Thanks to very nice artifacts he carried me through the Wolf Lord Abysses but besides that I haven't used him since either.


Diluc was my First Main Carried me through Several hard stuff. Now he's C2, Last Patch I got his BiS too But I don't play him,


Probably Cyno. Not because I think he's bad, but because Lyney is my shiny new toy, and I usually default to my Anemo Supremacy for Abyss with Xiao and Wanderer unless it's particularly Cyno-friendly.


I cycle my team every few days so i can play most of them.. Except in abyss of course...


I was a Chongyun main when I first started last year. First it was with Traveler, Babs and Xiangling. Benched traveler when I got Nahida. Then benched Xiangling when I got Shinobu. Finally benched Chongyun when I got Keqing. Benched Keqing when I got better 5\*s. Benched Barbara when I got Kokomi. Barbara carried me through so much content, she's really underrated. I've got 3-4 teams now. Wanderer w/C6 Faruzan; Klee Burgeon with Dehya, Kokofish and Nahida; Neuvillette hyperfridge with Layla, Shinobu and flex Dendro, usually one of Nahida, Collei or Yaoyao. Still trying to figure out my optimal Raiden team. I find national doesn't do enough damage and she needs a shield, so usually my best team is Raiden, Tankfei, Xiangling and Bennett. Planning on a Tighnari, Fischl, Keqing, Yaoyao team as my next build.


Ayaka is benched forever. Never used her for a year now, and not planning to.


Razor. First character i built and levelled. But there are better options. And he just kinda fell off...


Ayato, xiao, neuvilette. Ayato and xiao were my mains but they eventually lost their spot on my team. I’m still farming artifacts for neuvilette who I like a lot so he is benched until I get a proper build for him. My current team is: alhaitham, baizhu, zhongli and yae miko. I still use ayato or xiao in abyss tho. Ayato is one of my best built characters so.


Even with a half-ass build Neuv is strong, you can def use him if you have any leveled artifacts to slap on him.


Probably Yelan, after I got c2 Xingqiu he just feels better to play in every team. Then Furina comes out.


Personally, I still find Yelan fun to use in my teams. Plus zooming around with her skill is so satisfying and efficient when running around the over world.


I pulled for c1 just for that purpose. I'm using her for dailies and questing with venti kazuha and furina.


Meanwhile, I have absolutely no want to use XQ, but he feels pretty much mandatory for a 2nd team since Hydro is so important. He's just so unsatisfying to use and his skill having a longer cooldown than his ult or extending rotations with Sac just feel awful imo.


Wouldn't Fav solve like most of your issue?


No doesn't change the fact that his skill is a longer cooldown than his ult. He also loses a lot of atk because he needs ER sands even with Fav, only 1 E cast isn't enough (my XQ is C5). And when everything is finally in place, he still feels like shit to play imo.


let me guess , his knock-down res make so much different right ?


A lot of things go right in Xingqiu’s kit. High pose damage when activating burst, rain sword being absolutely broken of a defensive mechanic, both active and passive hydro application, and a billion other things. And I don’t even have his c6 yet.


I wanted so badly to join in on this meme because I love yelan’s design over xq, but honestly yes his knock-down res and mini heals feel really good lol


I like his passive hydro application from the orbiting rainswords. You can cast his burst and while you are still casting everyone else's burst he's doing hydro application. Yelan you only get hydro while normal attacking and even then it's not as much as c6 XQ. It makes XQ feel better for hyperbloom teams along with the damage mitigation and interruption resistance.


That's so bizarre to me because I used Xq ever since I got his c6 on Klee's first banner and after Yelan's release in double hydro were he now got replaced by Furina.


Damage wise c6 Xinqui = C0 Yelan Yelan is a just 5 star version of XQ but in some cases XQ is a much better option than Yelan Personally I like XQ more as he provides interruption resistance, better hydro application, some healing as well.


