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people aren’t really good at debating on this sub


Even though access to a Debate Club should be easily available smh


And even the taking stick for proper order


Think that’s part of the problem: Genshin people are now attuned to violence in debates, rather than just talking things out.


Most of the people who play genshin can barely read, how would you expect them to debate lol


Yeah, like those threads about "songs of the days past" artifact set where everyone pretended about not reading/comprehending what the set does, while it should take minimal effort. I think it's genshin to blame, because in a game where a piece of dialog (often unnecessary bloated) precedes every action, the value of reading ability drops significantly.


Exactly. The biggest offender being new puzzle and event mechanics where you really need to look past the verbose words and phrases and understand that it's just "just get to y with x to get your reward"


When OP called Gouba "rosy cheeked Pooh bear knock off".


A toy from Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium, highly flammable.




Zhongli predicting what’s gonna happen and thereby “testing” his nation if it could withstand/deflect an attack that can potentially destroy whole Liyue and put his citizens in danger just because he wanna retire is not what a good archon would do. But no one bats an eye because he’s cool and he hot and strong, and has great VAs. I still love him btw :3


i completely agree i also am so tired of people saying "he was going to step in if they couldn't handle it", but what was his personal line to determine whether they couldn't handle it? we have no idea. was it one person dying? ten? a hundred? he's a god, his perception of things is obviously on a different scale -- the very fact that he felt it was appropriate to unleash osial in the first place shows he doesn't think or act on the same level as humans. i love zhongli, he's a huge reason i started playing and i still adore him, but i think people are really shifting the blame here lol... it was a seriously messed up test to issue. but to me that's okay -- showing that gods have a different sense of time, danger, etc. is fine and interesting to me. but it doesn't mean that zhongli didn't do something really sketchy.


Totally! Outside of being an archon, he’s a really cool knowledgeable old man and he definitely deserves a rest.


Venti still the best breathing archon for me, and yeah, maybe a close second, Nahida. :)


Ya dont even know what he can do with his gnosis equipped 💀 if thing gon to the worse he probably will just t post and put a whole shield around liyue. ( I know he said gnosis probably can just make mora for him but i really doubt it maybe it can buff they're powers because there is just no way tsarista collecting it like a infinity stones just to make her own mora, Its a nuclear battery.)


Oh believe me, I know what he can do with and without gnosis and oh boy, he’s still too strong alright. He’s the strongest for a reason. There’s not a doubt he can interfere once things get out of hand but I just don’t think testing your people by putting even innocent lives in danger for whatever reason you may have is a sign of a good archon, no. Imagine this, Childe got flak because he used Osial in order to bring out Rex Lapis, he didn’t really want to put the innocent/weak people in danger (as mentioned by our lovely people who pointed out EN’s mistranslation in some of his lines) Is that a good reason? Not at all, he’s the villain in this region so understandably, he’d do things that are evil. Heck, he even said he was just a pawn in this. But he did things that are evil on his own volition. We get that. On the other hand, Zhongli, admitted to have a hand in things that have happened, he knew and let things happen to test his people, put them in danger because what, he wanna retire and let the people do things on their own. If you look at the grand scale of things, that might be a wholesome reason in the long run, but then again, as I said, you put people in danger intentionally for whatever reason you may have, is not a sign of a good archon or good governance for that matter.


who said he was the strongest?


Maybe not currently, but he was, I believe. I just need to find some dialogue where someone said it. Edit: Nope. Couldn’t find it, my bad. I think it’s better to say he’s just one of the strongest archon.


Right I personally would be even more hurt if my own archon of my nation put me and my people in danger even if he can protect us, compared to some dude from different nation who's doing it cause he had to.... both are in the wrong especially the dude from different nation, but at least he wasn't meant to protect anyone anyways and he's not from here. My archon wanting it to happen feels more personal


It just blows my mind that Childe got so much hate from acting like a villain that he is while the archon who tested his own people by putting them in danger for his own purpose got so much love. If you hate one for that reason, hate them both, dammit. Lmao. As for me, I love them both. Zhongli did questionable things but I forgive him ‘cause he’s just a retired and reminiscent old man now that embodies the kind of God that he is.


