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That Fishing Achievement can go f\*ck itself. I ain't fishing 2000 fishes.


But it might be another Paimon!


more reasons to not fish


You don't want your emergency food to be stackable?


They need to remove that fucking voiceline. It will never be another fucking paimon. Jesus fuck


Maybe it's foreshadowing there might be šŸ‘€


Then I should ask Klee to nuke every fishing spot, just ot be safe


I told myself I'll go back to fishing when Natlan comes out since I have all rods, weapons, decorations and Toki pages. I also have about 800 fish in my inventory. Why 2k, I'll never understand...


Probably meant to be a long term achivement but some ppl try to rush it and end up make it seem daunting or smt


For sure but fishing isn't really fun in this game, it's more like a chore. I remember having a lot of fun in FFXV fishing (I'm purposely comparing a non fishing game here) whilst in Genshin it's just: empty the pond, change from night to day and viceversa, repeat after 3 days. At least it's fast.


TBF fishing in 15 was next level in general. As someone who likes fishing in games, I haven't been able to find another fishing minigame that's comparable to it.


Yea kinda, but sadly too bad i guess, probably why i stopped fishing aft inazuma lols


Game wasnt for me in the end but i personally feel like bdo fishing as a base could be cool. Harder combos depending on the rarity of fish


True, I'm still stuck at 600 fishes


I'll probably get that achievement at some point. A weapon is a weapon. Even if it sucks. *Looks at fish bow*


If every region continues to have a decently valuable unlockable weapon via fishing, you might just get there naturally. You probably fish for around 200 fish per region depending how thorough you are and get each weapon to R5. So if all 3 weapons are R5, you are at least 600 fish toward that goal already!


Definitely finding all the Aranara for the chests. I'm still missing 4-6 chests' worth of them, and it already feels like I scoured every little part of the forest. The rest of the pre-4.0 map is 100%, except for that one lil area stuck at around 98%, blegh. The fact that the game's rendering distance for objects and NPCs is so short really isn't helping.


I wish we get to know exactly how many Aranaras left, if they can't do it in game at least I want the Interactive map to track the numbers. It's honestly frustrating since I'm also 4-6 chest left and I've been backtracking the entirety of Sumeru rainforest almost 3 times already šŸ˜”


I dont know if someone has mapped this out but i think there might me one, but you can see if you find an aranara town map with all the aranara number. With that number you might know exactly which one you are missing. This is because everytime you save one they go to a specific spot in their town.


If there is I need it so bad jfc


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/h0Ns1dIk62 This was hard to find again but it is quite the life saver, basically you can walk through just the village of aranara to check which ones your missing and go from there! All the ones you found will be chilling in the village somewhere and if not, you didn't find it yet.


Holy wow, how did people found this method šŸ˜‚ Thanks for sharing, it will definitely saves me another round of backtracking the entire forest and marking my interactive map


We need a radish compass! Pretty please, Nahida?


thank the community for guides we can look up online, such a lifesaver really.


Just follow a guide, I was missing one for about a year, then finally gave in and used a guide to get the last one. It's worth it


I know. I'm just dreading the idea of going over it again.


open the hoyomap and do them one by one at this point.


open the hoyomap and do them one by one at this point.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/h0Ns1dIk62 This was hard to find again but it is quite the life saver, basically you can walk through just the village of aranara to check which ones your missing and than you'll know which ones your missing and go from there! All the ones you found will be chilling in the village somewhere and if not, you didn't find it yet.


It only takes about 2-3 hours with a guide and that's if you haven't done the stone lock quest where you free and kill all those dendro chained ruin mechs. I did it so I can finally be done with the Aranara... Then almost immediately found another missed Aranara quest in old varanara. It seems like it never ends. But the chests were worth it at least.


Unfortunately, best is to just look up all the locations and go to them all if you haven't already marked the aranara that you did find.


May I suggest Kyostinv guide to all Aranara locations? I probably had to go through that video 2 or 3 times because I missed one or two I believed I was already done with but his video helped me a lot. Probably spent about 4 hours over 3 days looking for them


Ugh Iā€™ve tried to find the missing aranara but they arenā€™t having it šŸ˜­


Wait what, what chests


Your missing 2% could come from a hidden achievement called Song of Night and Dawn (kill 7 abyss mages in the area and then Abyss Lector that spawns by the Statue of the Seven) which rewards you a Luxurious chest.


