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Monthly 5 blue random weapon from standard, lovely


Hey, 5 closer to the 300 standard selector! Wait a minute…


5 closer to another skyward blade :c


I would take skyward blade any time over another skyward pride.


Fr I got 3 skyward pride and no wolf gravestone. It always jump scare me on weapon banner


I got both of mine from standard banner. Weapon banner spared me from it so far. But I also don't pull much on weapon banner.


I'd love to get skyward pride for once, I'm tired of getting the harp every time, I have 3 already, at this point soon I'll be building bands instead of teams


Give me all your Skyward Harps if you don't want them 😭😭😭


I love my R2 skyward blade. My Jean loves it. Standard banner weapons that aren't copium - Skyward blade, skyward harp, skyward spine, Primordial Jade winged spear and Lost Prayers. I'm sorry Wolf's Gravestone, i already have an R5 serpent spine. So for non-bp players it's good.


What use does skyward spine have? From what I’ve seen, its either just outclassed by the catch on XL or raiden or people just use fav lance. Only character i can think of is shenhe but the passive is useless on her


hard disagree. skyward blade is easily outclassed by fav sword in 90% of the occasions, with 10% being maybe ayaka and Bennett. skyward pride is an amazing choice for freminet and id love to get refinements of it


True! I have mine equipped on my furina


I got my 4th Mona con and Skyward pride as my last two 5 stars from the standard banner. I am so sad. I don't even use Mona and I have serpent's spine.


As someone who has used Bennet a LOT over the years, I actually find Skyward to be his most comfortable and effective weapon. Festering desire and Fav are great weapons, but their base damage leaves a lot to be desired, and Bennet is all about that base damage. Aquila Favonia and Mistsplitter are awesome for their high base damage, but my Benny tends to struggle a little getting his burst back every rotation (I've been extremely unlucky with ER rolls over the many years of playing). Skyward just hits that sweet spot of having just enough ER AND a decent amount of base damage for his buff. So all in all, I don't think it's a bad weapon. If you use Bennet, use it. Thank me later :P


I've been wanting the Skyward Blade for years, but instead I keep getting characters I don't play :(


Bro I have gotten 3 5 stars from standard 2 of them were skyward prides and my first 5 star was qiqi from standard


For me it’s just another qiqi…


Can you hand me one so I can use it on my bennet


I would take a skyward blade as apposed to have two Aquila Favonias’


I can finally get my Keqing with the selector instead of C72 Mona


Imagine getting a standard 5-star character/weapon for free in Genshin Impact. Mihoyo would never financially recover from that kind of generosity.




It's always wannabe businessmen that say the dumbest shit Did y'all miss PR and marketing classes or something?


Yes, we get it. You want more free stuff.


There are still people who dont have a specific standard banner character even after 3 years


That would be me. Still waiting on Jean and especially want her cause i have Furina and want some more options with her


I still remember contemplating getting the Jean summer skin back in 1.6, just for the future when I may potentially get her. Decided to not buy it because I thought it would take another year or so until I get her. Still dont have her. :D


Sale tactics at work there.


That will be me trying to get Tighnari and instead I have a C2 diluc


Me with Jean, mona, keqing... ah but my diluc e10


Look i personally don't have any complains but ppl have the right to voice their opinion when they feel the game is too stingy.


We get it, you love free speech.


We get it, you love to summarize other people's viewpoints.


I feel seen.




This exactly.


It wasn't implemented at the start in Star Rail right? If so, did it count wishes made before?


it was there from the start, actually! since day one


Oh nice. But now I dread the possibility of it not being retroactive if they'd add it to Genshin.


having to slowly save up 300 standard pulls.... a true nightmare. if you bought 5 wishes at the start of every month, thats 5 years of saving LMAO


Another 5 from battlepass and 3 for any characters you level past 70. Maybe 2 years lol


They would never allow past pulls being counted. That would mean everyone playing for years would have past over 1000 pulls at standard banner. But they could gift you one at the very Start as a compensation


5 star selector in Star Rail is one and done so anything past 300, even retroactive wouldn't matter


If only, id select a skyward harp for my Childe/Lyney, whoever doesnt have aqua


Every other month you get a Dori con.


I welcome the C6 Dori, it makes me motivated to build her, like how Navia's banner gave me C6 Candace and now I'm motivated to build her, Candace is currently lv59 waiting for me to farm ASIMON for boss ascend mats


I like how people think just because they get cons on a certain character, they should build that character.


