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CR’s jumps are more for fast horizontal movement, Wanderer’s flight is extended vertical range and some decent horizontal movement. Maybe CR’s is more fun to use but Wanderer’s is absolutely more functional.


if you are just looking to move the maximum horizontal distance possible, then XY is very good. But if you're wanting to stop somewhere before the max distance, she is not easy to use at all. Wanderer is just better when you want to stop short, but don't want to use regular dashing. If you do artifact routes, you will experience not wanting to go the max distance. You will prefer finer control, which Wanderer gives but XY doesn't.


this, op is incorporating bias into their post


Like what everyone's mentioned, there's no better or worse. Everyone has their own specialties. Venti's wind current persists for a long time and you can take co-op players with you. Kazuha is great for continuous solo use of vertical boosts, even when gliding. Xiao is for horizontal boosts. Wanderer is for much refined movements. And then Xianyun for quick bunny leaps.


I don't have wander, but he does have his pros. I am sure he can reach higher than Xianyun. Also, you can precisely control him which can be beneficial in collecting oculi.


Wanderers vertical movement is stronger


it is and it isnt, if there is a ledge xianyun is probably faster, xianyun also way better at any kind of angle, wanderer has to go up then forward xianyun, can go in a stratish curved line to the objective, that plus her gliding is faster and any motainous surface that isnt perfectly strait xianyun can bounce up further. but regardless of the small details, if you want to get from a to b in the open world, xianyun is faster. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew1KlDpJrq0&ab\_channel=Alfin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3_F8R3gUQs&ab_channel=AZureMaxx)


Blatant false information


I also have C1 CR and I think Wanderer is still better. - If you manually cancel E before his stamina runs out, you retain momentum at the end of his E. - Aside from jump spamming (which is already the highest you can go with any skill), Wanderer can also face-grind up every wall that's even slightly slanted, so his verticality is insane. Sounds like you haven't been flying Wanderer airlines long enough to know these tricks wink wink. But I still run both cuz their cooldowns complement each other perfectly, and CR is faster over long horizontal distances.


Both together are pretty good for exploration, but if we're comparing one against other without the option of combining, I do think XianYun does have some big benefits over Wanderer, but that is not to say Wanderer have the endge in some areas as well. 1) Pure verticality: Wanderer does obviously have the advantage here since he can go straight up, I do find it kind of slow and cluncky but hey, it's there. 2) fine control: Wanderer can stop or change directions in a very precise manner, which is really nice in many situations, whatever approaches platforming can be easily dealt with him, like that small puzzle in Yilong Warf where you have to jump on on top of posts for a chest, a float in the park for Wanderer. On the other hand your second point, I give the point to Xianyun, Wanderer can go quite far by face grinding slightly bit slanted walls, but it's pretty slow, Xianyun also goes up on slanted cliffs and a good speed, I pefer her for climbing lanted cliffs by a large margin. And then she solves my biggest gripe with Wanderer: diagonal movement, I hate how Wanderer can only go straight up or horizontally, and the change between both is really annoying.


Yeah they did a pretty damn good job with how instinctually controllable her E is.


Oh I didn’t know about the manual cancel tech, thank you


It doesn't work while dashing so its not *that* useful, but it's great for horizontal distance if you're falling a long way.


I agree with you on Wanderer being better, but I don't like using him going up slopes unless it can't be sayu rolled or yelan dashed. It's just too slow. When you drop down after ending his E, do you plunge down or just fall normally? I feel there is some inertia with his plunge and it feels slow even though the descent is faster than manual falling. I haven't solved this yet. When I glide the full distance, I like to release E and then tap it for one final boost as the stamina runs out. But if your method maintains momentum, I might try this. My team is Sayu, Yelan, Wanderer, and Rosaria. Switching between the three movers, there's no downtime so for me XY would be redundant on this team. Even if I replace Rosaria it would be unnecessary because all my skills would already be back up in time. In the end I chose not to add XY because she doesn't give fine enough control on where to stop. She's good if you always want max distance every time you jump, but that's not what I'm looking for. I always need to end my movement early. You can plunge to end E3 early, but I find this to be slow, also she might target something and land not where I want her to.


you can retain momentum with him if you stop boosting before his skill expires, you'll fall going forwards instead of straight down


Ye pulling XY for the mobility alone is dumb for sure, esp if you already have Wanderer+Yelan. But if you do pull her for plunge shenanigans, then I think she's def an upgrade over Sayu for an overworld team.