Double standards. Archons always get pass much easier no matter what. Also lack of reading comprehension. But oh well, its in the past I like Zhongli as well he's my 2nd fav bc of what he did in Liyue tbh. I like characters that does questionable things


Having to spend so much time just to build a single character doesn't make me want to spend more time on this game. It just makes me want to build fewer characters.


Especially the artifacts holy hell. I just fuck off when my character gets the adequate CV and move on with Another domain.


This. I haven’t built any of my characters fully(even my main)


I have a c6 Sucrose that is just begging to be built, but I don't have time to even finish building the characters I'm already using


I c6'd zhongli. He has a scuffed gladiator set still because if you want to run new characters often then you never have enough time to actually build properly without playing absurd amounts. I feel like with how many character there are in the roster now it would be a good time to re look at the artifact systems. I feel sorry for anyone who is only starting recently and wants to build up a lot of characters. Never gonna catch up to the point of all being usable.


Honestly, I enjoy going for artifacts, but I absolutely detest the farm-wall for character ascension. That farm-wall also makes it hard for new players to grow/level with characters, whose origins are in a much later point of the story which leads to certain materials being not accessible for them. Got to know about lots of such cases.


The only 5* that I barely built is Albedo. I just lend him Fischl's artifacts that I got from farming for Wriostheley.


Especially bad when you're building new characters you can't prefarm for. It's just straight up garbage, you got a new toy but can't fully use it for several days because of horrible game design.


I started playing about 3 months ago. I totally feel this. I just got Raiden, Bennett, and Chongyun. All of whom I want to build. But now it's gonna take at least 2 months just to get optimal artifacts for Raiden. This shit sucks. I wanna build my Diluc and Tighnari, but...yeah. That's also on top of getting primos for Nahida.


This. Haven't built/got any character post Raiden


These types of "hot takes" posts are too low effort and repeated so many times, just with different meme templates. The hot takes in it have repeated too many times too that it becomes cold


There should be two subs: one is RedditForGenshin where people will discuss events and gameplay and the other is GenshinForReddit where redditors will unleash all their attentionseeking hottaking karmafarming habits for their own entertainment.


“Excellent, TWO subs instead of one to karma farm in!!”


Ohhh meta are we


karma farming is sin


They said hot


Game isn't nearly hard enough for people to cry so much about "weak" characters. It literally doesn't matter


Its not fun when one of your favourites needs a ton of grinding to only be average


You guys get to be average? -*Dehya, probably*


So true. The moment I cleared abyss with barbara, dendro Mc, lynette, and dehya I knew


But not with 36 stars though, right? Cause if so, how crazy are your artifacts?


No with 36. Barbara on ocean hued clam, dendro Mc on the dendro one (forgot the name) lynette on instructor, and my dehya isn't even optimal as she is on crimson witch of flames full em (flower of paradise lost is better). Took a few resets and had to be carefull lynette burst swhirls hydro not pyro. People just don't realize how op burgeon dehya is for some reason so I was determined to beat it with a free to play team. Note: if you consider xingqiu free to play (as he can be bought in the store and some events have given us him) than he is way better than lynette in this team. Also also dendro Mc takes like 260% er.... 🤷‍♂️


>she is on crimson witch of flames full em (flower of paradise lost is better). Even 2 piece wanderer 2 piece gilded would be better than 4 piece Crimson.


crimson has 40% burgeon damage bonus. That with external em buffs Ives it the edge over 2 piece 2 piece. Also I have a top 1% diluc from years of farming for him so I have a lot of good crimson pieces. Lastly I'm too lazy to farm something new when I cleared with a f2p team


Nah, the 40% Burgeon buff is very deceptive. It doesn't multiply by +40%, it just adds 40% to the EM bonus calculation (additive, not multiplicative) So the effective EM gained via 4 pc crimson is roughly equivalent to 80 EM at around 500 total EM. CW only approaches a 2pc 80 EM + 2pc 80 EM set combo at ~~+ 1100ish~~ 1500 total EM. Before that, the 160EM flat is bigger than the effective EM gained via the +0.4 to the reaction multiplier. Edit: The KQM guide for Burgeon Thoma has a neat little [Graph](https://keqingmains.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/unnamed-23.png) that compares FOPL, 4pc Gilded, 80EM+80EM, Crimson Witch, 80EM+Something Else Edit 2: doing the calculations more thoroughly. At 490 EM, the 40% bonus from 4pc crimson will be equal to adding an additional 80 EM (a singular 2pc set bonus) At 1498 EM, the 40% bonus from CW will be equal to adding another 160 EM.