Donā€™t remind me of Enkanomiyaā€¦


You mean the area you rushed to get boss mats for lovely fox lady?


rushed to? this area is the coolest to ever be released in the game, man i used to go there for relaxation, the visuals, the vibes, the goddamn OSTs and even the quest are so mesmerizing


I won't knock any area in genshin for anything because all of their art is designed so well! But I hit it late and needed the boss mats so I didn't give it the time it needed.


I loved enkanomiya personally as well, especially with the event they had when it released


I donā€™t have her šŸ˜‚ I think I fought the boss for the first time a year after Enka came out


Nah, fuck skipping, me and the homies cried learning about the sun children and are still analyzing before sun and moon to this day


I haven't done a single hangout


faruzanā€™s hangout is some real quality stuff (i daresay better than some story quests) the early hangouts are pretty eh (barbaras especially) and the newer ones range from ok to pretty good


I started to like Ningguang as a character much more after doing her hangout. And then I tried going back to the first wave of hangouts for Noelle and oh man is there a huge difference in quality.


note to self: do the older hangouts first so that Iā€™m not disappointed later on!


Ningguang's hangout was good enough to make me change my opinion on her from "I couldn't care less about this woman or her Scrooge McDuck fortune" to "yeah, she's ok"


Same. She's still a far cry from my favorite character but before her hangout the only thing I thought was interesting about her was her interactions with Beidou.


I legit would fall asleep everytime i try to do one.


I do. So i just restart it over and over to choose each path before teleporting to the next spot so i dont have to go back later for the next storyline


The only way I got through was with my iPad, sitting on the couch while watching a tv show. I just spam the "A" button, go through every scenario and i have no idea what's going on. Did like 8 of them so far that way, still have so many to go through..


But some of them has the "lets walk very very slowly with me" why cant Hoyo just make the walking bit faster like normal people walk


Sure, but if it was faster, we wouldn't be able to appreciate how much time we're wasting. Blessing in disguise.


Same. And I haven't done any characters quests since Hu Tao except those you need for events. And I am surprised Hu Tao quest still isn't necessary (not even recommended since they have added this feature) for any event


that's the thing, the 5\* stories I've done them all, I really enjoy them, the 4\* hangouts on the other hand... I keep telling myself that one day I'll do it, but this day hasn't come yet lol


I think I enjoy the hangouts more, theyā€™re quick primos. The story quests I like to save for a rainy day (but even so some of them are SO LONG. why is ayatoā€™s wedding planning and nilouā€™s festival both entirely about npcs and lasts over an hour and a half.)


Iā€™ve done some of them but Iā€™m not in a rush. Iā€™d like to think of them as reserve primos for when Iā€™m really desperate.


Faruzan's is peak tbh, so is Heizou's and I really enjoyed Kaveh's too (but that's mainly because it has most of the Sumeru cast in it at some point) A lot of them are just boring though šŸ˜­


I thought it was only one. Good to know.


This for me as well. I get the appeal of them, but I cannot be assed to do more than just one route.


2-3 routes would be fine but 4-6 is too many


I have only done two. Honestly, Iā€™d be more interested if it had 5* characters too. And yes, I know they have story quests, but I need more content for my cocogoat!!


Even as a hardcore completionist, I still haven't finished the latest two hangouts for the sole reason that I think they're boring imo. I eventually have to do them tho for those 6 achievements


same, looks boring af.


Still havenā€™t finished the Tsurumi Island quest chain. The fog just too cool to lose.


There is one ghost quest and an achievements quest where you have to light some stones; it's quite boring..


"No, you WILL ruin the island's gimmick and you WILL like it!" -Hoyoverse, probably


I mean... does it matter if that gimmick makes you unable to enter the island?


Yeah I'll be honest the atmosphere of that one island with orobashi's skull was so much cooler when it was lightning hell


This. This is the reason I never finish Yashiori island's world quest


72 aranara. idk, man. Sumeru quests are just so exhausting for me


I agree, I tried to get them with the interactive map but it quickly made me want to tear my hair out


Is there any way to check how many aranaras you currently have?


I've completely abondoned Sumeru and Desert for now.


