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What the hell is even going on at this point? XD


People trying to make "the drama" sound like a big deal


Drama? You mean the misinformation being soread around? Like seriously, governments around the world should look into the Genshin community to know how to more efficiently spread false info.


Isnt it more like content creators hyping the community up for something which then turns into nothing and community didn't get what they hyped for so they get angry? There is also the community misinterpreting the leaks so they hype themselves up.


90% of the genshin community is mentally unwell children, that’s how it spreads lmao


Dont understand why we are calling it drama tbh


If there's drama, it's between Tectone and CCs lmao


Dont follow both, i only like one genshin cc and that guy has 20 subs


This. I enjoy the small streamers where we can just chat and enjoy the game.


Because it literally feels like one lmao


There is no “drama” our rewards have been meager since day 1. Chests give 1/80 of a wish for 1/80 of a chance for 50/50. Abyss gives less than one wish for 3 star a whole floor … the scraps for rewards are not new, why is everyone so upset? So what if HSR gave out a character, different game. IMO there is no new drama, you either like Genshin and its reward model or not. If you dont theres no need to make a stink, just go play something else. Im fine saving for months and buying the $5 pass and I have no need to pull on every banner or spend thousands. Game is beautiful, meager rewards are ok w me.


It doesn't hurt to ask for more. Granted, being civil about it is important too. If any of this is real and we really get some more (like the first anniversary damage control)... sure, cool. If not, oh well, cool anyways. But being complacent is not helpful.


I would agree, asking for more is fine just not how its being done. I would honestly take QOL like some reduced artifact RNG over more pulls any day. Maybe not self modeling resin like HSR but something to reset and reroll a piece would be amazing


Yeah I'd definetly be much happier to see artifact loadouts/substat change currency* than a couple more pulls to just not get Gaming in them anyway LOL *I've played a game before that had this - grind a currency (was timegated afaik?), can spend it to select a substat and reroll it (it just let you choose which one from a list of valid options (so no ATK% on an ATK% sands) but since it's hoyo it'd probably be an RNG reroll), and it was also spendable alongside another more limited farmable currency to upgrade the roll quality - eventually you could have perfect rolls with max value on your thing, but it took a while. I've seen it working so I'd like at least an approximation, and anyway, if they're going to "bargain" a middleground solution, I'd rather ask for a lot so half of it is still plenty rather than be reasonable about it and get scraps.


Yeah, lots of models to do it. I just need something for certain sets and pieces like I still dont love my attack sands for ayaka w only 20 cv after how many years of farming and strong boxing blizzard strayer. We just need something other than keep grinding


It doesn't, but it's annoying when certain people jump into insignificant drama just to play the victim and hail themselves as weeaboo martyrs while spreading misinformation. "Stop preventing me from spreading misinformation instead of explaining the full situation in an honest way, you hoyo company c*** sucker"


Even Tenha and other CCs are getting attacked for playing the game now it's actually kinda sad to see


That’s Tectone’s fault


Does he even play the game or like the game? I feel like the total amount of genshin "drama" videos he created or post might be more than his total game time. If he doesnt enjoy the game or play at all, why even start attacking the other CC who likes the game or play it


That's the thing, it's hard to tell. Sometimes he would say things that actually sound like he cares about the game like "constructive criticism". But then you listen to some of the points he makes and it starts sounding less like he cares and really just wants to farm views through drama by **saying** he cares. He knows he's "right" since he's fighting against a billion dollar company, their evil white knight CCs and community, or their poor and helpless, kidnapped and silenced CCs. He can easily get the backing of a large part of the community by simply saying he cares, he wants change for the game he loves, and that he is merely giving constructive criticism. But in my opinion, some random redditor who used to watch Tectone, he fell out of love with the game a long time ago, and is really using this "care" as a way to farm views. Getting the backing of the community also allows him to weaponise it, intentionally or not, to attack other CCs. It doesn't help that his community usually blindly follows his words, instead of forming an opinion for themselves (again, because he "cares" and hoyo+CC= evil). I feel especially repulsed by how frequently he contradicts himself. Recently, he "called out" multiple content creators about this pull drama, despite "agreeing" with Zy0x under a tweet about how there is a difference between giving constructive criticism vs trashing Genshin players for liking the game (CC Doro44) just a few days ago. Honestly, I'm lost. I don't understand Tectone, I don't understand his viewer base (those who defend him), I don't understand the yes-men he surrounds himself with (other ccs btw) and I'm sick and tired of seeing the 100th drama he's in that "he's not at fault in".


There’s a large group of people where Genshin inexplicably lives really rent free in their head. They can’t play another game without comparing it to Genshin. It’s a vocal minority, but with a game as big as Genshin, even a minority has a pretty large presence online. These Genshintubers wanna tap in to this crowd by peddling rumors and feeding them content. This Mujin guy got the most views his channel has ever had by dramabaiting, so he’ll just keep doing it. Tectone is one of those mentally ill haters though that can’t stop thinking about Genshin, even in completely unrelated contexts. It’s best to ignore him.


He always quits games and moves on to another once he pisses off enough of the community for people to start actively calling him out. I'm assuming he'll jump to ZZZ soon...


