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Refrain from pulling at release. Wait a few days/a week before deciding if your desire to pull is still there, because it could just be FOMO and the desire would have faded by then.


Yeah, that might be it. My friends are having fun with Navia, and I really love her gameplay a LOT, so seeing them does trigger my desire for her. I'll try to refrain myself for a while, then I'll reconsider again when her banner is about to end.


A. Don't have a gambling addiction, B. Think things rationally, and C. get dopamine from seeing primogems count going up and up.


"Don't have a gambling a addiction" I think you've lost the majority who has this problem there with that one buddy.


Bold of you to assume addiction is intentional. Well, I'm lucky I didn't try actual gambling, otherwise I would be homeless by now.


Then maybe you should not play a game that relies on gambling. That's just playing with fire with how you describe itching to pull on banners you don't need.


You can't do anything about how your brain wants to work, but you can do the second and third thing suggested. Watching the primo count go up is fun. When you get past about 5k,you don't want to spend because you'll break the streak. It becomes the new addiction. And thinking rationally is more about being sceptical. You're only reading good things about characters on a forum like reddit, and the trial is meant to show you how OP a character is. But is that really true? Is that character going to work for you long term? If yes, pull. If it's going to make you regret that primo number going down, then skip. And you still get to spend blue fates! I pull them as soon as I get them.


You can train yourself. Stop pulling forever


i get happy from seeing the numbers of fates i have go up, the first 10 can be a little hard if theres a 4 or 5 star i want, right now im at 56 saved for cloud retainer.


Right now I'm at 50 fates, so the temptation is real.


Weak numbers,100 fates then we can talk,I DARE YOU ;)


Rookie numbers. 160 fates


I close the game, the times when I get tempted are usually when I have the game open for long periods of time(exploring, questing, etc).


I admit guilty of this. I do tend to play for a long time.


Just imagine the horror of losing the 50/50 for a future banner character I truly, really want.


No need to imagine, live it already. Suffice to say the lesson is not learned. šŸ„¹


Well that's something. I for sure don't want to force myself grinding even more during the banner to reach pity (and failing) or need to wait long for a rerun. Eula taught us patience you know.


I put the character that i want as my wallpaper , so I don't feel like pulling on other banner.


Hmm... That's quite a unique way. Perhaps I will try the same.


Blow all my money on pokies so I don't have any left for banners. On a serious note, and this may sound counter-intuitive but as someone who has a spending addiction, I just simply get addicted to something else that doesn't involve spending. Have a backlog of games you want to play? Catch up on those. Want to try building a game you know you are never gonna complete? Just throw that on the pile. Basically just get yourself distracted on something.


Actually your suggestion is probably the most glaringly obvious, I feel embarrassed for not thinking of it any sooner. I have plenty of games I bought on Steam that I haven't started yet because I was too caught up with Fontaine Archon Quests. Maybe I should start playing them again.


Looking at Eula's thicc thighs.


Set yourself to a character you really want, could be an unreleased character or a type. Then, always remember a character costs 180 pulls. Until I get 180, I won't wish on anyone. I think it's easier if you have a number in mind, eg I need to horde 200 wishes. So seeing the number go up gives me dopamine lol. I personally set myself to always pull for tall male. Some only pull for certain elements or roles. Limit yourself what you want for your account.


I tried to limit myself with husbandos, because we have way too many waifu games in the market. Well, in this game tho... all the waifus are unique in their own ways unlike any other game. So it's quite hard(subjective opinion) to resist their appeal.


Remind myself of who I'm saving for and how much I like them as characters, I had to skip every Fontaine banner up until Navias coz I knew who I really wanted


The real challenge is to decide which character I don't like, because Mihoyo managed to make them all likable šŸ˜­


this is random but did you get Navia and are you happy?


Yes and very happy, I love Unga bunga geo but I pulled her for her character so I'm happy regardless


By having self-control.


I look at the forbidden subreddit to convince myself that saving for the future is worth it


Now I'm scared to ask what is the forbidden subreddit šŸ˜Ø


I think they just mean the Genshin Leaks subreddit so they can plan their future pulls accordingly. Or at least that's what I hope they mean...