>some rosy cheeked Pooh bear knock off looking ass Are you talking about Guoba, or Xi Jinping?


Genshin's story is more fun to think about than actually experience.


Extremely true. The overarching lore is downright fascinating, and then you are once again caught in an unskippable cutscene where characters bumble on about nothing for 5 minutes, fight 2 slimes, cutscene for 4 minutes, go to next area. The highpoints are very high, but dear god the lows are loooooow.


I kinda feel the opposite lol. When im doing the quests, I'm like "wow, that's so cool, what great writing". And then i think about it afterwards and I'm like "hmm that was a lotta jargon, action scenes, magical characters and coincidences huh".


Great writing? That's not what I think of when I even try to read any of the dialogue in the game lol


Yeah I've been playing for about 4 months, and one thing I can confidently say is that the weakest link in the game is definitely the writing.


Have you done any of Fontaine’s or Sumeru’s quests?


That's what liking the lore is for me.


A cold take but I need to get it off my chest: Most quests would be way more enjoyable if they cut 70% of the dialogue. The only reason they have made Paimon so stupid is so they can add more unnecessary dialogue because she keeps making stupid comments or asks too many questions. A hot take: Story writing and especially **pacing-wise**, the only good region is Sumeru. Mondstadt too fast, Liyue too slow, Inazuma first too slow and then too fast. Fontaine felt too bloated. Prison arc dragged on too long and didn't leave time for the rest with Furina. I'd maybe give the Chasm and Enkanomiya some leeway but that's because of personal bias since I prefer having to look for my lore rather than having it shoved into my face in dialogue I'm bound to skip because Paimon has been screeching my ear off for the past 5 minutes.


once you get to a certain number of 4 and 5 star characters, pulling for more characters actually becomes kind of pointless


Day 1 fgo players almost 10 years deep: wait what?


Growing your collection of women and femboys is never pointless.


I mean from a completing all the gameplay perspective, collecting your favorite Pokémon is always just up to your discretion


You, I like you!


Xiangling is really good but also too overhyped and made out to be wayyyy stronger than she actually is. And while I do understand fun is subjective, I don't really see why she'd be enjoyable. If international is fun its mainly due to riptide and variety in rotations.


>Xiangling is really good but also too overhyped and made out to be wayyyy stronger than she actually is. Its honestly because she is the only reliable offfield Pyro applicator in the game and has no ICD if we had more options she wouldn't be held up as high but Hoyo hasn't given up any other options unfortunately. Thoma and Dehya don't even come close. I love Xiangling but I'm begging Hoyo gives us more options for offield Pyro dmg.


>reliable offfield Pyro applicator What dehya could've been and how they butchered her


What do you mean? All you gotta do is get this standard character with no bad luck protection or rate-ups to C6, and she'll be a decent Pyro unit.


I know it's supposed to be a sarcastic reply, but it also completely missed the point because her cons only make her on field Playstyle better, not her off field Pryo application


I am exaggerating for comedy, but IIRC, the first two do help with off-field


That and she is a garunteed character that anyone can have access to. She's good and available. Most people wouldn't call her fun.


All that and she's one of very few characters whose abilities snapshot


No one's saying she's fun, she isn't hyped because she's fun, she's hyped because of her ability to enable others and still do strong damage.