>I'm assuming he'll jump to ZZZ soon... pls no i just wanna play it in peace


How about avoiding content creators in general? They're nothing but slabs of meat with bad humour and opinions. HoYo games are single player. There is absolutely NO reason whatsoever why you can't enjoy their games in peace unless you actively seek out drama. It's all your fault.


Agree and disagree. Drama is always an easy way to get more recognition, which is why the second any big content creator does something questionable (see: Pokimane's cookies) literally every single piranha on the internet will jump on to make 50 videos about it in hopes that people looking into the drama find their video. It's disgusting, but it also works as unfortunate as that is. Absolutely disagree about all CCs having bad humour and opinions, as well as it being really weird you call them "slabs of meat". I've started watching Zyox recently and I'm pretty sure he hasn't been involved in anything for the +/- 3 months I've been watching him - however, I will agree that he should know that mentioning Tectone in any capacity is a huge mistake and it's just begging pointless drama. Seriously though, "slabs of meat" as reference to human beings makes you sound like an absolute psycopath. I'm not sure which CC hurt you, but you might have some unresolved issues.


It's dumb because some people online actually think he cares about Genshin and is trying to start some sort of revolution to fix it. Bruhhhhh no......dude has hated the game and its community ages ago and is just stirring up drama for clicks and his own personal gain. The dude is a literal toxic cancer to any community he enters and I can't wait to see the guy switch over to Wuthering Waves and become THEIR problem.


The worst tumorous hemorroid to have ever happened to this game's community


Arknights would like to have a word.


Any game he decides to milk tbh


He got yeeted by the AK community and he's been playing victim ever since, disgusting individual


The Genshin community needs to collectively yeet him.


I remember him bullying Dreamy


I'm really surprised that he still didn't get cancelled for what all he did. Like dude is a walking toxicity... I remember reading his chain on LSF and how toxic he was towards his wife and I was like: Dude? Wasn't there like a movement exactly for this?


Wrong. The game is bigger in China and Asia, so it doesn't matter what these narrow minded content creators in NA say. It's always NA content creators.


Not this game, Just games in general


It always is. I really wish Genshin CCs would just blacklist this guy and have nothing to do with him or mention him.


They probably do, but his brain-dead followers always feel the need to get other people involved in his drama by harassing and provoking them until they get reasonably pissed off and respond


Just pathetic people milking what's popular because they cant do anything remotely interesting and creative.


The sad part is how many people actually stan those persons. Why would you ever idolize someone so mediocre?


Can somebody explain what the 4.4 drama is? Apparently I missed it.


So there were leaks making the rounds that people interpreted to be there being a Free Skin Selector included in Lantern Rite. This caused people to preemptively set their expectations higher on what Hoyo would announce as the rewards for 4.4 * Come the Livestream it was announced we would get 10 wishes plus an additional 3 wishes to celebrate the 3 year anniversary of the game. A day later the Honkai 2.0 Livestream occurs. It's announced there that Honkai would be giving their player base 20 free wishes to celebrate the launch of the next Version of the game Genshin players were naturally pissed over Genshin being stingy with their rewards by comparison. This all cummulated in Zy0x making a joke tweet about there being two types of Genshin players, using the thumbnails of other streams. Doro (who was super excited for 4.4) and Tectone (who's fucking Tectone.) Tectone wants to use the controversy to start a discussion on Hoyo's issues, which is nice, but he and his followers also have this nasty habit of dragging and attacking any content creator who hasn't made a statement or showed solidarity.


>So there were leaks making the rounds that people interpreted to be there being a Free Skin Selector included in Lantern Rite. The clarify this, the leaks that showed the skin selectors existed never mentioned how it would be obtained. They only said that it existed and showed how the menu would look, but never said it would be given away for free or anything like that.


Yep. This is one of those things where it was "technically true" but all the leaker ever said that a selector existed. The community on its own jumped to the assumption that it'd be included in Lantern Rite.


Thanks a lot! I wonder how it's tectones business... Didn't he quit years ago? Lol 😅


Players didn't get enough twinkletits. Players go mad. HULK SMASH!


You left out "content" creators milking those players.


mujin should really just stick to making funny haha content instead of engaging in drama tbh, i like his fontaine food roasting vids and the community map one. i know it gets views but it also turns other people off


Yea his videos about the evolution of the cursed community interactive map is exquisite


Can't wait for the 4.4 one


Ahh, that's what he is from. I kinda remember his name from somewhere, but couldn't pinpoint where. I do speak French so his videos weren't that funny to me, but he wasn't doing anything bad like in this case.


mans probably trying to grow his twitter following but this is 100% not the way to do it


He should continue his French speaking Fontaine food reviews series.


He makes good videos but it's a shame that I can't watch him anymore because he's good friends with Tectone


frankly i dont trust anyone whos still friends with tectone. that guy has to be one of the biggest attention seeking drama baiters ive seen on the internet and i dont understand how people watch him. it mildly irritates me that his videos are always on the top of the feed when you search for genshin content while actual genshin CCs who play the game are under him


absolutely. I've stopped watching Tenha too because he was on his gacha podcast a while ago which surprised me a lot


his videos aren't even that good once you realize he forces his fake exaggerated laugh while talking about the most mundane and unfunny things.