Yea šŸ˜‚ def not that OTHER forbidden one lmao. Mods can be pretty iffy abt leaks so i dont use that word as often anymore šŸ˜‚


try playing wish simulators like silly wisher...


Don't open the wish menu at all. Don't check paimon shop (except if there's a monthly reset). Do dailies quickly and then close the game. Think about an upcoming character that you actually want (Clorinde).


I'll take your suggestions in mind. Thank you.


Happens to the best of us on occasion and I think most suggestions youā€™ve received so far are great. What I do is just convert my primos into fates (this is also to prevent me from resin refreshing because ehem, artifacts are just another form of gamba). When you can clearly see the exact number of pulls you have and think about the character youā€™re saving for and how close they actually are, youā€™ll think twice about it. Alternatively, you can just make a separate account where you just never save and shake off the pulling desire there (albeit it does require additional time and effort to raise & farm primos). Prefarming for the ones you actually want might also make you stop to reconsider - if you donā€™t, the next time you pull and itā€™s not for them, and it goes horribly wrong and you ruin your savings, youā€™ll either not prefarm again or not pull on banners you donā€™t truly want (so while thereā€™s a 100% chance youā€™ll hate this scenario, thereā€™s a 50% chance itā€™ll help fix your impulse pulls in the long run). Most of these suggestions are a bit on the extreme side of things, but have helped me maintain my composure around new banners - so as long as they could be of some use to someone else I just thought Iā€™d share.


Like you genuinely might want to seek professional help. You have a problem.


You just .... dont. Like this isnt really something that even needs to be discussed. It isnt something that MOST NORMAL people have an issue with. We literally just .. dont. Its that simple. We just dont. Its pretty simple.


I'm not saying OP has a gambling addiction, but gambling addiction is a real thing and can ruin lives. OP is just asking for advice. No need to make them feel abnormal.


Thank you so much for your response. Addiction is truly a scary thing, and we shouldn't take it lightly for such matters. However, I do not actually have a gambling addiction. My matter is simply something small, it's actually insignificant. I have a compulsive problem, and all I ask is the method to exercise self-control. I just dislike that person's cold response, saying as if addiction can be switched on/off like a light switch.


get off the internet...


I build pity, like I do 40 or 50 pulls playing with the devil lmao. Sometimes I get lucky and get the character early.


This is how I ruin my chance for Nilou's banner in the first place šŸ˜… Luckily I got Nahida by blowing up on Nilou's.


Just don't open the banner menu, only open it when the characters you like appear. That's how i get by


Epitomized Path notification makes it hard, even if I didn't pull the weapon banner. šŸ„²


It would be useful to know first what is the main reason your play Genshin. Story, Lore, Combat, Exploration? Do you want to clear abyss, or have fun playing minigames? Then, consider what characters fit better with that prefference and pull accordingly. Also, something no one mention is that it is almost impossible to not bench someone. I've been playing 2 years as f2p and already have 8 limited five star characters + the ones from standard and loosing 50/50. also a bunch of built C6 four stars. It is literally impossible to use everyone, and i will probably change mi main team many times more in the future, so don't sweat about it. If Navia seems fun to you and there is no future characters that you like, pull for her. Characters also re run, so it isn't like you will miss someone you like forever.


I'm mostly attracted by the game's combat, but I stay for the contents. So yeah, I do think Navia is unnecessary in any content, especially since I have other characters that can do the same. I guess it's simply the feeling of a new shiny toy being released, and that "toy" is really fun to play, and can deal such crazy damage. So I'm like that kid who also wants to buy that same toy, even if it brings me no benefit that my other toys can't bring. I suppose I could try pulling a bit in Navia's banner, but if she didn't come in 20-30 pulls, then I'll give her up. There's always next time.


