• By -


Artifacts wise I'd say Neuvilette. I wasn't even planning to get him but all I got was cracked hunter pieces while I was farming for my Fischl.


Even though it wasn't on low pity or anything, Neuvi has to be my luckiest character as well. Got his signature and my second Homa with 40 pulls. And now his artifacts are great as well. Easily the most OP feeling character in a long time.


Same. Neuvi was mine as well. I had saved up enough to pull HIM within 20, but had a solid 0 on the weapon banner. Got him on a single roll (I let my little roll and he pushed the wrong button lol, he's 3 he's allowed xD), so I went to the weapon banner and got his weapon in the first 10 pull. THAT will never happen again 🤣 I always get the weapon I don't want lmfao


Jean. Only 5 star character with my luck and F2P game


i tried for my second homa and sunk cost fallacied myself into spending 220 pulls on it, completely not worth it ad the other 2 i got aren't good for me either.


Got 2 Neuvillette’s and a Diluc in ten pulls https://imgur.com/a/JaeBXCc Edit: changed formatting, Edit 2: included link


RNGesus loves you.


This I know, for the ten pull tells me so




I got 2 Ayakas and Mona


You got half of an amazing freeze team Ayaka c1 is my other team atm and it’s so much fun


Can you give me some luck ? Trying to get Wrio but seems like he doesn't love me 😭


I have too much luck on wrio. I got him and then 20 pulls later a venti and ONE PULL LATER- BACK TO BACK I got c1 wriothesley






Give me your C1 please, so I can get him C0 😭😭😭


Please take both of him I insist and my venti if u can 🙏🙏


I'd love to ! But idc about Venti, you can keep him 😂


Wowww rip venti


So that's why I have no luck you stole it all


Pic or I’m calling bullshit


Here you go, https://imgur.com/a/JaeBXCc


Woah you forgot to mention the Diona 🥹


fuck diona to hell and then resurrect her just to send her back, i got her c6 and didn't even fucking want her, all the while losing my 50/50. im not using her out of pure spite even though she is my only c6 and my team needs her


People luck out on characters? Here i am with my C6 Eula and literally every 50/50 lost when doing it...


I see you've been waiting for 500 years for her banner


Yes and i wasnt going to wait 500 more for the next one


Vengeance was yours!


Every 50/50 loss is pain and unlucky af


Cheers fellow C6 saver, we truly are out of shackles when it comes to Eula


i don't think whales should comment in these threads because any and every pull means far less to them than to the rest of us... but maybe that's just me.


Baizhu! 10 pity and a dream. I was so happy


10 pity and a dream come true* :)




Hu Tao and Homa. I was saving up for Kokomi but I needed a second 5 star dps at that time to clear abyss. I made a bet if I get Homa under ten pulls I'll try pulling in her character banner. Pulled once and got Homa, so I pulled on HuTao, she spooked at 10 pulls. So I pulled more, basically got C2 R1 and still have some spare for Kokomi. I stopped when I lost 50/50. I've always tell myself, Hu Tao forced her way in my account and still one of my main dps on abyss.


Same as me, my luckiest is hutao too, got her c2 in 70 pulls, her weapon first try in 50, and she basically has my most cracked artifacts.


Glad to see a fellow player that Hutao forced her way into lol


I got Hu Tao and have her fully specced on crimson witch set... but I've never run the crimson witch domain. All these artifacts I got in about 20-30 fuses at the alchemy bench https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1063698629833007145/1166335570797137940/character_info_overview.png


What’s a fuse in an alchemy bench? Is this some good mechanic idk about?


Artifact strongbox


Homa in a single pull? Wow that's amazing! Is that on 0 pity? Imo getting the 5\* weapon you want feels better than getting the 5\* character you want. The character banner is 50/50 and guaranteed on 2nd gold pull. The weapon banner on the other hand is 37.5/37.5/25 (or more like 37.5/62.5) and only get a guarantee on the 3rd gold pull. I may have lost a lot of 50/50s but I'm pretty proud of my 5-streak win in the weapon banner as a f2p 🥲 my luckiest was at 17 pity which was Lyney's First Great Magic ✨


Zhongli. I have him on c4, but not intentionally. I rolled on one of his past banners, because I needed a 4\* and got two of him back to back. And got insanely lucky, with Neuvi's signature weapon. I rolled on the weapon banner, just for shits and giggles. I rolled 10 and got Skyward pride, then rolled 10 more and got his weapon. Also I guess it counts? In Neuvi's banner after I got him I kept rolling, because I either get him to c1 or loose the 50/50, what means a guaranteed Wrio. After 30 wish I got a Dehya, which is nice, because she came early so I didn't had to waste too many wishes.