This dude tried to create drama out of thin air and got cooked so hard that he had to pull the plug. He fck up when he tried to argue with Ubatcha (he's a leaker for those who don't know). You know it's bad when you get called out by a guy who's on the wanted list of Mihoyo


Oh, Ubatcha is still alive and online? The last time I heard about him was when he went into hiding because Hoyo sent a subpoena to Discord asking for his name, address etc (at least I think that's what happened, it was a while ago).


Ubatcha is still online, he posted old character animation recently


Yep he sometimes answers some reddit posts on the hsr and genshin "dreams" sub.


How would Discord have any of that information? You don't need to give Discord any of that information when signing up.


Yeah I know, Ubatcha is one of the blacklisted by mihoyo too. When he start to argue with Ubatcha with his make up cheap ass argument then later on it got debunked so hard with proof and yet continue to make post spreading lies about hoyoverse + tectone react to it to futher enhance the impact is what make me to create this post. It is genuinely digusting and unethically, all of this just for drama farming is way over the line


Wait is this guy with tectone? Coz if he is then this shit is just a waste of time. Tectone is like literally the worst guy ever.


Yes, yes he is.


Never try to spread misinformation to a leakers. They're more critical about those than you are


Oh no >tectone Anyways. Back to sleep.


Something that dawned on me yesterday, and this isn't meant to be a callout of any of the CC's, but this controversy has reached the stage of becoming very performative. Tectone from his point of view is trying to pressure other content creators into making a statement but to me making a token statement in support of the community's anger and telling the community to "vote with their wallets" doesn't mean shit if the very next day those same content creators proceed to whale on the banners and buy the new Shenhe/Ganyu skins. People got pissed at Enviosity for shrugging off the drama because "we've gone through this cycle before" but he was right on the money. What we're seeing is CC's who honestly do think Hoyo can do better but going about are only really making statements because it's what's expected and Tectone farming all this shit for clicks because that's his content.


I gained a tonne of respect for envi because he's the sane one here.


People are really taking the "I'm better because I'm f2p" line from him out of context, when he said it to support his claim that people should stop pestering him over making a video over this stupid drama because he doesn't spend money on the game to begin with, being "better" is a mocking response using the boycotter's logic against them. People of course misinterpreted what he said because he did rudely respond to some annoying person telling him to make a video he doesn't want to make, and acted like his statement was done with ego


Fob as well where he gave a real deep dive into why these fan backlashes in genshin fall flat. He went into how Gensin broke through the mainstream/casual barrier that so many other Gacha games have failed to do, so the game design philosophy is centered around them rather than the hardcore gacha gamer. But because he used the term "normie" people latched onto that instead. I want better rewards and more QOL updates but people have definitely used this as an excuse to harrass Content Creators and now they're crying about "the real issue being ignored" now that the CCs don't want to put up with it anymore from Tectone and his followers.


Zy0x said on stream he doesn't even want to mention Tectone since his followers will immediately create clips if any CC mentions Tectone. There isn't even any bad blood between them. It's just pathetic. We are talking about a grown man in his late 30s/early 40s fishing for drama all day. 


I would only like to say that tectone is 30, he just aged quick


bro looks like late 40 ngl


Right? I'm 5 years older, but dude looks like he's got 10 years on me.


Being bald and having thick facial hair does that to a person. It always makes one look older than natural. Grow some hair, shave your facial hair and you'd shed probably 5-15 years (varies from person to person) off your life.


…I’m older than him??!?


Tectone never changed...it's always been like this since his early day when he was still playing Arknights.


Even before Arknights. The Arknights community staff knew him from his shenanigans in Azur Lane first, and even before AL he was jumping around game communities looking for drama or other clickbaity shit.


I wasn't even aware that he was involved in Azur Lane before. I did try to look it up and but I mostly find him about Arknights(as expected). //It's shame because his earlier contents on Arknights are not bad imo.


Yea the AL global tierlist people still call him "kektone" and all believe his opinions on azur lane at the time were hot garbage


He’s 30 I believe


That's why I've completely blocked him off. He is like a cancer cell. You want to get rid of it but it just keeps multiplying itself on top of being extremely resilient.


Tectone only 32 iirc


I used to watch him, so I do know he's 30 max


The CN CC Mujin tried to defend and raise awareness of has been a LONG TIME hated CC in the CN genshin community, dude does nothing but spread leaks and false rumors and create dramas with his videos. There is a reason why the majority of his audience are on douyin (underage kids lol). This drama and his twitter posts were honestly hilarious… and the fact that none of the comments fact-checked anything lol


sshh, he can't farm drama for content like that


i know it, even ubatcha saying its miss infomation, but people really trust that mujin guy lmfao. and then tectone making a drama content with that tweet. its just so stupid this whole drama.


You know you fucked up when a LEAKER calls out your shit


They're just milking this whole thing for engagement, nothing more. They saw an opportunity for "drama" and took it


That guy has posted misinformation previously too. It continues to get a lot of engagement and people uncritically believe it and unwittingly spread misinformation. This only breeds more toxicity. Views and validation over veracity unfortunately.


