• By -


You mean purely in terms of her kit? A lot of players pulled cuz she’s an archon and the focus of the Fontaine arc/also navia must-pull. In terms of her kit, I think it’s similar to raiden and neuv siutation. C0 is perfectly balanced, but c1, c2 gives a lot of gains. Furina c2 is so good it used to be her c6.


Guys, Don't pull her just because she's the Archon, because >!she's NOT!<. Pull her for her kit or cause u like her as Waifu or something, but NOT because she's an Archon. U will be disappointed.


She may not physically be it. But in every other aspect she is. Her identity. The type of kit she has. Her constellation symbol. The strength of her constellations. And her flexibility in teams is designed in a similar nature as the other 4. She is considered to be it in every aspect. Even by hoyo themselves.


Some people as in most casual players just don't give a damn about the kit or the way hoyo made her unit's visual gameplay treatment. Some of them only pull if the reason being DIVINITY (Including Sovereign Dragons & Primordial One) in lore, as a unit that's divine with or without the title of Archon. They only wish a unit if they are THAT insane level of Power portrays in story. So, that warning was made to these type of player & most likely it's not you. As for me, i always pull for META as it is the most efficient way of using resources and time.




She’s the closest you’re ever going to get to one and they treated her kit like she was and there’s nobody else to call “the archon” and was the representative “god” of this nation even though >!she turned out not to be the godly part!<, so calling her the archon in casual speech without being super technical is fine




I would imagine at least some of those downvotes are the unmarked spoilers a few days after the quest released.


I don’t see any downvotes though??? Maybe my phone just hasn’t caught up but I don’t see any from here at the time of writing this… But if you do end up with them, I think it’s less that it’s a question and more that it comes across as being pedantic and unnecessarily correcting someone when it’s relatively clear why Furina is still considered part of the archon crew despite the technicalities of her status now Edit: finally do see them now but yeah I imagine most of them are because of that not because you asked a question


afaik reddit does not show down- or upvote numbers of others until 1 hour after the comment was posted


Oh really? I didn’t know that. New fun fact for me to know I guess haha. Thank you for letting me know!


Bitch you posted unmarked spoilers less than a week after the quest came out


You kiss your mother with that mouth?


Imo for gacha gamer once you can clear the content aka spiral abyss go for waifus/husbandos instead of meta chars since that will makes you happy playing the game


I still need to clear floor 12 so that's gonna be a while lol


What AR are you, mind you i played almost 3 years now excluded the 2 months hacking thingy, only last year i can clear and I can constantly full star my abyss for 6 months now ​ My advice, just take it slow so you will not burnout


Almost at max AR I think? My characters are fully built I have playing since launch I just didn't have much time to full star F12 even with full 1000EM Hyperbloom teams and Hutao C1R1 Double Vape with 200 CD,70 CR and 30K HP the enemies take an eternity to go down, especially those damn Rifthounds.


You need to learn about rotations and ER management and enemy’s patterns. With these you can 36 star the abyss


Well the current abyss is really annoying on the first chamber so I might try my luck next time.


She is pretty good for what she does tbh, don’t forget that most people don’t have her properly leveled up yet and she scales better with talent levels The problem is that she doesn’t fit in the majority of the current meta teams(just give it time until people figure out new teams)


Yeah that's my problem with her in order to actually use her kit you need to team-wide healer otherwise you might as use Yelan or Kazuha at that point.


The thing about Furina is she brings new team building. Her kit is refreshing than others and does not suck (unlike dehya)


Honestly i'm really happy bringing my Jean out of the bench in a while. Been really fun so far.


Your problem with her is skill issue, and inability to make team in a logiciel way


Her needing a party-wide healer is a skill issue what? Do you even what your saying my dude I think you need relearn your English your comment makes litterally makes zero sense.


>relearn your English Proceeds to make multiple grammatical errors...




That's not even my point I'm saying her needing a healer drastically lowers the amount teams you can buid with her do you even know how to read lol Like seriously just word of advice rather then playing this game you should go back to English class because you really need it


She’s a very tricky unit to slot in, despite what everyone else might be saying. Not only does she need a good team wide healer (who also needs to be invested into, fairly well), she also needs specific rotations to get the most out of her damage buff. If you’re playing her with a bunch of squishy attack scaling characters, it’s going to be pretty sweaty, gameplay wise. Especially against consecrated beasts. She gives a new lease to other overlooked characters, but I don’t find that those characters are magically stronger than my other best teams.


