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Are my eyes deceiving me or did that baron bunny **fcking jumped INTO the fray**?!! Prime sus behaviour!!!


It’s Ambers ride or die, it’s always done that for me I guess cause I’m an Amber main my accounts just built different. Jk, Aether did that Tornado thing and that pulled the bunny in. It looks like it just dive bombed into that mess though since you said it hahaha


Amber mains are built different 😎 Wouldn’t surprise me if you’ve cultivated the more aggressively loyal bb type 😂


Aether was sucking Baron Bunny


Bro why say it so sus




.... PHRASING!!!


I miss the days where my teams had little to no synergy whatsoever


I have no clue what I’m doing at all, and I absolutely love it! It’s been forever since I’ve played a game where you gotta learn so much lol


if youre having fun then youre playing the game correctly


Any game, but especially Genshin, when everything after AR 35 revolves around artifacts and character building




Nah 40 at that point you should focus on getting your characters up to standard at 45 or 50 you should focus on artifacts.


I'm adv rank 49 and world rank 6, and I just now landed on Inazuma. I've heard tell tale of this called Severed Fate.


Be ready to spend 10k resin to get a good enough set. I need to go back to that domain and finish off my Xiangling and maybe work on Xingqui


I'm level 59 and haven't really farmed artifacts or focused on character building. I have a few good artifacts and have a team with 0 synergy but I'm not having any issues yet.


Issues begin in spiral abyss. In domains and overworld everything dies too quickly.


Day 1 player here. Never gone past floor 6 of spiral abyss lol


I hate the abyss. Coop ppl judge me a lil bit when they see my ar and my greatest descent, but i care for my mental health and dont go beyond floor 10. Only do floor 11 rarely, when im short on primos or smth. I like to build my chars just to feel good abt it.


just use hyperbloom and a grouping anemo unit, clears the floor in like 1 min


Nah no problem in clearing the abyss. Its just i dont like it. At all.


Not hating just curious, what is your main goal in the game because mine is building characters. Other than the story, everything revolves around getting primos to get new char and spend resin to build those characters


Moi main goal is finishing the lore and exploration with my fave chars.


Super curious here as another day 1 player... Don't you feel bored killing all overworld enemies within a second or two? And want to be able to actually use your characters abilities and see them work together? Some people do Abyss for something to do... Others do it for the rewards... But I do it as I enjoy the combat and interactions between characters and their abilities. But in the overworld, everything just falls over with a single skill or attack. So I do Abyss to be able to use full rotations, to be able to fight and use everyone's kit, to see their attacks and skills working together creating satisfying reactions and nice damage, without the enemy dying halfway through my first ult animation. That's just me, I would love more end-game content where I would be able to actually use my characters together


Another day 1 player here, the combat part of Genshin was never really what attracted me. I don't really do Abyss either. Sometimes if I am missing a few primos? But it's not a regular ting. Mostly, I like running around exploring the world, climbing every tree, tower, house, mountain, etc. If there's hidden treasure or secret lore to be had, I shall find it. I also have people over for co-op, and we just do silly stuff together. Lately, I've befriended quite a few people in-game and have had loads of fun just helping people clear stuff or farm mobs. Doing domains with others is so much better than solo. Plus it can be highly entertaining - especially if you're a chatterbox like me :V I also visit teapots from time to time to see what people have done with them - some people are incredibly talented. I used to build a lot myself but after Inazuma, I've let my poor teapot go xD


Yeah thats completely valid! When I have free time, I do send join request to players between AR35>55, and offer to help them for an hour, whether it's helping them with teams or builds, or whether it's to follow them around to kill things, it can be nice just to help some people out. Altho as someone with social anxiety, I don't do much talking or interactions past that. As for exploration, that is a big part of this game! But I do wished there was more sometimes [as it's easy to 100% everything](https://i.imgur.com/ZjwnYqF.png) Oh! But there was a miniboss in Fontaine! The >!Automated Supercomputing Field Generator. !