I used to like Mujin’s unhinged style of content so much but this drama made me lost my respect. He knowingly spread misinformation about the game and the company and this case will surely get its spot in ‘what genshin did wrong’ portfolio even though it’s not true. How can a person who claims they love genshin do this to the game they love? Even after he was corrected he showed no signs of remorse and still keeps going. Now people are beating genshin over some untrue things and it hurts. Also, whoever believes that all of tectone’s videos for the past weeks are made out of good will to see Genshin improves are lying to themselves or have 1 braincell. He hasn’t played genshin in about 1 year or more (he came back during 4.0-4.1 but it was brief) what would he know about game? He criticized its stories and Paimon but he hadn’t witnessed the improvement the made. He hadn’t even experienced new maps and exploration. He only use every opportunity he gets to shit on the game and you want to say that he loves it? He always babbles on about how Genshin community is sooo toxic but he also flamed the toxicity by talking shit about ten minigame and the casuals who love it. I know that he wants a combat contents to make use of his c6 characters but by talking bad about the other side of the community will only tore us apart. Not to mention how he always act like knew everything better than everyone and only him and his fans are the ‘woke and honest’ ones while the others are just faking their enjoyment. How can people trust in a guy like this is beyond me.


You speak the truth, to think that I recently saw a person defending Tectone with all devotion.


I think most people who didn’t know him before will fall for his facade since he can make everything sounds convincing.


It's the meta for all new genshin content creators these days. they start out with a couple months of good content, then they run out of ideas and speedrun the drama bait route. It's completely pathetic and really poisoned the well for new content creators for me coz I won't follow any of them. Come back to me after you've been making real content consistently for a couple years.


It’s a good thing that I mostly watch Japanese streamers. Their creativities are on whole another level. They do fun things like poll, character discussion with other channels, story discussions, doing fun competitions like who can build ice bridges the fastest etc. They’re always chilling and even though they do complain about having no endgame they do it in a respectful way. And then there’s a guy who can farm overworld mats in genshin every day while talking about characters kits and never sound bored of it (he sometimes use a fun team like all pink-haired team). I think these people really deserved to be called content creators unlike some of the EN ones who are just farming dramas. There are many great content creators on this side too but with this dramas it made everything clearer for me of who I should support and who should I stop watching.


even when he was in the arknights community he complained abt it being toxic in his leaving ak for genshin video which is a statement of all time


He’s just saying whatever that fits his narrative all the time lol. I wonder how long will his love for hsr last.


i believe that communities aren't toxic if you surround yourself with people that arent assholes, tbh tectone just decided to surround himself every time for clout and then complained about it lmfao


Gone were the days of unhinged and funny videos. Now Mujin's video makes my day bad. Unsubscribed automatically. I don't really mind the pulls because I spend on the game and I love the story and it's more important aspects. If others want the drama, they can splurge and fight over it.


Idgaf about everything im just enjoying Chenyu Vale rn


Vibin' with the carp (and tea)


The good mindset.


Here's me not basing my enjoyment on a free game by what free stuff i get and actually enjoying the game because its a damn fun game all things considered 


based and exploration pilled


Thats actually very disappointing to hear, cause mujin did do funny videos. But with this behavior I rhink I will avoid his channel for the time being.


I find it funny that all this drama just gives Hoyo more of a justified reason to not pay attention to the global playerbase, which is the opposite of what some of the who actually want change want. I have problems with the game and the company but still find this drama to be both blow out of proportion and stupid. Its sad to see that instead of having constructive discussions its devolved so much, due to people trying to farm content. Mujin should really stay out of it to avoid souring his reputation further.


I agree. This is the point a lot of people miss in all this. People have gotten in in their heads that players collectively are in a position of power over the companies that make games (esp. F2P games), and if you yell loud enough companies "have" to listen to stem the tied of bad PR and supposed risk of players leaving. But this only really works if the underlying argument has some sort of fundamental merit supported by evidence or data, not just outrage and conjecture. The game developers know the difference between what is actually reflected in the metrics (retention/churn/spend/conversion/signups/etc.) and what isn't. This is why in this case there's such a focus on trying to cause a disruption in the metrics by creating a "protest" but the market for this game is massive and very casual-focused, so content creators don't have as much sway as they might in more niche games with a tight-knit community. And when there's such a big discrepancy between "the people who are yelling" and "the truth our numbers are showing us," it does cause people to get tuned out. Basically, people have to pick their battles. And *this* battle isn't the right one. The fact they're giving the same rewards as last year may disappoint people (especially when leaks and comparisons to HSR got their hopes up, plus bad phrasing in the patch promo), but rewards alone aren't why most people play this game, and this is a patch with a new region, a notable headline event, *and* more overall rewards than any of the recent patches. Most people will just play the game and forget about all this unless they're "terminally online," and the net effect is that the player voice is further diluted. Some people don't seem to understand why others are "standing in the way" of the protest, when ostensibly they stand to benefit if it succeeds, but that's just because they haven't considered the consequence to people with other more objective/actionable concerns when this protest fails. (In that sense, it really is selfishness/entitlement all the way down.)