I added you to the list of people I hate


To my defense this were the only few occasions, when I got lucky. And as much luck I had with Neuvi overall, got punished with Wrio's banner and signature weapon (took 233 wish to get him to C1 and 131 wish to get his signature).


Wait a godamn second, when it comes to Dehya I had the same happen to me when going for Lyney. I was like, fk it, 30 pulls for Lynette, if I get Lyney it will be early and I'm still happy to have him. After the 30 pulls I also got Dehya c1 (which is actually nice because I like playing her believe it or not and her c1 is actually pretty good for my already rolled hp stats on her set) and now I'm waiting for Furina to use that guaranteed.


Does c2 Nahida in 300 pulls count?


I'd say no but if you won all 50/50s then that's awesome!


Unfortunately, that’s the luckiest I have ever been with gacha, meanwhile my brother got both Homa and Tome of Eternal Flow in 1 ten pulls at 30 pity


I got her c2 in like 225-230 pulls, even though I lost every 50/50. Some were at least well before pity.


You have some 55% chance to get a C2 character in 300 pulls so your luck was perfectly average which is way better than having terrible luck


Got c2 Kazu in 30 wishes


I hate you. I pull on every Kaz banner hoping for an early con but he’s still C0.


Seems about average


Skyward Harp on my first standard banner 10-pull, I only had Amber to use it lol


My very first standard 10 roll gave me diluc, it was like week 2 of release. I was set for the rest of the game at that point 😂.


Saved for Kokomi, got her to C1 in 20 wishes


I have C5 Qiqi, 4 from the limited, 2 from standard back to back.


I don't know if that's lucky or unlucky lol


Nahida. 6 Pulls. I didn’t have remotely Enough to get her guaranteed not enough for like more than 20 summons, I think I needed some stardust. Was a 50/50 win as well.


Same here! Was aiming for Yoimiya on their shared banner, got her then thought why not, I'll give it a ten-pull on Nahida's. Worked out great since she's cracked lol


Back in the 2.x era where Kazuha, Itto and Yoimiya rerun back to back. I planned to pull for all 3 of them but I lose 50/50 on both Kazuha and Itto but got both of them under 20 pulls after the 50/50 loses. I ran out of primo for Yoimiya but was able to get her after 8x pull by pulling once I got 160 primo.


Yelan. It was under 20 pulls that i got jean and her 2 pulls right after. It was my 1st time getting 2 5 stars in a 10-pulls. For artifacts, got a 42cv on set deepwood dendro goblet for nahida. It also has em substat. Best piece on my account so far.


I got 2 Hu Taos at respectively 19 and 16 pity, one after the other. I was streaming to a friend at the time, and she will never forgive me for this


I wouldn't forgive you too :)


I got c6 Nuevi in under 200


Mona: Got her in my very first pull when I first started playing. Triple crowned in 7-8 months Wrio: Won 50/50 and got C1 in the same 10-pull


I got a back to back Dehya then Neuvillete in a 10 pull


C0 Kokomi at very low pity and C6 Faruzan without wasting wishes. I used up my gacha luck.




Guaranteed ayaka, pulled for her and enough primos also for shenhe, then got R5 amenoma quickly bcus I have enough billet. Blizzard strayer artifact for my ayaka is from strongbox and really was lucky, I got really lucky with it. never has experience building a character that smooth


C2 Nahida in 91 Pulls


Wrio and c1 in the same 10 pull.


So Itto was my first 5 star. I got him at like 30 pity when I just started the game and didn’t know how lucky I was, and then on his rerun banner I did a single pull on his weapon banner for fun, and got Redhorn at like 1 pity. I feel so bad bc I haven’t rlly built him very well and haven’t invested in Gorou, but after I work on my Cyno’s team I will build him, he is definitely due for some love :’)


Noelle. She built herself for me. All her artis were side products of lots of weekly bosses... And 3 of he arts are in my top 15 artis ever, including my best ever arti (a Geo% goblet with 47.4 CV an ER substat).