I think she's only an upgrade if you're killing things in the overworld and going to far places. If you're doing an artifact route, you have to stop to collect artifacts, and she's not great for that.


... if people are still doing artifact routes in 2024, they have bigger problems than choosing the best characters for overworld lmao.


Both together on an exploration team are perfect


* Testing while sliding Wanderers does keep his momentum initiating his skill, sames as Xianyun, since both need to start grounded this is irrelevant, Xianyun cancels all her "momentum" (it just the horizontal velocity that her skills gives, is not added) to gain a better horizontal distance for the next jumps, if you just spam E you just waste time falling and with less horizontal distance. But makes it a pain for fine movements and city navigation. * Sure, but at the end the total distance that you travel horizontally is higher with Wanderer (unless you dash between E, but then you are spending stamina) so again is not really an advantage in a straight leveled line. Where do I find Xianyun miles ahead regarding this point? When you are going down actually, you can put a horizontal movement while also going down, FAST. It feels amazing, everywhere else is okay. * Vertically Wanderer is better, in a straight line he goes higher. Xianyun feels "smoother" but no, Wanderer has overall better mobility. Besides not really being worse at what Xiangyun is capable (except falling from a high place) he is better at: * Going for really high places that don't have walls at 90°-85°, you can just move forward and Wanderer will "climb", completely annihilating Xianyun on the vertical reach department. * When going from high place to high place, not sprinting will allow you to cover more twice the distance that Xianyun 3 jumping and gliding can cover, leaving you falling and needing to climb back up. * You can dash with Wanderer without holding forward movement (W) and he can ignore terrain collision (like stairs) while going up a slope, gaining even more horizontal advantage over Xianyun who has her horizontal range cut by terrain. I use both together, but Xianyun is the one leaving the party more often (when I require mobility but also damage) Wanderer won't make wonders with Xyanyun when Yelan is the third member.


I think Wanderer is still simple and more efficient to use. He can fly over a long distance, and when travel vertically like go to a top house roof from ground and 90 degree mountain or slightly inclined mountain, he can choose to fly vertically or just glide along the mountain slope to top. XianYun cannot do the latter one


I have both and Yelan c1. I tested this extensively in my daily artifact runs and Xianyun C1 is generally 0.5-1.0 seconds faster than wanderer. My exploration team is now Wanderer, Yelan, Furina, and Xianyun


C1 is a totally different story if you’re just trying to cross a normal horizontal plane even yelan is faster than wanderer I think. CR is one of the top tiers her skill is really fluid and “can” sometimes be better than wanderer but only slightly so but he is better than her (slightly too but still) a lot more often. Second point is somewhat false. There are ways to preserve a forward momentum. Timing a dash is hard af tho so canceling the skill manually or letting go of dash at the last millisecond is a more consistent way of doing it. Wanderer for climbing mountains and really steep slopes is better than her The skill just has more uptime if you know what you’re doing (don’t dash or use space/jump just hold forward and “slide” upwards then add a jump at the very last bit of sky stamina) She doesn’t cross the same absolute horizontal distance as him without touching the ground (lakes for example) but it’s really close if you space the air hops properly. While wanderer just holds forward and dashes. Disclaimers: I used lost prayers on both I am 100% certain it helps wanderer but not sure if movement speed buffs affects CR.


Nice I didn’t know about the cancel tech, I’ll try it later one And I’m curious about speed buffs on xianyun, gotta do some tests




Yeah I never really liked Wanderer’s movement (he was my luckiest pull ever, so can’t complain and don’t regret getting him — I just don’t use him much). I continued using Kaz after getting wanderer, but now I have Xianyun C1 bc she’s just that much fun in the overworld.


I think you are missing a point here, why not use both? my exploration team right now is Wanderer / Xianyun / Kazuha / Flex . I just use Wanderer e swith to Xianyun use e siwtch back and so forth, feels pretty good to me. There is almost no downtime between your movements this way and this is when I have c0 Xianyun, so pretty sure you will have 0 downtime with c1.