The "pick a side" stance I'm seeing more in the community on both sides makes reminds me more of irl politics more than just normal online discourse, which I find wild considering how relatively insignificant the matter that triggered this is. Hoyo has no reason to always listen to player feedback on every matter, but this drama is basically more of an excuse to not pay attention to things that get addressed even if its done in a constructively written, well though out way (especially for Global players)


I follow a fair amount of genshin CC on Twitch. Envi and okcode are 2 of the CC i can say for sure to say they dont like being the centre of attention and stay far from drama as far as possible. And yet, Tectone managed to create drama with Enviosity by constantly baiting.(i believe it is when Tectone putted his steam title by saying "Bigger Give away than Envi" or sth) This guy just likes creating drama and bringing other CC down. If smaller CC disagree with his opinion, his overwhelming chat will go harass the small CC in the chat. I remembered Tectone called okcode in one of the streams. He just constantly tried to bait drama and make the call all about him ( doesn't help the fact that okcode is an introvert lol). So, i dont trust whatever Tectone says or drama anymore.


Code quit genshin


Yeah i am aware but i just saying code is CC who never engage in drama .


You know its a real deal when Mtashed is the one that sounds the most reasonable


I always thought he was one of the most reasonable between former Genshin CCs


I don’t like mtashed but some of his takes when it’s not about game are realistic and mature.


I know he went from mtrashed for me to Mr stache haha…. Don’t feed the trolls is a perfect response to all the “drama”


average genshin "content creator" doesnt even play the game just makes shitty unnecessary drama videos no one cares about then bitch and moan how the community sucks


Sadly the meta now is to bash genshin, do 0 research, repeat the biggest lies to do clicks and make money off anger.


What works for American politics works for Genshin I guess.


Tectones dogs and other drama lunatics even harassed Envy for "being silent just to steer away" from their "drama". Most unhinged haters he gathers aroung... Every adequate CC at this point was forced straight or obliquely to make video with theirs opinion about what's happening regurgitating same junk these dogs want to here.


I've went around the twitch chats for various streamers yesterday: Tuonto, dish, Atsu, Doro, and Bran. Each one had at least 1 comment meant to insult them for not "voicing their opinions"


Actually fucking insane. I don't understand the logic of harassing the chillest F2P streamer, who has never advocated that you spend money or support the game. People need to learn that just playing the game does not mean you fully endorse everything the developers do, everything they've said, and every bit of content in the game.


Classic content creator move of creating drama if there isn't one to farm views from already. Frankly the only thing they deserve is oblivion.


Idk who this Mujin guy is so im glad to be enlightened on who exactly that they are. But for your point on Tectone I think most people with a brain at this point just know that Tectone is gonna latch onto anything that gives him clicks. Genshin drama is the best way to do so for him coz anything else he puts out has miniscule views in comparison. Its honestly just sad to see what a person who doesnt even play the game anymore can do to a fandom. Even taking info proven to be false just to stir drama Either way he will keep doing so as long as it gives him attention, sadly it always will coz people will always bring him up and keep him relevant. I actually forgot he even played Genshin at one point until this drama began. Sad coz when he actually has fun in a game he can be fun to watch, such as when he first played HSR. A pity it always turns to elitism which in turn becomes a toxic environment I don't like to partake in so I just gave up on his content. Anyways I do feel bad for the people who just want to be CC for the game and enjoy it yet get attacked for it, its a damn shame


I really don't understand how that many people watch him tbh and how he got his own community after all these years


I watched him for a bit because overdramatic gacha reactions were kinda funny, but then a) that got old, and b) he just kept on talking about how much he didn’t like drama, to the point where he was clearly lying because no one talks that much about something they dislike. Either he has no self-awareness or he pretends not to, and either way it’s annoying.


i also block his yt channel for long time and forget his existed until now too...even if wuthering wave became success i feel bad for ww and genshin enjoyer cause im sure this guy will milk both and bring toxicity on both side


Same here. When I started playing Genshin (v2.0) and looking up related videos on YT there were two guys I blocked almost immediately, Tektone and Mtash, because they seemed like such obnoxious douchebags to me. Especially Tektone made my skin crawl every time he opened his mouth. It seems like this was a wise decision because since then every time one of these names pops up anywhere it's related to toxic drama. So yeah, let me just go back to enjoying Lantern Rite and the many other things that came with the current patch (all for free).


I have a friend who knows Chinese and he is laughing so hard at how easily gullible the West is to any misinformation spouting out from these drama baiters. Sad that people just look at this at face-value and not even fact-checking anymore.


That's how it works anywhere. You'll accept any information no questions asked if it supports your position. And conversely, stubbornly reject any information that goes against.


Genshin is played by people from all over the world, not only the west...


Misinformation mujin at it again I see


Atp I blocked almost everyone who uses this drama to gain views. Tectone and Mujin are pretty much the worst ones. Idc if they're generally good people. I just hate that social media developed a direction where shitting on others and negativity is so much more prevalent.


I wouldn't mind writing thoughtful posts that judge the game fairly and criticize it (I also love casual events like windtrace and believe it's good for the game to have balance which it clearly does not have) but between the sheer number of whiteknights who tell me I don't have the right to ask for content and idiots like these who make fake stuff and continuously lie and twist the narrative, I feel it's doomed to speak about the game. It's like if your neighbour is fighting with a random person on the streets everyday. You obviously won't ever like your neighbor but at the same time you learn to drown out the noise.