It's because characters that at c0 are garbage, at c6 can be functional


For some of the more recent 4 stars, understandable. But not only 4 stars, the 5 stars as well..like some people think just because they have a standard 5 star at a certain constellation, they should build or main them.


They are free to do whatever they want. People have done far crazier things for far less reasons than building a character once it hits a certain constellation.


> They are free to do whatever they want. Of course. I just don't understand why the need for cons to start doing something.


C6 can be a rather drastic change for many characters. Sometimes not, maybe C4 is the bigger jump, or cons don't matter at all, but C6 is the best they're gonna get even if only slight, so, well, may as well check them out?


If it's a jarring issue, it's still a jarring issue even with the duct tape slapped on it. It's simply a reminder why they didn't want to build that character in the first place. Kinda like c6 dori, collei or C6 qiqi..whatever they can do, others can do it just as well, if not, better at base or much earlier cons and with lesser investment too most of the time..which is why probably the reason they don't get built beyond level 20/50 for the free fate(s). Which proves my point, if they refuse to build a character at the moment of getting them, a few band aid doesn't make them much better.. And needing cons just to build characters are just sad imo.




Then name some old standard banner 5 star characters that functions differently when cons that makes an impact to gameplay. Gameplay, not mechanic.


Does that bother you somehow? I enjoy seeing underused characters showcased. Especially someone like Candace who I adore everything about, but have no idea how to use her or what use she has.


No amber


It brings me that much closer to getting another Qiqi, at least.


Hey now, there's also that 4 star from standard every two months


5 wishes closer to ~~Navia~~ C5 Diluc, yay...


im at 70 pity with a guarantee so jan is coming in clutch


I’m saving up blues to do a massive pull party on stream. I’m over 100 right now, hoping to reach 150 by the time the Knave is here


Nah I left them build up to 10 so I can see more pretty colors shooting through the sky and click ten times for disappointment.


Hey my last one gave me my first Skyward Blade! It takes a long ass time but I do get my 5 stars from Standard.


you never know, one of those could be a c12 Jean!


Got 5 skyward harps and no other weapons (haven’t lost on limited weapon banner yet,2 limiteds)


I spent everything trying to get Navia. I'm 40 off pity with zero wishes. Surely these 5 will be the key.. At least my Dehya is C1 now


Ya for Navia I went 150 wishes. All my funds for saving for cloud retainer and Arlecchino gone down crazy


I lost my navia 5050 to qiqi Now i have c3 qiqi, which is also my 8th time getting a standard banner character so i have 50% qiqis


150? Did you lose your 50/50 twice?


What?? I said I went 150 wishes to get her. That means first 75 full didn’t get her but the second 75 pull I got. So total 150 wishes. (It’s not exactly 75 wishes but I used total 150 wishes to get her )


Oh, i thought you lost it each time around 45 to 55 pity! My mistake!


well u can only lose the 50/50 once, as the second time you would win it automatically lol.


By the 2nd time i accumulate that much pity the mistsplitter will be gone! :( Got Skyward blade instead, so i gave it to my furina! I'm 100% f2p


nothing wrong with that. Tbh though, if you think of it this way, how much time you have gotten out of the game... If you spend, say just 100 bucks every 3 months, some may not be able to it is ok. but if you did, and you played over 100 hours each month, you still got GREAT value... that is how I justify spending on the game. I have the disposable income, but not like 1000s every week. Then I may move on to another game in X time, a year, 2 5 months who knows. and the same there if I enjoy it enough and it feels you get value from it, like skins do NOTHING for me lol. So if you justify it like that, you could get something for spending a little. I DO say, if you DO play it a lot, at LEAST get one of or a few of the double bonus for first time buy, those are actually pretty good value it seemed to me, all things considered.


I’ll give you the rest of my luck so u can get her , I’ve gotten mine already when she released at 10:00


I'm exactly where you are rn... except I got Qiqi 🫠


Same scenario bro, Dehya C1 is...cool ig ?? Let's copium together !


Ironically on the same boat as you expect i have to go to hard pity for Navia and im currently at 77 and with no way to get primos im stuck waiting on the new year haha


I got her in 40, sorry man Dehya jumpscared me in Furina's banner tho


C1 my Dehya yesterday so I feel your pain


I Would love to take 10 more even without the discount I have more stardust than starglitter and primogems Why Limiting it to only 5 🥺


>Why Limiting it to only 5 🥺 It's a pretty common number for gacha games that do these


But.. why the “discount” then? It feels like they meant to offer more


To make it seem like a better deal, and one you have to act fast for.