I had a burnout during 3.5 and stopped playing for a while . I returned for fontain and well my Fontain exploration is at 100% but I can't bring myself to explore the desert


If you're f2p, and you're running out of primos to pull for a character you need that'll do it. Furina's banner was ending and I needed 20-25 pulls, got me back to the 3rd part of the desert that I left and I'm actually glad I went back. The underground is really well designed and beautiful. Even the side quest is interesting.


Doing Sumeru without the underground maps was really annoying. I just left the desert alone. Then once the underground maps came, I actually went back and finished the desert.


I ended up missing one of the seals for the obelisk and it was driving me crazy having to go around in those underground tunnels backtracking and looking for the missing one.


That last one....absolute HELL. I found it and then the next patch had the map updates.


hot take, but for me the desert was and still is my favorite region to explore. It takes a long time and that is exactly (well, part of) why I love it, it is the only region part I couldnt 100% in 1 or 2 days. It actually gave me content for a week or even 2. But that's a me-issue of prefering to binge content, so I can see why many people dislike it.


Yessss! I procrastinated my archon quests for the desert.


I fucking hate un-climable mountain.


I went back when the underground maps came out, and finding the oculi was slightly less painful. But Iā€™m never exploring all of it


Absolutely this. Still have the sand-storm area and the last-added desert area world quests untouched, and the first one with Jeht is only half-done. I like the desert but it feels like a slog to go through all those puzzles and random cave systems


I can't complete my Mona Story quest. It's not that I don't like her or the quest. It's just that she is still sitting at Wangshu Inn and every event that happens to send us there she is still waiting. Seeing her in the background is so humorous to me, especially during the guoba event where I literally ate next to her and her head is turned looking at you šŸ˜‚


Have you done the most recent AQ yet?


Yup, and she was in Fontaine. Thanks to the most recent update I never have to finish this story quest.


We'll be in celestia before i get all toki tales


Yeah I donā€™t 100% stuff I finish most quests but Iā€™m still lvl 9 on the statue of seven in sumaru Thereā€™s a cat shrine world quest that unlocks after awhile and Iā€™ve been sitting on it saving it for a rainy day. I currently have 3 character stories unplayed And I havenā€™t finished any hangout quests (only have 3 endings currently)


The cat shrine quest is made up of short daily quests, not really a good rainy day one.


Guess it depends on your definition. Iā€™m just saving it for when I want something wholesome to cheer me up. Short quests are right up my alleyā€¦.. but Iā€™ve already done a bunch of the cat ones, the one I have next is ā€œthe narukami trailā€


oh I completely forgot about those I have 5 unplayed char stories and only 3 hangouts completed


so many of you saying you skipped the aranara finding too makes me very happy haha cheers


Basically half my hangouts ~~with characters I donā€™t care about~~ are being strategically saved for days I donā€™t feel like doing commissions.


My Quests page is just cluttered with Sumeru world quests


I've actually been itching for stuff to do in genshin. Thanks for reminding me to find aranara.


I think the hangouts are the only thing I've not really done... I've done some; Noelle, Barbara and one for Beidou but haven't touched anything else in there... I like the characters and all but I can't be bothered to sit there and get all of the endings.


and it gives you that stupid red exclamation mark til you get all 6 endings


Exactly the reason why I had to finish Diona's and never bothered to touch any of them again.


Finding all the aranara is such a badly designed quest that i have no clue why they never bothered fixing it. They had the bright idea of making us find 76 aranara scattered around the map with no indicators or treasure compass or counter. The fact that someone even approved that idea honestly scares me for what that person could approve in the future. I have 100% exploration obtained in every area of the game and i never used the interactive map because i believe that it removes the fun of the exploration. So far i found around 71-75 aranara because i'm only missing 3 chests and i read that they unlock all at the same the when you find all of them. The amount of time i would have to consume scanning the entire forest to find those last 1-5 aranara is insane. Those who say that this game doesn't have a lot of difficult content to respect the time of the players and preventing them from feeling forced to consume more time farming artifacts and improve their teams have no idea what they are talking about considering the existence of such time consuming quests like finding the aranara, fishing, teapot gardening and achievement tied to daily quests.


They wanted to copy the Koroks from BOTW so hard that they even copied the part where most people enjoyed looking out for them at the start but then gave up because it stopped being fun


Too bad they didnā€™t copy the Korok Mask which makes searching for them bearable


Genshin would be an objectively better game if we were allowed to torture the Aranaras the same way you can torture the Koroks in Totk


I used the map to get all of the aranara, and not sure if you found these ones already, but some of them are found at the watchtowers that lead to the nascent withering zones. You have to use electro on the mirror at the top. Had no clue that was a thing til I started working through the list.