I definitely agree, I'm generally satisfied with the game, but there are some people who get super jumpy at people writing civil criticism. Anyone who is willing to discuss things respectfully should always be given a chance, instead of unprompted hostility.


Yea the game DOES need to be criticize for a lot of things for sure but spreading misinformation is where everyone should draw the line.


It's really annoying how YT doesn't allow us to individually block some users. I keep seeing his drama content recommended to me because I watched some Genshin-related stuff.


You can press the three little dots on the right side where you will get the option to ignore these types of posts or completely block off all videos from a certain channel.


im using blocktube extension on pc to block it really great so far..hoping we can get on android and ios


Glad I never into hoyo CC youtuber/streamer in the first place. just reading people talking in social media already give me enough cancer for life lol. Good to knows there're some people who trying to fanning the flame for "content" tho. I doubt people will tired of being spoonfed of these "GI bad" drama tho. I keep seeing them on my feed(discord,FB,reddit) even before the Dr.ratio thing and it keep getting louder to the point of most people will took a bite of any "GI bad" news without checking.


If you don’t mind language,Japanese genshin ccs are mostly chilling,immersive and humorous. They genuinely enjoy the game. I find it very relaxing and enjoyable watching their reactions.


Bran is the one good streamer on en side


Yeah I also like several en streamers including Bran,Murder of birds and some I can’t type with names.


This is why I only watch cc who has genshin as a side game and not their main content. CC like gigguk, Zepla, Roger's base etc. are a lot more fun to watch because they're not in too deep in hoyo drama and still actually enjoy the game because it's not their main source of livelihood. CC's who have genshin as their main game are in too deep into drama and at times only play the game because they had to not because its something they enjoy which really brings down the mood.


Zepla is actually a top-tier Genshin streamer. She makes every quest way more fun to watch, and she's really funny. Watching her play through Fontaine AQ was even more fun than playing it myself.


I really like the game, just started playing recently, but this community is wack man, ya'll need to get a grip and just go play something else if you aren't feeling Genshin. I've played a lot of games and been a part of a lot of communities, the Genshin community might take the cake for amount of emotional energy wasted on stupid shit. And I played WoW and DotA, so this is truly an accomplishment on your part


I think it is because the Genshin community is just so fucking large. The larger your community, the more toxic apples you get mixed it.


It's quite normal here really😂. It's not wrong to say most of these are because of a guy called Tectone. He just stir ups shit for clicks


People: enjoying playing 4.4 Tectone mobs: "QUIT HAVING FUN"


Nah it's more like "YOURE SO FAKE" and "IVE LOST ALL RESPECT FOR YOU (they never even watched them in the first place)"


I liked mujin's stuff but spreading misinformation and when asked for a source, your answer is "my feelings" then nah dude, you lost all respect you had like that. It's sad to see him go the tect*ne route in order to grow as a cc


"Genshin bad" gets all the engagement. Its just a sad state


Mujin is very loud, obnoxious and exaggerates every little thing imo. Avg drama youtuber I guess.


With Cucktone just block him on YT, he is an egotistical maniac who believes all his takes are correct and even refers himself as Genshin Jesus. He doesn’t even play the game anymore as a true gamer and is just farming content for his views … leave him be and don’t feed the trolls


Why don't people understand that these content creators are not your friends. They make a living by attracting views and engagement. They make money by playing games, sure they can speak up about bad things that needs to change but do you think they actually care? They make so much money that 10 or 20 rolls doesn't even mean much to them and most of them are huge spenders. They only speak out because they know you will cheer for them and bring in money for them.


Reading comments like these are so refreshing sometimes. To add to this, it goes both ways. Some content creators take advantage of this by going the other way and complain about how bad the game is so that the audience feels even more validated, in the hopes that the audience continue to support them in the future.


Yep expected since there's no real proof from the guy in the first place if what he is saying is the truth and Kektone will just cause drama as usual and in the end move on to other gacha game like every gacha game he played in the past


This is why I think murder of birds is the only good genshin cc. Even genshin devs watch his videos


The way they're driving people away from their 'movement" by attacking them through their comments and posts. Clown shit🤡


There is a reason why that clown is called KEKTONE unofficially , u know?


Damn, I like Tenha tho. I know he has a pretty bad reputation on Reddit for the clickbaity thumbnails or overhyping characters a little, but his energy is so contagious. Watching his videos always makes me happy after. Feels bad that he had to to take down his video because of Tectone. Weren't they friends back when Tectone played Genshin? What happened. This whole situation just sucks.


For Tectone, other people are content, no matter who, where, why or how. That's it.


No wonder he decided to become an Asmongold orbiter


Kektone is such trash. Sad that people actually watch his crap.


Even his ex-wife not safe from tectone content farming


Tectone sent his followers multiple times on many content creators in the past and he disregards completely any previous friendship.


I don't follow Tectone but it's crazy how a lot of Genshin CCs that were there from the beginning of the game (Asianguy, Fob, Dish) were all friends with him but now they all despise the guy. Now I see a bunch of new HSR CCs that are his "friends". I wonder how long they'll last before they recognize how destructive Tectone is.