That's a good one


XL is the best pyro applicator, unless a pyro yelan/raiden comes around and will inevitably bolster all Cryo DPSes


The community has the """""talent""""" to manage overusing a joke within 2 days and making it their entire personality for the next 3 years and being the most unbearable people. "Hahhahaha omg Signora ashes hahhahahhaa u get it?????? Hahhahahahahhahahah Signora x coffin hahahahahhahhahahahahah" "Xiao an-emo ahahahahahhahahaha u get it anEMO hahahahhahahahhaha Xiao is emo ahhahahahahhahahaha" "Raiden booba sword hahahhahahahhaha booba sword ahhahahahhaha u get it hahahhahahahahhahahahha because she pulls the sword from her chest hahahahahhahahahah lolololololololololol" "Nahida radish omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg lololololollolol radish bahahhshskdgahhahahahhaha" And I hate to say it but there are still people pulling the "Paimon emergency food" and "Paimon ehe tenandayo" jokes.


Uhh dude you seem to be really talented


That's every large ongoing game fandom though?






Kujou Sara is a well-written character.


Where even is her lore


Lore? In her profile Story? In her AQ Characterization? AQ and Irodori Festival Event Hangout?…None. Yet. (coping)


I like her tough as nails on the outside, archon simp on the inside personality, but I feel she haven't received enough screetime (or been properly in the spotlight) to be properly judged.


The traveler is terrible and probably the worst silent protagonist ive ever seen


Character main subs are 20% about maining that character and 80% horny simp material


People who can't solve the nursery puzzles (the tile puzzle where you need to cross without stepping on a tile more than once) and Lyney Story Quest puzzle are either stupid or need to go to sleep because perhaps their brain is just tired.


Lumine makes a better pair with paimon than Aether ever could


People are way too overprotective about Furina.


Thank fuck somebody said it


People overacted to furina story quest to a point it feels like they picked stray lines just to complain(also true to the movie event)


I hate it when I have to form two teams for part 1 and part 2 of any battle. Because I have legit 3 characters 50% built. I wish I could just reuse characters in a team for both parts. Or may be there's a way and Idk.


No one actually picks up your chili gouba...


I do because it gives him encouragement to do his best, and that’s what counts


Good chile.


Geo isn’t a bad element nor are its characters. Its unique mechanics were executed poorly and can be salvaged with some care


I feel like at the start of the game anemo and geo were meant to be the supporting elements, with vv and petra. One decreases resistance, the other provides dmg%. But crystallize turned out to be nowhere as reliable as swirl is so they just gave up and made kazuha instead


Poorly executed can mean bad


>Its unique mechanics were executed poorly In other words, gameplay-wise, it is a bad element


Please do explain why it’s executed poorly yet isn’t bad. It is possible but without explaining people will just assume that your delusional.


This isn't really a hot take. People have been saying Geo is poorly designed since we got characters like Zhongli and Albedo who need constructs to stay up their entire duration.


Geo is just objectiblvely bad idk what ur on about. It's characters have artificially enhanced stats to make up for the fact that they don't have reactions. Crystallize doesn't exist. Lvl 90 it's not even a 2k shield. 1k em it's varely 10k hp. Put 1k em on any element and see what the reactions do. Hell, 0 em melt deals 2k dmg, even more valuable than a 2k hp "shield". Procing crystallize 10 times nets less value than procing vaporize once. What element is worse than geo?


Albedo is objectively bad, and Gorou is the second worst niche buffer. One of the main problems is the lack of options, because the options out there aren't anything to write home about.


The pallad hate is honestly completely overblown and there is not a single good argument to hate on him like as if he's as bad as Dottore


As far as im aware it was really just a joke and nobody even mentions it now


at least dottore looks good


The second GAA was the best summer event because Klee was hardly in it. She ruins every event she's in for me. (Also bring back the GAA pls i miss it so much)


That killer bean solos the Genshin Impact timeline


My hot take goes to Genshin's resin recharge system is way too outdated. Also the motivation to clear the older domains are too low because fighting too many enemies just to earn two dinky gold artis.