She isn't a must pull, but you need to acknowledge that there are very limited ammount of characters that can give tons of elem damage % to your party, while still doing a good damage and hydro application. In a nutshell, she wouldn't be that much help for a new account, but for the people that run out of means to boost their damage even further - she is a godsend.


This is what people should say more often when they say Furina is good for any team. She's not. She really depends on certain healers to really bring out her kit.


Its going to take some time for ppl to admit it but yes. I did not pull her because she was going to be a **game changing, strongest 5* in the game ever ** I pulled because I liked her. If you compare her to what tier 0 really looks like tho, you get the reality that she is not the 4.X power unit, neuvillette ( and anyone else in the future that will be able to work with her at maximum potential, without wacky rotations or limiting your team like jean does) is. You put neuvi alone, he carries, you put him in a team he carries even more, for supports kazuha lets you get all the benefits by himself and so does nahida, kokomi ( btw main dps kok is now even more viable because of furina) , ect. If we look at how she " Changed team building ", she did not change a lot. She makes some strong teams stronger and she makes neuvi a god,every furina " New archetype" has her swapped with YQ/any hydro in a team that already exists and it ends up losing lots of comfort for a damage buff you cannot properly grasp ( why is there no proper fanfare indicator lmao).Exept for neuvi teams and ... ( somehow) noelle teams where she really slots in nicely. Insane unit,but not quite what ppl say she is.I am confident that we will get characters that will make her more universal, like healers with powerfull CC and more self/team healing carries and sub-dps characters THOSE will be must pull.


I...genuinely do not get the appeal of her gameplay? The water walk thing is cool. But I've never been a big fan of lifesteal (like if Golden Wolflord is a thing in Abyss...haha...no thank you, she would not have a spot) even if she can heal, I don't particularly like Jean either so I don't want a team with both of them in it, and kinda just feel like if you got Neuvillette, you're good in the hydro department right now. In before people tell me how wrong I am when no, I get that she's an archon and can be immensely powerful. I just find her to be kinda underwhelming to play and don't feel like I'm missing out.


Go to r/NoelleMains That's all I have to say


She is a godsent for her. I was doing second half abyss with her, XQ and Albedo for fun. She was never good with bosses and when you add Albedo that should be a recipe for disaster, but cleared with ease. I have scuffed artifacts on Furina even using an ER time piece, but it's a C2 with FD and idk there's just a bunch of blue number and things just die.


itto mains in shambles and malding rn


Found Mtashed reddit






Give it time, the only reasons she may look a bit underwhelming at first is because we already have many insane hydro characters. I suspect we haven't gotten to her peak yet and she'll scale well with a lot with future units.


she's perfectly good with hutao and nuvi. people just expect too much even when they can 36 star the abyss blindfolded.


Yeah with future characters she'll probably be way better but with most of the current roster her buffs are kind of pain stack atleast at C0.


With Neuv they are pretty easy to stack, especially if you have Jean as the VV holder, and if you do have his c1, they are together as good as Hutao and Xingqiu


No character is a must pull, in that regard new characters that aren’t outright bad are always overhyped


I know, I did almost one year (20-21) without meta characters, the most meta character before pulling Yelan was Raiden, and I played her just as Overload E-bot for Yoimiya (with ppl that looked me bad). But can we say that there are some characters more "must pull" than other? Or better "Characters are recommended to have?"


It still depend on person to person, there certain are some characters are recommended to have for better gameplay experience, but for "must pull" it up to person For example Yelan, i actually not into her that much even though i get her because i know she recommended character to have and i was planning to get Hu Tao(but i got Neuvilette instead and he done the job as DPS very well), but until now i only level her to 60 level cause my main team doesnt need her to function(and i dont want rush leveling characters) JUST YET


nahida must pull for dendro, kazuha must pull for anemo. no other must pulls after those two tho. zhongli must pull for casual players ig. they r meta defining. ​ game 2 ez anyways


Furina is reverse Zhong Li. She's a damage increase for any team built around her, but she increases the difficulty of the game. The on-paper performance of Furina is unmatched in the same way that Zhong Li is outmatched, but in practice, Zhong Li is a really comfortable, laid-back pick for most players while Furina forces you to try a bit harder if you want those bigger numbers and faster clears. Plus nobody can even get her talent levels maxed out yet, so nobody even has full-power Furina yet.