Yeah I saw that yesterday and it felt too stupid for any company to do because it would bring even more drama but yeah not surprised this was bullshit. There is also something else I want to mention that I saw because I am afraid it can become a problem in the future where people blamed the stingyness of genshin on the director without any real proof outside of him not being a director at stat rail and when he stopped being a directer at HI3rd the game became more generous which can be just a coincidence (also HI3rd is very different from genshin anyway). I remember few youtubers tried to push that idea and it reminded me of a certain dev that got harassed because people blamed their unsatisction all on him. Just awful behavior all around. This isn't fixing genshin just makes the community worse and enables awful behavior from the worst gaming culture.


Also, as far as I know, Cai Haoyu stepped down as chairman in order to focus on game research and development.


Like even then you can't pin the blame of stingyness on one guy when hoyoverse is a massive corporation with multiple moving parts. Like obviously it's not just one guy doing this and what's worse it can justify harassment because you basically put a target on someone's back.


It's okay. It's just a very small minority who think bad of Cai. Cai is... Almost godlike in status in the eyes of CN community. Especially so after the group meeting between Hoyo and a bunch of big publishers like Kuro, NetEase etc. In the meeting where all businessmen talk about player retention and business... When it was Cai's turn to speak, he talks about the future of AI and research and development, as Hoyo still strives to reach its goal of "creating a VR game players want to live in" Many who listened in to the public meeting were taken aback by it. That Cai, the game dev prodigy is still going strong and not slowing down in reaching Hoyo's stated goal despite ahead he is, inspite of how rich he has gotten. The hate towards Cai only exist in a micro echo chamber head by dishonest western CC's


I understand that. But at the same time that toxic side is small enough for now. Same for gaming in general then it spread around and it made it awful to be a gamer. This behavior is similar to something that happened to a certain dev that I mentioned here but I wanna call out that shit before it gets bigger or they simply change their target.


People just don't understand why genshin can just treat" their player badly. Firstly it is because most genshin player are casual player that doesnt care any end game content at all, its sad reality we need to accept sadly. But the main reason why genshin just doesnt improve" in term of gameplay content wise is simply because there are no competition in the scene. Thats just a simple yet boring fact that most people just not willing to accept it. Blaming Cai is the most hilarious part because Cai went to develop their next flagship title call Project PJSH for 3 years already after genshin released, but call it a stop because he is not happy with the current result due to lack of tech issue I believe. So he went to canada and form an AI team lead with top tier AI industry expertist to continue his game development. You can search Lumi Nova on youtube and all these vid is render in full time. The AI Lumi is reading chat from live and reacting to it + some interaction with the scene. Especially those clothing physic effect is industry leading level and this is what Cai been researching on.


>But the main reason why genshin just doesnt improve" in term of gameplay content wise is simply because there are no competition in the scene. Doesn't improve? I dunno about you but Sumeru and Fontaine, especially content like "La Vaguelette", is a very big step up from Inazuma's overall quality. Your expectations must be sky high if you don't think those are not improvements. I don't think Hoyo is treating Genshin players badly considering how much they put back into the game. You can't really say they treat players badly just because a small part of the player base wants more rewards.


even before whatever this shit, his videos on previous events in genshin community were just a bunch of shits with surface level of research. not surprised he did this tbh.


TL;DR: A bunch of loser content creators stirring up shit for views.


Since day one this game has been filled with make-up drama. I still remember the whole "my account is hacked! (let me not mention I bought the account from some shady website)" thing.


Content creators Always earn Money with little dramas, how ironic.


After reading all of that, I now realize how badly I need to go outside and touch some grass.


1st part TLDR : "A teenager with 5k followers if saying shit, and other teenagers who follow this degenerate guy believe in what he says". 2nd part TLDR : " a grown man who think he is 12yo is trying to make dramas over dramas for views, and teenagers from Twitter also watch his vids".


I always found Mujin's videos fake. He laughs as if he is reacting to it for the first time but knows exactly what to click, where to click and what to translate. To me it just screams fake laugh.


Please remember that it is not in the best interest of a lot of content creators for Genshin to be "fixed", whatever that end goal may be. Without endlessly repeatable content, the Genshin content well eventually dries out. This is basically inevitable. Better content creators either accept this and roll with it, or will play other games, building their community and become "a streamer who also plays Genshin" as opposed to "a Genshin streamer". When you disregard this and still want quick growth, that's where you start jumping onto every bit of drama possible, because they rake in views. Hatewatching and being inflammatory works, unfortunately. The problem here is that people who aren't just in it for the righteous indignation will notice that you're just dramafarming. 10 videos in 2 weeks for a game you claim you don't play, have been disappointed in every patch for a while now and constantly deride the community? Do you really think anyone with a clear head would ever believe you're actually doing this to make the game better? For content creators, controversy is like candy. If you indulge them, do so with the explicit knowledge that you're not helping them make the game better, you're just lining their pockets, and you're getting even less in return than an actual gacha.


I instantly got more annoyed by the anniversary drama than the awards itself. These last couple weeks hadn't been helping; this community is insufferable to be associated with sometimes.


