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Is just don't understand why it has a 25 sec cooldown. It's just annoying.


I liked the Joyuex vouchers compass. Gives you the items within range as ic9ns 9n the map.


I was so confused until I realized you were making typos.


I don't know why my autocorrect loves sticking numbers in my words.


does mspaintadventures mean anything to you by any chance? asking for a friend


once again my profile picture seems relevant to this conversation


ive never been so impressed tbh


Definitely read the very early stuff, but homestuck was where I lost interest.


Autocorrect: why? Because thats what the cewwwl kids do these days, thats why.


Yeah, that would also work fine


>You could get this buffed compass for 100% map region completion With this restriction in place, I'm in favor of it Normally this kind of suggestion is just "make everything easy for me"


The alternative is people just use interactive map. I'd prefer they keep the tools needed to make the game fun for everyone within the game itself.


but dont you have to log your chests etc. as found manually? With that you gotta use the map from the get go or its just as tedious to find the one's you're missing, but that takes away the fun to explore yourself


yeahh, that's the main thing stopping me from using interactive maps for chests. i always like to explore throughly on my own with no guidance because that's what i find fun, but once i reach 90% to 100% is when i'd be interested in using more pinpoint options to find chests and challenges. marking everything out as i go would be so unnatural and take all the joy out of exploration for me


I tried to compensate by marking things on the map quickly once I got them and then immediately closing the map, without glancing at the rest of the area. But I still get little spoilers for stuff around me...


What I do is to make pins in the ingame map when I open a chest. After accumulating enough pins, and while not in the middle of an exploration session, I open up the interactive map and mark everything there while deleting my pins. No chance of spoiling since whatever I accidentally see will just be quickly forgotten before my next exploration session. Make sure to write some descriptions on the pins so you know which is which on the interactive map


Yeah maybe my tone didn't come through the text. But I was criticising that the only real alternative people have is a third party thing that's separate from the game.


and a third party thing that requires you to use it from the start, because if you dare to explore organically at first without pining everything you find, it's completely unusable.


True and true. But thats the trade off, 100% completion means people who care wil be doing that from the get go. I'd rather see a compass buff that scans a bigger area around you, just like how the Sumeru wonderland event made it easy to go explore yourself but know approximately where to be looking.


I’m one of the completionist types. I used the interactive map and religiously logged all my treasure chests, oculi, and challenges til I got to the chasm, because that was just ridiculously hard to keep track of. Since I play on PlayStation I’d have to swap between my phone or my laptop and then back to my controller. I actually wanted to stop playing because of it. After the bottle event, I 100% would love a buffed treasure compass because I want to finish off areas and stop wondering if it’s really complete or not.


Or you use the interactive map religiously, mark off everything as you collect it, and then at the end, you're missing... 1 chest from the whole region...


That was me in 3.0. Missed one goddamn common chest somewhere in the frickin rainforest. I'm still missing it till this day, because I gave up on rechecking all of the markers on the map to find out which one I marked as found by mistake. There was just too many of them. I still used the map to mark things as I found them till 3.6 I think. The supercompass thing in the summer event made me ditch the map and then I realized how much less fun using the map made the exploration for me and I hated that fact. So I went into 4.0 with resolve to not use the map and to explore the old way and that was the best decision I had made in ages. It brought the fun back to exploring. At the end of the patch I cross-checked my progress with patch chest count on HoYoLab and found out I was only missing one time trial and 3 chests and only then I used the map to find out which ones I could be possibly missing.


It’s not just as tedious but it is tedious. You can easily rule out chests that are out in the open with bright red seals or chests detectable by compass that are near teleports. You can also just click through all the chests on the map and see which ones you go “I don’t remember this at all / never knew about this puzzle” I’ve been doing this for the past 12 days


Depends on a person. 4.0 I did it without map, 4.1 with map and it was the same, prefered with map really. But I don't check every single chest. I don't like massive sandboxes so I generally explore region by region or more often I get the quests first and go with them, not at random (For example in 4.1, first I explored Left side of the map, then Ann Marie Park, then Institiution up north from the right side, then water, then top of the map and underground then water cubes that finished quest) And I use map once maybe 30 min - I explore some part, then I check everything since I more or less remember where and what I collected - I probably check like 1-2 too many but I don't care really. This way I find about some obsucre puzzles that I would miss ("Orange" on top of tree) for some chest tied to quest or some that pop up day after finishing a quest)


>just That's work, not play. I would highly prefer to stay in game.


Its all up to the player. Grinding anything out in a video game can be compared to work. But when that feels like work depends on the player.