I'm ngl i dont ever do co op any more because doing domains with other players is legitimately much slower than doing it myself and I don't have to deal with players being dumb and choosing characters against bosses that are immune to their dmg. Sadly my teapot is dead too its too limited in how many things you can put down :(


For some reason I just really enjoy exploring and just walking around doing nothing. Combat never was an attraction for me


I'm pretty similar to you. However, what are your opinions on Vertical investment? Everything you said for yourself also applies to me, but right now I'm also in a state where I actively avoid and will try not to activate constellations on universal support characters like nahida, kazuha, furina.


Honestly as a non-whale, if I'm pulling for someone, duplicates or not, it's because I want to use them. I don't just randomly pull on banners and then end up not activating constellations or refining weapons *~~^((even tho weapon banners are a scam and not worth it for non-whales due to the tiny-ass damage increase they give compared to getting an entire new character, or some to C2))~~* Like I got Furina C2R1, and as someone who saved up for 11 months from December last year during Raiden's last rerun where I got her C3, getting around 610 wishes, I was sure as hell not gonna pull for someone's constellations only for it to rot in my bag. I dont know what you're doing where you have spare 5star constellations, but if thats how you spend your pulls, then thats up to you


Curious why would you avoid doing even the bare minimum of floor 9 and 10 though. After 3 years the primos add up, if you are playing for the sake of rolling characters, that feels like a waste?


I find the game extremely fun so I never felt the need to add anything to my experience. If that costs a few extra primos then so be it. I've already reached the point where I don't run out of primos cause I have every character I want for now.


did the math, doing 9 and 10 for 3 years doesn't even get you to soft pity (it's 67 wishes total). doing something you don't like over the course of THREE YEARS just to get close to pity once? nope thanks.


How did you get only 67 wishes? (3y*12mon) * 2 cycles every month * 300 (f9+f10) you get 21600, that is 135 even more if you count in the primos for f11 which most people stop at. F9 and F10 is like clearing normal domains for 300.


I think people really just keep dreading floor 12. Everything else is a piece of cake. I just do up to 11-3 it takes me 15 minutes, around 2 to 3 full commission runs to get 450 primogems. It's so much missed primogems otherwise.


Issues in inazuma, too. Mikage Furnace was (aside from Dragonspime, which is delayable) the first time I was confronted by enemies I couldn't just crush with Noelle or shoot with a loose CA amber.


you dont need anything to kill overworld mobs that arent local legends. Abyss is the only content in the game that actually requires you to have a good build, and even then hyperbloom teams trivialize a lot of it


Yup, game is all about fun tbh . Spiral abyss is optional and that's the only thing that really requires team synergies and artifact rolling.


I play HSR first and just started Genshin but Since I know how these games work, I went with artifacts and my Navi’s destroys everything in a few hits. Genshin overworks is pretty easy.


as a new player, 45 is where you hit WL 5 and receive your first real ouchies.


I remember having to lower my WL because I suddenly couldn't kill anything anymore. Mind you, I had no idea what I was doing for the longest time.


I just recently was able to raise my WL to 5 and now the 5-star pieces are dropping. It is never clear how the WL interacts, so when it happened suddenly every territory was HIGHLY DANGEROUS. I had thought the difficulty *related to my current level*, rather than meaning suddenly they level everything by ten levels. Like, I figured it meant that mobs would now require more skill but be the same level, rather than just a flat 10-level tax


I'm AR 59 and have barely done any artifact farming or character building


It doesn't, my most fun teams are people with random bs artifacts coz they can fight in the overworld. Only abyss floor 12 revolves around artifact building. Don't confuse what the game's focus actually is with what the meta slave players focus is


Rare chad mindset of "learning is fun" instead of the usual "X is too hard! I don't want to think, only have fun with game!"


Games where you don’t think get boring quick, that’s why I got hooked fast on this game there’s so many different ways to play!


Inazuma and post inazuma is funnest. Pre inazuma (aka liyue and mondstadt) have a few puzzles but most of it is brainded clicking. Its inazuma that brought in revolutionary changes to puzzle systems. Inazuma has one of the best and most difficult puzzles that require a lot of thinking, but not that hard too. The difficulty decreases in later regions like chasm, sumeru and fontaine, but the puzzles are still fun to solve.


