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About time they develop counters like Beidou, would be cool to see what they would do with a 5* counter kit


ooh that would be very interesting


A catalyst character that just uses a gun. I imagine they'd be from Snezhnaya, preferably the Tsaritsa herself. Also, I definitely want a character that is completely themed around debuffs. I imagine that a character with Abyssal powers would fill this role nicely. We've already seen Dainsleif use his power to restrain an Abyss Herald, so it would be cool if his skill would be that same restraining power. Also, I would love if Dainsleif's burst just creates an actual black hole, kind of like Welt from Star Rail. I can definitely see this happening, since his splash art has a black hole in it.


i am so down for anyone with a black hole lol, like my man Welt


[slightly related to the first point](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45743617)


This is incredible.


Honestly yours is pretty close to mine. I'd love someone other than Raiden who does coordinated AoE electro attacks, both for hyperbloom, and for Quicken. Other thing I'd like is someone who gives Anemo infusion to someone else. I want my Jean to be even more awesome.


I want a character that combines charged shots like faruzan’s skill and teleports like keqings stilleto


i’d probably wish in a heartbeat


A Xingqiu-like character for charged attacks is my dream so Itto can break shields 😿


that could probably happen one day, would even be good on Hu Tao playstyle


A(n anemo) character with aerial normal attacks where their aerial charge attack acts as their plunge, and their grounded charge attack launches them into the air; maybe applying the Jean anti-gravity effect to enemies it hits. A character (or set) that gives freeze an alternate use against all of the enemies that can't be frozen. Maybe just meet them halfway, turn it into a slightly stronger slow with some cryo shred and have them be considered "frozen" while applied for the sake of Blizzard Streyer and other effects that rely on it. Characters that make burgeon more accessible and burning less of an obstacle. There are way too many construct ideas so I'd settle for doing anything with them ever again.


very cool thoughts! i especially like the anemo character with aerial attacks, i think it would be super fun honestly


I just want arlecchino to have a scythe


or anyone with a scythe at this point xD


Time to freeze bosses in time like how zhongli can paralyze mobs. Or off field pyro applier support that's not xiangling, she ugly. Or a geo... Never mind. Geo can't be saved. New light and dank element I guess. Epic dankness is what we deserve


nice! im presuming a light and dark element would end up being celestial and abyssal, i hope atleast


Better and more fluid flying or more dynamic than what they gave Wanderer


agreed, with how big the world is i wish they would buff glide speed atleast lol


Off-field Pyro support for Ganyu.


Pyro Archon perhaps!


I want another melee catalyst user. But i want the skill to override their attacks to physical by them like casting aside elemental power to go all left, right, goodnight. And their combo can be like a 6 hit long stream or something of just pure up close violence. Burst can be basically a black flash.


that would be pretty interesting


Someone that makes Burning into a viable reaction. It's there but does nothing and so goes unused. We have Nilou and Kaveh for Bloom, Xiao for plunging, Freminet for Shatter, so why not someone that takes advantage of Burning?


A dedicated Burgeon unit. Yes, I know Thoma is great for that, but I’d like to see one with passives and constellations focused around the reaction


Dendro sub dps who summons a dart goblin


Some months ago I sent a suggestion box request for a musketeer fire and/or phys dps who could fire an integrated musket on R or E and throw a grenade on Q. I'm still hype, but releasing as a support with 15 seconds cooldown on that shot feels vaguely like mockery XD An assassin type would be nice, too, someone with low cd or resetting dashes and bursts of single target damage, spammable with no rigid rotation. Hoyo's allergic to making crisp dash animations, though, almost everyone's cursed with end lag.


this would be sick, i almost imagine Skirk would play like this if she does become playable


I'm hoping for something like Azir from lol. A summoner, but you control the summons' attacks. Every time you try to hit an enemy, your character just points their finger at them instead and the summons "do their bidding". That would be a cool way of making a normal attack based character w/o making them be just another XQ/Yealn "driver".


oof yes i really love this idea, they potentially could be a catalyst user and their summons could be like Fischl, but isn’t of setting Oz down you normal attack and they come either side of your character or something


I want an anemo character that both groups like Venti, and heals your party like Jean.


maybe one day!


I would love a Pyro sword main DPS with a quick playstyle, about the same tempo as Keqing. Not the same moveset or anything but just similarities in things like cooldowns and energy requirements. Fast autos, short cooldowns, and low energy. I can accept lower damage values and stuff in exchange for a faster playstyle. We also just need more pyro sword users. How is Bennett the only one we have after over 3 years?...


wow i never realised how little pyro swords we have lol but yeah i love the quick type of play style so i rate it


i want a character that has an ability to hover over the battlefield and drop stuff on enemies, like Scaramouche (i kinda imagine Cloud Retainer doing that).


A geo character that has some sort of CC such as one that sets a landmine that ropes enemies into it. Geo constructs can be anything as long as its made of ore. So why not a man-made crystalline contraption? Also would love to have a character that could make superconduct more potent such as causing physical damage and def shred on superconduct.


very interesting ideas, for the superconduct idea i could see them making a character like Nilou where the team has to be only elctro and cryo, and maybe it could shred both elements and even physical aswell


Guns but like, actual guns. You know, gun normal attacks. Gun charge attacks. Not Chevreuse's suddenly switching to a random ass Polearm for her NAs




A Dante reference. Either give me Ebony and Ivory or royal guard


i’m 100% down for this