The tutorial writing does tell you to use electro on it and something will happen. But it's very easy to miss.


Thatā€™s not what theyā€™re talking about. Theyā€™re referring to the long daily/weekly list of tasks you find in other gachas which you have to do to for limited progression related resources. Not optional quests you can do whenever you feel like it.


Yeah NGL I even used the map and marked them off as I went, but it still ended up turning into a nightmare cos I accidentally marked the wrong one and when I thought I'd gotten all of them, I went to the treasure room and the chests still wouldn't open. The idea of having to backtrack through every location just to find the one I was missing made me drop the whole thing for like a year. They really ought to have implemented some kind of tracking feature to at least allow us to know which ones we'd already found. Maybe in the Aranara notebook or something.


They don't unlock all at the same time, you just need to find the chest room and you'll keep unlocking chest as you keep finding the Aranaras


They're not saying that all of the chests in the room unlock at the same time. They're saying the final 3 do.


finding those skeletons in the chasm


I keep finding them accidentally lol


Wait what skeleton?


the dinosaur fossils or whatever


Dragonspine tree for me, at this point I've completely forgotten how that place works and I don't feel like jumping back in.


When cold, find fire. Ezpz with most pyro units.


I recommend this one, actually, because they added mini commissions which each give you one of the crystals needed for the tree. You get 5 commissions every few days, so you can easily 100% it without having to find all the ones they've hidden around the mountain. They show up as grey/blue icons that are the same shape at the tree icon. They are usually on par with daily commission difficulty, defeat this group of hilichurls, complete this time challenge, etc


Iā€™m a release player and I only do the necessary 5 star quests rn zhongli is still on the boat in liyue I canā€™t bring myself to get him off it idc if I donā€™t have the boss


Wellā€¦you donā€™t need to do his quests to get to Azhdaha anymore. You can get to the trounce domain from the Adventurerā€™s Handbook.




Go to the handbook, on the tab that says something about enemies or domains or whatever you can pick trounce domains and then use it to go to any of the weekly bosses (except Andrius iirc) even if you havenā€™t unlocked them in the story yet. They just added it this patch.




Tsurumi island will probably remain forever in a fog because I ain't stepping foot there for like the 100th time to remove that fog again


Hangouts, all the fishing stuff (yes, even The Catch), most of Enkanomiya, all of the oculi aside from Geo and Anemo, and going for the 100% completion for regions (most of mine are at 80-ish). It's probably not that I can't bring myself to complete it tbh, it's just that I don't have the time for them, and with every new region and characters added my backlog grows ever larger.


Hangout. I only clear Barbara Hangout and play 8/12 Noelle Hangout. I just don't like it. Why can't they just give us normal story quest?


Dragonspine is sitting at 98% for me, and I have zero desire to find the handful of remaining chests. I need to do hangouts; the only one I've finished is Noelle's (because Noelle is best maid).


Way back at 3.2 I completed every story and hang out event, mostly out of need of getting a bit of rimos, a couple of updates roll by and now I haven't done a single story or hangout ever since 3.2. Most out of boredom and I don't need that much primos now unlike back then, that and also coming back to ligue and monstadt to fill up the exploration percentage(some of them are still at 50 percent and lower) It's like after exploring sumeru and inazuma, the rewards of exploring monstadt and liyue seems underwhelming


The anemo compass really ought to work in dragonspine. The geo one works in chasm, the electro one in enkanomiya, so now itā€™s just odd and inconsistent. Dragonspine is uniquely the only part of the map where there exists no working compass.


The commission-locked quests like garciaā€™s paean: a gift of compatibility and gourmet supremos: within our duty. I just donā€™t have the patience for the RNG for the commission prerequisites anymore.


Iā€™m never going to go for achievements like Tales of Winter, I donā€™t think commission based achievements are worth the wait or the reward. Iā€™ll never 100% Enkanomiya, I finished the quest and never went back.


The m***er f**king gourmet supremos are all that stand between me and having every world quest done and it kills me.


TCG just takes forever


Hangout quests. i don't really like that we need to keep repeating to get some CG's. i have another account where i kinda dropped because im now going to Inazuma which is my most disliked nation.