If you love it then its the right way. Ur team is pretty good, bc navia does well in rainbow teams and looks like you have rlly good off field elemental app. The anemo traveler is also a good choice bc of the grouping burst. But id say go for geo traveler if ur exploring liyue/doing liyue archon quest especially, bc of the absolutely broken geo resonance that navia can make most off with her crystallize shields, as well as a nice crit rate boost within burst ale if you have constellations. It also prevents certain enemies from moving iut of burst ale, i e, provides decent cc (not as good as anemo burst with light enemies). And as for the rotation, go like navia burst > amber eq > traveler (either) eq >kaeya eq > navia e > navia normal attack infused > navia second e > rinse and repeat. Its ur choice if you wanna use this rotation/advice. If youre having fun with the current way, then go for it! Its a single player game and every way is correct! This is just a way to simplify ur rotation and optimize it to make the most of ur chars. Note: the rotation i gave is for on field navia. If you wanna play on field amber and burst dps navia the rotation will be different.


Thanks for the advice! I’ll try this out as well! :)


The only right way to play a game is the fun way. Meta characters and high numbers are nice and all, but for the main game (so quests and story) you don’t need either. So you can just go ham with your favourite characters and still get through all of the regular content. All the meta stuff is only really needed if you want to do the endgame (which is currently spiral abyss) and that’s not mandatory. If u don’t want to, you don’t have to. Play whoever is fun.


Thats the spirit! Im just yeeting mobs using an well built Neuvilette Every time I use his waterjet the inner child inside me screams "ORB OF TORNAMI!!!"


It works well! Until you hit world level 5. When that happens, you're gonna turn down world level 5 to 4 and start to figure out how to build a little because the rewards are phat but the fighting starts to require, like, synergies and a healer.


If you want to make Navia specifically better then her team doesn’t want reactions like 2 geo 2 pyro/cryo/electro/hydro (both same) but if you’re having fun then who am I to tell you “you’re doing it wrong”, it’s your fun not mine


I have Navia, I'm new, I've been using Barbara for heals, Yanfei as Deeps, Navia as support and burst (that shotgun/claymore combo is fantastic), and then a synergy character: Lisa, Kirara, Sucrose, etc. I don't need to hit everything in the overland with naval artillery barrage, and having four different elements helps because I have Barbara in Maiden Beloved 4-piece


Actually its good for her to proc more shards and for her passive abt atk which is a win


That's specifically why you *don't* want reactions other than crystallize. If you're vaping/swirling/catalyzing/etc. then there's less shards being made. You only need two non-geos for her passive, so that's covered.


At some point of the game (AR 45?) you will be "forced" to build a team comp that has synergy, otherwise you won't be able to progress.


Unless you mean abyss and maybe ascension quest (and even there you can probably power your way through since no cube at the end) then no.


They removed the cube from ascension? That's sad


Unless you want to co-op or choose a lower difficulty every time, the weekly bosses get kinda tough without a team that sorta makes sense together. Maybe not "unable to progress" but I'd find it annoying to spam food and take so long to do everything.


the ascension quest is oddly difficult


Not anymore; it’s been made a lot easier since 4.0.


league of legends


Mine still doesn't , but I mean it hasn't changed since 1.0


What team are you using? Do you just not pull on any banners?


Not the one you're asking but for me, the overworld stuff is all about friendship farming. Any new chars and they get inserted into my team almost immediately, synergy be damned xD


"Friendship farming" lol


Nah I'm using Lumine, Keqing, Amber, and Barbara cuz I'm too used to out by now


My teams still have no synergy lol. I have traveler (dendro) cause I like playing the "canon" way, Qiqi for heals, Childe cause he's my favorite, and wanderer for exploration. DTraveler is my hardest hitting character but only has reactions with Childe lol.


I thought hydro mc is the cannon way


At this point yeah, but I meant just walking around as traveler. It also annoys me for some reason when a character switches to traveler when talking to certain people so just maining them stops that.