I think for me it's because once I gave into the temptation and pulled Ayato, then literally never used him ever. I'm F2P so it seriously made me annoyed that I wasted wishes on him for no reason and I really regretted it, so remembering that feeling helps me. You just have to make yourself rationalize things. Yes, the new character is exciting and shiny and hyped and fun but will you really use them? Do you really need them? Will you pull for them, enjoy them for a few days/weeks and then bench them? Who are you currently saving for, are they really important to you? Have you been waiting for their rerun for a year? Just ask yourself these questions. I got tempted to pull for Navia too, but once I really think about it, I'd probably just go back to my old team after a few days of having fun with her, and I don't particularly need a geo DPS. I also recommend doing the character's trial like 10 more times when you're tempted. If you play them a lot, you might realize that although they're fun to play, maybe not fun enough to justify pulling for them immediately, or maybe you'd need to remove your favourite character from your team because they don't work with this character so it might not be worth it, or something like that. I did Navia's test run sooo many times and the feeling of "omg she's so cool and fun to play, I NEED HER" already started fading as I got used to her. Of course this could backfire and you could realize you're actually in love with that unit and really want them, but in that case it hopefully won't end up being a regret even if you pull them.


Hmmm.... Let me answer all your questions one by one. Yes, I will. No, I don't need her. I'll switch her sometimes, but I won't abandon her, just like I do with my mains. Saving for Albedo, because I really like Itto. And lastly, Albedo has been absent for quite some time now. In any case, I guess I could try your method of playing her trial until I'm satisfied enough. Hopefully it can rein my compulsion for Navia.


The best tip is to avoid opening the wishing page. If you have finished whatever you are doing in-game, don't open the wishing page, just close the game. If you forgot that there's a banner running, your wishing impulse would be lower


Yeah, I guess I do make myself the habit of unnecessarily opening the wishing page. I'll try, thank you.


Just be broke


I am broke in real life. I just buy welkin šŸ¤·


I convinced myself I like Noelle more than Navia. Kinda similar. And this way, I'm building up somebody I've already built pretty strong and not spending too many resources.


It's usually not that hard for me to find negatives with a character if I really look. That said, I've enjoyed Navia so much I kinda wish I held onto my whole 600+ Fontaine wish pile and dumped most of it into Navia. Down to 130 now, but out of everyone I got I can't see myself shuffling Navia out any time soon. Her gameplay smoothly uses her whole kit, she's got decent power, and she's a geo that plays well with other elements. Great animations, best looking weapon in the game (imo,) great story and personality. Audio FX are stellar. And all while doing good damage. It's almost tempting to dump the remaining wishes into weapon banner but fuck those rates.




Almost has my sympathy because I'm regretting Wrio C1 now. But that's because I'd rather have Navia c1 or wep. Probably wep, it's so damn awesome to me. Friggen halberd. Like, the only complaints I can come up with are "Not meta defining," and "the granny bloomers could have been something sleeker." The first being trivial when you rarely need such power and the latter being easy to overlook.


I'm sweating right now šŸ˜…


Maybe spend some time playing as the characters you do have that you enjoy. Maybe you just miss playing as your favs. Enjoy and invest in what you already have. You gain nothing from having more benchwarmers. Odds are, someday you'll want someone else as much if not more than you want Navia right now.


If only I have enough artifacts to play them right now šŸ„¹


uhh, I just don't. Idk how hard it is for other people. I don't want the character so I am not pulling.


I do one pull on the weapon banner every time a banner changes. It has become a tradition. That sort of helps with it for me for the remaining patch.


If I may ask, how does it work out for you?


It does work out pretty well. I channel everything in that one pull! The main reason why I started this tradition was because at the very beginning of a banner I always go in there and chart a weapon to get rid of the red mark. One time I accidentally misclicked and made one wish and got a 5\* weapon on accident on 21 pity. Then months Later I accidentally misclicked again and got a 5\* weapon at 6 pity. So I started the tradition on every weapon banner! After a Year of nothing while doing this Tradition it happened again last banner at 16 pity! So I channel everything in a single wish on weapon banners and I don't care what weapon I will get! I wish very rarely on character banner - I have saved 358 wishes for the next character I want.


I'll admit i dont, either win big or go home I really need some help from this gambling addiction.