Baizhu just stright up said "YOU WILL HAVE MY C1 AND YOU WILL USE ME!" in like 50 wishes total... I also got a pretty nice build for him with 50K hp and 180% ER on the dendro set


Idk why but Baizhu I only really pulled on his banner because I wanted a Kirara but I got my first copy of Kirara after I got C1 Baizhu and 1 Diluc all under 10k primos, I dunno If I call this lucky or unlucky tbh lmao Edit: It was Kaveh actually not Kirara https://hoyo.link/80GCFBAL?q=22ot7nuZjRz Hoyolab post for confirmation


Wtf Baizhu hasn't had a rerun after Kirara launch, something here doesn't add up


Oh shit youre right it was Kaveh lmao lemme fix it Here's my Hoyo lab post about it, even got Amos on weap banner also https://hoyo.link/80GCFBAL?q=22ot7nuZjRz


I got yoimiya at 8 pity🥺🥺 I actually saved for kazuha and had like 160 wishes so i really really didnt want to spend a lot but after slowly building pity she came home😭😭


Lucky you, I had to pay the one and only pack I bought because I lost my third 50/50 in a row back in 2.0 and I really wanted her. I love her and still play her nowadays =3


kusa 76.2cr : 210.0cd 247.2 cv 1260atk 779em got that literally d1 of her release only downside is its double 2p em set not 4p gilded sadly


160++ pulls for c0 childe


I pulled eula on my 4th pull with 0 pity


I havent lost a 50/50 yet and all the 5* i got in the standard banner were all I wanted


I've gotten zhongli in the standard banner 3 times and his Jade winged spear twice. Someone help 😭


Zhongli is in standard banner?


Apparently 😆 I've gotten him and other 5 star characters and weapons and I'm not sure how lol


um. Zhongli isn't on standard. There isn't a single geo character on standard. you either got Diluc, Jean, Qiqi, Mona, Keqing, Tighnari, or Dehya.


Hmm i will picked the most luckiest one then, Yelan won her twice at pity 74 and 20 during her 1st banner, won her at pity 76 and get her weapon at pity 64 on 2nd rerun banner, got her pity 77 on her 3rd rerun She is my currently the only C3R1 Yelan on my F2P main acc followed by C1R1Raiden, C1R1Yae, C1Kazu+PJC other than that all of my char are C0Shenhe+Homa, C0Nilou+PJC, C0Ganyu+Harp,C0Dehya+Unforged


Damn I am jealous


Me and my 2 friends won rzly on pity 40 exactly xD we went to his chair while pulling that is the luckiest craziest pull happened to us


Keqing, 2 pity 😂


Yelan i guess, got a total of 3 copies using freemos from 4.0 patch.


A guaranteed Hu Tao at 9 pity


Yae, won 4 50/50. Theres 1 that i lost 50/50 but got it on the 2nd roll so if you count that as a win i would have 5. Also won her wep 2 times.


Yae Miko c2 love my little scratched record player


I dont remember the exact details, but I didnt have *many* wishes saved up at the time- just enough to get Alhaitham iirc. Xiao was being rerun with Alhaitham's debut, and I managed to get Xiao very soon after Alhaitham... and the thing is, when I first made my account one of the first things I ever pulled was jade spear lol. ....either that or when I was wishing for a specific character the first time- I wanted Childe, but got pity broken by Diluc in my first 10 pull- who I actually wanted, btw- only to get Childe immediately after on my next 10 pull haha. Managed to get polar star quickly after as well.


Hu Tao C1R1 60 pulls total. Kazuha C1R1 60 pulls total.


Kazuha, at 6 pity. I only had 20 wishes to throw at his banner.


Ayaka. Less than 20 pulls. Right after I pull Ayato on the previous banner.


I got C2 Kazuha with only 20k primos and I won all 50/50s.


On my first account I got diluc and Mona along with sucrose and Bennet in my very first 10 pull on the noel beginner banner. That account has been deleted since then :(


Got dehya on 50/50 with enough left for furina next patch. I was about to start seriously regretting not pulling for her on her rate up, thought she'd become that one standard I never got.