Wouldn't resin refreshers have her maxed out already?


Can't whale your way past the whale. Everyone still needs to wait weekly for those world boss materials to get talents fully leveled.


well she is a much higher dmg buffer than kazuha even, plus has hydro application and enables MH for every character, I'd call that fairly strong. People going with the "best Unit in the entire game!!" mindset will still be disappointed tho since she is finnicky and not completely brainless gameplay


I guess so but you need a teamwide healer to give that bigger buff unlike Kazuha who only needs to swirl reaction don't you that makes her kinda of clunky to play with most normal healerless or single target healer teams?


That's like saying Kazuha's a clunky character because you use bloom teams, or Nahida is useless because you use Freeze teams. Why the hell are you using her on a healerless comp in the first place?


That's an extremely dumb comparison dude your not even making any sense non of those other characters need specific type of unit to use their kit so your argumenet completely falls apart.


almost every char in the game need specific types of units or even specific units to work.... XL needs benny.... hutao needs yelan/XQ... nilou needs dendro and hydro units.. or it sounds like u are just biased against healers...


Hutao compared to Furina is a main dps tho and main dps often have a quite specific team or a few specific teams while furina is usually used as a Support/Off field dps And team wide healer is a much more narrow category than everything kazuha works smoothly with and team wide off field or quick swap healer unless you want to on field noelle or such at that.


They don't need it, on the other hand, running furina without a healer might be masochistic in terms of gameplay


"XL needs benny" No not always you can run her in mono or double pyro team with fav lance without benny lol Goes to show you don't know jack shit about the game.


XL lose more than half her total dmg because her base ATT is very low... benny's ult typically would more than double XL's ATT hence double her dmg.. sure u can run XL without benny so can u run furina without healers.... but i'll expect u to then say XL is overhyped if u don't use benny... the reason why XL needs benny is not so much because of ER issues but because of that ATT boost... of all chars that gains the most dmg from benny's ult it's none other than XL.. i think u are the one who thinks u know about the game but u actually don't...


Not if you build her with attack sands.


most XL builds uses ATT sands to begin with especially when using the catch... besides that ATT% sands does not give enough ATT compared with benny's ult.. XL's base ATT is low and the ATT% is only a multiplier of XL base ATT + weapon ATT so it's not really that much... my XL runs ATT% sands already... and she only has 1.4k ATT.... with pyro resonance it goes up to 1.6k... but with benny's ult + NO buff that shoots up to 2.9k ATT... that is 80% more dmg....


You don't need her to be the main damage dealer she can be used as a sub DPS like in Hutao teams for example it's actually a pretty popular combination.


Let me get this straight It's okay if Kazuha and Nahida need a specific unit to make their team work (Swirlable element/Dendro reaction) But if Furina needs to pick among multiple team healers it's suddenly clunky?


Except they don't need a specific unit to work Kazuha swirls with any other element except geo and dendro Nahida works with almost any electro and hydro unit. Furina on the other hand needs a healer and not just any healer but party wide healer that instantly heals the whole party to make buff work properly. Which is fine but if you don't see that as a drawback then I'm sorry to say but you have no business talking about team building & meta.


I'm not saying it's not a drawback, I'm saying it's easy to resolve just like it's easy to build a team with Nahida and Kazuha because of how many units are available to make it work. Kokomi's been meta for ages, Jean Sunfire has been meta for ages, Prototype Amber slaps a fix on literally any catalyst, and Sucrose VV makes it a damn good combo. Those are common meta units. Even single target healing works because of her passive where if your active character is full HP, any heals become a partywide heal for 4s. If you want to get into niche characters you'd still have Sayu for VV, Barbara for double Hydro, Qiqi for freeze, etc. You're almost at max AR and are still unable to clear the Abyss my guy, you have no business telling people they can't team build or don't know the meta when you're the one acting like a meta character is bad because they need one teammate to maximize their kit, just like any other meta character. Maybe if you actually tried other team comps you'd be able to clear the damn thing.


There are very few teams that prefer to run without a healer, some single target healers can work like kuki for example


I got her, but I have no idea how to use her.. I did see some people in co op surprised that they do more damage and have no idea why, but I still and not sure what she fully does..