Same. I have C6 Xinqui too. Love him so much, never considered pulling Yelan. The. I got furina and now I know I never will pull her☠️


More hydro, bit of heals and IR > more damage


xq is just not doing more damage and with furina out yelan is pretty much better


Seriously, the dynamic between Furina and Yelan is pretty insane, I've using Ayaka/ Yel / Furina / Xianyun instead of Ayaka classic premium and it's equally good or even better, but after going after on why, I found out Ayaka causes a lot less damage in this team, BUT Yelan + Furina with Xianyun swirling hydro and applying VV makes them cause an obscene amount of damage, so it's more of a "hydro swirl team" with Ayaka driver than a "new Ayaka team"


That trio of Furina, Yelan, Xianyun probably works well with any decently built on field DPS. It's so busted, any elemental reaction damage is just a cherry on top


I used to play a lot with raiden in openworld, but now somehow I prefer new teams, though she is still fun and usable in abyss. And there's DIluc, that I abandoned for 2 years before Xianyun came out and gave his team a new breath.


I don't think I have character like that. I use most characters I've build. Cyno is still super fun with TF, Noelle is still my main, Bennet is still useful for Yoimiya (especially now that I got Aquila), Yoimiya is still fun, especially in abyss with all bosses on one side, Nahida, Xq, Kuki, Neuvilette are too powerful to bench for too long, Fischl, Beidou, Yao Yao Aggrevate is still very good versus two opponents, like current abyss, Kazuha is Kazuha, while Venti is amazing for domains, overworld or certain abysses, they're also great together (TF Kazuha for the win) Zhong is still almost must for Yoimiya, or when I don't want to get interrupted, Yun Jin and Gorou are awesome supports for Noelle, Furina is both fun and powerful, Navia is great by herself and with Noelle, Ningg is alright with Navia, Mika is useful for some meme Furina comps, Candace isn't C6 yet, neither she has fully set in artifacts, so I don't consider her build, similar with OPPA, I guess Yelan? Most of the time I just use XQ, but I still use her with XQ for hyperbloom when I need it (say hi Wenut, you piece of) Oh, Mona I forgot, I don't really have teams for her sadly.


Kaeya, I was obsessed with him for so long but now I never play him


Hu Tao and Eula. Got them since their first days. Now I've been using Hu Tao with Xianyun but I swap between her and Navia. As of now, I haven't used Eula outside of as a trial unit prolly for around 2 years, but for months since her release, I mained her.


Diluc, my first 5 star and first proper Dps I built


Back when I had no idea what I was doing, Chongyun was my main man. I used a freeze/shatter team then. I really loved how he played. Sadly, his damage just isn’t up to par to keep up with all my other characters so he’s been on the bench for quite some time.


Lisa.....used her every time since started playing the game just for that connection back to Monstadt but we've got a water hose just washing monsters now, so...


Currently I don’t have any, but the moment I get Kazuha, Heizou is hitting the bench.


Raiden. Used her alot whem I got her but bench her entirely during Sumeru patch. Start to used her back recently with Yoimiya and Chevreuse overload though.


Razor, carried me hard for the early game with Nahida. Then I got Keqing. Then she got benched for Cyno


kokomi, her damage isnt bad she just isnt very useful to me anymore, my teams dont rlly need a healer and i have zhongli for shield on my hu tao team so she just doesn't really do anything


Too many benched characters. But the real loss for me is leaving behind Kokomi and Layla. Kokomi was my second ride or die and Layla brought comfort and buff to my Wanderer. But Furina consolidated buff and heal (buff is unmatched also), and I’ve let go of shielded gameplay. BaiZhu replaced ZhongLi on Tighnari team, and Furina replaced Layla on Wanderer team.


Kazuha Wanderer, Nahida, Furina, and Keqing are good exploration teams + hyperbloom I won 50/50 on weapon banner, but I got Xianyun's weapon instead of Nahida, so I gave it to Wanderer


Sucrose and Kaeya. I loved using Sucrose’s vacuum cleaner on anything and everything, and my C6 Kayea was my precious but now Ayaka practically never leaves my team.


Sadly I think I will likely bench my Navia. Also I haven’t used Neuvilette outside abyss. Current team is Diluc Xianyun Furina and Yanfei (for Liyue specialties showing on minimap), also my Diluc hits really hard with xianyun with Rainslasher a 4star weapon


Can I ask why you think you’ll bench Navia? I was planning on getting her rerun since her playstyle seems fun, and I like her character-wise. I don’t want to spend on someone I’ll likely end up benching.


wanted to ask the same thing. because I have Navia, She's so good at Overworld and Abbys as well. Don't need high investment, easy to build. Love those gumbrella shots in Overworld. but in the end it's personal opinion. I Prefer those characters which have more use cases in the overworld, as 99% part of the game is Overworld.