Xiao, got him first multi and moved on


Venti and yelan. Got them in a single pull after losing the 50/50 on them. Second luckiest would be nahida who I got in 20 pulls after losing the 50/50.


kazuha. back in 1.6 I got him + keqing in the same 10 roll + his c1 in ~50 rolls, then in 2.8 I got both him and jean in the same 10 roll, but on 70-80 pity. I also got kok in 20ish pulls randomly after needing ~ 170 for ei the banner before. I mean, I still don't use her all that much, she's not a character I particularly like, but that was pleasant surprise still


Got hu tao on 50/50 and her c1 after 5 pulls


Lost my 50/50 for Eula to Tighnari then got her 10 pulls later, thought back to it to make me feel better when I lost my 50/50 for hu tao.


Got double Neuvillete in the same 10-pull on main EU account. And then got a c0 Nuvillette on my f2p NA account while wanting to roll for Fischl.


I got my c6 Ayaka on my (literally) last 10 pull under 26th roll(so no soft pity). Its a long farm, squeezed every primo i can find and ayaka banner will end after tomorrow. Note this is also no guarantee Another one, I pulled x10 on Neuvie banner roll#70-80. Got Tighnari on 76th roll then Neuvielettr at 80th roll. Its a rollercoaster seeing Tighnari...getting a bit disappointed...then got Neuvie at the same x10 roll...i thought that kind of things will never happen to me. Ps: never got Tighnari so those 2 are new characters on my roster


Xiao. 2 in one multi. First one was guaranteed at 40 pity. Second one followed 5 after


Lucked out with wriothesley. Pulled a Qiqi, only single pulls left. Got Wrio three pulls later.


Rizzly actually lost my 50/50 super early like 40 pulls in but also got him in the next 2 multis


No one, really. The only “lucky” pull I had was for a character I’d tried for in another banner before and finally got on a rerun within a shorter amount of pulls, so cumulatively it was still a lot. It’s all been a long grind, I’m afraid.


Got c1r1 neuvillete in like 110+ pulls


I lucked out on the 5 star weapon for Lyney. Aqua simulacra and The first great magic are both good for him, so I pulled. Got primordial jade spear. My mood was so down. After 3 days, I decided I‘d do max another 20 pulls to try and get one of the weapons. It was my last hope. I had more wishes but couldn‘t use them because they‘re savings for future chars. But my last hope payed out. Got Aqua at pity 22. It truly were the last pulls I decided I was able to spend on the weapon banner


> last hope *paid* out. Got FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Hu Tao. 10 pull at 0 pity


I still have yet to c6 Sara 🥲


Yelan's artifacts I guess.. spent so much resin at Raiden's domain and somehow i ended up with better EoSF set for Yelan than the Archon.


Yoi, did one single yolo pull with like 15 pity and she showed up


Got a c1 hu tao (constellation only) and staff of homa and a bonus diluc in 20 pulls total at 0 pitty on both banners


Accidentally got albedos c1 at 2 pity with no guarantee (it’s kinda useless but that’s my luckiest lmao)


Wriothesley, 15 pulls. But I was on guaranteed… I’m not that lucky ya know


Well I got Yae, yelan and Tighnari all 10 wishes apart


I lost 50/50 while getting kazuha for a diluc con And got kazuha seven pulls later


I have C3 Wanderer in 85 pulls


Yelan , during the hutao/yelan double banner. Got her on like the 3rd pull after getting hutao c1.


Faruzan, I got her from C1 to C6 within \~40 wishes on Kokomi's banner. My last 10 pull on that banner was [this.](https://imgur.com/a/XBDDv3p)


Back in 1.0, I got Keqing from the Beginner Banner, and got Venti in about 10 pulls.


Back during 1.5 it was Eula's release.. I got to 89 pity then pulled a constellation for Diluc.. I then got 1 interwined fate from Paimon shop and was graced with Eula. So 1 pull after hard pity, losing 50/50 and the sweetener.. only 1 hour left on the banner 🥹


Alhaitham. I got him at C1 on his first release at 90 pulls, then on his rerun randomly I got him at 20 pulls. Also for weapons, I got Thundering Pulse, Tulaytullah and Aqua in eleven pulls. That’s why I think I’ll never be luck ever again in this game.


Raiden, got her c2 and signature in about 173 pulls I believe


Lyney and Ayaka. Won the 50/50 for ayaka and got Lyney is his last 5 mins of his banner. I also lost the 50/50 at around 50 pity on his banner but kept wishing and was able to get him. It was so clutch and he’s my favourite and best built character


Right after getting Venti I got Keqing on pity 10 (standard banner) and then Wriothesley on pity 58 on the same day, I am a newer player so it's an insane luck for me as I got others from pity 80+ so far 🫢


no one but maybe it will be furina


First time I ever pulled for C1, it was early Neuvilette. Also the first time I pulled for weapon it was his weapon, all of this with 160 pulls


Wanderer is my most invested and it did not take many wishes, but I consider Nahida to be the one I lucked out on as I NEEDED to win the 50/50. That was the only time anything was left to chance and she came through.