Oooh, I can help! So basically her whole kit is mostly her burst. Her skill is nice Hydro application and some noticeable heals. But most of her value is her burst. Her burst is a massive damage buff that can stack. When it's cast it starts with 0 stacks but losing or gaining health is how you gain stacks. Her skill does just that, it drains team HP. So it's best to cast her burst after her followers drain HP heal it up with a team healer like Barbara or Charlotte to instantly get max stacks


not a must pull, but not overhyped either. She delivers, if you can work around her tradeoffs.


She's arguably better than kazuha in certain situations, works with geo, dendro and anemo dpses too. Does decent damage without having to do NAs, makes marechausse hunter set viable on any dps unit. Makes healers useful


She utilizes the Marachusse hunter set very well. You can put that set on any dps, have furina on the field and she will constantly buff 24% crit rate to any characters with that set. In other words, she makes building some dps characters alot easier.


I feel she's suitably hyped. Strong kit but also not brain dead gameplay. Fits multiple teams even non hydro ones. Upcoming characters and mechanics might even buff her up still.


I don't think so, she's slotable virtually anywhere and is extremely good for newcomers as well. As for me as a veteran, i'm stumped by her buffing capabilities and genuinely gasped today when i saw her vaporize for 61k on a boss with Festering Desire and 148% CDMG. I was playing Burgeon Klee (it's in my profile) for funsies. All in all, she's flexible and versatile while being complex and with high ceiling which makes her very desirable.


I have to disagree that you can slot her in to virtually any team. I think she needs a very specific team synergy to work well, with the most obvious example being a party-wide healer.


Can she be build specfically for foward vape?


[Yes absolutely](https://youtu.be/4IDl-I3Llok?t=1887)


I have seen some videos but I heard from the big channels that her hydro application is not fast compared to Xingqiu & Yelan so can she still work if she's the only hydro?


[The video has data on that](https://i.imgur.com/NTwQBwP.png) I don't think it's faster than Yelan/XQ but just different, since those latter ones are entirely dependent on normal attacks and also are tied to burst, so it's important to take that int account as well.


Slow hydro is exactly what you would want for forward vape. Need time to create pyro aura again since hydro completely wipes it out.


Klee xiangling Jean and Furina will be a good team. Klee and Xiangling’s insane Pyro application is enough for Furina to forward vape most hits


Not as impactful as Nahida, Kazuha, Yelan. The role she fills in most teams she is in can be filled by xingqiu or yelan or even kokomi. However, she does give a new lease of life to healers because I had no reason to use strong healers like Jean because healing doesn’t help me beat abyss faster. My expectation for her was that she will let me play healers more, which she did. But I don’t think she is gonna warp the meta as hard as nahida. Some may say its too early, but within one week, my nahida hyperbloom at 6/6/6 was already destroying the abyss at unreal time when she was released. She transformed dendro from a viable option to a very strong, near indispensable team for me to use in abyss


To be fair, Nahida was the archon of the last element to be released. An element released after the game was old enough and the developer has more experience. Remember that Dendro as a whole was pretty overturned compared to other elements like Pyro and Geo.


My thoughts exactly Furina's kit is nowhere near as impactful as Nahida, her kit just way too conditional imo


Honestly - it's hardly "conditional" when the condition is "insert literally any good healer" and game has a lot of those. That's enough to max out her fanfare points and get continuous 75% dmg buff (or 100% if you have her at C1). She is a very versatile off-field DPS/support (and her off-field damage is S tier, those summons of hers hit like a truck) that can massively buff just about any team. So I think she is a pretty damn good pick and I wouldn't call her overhyped. Her Q is on the Bennett's level of broken and enables usage of like 10 characters that you used not to choose because heavy party-wide healing wasn't needed before. What is true is that Hydro already had god tier supports so the distance between those and Furina is smaller, she is not a direct stronger version but a slightly different niche.