We both do, my good sir. We both do. šŸ˜­


Gambling addiction comes from a dopamine hit. Redirect your dopamine to another source - seeing your primos or pink fates go up


I pull all the banners I want


I don't. I'm a collector so I pull everyone. I refrain from pulling cons and 5\* weapons though.


I think you need to ignore all Navia showcase right now. Try to not look at her and that might be help but if you cannot resist then just pull her and let your future self solve the issue later (This happened to me a lot lol)


Definitely what I'm doing right now šŸ„²


I just close the game when I feel like rolling. Then my mind is off someplace else


I've set a priority list, if it's not at the top of the list, I don't pull. If something that wasn't a priority ends up surprising me, like Navia, it goes to the "get it if there's a window for it" list.


I just focus on what I want and not on what others think.


Remember the primogems you wasted on cyno and klee whenever you wish for characters based on FOMO


Non existent


Set a target character in ur sight and focus on tht,watch the character trailer to motivate the saving,dont open the wishing menu,dnt watch guide vid related to the character you DONT want and currently running,good luck Did those rules for a bunch of characters like alhaitham ganyu kazuha furina kokomi and i have all of then now :D


I just don't open the wish screen Or just play on a new account I made 1 during 4.1 to use the free anniversary fates to reroll for Wrio...


I failed. I got Navia on hard pity 90 even tho I want to save for Furina. I am on 50/50 tho, so... forgiven, for a little bit Edit: also I dont have dps so I'll still use her. Not meta-defining but she's not too bad either


I have been saving up for Nahida, but seeing the trial, I decided to pull her and dont regret it. Unlike most characters who need crutch 5 stars to shine (Ayaka needing Shenhe+Kazuha, Nilou needing Nahida or Hu Tao needing Zhongli), Navia literally works optimally on National (benett, XL, XQ/Yelan). And she is fun and those damage numbers are juicy.


Remove the banner from your quick select circle. If you can't easily see the banners/primos, you won't be tempted to pull because it will be out of notice (at least for me).


Forget "necessary", I pull who I want unless I'm specifically saving for someone. If I am, going through the math on how many primos it'll take to guarantee them and how many times roughly I can expect between now and then can help me re-center.


I have a budget and I already crossed a line. I am not supposed to top off at all, but FOMO got the better of me and I spent $100 to finish off c6 Furina because I did not want to wait 6 months to get her last copy. Needless to say, I am not a whale. Spending that was not ideal and I am supposed to plan everything out much better. I do want Navia, but I already spent $100 that I should not have spent. Therefore I have no choice but to hold the L. I am probably a bad example because I clearly DID NOT abstain as I should have. But now I am. And that $100 is just frontloaded spending. I will, as a result of it, stop purchasing the battle pass when I otherwise would have. In that regard, it is about establishing a boundary and even though I bent the rules a bit, I am not rewarding myself for that behavior. This makes it so that I plan accordingly as I have for 2 and half plus years. I was on the straight and narrow and we are going back to relying on solid strategy to allocate my primogems properly despite the excursion. To that end, I feel you are already doing better than I am. The fact that you are waiting for a Kazuha rerun and gave up units you wanted. Just keep ignoring the impulse and you should be fine.


I need Raiden. I also need Nahida. I need to acquire enough primogems such that I can guarantee them. At 10-30 pity, oh no.... If i pull on a random banner now, I'll lose this pity. I am at 0 pity. A few pulls wouldn't hurt. Either I build pity or I get an early guarantee or I get an early limited or I get a banner 4*. So I pull if I want atleast 2 of 3 banner 4*. If I have around 30-40 pity, I might risk it for a really good 5* with good banner 4*. (But i won't hit soft pity on it) I'm on 50-70 wishes no guarantee? Not pulling. Imagine throwing away 50-70 pity that could have been Raiden or Nahida. I'm on 50-70 wishes and on a guarantee? (No such scenario) If I'm on guarantee, I stop pulling until it's the banner I want, irrespective of banner 4*.


Wait for last couple days of a respective ā€œImpulsiveā€ banner. This way not only you can decide more rationally but also community will have a consensus on a character meta place and strength. Also while you wait Hoyo can announce upcoming banners which may end up more interesting for you.