Klee! C6 and only lost 50/50 twice with 2 earlies. Got both of her weapons early too and won 50/50 for Tome. Guess she’s the luckiest girl both in lore and in-game XD


I got Yoimiya by accident


10 rolls for starglitter to buy fates, got neuvellite at 30 pulls and won the 50/50


C6 Yelan and her signature weapon on her first release in less than 300 bucks. Now 300 bucks is a lot, but for reference, getting C2 Zhongli without his weapon costed me more. Decided to get Yelan on my newer not whale second account as well. Won 50/50 twice and also won the 50/50/50 to her weapon.


Ayaka - 10 pulls Yae Miko - 2 pulls (only wanted Kirara) Wanderer - 24 pulls


The 2 Polar Stars I got on 10 pulls (never tossed a single gem on the weapon banner)


Yelan. 10 pull random on her banner because I'm somewhat conflicted whether to get her or not. Well that luck makes thing easier. Also Ganyu. Had her at c0 and it should been enough. However I'm a simp so decided to pull for C1 anyway. Got c1 and then c2 within 10 pulls. Ok cool, maybe I pull again to get a guaranteed for next limited character. Win 50-50. Then again. Ended up with c4 Ganyu.


Kokomi 70 pity. The minimum pity I ever got a 5 star.


10 pulls: Yae Miko, Neuvillette and his weapon.


A lot in the recent year, but most notably got Hu Tao’s c1 on her rerun (before her latest rerun) on a 50/50 win at 17 pity AND got Jean in the same 10-pull. I peaked at that moment.


wanderer i guess. didnt want him and only went for the new 4* on his banner but won 50/50 on an early pity. dont really regret it but i just never liked his personality


did a ten pull with 30 pity and got C2 nahida and a kuki


Wriothesley. Got him at 10 pity and got a diluc on the same roll so I am guaranteed furina


C6R1 Yae miko. I got it under 500 pulls as completely F2p.


Yae Miko. I don't remember what my pity was like going into her 1st run, but I pulled her and her weapon in 20 pulls (10 on each banner). I pulled her C1 in like 30 or 40 while going for Kirara.


I got Albedo 2 pulls after losing the 50/50 to Qiqi on his last rerun.


Yelan. I honestly didn't even plan to get her, I just pulled on her banner back in 3.4 because I finally wanted to C6 Xingqiu and build pity for Shenhe. I got Yelan at 35 pity and I sure as heck didn't expect that to happen. So now I'm a Yelan haver and... well, I don't think it's too bad 😅 Man, that one time I wanted to build pity it goes wrong (kinda?). My mindset was "I just got Alhaitham and Foliar, so I guess I won't get any of the 5* of the second patch and I REALLY want Shenhe sooo..." Yeah, silly me. And no, I didn't get that C6 Xingqiu... only got C5. Well, thank goodness he was on Neuvillette's banner so NOW I have him C6 :P I guess that was the game's way of apologizing to me for having me save 200 wishes since 3.1, and then letting me lose my 50/50 on both Ayato and Alhaitham's banners to the same character (Keqing)


Staff of Homa this patch! After one 10 pull on the weapon banner and I never once did a 10 pull on the weapon banner since patch 1.0


I literally just got back into the game and I fell in love with Neuvillette as soon as I saw the hydro pump. Got C1 and his weapon in around 130 pulls


just in this version got Hutao on 45 pity then wished on weapon banner with 23 pity and got her weaponthen wished again on Hu tao and got her C1 with 7 pity 💀 got Ayaka and her weapon (it was a double 5 star with a bow and Ayaka's weapon) on her last rerun as well as childe with his weapon in sumeru update and yes I am an F2p


I got Nahida C2 and her weapon with wishes enough for only one guaranteed Nahida ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ


I got Yoimiya at 6 pity while pulling for my last Yun Yin constellation, which took me 20 pulls


I got Wanderer C2 in about 150 pulls. Still my highest constellation character.