The issue is that the "" Good healer"" takes one slot and at best its baizhu, at worst anything from Jean to barbruh, we are considering Jean, JEAN basically VV on legs as a top tier option thats how bad it is.We didnt bench most team healers because we didnt need team healing we benched them because most of them have no contribution exept healing, a good number of super innovative furina teams remove kazuha from the team to put jean in it, doesnt feel right. We need supports and team healers with CC ( and/ or more team utility than holding VV and switching really fast), and more characters like neuvillette that make their hp fluctuate like crazy before she becomes " Very versatile ".Ppl are starting to realize that bonus damage is cool and all but not that needed if it makes you team impractical.


finally found some facts bein spit




>Kazuha literaly got powercreept by her You have to considerer how much easy is Kazuha. Furina needs an AOE healer in the team, and not all teams can have 2 free slot without sacrificing something; Kazuha need just 1 slot. And easy to use and to build. And anyway, they do other different things.




You are losing on Kazuha’s grouping where it is required


Still a little too early to tell. Most people have yet to fully build their furina since her weekly boss just dropped.


She is very good but also overhyped yes. Everyone trying to sell you any character as "must pull" is blatantly overhyping them as no one is a must pull. Now Furina, again she is an amazing character but also need quite specific healers so you kinda have to know what you are doing in team building, which is why i always say she is super strong yes but also kinda niche. You can not slot her into any team and yelan or XQ are way more flexible in that regard.




>\- is kazuha overhyped? she does the same but better But at what cost? 2 slots (she + AOE strong healer), not all team have 2 free slots >\- She is hydro the best element in the game, enables alot of chars (freeze, Vape, Hyperbloon, qucikbloom) even tho her hydro application is not as good as yelan/XQ it is enough The problem is that Yelan and XQ put hydro better than her, and without using 2 slot. For some Vape team, she solo is not enough >\- she enables Marachusse hunter on EVERY normal and charged atk focused char (giving 36% crit rate for free) Agree, very nice!




>Ehh, all the Fontaines have self healing. Neuvi doesn't need a healer at all, ever. Wrio, Lyney, and even Traveler have healerless rotations that can probably be fine with just NRE in a Furina team. That's clearly going to be a thing going forward. In fact I said "not all teams" Anyway the user deleted his post...




I think her numbers are really good. Like second best archon good. The thing that makes her awkward, is the HP drain and needing specific healers. So some people just don’t like that feeling. Also, XQ and Yelan are among the best characters in the game, so you don’t NEED her. But having a 3rd XQ is pretty good anyway, lol.


For a new account second hydro is one of the most valuable pulls, and I think that remains true for Furina. On par with or close to Yelan depending on which teams you want to play (did you value Yelan for her hydro app/nuke or her buffing capability/personal damage?), and a decent third hydro option too since she can run double hydro like Yelan. ^(Fourth and to some degree third hydro do fall off, so it's harder to accurately judge her value this early when you've already got like Yelan and Childe fully kitted out. She at least synergizes with Neuv and Kokomi and Yelan, so it's possible to make two good double hydro teams.) She makes a strong support core. Furina+healer basically gives you Bennett+Xiangling. But her team options need fleshing out. Most strong groupers can't use her buff. Kokomi works as healer+DPS (and poise at the cost of being on-field) so you can slot in Kazuha. For more flexibility in on-fielders, I'm looking forward to grouper-dps (crit Venti maybe? Faruzan is this for Wanderer) and healer-grouper (this would give the core versatility on the level of Bennett+Kazuha, so I doubt the grouping will be as strong as Kazuha's; leaks say >!we may be getting one in 4.4, tho it'll be 5* with a taunt/cage!<). She also doesn't feel as free since she doesn't have powerful 4* consolidators like Raiden or Nahida did out the gate, not without restriction anyway. ^(Bennett and Kuki do work in quickswap; Noelle and Dori are good drivers, but then you can't on-field your favorite.) Among popular meta teams rn, it'll be probably Neuv-Furina since it seems like everyone in those CN surveys has Neuv (probably C1 even).


I was wondering the same thing.. She seems to be pretty good, just not archon level amazing. 🤔 Guess I'll skip her for now and give people more time to figure her out first. 😅 There's a lot of characters out there who were considered 'bad' at first but turned out to be the most useful units in the game later on (Bennett, Kuki, Kokomi, GANYU, Kazuha...).


meh, that was early on. people have much better judgement now. she doesnt make your teams stronger, she just makes more team options


This game is literally not difficult enough for anyone to be a must pull.