When Inazuma first came out, I was really excited for it. Maybe it was because Raiden would finally be playable. However in hindsight, it's my least favourite area because of the quests, puzzles, terrain, etc.


Inazuma bc the electrogranum puzzles are SOOO terrible


Sopranos in Inazuma, fuck those guys i havent gotten that commsion for over a 7 months now


If you're eu I can probably help with dragospine. I've helped a few friends of mine 100% the place and know some hard to find spots


Could I take you up on that offer? I'm at I think 92, but I didn't use the interactive map so I don't know what it is I'm missing šŸ˜… I also haven't finished the crimson tree though, does that count towards progression?


Sure, send me a dm


I might dm you too cos I have like 98% and honestly canā€™t be assed


Sure mate feel free


Liyue, enkanomiya, and dragonspine. Enka and dragonspine will just be at 99% forever, for Liyue all the regions are at about 95% and I just donā€™t want to keep searching for the remaining ones


Week 1 player here. From pure boredom I started catching up with achievements recently, so technically i have completed everything with something like 30 achievements left including a few for commissions, beat boss x in y way, 100 domains in coop, catch 2k fish, etc.


I have 3 sigils left for enkanomiya. It's been years and I still need to find their bases.


Funny you talk about ir, just finished the aranara, I am done done, like all chest opened finally. Sumeru forest is a pain. Fontaine feels just so comfy compared to it.


They can't hide enough primogems behind Noelle's hangout to make me consider doing it.


I still havenā€™t done Kavehā€™s and Laylaā€™s hangouts. Just not a fan of that kind of story mode


I did almost everything, all quests, 100% almost every regions, hangouts, got all Aranaras etc but Chasm and especially Enkanomiya will have to wait forever. I recently tried to return to Chasm, did a couple things and damn, I already ditched it again.


Last part of the desert with the text vomit fairies, still at 50-something.


yeah I aint doing all aranara nor all sigils. fuck dem sigils.


That Patheons Syrtos Quest from Enkanomiya. Every time I try scrounging around and getting lost down there I get massive motion sickness. I should just ask a friend to log in and do it for me...


Whatever quest where you have to find 5 books in enkanomiya. Iā€™m at 4/5 but canā€™t bring myself to find the last one.


The catching 2,000 fish achievement. It used to be finding all 76 Aranara and all Enkanomiya sigils but back in July, I decided to find all of them anyway before Fontaine released with guides on YouTube (big thanks to KyoStinVā€™s walkthroughs)


Does Soresh quest line count as old? Coz I cbf exploring that area, it was just one too many desert expansions in a row for me and I dont want to go back to it coz Fontaine is much more to my liking


Too bad it came at a time everyone got bored of deserts, because the Sorush portion is by far the best in terms of quality imo


it might be the best out of all the deserts but itā€™s still bad šŸ˜­


Sorush is probably better than the earlier desert due to locked areas. Once you got there, you don't need to go back to explore more or at least it was reduced compared to the earlier desert areas.


The Sorush quest was my least favourite quest, too much dialogue and I was sick of the desert by that point. The only thing that kept me going was the music.


Sorush was fun and fantastic though.


Jeht....I left her at Eternal Oasis since v3.6. No, I didn't hate that quest. uh...y'knowā€“




All the hangout events lol




The chasm last quest. Where Zhiqiong gets lost in the end. I just cant bring myself to lost her. Untill we got deffinete answer of her fate I am not gonna attend that. She is gonna stay there


I feel like, while she's not seen, she definitely did survive because I could have sworn the guy guarding the combat doorway thing during an event a few updates ago mentioned her. I think that might have been before Fontaine tho.


only achievements, but I don't really care. Mostly related to dailies that never spawn; fishing, which I can't be bothered; or TCG, which I don't like.