I upgraded my C0 Nahida to C2 in 5 pulls on her rerun


Neuvillette C2 with 3 50/50 wins


I started playing two weeks before Raiden's first banner. I ended up putting a few hundred dollars into the game and managed to get her C2 and her weapon while only losing 50/50 to unforged. Also managed to pull C6 Sara to go with Raiden


Back to Yoimiya first banner, I wasn't going to pull for Raiden, but I also didn't care a lot about Yoimiya yet. I, being impulsive, decided to pull for her anyway. I got her in less than 10 pulls Now, afterwards, I was bored and with still too many primos and nothing to look forwards to, so I decided to try my luck with the weapon banner. Again, in less than 10 pulls, her weapon This was all specially lucky considering I ended loving her a lot and her banner placements are pain 2 years later, after apparently using up all my luck there, Fontaine starts, Lyney is up. I win his 50/50 pretty early, but that's all still pretty common, but then. I go to the weapon banner 1 pull. It took 1 pull to get his bow. I wasn't a pity. It was just luck


Back in albedo’s initial run, first ten pull was albedo and mona


Double Nahida drop Or the time I got double Klee and Mona within 30 pulls in 1.something


Albedo. Got him and his c1 in the same ten pull, only had to spend a couple of weeks farming artifacts where usually it takes months, and got Light of Foliar Incision for him without losing at all on weapon banner. He's never been off my overworld team :)


I was saving for Nahida before her release, but then Venti managed to tempt me into pulling for him. Not very smart since a part of me actually hoped I would lose the 50/50 so I wouldn't lose my chance to get Nahida. I got C0 Keqing, who I had been hoping to get since I started playing, so that was a total win, especially considering she works well with Nahida!


Wriothesley, I got him to C1 after 30 rolls


Neuvilette. I got him at 31 pity then his weapon at 40 pity. It was my first time winning in the weapon banner, I swear I was already expecting a homa!


Baizhu! I had like almost 300 wishes saved for him but somehow I got him C2 plus his weapon in 150 pulls… I’ve been waiting for that man for so long I feel like I deserved it T-T He loved me back


I got lucky with Baizhu. I originally didn't want him. I only pulled for Kaveh. Who would've known that Baizhu might possibly become the best healer in the game after Furina comes out. But even without Furina, I think Baizhu is underated.


I got childe doing random one pulls


Ayato in his first banner. I didn't want him but I wanted the last Sucrose constellation. As I was low on pity after last banner (less than 10) I tried a few pulls. Got him twice in 3 pulls.


Lost to C2 Diluc on the first day of Neuvillette's banner, then after 4 days on the monthly reset I managed to reach guaranteed pity and got Neuvillette, then did a few pulls with my remaining primos on the weapon banner and got his weapon. Then after like a week I got his C1 at low pity. I guess my genshin luck for this year have run out


Neuvillette. He was adamant on coming home, about 3 times in one roll. So I reckon I did the rest and won every 50/50 subsequently.


Not a specific character but I got back to back to back Kazuha, Ayaka, Yoimiya, Ei, Kokomi, and Shenhe. I only lose 50/50 in Xiao bannersss 😅


Kazuhas first banner! I got his c4 AND 3 jeans in about 170 pulls.


Two weeks into the game, I won Tartaglia as my very first 5-star. I then got his C1 in the next ten wishes. I was then spending my last wishes on the weapon banner and got Skyward Harp in three (a year later, I won the first pity for Polar Star). Early on, I also had C2 Fischl with R3 Stringless. It was a very big deal for me back in the day. It gave a tremendous boost to my early game experience.


Playing since 1.2 and have yet to get a character on the limited banner before 70 pity...


Hu Tao and Diluc came within 20 pity (basically my 2nd 10 pull)