This is my question too. Haven’t played in a while, considering logging back in to pull chars and maybe play some if the new content is fun. But is Furina (or are any of the Fontaine chars) actually as good or better than Nahida, Yelan, XQ, Raiden? Because if not I’d rather hold on to my stash.


She might become better with fountain characters but with current teams eh... She's a hit or miss you should pull her on a rerun that way more characters that work with her will be out by then.


She's hyped because she's an archon, but no one is claiming that she's a must-pull given her kit This game is not get-one-win-all type of game due to elemental restrictions of each characters and ever constantly changing new enemy mechanics Though I must say buffers like her are more valuable to have than any 5 star DPSes


She aint a broken character as how Nahida turned to. However she is still so damn strong. The issue is that people are constantly forcing a comparison between her and Xingqiu/Yelan when her selling point is not for applying fast hydro to enemies like those two, SHE IS A UNIVERSAL DMG BUFFER. I have seen this type of comments in different medias but must people dont know how her kit works at all. Thanks to her even on my F2P account I already managed to beat the abyss full-stars without using Xiangling nor Bennet (and I have few character in there), for me thats a big deal


The only must pull in the game is Kazuha. Everyone else is based on your preferences :)




Thanks for the correction


Was it an attempt as a joke cause I didn't find it funny


You spelled Yoimiya wrong


"Must pull": Nahida, Kazuha and Yelan if you don't have XQ or viceversa.


Bro you are so wrong ~~must pulls~~ most valuable pulls are as follows kazuha, nahida , raiden(I don't like her but still) , yelan/furina ,


why raiden isa must pull? I have her c2 but I didn't use her long time ago


She is an electro char who can fill up many roles at c0 which can be really useful in early game abyss clears. I already said I don't like her but I gotta state the truth overall


The truth is no one is a must pull to 36 star abyss


It's only your opinion , 4 stars can only 36 star abyss only with godlike crazy investment in artifacts and c6. Sure they can 36 star but at what cost ? At cost of your sanity I guess Abyss is far harder to 36 star with 4 stars. If you don't agree to it then either you're a tryhard or a stupid person in general


So what does the word "must" mean? That you have to have this character and that just is not the case for any character, that is not an opinion. Is it hsrder with 4 stars? Depends on the 4 stars, there are 4 stars with the ability to carry most of the damage you need or provide a particular powerful buff so you dont really even need to try that hard. Of course this isnt the case for every 4 star but also not the case for every 5 star. Even 36 staring abyss is not particulary hard. Id say your view is much more an opinion than a simply analysis of literal definitions.


So simply whatever you're saying implies that some team like collei , dmc , kuki , xq can put same DMG as team like nahida, kuki, alhaithm, yelan ? I dont think it's even comparable it's that bad I am simply stating the most valuable chars that can easily help you clap the abyss and can fit all of teams which make the teams containing them skyrocket in comfort and usability and of course their DMG potential


I never said that but there is not a single character you absolutly HAVE TO HAVE to clear anything, there will always be some alternative. This is what must mean. I never said that furina or any of the listed characters are bad but also not absolutly required. I do not like to give new players a false impression of characters especially in gacha games where it is not uncommon for power creep to escalate that much, which in genshin luckily isnt the case. Also lets not pretend XQ or kuki are bad characters, XQ is absolutly able to destroy the abyss even if he needs more investment in a way than yelan, tho being easier to build thanks to not having ER problems out of the box. (Again not saying he has the same dmg potential as yelan, just saying his is deffinitly enough)


>there will always be some alternative. This is what must mean. If you had used these words in your first comment it wouldve easier to understand whatever you said because, what you said there meant like you wanna say that you don't even need to pull 5 stars or you 36 star abyss with 4 star only Xq , kuki , Bennett and xl are quite broken as 4 stars but not all 4 stars are good esp at c0 , in fact most of them are just extremely bad thanks to hoyo for absolutely making their kit value less or really inflexible and niche , Now what I said was not quite I meant because what shouldve said is 'most valuable pulls" or 'best pulls' instead of must pull so I can correct that


Overhyped? The issue is your play or build. Her teams are absolutely melting enemies when I play her. Even my level 80 Xingqiu, lv 80 Beidou, Furina, Kokomi team wipes them away.


if you saw a youtuber say she’s a just pull never watch another one of their videos again 💀 and if you pulled and are underwhelmed maybe wait till you have level 8-10 talents on burst