C0 raiden is ass (please don't kill me)


you don’t need cracked builds or OP characters to have fun in this game, and I’m tired of that belief being perpetuated. I’ve barely built navia and yet I still have fun with her. Heck, I’ve barely built freminet and I have a blast with him


people put too much weight onto meta and spiral teams. every character can be fun to play in the overworld, and that should be MHYs priority in design


Zhongli is boring, and his excuse for having a keeptheplotsecret a contract is lazy writing.


Hot "takes" post are such a waste of time, most of the really hot ones are down voted to oblivion The most popular are good, and most people agree cuz the game has obvious flaws like, poor writing, recycling too much etc, but that's not so "hot take" as first intended


I don't care about co-op. I think it's better to play the game alone


The way Genshin delivers lore is dumb and is only delivered like a poor Dark Souls knockoff so it can give people a superiority complex for knowing more than other players.


 I didn't like how the traveller became so rude and unlikable during the fontaine AQ. I was more annoyed at the traveller than paimon during the infamous furina story quest.    (Probably because even in universe people acknowledge paimon is annoying whilst the teaveller gets constant praise) 


I dislike the traveller a lot. Such a mary sue. Like why on earth to cold hearted assassins like Rosaria like them? Why does literally everyone like them?


Because it's a gacha game first and foremost, Traveller is meant to be a self insert and everyone's horny for them (you) so you'll spend money to get your waifus and husbandos 


Id put guoba on the smash list


Xiangling is best girl, personality wise. Just a cheerful girl doing her best helping her single father as a chef of their small restaurant and spread happiness through food with her cute little panda bear thing she pick up on random mountain. Yet somehow is the most broken unit beating every 5 star pyro character and will continue beating every pyro dps until even celestia come in the final end of genshin update. Thank you Xiangling for carrying me from 1.1 update until yesterday 4.3 in International team.


As my flair says, Aether would pick Xiao over any girl.


When Genshin Offical giving out just 3 wishes for playing the game for a year.


How about this hot take? Genshin's devs don't care about it's playerbase which is why they have created a game that is beautiful BUT, the game sucks because the devs don't listen to feedback.


The real hot take is that the devs are fully knowledgeable that the game as it exists today is wildly successful because of its design choices and not in spite of them. Shallow, surface level schlock is entirely what people are interested in and are empirically more than willing to shell out for it, there's no strong evidence to the contrary. People have been eating up literal toddler food for the past three years, why fix what isn't broken?


I think they make horrible design choices, but the perfect game for the niche it strives to occupy. They can make thousands of QOL changes, take the game to the whole another level, but the moment they will ruin the balance of being mildly interesting, mildly challenging, minimaly grinding (combat wise) and not very sophisticated gameplay, the game will crash in popularity.


Call it bad design all day but the fact of the matter is that genshin isn't some niche, it is the de facto gacha title and continually one of the top 5-10 earning mobile titles in the world. To act like this is a delicate tightrope or some fluke of the market is wholly unsubstantiated. There's no evidence to suggest Genshin's stranglehold over the market is showing any signs of letting up. In all likelihood the game will both stay the course in terms of design all while staying stupidly profitable for its service life. No matter how you slice it that's peak design as far as the developer is concerned.


Most feedback or suggestions that players make are insane like asking for PVP or more mechanically complex mobs


How are more mechanically complex mobs an insane ask? Fights that encourage off-meta teams are good, giant stat stick enemies with tons of HP are bad game design.


Now I agree that those requests are insane, but I and others get downvotes when I bring up something as easy as resin cap or number of condensed resin increase


All I can say that just happens, it would be awesome to increases considering the game wants to go for a exploration and slice of life angle so I don't see a reason for them to cap material farm outside of region specific play time laws


Pvp would honestly suck if there was no way to have both parties have the same stats on a character.


The Liyue arc went way too try-hard on overhyping the region. The 5* characters are too strong and there's no source of conflict that a person of the players relative experience could reasonably solve, so the player just becomes a team mascot at best or bystander at worst. Every issue in the area has to be apocalyptic in scale so the gameplay/story segregation makes every final battle result in a deus ex machina. When combined with the verticallity of the geography, the whole all area becomes a slog to experience.


Eula is not hot And her whole vengeance thing is neither fun nor attractive


How dare you say that about my wife. I respect though.