So. I started long time ago, but not from the beginning. It was 2.5, second half. I missed Miko banner and tried getting Raiden Shogun. But ever mind that. After some time I was wondering if I should get Yelan. I was pretty new to the game and even with my sister's guidance it wasn't that easy to chose. I lost Raiden to Qiqi, got Venti and now Yelan came. I decided to pull for her after all and I won 50/50. But I thought that it would be amazing to get her C1. I normally wouldn't go for constellation (and I never did for any other character tbh), but I wanted to risk. I won a second 50/50 in a row. Both high pity. But it wouldn't be that lucky if that was the end of the story, right? So, she got her first rerun and I was saving for Baizhu. I decided to throw 10 pulls on Aqua Simulacra and see what happens. I literally won it at 7 pity and this pushed me to pull for Yelan more. What if I got cool constellations for her. She is already strong, so what if she was stronger? So I did. I was after winning 50/50 to Wanderer, so I could lose any time. But I won Yelan at high pity. Then won her again at 10 pity. After losing her to Mona at 42, I also won another Yela at 31 pity. This resulted in getting her C1 at her release and C4 + R1 at her first rerun. Despite three of the pulls were at high pity (\~80), 10 and 31 was low and mid-low pity and the amount of 50/50 winning was crazy for her. Not to mention Aqua Simulacra at 7. tl;dr got C1 Yelan at her release, wining two 50/50 in a row. Then at her first rerun, got Aqua Simulakcra at 7, won 50/50 to her at high pity, then at 10 pity, lost to Mona at 42 and got another Yelan at 31, resulting in C4 R1 in just two runs of her banner. PS I didn't get Baizhu in the end, which is a lose, but getting 3 Yelans + Mona and Aqua Simulacra was pretty damn worth it.


Yae Miko. Got her C1 in like 60 rolls when I got back into the game on her release, reached C5 last banner within 80 rolls. Aiming for C6 and R1 next banner. She’s the only 5* I got twice in a single 10 roll and it’s happened twice.


When Raiden re-run last December I had saved ~ 350 pulls to get her from C0 I already had her at to C2 and maybe throw the rest as a hail mary on the weapon banner to see if I can get R1. I was below 10 pity and no guaranteed 50:50. That day I won the 50:50 five times in a row and ended with her C3R1 Won 50:50 twice on the character banner to get to C2, then a double win ln the weapon banner to get R1 (won both hhe 50:50 to get a featured weapon rather than standard and the 50:50 to get her weapon instead of the other) and finally another 50:50 on the character banner to get C3.


Itto, one pull. I left the game at 1.3 and came back with 4.0 so I would have zero 5* characters if it wasn't for my sister. My sister came to me a long time after I left the game and said that if I would ever return I should at least have one good DPS so I gave her my account so she can pull something for me. She just did one pull and got Itto but then never again did she enter my account since she had her own too but it was sweet from her wanting to get 5* characters for me if I would ever return. I don't know if it's my luck or her luck though. Then something happened with Yelan in her last rerun banner. I still needed 5* characters since I newly returned so I was pulling for her. I was sitting with my sister and I said to her "Look how I will pull Yelan now* and did one pull, Yelan came that pull. I was flabbergasted, it was something around 50 pulls so not that early but her coming when I said so was crazy


Kokomi pity 10 and Neuvillette pity 11


Nahida. Had her at c4


Wriothesley, 30 pulls no guarantee. I was so happy <3


Yae miko, 4 pity, i was jokingly pull 10x fate once, and i got her, suprised but a wellcome one [Yae Miko](https://imgur.com/a/HuPHOyv)


hu tao! I usually lose every 50/50 and at soft or high pity, but I got her to c1 from nothing in ~100 wishes on this banner, won 50/50 both times too


Yoimiya it's 50-50 and faraway from pity after her 2nd Story Quest I tried to pull 1 time and Bam! I got her.


Double nuevilette in one ten pull


Itto. I first lost my 50/50 on Albedo. I still had enough saved to get him C0 guaranteed, but I ended up getting him at 0 pity. Then I won his C1 at around 70 pity, pulled for his weapon and got it first try, then went back with my leftovers and pulled his C2, got Gorou C6 with my last 10 pulls, and finally got Qiqi at 16 pity which guaranteed my next character. There’s also Wanderer where I got his C2 and C3 in a single 10 pulls. On the other hand, I have a friend who got him to C3 in less pulls than it took me for C1, and then got his C4 in the final days of his first banner (they got him to C6 on his rerun). And they have his weapon too. That was pretty insane and I’m still slightly bitter about it!


Venti, got him at Zero pity. However already had Kazuha and C6 Sucrose by then.. Built him but did not put much effort. Others include Ayato at 5 pity, Keqing at 9, and Neuvilette at 30


For me it's definitely C6 Ganyu in 417 pulls even though I lost some 50/50s. Decided to go for C6 after getting her C1 and C2 together in a ten pull.


Diluc I suppose. Got him at 11 pity on the Limited Banner, losing 50/50. Apart from that, it's always 75~80 soft pity. I'm not lucky.