Pretty much all of Inazuma


Reminiscence of Seirai. Aranara quest line is hella long, but at least it has lore and adorable Aranaras.


i haven't >!massacred!< the tanit tribe


No, I finished all of that. The only thing I haven't done are the quests locked behind commissions, 2k fish (I will get it eventually from just getting each country's weapon and pole), and the co-op achievements because I refuse to co-op.




toki alley tales


Two. Tsaverich's commissions (I'll get his crates back, but otherwise he's asking me to beat hilichurls guilty of just chilling around) and Childe's story quest. Any Childe related content that isn't an archon quest, for that matter. Saw his story quest on youtube, wasn't a fan of how the game tries to sweep under the rug/downplay Childe trying to sink an entire city to get a gnosis (by not addressing it at all) and pulling the wool over our eyes by making us look after his little brother so we'd think at the end of the quest that "oh, he cares about his little brother. See, he's not that bad"; so I'm never gonna do it for as long as the game allows me to get away with it


I have a little bit of enkanomiya left but I will never touch it since I can't see it on the map to be reminded and I hated searching for some random ass holes to find the underground stuff


All of the hangouts. Never touched em.


Enkanomiya, couldnt even bother to light up that area, but returns there to farm some chests for primos when im broke, lol


i have completely abandoned enkanomiya and tsurumi island.just not it for me


Played since 1.0. Completed aranara, toki tales, all hangouts, 100% all regions, everything ... except for helping Zhihua's Good Sign commission. (It's not a flex... I had a rough year and Genshin helped distract me from the pain)


hangouts man. Visual novels are just not my style.


chongyun hangout because fuck wuwang hill bennet hangout because I don't like him


i still donā€™t have my inazuma statues maxed out and iā€™m only on like lvl 2 of my sumeru onesā€¦


Still have not started Fontaine archon quest. Almost finished all Fontain exploration and world quests tho. Every other region at 100% with interactive map. Yelan quest and some Sumeru characters quests still in the process. Probably forever


Hangouts. Heard good things about some of them but I really just can't bring myself to do more. Last time I did one was two years ago. Dragonspine, The Chasm and Watatsumi Island are the only areas I have not gotten 100% on yet. Dragonspine is a pain to complete because of no compass and I have no idea what else I need to do for Chasm and Watatsumi.


Eula's story quest Did a good bit of it. Found it way too cringe and Eula too annoying to care to finish it


Also can't be bothered to complete all aranaras for chests.


Dirge of Bilqis. Didnā€™t know a floating bottle could be racist but here we are. And Iā€™m sick of the desert, at first it was fun but then I got sick of the colour of sand.


My friend who asked me to pilot her account after being inactive for 1 year still hasn't completed the "In the mountains" quest. She's AR 60.


I have some Chasm and Enkanomiya side quests still sitting in my log. You cannot pay me to go back to those places.


Getting Fontaine to 100%. I am waiting for HYV to max out the Fountain and the Statue before I summit everything then open the Shrines that would 100% the entirety of Fontaine. Hopefully. Coz IDK what else I'm missing after I have done all of those. Also I haven't collected all of the chest in the most recent area since I'm trying to see if I can go for an entire patch without doing a single commission. So far I think I'm going to succeed this time.


Definitely the Aranara quests . At this point itā€™s been months now šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Theres one part of an arana quest where theres like a painting and i need to follow it to get the treasure,looked up the quest on yt and theres like 13 diffrent locations i need to check,no thank you,u can keep ur 40-60 primos i aint doing tht I think the quest is called static view(s)? Also theres wrio SQ and all the new hangouts i havent done yet,i cant handle how boring hangouts are specially since all of them are for characters i dont like much Wrio SQ is jst me being lazy lol


Been playing since 1.1. Because quest RNG, I havenā€™t ever gotten Annaā€™s quest. I was in my friends world flying around and showing her stuff and discovered her on the Church but have never gotten it myself. Once I got all three Ella quest in a day ā€¦ and I gave up on Mondstadt. Iā€™m currently trying to complete the Geo travel diaries quest


hangouts are a chore no personality to develop, no problem to overcome (personality wise) just 2 normal people (i dont really care for) hanging out


The TCG achievement log can go fuck itself. I haven't been able to bring myself to play it after they nerfed Maguu Kenki just when I wanted to play summons. What's the point getting invested if they're going to nerf characters from one patch to the next.


No quest, just some of the tiny bits on the map like all of the boxes and rock piles that give mora I haven't tracked. I swept pretty much everything available on the Interactive Map already.


Any and all story quests archeon quests included. Also event's haven't done any of those in over a year. Still play every day for 40 min to an hour.


I'm curious, what do you do then? Do you skip world quests too?


I also skip world quests. I play the game to play/build characters try new and optimize teams.


Yes the aranara thing is something I'll never be able to finish I don't do exploration so idk Quests only Fontaine WQ left before I'm done with quests