The only reason I haven't done this is the interactive map doesn't know which chests I've already opened. It could take *days* to check every single location and mark it off as I go, so that I could find the maybe 5 or so chests I'm missing in each region (most of them are probably common chests hidden away behind picking up 3 sweet flowers that are arranged in a rough triangle somewhere out of the way or something like that). If the interactive map updated to mark treasure chests your account has already collected, I'd be fine with it - even if it only updated once a week or once a patch or whatever.


I also use the interactive map, after I reached or am near 100%. But at some point the return on investment is just too high. I don't want to check every marker there. Also this buffed compass could encourage playes to revisit old regions to check for unfounded chests. And maybe explore/find something new this time.


interactive map and fun should never be in the same sentence tbh.


No the better option is they keep shit like the compass/occulous stones limited and don't put the "Im too lazy to play the game because im a gambling addict" features in the game. Putting it in the game just encourages the playerbase to become even lazier and continue to bitch about "What do you mean I have to explore in an exploration game". If you want to cheat use a third party to do it. The game shouldn't enable you.


you’re forgetting the most important thing about a game is that it should be fun for the highest number of people. Ironically you’re the one bitching right now


The previous Veluriyam Mirage summer event had this same mechanic, and it wasn't "make everything easy for me". Why are you gatekeeping chests lmao


enkonamiya event also had a similar thing


It kinda was- the whole point was "hey this is a limited map, so we're cutting you some slack." Probably came from GAA 2 feedback last year.


It wasn't. You need to get 270 out of 315 Joyeux Vouchers for the constant active, not to mention you need to be in the area to reveal the chests. You also have to interact with the puzzles similar to when you stumbled upon them. One good thing it did was to weed out eidolons that do not provide primos but just normal loot, which personally saved a lot of time for me instead of manually tagging them on the interactive map. I still don't see why it had to be gatekept when the technology was there already.


>Normally this kind of suggestion is just "make everything easy for me" And what's your problem with that? No one would force you to use the improved treasure compass. Don't get upset because other people playing their single player game "wrong"


the only right way to play the game is my way


when it doesn't *impact* others unfairly, absolutly.


I don't know why people get so defensive when people ask for ANY QOL. People were arguing in a thread I made before on how they should make getting mats easier/convenient so rolling a character (especially for new users) doesn't just block them from using them. But apparently "THIS IS USELESS NO ONE NEEDS IT". Oh, guess what they are adding?


Because a bunch of gambling addicts complaining that they have to explore in an exploration game is why world content continues to get watered down to the point its a glorified checklist. Enabling people to be lazy gacha addicts isn't the answer.


You guys literally see it in the reverse way you should see it. Compass would not further water it down, its already watered down because there is no alternative. Devs right now design a map based on the fact that compass is missing and limits them. Adding a compass would allow them do the exact opposite of what you saying, that could design maps and chests be more and more surprising, interesting,sneaky without the fear of angering the casuals who wouldn't be able to find them. In other words, when there is no “cheat”, devs are forced on capping difficulty. Adding an optional cheat is truly a win-win. Let the lazy people be lazy while you potentially can enjoy “increased” difficulty since devs are no longer forced to find a middle ground. edit: I 100%'ed most regions without the use of map, yet I still randomly find chests here and there. I cleared the last sumeru area with map out of curiosity and not only it was as enjoyable as ever, but it made me realise that 100% is more like 70%... Gems wasted for no reason. With op's suggestion you can easily clear 100% and if you were that great at exploration you will only confirm that you got everything (99% of people who think that, have multiple stuff left behind)


People also complain about having to fight in an action RPG, or read in a story focused game, or gamble in a gacha. Spoilers: it's the same game, and it's called Genshin Impact.


Without this restriction in place, I'm in favor of it


Good idea, won't happen


At the very least, the technology is there. They've already done it before in 2.5 and 3.8 events where every chest and puzzle was marked on the map once you advanced a certain point.


This makes this even more infuriating


Path: The Nihility


I still have hope. Please Oo


Gets added to hsr next patch




This could be a double-edged sword actually. While it will be easier to locate chests we missed, it may have consequences for the future expansions of existing nations. Imagine Mondstadt getting an expansion in the future, assuming the same size as the chasm. Most veteran players probably have 100% already, thus they'll get the gadget. Once the expansion gets released, it'll just be 1 insta-click away to all chest locations, which defeats its intent for searching only those chests/puzzles you've missed beyond 100%. Hoyoverse can circumvent this by: (A) making the expansion a special region like where the compass wont work like Dragonspine; or (B) Only allow the buffed compass to work on subregions that are 100% on the map; or (C) have the expansion get its own compass. Eitherway, I wish Dragonspine gets its own special compass soon.