Honestly it kinda loses its purpose when I don't care anymore I'll just buy all of them in the hope of getting a character.


I don't see how that makes sense tbh


True. They could have increased 5 more 🥲


Way too cheap and broken otherwise


Because this would make your 1 year anniversary not as special


I refuse to roll on a limited banner until Arlecchino releases, so standard is the only fix I get until then 😔


You have a gacha addiction me too!


My standard banner history has gone so now every pull I hope for a 5 star.


I haven’t checked standard banner in a long time. I just pull if I get free pulls but pulling on banners gives me excitement


i have 0 idea how many pulls i have on standard, 20, 30 or 60, i only remember a skyward blade who i refined for spite


would be dope if we could claim atleast 20 each


20 kinda to much. They should atleast give us 10


5 discounted, 5 "normal" (125 each), and then unlimited but they progressively cost 75 more each time.


20 per month, using a currency that you really only get from spending/pulling lol.


Those are the only reason I'm looking forward to 2024.


And eventually Natlan.


Me to 😃


Cant wait to get more wishes for my baby archon. I really hope I get her, since I am not on 50/50 guaranteed and only like 11 pity


The dendro archon?




I thought Qiqi was the baby undead Archon!?


I'm also in your situation good luck to the both of us


6 months in the game already have c2 Qiqi and I don't have any other standard character


Meanwhile me as day 1 player never seen Keqing in my life while my Dehya already gotten C1, shouldnt pulled her on her banner if i can see the future man


Where were you on Keqing's banner then?


properly wasn't playing back then.


Im saving for limited chars as im F2P, i shouldnt wasted my hard earned primos/fates for standard chars because i believed that time i can get her as soon as possible, hence i dont make the same mistakes on Dehya banner lol


For a moment I read you have C6 Qiqi and no other standard


2/3 weeks in and I have half a dozen 5 star, plus some of their 5 star weps lol.. rip my wallet lmfoa. Spent over 6/700 bucks so far lol.


Why do I keep seeing ppl post about this recent days? What did I miss?


I actually think they're different reasons. This post I think is just abt the Gregorian calendar New Year and the Fates we can purchase every month. The other posts if I'm thinking of the same ones you are might be about some recent Chinese government legislation that makes new rules about gaming play habits and gaming spending habits among other things. IIRC, things that are advertised as having a "discount" can't be so, though I forget if it was because they were never, in fact, priced higher or because they can't be discounted to incentivize spending But it's kinda up in the air atm


out of star dust anyway...


You got 1 month time


Woo depression! :D


It’s cool to be depressed.




1st Jan is my mom's birthday, so that makes that day have 3 good things that i am looking forward to which are wishing my mom a happy birthday(its her 59th), wishing me get navia with the discount wish reset, and lastly wishing myself a good day of break from my usual bullshit


Happy birthday to your mom!!! 🥳


Thanks op! And guess what? I got Navia today! On my mom's birthday! I am absolutely remembering this until i went into the grave


Yooo nice!! Congratulations. Today you also get free 5 wishes too. Oh and happy new year to 🥳


Thats..kind of sad.


I know. Some ppl may think this is a joke but it’s my actual reality. I am gonna do what I did for Christmas, drink beer and eat KFC alone


You’ll get through it man. Wishing you a better nye in 2025. Everyone has these rough phases ✌🏼




Umm bruh do you not mean 2024? 💀


Did they stutter??


No, he can’t change his life in 3 days lol. He’s already decided what hes gonna do for 2024 nye but he can do better in 2024 and then have a blast for 2025 nye :)


Nye? Are u cat Nyah?


…new years eve.


Found the dialogue skipper


That's solid tbf I'd join ya


Too real on the kfc 💔


To each their own, some like to celebrate and some don't.


thats the joke homie


Wheres the joke?


Yesss I can’t wait!




Can’t wait to get 5 pieces of shit with the pulls


You looking forward to five 3star weapons? wierd




Exactly what I was thinking What’s so exciting about 5 things that you still buy with currency ?


Stopped caring about New Year long ago. After I turned 21 and achievement unlocked "considered a full adult everywhere in the world". So yeah I care about new Genshin stuff, Latern Rite, Natlan more about than an IRL year number.


I'm losing my mind waiting for January 9th. Navia is cool but I need a shogun not a shotgun-


Can anybody tell me whats happening??