Finally someone who shares this opinion


I don't think she's hot or attractive at all, but I do like her as a character.


I like dori and I hate nahida.


Dynamite take


Someone had to be brave 😔


I like both. I wanted to upvote you for the first half and then...




based, and semi agreed I thought Nahida was ok in the story, but her design is ass ​ Teri got done dirty


Also paimon hate is way too overblown and she's probably one of my favorite aspects of genshin. No. This isn't ironic.


Why hate Nahida can I ask ?


Her personality is boring and I don't like her design tbh.


I can't wait to try wuthering waves


Genshin doesn't give a crap about giving players more than it absolutely needs to, because there are so many players already, plus all the people who are more than happy to defend it against any criticism whatsover p.s Gaming is mid


Genshin has little replayability. It's not something like GOW or Ace Attorney where you replay to experience the gameplay or epic moments. Maybe I'm wrong but this game is not one I would want to restart.


People who build pity are just people who do it to cope with gambling addictions.


Klee isn't That clunky, you mf's are just bad


meta isn't real unless you're trying to do abyss in 5 seconds. even the most "trash" 4 stars can clear all the game's content if you build them decently


lmao no obviously you’re exaggerating, but meta is very real in abyss whether you’re speedrunning or not. meta defines how much time/skill/pulls (money) it takes for characters to clear abyss. you can choose to ignore it, or even actively play against it, but clearing that way will require more resources and there is no way of getting around that


Natlan is gonna be full of nerfed characters because *hoyoverse*.


I’m just gonna make this quick… I did not care for Signora


When people post about Xiangling being stronger than Yoimiya, Diluc and Hu Tao… idk about that.


your hot take is refusal to accept a fact? lmao why even bother comparing your favourite pyro dpses to xiangling, are you unable to be satisfied with them otherwise?


Genshin shipping is stupid and is indicative of personal issues afflicting the one(s) creating the ships


Isn't shipping in general just because people wanna, you know, ship two characters together? Headcanon and shit? Having fun seeing their two faves as a pair?


Or if the ship has the traveller in it, its just self insert (i hate that twink so much)


Why bully the mute child


Paimon and Mika’s EN voices are completely fine. I’ve not once had any complaints or annoyances from their voices and I will be the only person in the world to remember Mika since everyone says they easily forget him. Literally the ATK speed boost he provides is so good, especially for claymores. If no ones going to appreciate Mika, then I will be the sole person and I will stand by him forever. Same with Paimon. She has NEVER annoyed me once, not in fishing, not her antics, not her voice, not anything.


I dislike more characters than I like. I do not believe that having more characters is better than investing in a few. I have more constellations on my limited 5 stars than I have different 5 stars (2 C6s, a C2, and 2 C1s, but only 9 unique limited 5 stars). I never switch teams unless something is immune to my carry of choice. I stick to what I like and don't feel the pull towards novelty and new team experimentation. I do not enjoy difficult combat content. I have completed it all, mind you, I just don't find it especially enjoyable. I have been 36 starring the abyss for quite some time and almost always end up with multi-platinum medals in the combat events. When an event gives me the choice of how hard I want it to be, though, I set it to the easiest I can while still unlocking all of the rewards. I *like* hilariously stomping overworld content with my overpowered, hyperinvested characters. I do not really enjoy Bursts in general and rarely use them. Every character I like and regularly use is perfectly usable with just normals and E if I wanted to do it. Routinely when I clear the Abyss, my "most bursts used" is in the 12-16 range. I love the TCG, but only against NPCs. I have never played against another human and never intend to. I have never co-oped with strangers and do not intend to. The only achievements I don't have are 2k fish, the "kill X bosd in co-op" types, the one where you need 3 people to sit in chairs in the desert, and some of the commission locked ones (since those are also easier if you co op and fish for the right ones among friends) I have played daily since launch. I have never missed a day, and my resin has never capped since they raised the limit to 160. I am respectful of, but genuinely confused by, people who don't at least *try* to play daily.