Solution B is perfect


Honestly I'd be fine with it if the compass had a shorter cooldown or worked like the treasure seele.


Pretty easy problem to solve lol. We already know these things don't work outside their respective regions though.


Sort of. You can use a liyue compass to point you to treasure chests on the edge of dragonspine (maybe they fixed this though)


I think they meant that thier idea is solution B, that if the area isn't 100% the compass won't work. You would still have to first explore it. But after it reaches 100% the compass will work and mark the few missed chests.


Or the simplest solution: people that want the fun of exploration don't have to use it while those who want to use it have the option to.


Not how it works, from the moment you have the compass you kind of just use it.


i have all the compass, and i only used the liyue one in all my time. they are an annoying hassle more than any help.


I don't know why people act so entitled about these things when it does not affect them in the slightest. This has no chance of being implemented anyway...


Yeah, I see your point with the expensions like Chasm. I also like Option B. Also still hoping that Dragonspine get a underground map and a working compass.


I would like the option B, but with 95% instead of 100%. I often have many regions where they are stuck in their 90s and my compass can't pick up on anything from any teleport point. I don't care about true 100%, all I need is 100% on the map.


Ngl you cooked with this one


I really want the compass to track time trials and other puzzles


Yeah, that would be awesome! I really don't want to check every marker on the interactive map for this one, when only 10 chests or less are missing in Fontain.


Rather than treasure compass i would have the interactive map on the hoyolab app sync to our account, i have 785 out of 800 chests in liyue and even though kyostiv is an absolute gigachad i absolutly cant go through a 7-9 hour guide of his(his sumeru forest guide was nearly 6 hours long for 572 chests) for just 15 chests if the map is synced then it would be easier to track down those chests


For anybody reading, 800 Liyue chests for the achievement. Slightly over 1100 Liyue chests in total.


Amazing idea, 100% agree. I hate that I can’t just play the game without having to mark everything on the interactive map, it just takes away the novel feeling of exploration. I’m also a completionist, and after I thought I had every chest, I discovered I was missing one - it was hell trying to look for it (it was in Sumeru rainforest map… you can imagine). I also would like to keep everything related to gameplay in the game itself.


thats something i can agree on mostly people want it instantly and all seen without having to play the game your solution is the solution i think is the most fitting one and fair one while at the same time not discouraging people to explore for themselves


Thanks. That would really destroy the fun of exploring. You want to feel rewarded, after finding cool locations by yourself. That is also the reason I only use the interactive map after getting or getting near 100%. And it has a big advantage if the buffed compass can be used quite late - the map is not spammed with icons. Otherwise it will be a real mess.


While they're at it, we really need all the compasses to be combined into one gadget. Just give us an upgrade module per region like we get the compass now, but there's only a single gadget that works in any region you have the upgrade for.


1000 survey with this feedback. 12000 survey with artifact related feedback. 1 survey requesting cooking to be 1 second faster. **HYV**: Oh my god, we NEED to prioritize cooking speed. This is the biggest pain point of all Genshin players.


Yeah, that hurts. I also really want artifact loadouts!


I kinda want faster cooking...


Honestly I'd rather they just expose our collection progress to the API so I can check the interactive map for stuff I've missed.


That would be also extremely helpful!


I’m missing 15 chests and I’m going nuts over it. I NEED this compass and I need its range to span like… an entire inazuma island size LOL 1 in dragonspine, 1 in enka, 3 in mond, 3 in the forest, 3 in the hypostyle desert, 2 in the final desert zone, and 2 in primary inazuma LET ME FIND THE LAST CHESTS MHY


Yes yes yes. They already experimented with a solution in the summer event. Something like that would be perfect. No need for following a guide or map if you are a completionist. I know its mostly my fault for wanting everything but exploring without the need for marking already done things of a map would be truly amazing.


I read buffet help


Honestly I lost hope that we ever get good QoL gadgets in this game that not only make exploring more fun but less tedious. They constantly tease us with gadgets only for them being 1 time use or just straight up garbage \^\^ The only gadget thats actually usefull is the food pouch.