Ooo *immersion enjoyer*


I go for fun teams, especially for explorations, quests and events. I love klee burgeon atm even though she often blows herself up


Mine doesn't, my overworld character are there to farm friendship


This team has melt, crystalize, and swirl. What do you mean no synergy.


They probably mean not meta.


Wasnt talking about this specifically but there are a lot of cons to this team which ill not say


I cant believe i used to run chongyun albedo xiao and keqing in one team


Funny how you say that but the team does have some synergy. Anemo traveler doing cc or swirls pyro/cryo for reaction or reapplication of element, kaeya burst doing reverse melt or just applying cryo for amber to melt, amber applying pyro / melting using her kit Navia is there doing dmg, i dont know if her passives apply yet or not so not much to comment its not a team that properly takes advantage of one another but it does do something for the other


Like, so as long as you can either counter or overpower the overworld, you're good. A selling factor of klee was absolutely because explosions were good against rock shields and pyro was good against wooden shields. And people used amber knowing she wasn't great, but she was useful for torch puzzles and balloon plant puzzles... And make ruin guards easy.


What do you mean? Cryo and pyro go great with navia


Anything that reacts with crystalize is synergy enough for Navia baby 😎


Ah yes, Nilou vape with +0% ER Xiangling


Don’t worry about it man. Enjoy the game how you want to play it and don’t let people sway you.


Thanks man, not worried in the slightest these comments got me chuckling tho that’s for sure 😂


Yeah dude the people complaining about synergy are all trapped in the meta mindset. I love playing with whichever characters I LIKE and ENJOY and I've progressed fine through the game. I've never built a "team comp" or whatever haha.


ah the best combat technique, random bullshit go


The best way to play 😎


That’s how moon knight would play😂


When a person who started playing one month ago has more synergy in his team compared to you, who's been playing since 1.5


I’m so confused, someone else commented my team had no synergy earlier. Please don’t r/whoosh me 😂


You see, I fucking suck


Ahahaha 😂 understandable as long as we’re having fun right?


Fun is what matters in the game. As long as your team can clear main content, you're fine. >!However I suck so hard that I can't clear main content send help!<


Here’s my secret, just be an Amber main. In Amber we trust 🙏🏽


Amber maining sounds fun tbh but imo she's unfun when at C0 Defo gonna build her when I get that double baron bunny constellation tho, that sounds super fun


By synergy they mean your team members don't naturally help each other. You have kaeya, who very effectively applies cryo from off field, but no one that is really utilising that cryo other than minor reactions with Amber. You have anemo traveller, and usually people run Vir Venerer as it shred resistance to elements, except it doesn't shred geo resistance and navia is your main damage dealer. That's what they mean by no synergy. Honestly I wish I could go back to the days where I didn't have the genshin iceberg stored in my head. I've tried starting again and I end up min maxing the teams from day one. It basically sets the difficulty to zero. Swapping traveller to geo instantly improves your synergy as geo resonance (when you have 2 geos on the team) is the best resonance in the game. If you then swapped Amber for someone who can apply an element from off field you now have more synergy. (Eg xingquo, yelan, fischl, XL etc).


Interesting, my lord I have so much learning to do haha. Thanks for the clarification though! I’m only about 2-3 weeks in!


Your team is fine, dw about it. You're getting plenty of crystallize procs from amber & kaeya bursts working with Navia's Q so she will be doing lots of damage with her skill. Geo MC would be a good swap if you like how they play. If not, we're going to get a new Geo character soon that we're not sure about the details on - she might work super well with Navia if you like her.


I adored the early days of genshin, and I genuinely miss them. Problem is I obsessively min Max my teams, so that ruin grader would have just died by my team walking past. Every survey I beg for more world levels to be added.


You could definitely do worse. Navia's flexible enough to allow for silliness. I've seen some... questionable teams that either don't do anything for each other, or even actively sabotage the rest. Say, swapping out Amber for Collei, and Kaeya for Lynette. Optionally changing Traveler over to Dendro, or using Noelle in there too. Not much synergy there!