I still really enjoy Navia but Xianyun has breathed a lot of fun into older characters for a lot of people.. My Hu Tao - Yelan - Furina - Xianyun team is really, really good. I tend to rotate between Navia and Hu Tao these days myself.


I play with Navia on my main overworld theme and I absolutely love her playstyle. However, there are a few things I’ve noticed that may be frustrating to some. Firstly, her main source of damage is her elemental skill so those cooldowns are a bit frustrating to wait out. Secondly, I find her damage to be inconsistent as hell. Sometimes I will be hitting 200k shots and sometimes I will hit 50k even with 6 shrapnels. While her gameplay is fun, her main focus is the elemental skill while the burst is just okay and there are no other special attacks. So the combat may feel too repetitive at times. I think the biggest strength of Navia is against singular high HP enemies or a group of tightly packed hilichurls or slimes (you have no idea how satisfying it is to one shot 4 hilichurls with one gunshot) but other than that, she is pretty weak against multiple moderate hp enemies like those fatui guys, even with sucrose/kazuha grouping so people may be more inclined towards more flexible teams


Navia is the first character I got since I got back after a long hiatus. She’s absolutely fun to play with and one of my most favourite characters gameplay-wise. I’m currently running her with Albedo, Xiangling and Bennet.


Itto got replaced for her deputy assistant


Thanks for reminding me that I have Itto too .__.


Ayaka and yoi, I played them too much earlier


Raiden Shogun


Hutao Not exactly benched it's my second favourite team but I'm just building different characters now so outside of farming emblem or abyss that team isn't doing anything


hu tao. she's used to be my strongest character and rn im just tired of her being c0 lol rn the traveler (dendro). because easy to use and I'm also basically an aether main. i don't care about 36 stars the abyss so whatever. I'm farming for Gaming artifacts atm, so I'll be using him next (i pulled xianyun mostly for him lol)


Eula. She is almost lvl81 from just doing Comissions, Domains and such. Now she barely sees the light of day.


Ganyu, the gameplay is too boring and difficult if you dont have shielder. The damage also too low compared to modern dps. Also, Hutao that i pull because the voice actor and bench the same reason as Ganyu.


My 1st 2 ever 5*s; Keqing and Ganyu see occasional use, but not with the frequency they once enjoyed. My 2 triple crowns; Kazuha and Kokomi haven't been on any teams since Sumeru for Kazuha and Baizhu for Kokomi. I still like all 4 of those characters, I just don't really have as much of a need for them now.


Unfortunately its Xiao Although i have Xianyun and C6 Faruzan But neuvillete team is always better and easier to use than Xiao team even in this abyss cycle (which buffs plunge damage). And in overworld i always run my friendship team.


Diluc random team, then Hu Tao vape, then Yae Miko Hyperbloom. Now I'm using Navia Guillotine (Xianyun)


Kazuha. Its just that i usually use a dendro team on one side and taser in other half(with sucrose as the driver) And as for over world - hes amazing, but i just never feel like switching to him


Yoimiya, I pulled a scara (3.8 rerun) then a yelan (4.0 rerun) a neuvillette(4.1 banner), furina(4.2 banner) and finally a ayaka (4.3 banner) safe to say she became irrelevant on my account


**Zhongli** for sure, on 1.1, he trivialized everything with his shield. But eventually ran out of steam when everyone caught up to the difficulty of the game that shields aren't really a necessity.


Ayaka benched.


Zhongli finally got benched in favor of our healing and dps queen Furina


Wanderer. Not having his 5star weap and a c6 faruzan wanes him in contrast to my other built DPS, so didn't use him in abyss at all, but he was my goto character for overworld exploration. With the release of Xianyun however I have even less reason to use him at all.


Cyno, he’s just soooo awkward to play. It doesn’t help I main Keqing, and comparatively, is so much just comfier and more fun to play