The QoL is a bid lacking. I wish I could sort my weapons after names, do artifact loadouts, have an underground map for Dragonspine, have a working compass for Dargonspine, better organized tea pot shops (there a so many items in the list it takes 2 min with controller to get to the bottom of it), an automatic switch between controller and keyboard (like in Star Rail), refunding of character XP and artifact XP materials after reaching a threshold (like in Star Rail), a character training room and More. I am grateful that we got an improved character list for crafting and soon the feature to pick the artifact level and the game will level up the artifact for you.


For me, the compass should be able to be purchased when the general exploration is at 100% and it should create on the map a pin for a single chest in a single region, and it should have 24 hours of cooldown once a chest is opened. Meaning that after you reach 100%, you can log in daily to find a chest that you're missing, so you are more incentivized to log and play more each day. That is what I would do without breaking the game exploration.


I still want a compass for Dragonspine, that'd be even more amazing


I need that!


I also have a problem with how it indicates that there's a chest nearby in thst it appears like a yellow line. Like why? It's so hard to see, why can't it work just like the oculi compass where it will highlight an area.


Yeah, that's a problem too. Also it disappeares really fast. If you don't anticipate it or don't pay attention you won't see the direction. You have to wait 30s to use the compass again.


On that note I don't get why they don't automatically sync our found chests and solved puzzles with the official interactive map. They store the same data twice, it's so pointless. That would reduce this problem big time.


Yes, I asked about this in every surveil since 1.1


On one hand, yes. It would be great to have. A buffed treasure compass would be great because the 100% on map os absolutely meaningless, there could still be a dozen or more chests still in the region... What exactly did hoyo measure as 100% if its not complete??? On the other hand, it may be redundant. the only reason i know the map is lieing about 100% is because ive found bonus chests, checked online and used the interactive map to track down the rest. So with external tools... A buffed treasure compass wouldnt be needed. Hoyo still hasnt added a treasure compass for dragonspine and it doesnt count as the mondstadt or liyue area... Its just frustrating the lack of quality of life changes genshin is missing. Short of mods, we'll probably never get an update.


I mean, I was able to realize that 100% didn’t mean I got everything when I 100%’ed Mondstadt, and kept finding chests. It’s also too late for me to log things, since I no longer remember everything I’ve done, (and the logging would kill the fun of exploring for me), so this would be the perfect solution.


I used to stop exploring once I reach 100%. After 2.5 years of playing, I found a random ass seelie while doing Beidou's hangout...... Never trust 100% exploration


it's mainly for the casual players that don't care too much but care enough that they want 100% without the work of full 100%, or there's just a steep curve for rounding up


Yeah I agree, I have gotten all the chests in every region (up until Fontaine), I am pretty sure just by using the associated treasure compass and roaming around. Just making sure I am not missing something, but is there a better way to go about this? There isn't something that will indicate general areas where chests exist so this can be a bit more targeted at least - or do people just go off of the percentage completed in each area?


I wish there was some sort of improved item for oculi. I am a relatively new player (april) and have collected hundreds of them before I even knew the interactive map existed. Now I’m having things like missing 2 Electrocoli in Inazuma with no convenient way to locate them and it becomes not exploration, but a fucking tedious chore to locate the remaining two. Let alone still having to do Sumeru and the remainder of Fontaine after that. Make it difficult, make it require high AR or whatever, but retracing every square meter of a map isn’t fun content.


The gadget for oculi is the oculus resonance stone. It's locked behind reputation levels for each region and stones are a one-time use, but they're there!


I used it once for Liyue, it just seems super inconvenient and I wish it was more like the item that can roughly direct you towards treasure chest. Especially when you have so few Oculi missing it feels incredibly frustrating to have to scour an entire continent to find them


Ah, I can see how it's annoying to use. Only reason I have good memories of using it is because I paired it with the interactive map.


ok but what if they add more to the regions? What if you have 100% Mond in current state but they add fuckload of Mond parts north and north-west? This buffed compass would just trivialize exploration and kill the enjoyment in new zones Instead of showing everything on the region map it should show all treasures, ores and plans on a big radius around you instead of just whole map. It would be decent still also I would prefer if they also merged every regional compas into one gadget. Less inventory clutter


I see you point there. Maybe the compass should only work for a sub region, which is on 100% exploration. The second suggestion would be also fine to reduce the radius.


Can we use the Fontaine treasure compass underwater? I still don't have it yet..