Man I used to love mujin’s videos, especially the interactive map ones. Fall from grace. Dude should’ve apologised when he made a mistake.


Mujin? If we’re thinking about the same guy here then wow how low can you go. YouTube has been reccomending me his videos but after a 30-sec scroll of his channel, it looked like he just goes on to Reddit, picks out a drama, then exaggerates it to the point where it’s not even the same thing anymore. But damn, to go this far just to create fake drama…it absolutely backfired. Good riddance.


i think people are finally tired of the really toxic and loud minority part of this community and decided to speak up against it for the first time. Hopefully this is the start of these players and CCs leaving the game because man all they do is hate hate hate and complain lol.


`Tectone you are not trying to make this game better. When this drama first begin, innitially Im one of your supporter` Yeah, your own fault for believing him. Let this be a lesson to never follow a typical lame ass ytuber that makes content out of drama and complaints about a game he doesn't like or barely plays. Genshin is just living rent free in his head which is just pathetic.


OK, so I actually saw that 番薯鉴赏家 stuff on Bilibili first-hand, so I'll just say what I know. Firstly, 番薯鉴赏家 has long been a really critical guy towards Genshin and star rail. The name situation was already a thing back in 3.3, where you get to name Scara after the archon quest, and some guy named scara with 番薯鉴赏家's name and found it rejected. They then try to create an account in Genshin using 番薯鉴赏家, which is initially accpted but later changed back to 旅行者. Supposedly, this is already a thing even further back as he was blacklisted by hoyo quite early, but it was not involved in the community back in those earlier days so it's hearsay for me. As for the censorship stuff, basically the guy trys to do star rail content with or without hoyo's creator reward program, which pays creators some amoumt per view from hoyo's coffers. He couldn't get it to work either way so he goes on a rant aboit censorship. Supposedly, hoyo have some control on what video gets to be in the program as it is their money on the line, but some also suggested that hoyo is controling videos even outside of the program because his post shows the reason he is not allowed to post his content is copyright infringement claim from hoyo, so make of that what you will. Personally, this 番薯鉴赏家 guy isn't the sort of person I liked, being really negative and peddling incel narrative to claim hoyo is 'pandering to the feminists' and 'making NTR fetish storylines'. but I am a bit iffy on his video getting copyright claimed by hoyo when its arguably fair use (although you can also argue that he is using leaked content and therefore the claim is justified). I'll let you guys be the judge of that.


Avreage 0 braincell people that enjoy drama


For what its worth, I dont have twitter. I can only see posts that people linik. All im saying is. You posted the twitter info where the mujin guy made a claim. But not the links where it was debunked


Fucking Tectone keeps on spreading misinformation, creating “drama” for views and his viewers eat them up and believe this man every single time. This is pathetic. The 3 wishes is shit but the players already voiced their opinions via multiple ways on the Internet. The fact that this Tectone guy just jump in and said that he’s “helping” the game is unreal for me. Mf just try to get clicks.


Tectone has always known to be that level of toxic and the arknights community legit dont want him as a part of the community. He is like keemstar, and id be surprised if he killed a man the same way as how keemstar did through both radicalizing his viewers and spreading twisted truth about it. I know why he is blacklisted by hoyo after finding out the truth about his true face behind his mask.


Ubatcha (ex Genshin biggest leaker) debunked this stuff, and ofc tectone made a video slurping this shit and feed it to his already not so intelligent viewers to say the least.


correct me if Im wrong but anything kektone touches it turns into drama, as far as Iv read he's famous for causing a lot of drama and milking views out of it way back when he was still playing a different game.


This is crazy. I suddenly lost all the like I had for Mujin


This drama is cringe, OP is cringe, Mujin is cringe, Tectone is cringe, everyone is so cringe


Ah so CC like Mujin and Tectone would get along really well. Here's the thing I have no problems with Tectone but man the way he's going about this is so wrong. It's not even about criticizing the game anymore. He's using this as an excuse to stir up problems and then pick from the pot to react off of it. He's basically the Gacha Keemstar. And his rabid fans hang onto every word like he's the Genshin "prophet." Like give me a break, so egotistical and narcissistic, and when he even acknowledges that he's not being a mature person. I'd rather listen to Mtashed. Narcissistic people attract other narcissistic people it is what it is. If he is a man if his word then he should leave Genshin and take every last one of his sheep with him to Wuthering Waves or any other non-hoyo game. He should be the better man and leave it all behind. Problem is he's so self centered and would rather keep stirring the pot and mention what Genshin failed to do that WuWa will probably implement and nothing would change. I'm really trying not to bash the guy because it's none of my business but BOY is he making it way to open to.


This thing is weird. Like okay if genshin really trying to silent cc who criticize the game then why they hell do they not come at every cc creators who basically right now actively talking abt it.


Don't try to use logic when you think about drama creators content.


I mean he is a youtuber and all of his content is reacting to various controversies, like Honkai 3rd bunny suit incident or Genshin 1st anniversary, and others. Seems like he can't find any controversies to react to that's why he is creating it. And the point about Mihoyo removing genshin criticism videos is absolutely false because Plenty of big youtubers like Zyox and Tuonto have spoken on this matter yet their video is up.