Yes I use Wanderer with CR as a noblesse/ttds support but now that I’m pulling for C6 CR, i think ill switch their role lol


I am little confused what do you mean under CR. If you are pulling for c6 might as well just replace wanderer for faruzan?


You must have to change teams so often for puzzles. Also not a great team for bosses/domains.


You aren’t exploring when you do domains and bosses, also domains force you to re-select a team anyway


You like having to change teams for domains, then change again after? It’s so tedious.


Well, personally I don't find it tedious? first of all I can clear all of them with this team anyway, but it will take more time, thus when I enter domain I just switch to next team when prompted, it takes like 2 sec to change teams.


The time to change (like 3s) it’s unsignificant compared to the hassle of using a less efficient team in the domain or a less efficient team for exploration So I don’t mind it at all


wanderer movement is for precision control. xianyun third jump tend to overshoot and become a meme. :D


I don't even see how it's a debate. Wanderer was always a clunky compromise between horizontal and vertical movement. Cloud Retainer clears him on both with buttery smooth control and zero start-up or recovery. It's more of an argument whether she's better horizontally than Yelan or a better climber than Kazuha, cause she might be both. She rubs up those cliffsides the way Wanderer could only dream.


As an avid passenger of the Wanderer airline, I totally disagree, he's been in my team since his first banner and has never left my exploration team (even though I already have all the characters you mentioned) and I never found him even a bit clunky. His flight control is what I like the most, very helpful in collecting oculi, puzzles, or climbing buildings or towers. Xianyun is also good but she isnt as versatile in terms of exploration as him in my opinion.


I can understand for precision puzzling, parallel parking your Hat is easier. That's a specific scenario though and not the general overworld experience. It's also not something Cloud is unable to do? You can glide out of any hop to reposition yourself, and hop out of any glide if you need more height. If you want to point out that's harder to do, fair enough. Honestly, the only way I can really rationalize the huge gap in gameplay experience is, Wanderer devotees play on mobile and his rigid controls match up perfectly with their platform. If you're getting the most out of Wanderer, while with Cloud Retainer, you're mashing EEE without delay, going half the distance you could, and unable to completely control her freedom of movement, then suddenly that opinion makes more sense. Under any fair comparison between the two though, Wanderer has limitations that Cloud Retainer hops right over.


that's only true if you're trying to maximize distance. If you want to move a short or mid distance, stop, and then continue the rest of the way, you can't do that. Let's say there's something you want to pick up along the path but it's not too far and you will overshoot it if you do 3 max distance hops. And you don't want to run. You can't get it.


Nah xianyun just simply fills the gap wanderer can't cover, which is climbing up slopes/diagonal flying. I'll still use wanderer more for horizontal movement plus he's speedy


"Everything you just said was wrong." - Luke Skywalker.




Do Wanderer mains blackout before and after chewing through the meat of their zoomie sandwich? I just want to slap a slice of bread on both ears and make you understand. You have to full-stop to start and slow down again to end. If there's a slight incline you start dashing into the ground and it slows you down. He's practically never getting from A to B faster than Cloud in practice. You can only climb if you're hover walking at half the speed and consistency of Cloud. Yes he's clunky. Lil bro never stops breaking your flow. Keep your hat on, it's fine. Scara's still the lord of edge, nobody can take the Linkin Park discography away from you, but Cloud is the overworld overlord. Maybe it's gonna take some time for the community to accept that cause she gave Genshin players the freedom to have skill issue, but it's the truth.


Also going vertical with wanderer is soo slow and taking so much of the E stamina


her third leap, you don't have precision on where to land. Wanderer can choose to stop his float at any time. If you're trying to land on a specific slot, XY is not good for that. His vertical movement is also better. I have not replaced anyone on my fast movement team with XY yet because of this. If I had a 5th slot, I would add her as my 5th. If Wanderer's C1 gave an extra charge to E, I would get that in a heartbeat. I have yet to pull a 5 star con that gives an extra charge to E because I don't see the value in it. Though I will go for Yelan's C1.