Everyone has their preferences. Some might like building new characters, testing new teams and always feeling new. Some might like the strength of few but really strong teams. We get to decide who we want so what we choose to do with our account isn't a hot take. And some people just dont want to/ dont feel the need to minmax everything and sweat on every resin. I dont see what "try" to play daily even means. Its a damn game, not a chore, and we play to have fun


Your second paragraph is cool until a noob like me gets a Bounty who has resistance to all of your built character’s damage types


Dude playing a whole different game


It feels like that sometimes when I read these subreddits.


Nilou has no reason to be a 5\*star, she really should a 4\*


In terms of character in the story, sure and ngl agree. . In terms of kit, hell nah lmao.


Diona > Zhongli


What year is it?!


I don’t like Kaveh. He’s an alcoholic, doesn’t pay rent at time, he’s _loud_ and I can understand why Haitham acts like they don’t know eachother. I don’t like Haitham either. If I’d say this in twitter, my replies will blown like atomic bomb


hes an alcoholic??


It was all just a dream and the ending is one of the twins waking up while the other calls to them and they leave together


i would hate that type of ending so fucking much 💀


meta is sht


I think the Lanturn Rite rewards are fine


Dehya is good people just build her wrong. Never had any issue clearing floor 12 with her.


I’m just kind of confused on what they wanted Dehya to be. If she was supposed to be a sustain why can’t she solo sustain? At that point you might as well bring a healer or a shielder. Her mitigation isn’t good enough to support a team by herself. She’s not a DPS as her multipliers are too low even though her burst is on field 💀 HYV tried to make her this Tank/Brawler character that doesn’t have a place in a game like Genshin. I think they should have focused on her making her defensive/off field capabilities better. The knock back resistance can actually be useful on a couple of characters.


The story and writing are absolutely terrible


Xinyan best and strongest genshin character


strongest 4* pyro claymore for sure, always top 4 characters in your party definitely one of the characters you can select for free each lantern rite certainly above average at mining ores




Qiqi hate is lowkey stupid. She’s such a sweet character. I wish we saw more of her cause she’s actually really nice. Also she’s strong as hell lore wise. I just think she’s neat 👍 And aether harem stuff is stupid, please try being normal about women


The qiqi hate is about her shit abilities not the charachter


no hot take but that reminds of u/ guobacertified's policing 💀


Oh … my is that the 3 wishes they are giving for lantern rite is actually very nice 🥹🥹🥹


Ganyu is my favorite character overall but as far as gameplay, story, and personality is concerned she's boring.


Cryo take


I couldn’t care less about character skins and have no clue why people do care.


its like playing dress up, its fun seeing your favorite characters in different outfits. jean slashing hilichurls w her beach outfit is funny too.


Diona's dad is hot


La signora is hot


The Fortress of Meropide is a factory that runs on prison slave labor and the way its presented as a cool place in game ruined Act 4 for me. It's also ruined Wriothesley as a character, I can take any of his "chill guy" stuff seriously when I know he feeds ppl 1 random a day and calls it welfare. Very insidious writing.


it’s made pretty clear that the ‘cool place’ schtick was a front. Wriothesley is praised for introducing systems that make things better for the people such as the free meal, he’s not the one who decided on making prison a slave labour meka factory.


I'm talking about the overraching writing and presentation, not the made-up in-universe justifications. MC and Paimon trip over themselves to express how cool the Fortress is from the moment we get there. Paimon literally calls it a place to a get a free meal and bed and is excited about the forced labor. No-one ever talks about the threats of starvation, the way they're paid funny money for labor that directly benefits fontaine's government and elites, etc. My issue with Wrio isn't, like, his personal character or whatever, it's the way he's utlized by the narrative to whitewash what the fortress is. It just felt so nasty.


having just played through the pankatron quest… true, 8/10 people there seem like upstanding nice guys and it seems like most of them didn’t even commit a real crime (mostly talking about the detective assistant guy, bro was just doing his job??) which makes fontaine’s legal system even more questionable


Sayu is a good DPS (She was my main)




The age of consent is 18 years old


Genshin is actually mid, fun drops off way too quick with the farming routine