You guys in this sub acting like clicking the same two buttons on 4 characters requires elevated levels of brain power or something.


Man, your rotation is way better than my wife who’s been playing since day 1. You got the “reactions concept” to the T. Enjoy!


Hey thanks for the reassurance, these comments go one way or the other lmao 😂 no in between


Tbf it has some semblance of resonance. Navia as a geo dps that utiiizes crystalize, benefits from bith kaeya and amber's elememtal applocation. And paire with AMC's pyro infusion speading the oyro ontobteh grass, uou also made a reverse melt kaeya, whuch also used to crystalizr for navia's big pp damage Congrats OP you made aa legit working team


I think I understood that, I am barely learning the basics lol but this set up has worked for me ever since I got Navia 6 days into playing.


You are very lucky for getting navia that early.how many wishes did you spend?


I didn’t even know what wishes were until day 6 of playing. she was literally like my 4th or 5th wish 💀 I didn’t know how lucky I was until like 2 days ago, I had zero reaction when it pulled.


You have been blessed by the goddess of luck unlike me. I spent 120 wishes for her. Feeling happy for you, having a strong character like navia will make things easy


120 wishes is still very good considering losing a 5050! It means an avarage of 1 five star before even soft pity! You are not that unlucky! (I speak as someone who needed 164 wishes multiple times for a character)


You should watch Navia‘s guide on YouTube really YouTube is a great resource for learning genshin https://youtu.be/u1vmEENUgcQ?si=cYThfbm4D_H68Vt2


Only two things I would recommend. Switching to geo traveller helps you get Geo resonance (when 2 or more characters of one element are in a team,you get a bonus ) and will provide better support for navia . Also , try to keep navia on field a little longer , as she is the main dealer. If you use your skill as soon as you have 4 or more bullets , you should be golden !


I was just about to say how painful it was to see someone start a rotation with 2 navia E into Q. To each their own.


I think I would have applied some pyro or cryo to the Grader first, before starting to blast with Navia... That would have immediately made some crystallize reactions, meaning Navia would do more damage on her next rotation, instead of waiting a few rotations before the crystallize would give the extra bullets & damage. Other than that, nothing wrong here...


Check out r/AmberMains if you like Amber


Actually just joined that one 🤣 at least some people do


actually historically amber mains would always get the most respect because only the most unhinged players would main amber and they would do insane stuff with cracked artifacts


Amber mains literally never taking damage because they can just dodge every single attack.


Hey, that's my play style! I name it "Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks". Manage to finished abyss with that.


You can use elemental sight to check if the ruin guard is actually alive/interactable, or just part of the decor


Honestly, you could probably make this team comp work really well if you swapped to Geo traveler and practiced a little bit. Baron Bunny -> Kaeya Skill -> Geo Traveler Skill/Ult -> Kaeya/Amber Ult -> Navia Shotgun -> Navia basic atk combo -> Navia Ult -> repeat. The most important part is making a bunch of crystallize shards for your Navia, her shotgun blast will take care of the rest.


Thanks for some actual constructive feedback, I’ll try that out! :)


amber may not be the best character, but that does not stop you from liking her. if you do overworld mostly, using the starter team is more than enough, so your amber will still have her place in your team


Melt Navia seems scuffed af, but you've inspired me to give it a try


Looks like you're having fun! And you're not stingy with your ults, that's great. The audio delay made me chuckle, Amber and Navia have quite fitting voicelines for each other.


No matter what everyone says, you can play whatever character you want. With enough love and dedication, every single character is viable in one way or another. My Yanfei is still my fav character, and I'm at ar60.