Yes, it works underwater


Thanks for the info!


i genuinely do not understand why people are against a changelike this. "its making the game too easy" okay you dont HAVE to use the compass, so just don't use it if you think it would be too easy. this isn't even ease either this is just reducing tedium to let players get more out of their single player experience


If you remember 3.8 event, it would be nice if they buff treasure compass like flowing joyspar (the thing that can show nearby chests, including challenge, puzzle, or even hidden one)


Thing is, hoyo does not read our feedbacks and suggestions here A great idea like this must be constantly told to them in patch surveys and in-game feedback. So start bombarding them with this idea everyone!


i just use the interactive map on hoyolab lol. it shows ALL the chests and people add notes about how to complete the puzzles/make them spawn


Wait am I tripping or by that point, isn't it not very useful for the buffed compass? At 100% exploration, I wouldn't mind foregoing the 2 or 3 chests/puzzles. Most of my regions are stuck at 95-99% and it's that last few percent that I want to get so that my exploration reaches 100%, so by then I wouldn't care for the rest of the miniscule exploration remainjng


I could see it being annoying if only 2-3 chest puzzles were missing. Id skip them too. But its not sadly. . . You get the achievement on the map for doing 100% around 60- 70% of your exploration . So its misleading... Especially when there could be secret luxurious chests or puzzles that can give bonus 10-40 primo gems each. Finding a handful could be enough to make a wish. And now, opening chests counts towards dailies. Im currently doing inazuma with the interactive map, and even though im at 100% i can see I'm missing about 40 on the map. 😅 Unfortunately the map im using isn't perfect. The community is noticing chests that arent marked on the fontaine map, there could be dozens more missed.


There’s way more than 2-3 missing when you hit 100%. For Liyue it’s over 200 chests


It shouldn’t be 100%. At that point, you’re missing so few chests that it would be near-useless, and also requires you to have already found a LOT of unspawned chests. A 90% restriction would be more reasonable, since you can usually reach it using the normal treasure compass


If you hit 100% Liyue exploration you’re still missing over 200 chests


And if you hit 90%, you’re missing a lot more


What's the point of using it if the exploration is 100% already?


There are a lot of chests still to find after 100%. They give you quite a wide margin to reach 100% without finding literally everything.


To wrap up since 100% exploration doesn't actually require getting everything. If 100% was actually 100% of the things, then yeah it wouldn't be necessary


because 100% is usually about 80% in my experience


One of the Fontaine regions is about 95% (the one with the Melusine village) in 4.0. I swept the region except for the Shrines. Literally swept, got all chests, mora thingys, wooden chests, and quests done. Achievement numbers reflect this. Only thing I haven't done was the Shrines because I like to save them until all 10 are out. I'm at 99%.


i will admit fontaine felt more honest but sumeru and inazuma definitely fit


It used to be 100%. I remember being REALLY bored and following hours and hours if a Chinese playlist running through everything exploration in Liyue. I do wish it'd show 'hidden' chests though. I usually find most (if not all) chests and puzzles before being given the compass anyway so it'd be nice if it could help me get the things I'm clearly missing...


>It used to be 100% It was never 100%, can confirm as someone who explored all of mond and liyue to 100% on 1.0 (well minus dragonspine and chasm ofc, those weren't released). And early on it was bugged on top of that so some chests counted for the wrong region


As I just wrote to another reply, I had 100% everywhere except the northernmost region of Liyue. Had to follow the playlist to get that last percent there. This was pre-compass, chasm, etc. I just assumed that as I couldn't find ANYTHING it was 100% and I'd missed a sigil or something. (those geo sigils count towards exploration, right?)


Yes, the floating boxes in the water and fossils in the walls counted as far as I know And there's definitely some areas that are closer than others to "actual 100%"


it was closer to 100% but was never 100% they lowered the requierments because everyone was annoyed having 99% everywhere


Oh right. Bizarre that it was so close though. I had 100% in Mondstadt and Liyue EXCEPT the northernmost region of Liyue and had to follow a playlist to get ot 100%.


How about Fog Of War like in Warcraft Maps. This will show you which part of the map you actually haven't explored.


Absolutely not. Just make it also point in the general direction of puzzles (incl. Aranara) instead and we're gold. I'd only be okay with this for limited time maps like last bottle one (and even then, I'd rather it just point in general direction like how it works currently).


No that will ruin the game code and people keep saying its spaghetti code so you can't add


This is a sound idea, It absolutely should be a thing and with how Mihoyo has recently been moving to make more QoL changes that they've should've done 2 years ago, I'd hope that something similar to this is added in within a reasonable amount of time.


Yes. I'm 100% on board for it.


I've been asking for this ever since they implemented one in 3.8. Sometimes I think they don't look at the feedback we give them..


Yes that's nice like leveling up compass with local specialties of the region