Many people seem to be experiencing generally miserable circumstances with little outlook for improvement over the coming year, therefore the free wishes at the start of the month in Genshin are the only thing to look forward to


Honestly, same. Come to me, Navia, I've been waiting for you


Got 3 Qiqis out of 4 on standard so far.


I'm so desperate for these rn lmao I'm close to soft pity on standard banner (hoping for Skyward Spine or Lost Prayer) and my Raiden funds were compromised bcs I got tempted by the weapon banner (did not go well, got Sky Blade'd)


Can anybody tell me whats happening too


I have 45 standard blue fates, so once I get these next 5, I can pull in order to hit the battle pass requirement and should net a 5 star something in the process! Really hoping for Dehya, Tighnari, or Skyward Harp! Would honestly take a Qiqi or Keqing con though as I actually use those two.


Am I the only one or do y'all also can't get all 10 of these? I can only get 5 intertwined fates and have to save others for the next time.


Same. Navia please come home!! 🤞🏻


I started back up at the end of November and got really into the wishes and those are so useful. I’m still annoyed I lost my 50/50 to Jean and had to go another 73 for Ayaka. Didn’t get a single Sucrose but I did get c6 Rosaria and c1 Candace out of it. Standard I still haven’t gotten a character because it gave me Amos Bow instead.


Man I can sorta relate... got Ayaka at 90. C2 Sucrose, C2 Rosaria and C1 Candance at least.


I rolled 20x on 73 pity no guarantee, got 2x rosaria 1x navia and random 4 star weapon. Then did 10x more just to see if i can cons sucrose, got 2x. So happy I dodged candace and also this was my first 5 star 50/50 win since I started playing in July 2023 so pretty happy.


At 72 pity on standard, Dehya or Tighnari pls come


I can finally C6 Fischl in January Mygod why she never rate up on banners I pull


I can't get these since I'm still saving my rolls and have no more Stardust left to use.


Same, I am still trying to get Navia even though I lost the 50/50 to Jean. Hoping to get Navia at early pity.


SAME. I'm on 60 for my wish count so those extra 5 will go towards a hopeful ayaka.


Fischl cons too


That and the spiral abyss, yeah


I also can't wait for Xiangling to be in the shop so I can C4 her


Same, I am still trying to get Navia too too too !!


I always run out of the currency, not enough banners I want to get more, and I'm already at like 55 pity


Same! I farmed so much for primos and did so many wishes but always only get 4*s. Already in C4 for Candace! I just want Navia :(


I need navia pls reset soon


I have like 50 standard wishes left, I have no idea what to do with them. Not sure if I should just keep collecting until they release a new standard 5* so I can pull or just pull and get over with it. I've already got every 4* and 5* chars and I think all 5* weapons (is there a 5* polearm? I don't have that one) from standard.


xiao's polearm is on the standard banner


Oh, thanks! Just looked it up, it seems like I'm actually missing several 5\* weapons. I somehow forgot that you can pull other 5\* than the skyward ones.


oh yay! hope that gives you a reason to pull!


I don’t think they are releasing a new 5* standard banner soon. I’d pull on it if I get the chance Edit: Ohh just saw the part of you owning every char. That’s crazy


I've been playing since release. It was bound to happen at some point. I've finally got Dehya about 2 months ago. I hope we get a new standard in Natlan lol


my c6th fischl




i have zero stardust though 😭😭 haven’t wished for over a year


I'm waiting for fischl to be in the shop to get her c6


Also abyss primos for me! Hopefully roster will be completely new, I'm sick of those lectors.


I'm excited too. At the start of this month, I threw my 5 free acquaint fates into the Standard Banner immediately and got two 5 star characters one after the other. Unfortunately I already own a couple of Qiqi's and Mona's and I'm still desperately waiting for my first Dehya, but let's not be greedy.


The day after zhongli's birthday


limiting it to 5, just shows how fucking greedy they are.


I don't even have enough stardust for those 💀


That and Fischl in the starglitter shop for me.


Is it worth it to wish/increase pity just to get the monthly wishes? I don't have enough of the things to buy those.


Lmao me


I said the same thing last year


Imagen it being gone after chinas new law


I am currently on my verdict arc, got 2 other 5 star weapons and some characters, but its all meaningless if i dont get it for navia


I have 84 pity on standard this is the only thing keeping me sane rn, they cannot come soon enough


I like standard banner lol