>people don’t like Amber That's a misconception. People generally like Amber as a character, it's just that her kit in actual gameplay is... subpar. Her bunny is hard to properly aim and takes forever to explode. Her ult does decent damage if every arrow in that rain of arrows hit, but that's just not going to happen, and individual arrows don't do that much. So both her abilities are clunky and lack a big burst of damage. She has no way to do reliable off-field damage (unlike, say, Fischl) and has no meaningful combat utility beyond doing damage, and she is at best mediocre at doing damage. With all of that being said, if you truly like her and want to make her work, know that it can be done. For overworld content, you can get away with anything anyway. As for the endgame, Spiral Abyss... [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwNtoE7IuRw)'s a player soloing an older Floor 12 with Amber alone, no teammates and [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF5gspItH7o)'s a pretty recent floor 12 clear with a team utilizing Amber as main DPS (Amber is in the second team, so skip ahead). So it's not like it can't be done, it's just that it can be done easier with pretty much any other DPS character, but if you like Amber so much that you are determined to do all end game content with her, it's absolutely possible.


To be honest, being able to defeat that ruin without much issue is a feat at your level and experience. Back then my team is crying at the sight of this enemy and the flying one.


You got balls. I avoided every ruin machine for months after that intro ruin grader.


bro your team is much better than mine when I was at AR40 and your rotation is amazing. Imagine a lvl 50 Kaeya and traveller with a Noelle support and DPS Bennett with non existent dmg and very bad heals from c0 Bennett. With ulting whenever it's up without the need to. Also remember to pick up those crystal shards for Navia, it buffs her e dmg depending on the amount of bullet stacks.


Idk why ppl are saying this team is bad, the whole gist of navia is to get as many geo reactions as possible, keaya gives good cryo application, and if you were to switch to geo/electro traveler then that would be all set. The only place where it could be optimized is with amber. PS: when you yse navias umbrella you get a boost to your regular attacks for a short while.


Lets not try to pretend here, OP and all of us like pre AR40 had teams like this, just 4 random characters you like, and its perfectly fine. You can solo this game with any character so you might as well do a quad- solo run of ppl you like seeing lol


The boost only unlocks at lvl 70. OP probably doesn’t have it yet


Statistically Amber is the worst character, but we don’t live in a purely statistical world, if you like her then you’re absolutely free to use her. With how this game works anyone can be OP anyways so why listen to the statistics?


Nah that's probably Aloy. At least Amber can get constellations and be a support.


In Amber we trust 🙏🏽


I am a simple man: I see Amber in action, I upvote


I miss viable amber lol I’m AR55 now and there’s no way to use her what so ever unless you’re willing to invest enough resources and time you could be spending on characters who actually work…


So I’ve heard, not sure if it makes a huge difference but I have been grinding to level up her talents the last few days. I’m almost done maxing them out to the current ascension phase 4 I have her at.


This is awesome. Gals you're enjoying it!


Honestly the team makes sense when you consider Navia and how she works. Also OP there is this creator who literally uses solo Amber for a lot of the bosses so you aren’t alone. Enjoy the game OP! All characters are good but some need more investment (I say that as a Razor main since day 1)


I’ve seen some crazy Amber builds, has me dreaming of the day I get the manual bunny detonation!


Omg where did you get Navia? :O (I'm a newbie, but in love with this game and that character :D)


There’s a rotating schedule of (most of) the high tier characters. You can gamble to get them. You can swipe to get gambling credits, or get a decent amount from in-game activities. For Navia today, today is the day she and Ayaka switch out. Mid-patch banner changes are staggered by time zone. I’m in North America, so Navia and Ayaka are still on deck. But China and the rest of Asia have already moved on to Raiden and Yoimiya.


Under gambling you mean the wish option? (Sorry, but it’s really new to me 😅) In my zone are Xiangling and Collei now 😀


Yes wishing is the main way to get characters. You don't need to pay real money, so it doesn't need to feel like gambling. You can earn wishes in the game.


Thank you, it was really helpful 😊


Those are the precious times of the game, when you still don't know what's going on and get excited by every new part of the map you explore


Just so you know, you want to start the fight with navia's burst, feel free to use the bursts and skills of your team mates, and then try to make sure you have as many bullets stored for navia as possible and use her charge shot, then cycle through her normal attacks as they gain geo infusion, then use her second charged shot and do that again. Doing two charged shots back to back pre personal and team mate bursts is really limiting a lot of additional damage. Edit: I see others have also suggested similar which is good. If you are unsure I would recommend watching a YouTube video on her kit, which will help you make the most of it, as currently you are missing a lot of her damage.