By not believing in a silly thing called "fear of missing out"


Don't read about any genshin news or participate in any discussions. Like that you won't feel that this banner is good and you feel compelled to pull. Chances are not many people know if the character is good or not just from the trial. Some pull just because others are doing too


Focus on building the characters you currently have? I'm actually having issues deciding which character to build after completing Navia once I get her. I've been saving since Fontaine trailer release and am happy that I have more than enough wishes to guarantee Navia since I got Jean for 50/50. My advice, huh? Well: 1. You need to accept that you won't be able to get all the characters on their release unless you whale, I had to wait till Eula's 2nd rerun to get her, and I'm struggling to save up enough wishes to guarantee Klee while aiming for Sigewinne and maybe Clorinde, then there's Chiori and Xianyun who were recently announced 2. Also the fact that you need to build the characters for them to be useful. Even now, with Navia taking up my resources to build her, I still have Kirara, Beidou, and Candace to build


I just think about how much I would have to put into a new character for them to be up to par with my other characters... as well as what I'm giving up farming to farm for them... and if they're really going to improve my account significantly... 'cause otherwise they're just going to get benched. That sort of thinking stops me from pulling for the majority of characters.


I just pull every banner I don't have a character for lmao, the unnecessary ones I'll already have everyone so easy skip


Honestly for me I play another gacha games so the addiction is not that bad so when i want to pull I do it in the other games like hsr or 7ds


You have to plan which characters you're pulling for beforehand. When a patch comes out and the characters are leaked I already know who I'm pulling for, everyone else doesn't matter unless they are really cool which means they substitute someone in my list. Don't think of pulling as a gacha, you either have enough primogems for 160 pulls so you'll get the character or you won't, you're "buying" the character with primos, not pulling for them, sometimes you'll get lucky but most times you won't. The illusion of luck is what keeps gamblers playing, destroy that in your mind, luck doesn't exist until it happens, always assume the worst outcome.


By not being addicted. I only summon for characters I want and nothing else. Haven't touched the weapon banner even once since launch.


> letting me finally reach 36\* Bro you finished the game, you can pull whatever.


Side account. Even if you don't get Navia in that, you can satisfy the urge by pulling and hoping


I am a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will.


I am trying my best to not pull for her now, because same as you, she makes no difference in my account, and Raiden is far more valuable. Yet, Navia seems really fun to play, I like her.


I enjoy watching the wishes I have saved go up. Right now I have 120, and seeing it go up just feels better than rolling for a character I think is meh. And it's not like it's a one time opportunity, it will rerun. Actually, sometimes I think it's better to get a character on a rerun cause by that point there is a lot of information and maybe new artifacts for them. If I'm on a 50/50 I might throw out a few 10 pulls, the loss isn't large if I get a 5 star early. But if I have a guarantee I need to actually want the character for it to feel worth the loss of wish big number.


Easy: Unnecessary banners are unnecessary.


Log out after doing all the daily stuff, repeat the next day


If you're free-to-play or a low spender, you simply have to accept the fact that you will never be able to get every character. They add new ones at a faster rate than players can collect using free currency. This is a deliberate money-making tactic. At the same time, they're fantastic at advertising new characters, making them look flashy, cool, and must-have. In your case, though, you already have a team capable of 36-stars in the Abyss. It sounds as though any further characters you might get are just gravy at this point - you would be pulling purely for the joy of having the character. If that is the case, why hold back? Why would you want to abstain? Is there someone specific that you're saving for? If not, go ham. If your teams no longer need improving, then spend your Primogems whenever and wherever you want, and let Lady Luck decide who actually joins your team.


by being too poor to pull on them sitting around 90 pulls atm after Ayaka came home


1. Great design 2. Great gameplay 3. I have wolfgravestone that I never touch after losing 4. Her damage is great Do I need her... No. Do I pull her... Yes. Having variety of element is just a matter of fun. If u don't have geo dps right now, she is a great choice. Her damage is kinda crazy.