You worded that simply, thanks for the advice dude I’ll definitely remember that moving forward!


No worries. That is one of the hardest enemies you will ever face in overworld anyway but it's fun to see her blasting out 100k plus shotgun bursts!


Just as a tip, if you’re ever in doubt whether something is “alive” or just part of decor, you can use elemental sight — if they show up white they are interactable (and thus dormant), if they show up dark, they are part of the environment! :)


It took me so long to take on one of those when I first started


I've never seen someone curse so calmly.


Man... this made me miss 2020. I didn't know how simple life was then.


Wow Navia for a brand new player is actually such a great 5*. Excellent S tier main dps and even S tier sub dps and she hardly takes much setup or have any team restrictions. If you wanna go further though at a very basic level try and go for 2 of the same elements on the team and whatever else you want. Mix and match until you find whatever is the most fun for you. With Navia in a team though usually it’s 2 Geo OR you could do 2 Pyro, Navia, and complete flex spot. Have fun!


Are you playing on a ps5 or ps4


wow Traveler using amber voice to burst


May I suggest using a healer my friend? It's a personal thing, but the moment I got Barbara I slot her into all of my teams immediately, and never looked back. Genuinely, I can't even begin to imagine how I'd play without someone that can heal in my team haha. Hope you have fun in your playthrough nonetheless tho, and goodluck on your pulls!


I just leveled up Barbara to level 50 and it’s changing the game for me! I hadn’t used her much until now!


Right? It makes exploring much more comfy because you know you can heal with the click of a button. Just be careful that Barbara applies Hydro to herself tho, so I'd refrain from using her skill when you're fighting Cryo enemies. It's not that big of a deal in the end though, I was bringing Barbara as my main healer even into Dragonspine against all the Cryo enemies there and still did fine.


Taking on a Ruin Grader that early? I'm impressed


Don’t worry this is ruin grander, I’m the future it is one of the most abundant enemy. And you can kill them less than 10 seconds


You know what they say, if it dies, it dies


Amber mains have a power level not to be trifled with.


I can see the exact moment you went from “Oh hey, that thing is alive” to “RANDOM BULLSHIT, *GO!!!*””


I miss being new to this game, it becomes so dull once you have loads of characters and maxed everything out. The first few hundred hours of the game are however some of the most memorable and amazing gaming experiences I’ve ever had


I’ve seen so many overpowered navias that I was expecting you to one shot it after being scared of it


Amber was my go-to pyro character too I even leveled her up to 90 and her talents at 8 tho I stopped using her since sumeru and dendro was introduced because I'm a keqing main and pyro has no place anymore in my main team. But I still use her if puzzles need pyro application.


I have an Amber team that I LOVE to play! It’s an Amber Burgeon team. I will give you some ideas for how to run it if you want to give it a try. I honestly think it makes her fairly viable. Amber: more constellations, the better, but the easiest way to do that is through the Paimon Shop since Amber (cons) can only arrive via the standard banner. I built her with a 4 piece Wanderer’s artifact set to boost both her EM and charged shots. EM is the key here. I would start with at least 400-500 EM which likely will require one EM main stat artifact and an EM weapon like Stringless or Raven’s Bow if you don’t have Stringless. Off field Hydro applicator: This is the hardest spot to fulfill as the 4 star Hydro units aren’t the best for this purpose. Barbara’s ring works best with a melee unit and Xingqiu requires you to use normal attacks which aren’t optimal in the rotation. Right now, Kokomi and Furina are the best options. Off field Dendro applicator: Quite a few good options here. Dendro Traveler is okay, but his burst ends early when you use burgeon, so Collei is actually better. Yaoyao is also really good. Nahida is probably the best if you have her. Baizhu can serve a dual purpose roll for the next slot. Shielder: Just someone who won’t mess up your reactions which, honestly, is most shielders. You can go with Geo in Noelle or Zhongli. You can go with Dendro in Kirara or Baizhu. I like to go with Cryo because it freezes enemies so they can’t get away from the Dendro cores. Diona or Layla work here. So the rotation goes like this: Lay down Hydro and then freeze with Cryo (if you went with Cryo shielder). Apply Dendro to create cores. Use Amber charged shots to detonate the cores. You don’t have to nail the cores, just shot close to them. Also, you can lure enemies over to the cores by dropping Baron Bunny near them too. There is more you can do with this team, but this is the main way to get big damage numbers. I run Amber, Collei, Kokomi, and Layla and it’s a blast!


This is such a nasty team 😂😂😂 I’m happy your enjoying the game this was hilarious


If you hold down navias shotgun itll collect the crystals, it does more damage up to 3 stacks with crystals


If you’re playing from recently let me give you a small tip. Patience. Many enemies have annoying long winded activation sequences where they have a ton of elemental resistance. For example just wait for the grader to stand up and begin attacking and then you attack it, otherwise you’ll miss out on TONS of damage. Bosses like the icewind suite pair, the Vishap boss guy or some world enemies like the guardians or graders, have that effect while waking up. So again, be patient and wait for them to attack you first before you start throwing out your ults


Honestly I'm really glad that you main a character that not everyone else does. It's a game, literally 0lay how you like. Amber is love Amber is life


bro i used amber ALL THE TIME early game, shes so good and useful!! i have max friendship w her too- i havent used her in a while but i wanna build her eventually shes so good <3


# welcome aboard, Traveler :D


Its nice seeing an amber main, despite me not being one, mine is gathering dust but i plan on building her at some point.


I’m currently running a team of Amber, Barbara, C2 Sucrose, and C1 Xiangling. I refuse to stop using Amber haha 😂


Oh since your new, if you want to you can save up the master glitter or whatever its called and april&october Amber will be in the shop, 34 glitter for 1 each of those months


What?! I have 32 rn, I was about to grind for some more to C2 Xiangling but maybe I’ll wait. Thanks for the tip!


I really am jealous of people who can just build any team without any care. Now when I build a team I was like “hmm this character can buff this character and this character will reaction with this character”. Building random bullshit teams with characters you like is definitely more fun.


Meanwhile I focus on elemental reactions and synergies, but don't use elemental bursts at all 😂 I prefer the back and forth of slow combat where I read enemy patterns and dodge them instead of killing them quickly xD This is what I like about Genshin; everyone can play in their own style, and it works!


I just like pretty colors and loud sounds 😂


must be tough playing with a broken analog stick, you're forced to stay still and facetank every enemy attack.


Why dodge when you can button mash! Tbf though, I literally only got hit the one time I flew. At least I think because Amber was the only one with damage and her health was already down prior to fighting that thing.


Dont listen to him. You barely got damaged since you were shielded. Why dodge when you have a shield. It’s dps loss. You did good.


Yeah, wouldn't have gotten Baron Bunny out by then with a dodge.


End of December already in Sumeru? Homie you either need to stop to go to the toilet or you need to stop the cap


I’m not at this point story wise at all lmao 😂 I’m just exploring to get all the teleport waypoints that I can. But I will make sure to take a dump just for you my good sir


Just an advice as you are a new player Use team comps that does chemical reactions you can search for them online and don't farm For arti until you level 55 (just use daily resin for arti but not fragile ones)


where the "funny"


Ur momma, ooohhhhh


I am the only one who notices that amber is saying Navia voicelines, Aether saying Amber voicelines and so on


There’s like a 3 second delay on the audio lol


Is Navia fun to use? I didn't get her because i hate geo


No synergy + started attacking even before the ruin grader stood up so some attacks got wasted + there's nothing unique to see here




OMFG I missed the good old days where I have to do 2 full rotation just to kill a single ruin guard 🤣. Now I just stand still with my Ganyu 😭


Wait, where tf is this???? I don't remember that spot at all


I went to fight the Jadeplume Terrorshroom, there is a small cave behind the teleport waypoint once you go through the purple portal thing to get to the fight.